Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Artscroll English Translation of Parshas Haman

Subject: Recite Parshas HaMan This Tuesday 1/15/08 before 5 pm - Segullah For Parnassah - click on link below and print and daven

Link to the parshas Haman-chapter of manna in parsha BeShalach 


There are many who recite this daily, however, it is a most auspicious time to recite it on the Tuesday of Parashas B'shalach. To download a copy of the tefilah from Artscroll, please visit:


May all your tefilos (prayers) be answered l'tova(for the good)!

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Segullah for Parnassah. Parshas Hamon (Torah Portion of the manna) Today!! Tues

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Segullah for Parnassah (revealing the hidden treasure to obtain livelihood).  Parshas Hamon (Reading the Torah Portion of the manna, found in this weeks Parsha)http://www.tefillos.com/     Today! (Tuesday) - Segullah for Parnassah - Parshas Hamon
Reb Mendel M'Riminov said that saying Parshas Ha'monn (Shneyim Mikroh V'Echod Targum) on Tuesday Parshas B'Shalach, is a Segulah for Parnasah
Shneyim Mikroh V'Echod Targum  is Layning it twice with the Trup, then saying the Unkelus once.
Click the link below for the complete text of Parshas Hamon:
Be Mezakeh your friends by forwarding this email to them.
To access our other Teffilos, please visit our home page at: www.tefillos.com.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Fwd: 7 girls incarcerated - reply from Minister of Public Security

Dear Hadar, amv"sh
I hope my harsh wording of the last email was only preventive.. I hope and pray that nothing indeed of serious nature occurred.  If anyone should even think of doing anything improper to these girls they should  be brought to justice and embarrassed.
I received this reply from Hadar Cohen hadarc@mops.gov.il of the Minister of Public Security.

Dear Sir,


We have received your letter to the Minister of Public Security in the State of Israel, Mr. Avi Dicter.


If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.


 Hadar Cohen

 Advisor to the Minister of Public Security  


Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year.

7 girls incarcerated - their modesty hurt, please send letters of outrage.

To: Public Security Minister Avi Dichter
and Knesset Child Welfare Committee Chairperson Shelly Yechimovitch.
Baruch Matir Asurim.  Hosheva Shofteinu Kavarishona, Veyoatzeinu Kevatchila.... (Shemoneh Esreh the 18 blessings)
The girls have asked that it be publicized that their modesty has been hurt in jail. Professor Hillel Weiss, representing the modern forum of Rabbis
calling itself the Sanhedrin, was allowed to visit the girls on
Thursday in his capacity as a lawyer, and later released the
following announcement: "At the end of my visit with the girls, one
of them asked me to publicize, in the name of all of them, that their
modesty had been hurt in jail.  The Jewish public will not forget and
will not forgive how the Jewish regime has harassed girls considered
minors by its own laws."
My comments:
These macho guys who are responsible for this travesty want to show that they are the boss and stronger than a bunch of girls. These macho guys want to show the girls that there is no G-d that is taking care of them.  These macho guys know nothing about justice.  They are a bunch of cowardly creeps.  And they think this will teach the girls a lesson.  Now the girls will really know that their justice system is truly the best one!  Initimidation is their way!  Bullying is how they conduct law.  Justice, shmutzdice.
The only reason these macho guys are getting away with it is because the impotent people in the gov't are in bed with the justice dept and are letting them get away with it.  There is no checks and balances to speak of. There is no assigned agency that monitors these creeps. So they feel that they are all powerful. Clearly more powerful than the Creator.  They are above the Law. 
If anything happens or has happened to these girls chas vechalila, then these girls have clearly shown how despicable the justice system is devoid of any semblance of true justice.  But at what price!!!.  I have full confidence truth, justice and righteousness will prevail since we do have a just G-d.
Titus profaned the Holy of Holies by doing a despicable act and bragged that he must be very great since he survived it.  Then the smallest of insects drove him absolutely crazy by entering his nostrils and slowly destroyed his brain.  His Gaava, conceit, which is reflected in the nose (the expression stuck up nose etc) was his downfall.
I hope that these girls who are true heroines fighting for truth and justice are speedily released unharmed and that those responsible for this travesty of justice have their names publicized be put to shame and brought to justice in a truly just court of law!
Please visit.
Rabbis to Call Day of Fasting if Young Girls are not Freed

by Hillel Fendel

5 Shevat 5768, January 12, '08

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Re: You are in good company!

In a message dated 1/10/2008 10:55:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, vegibud@gmail.com writes:
Robin, you wrote: "The prime consideration for a believing Jew is that the Torah is universal and inclusive and the Torah's message will bring peace and prosperity to mankind."  You obviously do not believe this.  You do not wish to be affiliated with Bob, because of his sexual preferences.  How is this inclusive?
Buddy, amv"sh
I still think you're a very special neshama in spite of my disagreement with you to join with the Coalition to Defend Jerusalem.  The Torah is universal and the Torah objects to that lifestyle.  It's not Bob that's the problem. It's that lifestyle that is not tolerated especially in the Holy Land.  It's not a good lifestyle for Bob or anyone else according to the Torah.  I think that  regarding this lifestyle it's a universal message.
If Bob was simply an activist with a different sexual preference that's none of my business.  He is a human being and imperfect as humans are,  including myself, and I am required to treat him with dignity and respect as one must treat his fellow imperfect human beings.
But Bob is a politician and the way he operates works fine for politics. He is focused on an objective and will unite on that objective.  In this case the objective is to unite against the establishment of a State of Palestine.  A very worthwhile objective.
The main problem as I see it is that  Bob and us have different objectives.  Our objective is the Torah.   Under that objective is Jewish sovereignty over the entire Land of Israel as the Torah states so that the people of Israel will observe the commandments of the Torah in the Land of Israel.
Therefore,  many including myself, feel that the Jewish People can not be under the umbrella of the Coalition to Defend Jerusalem unless the Coalition to Defend Jerusalem is under the Torah umbrella    Can't you see why someone like myself is resisting to join with someone like Bob Kunst who is constantly working to put me within his umbrella, while I am working to put him in our umbrella.  It's just not going to work.  If he is under our umbrella, he has to acknowledge that his lifestyle is contrary to Torah.  If I am under his umbrella, I must be tolerant of everyone's ideology and behavior. Even if politically, he can bring in lots of people and raise lots of money from individuals or groups that wish to support Shalom International Missionaries for instance, we reject them and don't want to accept that money  or their ideology.  There is only One G-d.  That is what's tolerated in the Land of Israel. 
Torah is not equivalent to democracy. We don't want money donated by Gay Pride organizations since we reject the lifestyle especially in Jerusalem. 
Our main objective is Torah.  Ki Mitzion Tezei Torah.  From Zion comes forth Torah. Even if we would succeed to achieve success in our secondary objective which is to oppose a State of Palestine,for us it is irrelevant, unless we remain true to our main objective.
 This is the point which has been difficult for you to understand.
Buddy, you need to make a choice.  Choose Torah and you choose life. As Bush says we must make some hard choices. By doing so you are not rejecting Bob as a friend. That is not your intention.  It's a choice for Torah, and nothing personal against any human being.
Gennady, I will G-d willing respond to your email as well.

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