Each one of these articles posted by David Ha'Ivri is a Gem. You will find them towards the end of this email. I've sent you links to some of these articles yesterday. I didn't sent you posts by Aharon Pulver of IIF, Mayor Moshe Goldsmith's or Ron Jagers. Please read them and share in their pain, Print them in your papers as well as publicize David Ha'Ivri's request for financial support. Zion BaMishpat Tipadeh Veshaveha Bitzdaka. Zion will be redeemed with Justice and her returnees with Tzedaka.
Shabbat Shalom UmeVorach
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Haivri <haivri@yeshuv.org>
Date: Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 7:27 AM
Subject: Food for thought for the Shomron
To: Ticker Robin <faigerayzel@gmail.com>
In this week's transmission I have included articles by our friends, Aharon Pulver of the Israel Independence Fund, Helen Freedman of AFSI, Ron Jager and news report about visit to Shomron by our dear friend Rep. Alan Clemmons of South Carolina. http://www.wmbfnews.com/story/16159353/representative-clemmons-visits-israel This page is full of links for additional reading and links for direct donations for needs and projects in the Shomron. The needs here are great, I hope that you will dig down into your pocket and do your best to support the people and development of the Jewish communities of the Shomron. This is Israel's heartland and the heart of the Jewish people. Please be part of this.
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From: David Haivri <haivri@yeshuv.org>
Date: Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 7:27 AM
Subject: Food for thought for the Shomron
To: Ticker Robin <faigerayzel@gmail.com>
In this week's transmission I have included articles by our friends, Aharon Pulver of the Israel Independence Fund, Helen Freedman of AFSI, Ron Jager and news report about visit to Shomron by our dear friend Rep. Alan Clemmons of South Carolina. http://www.wmbfnews.com/story/16159353/representative-clemmons-visits-israel This page is full of links for additional reading and links for direct donations for needs and projects in the Shomron. The needs here are great, I hope that you will dig down into your pocket and do your best to support the people and development of the Jewish communities of the Shomron. This is Israel's heartland and the heart of the Jewish people. Please be part of this.
This week my trusted colleague has launched a special campaign to distribute 400 blankets to families in the Shomron who are in financial distress. To be sure that they and their children have a warm winter. In the next stage we will also be assisting them with their basic needs and help them manage their own source of income. If you would like to make a donation that will go directly to assist a needy family in the Shomron please hit this link
As you will read in articles and reports below, the Gal Aryeh hilltop in Itamar, its homes and synagogue were destroyed this week. Your help is needed to help the residents rebuild their homes and establish tempory dwellings. If you would like to be part of that please make a donation via this link
Chanuka is only a few weeks away. Again this year we plan on reaching out to the dedicated young men and women of the IDF serving in the Shamron region. We will be bringing them the joy of the holiday with donuts, candle lighting parties and music entertainment. We wish to reach 2500 solders and estimate the holiday package at $10 for each one. In addition to that we will be displaying the miracle of Chanuka by placing giant Chanka Menora on the major roads and junctions of the Shomron. At each one we will have Chanuka parties each evening
for the children of the Shomron together with the IDF soldiers. Sponsorship for each giant Chanuka Menora is set at $500. If you would like to sponsor
Each of the donation links are dedicated to the specific project detailed. On the paypal donation page there is room for a detailed message if you would like to dedicate the donation in honor of someone or any other related information.
Thank you again for your support,
Shabbat Shalom from the Shomron,
David Ha'ivri
OpEd: Colonists or Sons of the Land?
by David Ha'ivri Executive Director - Shomron Liaison Office
Universities and the "Twitterverse" are flooded with anti-Israel propaganda accusing Israel of being an apartheid state that discriminates against Arabs on a racial basis. These propagandists' other mantra is that Jewish settlers are colonists settling land that rightfully belongs to others. The two main strategies of Israel's enemies are: 1) keep the international community ignorant of the region's true history (with a sprinkling of anti-Semitic conditioning), and 2) simply repeat the same lies again and again until they are unquestioningly accepted as truth. Read More...
Newly Built Synagogue Near Itamar Destroyed
by Helen Freedman Executive Director AFSI - Americans For A Safe Israel
Readers of Arutz Sheva, and followers of AFSI, know that the AFSI Chizuk mission was in Israel, Nov. 13-22, with one of our express purposes being the dedication of a Torah scroll at Itamar, which had been rescued from the Shoah. We began the festivities with great joy and celebration, greeting young and old who had come to the social hall in Itamar at the invitation of Mayor Moshe Goldsmith, his wife, Lea, and heads of the Shomron Regional Council. With the help of the scribe, we completed the restoration of the parchment. Then, with musicians in the lead, we rejoiced in dancing and marching with the Torah scroll to the newly completed synagogue in Givat Aryeh, built in response to the brutal butchery of five members of the Fogel family by Arab terrorists from the nearby town of Awarta. Read More...
Where are the Poet Laureates?
by Aharon Pulver Executive Director The Israel Independence Fund
The small satellite community of Givat Aryeh was founded immediately after the heinous murder of members of the Fogel family, HY"D.
Perched on a windswept hilltop within earshot of Itamar, the homes and the synagogue of Givat Aryeh were built exactly on that same goat herders path taken by the vile murderers when infiltrating into Itamar. Standing on Givat Aryeh one need only glance upwards, towards Itamar, to see the snake like continuation of that footpath…leading directly to the Fogel family home.
Donations for Gal Aryeh can be made via www.fundisrael.org
The Israeli government destroyed our beautiful hilltop neighborhood Givat Aryeh
by Rabbi Moshe Goldshmith, Mayor of Itamar
It is so hard to fathom that the government of Israel would be so inconsiderate and cruel in destroying the neighborhood that brought new hope to our community after the terrible murder of the fogal family. Itamarresidents felt very secure knowing that there was Jewish presence living below them guarding the community on our southern border. This neighborhood was purposely set up as a strategic location to ensure our security allowing us to control the entire valley below from one guard's position. Just a stones throw from this point reside the most dangerous of terrorist villages- Awarta. What is even more insane is that our holy Kohanim are buried there! The insane act of all was to destroy the entire electric infrastructure of our new camera system thus completely knocking it out of commission and leaving Itamar again in danger of infiltration from the very same village the murderers of the Fogal family came from. Of course
our spirit will not be broken and we will return and rebuild our ruins!
Watch the YouTube movie. http://www.friendsofitamar.org/news.html
Op-Ed: The JFNA's Invisible Jews by Ron Jager
Did you know? Despite there being no US legal prohibition against tax-exempt donations (501 (3) (c) status) to the area for education, cultural, or health/medical related programs, Federation funding does not go to the Jews of Judea and Samaria.Capping the 80th annual General Assembly (GA) of The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), their Board of Trustees approved a new initiative that strengthens the way the Jewish community prioritizes and takes collective action to confront the major challenges of Jews throughout the world.
"Our greatest strength in the Federations movement has been our willingness to envision a better world and our ability to work together as a global people to accomplish big goals," said Kathy Manning, Chair of the JFNA Board of Trustees. Read More...
David Ha'ivri
Executive Director
The Shomron Liaison Office
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Activist emails sent to my list are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.
Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com
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