Monday, August 15, 2016

Fwd: George Soros issued orders to Hillary Clinton

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From: "Udi Shayat" <>
Date: Aug 14, 2016 9:27 AM
Subject: George Soros issued orders to Hillary Clinton
To: "Udi Shayat" <>

George Soros- Data, Records & references (no ideology here)
8-12-16:  Guest post by TK Whiteman –
Undoubtedly another stunner that the American media will ignore. This time it's that Wikileaks has revealed that multi-billionaire and renown globalist George Soros has at least once issued orders to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
As reported by the Moscow-based RT.com  ,
a recently released Wikileaks email sent directly from Soros to Clinton gives her step-by-step instructions on how to intervene in the internal workings of the sovereign nation of Albania.
Not only did Soros give Clinton specific instruction how to handle the Albanian situation, he also made clear that his instructions will be carried out.
At the end of the Soros email, there is a strong suggestion (order?) from Soros to Clinton that his "foundation" in the Albanian capital of Tirana can double as the de facto US State Department and CIA in country.
 = = =  = =  = = = =  = = = =

Here are more history  activities  George Soros  did, per following DATA and evidence, published in 2012 [you won't find it on  the one sided biased media]:
The Article below  was written by  Steve Kroft, CBS on August 12, 2011.
As key point of the article :
*Soros is a strong finance supporter of Hillary and Obama,
*In 2008 Soros donated $5,000,000,000 ( five billion Dollars) to the Democratic National Committee, DNC, to insure Obama's win and will make many  Radical Rules.  
*  In 1992 Soros became known as 'the man who broke the Bank of England.' 
 He broke it on the backs of hard-working British citizens who immediately saw their homes severely devalued and their life savings cut drastically, almost overnight."

* The website Greek National Pride reports, "[Soros] was part of the full court press that dismantled Yugoslavia and caused trouble in Georgia , Ukraine and Myanmar [Burma].   Calling himself a philanthropist, Soros' role is to tighten the ideological stranglehold of globalization and the New World Order while promoting his own financial gain.  He is without conscience; a capitalist who functions with absolute amorality."

* In 1994, Soros crowed in The New Republic, that "the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire."  The Russia-gate Scandal in 1999, which almost collapsed the Russian economy, was labeled by Rep. Jim Leach, then head of the House Banking Committee, to be "one of the greatest social robberies in human history.  "The 'Soros Empire' indeed!  

*In 1997, Soros almost destroyed the economies of Thailand and Malaysia.  At the time, Malaysia 's Prime Minister,  Mahathir Mohammad,  called Soros "a villain, and a moron." Thai activist Weng Tojirakarn said, "We regard George Soros as a kind of Dracula.  He sucks the blood from the people."
 * "Billionaire George Soros is a primary founder and key proponent of the global organization that promotes the military doctrine used by Hillary and  Obama  to justify the  airstrikes targeting the regime of  Gadhafi in Libya"….
[Udi's note: " Gadhafi was the best success of the west in his last 15 years in the mid-east, with a very stable and pro-western co-operation" - reference is a top Israeli expert on TV panel news.]
Soros "has long held connections with the CIA.  And I mustn't forget to mention Soros' involvement with the MSM (Main Stream Media), the entertainment industry (e.g., he owns 2.6 million shares of Time Warner), and the various political advertising organizations he funnels millions to. 
 In short, George Soros controls or influences most of the MSM.  Little wonder they ignore the TEA PARTY, Soro's NEMESIS.  As Matthew Vadum writes, "The liberal billionaire-turned-philanthropist has been buying up media properties for years in order to drive home his message to the American public that they are too materialistic, too wasteful, too selfish, and too stupid to decide for themselves how to run their own lives."

* Soros is a planetary parasite.  His grasp, greed, and gluttony have a global reach.    Soros said:  "America , as the center of the globalized financial markets, was sucking up the savings of the world.  This is now over.  The game is out," he said, adding that the time has come for "a very serious adjustment" in American's consumption habits.  He implied that he was the one with the power to bring this about." 

György Schwartz, better known to the world as George Soros, was born August 12, 1930 in Hungary .  Soros' father named Tivadar….
When Hitler's henchman Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary, to oversee the murder of that country's Jews, George Soros ended up with a man whose job was confiscating property from the Jewish population.  Soros went with him on his rounds [with the help of his father, 
Tivadar Soros] 

* Soros has repeatedly called 1944, "The best year of his life." . In this "best" year, Seventy percent of Mr. Soros's fellow Jews in Hungary,  nearly a half-million human beings,  were annihilated...
* "George Soros is leading Leftists organization & effecting Obama administration by putting up big bucks to erase border.     ". 
* "George Soros is leading Leftists organization & effecting Obama administration by putting up big bucks to erase border.     ".

= = =  = = =  = = =  

ONE EVIL Son of Satan
     FROM STEVE KROFT      (60 Minutes) on CBS!
Sent by:  FREEMAN CENTER BROADCAST - August 12, 2011
* E-mail:  WEB SITE: < >
 This is very interesting material.  Material to show all the ties that George Soros has through the nation and world along with his goals.  This article is written by Steve Kroft from 60 Minutes.  It begins to piece together the rise of Obama and his behavior in leading the nation along with many members of Congress (in particular the Democrats, such as the election of Pelosi recently to the minority leader position in Congress):
This is almost too scary to contemplate...  like a James Bond theme.
If you have wondered where Obama came from and just how he quickly moved from obscurity to President, or why the media is "selective" in what we are told, here is the man who most probably put him there and is responsible.  He controls President Obama's every move.  Think this is absurd?  Invest a few minutes and read this.  You won't regret it.
Who is Obama?  Obama is a puppet, and here is the explanation of the man or demon that pulls his strings.  It's not by chance that Obama can manipulate the world.  I don't think he knows how to tie his shoe laces.  After reading this and noticing Obama's reluctance to accept help on the oil spill, you wonder if the spill is part of the plan to destroy the US ? 
"In history, nothing happens by accident.  If it happened, you can bet someone planned it." Franklin Delano Rooseve
Who Is George Soros?  He brought the market down in 2 days.  Here is what CBS' Mr. Steve Kroft's research has turned up.  It's a bit of a read, and it took 4 months to put it together.  "The main obstacle to a stable and just World Order is the United States ."
George Soros is an evil man.  He's anti-God, anti-family, anti-American, and anti-good. 

He killed and robbed his own Jewish people.  What we have in Soros, is a multi-billionaire atheist, with skewed moral values, and a sociopath's lack of conscience.  He considers himself to be an elitist world-class philosopher, despises the American way, and just loves to do social engineering and change cultures.
György Schwartz, better known to the world as George Soros, was born August 12, 1930 in Hungary .  Soros' father, Tivadar, was a fervent practitioner of the Esperanto language invented in 1887, and designed to be the first global language, free of any national identity.  The Schwartz's, who were non-practicing Jews, changed the family name to Soros, in order to facilitate assimilation into the Gentile population, as the Nazis spread into Hungary during the 1930s.


When Hitler's henchman Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary, to oversee the murder of that country's Jews, George Soros ended up with a man whose job was confiscating property from the Jewish population.  Soros went with him on his rounds.


Soros has repeatedly called 1944, "The best year of his life."  Seventy percent of Mr. 
Soros's fellow Jews in Hungary,  nearly a half-million human beings,  were annihilated in that year,  yet he gives no sign that this put any damper on his elation,  either at the time or indeed in retrospect.   During an interview with Sixty Minutes' Steve Kroft, Soros was asked about his "best year."

KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.

SOROS: Yes.  Yes.

KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from your fellow Jews, friends and neighbors.

SOROS: Yes.  That's right.  Yes.

KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many, years.  Was it difficult?

SOROS: No, not at all.  Not at all, I rather enjoyed it.

KROFT: No feelings of guilt?

SOROS: No, only feelings of absolute power.

In his article, Muravchik describes how Soros has admitted to having carried some rather "potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble."  Be that as it may.   After WWII, Soros attended the London School of Economics, where he fell under the thrall of fellow atheist and Hungarian, Karl Popper, one of his professors.   Popper was a mentor to Soros until Popper's death in 1994.   Two of Popper's most influential teachings concerned "the open society" and "fallibilism."
 "Fallibilism" is the philosophical doctrine that all claims of knowledge could, in principle, be mistaken.  (Then again, I could be wrong about that.)  The "open society" basically refers to a "test and evaluate" approach to social engineering. 


Regarding "open society," Roy Childs writes, "Since the Second World War, most of the Western democracies have followed Popper's advice about piece-meal social engineering and democratic social reform, and it has gotten them into a grand mess."


In 1956, Soros moved to New York City, where he worked on Wall Street, and started amassing his fortune.  He specialized in hedge funds and currency speculation.  Soros is absolutely ruthless,  amoral,  and clever in his business dealings,  and quickly made his fortune.  By the 1980's he was well on his way to becoming the global powerhouse that he is today.


In an article Kyle-Anne Shiver wrote for The American Thinker, she says, "Soros made his first billion in 1992 by shorting the British pound with leveraged billions in financial bets, and became known as 'the man who broke the Bank of England.'  He broke it on the backs of hard-working British citizens who immediately saw their homes severely devalued and their life savings cut drastically, almost overnight."


In 1994, Soros crowed in The New Republic, that "the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire."  The Russia-gate Scandal in 1999, which almost collapsed the Russian economy, was labeled by Rep. Jim Leach, then head of the House Banking Committee, to be "one of the greatest social robberies in human history.  "The 'Soros Empire' indeed! 


In 1997, Soros almost destroyed the economies of Thailand and Malaysia.  At the time, Malaysia 's Prime Minister,  Mahathir Mohammad,  called Soros "a villain, and a moron." Thai activist Weng Tojirakarn said, "We regard George Soros as a kind of Dracula.  He sucks the blood from the people."
The website Greek National Pride reports, "[Soros] was part of the full court press that dismantled Yugoslavia and caused trouble in Georgia , Ukraine and Myanmar [Burma].   Calling himself a philanthropist, Soros' role is to tighten the ideological stranglehold of globalization and the New World Order while promoting his own financial gain.  He is without conscience; a capitalist who functions with absolute amorality."
 France has upheld an earlier conviction against Soros for felony insider trading.  Soros was fined 2.9 million dollars.  Recently, his native Hungary fined Soros 2.2 million dollars for "illegal market manipulation."  Elizabeth Crum writes that the Hungarian economy has been in a state of transition as the country seeks to become more financially stable and westernized.  [Soros'] deliberately driving down the share price of its largest bank put Hungary's economy into a wicked              tailspin, one from which it is still trying to recover.


My point here is that Soros is a planetary parasite.  His grasp, greed, and gluttony have a global reach.  But what about America?   Soros told Australia 's national newspaper, The Australian,  "America , as the centre of the globalized financial markets, was sucking up the savings of the world.  This is now over.  The game is out," he said, adding that the time has come for "a very serious adjustment" in American's consumption habits.  He implied that he was the one with the power to bring this about."  


SOROS:    "World financial crisis is "stimulating" and "in a way, the culmination of

                     my life's work."
Obama has recently promised 10 billion of our tax dollars to Brazil, in order to give them

a leg-up in expanding their offshore oil fields.  Obama's largesse towards Brazil came shortly after his political financial backer, George Soros, invested heavily in Brazilian oil (Petrobras).

Tait Trussel writes,  "The Petrobras loan may be a windfall for Soros and Brazil, but it is a bad deal for the U.S.   The American Petroleum Institute estimates that oil exploration in the U.S. could create 160,000 new, well-paying jobs, as well as $1.7 trillion in revenues to federal, state, and local governments, all while fostering greater energy security and independence."
 A blog you might want to keep an eye on is   Their mission: "This blog is dedicated to all who have suffered due to the ruthless financial pursuits of George Soros.  Your stories are many and varied, but the theme is the same: the destructive power of greed without conscience.  We pledge to tirelessly watch Soros wherever he goes and to print the truth in the hope that he will one day be made to stop preying upon the world's poor, that justice will be served."


Back to America.  Soros has been actively working to destroy America from the inside out for some years now.  People have been warning us.  Two years ago, news sources reported that "Soros [is] an extremist who wants open borders, a one-world foreign policy, legalized drugs, euthanasia, and on and on.  This is off-the-chart dangerous."


In 1997, Rachel Ehrenfeld wrote, "Soros uses his philanthropy to change or more accurately, deconstruct the moral values and attitudes of the Western world, and particularly of the American people.  His "open society" is not about freedom; it is about license.  His vision rejects the notion of ordered liberty, in favor of a PROGRESSIVE ideology of rights and entitlements."


Perhaps the most important of these "whistle blowers" are David Horowitz and Richard Poe.  Their book,  The Shadow Party,  outlines in detail how Soros hijacked the Democratic Party, and now owns it lock, stock, and barrel.  Soros has been packing the Democratic Party with radicals, and ousting moderate Democrats for years.  The Shadow Party became the Shadow Government, which recently became the Obama Administration.


Discover The (another good source) writes, "By his [Soros'] own admission, he helped engineer coups in Slovakia, Croatia, Georgia, and Yugoslavia.  When Soros targets a country for "regime change," he begins by creating a shadow government, a fully formed government-in-exile, ready to assume power when the opportunity arises.  The Shadow Party he has built in America greatly resembles those he has created in other countries prior to instigating a coup."
 The November 2008 edition of the German magazine Der Spiegel, in which Soros gives his opinion on what the next POTUS (President of the U.S. ) should do after taking office.  "I think we need a large stimulus package." Soros thought that around 600 billion dollars would be about right.  Soros also said that, "I think Obama presents us a great opportunity to finally deal with global warming and energy dependence.  The U.S.  needs a cap and trade system with auctioning of licenses for emissions rights."


Although Soros doesn't (yet) own the Republican Party, like he does the Democrats, make no mistake, his tentacles are spread throughout the Republican Party as well.


Soros is a partner in the Carlyle Group where he has invested more than 100 million dollars.  According to an article by The Baltimore Chronicle's Alice Cherbonnier, the Carlye Group is run by "a veritable who's who of former Republican leaders," from CIA man Frank Carlucci, to CIA head [and ex-President] George Bush, Sr.


In late 2006, Soros bought about 2 million shares of Halliburton, Dick Cheney's old stomping grounds.  When the Democrats and Republicans held their conventions in 
2000, Soros held Shadow Party conventions in the same cities, at the same time.  In 
2008, Soros donated $5,000,000,000 (that's five billion) to the Democratic National Committee, DNC, to insure Obama's win and wins for many other Alinsky-trained Radical Rules, Anti-American Socialists.  George has been contributing a $ billion plus to the DNC since Clinton came on the scene.


Soros has dirtied both sides of the aisle, trust me.  And if that weren't bad enough, he has long held connections with the CIA.  And I mustn't forget to mention Soros' involvement with the MSM (Main Stream Media), the entertainment industry (e.g., he owns 2.6 million shares of Time Warner), and the various political advertising organizations he funnels millions to.  In short, George Soros controls or influences most of the MSM.  Little wonder they ignore the TEA PARTY, Soro's NEMESIS.  As Matthew Vadum writes, "The liberal billionaire-turned-philanthropist has been buying up media properties for years in order to drive home his message to the American public that they are too materialistic, too wasteful, too selfish, and too stupid to decide for themselves how to run their own lives."
 Richard Poe writes, "Soros' private philanthropy, totaling nearly $5 billion, continues undermining America 's traditional Western values.  His giving has provided funding of abortion rights, atheism, drug legalization, sex education, euthanasia, feminism, gun control, globalization, mass immigration, gay marriage and other radical experiments in social engineering."


Some of the many NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) that Soros funds with his billions are:, the Apollo Alliance, Media Matters for America , the Tides Foundation, the ACLU, ACORN, PDIA (Project on Death In America ), La Raza, and many more.  For a more complete list, with brief descriptions of the NGOs, go to


Poe continues, "Through his global web of Open Society Institutes and Open Society Foundations, Soros has spent 25 years recruiting, training, indoctrinating and installing a network of loyal operatives in 50 countries, placing them in positions of influence and power in media, government, finance and academia."


Without Soros' money, would the Saul Alinsky's Chicago machine still be rolling?  Would SEIU, ACORN, and La Raza still be pursuing their nefarious activities?  Would Big Money and lobbyists still be corrupting government?  Would our college campuses still be retirement homes for 1960s radicals?
America stands at the brink of an abyss, and that fact is directly attributable to Soros. 
Soros has vigorously, cleverly, and insidiously planned the ruination of America and his puppet, Barack Obama is leading the way.
The words of Patrick Henry are apropos, "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?  Forbid it, almighty God!  I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"

Above information researched by CBS' Steve Kroft

Fwd: IDF Choir and Chief Cantor join together for a powerful prayer

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Date: Aug 15, 2016 7:27 AM
Subject: IDF Choir and Chief Cantor join together for a powerful prayer
To: "Robin Ticker" <>

IDF Choir and Chief Cantor join together for a powerful prayer IDF Chief Cantor Shai Abramson accompanied by the Rabbinical Choir sing the Prayer "Ac

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IDF Chief Cantor Shai Abramson accompanied by the Rabbinical Choir sing the Prayer "Acheinu Kol Beit Israel" at the Cave of Machpela, the resting place of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs.

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THIS is how you kill EVERY terrorist (and ONLY terrorists) in one second.

SUPER IMPRESSIVE! It is this type of accuracy/lack of collateral damage that makes the IDF the most moral army in the world.


Click here to watch: Execution of Iranian scientist fuels new Clinton controversy

Executed nuclear scientist mentioned on the former secretary of state's private email server...


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Archbishop Warda of Iraq: "We cannot deny the fact that it is a religious war"

This is a clash of civilizations.


Today's Start-up Nation Feature - Every year - Check out some of the tech wonders that just rocked the international Geek Picnic in Jerusalem!

The samaria vineyard bar

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Sunday, August 14, 2016

U.S. to Israel: Relocating Amona Outpost Diverges From Netanyahu Commitment to Obama and. Torah Lessons to Obama. !st Rashi of Breishit


August 14, 2016 U.S. to Israel: Relocating Amona Outpost Diverges From Netanyahu Commitment to Obama
Does the Land belong to Obama?  Does it belong even to Netanyahu?

"Ki LI Kol Haaretz.  Hashem owns all the land." (Leviticus: Behar 25:23)

So what does the "First Rashi" in the entire Torah say? And what relevance does it have today? And what does it have to do with 'United with Israel'?
Rashi asks a very basic question: Since the Torah is first and foremost a book of laws for the Jewish People, why doesn't it begin with the first law given to the Nation of Israel (actually found in the Book of Exodus)?
Why do we need a history lesson about creation, Noah's Ark, our forefathers' lives and all of the other stories that preceded the sections of law?
Rashi's incredible answer: There will be a time when the nations of the world will claim that Israel "stole the Land of Israel". It belongs to others, not to the Jewish People (does this sound familiar?) God tells the story of creation first to establish the fact that the ENTIRE WORLD belongs to God. And only He has the right to apportion the Holy Land. We see very clearly, through the stories of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses that the Land of Israel was promised as the exclusive inheritance for the Nation of Israel. Period. It is simply a losing battle to fight against this timeless Divine promise!


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tikkun Chait HaMiraglim Campaign 2016 5776. Letter to Rabbanim. Tisha Baav Campaign by Jews for Palestinian Susiya, College Campus kids donate to Friends of Hamas, 400million USA Dollars to UNRWA which funds Hamas


Lichvod HaRabbonim, Shlita

There  has been an email campaign to Save Amona from Demolition. We hope that you too participated. It is not too late.

There is also a "Jewish Campaign" in progress to save "Palestinian Susiya" from demolition.  The only difference is that there is no history of a Palestinian Susiya. Only of a Jewish Susiya.  These Arabs are squatters as have been tens of thousands of illegal Arab structures throughout Israel.

Our goal for this Tisha Baav. 

Hirhur Bitshuva. (Having in ones mind a moment of remorse for a misdeed)

Even if we have a moment of true remorse in our hearts,  perhaps with Chasdei Hashem that is sufficient for Hashem to give us another chance of Tikkun Chait HaMiraglim.  Maybe this will prevent another Gush Katif in Yehuda Shomron chas vechalila.   

Is a Palestinian State not a reality in the making? 

See articles below.   David Bedein Fox News,JPost, Caroline Glick, Arlene Kushner, Ted Belman, Jewish Press, Arutz7....

Yes it's wonderful to have a "Machsom L'fi Shabbos Table".

There is a time to be silent and a time to speak up! עֵת לַחֲשׁוֹת וְעֵת לְדַבֵּר:Koheles 3:7

 At our Shabbos Table let us encourage talk about our love for Eretz Yisroel, our obligation to settle all of Eretz Yisroel to keep the Mitzvoth and to protest against a Palestinian State and to yearn for the Beis HaMikdash.  

Practically our Silence and passivity is empowering the Secular gov't to be pressured to implement policies dangerous to Am Yisroel.... like the establishment of a Palestinian State.,,  like they implemented the destruction of Gush Katif and harass, libel hilltop youth who yearn for a Jewish court and yearn for Binyan Beit HaMikdash. 

What will happen with Ben Gurion, Tel Aviv and Bnei Brak and the population centers in the low ground of the Judean Hills, and the Hills of Samaria, Chas VeSholom with a Palestinian State? We need not wonder. We saw what happened to Sderot and Southern Israel which is sparsely populated compared with Gush Dan. 

Bridging Chareidi and Dati Leumi is an awesome example of Ahavas Yisroel and Ahavas Torah.

At times Silence is a Sin. Failure to protest is one of the causes of Tisha Baav. Case in point Kamtza bar Kamtza. I have a book from the writings of  Lubavitcher Rebbe which is called When Silence is a Sin. The Obligation to Protest and the Obligation to Settle the entire Land of Israel. 

The Rebbe calls on all Rabbanim to speak up, citing the Conference at Marienbad as a precedent. 
כנסי' מועצת גדולי התורה במריינבד בעברית The Knessiah Gedolah of Marienbad. Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah discussion re: A Jewish State: YES or NO? Yes for Jewish State!
Fyi Our enemies have leHavdil a "lashon hara" campaign.  against speaking bad about Islam.  This is how they stifle dissent and suppress freedom of expression of those who oppose them.  They call it Islamaphobia. Obama and many others have empowered ISIS,  Iran and radical Islamic terror in the United States this way! Profiling at airports and security checkpoints  is forbidden because it is Islamaphobic. Police and the military are now at risk because they have not been successful in weeding out the terrorists who shout Allahu Akbar and believe in Jihad based on their radicalized education within Islam. 

Israel uses common sense approach and does profile. 

Bizchut Nashim Tzidkaniyot. Please read of the March Tisha BaAv 2016 organized in EY by Women in Green for Jewish Sovereignty on Har HaBayit and Yehuda veShomron as has been their tradition for the past number of years. Here we see yearning for Beit HaMikdash in practice. A call to annex all of Yehuda Shomron, Har Habayit.

The Avoda, the Service in the Temple,  begins by seeing if the sun has arisen in Hebron. 

I don't always agree with Moshe Feiglin but this plan has tremendous merit.

What to do with the Arabs? They can be Ger Toshav if they accept 7 Mitzvot Bnei Noach.

Set up Jewish Courts in Eretz Yisroel. The Israel Supreme Court should be governed by Jewish law and not a hodgepodge of Turkish and British Law.  Mishpat Yehudi,  Mishpat Ivri. 

Parshat Devorim talks of setting up righteous courts for Ger Toshav according to some Meforshim.  

Devorim 1:16 וָאֲצַוֶּה אֶת שֹׁפְטֵיכֶם בָּעֵת הַהִוא לֵאמֹר שָׁמֹעַ בֵּין אֲחֵיכֶם וּשְׁפַטְתֶּם צֶדֶק בֵּין אִישׁ וּבֵין אָחִיו וּבֵין גֵּרוֹ: Hear [disputes] between your brothers and judge justly between a man and his brother, and between his litigant (or fellow resident).

It seems to me that unfounded, unlawful administrative detention applies as well for Arabs. There must be sound evidence to warrant taking away civil rights of any resident.  

Speak out for having a Jewish Court in Israel. It is not only in order that they recognize Yehuda and Shomron and deals justly with Hilltop Youth under unjust Administrative Detention. It is consistent with this week's Haftorah Shabbat Chazon, Hoshiva Shofteinu KeVaRishona.  

I know a situation of a Yasom, an orphan, his father killed in terror attack, who incurred small debts and because of Amalot, fines and fees and interest now has a debt of 120000 shekel. Any money he now earns goes to the Loan Sharks. Talk about oppressing the Orphan.  If there was a Jewish Court System this would not have happened.

Today, the Supreme Court of Israel is biased against those living in Yehudah Shomron.  So is the Civil Administration presently governing Yehuda and Shomron.

Why is this happening? Here might be the key. 

Jews hurting Jews: George Soros 

David Bedein on Fox News. Arrests of UN-linked agency officials for Hamas ties calls US funding into question UNRWA operates with a budget of more than $1 billion, provided by more than 40 western nations. The U.S. is the leading donor to UNRWA, at $400 million each year. This money was being funneled to Hamas.

Listen to Ami Horowitz, making believe he is representing American Friends for Hamas raising lots of money on College campus with no one even questioning the craziness of supporting Hamas, a terror organization.  

The indoctrination against Israel is real. Will we continue to remain silent with our claim to Eretz Yisroel?


  • By Arlene Kushner
    I'm talking about steam-coming-out-of-my-ears outrage.
    The subject is the allegedly ancient Arab village of Susiya.  The issue is Israel's rights as a sovereign state operating under rules of law.
    The background, briefly:
    In the Hebron Hills of Judea there are the remains of an ancient Jewish city known as Susiya, which flourished in the Talmudic era. It is estimated that about 3,000 people – all Jews, observing a religious life – lived there at its height.  Archeological remains, including a synagogue, that have been excavated can be visited today.

    Credit: Susiya Tourist Center

    T. Belman. "Liberman has agreed to adopt a plan prepared by the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), for Israel to transfer the Civil Administration's planning and zoning authority in Area C to the PA. The plan also involves retroactively authorizing tens of thousands of Palestinian structures built illegally in Area C and authorizing the construction of a new Palestinian urban center in Area C." This says it all. The government has not wanted to prevent the illegal construction in Area C or to execute the demolition orders. Very upsetting.
    There are no magic solutions to our problems with the Palestinians. But there are options other than repeating let alone expanding on failed policies.
    By Caroline Glick, JPOST
    th, Hamas announced it will be participating in the Palestinian municipal elections in October. The Palestinian Authority's Fatah leadership greeted Hamas's announcement with deep and understandable anxiety. Hamas is expected to win control over a significant number, perhaps even a majority of municipal and local governments in Judea and Samaria.

Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

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