Friday, August 24, 2007

As per recent coversation with Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky of Chofetz Chaim Heritage

Ach Tov Vechesed Yirdifuni (Only Good and Kindness will chase after me...)... Perhaps the fact that we are pursuing Rav Kamenetsky shlita spiritual mentor of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation is a good thing.
I recently spoke to Rav Kamenetsky on the telephone. Shmuel Koenig is working with me to reach out to Rabbanim and Gedoilei Hador, to lobby and influence them to make a public statement that Eretz Yisroel is our Biblical Inheritance. Although Rav Kamenetsky was extremely patient and understanding and kind with Shmuel, we did not achieve our desired goal. It seemed that Rav Kamenetsky was not willing to take the necessary action that we feel is crucial for the survival of Am Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel, especially now in the month of Elul, the month of Teshuva. This action was to admit publicly that the Gedoilim have made a mistake for not speaking out for Eretz Yisroel and stating that Eretz Yisroel is our Biblical Inheritance. When I understood that Shmuel did not achieve the desired result, I myself then called Rav Kamenetsky. My understanding from our conversation was that the Gedoilim fault the Religious Zionists (Mizrahi) for making Eretz Yisroel the entire Torah and are now learning their lesson by being expelled from the settlements etc.
I can not understand this conclusion.
The entire Sefer Devarim is Moshe's final speech to Am Yisroel. Moshe knows he is unable to enter Eretz Yisroel. So he provides Am Yisroel and their future generations with the tools necessary to survive w/o him in Eretz Yisroel and not in the Midbar. These tools are the Mitvoth that are mentioned in Sefer Devarim and are dependant on the Land. All of Sefer Devarim which is also called Mishneh Torah is instruction on how to keep the Mitzvoth in Eretz Yisroel. But not only Sefer Devarim is focused on Eretz Yisroel. Almost every Parsha has some reference to Eretz Yisroel as being Eretz Shehinchalta Laavoseinu Lates Lanu LeAchuzas Olam (The Land of Israel is the Promised Land given to our forefathers Abraham Isaac and Jacob and is given to us, their seed, as an EVERLASTING Inheritance) The first Rashi in Breishis tells us that the nations of the world will tell us, Listim Atem, you are occupiers, and our answer is that the entire universe was created by the Ribbono Shel Olam, the Creator of the World, who decides who is the rightful inheritors and occupiers of the Land. Hashem has chosen the Land of Israel to be the Chosen Land for the people of Israel as is repeated countless times in Sefer Breishis (please refer to the Covenant with Abraham, the Covenant with Isaac and the Covenant with Jacob) and in subsequent Parshios in Chumash. In fact the Canaanite Nations were descendants of Cham who was cursed to be the slaves of Shem. We know that the property of the slave belongs to the owner. So even when the Canaanite Nations lived on the Land legitimately, it still was the rightful inheritance of the People of Israel.
What was the purpose of Yetzias Mitzraim (Being redeemed from Egypt)? It was not simply a physical redemption. It was for the ultimate purpose of receiving the Torah to be observed in ERETZ YISROEL. In fact Yaakov Avinu was allowed to have 2 wives in Chuz Laaretz but in Eretz Yisroel it was not allowed. We learn that observance of Mitzvoth in Chuz Laaretz is practice for the real thing.
My question to Rav Kamenetsky and the Gedoilim is not how come the Religious Zionists make Eretz Yisroel such an integral part of keeping Torah and Mitzvoth but rather how can the Gedoilim disengage themselves from Eretz Yisroel and thereby act as if the Torah can be complete WITHOUT Eretz Yisroel. How can the Gedoilim truly observe Torah w/o Eretz Yisroel?????? Two Thousand Years of Galus is exactly that! GALUS. It is not what we yearn for. Yet we pray each and every day for the real thing and when we finally get it we don't realize that we actually do have it. We are not connecting the dots. We are passive when President Bush speaks of the Roadmap.
How can the Gedoilim not recognize the unbelievable miracle of the 6 day war and the continuous miracles that are happening each day in Sederot and that happened each day in Gush Katif? Yet they seem to delude themselves that because the State of Israel was successful to expel the religious zionists from Gush Katif that is proof that Hashem was unhappy with the settlers' choice of settling that part of Eretz Yisroel. My answer is exactly the opposite. Hashem performed miracles for us. Yet too large of a cross section of Am Yisroel, in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora, the secular and yes even the chareidim choose to ignore the miracles. The majority of Am Yisroel showed in their own way that they did not want Eretz Yisroel. They reject Eretz Yisroel. They decide that it is not necessary L'avda u'Leshamra. It is not necessary to plant and to harvest in the Land of Israel in order to keep Torah. It is better perhaps to learn in Lakewood. A small section of righteous Jews albeit imperfect Jews, show their love for Eretz Yisroel. They plant and they harvest. Yet there is a concept of Areivus, the Bris Chadash (New Covenanat) that was added to the former Covenant of Sinai to Am Yisroel before they entered Eretz Yisroel. That is the concept of Areivus (mutual responsibility). If one member of Am Yisroel is guilty then we as a Nation is guilty and is accountable. My conclusion is as follows: Because the majority of Am Yisroel rejected Eretz Yisroel, we as a Nation were unworthy of Eretz Yisroel. Gush Katif is by no means dead. How do we know? Because the grief and pain is the same as it was the day it was destroyed 2 years ago. When someone dies, the grief and pain minimizes over time. This has not been the case. Gush Katif still must be very alive. However, when we unite as a Nation and show a desire and longing to keep the precious gift Hashem miraculously returned to us after 2000 years of exile, than once again, Hashem will bestow blessings of peace and security. Gush Katif and the other settlements will once again bloom.
The evil actions of the gov't of Israel would have never succeeded in the disengagement if the majority of Am Yisroel would have protested and joined the people of Gush Katif in mind and spirit and in public declarations of support. It was the failure of the Nation, in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora, to speak out for Eretz Yisroel that caused the expulsion. I would not put the blame of the righteous people of Gush Katif. No one is perfect. They are the creme de la creme. I put the failure of Gush Katif on all of us that were unsuccessful to reach out and influence and be Mashpia on those that were Silent and stood by passively not claiming our joint precious gift of Eretz Yisroel. It is a mistake to think that we do not need each and every Jew wherever we may be. When will we as a Nation prove worthy of Eretz Yisroel? When each and every member of Am Yisroel truly desires Eretz Yisroel and expresses love for Eretz Yisroel and CLAIMS the precious gift Hashem is holding so patiently for us and then takes that precious gift and elevates it as his/her own object of holiness thereby elevating this very special Land to it's ultimate purpose of being Eretz Hakodesh and we Am Yisroel will be the Mamlechet Kohanim VeGoy Kadosh ( A Kingdom of Priests and A Holy Nation).
The very first step is not to be afraid or ashamed to state publicly to one another "THIS LAND IS MADE FOR YOU AND ME".
Please read Rabbi Nachman's Kahana's post that addresses these very points in Manhigut Yehudit's blog.

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Fwd: The psychic of betrayal--toward our brother Jonathan Pollard...

And if Israel would have had intelligence of an impending attack on the World Trade Center and chose not to share the information wouldn't they have been held accountable for the tragedy of 911. Why are we being apologists for Jonathan Pollard emphasizing his guilt or error in judgement and his subsequent expression of remorse asking for mercy, rather than focusing on the true guilty party, the United States of America. for not sharing such crucial intelligence vital for the Security of their ally, the State of Israel thereby placing Jonathan Pollard in a moral dilemma. Now is the time to approach President Bush, and asking him to grant clemency to Jonathan Pollard on moral grounds (along with an apology and a recommendation of re compensation for Jonathan Pollard's pain and suffering and an unjustified incarceration). Shame also on the leaders of the State of Israel for their betrayal!
Thank you Israel Kaplan for forwarding and translating this important Post of Tsafrir Ronen. If you are wondering how this relates to Shemittah, I will tell suggest some connections. Shemittah is a year of freedom. A Sabbatical year of freedom from the drudgery of being a slave to one's job and from responsibilities of paying for food on the table. After all, theoretically, one can get it for free from the neighbors' farms. It is a year similar to Shabbat, and where one is actually free from the performance of Mitzvoth such as Maaser (tithe to Levi), Teruma(gift to Priest), Leqet (not gathering in the gleanings, Shikcha(not going back for the forgotten sheaves and Peah(leaving the corners of the field for the poor) and repaying debts (Shemitas Kesafim). It will hopefully, B'ezrat Hashem, be the beginning of physical freedom for Jonathan Pollard.

Shemittah and Chicken Soup

There was a call by Kosher Carnival for Shemittah related recipes.  Here it goes.
In the Shemittah years, agricultural farmers don't get an income from their fields since they are let to lie fallow.  So if they are not chicken producers how will they have enough money to buy chicken for chicken soup.  The answer is that G-d provides it for them.  How does this happen.  It can happen in countless ways.  Perhaps a chicken producer, goes to the farmer''s fields and picks fruits for free and in turn recognizes that the farmer may need chickens for free and donates one of his chickens to him....  Or, a layperson goes to the farmers field and picks fruit and then puts money into the farmers Makolet account thereby paying off his Makolet debt . The possibilities are endless. 
 I have a serious problem about the Sefichim prohibition (One is not allowed to pick vegetables that grew on their own in the Shemittah year.  The reason is because vegetables are annuals, planted every year.  The rabbis are afraid that a farmer may cheat and plant vegetables and say it grew on its own).  Did Hashem really not want us to have carrots in our chicken soup?  I can't believe that.  There must be some answer.   
Why is Chicken Soup related to Shemittah.  Shemittah is Shabbat Haaretz and this recipe is a traditional food eaten on Shabbat.



Ticker's Friday Night Shabbat Chicken Soup Recipe


Remove skin and fat from 1  chicken.


Put chicken quarters into 9-10 cups of cold water with medium onion, 2 cloves of  garlic, 2 teaspoon salt or salt to taste. Place on medium flame.  While chicken is cooking clean vegetables.   4-5 carrots, 1 parsnip, 1 turnip, 2 celery stalks 1 leak (cut leek down side and wash the individual leaves from dirt).   When the soup minus the vegetables just starts to boil, skim off grease and scum Don't boil hard. When the broth is as clear as you can get it, add clean and cut vegetables to boiling soup.   Cook the soup that now contains the vegetables on a low flame partially covered for one additional  hour. Turn off flame.  Let the soup cool. Take out the chicken pieces from the soup and put it in a separate container..  I throw out the onion, garlic and turnip.  If the soup is to be eaten on a different day take out all the vegetables and put them in a separate container. Put the broth in separate storage containers.   I get around 2 quarts of broth. Sometimes more and sometimes less.


I bone the chicken since my family likes the soup with the cooked chicken inside.  I usually reheat the soup with the vegetables and add  chicken pieces to dished out steaming soup. When the soup is being served each person can specify how they wish the soup.  Some like just the plain broth. Some like the broth with pieces of cooked white chicken only. Others like it  with pieces of dark chicken.  Each person chooses which vegetables they want in their soup if any.  Bon Apetite and Good Shabbos!




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In response to Shemittah-Sale Proponents Remain Silent No More

In response to the Arutz7 article regarding Shemittah, here are my comments.
There is a simple straightforward way to do Shemittah.  It does not require selling the land or a separation from the Land  with a plastic or buying from non Jews or from Arabs as the Chareidim prefer.  It simply can be done by letting the field go fallow, and having lots of tiyulim and partying.  For this people would be required to take off from work and pool their resources.  It means an entire year where the whole country turns into one big kibbutz.  We loan each other what we might need to compensate for lack of income and nobody starves because the fields are open for the picking.  I do not understand why Sefichin, produce that grew on its own is forbidden by the Rabbanim.  It's source is from lack of trust of our fellow Jew that they will plant and call it Sefichim.  Those farmers will be exposed because when someone will ask them for a loan knowing that it does not need to be repaid, these farmers will still have the Kochi VeOtsem Yadi mentality and will refuse.
The success of Shemittah Karkaot will only happen with a willingness to do Shemittas Kesafim w/o the Pruzbul. 
The Torah is absolutely beautiful and Lo Bashamayim Hi.  It is within our capability to do it!

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Sunday, August 05, 2007

An open letter to the Gedolei Hador

Yehiyoo Leratzon Imrei Fi...
In this weeks Parsha, the Torah reiterated many times over that Hashem is true to His promise to the Avoth to give us Eretz Yisroel. It is not because we are necessarily worthy and even after Chait Haegel when Hashem wishes to disinherit Am Yisroel, Moshe Rabeinu uses the argument that Hashem will be true to His Promise to the Avot. In Parshas Ekev it continuously repeats the points that when we keep the Mitzvoth to DO them then Hashem will send us blessings. It is not enough to learn the Torah, we are obligated to do the Mitzvoth.
How can we do the Mitzvoth Teluyuot Baaretz when we willingly don't even make a statement that Eretz Yisroel is our Biblical Inheritance. The Rabbinic and Spiritual Leaders of Am Yisroel are Silent to current events that are very reminiscent to pre Nazi Germany. Without Internet Access and a reluctance to use the Internet as a tool, how can we be aware of the dangers that are facing Am Yisroel and the World.
If we truly have the yearning to keep the Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz, Am Yisroel would put our rightful claim to the Land instead of being Silent. By being Silent to what the Nations of the World wish to do with our Precious Gift Eretz Yisroel, is a Chillul Hashem which is interpreted as a rejection on our part of our Covenant with the Avot.
Bush and Condeleeza Rice are working to build up the PA (Abbas and company) so that they will have strength to fight Hamas. On August 2, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and the Palestinian Authority Cabinet ministers to discuss current issues in the Middle East. Bringing a message of the American people's commitment to assisting the Palestinian people, Secretary Rice put words into action by signing a framework agreement for $80 million in U.S. assistance to strengthen and reform the Palestinian security sector. Learn more about the Secretary's visit. ( ) In fact, today my husband showed me an article from Debka, posted Thursday August 2, that Olmert Approves Plan for Palestinian Town.
Please read the origin of the Palestinian Authority to Nazi Germany sent to me by a very caring Jew by the name of Buddy Macy.
Please let us not forget that the Rabbanim were silent pre Holocaust discouraging Jews from going to Eretz Yisroel. The present Government of Israel is anti Torah. The Chareidi world refuses to take a leadership role to proclaim Eretz Yisroel is our Biblical Inheritance and that we and only we can realize the ultimate purpose of Am Yisroel to be a Mamlechet Kohanim VeGoy Kadosh in Eretz Yisroel where the Mitzvoth can be actualized to their full potential. Involvement by Torah Jews, hundreds of thousands will make a difference. Yet at the Disengagement the Chareidi Community and their leaders were silent. Maybe the silence was the cause of their pain since by not speaking out for our Biblical Inheritance, a small part of the population, the people of Gush Katif and their supporters, including the youth, were forced to carry the burden on their own. Maybe Jews of Gush Katif were expelled because of areivus. Maybe they are worthy of staying on the land. The unfortunate reality was that the majority of Torah Jews and secular Jews in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora did not join with them to proclaim Eretz Yisroel is rightfully ours. Maybe Hashem wants each and every Jew to claim Eretz Yisroel as their own. We were then all collectively Chayav. Why do we expect anything better from those that weren't brought up with Torah. Countless miracles have occurred since 1948 when Am Yisroel once again became a sovereign nation, and the ongoing miracles happen each and every day in Sderot (loss of life relative to number of attacks), and were a daily occurrence in Gush Katif.
Eretz Yisroel is now in our hands. We have the capability to keep Shemittah. But we need the actual Land. Even if we can keep Shemittah in Bnei Brak and Tel Aviv, that's not going to help someone who has a Nachala in Yehuda and Shomron. We are promised blessings of peace, security and prosperity of we keep and do the Mitzvoth and curses otherwise. Can we go happenstance to the curses that are facing us?
Also, it distressed me deeply to read how the Gedoilim came out against the Chasidish Concert to celebrate the 40 years of reunification of Yerushalyim on the argument that it's not Tznius. There was no mention or recognition on the part of the Gedoilim of support on the purpose of this concert which was to bring chizuk and express our love and devotion to Eretz Yisroel and Yerushalyim. If Tznius was truly an issue, the Gedoilim might have suggested 2 concerts, one for men and one for women. I in fact went to an all women's concert on Yom Yerushalyim in Binyanei Hauma and it was electrifying. The spirit and love and devotion of the young and older women for Eretz Yisroel and Yerushalyim, mamash brought me to tears. The women danced far from the band so there would be no problem of Tzniut. Even if the band would have been behind a Mechitza it would have been fine.
The Chait Hamiraglim and the root of Lashon Hara was the failure of the Gedoilei Hador of the Midbar to desire entry and conquering of Eretz Yisroel. This Chassidish Concert is a Tikkun of the Chait Hamiraglim since it is positive expression with Song and Dance regarding Eretz Yisroel. Why did the Gedoilim wish to suppress this positive expression regarding Eretz Yisroel?
I also believe in Tzniut and I can attest to you that the organizers and the 10,000 people that already purchased tickets also know the value of Tzniut. That is why they made the concert with separate entrances and separate seating.
My last question to you is, Was Hakhel at the end of the Shemittah cycle with separate seating? My understanding is that it was for men, women and children. Logistically, it's difficult for the mother to take the entire family of little kids on her own. Especially with a large family with many little kids. I think that the spiritual level of the people were so high that having family standing together and hearing the Melech read from the Torah was too powerful for any suggestion of impropriety.
The people from the settlements are on a very spiritually high level due to all their sacrifices. Of course they too are human. They desperately need the chizuk to raise their spirits and an outlet to express to Hashem how much they love Him and wish to follow His Mitzvoth in Eretz Yisroel. It is truly a disservice to suspect them of anything lower than that. May I suggest that the Gedoilim themselves make an appearance at such a concert.

Forwarded Message:
Subj:Just in case you still believe Abbas and Fatah are moderate...
Date:8/4/2007 11:35:28 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)
In his book, "Preachers of Hate," Kenneth Timmerman describes the roots of the Fatah movement.

Grand Mufti with Hitler

"But al-Husseini [Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem] owes his place in history to a meeting that took place on Nov. 28, 1941, in Berlin, where he had gone to convince Adolf Hitler of his total dedication to the Nazi goal of exterminating the Jews, and offered to raise an Arab legion to carry out that task in the Middle East. For the mufti, the meeting with Hitler was the culmination of an eight-year effort to convince the Nazis to forge an alliance with the Palestine Arab Higher Committee he headed. Their once-secret pact, which I shall describe, marks the beginning of Nazi-style anti-Semitism as a mass movement in the Arab world."
"...Ever since then, the world has known the mufti's most famous disciple as Yasser Arafat."
For more on this critical relationship, please read the following fully documented article:
And, for a look at Mahmoud Abbas through his own words, please read:
Buddy Macy

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