That seems confusing to me....
So I debated whether to put this on my blog...
My Mother zul er zeyn gezunt, may she live and be well, always said "Nisht do kin Behaltene Zachen" which means that there are no hidden secrets. Bill Clinton found out the hard way....
Why would Rabbi Kamenetsky share this important newsworthy information with us, avid Trump supporters, if he really didn't want others to know.. Didn't he knowingly realize, that there are activists like myself in close contact with Shmuel Koenig, who are itching to get the news out there and that he was putting a stumbling block in my blogging path?
I concluded that Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky personally didn't want to publicize his choice for President due to political considerations but didn't really mind if we somehow let others know. At least that is what I wanted to believe. (Otherwise I think I need to ask Mechila for this post...)
But the following clinched my decision to post this news...
In order to get an idea as per how Rabbi Kamenetsky's choice would influence voters, we, (avid Trump advocates) asked a well known Rebbetzin and a typical Beis Medrash Yeshivish guy whom they were voting for. Both replied they wanted to vote for a write-in a candidate.
In our limited survey among friends and acquaintances, this seemed to be a voting trend in the Jewish Orthodox world.
When we casually mentioned to these 2 individuals that Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky was voting for Trump both then said, if that is the case, then they too will vote Trump.
It was then that I decided to write this post.
Why Jews Should Vote for Trump. A digression.... Maybe you haven't heard it all...
- Ivanka and Jared Kushner -
- Ivanka, Trump's daughter, is a righteous Giyores, convert to Judaism. Trump has made no secret of his strong admiration for her and her husband Jared, and his respect for her choice to convert to Judaism, and his pride at his having Jewish grandchildren. Besides being close family, they are his close trustworthy advisers, and confidants. And whom do Ivanka and Jared go for spiritual boost. They just visited the Ohel of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Press was not invited to the event. I think that in itself says something.
- Mayor Guiliani -
- When Rudy Giuliani Booted Yasser Arafat
- Mike Huckabee -
- David Friedman and Jason Dov Greenblatt Esq - his Jewish advisers.
- Trump's Commitment on Israel Joint Statement from Jason Dov Greenblatt and David Friedman, Co-Chairmen of the Israel Advisory Committee to Donald J. Trump
- Republican Platform
- Unlike David Greenfield and Menachem Genack, these Jews are not beholden to any party and gov't funding for their Jewish Organizations.
(I know my posts are lengthy and people tend not to have the patience to finish reading the entire post, so I purposely put my digression in early on.)
Let us return to the discussion of the latest voting trend of voting for a non candidate.
Apparently the Orthodox Jewish Community is confused as per whom to vote. The Jewish Leadership is "Neutral" at best or in the case of the OU, openly supportive of Hillary Clinton.
Many liberal Jews will opt for a write-in candidate, because they are turned off by Trump's offensive remarks and Hillary's treason.
Being offensive, apparently for many, falls into the same category as being treasonous!?!
Apparently, secretly they are praying that Hillary is not elected so long as it doesn't affect their bottom line. (Something Trump probably can relate to)...
How do I know? Because after defending their choice of voting for a non candidate they will add "and let's pray Hillary doesn't win".
This approach was similarly used to delegitimize Jewish hilltop youth in Judea and Samaria.... Just make them appear to be "Jewish Terrorists" as bad as the Palestinian terrorists...Yemach Shemam. America then can claim to be a third neutral party working with both sides of the Israel/Palestinian conflict who actively engage in terror and human rights violations.
The best damage control Hillary's camp can hope for is to make both candidates look equally bad. Anyone who actually tries to make Hillary Clinton look like a wonderful candidate for Jews will be taken as a fool and this would be counterproductive. It would serve to hurt Hillary as it would appear to be disingenuous and doing so risks losing one's respect, reputation and credibility in the Jewish community. ( I genuinely feel sorry for David Greenfield and Menachem Genack....)
Here is the catch...
The Aguda and the OU are political organizations who have been funded directly from the Democratic Party. Neither party is objective and each are blinded with a bias. Prime Minister Netanyahu as well is a politician blinded by political considerations and no one can look towards him for Torah clarity.
Hillary Clinton on the other hand, is surrounded by individuals who are closely tied to Israel's enemies (The Huma Video and in her official capacity has personally empowered Israel's worst enemies. Good Jews who are her strongest advocates are in my opinion, misguided individuals under her political influence who unfortunately will with time be embarrassed to know that they were merely useful idiots who promoted her agenda into office.
Will others say the same about me for supporting Trump? That I was a useful idiot?
One can only judge based on the evidence at hand.
I can honestly say that neither candidate has in any way acknowledged my blog nor my input in any way. I hope that my only influence comes from my understanding of what is written and what we learn from Torah and from having lived in Kiryat Arba hi Hebron.
How would Hillary respond if Netanyahu openly rejected the 2 State Solution Narrative?
Very possibly with a vote in the UN for a Palestinian State and she would probably berate him as she did in the past when there was news of construction in Jerusalem or in areas over the green line.
How would Donald Trump respond? Probably favorably.
How will we as Jews be able to face the Borei Olam, the Olam HaEmes, in a Heavenly Court, when they asked us why we were sitting on the fence afraid to speak forthright for Torah because there was a chance that the Democrats would get elected and we needed to be on their good side.
Why aren't we afraid of the poison we are ingesting with blood money that has bought our silence about Iran and about the nullification of the Torah with the Government of Israel's willingness in principle to negotiate for a 2 State Solution.
This "Solution" would not even benefit Palestinians, as they themselves will find themselves under a corrupt regime, with worse economic opportunity and health and education benefits than under the State of Israel, and puts all of Israel. not to mention the entire Middle East, in dire danger?
With Nuclear threats, economic collapse etc, we need Hashem to fight for our battles, not Obama or Hillary.
How about us? That can only come when we, the Jewish People testify on G-d's behalf the Truth of the Torah!
Robin Ticker
Most of these emails are posted on