Last year the Dinner was a smashing success bli ayin hara and the speakers John Bolton, Glenn Beck and Rabbi Jacobson were phenomenal. This year Mike Huckabee is the keynote speaker. He is a real mentch. My only regret was that he backed out of the Presidential race. I wish that he and Rick Santorum would have been the Republican ticket. They love America and have wholesome American values. They love Israel and are strong believers in G-d and the Bible. They are against a Palestinian State and by Mike Huckabee addressing this Dinner he is taking the position that the tragedy of Gush Katif MUST NOT be repeated.
A strong showing at the Gush Katif Dinner makes a strong political statement for Judea and Samaria while at the same time helps support those who lost their homes in the beautiful communitees of Gush Katif and who have to rebuild from scratch.
If Netanyahu forms a left wing gov't, Jews must vehemently oppose, Congress as well must oppose any talk of a 2 State Solution even if G-d forbid the Israeli gov't acts suicidal and against her best interests and Obama and his administration pressures Israel to do so.
Save the Date!.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
AFSI <> Date: Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 5:00 PM
Subject: GUSH KATIF MUSEUM DINNER - Saturday, March 9, 8:30 PM- Save the Date
| | | Americans for a Safe Israel | Americans For a Safe Israel 1751 Second Avenue (91st Street) New York, NY 10128 Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director January 22, 2013 |
| | | | Exciting news for those wishing to join AFSI on the Chizuk mission to Israel this May 5-14, 2013. Visit the website for an outline of the trip. More details to follow. El Al is having a special $999 sale that includes our dates. You must do your booking today, Jan. 22. Please do not miss out on this opportunity to join us at this great sale price. See the website. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAVE THE DATE - GUSH KATIF MUSEUM DINNER - SATURDAY,, MARCH 9, 2013, 8:30 P.M. - GOVERNOR MIKE HUCKABEE, KEYNOTE SPEAKER RAZAG BALLROOM - 739 East New York Avenue, Bklyn.NY The terrible tragedy of the expulsion of the 10,000 Jews from 21 flourishing Gush Katif communities is one that can never be rectified. Today we hear from many corners that it was a mistake, and those who voted for the expulsion, or advocated it in so many ways, now regret their actions.They must know that the expulsion itself was a nightmare, and set off a chain of events that is being felt to this day. The debate on the Edmond Levy report, and the Application of Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, is an outcome of the Gush Katif expulsion. It is hoped that today's election in Israel, where PM Benjamin Netanyahu once again emerges as the leader of the largest party, Likud, with many of our strong right wing friends in the Likud, will form a coalition with HaBayit HaYehudi, Otzma L'Yisrael, and other right wing parties, putting an end to any further demolition of Jewish homes. Rather, we look forward to the announced Jewish construction in E1 and throughout Israel. Thanks to the initiative of Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpo, the Gush Katif museum was built in Jerusalem in order to preserve the memory of Jewish entitlement and history in Gaza, the amazing growth and productivity of the 21 flowering communities in Gush Katif, and then the painful events of the expulsion and the aftermath, which continues to today. Last year, 2012, the first annual dinner for the Museum was held, with keynote speakers, John Bolton and Glenn Beck. The Razag Ballroom was the venue then, as it will be again. The crowd was standing room only at the event, and it is hoped that the response will be the same this time. Please call AFSI: 212-828-2424;, for further information. |
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Robin Ticker
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