Thursday, June 18, 2015

Re: The Hebrew Language by Rabbi Avi Schwartz


On Jun 17, 2015 11:10 PM, <> wrote:
The Hebrew Language by Rabbi Avi Schwartz
A nation is known by several elements. One outstanding feature that tells of the origin and cultural makeup of a nation is language. And loyalty to language no matter how great the trials and tribulations a people endured reflects that people's commitment to the origin of that nation, especially in the case of an exiled people. If an exiled people uses its original language for thousands of years it means it identifies itself with the region of origination and/or subconsciously or consciously wants to return to it. 
Such is the case with the Jewish people. Of all the nations of the world it is only the Jews that speak, read and write Hebrew, a Semitic language of the middle east that was only used by the citizens of the Kingdom of Israel and Judea.
The fact that all scholarship, prayers, and cultural expressions were written in Hebrew throughout the last 20 centuries even after the fall of the Jewish state implies that the Jews and their descendants identified themselves as Middle-Eastern, exiled citizens of the fallen Jewish state who emotionally longed to return to its national homeland. 
Hence from a sociological, cultural and ethnic standpoint the modern Jews are the indigenous people of the Jewish homeland. To deny this is to engage in the ethnic cleansing of the Jewish homeland, a war crime that should not be allowed to continue. The Jewish People's claim to reestablishing their State and homeland has the credibility earned through unparalleled loyalty demonstrated through 2000 years of exile. The Jews' very allegiance to their middle eastern ancient Jewish state culture throughout the centuries is a superhuman achievement entitling them to be recognized as the legitimate heirs to the land of Israel by all peoples of principle.

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