Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Honenu: Shabak Tortured, Emotionally and Physically Abused a Jewish Defender and Survivor of an Arab Lynch. Similar to Trauma inflicted on Duma Detainees in 2015

אל המקום אשר...


Updated July 4, 2022 to include testimony of Nethanel Forkovitch who experienced similar inhumane treatment by Shabak, interrogated as a Jewish terrorist in 2015. See below a link to his testimony to Honenu (h)

Update: News reports on Israel National News

Hundreds march in Samaria demand free the hero who saved our children


Let me preface with amazing, powerful words by Jonathan Pollard.

https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/327191Jonathan Pollard: Israel is heading to disaster

'I'm waiting for a real Jewish leader.' Pollard slams government, compares life in Israel to his time in prison. 'This never ends well.'

Honenu reports: 

Arabs attack Jewish children, June 21, 2022 their defender is detained


Shabak (GSS) detained,  interrogated and emotionally and physically  tortured  a Jewish resident of Ariel, 44 year old father of 3, former Jewish Navy Officer,  with no former criminal record. This hero according to Honenu defended children from an Arab Lynch. All miraculously survived the Lynch.  When this hero went to report the attempted lynch to the Ariel Police Department and  give testimony and file a complaint,  he was himself detained and treated like a terrorist and handed over to GSS (Shabak).  He was subsequently tortured and was denied an attorney for 6 Days!

Updates on Ariel detainees - One suffered heart incident

June 27,2022


There was a large demonstration following the exposure of this shameful treatment of an innocent victim.

Five normative protesters of this unwarranted and unexcusable denial of basic civil and humanitarian rights and abusive interrogation/ investigation  were then themselves detained and bh released but not before they too suffered police brutality.

Detained protesters unconditionally released

June 28,2022


Descriptions of the protesters:

"Protesters are minors and women. The protesters suffered police brutality when they were detained, and one of them was badly beaten while he was handcuffed in a police car."

MK Moshe Arbel in the Knesset regarding the terrible injustice of a man lynched and defends himself is denied his basic civil right to an attorney. Are we like Sodom and Gomorrah


My comments:

Jews are literally punished for defending themselves in Judea and Samaria. 

Shabak has a history of framing Jews as Jewish terrorists. The latest June 21, 2022 Shabak, detained a Jew who filed a Police Report regarding a violent assault by Arab stone throwers, denied him a lawyer for 6 days brutally investigated and physically and emotionally abused and tortured him.

This is nothing more than a politically driven miscarriage of justice to create a false narrative of Jewish Terrorism. 

The Duma Affair:

An Arson in the Arab Village of Duma took place in late July 2015. The arson investigation by GSS which subsequently occured,  tortured and extracted forced false confessions under duress, mistreated detainees and those arrested, and denied basic civil and human rights to tens, if not more, of Settler Youth. The trauma is still very much real. The investigation was literally staged for the same purpose as the existing investigation. To smear Jewish Settlers who are ideologically motivated to Settle our Biblical Homeland.

This Lynching has brought out of the closet the story of trauma victim of Shabak interrogations in 2015 by the name of Netanel Forkovich of Kochav Hashachar. There are tens if not more such victims who today still suffer great trauma but their stories are buried.

From Honenu:

*צפו בעדות המטלטלת: "ברוך הבא לחקירת שב"כ" - נתנאל פורקוביץ שובר שתיקה*

* Watch the moving testimony:

 "Welcome to the GSS interrogation" - Nathaniel Porkovich breaks the silence *

רכז הנוער של כוכב השחר, מצטיין נשיא, נעצר באמצע שירות מילואים ונלקח למרתפי המחלקה היהודית בשב"כ. במשך 12 יום עבר נתנאל חקירות קשות כשהוא אזוק לכסא, על לא עוול בכפו.

The youth coordinator of Kochav Hashahar, an outstanding president, was arrested in the middle of reserve service and taken to the cellars of the GSS Jewish Department. For 12 days, Nathaniel underwent harsh interrogations while handcuffed to a chair, for no wrongdoings by the work of his hands.

 *"אין יום שאני לא חושב על מה שעברתי* "There's not a day that I don't think about what I went through"*

He testifies to 12 days of severe physical and emotional abuse handcuffed and treated like a terrorist. Apparently they wanted him to confess to being an accomplice to the Duma Arson based on the "crime" that he sold a vehicle to a hilltop youth. They told him he might get 45 years in prison for the crime of being an accomplice to acts of terror.

העדות המלאה: His complete testimony (h) https://youtu.be/co7IQXcNrgc,

Amiram ben Uliel was the Settler scapegoat most tortured  and after many years of waiting for a trial in solitude, is sentenced to multiple lives in prison, for a crime which he never committed, nor is there any credible evidence he committed this arson besides  his own confession extracted under duress and torture. The evidence at the scene, handwriting of the graffiti and interviews with Arab eye witnesses at the scene does not add up nor match his forced version of his confessed crime.

There is an ongoing stretched out appeal where all this evidence was presented and again the verdict has been delayed as Amiram continues to languish in solitude, almost 7 years now, and denied all privileges. Privileges are generously showered out to Arab terrorists incarcerated for terror attacks when the evidence of guilt against them is rock solid and they are proud of their acts of terror and are held in high esteem by their people and rewarded financially.

So we see a pattern. It could happen to any of us....

The survivor of the Lynch attack near Ariel last week,  rather than the violent Arab rioters who initiated the lynch, was investigated jailed, treated inhumanely, denied civil and human rights, denied attorney and severely emotionally and physically abused. 

Honenu whatsapp post reports:

* Adv. Kedar meets with the survivor of the lynch " he is in a very difficult mental and physical condition" *

* After about six days of not being allowed to meet with an attorney, today the survivor of the lynch was able to meet with attorney Adi Keidar of the Honenu organization.  The detainee underwent severe interrogations, sleep deprivation, Shabbat interrogations and severe violation of rights.  Attorney Keidar "There is no difference or even half a difference between this and any security incident as it was completely driven by Arab rioters" *

Attorney Adi Keidar from the Honenu organization met for the first time today with the survivor of the lynching near Ariel last week.

Adv. Keidar met the detainee at the GSS facility where the detainee is being held, and heard from him his version of the incident as well as what he was going through in the GSS interrogations as well as details about the difficult incident in which he was dragged on the floor without clothing.

"I was shocked to find out that he was in a very difficult mental and physical condition," Advocate Keidar said after the meeting.  An orderly complaint was received from him by an investigator and I very much hope that things will be investigated later.  As a matter of fact, it seems on the face of it that the incident was not an incident that should have been investigated by the GSS, an incident between which and a security incident there is nothing and everything that was created and initiated by the Arab rioters who turn out to be terrorists.  "Until that date, we will not give our version in full," Kedar said.

Recall that this morning was published about the abuse that the lynch exploited during his interrogation.  According to the publication, he was dragged naked on the floor at the GSS, forced to defecate, and also had a heart attack during the interrogations.  Hours without the possibility of sleep as well as interrogation even during Shabbat despite being a Torah and mitzvah observer.

Meanwhile, hundreds of people demonstrated outside the Knesset tonight in protest of the arrest and the difficult interrogations that the detainee is going through.  Knesset members Bezalel Smutrich, Itamar Ben Gvir, Ofir Sofer, Michal Waldiger, Simcha Rotman and Avi Maoz participated in the demonstration.  "Immediately stop the torture during the interrogation and announce the transfer of the interrogation to the Israel Police," the GSS protesters demanded.

The detainee, married, in his forties, with no criminal record, father of 3 children aged 3,5, and 6, a graduate of military service in the Navy, was arrested last Wednesday afternoon, after arriving at the Ariel police to file a complaint about the lynching  The hardship he went through with another group of children near the fence of the city of Ariel.  To his amazement, he was arrested and transferred to the GSS for questioning, while he has been banned from meeting with an attorney to this day.  The Ashkelon Magistrate's Court extended his detention until next Wednesday.

Original Honenu text

*עו"ד קידר נפגש עם ניצול הלינץ' "נמצא במצב נפשי וגופני קשה ביותר"*

*לאחר כשישה ימים שלא הורשה לפגוש בעו"ד, נפגש היום ניצול הלינץ' עם עו"ד עדי קידר מארגון חוננו. העצור עובר חקירות קשות, מניעת שינה, חקירות בשבת ופגיעה קשה בזכויות. עו"ד קידר "אירוע שבינו לבין אירוע ביטחוני אין שום דבר וחצי דבר שכל כולו נוצר והחל ביוזמת הפורעים הערבי"*

עו"ד עדי קידר מארגון חוננו נפגש היום לראשונה עם ניצול הלינץ' סמוך לאריאל בשבוע שעבר. עו"ד קידר פגש את העצור במתקן השב"כ בו מוחזק העצור, ושמע ממנו את גרסתו לאירוע וכן את מה שעובר עליו בחקירות השב"כ וכן פרטים על האירוע הקשה בו הוא נגרר על הריצפה ללא ביגוד.

"הזדעזעתי לגלות כי הוא נמצא במצב נפשי וגופני קשה ביותר", אמר עו"ד קידר לאחר המפגש. לדבריו, "מסתבר כי כל הטענות שנטענו על ידו התבררו כנכונות. נגבתה ממנו תלונה מסודרת על ידי חוקר ואני מקווה מאוד שהדברים ייבדקו בהמשך. לגופו של עניין, נראה על פניו שהאירוע אינו אירוע שהיה צריך להיחקר על ידי השב"כ, אירוע שבינו לבין אירוע ביטחוני אין שום דבר וחצי דבר שכל כולו נוצר והחל ביוזמת הפורעים הערבים שמסתבר שהם מחבלים. על כן אנחנו דורשים הפסקה מיידית של חקירת השב"כ, ועד לאותו מועד לא נמסור את גרסתנו באופן מלא", מסר קידר.

נזכיר כי הבוקר פורסם על התעללות שעבר ניצול הלינץ' בעת חקירתו. על פי הפרסום הוא נגרר עירום על הריצפה בשב"כ, נאלץ לעשות את צרכיו על עצמו, וכן הוא עבר אירוע לבבי במהלך החקירות. פרסום זה, שכאמור אושר על ידי העצור בפגישה עם עו"ד קידר, מצטרף לכך שהעצור נחקר ארבעה חקירות במהלך 24 שעות ללא אפשרות שינה וכן חקירה גם במהלך השבת למרות היותו שומר תורה ומצוות.

בתוך כך, מאות בני אדם הפגינו הערב מחוץ לכנסת במחאה על המעצר והחקירות הקשות אותם עובר העצור. בהפגנה השתתפו חברי הכנסת בצלאל סמוטריץ', איתמר בן גביר, אופיר סופר, מיכל וולדיגר, שמחה רוטמן ואבי מעוז. "לעצור באופן מיידי את העינויים בחקירה ולהודיע על העברת החקירה למשטרת ישראל", דרשו המוחים מהשב"כ

כזכור, העצור, נשוי, בשנות הארבעים לחייו, ללא עבר פלילי, אב ל-3 ילדים בגילאים 3,5, ו-6, בוגר שרות צבאי בחיל הים, נעצר ביום רביעי האחרון בשעות הצהרים, לאחר שהגיע למשטרת אריאל להגיש תלונה על הלינץ' הקשה שעבר יחד עם עוד קבוצת ילדים בסמוך לגדר העיר אריאל. לתדהמתו הוא נעצר והועבר לחקירת שב"כ תוך שנאסר עליו לפגוש בעו"ד עד היום. בימ"ש השלום באשקלון, האריך את מעצרו עד ליום רביעי הקרוב.

*הצטרפו לקבלת עדכונים מחוננו https://chat.whatsapp.com/KxCFJfyf3OsDC146crtWUq*

Posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com June 28,2022

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