Thursday, September 01, 2016

Fwd:HIgh Court of Supreme Injustice> Amona is a test case for Israeli democracy - Israelis are confused about their country and what belongs to them, the Arabs know that and manipulate it

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From: Moshe Elkman <>
Date: Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: Amona is a test case for Israeli democracy - Israelis are confused about their country and what belongs to them, the Arabs know that and manipulate it

High Court of Supreme Injustice

Silenced & Evicted - YouTube

▶ 2:24
Nov 10, 2009 - Uploaded by btwebscomau
Lecture (Judging Israel) Held By Vice President of the Supreme Court Of Israel. Prominent Melbourne ...

Best wishes,

Moshe*:) happy

PS Did you know I was so radical??????

From: Nurit Greenger <>
To: Nurit Greenger <>
Sent: Thursday, 18 August 2016, 3:22
Subject: Amona is a test case for Israeli democracy - Israelis are confused about their country and what belongs to them, the Arabs know that and manipulate it

Israel's legal and political system is rigged...Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit works for the Arabs and is out to harm Jews.

Amona is a test case for Israeli democracy  
As a matter of procedure, Israel's High Court of Justice does not examine or evaluate evidence and does not decide issues of land ownership. They rely on what government offices tell them.
Dr. Moshe Dann, 08/08/16

Israel's legal and political system is rigged. The fix is in, and Amona is the current victim. There are more communities on the list.  
The pending destruction of Amona led by a handful of unelected, unaccountable, and biased IDF officers and officials of the State compromises Israel's basic principles. Amona, therefore, is a test-case of Israeli democracy.
Amona was built in 1995 on an uninhabited hilltop overlooking Ofra; it was supported by the Ministry of Housing and Construction. But Amona's existence was challenged by Peace Now and Yesh Din who claimed that the land was owned by private Palestinian Arabs -- although they never produced any actual claimants
The Minhal Ezrachi (Civil Administration), the legal authority in Judea and Samaria, and the Prosecutor's Office (Praklitut) – the State -- agreed and asked the High Court of Justice (HCJ) to order the community destroyed
As a matter of procedure, the HCJ does not examine or evaluate evidence and does not decide issues of land ownership. They rely only on what the State (the Minhal and Praklitut) presents. As long as the State affirmed that Jews built illegally on "private Palestinian land," and demanded that the homes in Amona, and elsewhere be destroyed, the HCJ was bound to enforce that decision. Although lacking due process, that is the law in Israel. 
The question of land ownership, however, has not been determined by a court, and Arab claimants have not presented any valid proof which entitles them to the land. Although misrepresented as a judicial decision about the substance of the claim, it is not.
The source of the problem: Jordanian law
The problem originates in the fact that the areas conquered by the IDF in the 1967 Six Day War are under "military occupation," and that the military commander has sole authority. Since eastern Jerusalem was incorporated in 1980 and the Golan Heights in 1981, the Gaza Strip was evacuated in 2005, and Areas A&B given to the PA in the Oslo Agreements in the early 1990's, only Area C of Judea and Samaria remains under military rule; as a branch of the IDF, the IDF Civil Government, Minhal, operates as a separate, unaccountable, and non-transparent quasi- government. This is undemocratic and unjust.
Unilaterally, the Minhal decided to accept Jordanian laws and procedures – although it was under no obligation to do so since Jordan's occupation of the area was illegal and was rejected by the international community.
The proper procedure would have been to follow the Mandate law, since that authority was appointed by the League of Nations, i.e. sanctioned by international law. The Mandate incorporated Ottoman Land Codes and initiated land surveys and land distributions to Arab inhabitants. The Jordanians, following their predecessors, distributed land freely to Arabs and registering land claims -- but they unilaterally changed the law.
Previously, gifted land had restrictions and conditions which had to be fulfilled, such as using the land (usufruct) within a specific time period (3-10 years, depending on the category of land) and paying taxes on it. If the land was not used and taxes were not paid, it reverted to the Sovereign, the State. The right of inheritance was not automatic and could only be approved by the Sovereign/State. 
The Jordanians changed the law by assigning gifted land in perpetuity, as if it was purchased and privately owned, including inheritance rights; they also voided payment of taxes. Moreover, according to Jordanian law, selling land to a Jew is considered a capital offense. Thousands of Arab Palestinian land dealers and agents have been murdered by local gangs, or punished with long prison terms. Under this threat, potential sellers were afraid to deal with Jews. Moreover, it was difficult for Israelis to discover who owned land and what land was available.
According to a military order, land registration records (Tabu) are held by the Minhal and are not open to those who are not included in the Jordanian-era registration process, i.e. Jews.
Politicization, not the rule of law
The struggle to save Amona, like the struggle over the evacuation of Jews from the Gaza Strip and Northern Shomron, "The Disengagement," exposes the politicization of basic institutions of the state – the IDF, Praklitut and the High Court. The "rule of law," has become simply enforcing arbitrary "laws" made by appointed officials, legal advisors and bureaucrats.  
The collusion surrounding "judicial" decisions regarding Amona involves Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and his opposition to Knesset legislation to save Amona. As Chief Military Advocate General of the IDF between 2004 and 2011, he was responsible for the IDF's vicious attack on Amona in 2005, for the destruction of Migron and Jewish homes in other areas, and he is responsible for declaring that the land on which Amona is built belongs to Arabs. His involvement in this case, therefore, is a clear conflict-of-interest. He should recuse himself.  
Plans to destroy Amona and rebuild it elsewhere are dangerous because they don't deal with the problem. They only reinforce the Minhal's authority and its unfair system of determining land ownership. 
The only fair and just solution is to adopt the Edmund Levy Commission's recommendations, including special courts for determining land ownership. Amona's survival is a test case for the judicial process in Israel and for the rule of law. It is a test case for whether the Government of Israel will act justly and humanely to protect the right of Jews living in Judea and Samaria.
It is a test case for whether elected representatives have any power, and therefore, whether the legislative process is meaningful or meaningless. This is a test case, essentially, of Israeli democracy.   


עמונה אלה ברכב ואלה בסוסים ואנחנו בשם ה´ Arutz7: Liberman: We will respect court decision to destroy Amona "If somebody thinks that we're not going to honor the order, he is deluding himself."


Liberman: We will respect court decision to destroy Amona "If somebody thinks that we're not going to honor the order, he is deluding himself."

My comments: 
What Israel has done to the settlers of Amona,demolishing 9 of their homes, and bringing in  riot horses and attacking unarmed kids and adults, boys and girls in 2006 is far worse than the Intolerable Acts of the British that triggered the Tea party and the American Revolution:  I personally have nothing but absolute contempt or the "Rule of Law" that Liberman so self righteously respects. 

Viewer discretion advised: Youtube Horrific atrocities in Amona:

Fwd:HIgh Court of Supreme Injustice> Amona is a test case for Israeli democracy - Israelis are confused about their country and what belongs to them, the Arabs know that and manipulate it

How can we explain Liberman's heartless response to insist on honoring the Supreme Court decision against Amona?  In addition, the Israeli courts are not transparent with any evidence that there indeed is an Arab land owner in Amona.  Nor have they shown a bit of flexibility even if there was one.  They are totally unwilling to  negotiate and legalize these Jewish settlements but they are willing to do so if they are illegal Arab squatters in Susiya. 

Surely Liberman is acting under the direction of the Prime Minister as did Yaalon.  We must hold them both accountable. 

There are 2 explanations of such obstinate stubbornness that I can think of.

1. Netanyahu and Liberman are puppets of America and the European Union and their Jewish 
souls are disconnected from their decision making process... If this be the case, let us examine if they are fit to be the leaders of a Jewish Homeland?

2. Let us judge them favorably. They purposefully are putting the Nationalist camp,the majority of Israeli's in terrible emotional pain in order to generate a strong outrage and so that the Nation will cry out in pain that they dare not touch Amona or else there will be a call for new elections.  Then they can go back to the American gov't and to the EU saying that there is no way we can override the will of the people. Israel has no choice but to annex Judea and Samaria. For this to happen, the Jewish people globally must demand that the Israel gov't treats Har HaBayit,  Judea and Samaria as an integral part of our ancient homeland with the respect it rightfully deserves and not as if we are illegal occupiers of Arab land. 

With upcoming elections in the West Bank with Hamas against Fatah, now is an amazing time to annex Judea and Samaria and have civil law rather than military law be the rule of law. 

The Supreme Court of Israel is unequipped to judge itself. Will the Supreme Court rule against itself? Obviously not!  But they have a clear bias against Nationalist Jews. Time to demand a Justice System that has Judaic Law as a foundation.  

Recent Examples of Bias Against Hilltop Youth and settlers in  Judea and Samaria by Israel Courts:

Court to Hear Police Request to Bar 6 Youths from Jerusalem


for more examples....

אלה ברכב ואלה בסוסים ואנחנו בשם ה´

Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 


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From: rgoldhar2 rgoldhar2 <>
Date: Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 9:59 AM

Renanah Gemeiner (left). Photo: Doris Epstein
Group protests illegal Arab land-grab at Susiya

Posted by: Doris Strub Epstein August 28, 2016
The huge sign stopped passers-by in their tracks on University Ave. across the road from the American Consulate on Monday afternoon. It said "Stop the Illegal Arab Occupation of Israel".
It was a protest against the latest Arab land-grab at Susiya. A small group, led by Renanah Gemeiner, handed out information explaining this latest attempt at Arab land encroachment-in Israel, almost always ignored by mainstream media.
In the Hebron Hills of Judea lies the ancient city of Susiya which dates from the Second Temple era. Three thousand Jews lived there. The city reached its zenith in the years 400 -800 CE. Archeological remains include a synagogue. Its mosaic floor is still visible. There is ample evidence to show no one but Jews ever lived there. They vanished about 1,200 years ago and no one knows why.
Today there is an Arab squatters' village on the site. It consists of about 60 constructions of concrete, tin and canvas. The squatters call this Susiya as well and claim they have been there a long time.
But there is no evidence to show there ever was an Arab village there. Most of the buildings went up between 2011 and 2013 in defiance of a court order forbidding the building.
Moreover, it was discovered that most of the people claiming to live in Susiya had home in the nearby town of Yatta (which is under PA jurisdiction).
The squatters were offered an allocation of land near Yatta, to which they could move. They rejected the offer and applied for legalization of their current site, which was rejected by the Court. They face the possibility of imminent demolition.
Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben Dahan, declared in the Knesset inquiry, "There never was an Arab village name Susiya. …The Arab-leftist encroachment in the Susiya area has been going on for 20 years."
Journalist Arlene Kushner writing from Israel wrote, "What we are in fact seeing here is a land grab by the Palestinian Arab Nawajah family of Yatta, which has built illegally in blatant violation of Israeli court orders."
Visiting Toronto last week Arieh King, Council member Jerusalem and founder/ director of the Israel Land Fund is a driving force to stop Arab illegal land encroachment in Israel. "In Jerusalem," he said, " there are 42,000 illegal apartments, 12 to 14 stories buildings, some even on JNF land."
"Jews have to stand up and demolish the lies and propaganda manufactured by Palestinians," Renanah said.


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

What is Hijrah? Hijrah is Jihad Emigration. Mass Scale Migrations Become Invasions



Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd: BREAKING: Full Speech – Trump Speaks from Mexico, Outlines Five “Shared Goals” [VIDEO]

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From: "" <>
Date: Aug 31, 2016 5:14 PM
Subject: BREAKING: Full Speech – Trump Speaks from Mexico, Outlines Five "Shared Goals" [VIDEO]
To: "Friend" <>

If you cannot read this email, please click here
BREAKING: Full Speech – Trump Speaks from Mexico, Outlines Five "Shared Goals" [VIDEO]
Donald Trump just spoke to the press after his meeting with Mexican President President Enrique Peña Nieto. They both covered the topics of immigration and the relationship between the United States and Mexico in their remarks, and Trump outlined five prepared points on what our two nations should focus on together. We have the full video, and the five points are outlined here.
Read More


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