Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Fwd: 🇺🇸 24 hours of all-American teamwork

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From: The White House <info@mail.whitehouse.gov>
Date: Tue, Mar 17, 2020, 6:33 PM
Subject: 🇺🇸 24 hours of all-American teamwork
To: <faigerayzel@gmail.com>

1600 Daily
The White House • March 17, 2020

🇺🇸 24 hours of all-American teamwork

When President Trump took the podium at yesterday's Coronavirus briefing, he asked Americans to unite behind a single goal. "We're announcing new guidelines for every American to follow over the next 15 days as we combat the virus," he said.
And in just 24 hours, the selflessness and patriotism on display all across our great country has been astounding.
The new guidelines released yesterday deliver a nationwide game plan. Each one of us has a role to play in stopping transmission of this virus. Simple steps taken now will have a massive impact down the road, saving many lives in the weeks ahead:
  • Avoid crowds of more than 10 people
  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly
  • Work from home if that's an option for you
  • Disinfect frequently touched surfaces
  • Isolate yourself if you feel sick
While every American does their part, the White House Coronavirus Task Force is coordinating a nationwide response to protect the health and safety of every community.

🎬 NEW: FDA is empowering states to expedite testing 

To cut red tape and avoid bureaucratic delay, "we are putting in place a policy for states to take responsibility for tests developed and used by laboratories in their states," the President announced today. "States can set up a system in which they take responsibility for authorizing such tests and the laboratories will not engage with the FDA."
The President also announced that Medicare telehealth services will be dramatically expanded. "Medicare patients can now visit any doctor by phone or videoconference, at no additional cost, including with commonly used services like FaceTime and Skype—a historic breakthrough," he said.
Our seniors, as well as others most vulnerable to contracting the virus, shouldn't have to travel to a doctor's office or a hospital if another solution is available. Now, the extra fees typically associated with telehealth services have been removed.
🎬 WATCH: Medicare will dramatically expand telehealth services 

True to an "all-of-America" response to the crisis, President Trump is continuing to combine the full resources of the Federal Government with the innovation of America's world-leading private sector. This morning, he spoke by phone with restaurant executives from the fast food industry, who intend to keep feeding their communities through drive-through, pick-up, and delivery service options in the weeks ahead.
A few hours later, he held a phone call with industrial supply retailers and wholesalers to discuss how to ensure supply chains are able to meet the demands of healthcare providers, first responders, and the American people at this critical time.

🎬 WATCH: We applaud stores for creating seniors-only shopping times! 

In addition to public health concerns, President Trump understands the serious challenge this virus presents to American businesses, workers, and families. In addition to steps already taken, such as declaring a National Emergency to free up Federal resources, the Trump Administration is working with Congress on a significant economic stimulus plan to provide relief to American workers and industries.

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin also shared today that President Trump has authorized the deferral of $300 billion in tax payments to the IRS, helping American workers and business affected by closings and other economic effects of the pandemic.
"The world is at war with a hidden enemy," President Trump tweeted. "WE WILL WIN!"
🎬 Relief for American workers, industries, and families is on the way!
STAY INFORMED: For the next 2 weeks, we can all do our part

Photo of the Day

President Trump delivers remarks at a Coronavirus briefing | March 17, 2020

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1 comment:

Mr. Cohen said...

NY-based Muslim-Brotherhood Activist
Vows to Infect Others with Corona Virus
