Saturday, June 06, 2015

Re: The Christianization of Zionism

On Jun 6, 2015 9:49 PM, "Paul Eidelberg" <> wrote:

The Christianization of Zionism


Prof. Paul Eidelberg



In Theodor Herzl's path-setting Zionist book The Jewish State, the Torah is reduced to a "religion," relegated to the home and the synagogue. Severed from Public Law, Zionism was rendered comparable to antinomian Christianity: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's."


This dualism is foreign to the Torah. It splits the mind, placing secular values, such as security, on the level of the spiritual values, such as morality. PM Benjamin Netanyahu recently said he wants to be remembered as having brought security to Israel.  That very much sums up the modus operandi of secular Zionism.


Therefore, it needs to be stressed that Zionism can't be secular without violating the original meaning of the term "Zion," which involves three interrelated ideas:  (1) the People of Israel, (2) the Land of Israel, and, above all (3) the Torah.


Hence, we should admit that if Jews, 2,000 years ago had "Zionist" leaders like Binyamin Netanyahu, the Jewish people would have become as extinct as the Phoenicians.  No serious person will dispute the fact that it was only the Torah that preserved the Jewish people during these past two millennia. 


Zionism suffered a crippling stroke when the Yitzhak Rabin signed the Israel-PLO Agreement of 1993. The coup de grace came when Netanyahu, on June 1, 2009, endorsed the creation of a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria. That marked the official death of Zionism.


The death of Zionism means that politics in Israel has no distinctively Jewish national goal. The "politics of peace" embraced by Israeli prime ministers has not only disemboweled the Jewish state. Notice that Netanyahu's insistence that the Palestinian Authority recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people has been met with contempt. It's as if the PA, the leaders of an "invented people," discerned that Netanyahu without the Torah lacked authenticity!  


Nevertheless, the Jewish people should not be disheartened by Israel's political decay. Never have so many Jews returned to the Torah. A veritable renascence is taking place in the study of Jewish law, the Halakha, revealing its great rationality and relevance. Moreover, scientists and mathematicians are engaged in fundamental Torah research, showing that the Torah is not only the paradigm of how man should live, but the paradigm of knowledge. The convergence of Torah and science is enfolding at a quickening pace, as is documented in my latest book Rescuing America from Nihilism: A Judeo-Scientific Approach. 


Meanwhile, more and more people in Israel realize that politics is incapable of solving any of the nation's basic problems. They are becoming increasingly aware of Israel's dysfunctional government, whose average tenure is only two years, a government, moreover, whose cabinet consists of 5 or 6 rival parties competing for a larger slice of the public treasury. Who does not see the absurdity of a political system where 30 and more parties vie for seats in the menagerie called Israel's "Knesset?


It should also be noted that more and more people are fed up with the aggrandizement of Israel's Supreme Court, which often trashes the abiding beliefs of the Jewish people. This "courtocracy" has made a mockery not only of democracy, but also of the rule of law, given its imperialistic and despotic dictum "everything is justiciable"! And this is not all. 


Who does not know that the Oslovian peace process is a fraud, a deadly fraud, for which no Israeli Government has been held accountable?


It matters not who is Israel's prime minister, whether he's a sharp-witted secularist like Binyamin Netanyahu, or a dull-witted secularist like Ehud Barak. Both have ignored the Torah's vital imperative, "Justicejustice shall you pursueso that you will live and possess the Land that Hashem your God gives you (Deuteronomy 16:20)


Absent the Torah, absent Jewish national identity and purpose, Israeli Prime Ministers will stagger like drunkards. The Government will genuflect to "the nations."  Jews will be despised, and the Jewish state will be deemed a pariah. 


We may therefore conclude that Israel's salvation requires a Torah-oriented statesman on the one hand, and a Judaic form of democracy on the other. Only when the two are conjoined will Israel transcend the Christianization of Zionism.☼



Thursday, June 04, 2015

Mike Huckabee famous line at the Concert: "The boundaries of Israel are not given by the United Nations but by Almighty G-d!"


Mike Huckabee @ Israel Day Concert (Transcript)

The entire speech was magnificent!  But the most telling line in my opinion is The boundaries of Israel are not given by the United Nations but by Almighty G-d.  And those boundaries can be affirmed by man but not reshaped by man. 

Jews are too afraid to speak of our entitlement based on G-d.  We instead speak of International law, security etc.  These arguments have great value but they are so much more potent when prefaced with the given above as stated by Mike Huckabee! 

Prime Minister Netanyahu has a strong gov't. Yet he himself has weakened Israel's position by continuously reassuring America our desire to establish a Palestinian State so long as there is a peace partner.

Obama himself says that Netanyahu does not mean it. Why doesn't Netanyahu come clean and agree, rather than to continue a false narrative.  

Probably because then Obama will have reason to use it against Israel in the Security Council as he has threatened to do so.  

In any case, let us not be bullied. Let Netanyahu say that Israel has decided to cut it's losses with a failed Oslo, failed Peace Process.  We have invested much too much into something who by it's very essence is in contradiction with Truth and the Bible.  The truth of the Bible is that G-d promised the entire Land of Israel, inclusive of Judea, Samaria and Temple Mount and the entire Jerusalem to the Nation of Israel. We are not a racist country and all non Jews are welcome so long as they accept Israel's Soverignty and the 7 Noahide Laws the foundation of Universal morality. Using children as Suicide bombers against Israeli civilian population clearly do not meet this criteria. 

Is it any wonder that the "peace process"  and negotiations have failed and has brought  only more terror and destruction and less security to the people of Israel. In fact is has brought instability and the rise of radical Islam to the entire Middle East and has spread to the entire world.  

However, it is never too late!

The process of teshuva involves the following four steps:

Step 1 - Regret. Realize the extent of the damage and feel sincere regret.

Step 2 - Cessation. Immediately stop the harmful action.

Step 3 - Confession. Articulate the mistake and ask for forgiveness.

Step 4 - Resolution. Make a firm commitment not to repeat it in the future.

We are not interested in pointing fingers....We all acknowledge that the pressures of the Gov't of Israel were and are very intense....None of us can say we would act or would have acted any differently had we been Prime Minister. 

Yet to continue in a suicidal fashion is not an option....When we are confident of our message, this confidence based on the righteousness of our claim to the Land of Israel and faith and trust in G-d, has protected us in the past and will protect us in the future.  It requires a great deal of  Emunah and prayer.

Hashem Oz LeAmo Yiten Hashem Yevaren es Amo Bashalom Hashem Oz - Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach - ה' עוז לעמו ייתן - רבי שלמה קרליבך


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

JCCWatch working on Tikkun (fixing) UJA Federation. Will UJA finally admit they are wrong? They have enriched, empowered Israel's bashers and enemies through their "Israel" funds.


June 22, 2015
Most Criticized, Most Listened-To:Richard Allen in NYC 
by Susie Dym

April 30, 2015
Anti Israel Jews: Jewish Community Alert: 101 Shofar Rally Against The UJA-Federation for Promoting Boycott Israel Groups

By JCCWATCH - May 27, 2015
UJA-Federation Exposed: $6 Million Sent to New Israel Fund Via Wholly-Owned Subsidiary JCF Jewish Communal Fund.

BY JCCWATCH · MAY 28, 2015
UJA-Federation Funding Propaganda Films Against Israel with $300,000 in Donations

BY JCCWATCH June 3, 2015
Editorial Response: Promoting Disinformation at The Jewish Week

Is it no wonder the UJA is getting upset at JCCWATCH for exposing those among them who have been traitors to Israel!

Money does not make the world go around.  But G-d does!

The first step towards doing Teshuva is admitting one is at fault. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: JCCWatch <>
Date: Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 10:37 PM
Subject: Promoting Disinformation at The Jewish Week
To: Robin Ticker <>

Trouble viewing this email? Read it online

by · June 3, 2015

Gary Rosenblatt is correct that now is the time to support Jewish unity, as he wrote in an editorial published in The Jewish Week. But the rest of his screed directed against is just more disinformation.
Gary Rosenblatt defends those groups that wreak havoc on Jewish unity with their false charges against Israel, and fellow Jews. Has he denounced them for damaging Jewish unity -- or only the critics who call attention to their reckless lies against the Jewish state?
The New Israel Fund, that Gary Rosenblatt calls "progressive," directly funds Breaking the Silence, a non-profit that published anonymous accusations against Israel, accusing young soldiers from the Israel Defense Forces of war crimes as they defended our beloved Israel against Hamas's missiles and terror tunnels.
Today, the Israeli government lodged a formal complaint against the government of Switzerland, which, along with Norway, stands with the New Israel Fund to finance Breaking the Silence.
"We cannot accept the actions of an organization whose aim is to smear soldiers in the Israeli army in the international arena and to cause serious harm to Israel's image," an Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman told AFP. If the Israeli government finds Breaking the Silence to be illegitimate, why should the UJA-Federation provide cover to send the group donations from America?
Last year, the United Nations Human Rights Council, which has always been a forum for those who hate Israel, heard from 10 New Israel Fund grantees that argued that Israel should be brought to justice for war crimes. Is that what The Jewish Week wants?
In this age of anti-Semitism, why does B'Tselem, which received $192,295 last year from the New Israel Fund, publish a major Op-Ed in The New York Times, the day after the Israel Day Parade, calling Israeli democracy a "charade"?
The real "charade," not mentioned even once in the article written by B'Tselem, "which monitors Israeli actions in the West Bank," as Gary Rosenblatt writes, is anything about the Palestinian Authority, whose elected president is now in the 10th year of his four-year term.
The Jewish Week would have you believe that the UJA-Federation has no control over the Jewish Communal Fund that sent $6 million to the New Israel Fund, which, in turn, financed the chaos wrought by Breaking the Silence and B'Tselem.
In fact, they control all of it. UJA-Federation is the only owner of the Jewish Communal Fund. Alisa Doctoroff, the UJA-Federation president, is on the board of the Jewish Communal Fund, and the bylaws spell out precisely their responsibilities to block donor recommendations that go against the Jewish community.
The board has two responsibilities according to those bylaws: to be "committed to supporting causes that promote the welfare and security of the Jewish community here and abroad" and to "deny any grant request where the purposes and activities of the recommended charitable organization are deemed to be adverse to the interests of the Jewish community."
Wouldn't charging Israelis with war crimes and calling the only democracy in the Middle East a "charade" be "adverse to the interests of the Jewish community"?
In supporting those interests of the Jewish community, Federations across the country publish Jewish newspapers. Truth be known, the UJA-Federation actually owned The Jewish Week and spun it off under court order as a not-for-profit whose assets, if ever liquidated, would be returned to the UJA-Federation. In addition, UJA-Federation board members also sit on the board of The Jewish Week  Neither of these two conflicts of interest were disclosed by Gary Rosenblatt to his readers when he writes in support of the UJA-Federation, but they should be.
Gary Rosenblatt must end this disinformation campaign. The Jewish Week readers deserve to learn the facts about how the UJA-Federation and its affiliates finance the "progressive" work of the New Israel Fund.

Promoting Disunity
The Jewish Week Editorial of June 3, 2015
Wednesday, June 3 was designated this year as "Jewish Unity Day," established by the City of Jerusalem and Gesher, an organization that seeks to close the gap among Jews of different denominations. It comes a year after the kidnapping and murder of three teenage boys in Israel, a tragedy that, however briefly, brought the country together and linked Jews of the diaspora with their brothers and sisters in the Jewish state. To mark the occasion, Jewish Unity Prizes were presented to individuals and organizations from Israel and around the world, honored for strengthening communal understanding.
It's an inspiring concept and one we hope will become more widely known. Not surprisingly, JCC Watch, a local grassroots group that seeks to hold "Jewish communal groups accountable," according to its website, was not among the prize recipients. Far from it. The group has been conducting a campaign against prominent Jewish organizations and individual leaders for allegedly supporting BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) against Israel. JCC Watch seemingly sees no distinction between a gift to the progressive New Israel Fund, which advocates for equality among all Israelis, and calling for the end of Israel as a Jewish state.
Surely there are legitimate political and ideological issues at play in determining who is in or out of the Jewish communal tent. But the JCC Watch's latest effort may be its most brazen, announcing in a headline on its website that "your donations to UJA go to delegitimize the State of Israel."
That's quite a stretch, an irresponsible claim in the spirit of the McCarthy era. It's based on the notion that UJA-Federation is responsible for the personal donations made through the Jewish Communal Fund (JCF), a donor-advised fund. Operating like charitable funds at Schwab, Fidelity and Vanguard, JCF is made up of more than 1,500 individual funds established by donors. Those donors recommend where their contributions should go and support charitable giving to thousands of organizations.
Some of those individual donations go to groups like New Israel Fund or B'Tselem, which monitors Israeli actions in the West Bank. Such groups are viewed by JCC Watch as destructive to Israel.
But UJA-Federation, which established JCF, does not provide any grants to the New Israel Fund, and has nothing to do with the JCF grant process, which is up to individual donors. JCF also has its own board and its own 501-c3 status.
JCC Watch knows all that but prefers to confuse the public. Not only does it stir up trouble in the spirit of communal disunity and discord, it does harm to the State of Israel we all seek to strengthen, each in our own way.


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Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Kever Dovid at Risk? - Desecration at David's Tomb. Breslav Rabbi Shalom Arush and several of his hassidim pray at the site in an attempt to prevent the Christian prayer service


June 1, 2015 
Arutz7 by Shimon  Cohen,  Ari Yasher and 
Watch: Christian Ritual 'Desecrates' King David's Tomb
Activist reveals how Greek Orthodox priests held Pentecost Mass prayers at tomb marker room in 'desecration of G-d's name
Jerusalem activist Efraim Holtzberg, who was on scene during the ceremony and documented it, told Arutz Sheva about the incident..... see link to post for full story. In this link the article states:

"The institution of regular Catholic and Greek Orthodox prayers at the site are particularly sensitive because they constitute a severe breach of Jewish prayer rights. Rabbis have argued Jews will be prevented from entering the holy site altogether because Jewish law forbids using a building that is used for idol-worship - a category which the Christian worship, with its use of effigies, falls under according to Jewish law....

Holtzberg noted that in order to prevent the Torah scrolls at the site from being desecrated by their proximity to the ritual, Rabbi Arush's followers removed them from the grave marker chamber.

"The Chief Rabbis of Jerusalem need to wake up and together with the Chief Rabbis (of Israel) stop this disgrace," he urged. "The Christians say that Jesus was the inheritor of King David, and when the government of Israel gives them a permit to hold ritual ceremonies, it gives approval to their false claim.""

June 1, 2015  (a leftwing perspective)
Police evacuate scores of Jewish activists barricading in King David's Tomb
Hardline Jews barricade inside flash-point religious site, attempting to prevent Christian prayer service.

May 31, 2015
Hundreds of Protesters Block Christian Mass at David's Tomb by Ari Sofer

Protests erupt as Christian groups opt for controversial choice of site for Pentecost services; Mass moved to adjacent hall.
Hundreds of Jews have amassed outside David's Tomb in Jerusalem - among them prominent Breslov Hassidic leader Rabbi Shalom Arush - in an effort to block a controversial Christian Mass from being held there Sunday morning.

WATCH: Protestors attempt to prevent Christian worshipers at King David's tomb

More re: Kever Yosef 

A letter had been written 23 years prior signed by Rav Eliashiv zt"l and Rav Auerbach zt"l and signed again in 2014 by Rav Kook, Rav Shteinman and Rav Kanievsky. 

Letter signed by Chareidi Rabbanim  re: Kever Yosef

Signing in trepidation for the peace of our Holy city and pride
A. L. Steinman
Haim Kanyevsky
Simcha haCohen Kook
Signed in TShN"B also by HaGaon Rav Sholom Eyiashiv and HaGaon Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach

More on re: Kever Dovid

Last Year....

Wednesday, May 07, 2014
Outrage at the possible handing over of King David's Tomb to the Vatican.

May 3, 2014
Netanyahu 'Asked Rabbi to Allow Giving David's Tomb to Vatican'

Thursday, 01 May 2014 by Rabbi Lazer Brody
Strong words by Rabbi Lazer Brody to Prime Minister Netanyahu
Our sages warned us that in the days before Moshiach comes, the world will be prevalent with lies and the truth will be difficult to find. How right they were...

The ink is barely dry on our post from yesterday, A State for Jews or a Jewish State, where we observed the hypocrisy of demanding to be recognized as a Jewish State while acting like anything but a Jewish State. Maybe our post jolted the Prime Minister, because he just made a declaration that he'll initiate legislation that defines Israel as a Jewish State.
Many of us are King David's descendants.....

Not only was King David Hashem's anointed King of Israel, he is the great grandfather of Moshiach, may he come soon, amen. King David is the author of the Book of Psalms, the greatest bestseller of history. According to Kabbala, as King of Israel, his soul had sparks of all of Israel. That is why everyone of identifies with Psalms. King David is buried on Mount Zion. 

How can you be a Zionist if you give away Zion, and to those who engineered and supported the persecution and destruction of our people for the last 1200 years?

Hashem's Jerusalem and the holy gravesite of His anointed son David are not for sale. Think again, Mr. Prime Minister. 

April 30, 2014 by Hannah Levi Julian
Government Plan to Hand King David's Tomb to the Vatican?

Rumors prompted Minister Tzipi Hotovely to write a query on the matter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
19 Tishrei 5773

Tehillim at Kever Dovid HaMelech Eve of Hoshana Rabba as per instructions of the Frierdiker Rebbe
Tthe Chevras Thillim Olomis under the auspices of Collel Chabad will gather for the 70th time, at 10:00 PM, to say the entire Sefer Thillim at Kever Dovid HaMelech in Yerushalayim.  Chevras Thillim Olomis was founded by the Frierdiker Rebbe in 5702, and the Rebbe would send names to be mentioned during the Thillim recitation.

Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Mike Huckabee and John Bolton at Concert in the Park - Concert with a Message - Showered with Love from the One Above


As many of us who were there know or heard, the concert was interrupted halfway through, due to thunderstorms.  The park was full to capacity only 2 hours after the concert began and the police had already started closing the gates to the concert area,  According to a policeman that I asked,  the area of the concert was filled to capacity, not even allowing the last of the Parade marchers to enter.  This occurred a half hour before the rain actually started coming down in force. 

My husband who marched with ZOA, one of the last groups to march in the parade, did not get into the area of the concert because they had closed the gates. I was told as well that the threatening clouds might have factored into their decision and that NYPD closed the area during thunderstorms.

Having made it into the concert area earlier to meet my friend Renanah, I can attest to the amazing enthusiasm of the crowd and the positive energy that we all experienced on behalf of Israel. 

I feel we need to look at the bright side of things. Even though we were all very disappointed to have to leave the concert at the height of it's glory due to the thunderstorm, and I felt sad not only for myself and my family but also for the organizers  Dr. Joseph and Karen Frager, Dr. Paul and Drora Brody as well as Tzvika Bornstein who produced it, and all the others who put in tremendous Kochos, efforts not to mention resources and funding,  I felt for those who flew in specifically to participate in the concert and for those who didn't get a chance to perform or to speak. I truly hope that the organizers will come through with a rain check so that we can finish this concert at a future date.  We don't want to feel gypped out in any way..hint hint....(ok sponsors...please convince them to reschedule...)

 But after having marched or stood all day watching the parade go by, in the heat and sun and humidity,  the rain was also a welcome relief and blessing.  Many didn't pass up the golden opportunity to open their mouth's and drink in the large raindrops, envisioning Israel's great happiness when they are blessed with rain.  It was truly refreshing for our group to get drenched.  People took it all in stride in spite of the screeching. We enjoyed getting wet, at least initially....There was no resentment to G-d at least from I can tell and everyone was having fun singing in the rain.  ...

...Personally, I felt that the spirit of the concert was like a seed being watered.  Everyone knows that it takes a while to see the actual growth and fruit of the seed.  First it needs to be watered and then nurtured with sun and rain.  Finally after being patient and being diligent and conscientious, we see the fruits of our labor.  Hazorim BeDima BeRena Yikzoru.  Those who plant with tears will reap with Joy. 

So I am watering the seed and presenting to you the words of wisdom from America's Finest.  

It is with great joy I present to you presidential candidates former Governor Mike Huckabee and the Honorable John Bolton, great friends of Israel, both who were present at the Concert and were taped and interviewed by Israel National News.  Please enjoy listening to them as I did,  and most importantly, please shower what they had to say on others.  Here are some of Huckabee's points!

  • The hand of the Almighty has preserved and protected Israel and has given the land to the Jews after 2000 years of being scattered across the earth. 
  •  Boundaries of Israel are not given by the United Nations but by an Almighty G-d. These boundaries he states, can be affirmed by man but not reshaped by man. 
  •  In an interview with Arutz7 Mr. Huckabee openly rejects a 2 State Solution. says openly "So if there is a two state solution, the Palestinian State, must be outside the boundaries of the Nation of Israel. " 
  • he calls a 2 State Solution, with 2 governments, sharing the same real estate and streets as irrational and unworkable. He said it's time to call quits to playing this pretentious game..

Mike Huckabee @ Israel Day Concert (Transcript)

John Bolton
Ambassador Bolton Says Israel Must Strike Iran Soon
Clock running out as Iran marches to nuclear arsenal with 'legitimization' of deal, which is part of Obama's 'wrong ideology.


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.