Thursday, November 18, 2021

Dr. David Martin: Vaccines are Bio weapons. JOWMA who are they? Please do due dilligence and check out these links.


Dear Editors and Organizations pushing the vaccine:

Dr  David Martin calls the vaccine a bio weapon...please judge for yourself before dismissing his arguments as fake news. 

Dr. Martin is very courageous. May Hashem protect all those who are searching for Emes.

Dr. David Martin - Follow the Patents, Then You Will Understand Covid

The Covid Orchestra, Board of Trustees

"The Names of the People Killing Humanity" compiled by Dr David Martin.

1.  Al Gore, Vice-President of the United States (1993-2001), Chairman and Co-Founder, Generation Investment Management LLP
2.  Andre Hoffmann, Vice- Chairman, Roche
3.  Angel Gurria, QECD
4.  Bill Gates, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
5.  Christine Lagarde,  President European Central Bank
6.  Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance, Office of the Deputy Prime minister of Canada
7.  David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chairman, Carlyle Group
8.  Dustin Moskovitz, Open Philanthropy
9.  Fabiola  Gianotti, Director-General, European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)
10.  Feike Sybesma, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Royal Philips
11.  H.M. Queen Rania Al Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Office of H.M Queen Rania Al Abdullah
12.  Heizo Takenaka, Professor Emeritus, Keio University
13.  Herman Gref, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, Sberbank
14.  Jim Hagemann Snabe,Chairman Siemens
15.  Julie Sweet , Chief Executive Officer, Accenture
16.  Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum
17.  Kristalina Georgeva, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund (IMF)
18.  L. Rafael Reif, President, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
19.  Larry Page, Google
20.  Laurence D Fink, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock
21.  Luis Alberto Moreno, Member of the Board of Trustees World Economic Forum
22.  Marc Benioff, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Salesforce
23.  Mark Carney, United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, United Nations
24.  Mark Schneider, Chief Executive Officer, Nestle
25.  Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
26.  Mukesh D Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries
27.  Orit Gadiesh, Chairman, Bain & Company
28.  Patrice Motsepe, Founder and Executive Chairman, African Rainbow Minerals
29.  Paula Ingabire, Minister of Information Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Information Communication Technology and Innovation of Rwanda
30.  Peter Brabeck-Latmathe, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, World Economic Forum
31.  Peter Maurer, President, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
32.  Robert Mercer, Renaissance Fund
33.  Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister, Government of Singapore
34.  Thomas Buberi, Chief Executive Officer, AXA
35.  Yo-Yo Ma, Cellist
36.  Zhu Min, Chairman, National Institute of Financial Research

Are you accepting and publishing ads from JOWMA...

 Who are they? 

לפני עיוור לא תיתן מכשול
Do not place a stumbling block before a blind person.

Please do your journalist due diligence and justify public trust in your paper and or organization and check out JOWMA. 

Fyi Moshiach Mishneh Sota.
Please note...
 בית וועד יהיה לזנות
Selling oneself for money

"בעקבות משיחא (בסוף הגלות, לפני ביאת משיח) חוצפא יסגא (החוצפה תגדל), ויוקר יאמיר (יוקר המחיה יעלה הרבה), הגפן תתן פריה והיין ביוקר (שהכל עוסקין במשתאות), ומלכות תהפך למינות ואין תוכחת ( אין לך אדם שיוכל להוכיח שכולם נכשלים בחטאות וכשמוכיחין  אומר לו אתה כמוני), בית וועד יהיה לזנות (בתי מדרשות של חכמים יהיו לבית זנות שכלו מהם החכמים), וחכמות סופרים תסרח (חכמת הרבנים תהיה סרוחה בעיני העם), ויראי חטא ימאסו (מי שיהיה ירא אלוקים יהיה מאוס בעיני הרבים), והאמת תהא נעדרת (מן החיים), נערים פני זקנים ילבינו, זקנים יעמדו מפני קטנים (שהשלטון יהיה בידי נערים מחוצפים), בן מנוול אב (מזלזל באביו), בת קמה באמה כלה בחמותה אויבי איש אנשי ביתו (בני ביתו של אדם יהיו אויבים לו), פני הדור כפני הכלב (כעזות פני הכלב), הבן אינו מתבייש מאביו (שאין בושה ודרך ארץ) ועל מי יש לנו להשען על אבינו שבשמים" (משנה,סוטה מ"ט).


Rabbi Weissman: 
Front Groups: Unmasking JOWMA
by Rabbi Chananya Weissman

Debunking JOWMA's Latest Brazenly False Ad About Covid and Children, Part 1 These are indeed "fast facts", as in "fast and loose" 

Monday, November 15, 2021

It's All About The Benjamins


אל המקום אשר...

It's all about the Benjamins:

Anti-semites typically claim that Jews only care about the $ (Benjamins) and they use that weapon to divide the people. 

Therefore, Anti-semites believe that if you need the Jews to further an agenda or at least not oppose it, promise them Benjamins.  

Unfortunately it works too well.  Our JCC's, our Yeshivoth, our Security and our Jewish Organizations are funded from Democrat discretionary funding and we as a community are dependent on funding from questionable sources. Come election time, this dependency buys silence and votes.  Democratic politicians who are anti-Israel, and or progressive leftists and socialists run unopposed or were endorsed by influential askanim like the FJCC when G-d fearing candidates who openly support Israel are sidelined.

In the Jan 2021 No Hate No Fear Rally in NYC, all the Democratic Leaders marched. Mayor Bill DeBlasio, Governor Cuomo and Senator Schumer among others.  What were the Jews promised? $10 million to fight Anti-Semitism, $25 million to fight anti-Semitism, $160 million to fight Anti-Semitism!!! 

What was their collective mentality? Throw the Jews Benjamins and Jews will then  back the Democratic Party candidates even though the agenda of the Democratic party and their candidates betrayed Israel and G-dly values.

Will we wait for Common Core to be forced down our throats before we say ENOUGH? Children are being brainwashed to question their gender. If the entire culture is seeped with immorality won't it seep into our own culture as well? 

These tactics of divide and conquer and self destruction worked especially well on Iran's behalf when it came to fighting a nuclear Iran under the Obama Administration.

Aren't all the reasons stated above sufficient to make an open stand to denounce, discredit and delegitimize the Democratic party?

Laws of Sodom and Gemorra are slowly being carved into law by a Democrat majority in the City Council and State Assembly.

Will security funding by itself do the trick if police hands are tied and criminals are allowed back on the streets and released? 

Will NY gun laws that forbid New Yorkers to bear arms make it impossible for Shuls to have trusted trained armed members, former IDF soldiers for example, on site to help protect their congregants?  The 2nd Amendment Right has been for all practical purposes castrated in New York City.

Benjamins for Jewish Organizations won't necessarily decrease the rise in Anti-Semitism and Crime.  

On the other hand, smart common sense laws will reduce crime and take back the streets:

We need:

- Laws that don't allow dangerous criminals back on the street 

- Laws that protects the victims identity from dangerous criminals, 

- Good law enforcement

This approach has done miracles for deterrence! 

Unfortunately in NY and other blue States, under Democratic Administrations, the opposite is true.

- The Bail Reform laws increased crime

- Laws that decriminalize misdemeanors increased crime

- Laws that legalize prostitution and weed increase immorality and drug use.

- Laws that legalize late term abortions calling it reproductive rights translated to murder of live babies.

- Laws that protect gender fluidity rights while endangering traditional protection between the sexes such as separate bathrooms endangered women.

- Laws that encourage illegal immigrants without vetting, increased crime and drugs.

- Laws that force citizens to provide dangerous unvetted criminals safe havens, are laws of Sodom and Gomorra. These are laws that increase crime and anarchy in the city. 

How has the Democrat Party become the dominant party in New York in spite of its illegitimacy?

At this point in history, this reality is unfortunately difficult to fix. 

It's been a process that has evolved over a period of time, over 30 years that convinced voters that they must register as Democrats. The argument was that Republicans don't have a chance in New York. 

Meanwhile, the Republican party and the GOP looked at statistics rather than putting money into promoting G-dliness and Universal Morality.  Those States that had a chance of winning for the Republicans got their candidates campaigns funded.  Those States that "had no chance" based on raw data, did not.  They looked at the numbers in New York. They saw that 68% are registered Democrats.  

(This in fact was never an accurate representation since many Republicans are registered Democrats as per the narrative of community leaders that encourages right wing conservatives to register as Democrats).

Catch 22

These statistics in turn then encouraged a low voting turnout rate in NY for conservatives. 

Not surprising if there are no good options for voters.  

How did 58 out of 61 Democrat Councilmen win when 68% are listed as registered democrats?

This happened because we collectively had a defeatist attitude that Democrats can't be defeated in New York and we did not fight to win.

Republicans should have put up a good fight in NY precisely because the predominantly G-fearing Jewish population could have set the tone for throughout the Nation. 

It was a lost opportunity.

When we fear G-d and are willing to sacrifice all the Benjamins, it's like the story of the Akeida, where Forefather Abraham tells his lads to stay with the Chamor, his material goods, the donkey,  while he and Isaac go up to the Mountain. 

 Abraham is willing to bring his son Isaac up as a Sacrifice and in that merit, G-d accepted his sacrifice with a ram instead. That faith in G-d brought Blessings to Abraham and his descendants forever.  The Nations of the world are Blessed through Israel for Abraham's sacrifice.

There are no guarantees in life other than doing the right thing. G-d's Laws are non negotiable.

The sad reality is that Torah Jews may have resuscitated a dying dangerous party that masqueraded as a legitimate party. 

The Democratic party was gasping for breath.  It needed someone to come along to resuscitate it to prove to others it's a legitimate party. 

Along comes the campaign to register Orthodox Jews as Democrats...just the lifeline they needed! 

After the State of the Union address by President Trump, The Democrats were exposed as a splintered party, whose leadership was either Marxist Socialist or Progressive Leftist.  Bernie Sanders wasn't a real Democrat. He was a Marxist Socialist. Mike Bloomberg was a former Republican. The party was exposed as a Do Nothing party. They didn't help the poor, working Americans, nor the minorities and their only focus was to impeach President Trump.

President Trump and his Republican Administration eliminated evil leaders in Iran and ISIS and improved the economy and the lives of all Americans.

Yet we didn't capitalize on what was right.

The Bottom Line:

It's ever too late to do Teshuva! Sieze the Moment and..... EXODUS!!!

Chaim Deutsch, Kalman Yeger, Simcha Felder and Simcha Eichenstein and Dov Hikind were great public servants albeit DINOs. They should have united and announced a mass exit from the Democrat party.   

The world is reaping bitter fruits because we, the Jews, didnt sacrifice the Benjamins!

This is the year to make amends and to take a step back and reflect.. It is a Sabbatical a Shemittah year. It is a year when we live on faith and depend only on the One and Only Creator of Heaven.  and Earth for our sustenance! This is relevant not only in the Land of Israel. Shemittah is a Sabbatical year whose spirit permeates Jews and society at large globally.

Let us do an about face and start to empower those who are G-d fearing across our great nation and throughout the entire world.

WHAT A GREAT KIDDUSH HASHEM (sanctification of Holiness) this would be!

IfNotNow then when?   A quote from the great sage Hillel that is not taken out of context!

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Open Letter to FJCC. Inna Vernikov won despite the odds...with Hashems help


BROOKLYN: Inna Vernikov, a Republican endorsed by Chaim Deutch for his former city council seat, defeated Steve Sapirstein, the Democrat backed by local orgs.

TNR News Group

Lichvod FJCC:

The FJCC unfortunately consistently endorses G-dless Democrats rather than Republicans because of an ongoing defeatist attitude that in NY Republicans can not win... thereby creating the reality while digging our own grave Chas VeSholom.

BH Chaim Deutsch a DINO endorsed Inna Vernikov. He himself ran as a Democrat too many times thinking that this was the only way he could win... but Chaim Deutch learned the hard way.

Inna Vernikov proved otherwise. Nothing less than a miracle. 

Hashem is All Powerful. 

Jews BH are using their own Daas rather following the advice of their leaders who are steering them wrong. Tikkun Chait HaMiraglim. Our Neshomas all were at Sinai and as individuals we know when a party and a candidate is G-dless.

Another example:
Lakewood  did not vote for Murphy in spite of the Vaads endorsement.

Still time to do an about face and start encouraging G-d fearing constituents that a vote with G-d is always a winning vote. You all have phenomenal leadership abilities. The Jewish World needs you. But as Mordechai told Esther 

כִּי אִם הַחֲרֵשׁ תַּחֲרִישִׁי בָּעֵת הַזֹּאת רֶוַח וְהַצָּלָה יַעֲמוֹד לַיְּהוּדִים מִמָּקוֹם אַחֵר...
Megilat Esther 4:14
For if you remain silent at this time, relief and rescue will arise for the Jews from elsewhere,

Jewish leadership that does not place G-d first and foremost in the equation becomes irrelevant.

Money today is becoming less relevant while a G-dly world only with Hashem's Help is becoming the only thing that counts.. BH!

Please bring back our Judges and Leaders As At First

הושיבה שופטינו כבראשונה


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Mon, Nov 1, 2021, 11:51 PM
Subject: Re: Shemittah Rediscovered: Speak out forJudea and Samaria. Thank you Renanah. Your remarks are on the mark!
To: Joe and Renanah Gemeiner <>
‪Cc: Tamar Adelstein <>, Moshe Elkman <>, Shalom Pollack <>, מיכאל פואה <>, מיכאל בן ארי <>, ברוך מרזל <>, שמואל מידד <>, מנחם גוטליב <>, Chava Shulman <>, Nadia Matar <>, Yehudit Katsover <>, Ezra Ridley <>, רות איזיקוביץ <>, <>, Shmuel Koenig <>, Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky MGH <>, Arutz7 <>, Rabbi Aryeh Spero <>, Arutz Sheva <>, <>, <>, Editor Jewish Press <>, Larry Gordon <>, Dovid Efune <>, Jewish Voice NY <>, Shoshana Saroka <>, Pinchas Lipschutz <>, Morty Mehlman <>, Alan Hirsh <>, <>, Hamodia <>, Yitzy Halpern <>, Dr. Joe Frager <>, PAUL BRODY <>, Odeleya Jacobs <>, J. R. Y. <>‬


Absolutely Renanah. This is the test of our generation. 

I am convinced that the  Pandemic and President Trump's inability to officially win the election is due to a collective failure of the Nation of Israel and Trump's administration to acknowledge Israel's Land rights and Focus on teaching and enforcing the 7 Noahide laws! Had they done so they could have disqualified the Democrat party as a legitimate political party before they gained absolute power.

Instead now the globe is being tyrannized with crazy governments, hypocritical mandates like wearing masks for the masses but not the elite and getting vaccinated or else face Nazi like apartheid rules and regulations of vaccinated vs vaccinated (The degree of tyranny varies from State to State and country to country).

We needed G-d on our side to win.  Too bad Trump's Orthodox Jewish advisors didn't steer Trump towards Torah...namely, the 7 Noahide laws and Israel Land Rights. I am placing accountability on David Friedman, Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner, Trump's top advisors who are amazing individuals but whose collective vision fell short from the Divine vision.

Whom am I to judge?  The pressures upon them were enormous! Major Jewish Organizations and Spiritual Leaders did not give them  much needed Chizuk to push a G-dly agenda. Jewish Organizations are heavily invested in blood money they receive from discretionary funding coming from very questionable sources. Why were they silent to the Iran Deal for example? Millions of Dollars were suddenly freed up to buy our silence.

Please note that we recognize that the Deal of the Century has Messianic longings of living with Global peace and prosperity.  Yet, stated as is, it failed to acknowledge and emphasize nor implement G-ds vision of Israels Land Rights and living a G-dly life for Jew and non Jew in the Land of Israel and in the world. 

Perhaps had it done so, G-d would have done  miracles on our behalf and never allowed such evil to gain power and momentum....

G-d Makes and Keeps His Promises. G-d is Key and people will slowly wake up.

Furthermore, today we have to face and address a tyranny in the highest order. Some of you are woke and others not.  We are  currently facing a Holocaust chas veShalom. Only G-d and Moshiach can address such evil and win.


The eugenicist Bill Gates has used his vast wealth to plan and execute the "Final Solution 2.0."  

His diabolical and coercive plan to poison 7 billion people, including helpless children, is his mechanism of death, infertility, and enslavement of the survivors. 

Bill Gates is the global face of a satanic ideology which has biblical origins.  He never mentions God in any of his narcissistic talks. 

Bill Gates has been anointed king over a future demonic and godless world of murder, child sacrifice, and human exploitation.  Gates' king makers are a few of the most powerful satanic families that own most of the world's corporate wealth. 

Humanity must immediately wake up, and resist this tyranny with an unified voice. 

Say NO to the fear, isolation and the poison death shot. 

Humanity must repent, reject idol worship, and return back to God consciousness.  

The world is on the precipice of a glorious redemptive transformation. 

Truth and goodness will reign supreme. 

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD


Is it happenstance that the official Caronavirus declaration of a Global Pandemic surfaced following the Trump releasing his proposal of the   "Deal of the Century"

Jan 28, 2020 
Trump Calls His Mideast Peace Plan The 'Deal Of The Century'

Jan 30, 2020
WHO  declares Caronavirus a global health emergency .

Jan. 30,2020 

WHO declared the outbreak a global public health emergency as more than 9,000 cases were reported worldwide, including in 18 countries beyond China

On Mon, Nov 1, 2021, 7:27 AM Joe and Renanah Gemeiner <> wrote:
Thank you Robin.  What is your opinion everyone - are the reasons for our leadership including traditional Jews - NOT speaking out and teaching our land rights?  It seems to me that Abraham was chosen - as the Torah says - because he walked in G-d's ways AND taught his household/children!!!!!!!

On Sun, Oct 31, 2021 at 5:44 PM Robin Ticker <> wrote:

Honenu Report: The State Attorney's Office is considering the prosecution of a police officer of the Judea and Samaria Police District for the Death of Ahuvia Sandak ob"m

I am ccing Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky Of Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah and Shmuel Koenig who has been in contact with HaRav Kamenetsky requesting him to publicly declare that Judea and Samaria is an integral part of the Land Of Israel and that a 2 State Solution is not an option. This in turn will surely help normalize security in Judea and Samaria and protect the Hilltop Youth from harassment.  

Residents of Judea and Samaria suffer on a daily basis and it has been barely covered in the news.

See recent Facebook link of Itamar ben Gvir of the present dangers of Road 55 in the Shomron and inadequate security.

כביש 55

 I am ccing Jewish Media and activists for Judea and Samaria as well. 

Unfortunately, we understand a statement proclaiming Judea and Samaria as an integral part of Israel, as obvious and true and fundamental as it is to Torah, will be met with resistance and with serious backlash. 

Those who have sided with Hilltop Youth and Judea and Samaria in the past have been demonized and risk losing everything.

It seems like the test at hand for leaders, and reporters to speak and report Truth, Emes about Judea and Samaria and act accordingly, is reminiscent of the sacrifice of Avraham Avinu at Akeidat Yitzchok.

ה' עוז לעמו יתן ה' יברך את עמו בשלום!

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Shemittah Rediscovered: Speak out forJudea and Samaria


Honenu Report: The State Attorney's Office is considering the prosecution of a police officer of the Judea and Samaria Police District for the Death of Ahuvia Sandak ob"m

I am ccing Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky Of Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah and Shmuel Koenig who has been in contact with HaRav Kamenetsky requesting him to publicly declare that Judea and Samaria is an integral part of the Land Of Israel and that a 2 State Solution is not an option. This in turn will surely help normalize security in Judea and Samaria and protect the Hilltop Youth from harassment.  

Residents of Judea and Samaria suffer on a daily basis and it has been barely covered in the news.

See recent Facebook link of Itamar ben Gvir of the present dangers of Road 55 in the Shomron and inadequate security.

כביש 55

 I am ccing Jewish Media and activists for Judea and Samaria as well. 

Unfortunately, we understand a statement proclaiming Judea and Samaria as an integral part of Israel, as obvious and true and fundamental as it is to Torah, will be met with resistance and with serious backlash. 

Those who have sided with Hilltop Youth and Judea and Samaria in the past have been demonized and risk losing everything.

It seems like the test at hand for leaders, and reporters to speak and report Truth, Emes about Judea and Samaria and act accordingly, is reminiscent of the sacrifice of Avraham Avinu at Akeidat Yitzchok.

ה' עוז לעמו יתן ה' יברך את עמו בשלום!

Honenu Report: The State Attorney's Office is considering the prosecution of a police officer of the Judea and Samaria Police District for the Death of Ahuvia Sandak ob"m


Original post in Hebrew follows English:

* Report: The State Attorney's Office is considering the prosecution of a police officer of the Judea and Samaria District, commonly referred to as the SJ District (Abbreviation: Judea and Samaria), is one of the districts of the Israel Police
מחוז יהודה ושומרון, הנקרא בדרך כלל מחוז שַ"י (ראשי תיבות: יהודה ושומרון), הוא אחד ממחוזות משטרת ישראל
for causing the death of Ahuvia Sandak *

 Sandak Family "Ahuvia will never return - prosecuting all police officers is the duty of the State to all its citizens" *

 In News 13, it was reported tonight that the State Attorney's Office is considering prosecuting one of the SJ police officers for causing the death of Ahuvia Sandak.

 The Sandak family responded to the publication "Unfortunately, the investigation into the death of our beloved son was covered from the first moment by המחלקה לחקירות שוטרים (מח"ש) the Division to investigate Police, which led to a negligent, weak investigation and not an investigation aimed at investigating the truth.  Ahuvia was killed by policemen from the SJ District, who drove into protests, without any restraint, and hit a vehicle in violation of the law and in violation of procedures.  Ahuvia will not return.  Prosecuting all the policemen is the duty of the State to all its citizens. Behind the policeman stands a whole unit, with commanders, with officers, some of whom were in the vehicle, some gave instructions and some covered the incident and the area.  There is an organic culture and policy of the SJ District, and not the fault of one policeman.  The role of the police is to represent the values ​​of honesty and justice - the people of Israel who are an honest people will trust the police only if they are true to their values.

 A young boy should not be found dead in an encounter with police officers. Sad that this is not absolutely clear to the prosecution.  We ask the system to do a thorough house cleaning and correct it at its very root.  "God forbid, they do not just come to tease/provoke, but seek righteousness and justice for the people of Israel," parents added.

 The Honenu organization added "too little, too late, but things still can be corrected. We call on the State Attorney. Do not continue rendering, the evidence is clear, the findings are clear - the police officers intentionally and illegally hit the car of Ahuvia, and led to his death.  "The blood of the hilltop youth is not cheap, prosecute all those involved, do not harm the little trust that remains for the public in law enforcement authorities," they said.

*דיווח: הפרקליטות שוקלת
 העמדה לדין של שוטר מימ"ר ש"י בגין גרימת מותו של אהוביה סנדק ז"ל*

*משפחת סנדק "אהוביה המתוק לא יחזור - העמדת כל השוטרים לדין היא חובה של המדינה לכלל האזרחים"*

בחדשות 13 דווח הערב כי הפרקליטות שוקלת להעמיד את אחד משוטרי ימ"ר ש"י בגין גרימת מותו של אהוביה סנדק ז"ל.

משפחת סנדק הגיבה לפרסום "לצערנו החקירה של מות בנינו אהוביה טוייחה מהרגע הראשון בידי מח"ש, דבר שהביא לחקירה רשלנית, רפה ולא חקירה שמטרתה חקר האמת. אהוביה נהרג בידי שוטרים  מימ"ר ש"י, שנהגו בפרעות, ללא כל רסן, וניגחו רכב בניגוד לחוק ובניגוד לנהלים. אהוביה המתוק לא יחזור, העמדת כל השוטרים לדין היא חובה של המדינה לכלל האזרחים, מאחורי השוטר עומדת יחידה שלמה, עם מפקדים, עם קצינים, אשר חלקם היו ברכב, חלקם נתנו הוראות וחלקם טייחו את האירוע ואת הזירה. יש פה תרבות ארגונית ומדיניות של ימ"ר ש"י, ולא אשמה של שוטר אחד. תפקיד המשטרה לייצג ערכי יושר וצדק- עם ישראל שהוא עם ישר ייתן אמון במשטרה רק אם היא תהיה נאמנה לערכיו.

נער צעיר לא צריך למצוא את מותו במפגש עם שוטרים, עצוב שזה לא ברור לפרקליטות. אנחנו מבקשים מהמערכת לעשות בדק בית ותיקון שורשי. חלילה לא באים סתם לקנטר, אלא רק מבקשים את הטוב והיושר עבור עם ישראל", הוסיפו הורים.

בארגון חוננו הוסיפו "מעט מידי, מאוחר מיד, אך עדיין ניתן לתקן, אנחנו קוראים לפרקליט המדינה, אל תמשיך בטיוח, הראיות ברורות, הממצאים ברורים - השוטרים ניגחו את רכבו של אהוביה ז"ל בכוונה ובניגוד לחוק, והביאו למותו. דמם של נערי הגבעות לא זול, העמד לדין את כלל המעורבים, אל תפגע במעט האמון שנשאר לציבור ברשויות החוק", מסרו.

*הצטרפו לקבלת עדכונים מחוננו*