Monday, October 30, 2017

Video of beautiful Netiv HaAvot slated for destruction by Israel Supreme Court


This video is in Hebrew but one need not understand the language to understand the gravity of lawlessness of the Israel Supreme Court. The narrator laments that the Israel Supreme Court does not rush to demolish illegal Arab home nor do they rush to demolish the homes of terrorists. Whose home are they anxious to Demolish? Those of Netiv HaAvot. Literally the homes of those who are on the Path of Our Forefathers. Netiv translated is Path. Avot translated is Forefathers.

They are clearing the path of their own demise. The  Israeli Supreme Court is intent on the destruction of the very fabric and very essence of those most faithful to the Land of Israel.

May this evil  lawlessness and sham of a legitimate Court of law who holds themselves Supreme to G-d's  Law, demolish and self destruct before it succeeds to inflict more pain and suffering on the most righteous.

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