Friday, November 20, 2015

Please go viral and into Pressl! Euglogy: The Yezidi family sank into the sea

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 7:38 PM
Subject: FW: Please go viral and into Pressl! Eulogy: The Yezidi family sank into the sea

by Mirza Ismail - Chairman of the Yezidi Human Rights Organization International
Nov. 2015

If she (the little girl in the pictures above)  was Muslim, the World will talk about her issue!

But, because she is Yezidi (she is an infidel in their eyes.) - there is no talk. 

Escaped from death, rape and injustice to reach a land of peace and freedom but unfortunately,

She and her family suddenly stranded in the mysterious sea.

Their tube boat sank into the sea between Greece and Turkey. 

This is only one family,

There were hundreds of Yezidis who have passed away that way during their journey to Europe!
The family of Hussein Mayani  (who drowned with his daughter  in the picture and his wife )was from the Yezidis' Town of Bahzani, which is about 15 KM North of Mosul city.

The family fled to Turkey,

And about two weeks ago they decided to reach Europe,

Where they thought they would have lived in peace and freedom!

Search for Animal conscience because human conscience is dead!


Rest in peace; God has mercy on your innocent soul my dear princess!
Mirza Ismail


Best regards,

Mirza Ismail


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Silent Intifada Weekly Summary and Full List of Attacks: Six Jews murdered in over 170 attacks - HaKol HaYehudi Fri Nov 13, 2015 -Fri Nov 20, 2015

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Rabbi David Bar-Hayim - The Mitzvah of Killing the Enemy


Our hearts are broken after attacks in Gush Etzion and Tel Aviv  

The Mitzvah of Killing the Enemy- Interview with Rabbi David Bar-Hayim
Tora Nation Machon Shilo Published on Nov 15, 2015


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd: The speech that was missing at the funeral by Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar


Dear Friends, amv"sh

More terror attacks..The speech below was written before today's attack occurred.

Murdered yeshiva student identified: Ezra Yehiel Schwartz hy"d.  ZAKA contacts relatives of yeshiva student in Beit Shemesh, who was in Israel, studying at Ashreinu Yeshiva.  He and the other students who were hurt in the attack had come to help build the Oz Vegaon site, the site established by Women in Green,  which was established in memory of the three yeshiva students who were abducted and murdered last summer.

Anti-Sem-itism is usually defined as hatred towards Jews.  If you look carefully at the etymology and break down the word, we can translate the prefix anti-Sem  as against G-d's name since Sem is from the Hebrew word Shem, a reference to G-d's name. 

Hatred of Jews come when there is a void of G-d's Name.   Our enemies take over with their false narrative.  They speak about a 2 State Solution and the Occupation and Muslim and Palestinian rights.  They attack us fearlessly. 

Along comes the Lion King, Judah. The voice is Women In Green in the Judean Hills who brings Truth and restores G-ds H-ly Name back into the narrative.

I pray that the words of Nadia and Yehudit are actualized by our Leaders and the gov't of Israel.  May Oz veGaon become a permanent settlement! 

May they go from Strength to Strength! May we be consoled in building the Land!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Nov 18, 2015 10:20 PM

The Prime Minister's speech that was missing at the funeral

How reassuring it would have been had this speech been given!

by Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover
November 18, 2015

Saturday night, the funeral of Rav Yaakov Litman and his son Netanel,
hy"d. One after another, people speak to the thousands who came to pay
their final respects to those who were murdered in the terror attack
that took place immediately before the Shabbat that just ended, but
one speech was missing, one speech that was most essential: a speech
by the prime minister.

This is what it should have said:

My brothers and friends, on Friday the despicable murder of a father
and his son was committed in the presence of their family, which was
on its way to a "Shabbat Chatan" to celebrate the upcoming wedding of
their daughter. This murder is not a private matter. Yaakov and
Netanel were murdered only because they are Jews living in the Land of
Israel. They are our symbol of martyrdom. The despicable murderer is
not a lone wolf, as some on the Left want to define him.

Let us not confuse the facts – the murderer was indeed the only one
who pulled the trigger, but he carried out his act due to the
atmosphere created by the society in which he grew up and developed, a
society that sanctifies death and turns murder into a tool to be used
by its members, a society whose  goal is to expel us from here, from
the only country that we have on the face of the Earth, from our
historic Land, for which we have yearned, generation after generation.

Our armed forces will catch the murderers. There is no doubt of this,
but this is not enough. And neither is the severe punishment imposed
on the murderer. The score must also be settled with the population
that provides such villains with backup as well as practical and moral
support, a society that celebrates the murder of Jews with sweets and
promises the murderers that emerge from it eternal life in Paradise.

They celebrate with candies and pastries and we will celebrate when we
complete another two new communities in the names of the holy martyrs.
With the establishment of these new communities we will tell them,
both the murderers and those who send them – while you wanted to expel
us, the result that you achieve will be the opposite. We now plant a
stake even stronger and more deeply into our land. We will expand and
"burst forth, to the Sea, to the east, to the north, to the Negev/"
(Genesis 28,13-14).

Building in our Land is an obligation and a privilege for us
regardless of our neighbors' cruel, barbaric murderous deeds. Until
now, we have not done this because of international pressure from the
world, which had not yet internalized the dangers of radical Islam.
These days the entire world is paying the price for its blindness and
its illusions. We clearly state that from now on, building, new
communities and applying Israeli sovereignty are the most effective
answer to terror, along with continuing to clearly declare our
intentions to hold on to our Land.

The new community, "Yade Ya'akov", will arise on the piece of land
next to Adorayim, in the South Hevron Hills close to where father and
son were murdered, and the new community "Hai Netanel" will arise on
another piece of land in the South Hevron Hills. Likewise, 1000
residential units will be built in Kiryat Arba- Hevron in their
blessed memory.

The government of Israel would approve the gradual application of
sovereignty over Judea and Samaria by a large majority. And the first
phase would be in South Hevron Hills. This is how we will act from
this point on. The enemy will watch and understand that the government
of Israel has chosen life. We have chosen to turn our backs on the
disastrous Oslo Accords, for which we have paid a steep price in the
blood of more than one thousand and five hundred fatalities from among
our people.

From now on, the government of Israel is changing from an attitude of
despair and absorbing blows to taking initiative and leadership.

From the military standpoint as well, we will change our approach. The
IDF has already received instructions to enter areas A and B. Our
forces have already begun aggressive and forceful action, whose
purpose is a thorough search and collection of weapons that Arabs have
accumulated, some of which, catastrophically, we supplied with our own

From now on the diplomatic line that we will pursue vis a vis our
colleagues is an Israeli readiness for peace, but only in exchange for
peace. The peace that we will offer is immeasurably more valuable in
the long run than whatever they could promise us.

From here, we march onward – it is not the UN that will decide our
future, but our own deeds. The blood-soaked clods of earth will bloom,
and the Land will flourish wondrously. And upon it, a people, a nation
and a state will thrive, living according to Divine, eternal ethics
and turning away from distorted moral values.

May we be consoled in building the Land!

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

War of Gog UMoGog and ISIS DASH Yalkut Shimoni


Just got this email about this post. fyi
ISIS Prophecy Hoax Fools Thousands on Social Media. Passage was from Rav Edni's Sefer Eretz Chemda and not Yalkut Shimoni.
By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz November 26, 2015 , 11:30 am


This says "Dash" in Hebrew is abreviation Hebrew words for "Asev Spills Blood"
Hebrew "Achishena" meaning "In its time" (a term refering to the time of redemption) is numerical value "Dash"
Behold the "klipa" (evil force) called 'Dash" will fight and make a great war with the 70 nations. They will kill one another as it says "God will fight for you and you will remain silent. (Exodus 14:14). Because of this "klipa" your "mazel" (Divine providence) will now be strengthened. Because of these the redemption will be hurried as these ("Dash") will make so much trouble among the nations of this Isiah says "I will set the Egyptians fighting each man against his brother, each man against his neighbor" (19:2) THIS IS THE SECRET OF THE WAR OF GOG AND MEGOG
There is also this one ; Concerning this period in the Midrash Yalkut Shimoni on Isiah 60 we find this :
"Rabbi Yitzhak said: The year that Melech HaMoshiach will be revealed, all the kings of the nations of the world will provoke each other. The king of Persia (now called "Iran") will threaten the king of Arabia (now called "Saudi" Arabia) and because of this the king of Arabia will go to the king of Edom (USA-the west) for advice.
Afterwards the king of Persia will destroy [most of] the world. The remaining nations will be hysterical and frantic and fall on their faces and will be seized as if by "birth pains".
And the people of Israel will be frantic and hysterical and they will say, where will we come and go? Where will be come and go?
And God will say to them: Do not fear my children, do not fear. All that I have done I did only for you. Why are you afraid? The time for your Redemption has come!

Orit Esther Riter's photo.
Orit Esther Riter
For those who can read Hebrew, this comes directly from Yalkut Shimoni, written about 1000 years ago. It specifically names Da'ash (ISIS) as the impure husks that will bring in the war of Gog u'Magog.


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.