Thursday, June 06, 2019

Happening now June 6, 2019 Gay Parade in Jerusalem with strong Police Presence. Fire, Most Likely Arson, Surrounding Itamar with Lack of Police Presence To Stop the Fires (Arson?), Israel gets first gay minister: Ohana appointed interim Justice minister. Police Busy with Destruction of Jewish Outposts in Judea and Samaria. June 4-5, 2019 near Yizhar and Kochav Hashachar, April 30, 2019 Four buildings demolished in Maoz Esther near Kochav Hashachar.


The Gay Pride Parade is happening now in Jerusalem

The Israel Police will act with determination against any element that intends to disrupt Jerusalem's Gay Pride Parade," the police said in a statement.

Itamar ben Gvir says that reports of someone being arrested for carrying a knife at Gay parade  is a police manufactured report to deligitimize the protestors. Same fake story year after year with no evidence or indictment that follows.

המשטרה מייצרת מציאות לא קיימת

בן גביר על מעצר אדם עם סכין ליד מצעד הגאווה: ״אותה הודעה יצאה מהמשטרה גם בשנה שעברה, לפני שנתיים ושלוש״

Fires burning on Samaria neat Itamar
Thursday, June 06, 2019
מדינה בלהבות: שריפה משתוללת מסביב לאיתמר - סרוגי,
Fire attributed to Arson near Itamar endangering residents causing destruction on Agriculture and  Grazing Areas
Are the fires due to hot temperatures or due to arson? It seems like arson is the real story behind the fires.

מאות פיגועי הצתה או תוצאה של טמפרטורות גבוהות?

דו"ח הטרור השבועי על גלי השריפות לאחרונה ועל הדמיון לגל ההצתות מ-2016.

אז מה עומד מאחורי שריפת שדות וישובים?

Igal Segal "We expect the Civil Administration, the IDF and the police to arrest the lighters and to assist the farmers and the residents." 

Are the Police being overzealous protecting the Gay marchers from Chareidi protestors and  disrupters and overzealous demolishing Settlers homes and their work of love settling the Land of Israel and under zealous protecting Settlers from Arab arsonists which is threatening lives, livestock, property and years of hard work developing the land?

Yesterday Israel gets first LGBT Minister Ohana appointed interim Justice Minister.
This Pride Parade is very disturbing since it is arrogance not pride to openly advocate a lifestyle contrary to Torah. 

What does MK Gafni have to say?

Statement by UTJ ("United Torah Judaism") MK Gafni on having a State of Jewish Law. His Statement is a Direct contradiction of Resolution at Marienbad 1937

UTJ's MK Gafni says party doesn't aim to bring messiah, doesn't want 'state of Jewish law.'

UTJ MK Gafni seems to have clarified his party's anti Torah position against MK Smotrich Pro Torah position which is consistent with the MGH resolution

"Any relinquishment of the Holy Land given to the Jewish people by G-d has no validity" (HaPardes, 11:6) See page 8

Please prove me wrong because I want to judge lekaf zechus, on the side of merit!

With purposeful demolition of Jewish Settlement in Judea and Samaria and choosing  openly Gay MK Ohana as Justice Minister  a day before the Gay Parade,  over MK Smotrich who advocates Torah law,  this Prime Minister Netanyahu is sending a strong anti Torah message.

In terse tweet, PM says country will not become a 'halacha state,' after hardline political ally urged restoring 'the Torah justice system'
3 Jun 2019,

Again please please prove me wrong! 

It is now clear by deed and word that Netanyahu is not an advocate for Torah to be the Halacha of the State of Israel. What's his preference? A hodge podge of British and Turkish law interpreted liberally by a corrupt self appointed liberal progressive Judicial system?

April 30, 2019

Six Arrested as Security Forces Seek to Demolish Kochav Hashachar Buildings |

Short video clip showing excessive Police zealousness..

Short video clip

And what were they overzealous to demolish?

Sweet Video clip about Maoz Esther

More in the news...
מתכוננים להרס בכוכב השחר במצפור לזכר הנרצח; בית המחבל שרצח לא נהרס

30 were arrested as army demolishes settlement outpost.
Security officials are demolishing structures in neighborhood near community of Kochav Hashachar. Roughly 30 protesters arrested by police.

Ido Ben Porat, April 30, 2019

Again yet more demolitions.. just yesterday.

June 5, 2019

נהרס מאחז ליד כוכב השחר
כוחות הביטחון הרסו מבנים שהוצבו ללא אישור סמוך לכוכב השחר בבנימין.

ערוץ 7 , ב' בסיון תשע"ט 
An outpost near Kochav Hashahar was destroyed

The security forces demolished buildings that were placed without a permit near Kochav Hashachar in Binyamin.
The Civil Administration forces, accompanied by hundreds of police, demolished buildings that were erected without permission near the Kochav Hashachar Regional Council in Mate Binyamin.

Two young Jews were detained for questioning by the police. A lawyer from the organization Honnenu helps the detainees.

Nationalist Chairman of the Likud Natan Engelsman criticized Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Binyamin Netanyahu following the demolition of outposts in the past 24 hours, yesterday near Yitzhar and morning in the Kochav Hashahar area.

"The National Headquarters in the Likud condemns the destruction of homes in the past 24 hours in the settlement of Kochav Hashahar and Yitzhar, in the face of the ongoing lack of enforcement against illegal Arab construction. In Kochav Hashachar and Yitzhar they destroy, and [illegal construction] in Khan al Ahmar are left standing! The Defense establishment, headed by Netanyahu, is tough on Jews but weak and humble in the face of the Arabs, "Engelsman said.

"Is it possible to conclude from this the motive for Netanyahu's decision to dismiss suddenly the assistant to settlement affairs Kobi Eliraz?

מדינה בלהבות: שריפה משתוללת מסביב לאיתמר - סרוגי, Fire attributed to Arson near Itamar causing destruction on Agriculture and Grazing Areas


A large fire broke out this morning in the Itamar hills that surround the settlement of Itamar. 
Large damage was caused to agricultural areas in the area and to grazing areas adjacent to the settlement. The observation post in memory of Matan Zagron is surrounded by fire. A real suspicion of deliberate arson

A large fire broke out Thursday morning in the Itamar hills surrounding the settlement of Itamar. Large damage was caused to agricultural areas in the area and to grazing areas adjacent to the settlement.

So far 7000 hectares of agricultural land and grazing fields have been burned. According to estimates, the damage is worth NIS 700,000 to the farmers of the area, and a preliminary investigation indicates that it was a deliberate arson, Fire.

Igal Segal, a resident of the Itamar hills and the Tzah coordinator, said that "this is a fourth fire that will break out within two days, endangering the residents and the families. Consuming agricultural labor of years. The heart ached. We expect the Civil Administration, the IDF and the police to arrest the lighters and to assist the farmers and the residents.

The head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, also addressed the arson, saying: "The heart is broken to see thousands of dunams of farmland and pastures being burned, and I demand that the matter be investigated and brought to justice. Destruction  can not be the last in the food chain, they should be helped and the fires stopped in every possible way.

Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Bitcoin revives Hamas the Terror organization?


Dear Jeff, 


I am not that surprised Hamas is being funded with Bitcoin after you slandered Rothschild.

One who is merciful to the cruel will be cruel to the merciful.

Do you really want to empower and align  with Hamas a terror organization whom the Arab Countries themselves reject due to their cruelty to their own people. They use their own children as human shields brainwashing them to be martyrs. They  promise them 70 virgins in heaven in return for their human sacrifice to Allah  by murdering innocent Jews.


Arabs prefer to be governed by Israel than by Hamas.

On Mon, Feb 5, 2018, 4:08 AM Robin Ticker <> wrote:

Dear Jeff, 


Dow Falls 666 Points As Cryptocurrencies Crash And Krugman Emerges From His Van - Feb 04, 2018 - 10:27 PM GMT
By: Jeff_Berwick

Rewind 30 Years: 1988 Rothschild Owned Magazine "The Economist" Predict The Destruction Of National Currencies And Their Transition To A World Currency In 2018,  7 months ago.

The Globalist Plan To Blame Bitcoin For Biblical Level Collapse In 2018. December 12, 2017 by Jeff Berwick

I want to offer some sound advice.  Of course, you can choose to ignore my comments.  I really don't care.

Please do not blame Rothschild for Bitcoin's collapse to bring down all the currencies in the world so that they can control the world to a New World Order. 

Let me comment on this piece of yours as well written in 2012: 

Who's Worse: The Nazis or the US Government?

Obama was an impostor.   I  agree that Obama empowered evil regimes like nuclear Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood so he could potentially be as dangerous as Hitler had been.  I dread to think of what the US would be today had Hillary and the leftist, socialist "Democrats" been elected and allowed to take control...  to have continued Obama's  policies which Trump has reversed!   America would be a very different place today.  

Obama, however did not reflect the values of the Founding Fathers of the USA built on Judaeo Christian values and in G-d We Trust which is proudly printed on American currency. 

Infiltration of Islamic Jihad has yet to take over the USA, thanks to President Donald Trump who surrounds himself with G-d fearing individuals,  as it has seriously and dangerously infiltrated in  some countries in Europe, like France and England with many no-go zones.  To say that the USA is no worse than than Nazi Germany is clearly having no understanding of Nazi Germany.  You are clearly clueless.  You don't understand what Annihilation is all about. Can you even contemplate the atrocities of ISIS on the Yezidi population?

Were any of your parents Holocaust survivors?  How many family members of yours were gassed?

I can tell you that 6,000,000 Jews were murdered in Nazi Germany many of whom were my close relatives. My father's first wife, his daughter, his parents and his siblings, my mother's parents and her siblings and my husbands mother's whole family and her siblings. My mother in law was 15 at the time she was enslaved, and starving.   She was from Poland and lived in Concentration Camps from 1939 till she was liberated 4,5 years later.  She was branded and had numbers engraved on her arm..  My parents were relatively lucky since they were from Hungary and only in the Concentration camps for 1 year....Need I elaborate???? Where do you get your knowledge and expertise on the Holocaust to pontificate about who is worse Nazis or the US govt?

I can't think of a single relative of mine who was murdered in the USA. btw I am older than 60.  I have had a roof over my head and plenty to eat all my life.  My mother who is 97, Blessed, may she continue to live a long life and productive life, has 24/7 health aid who is an angel of mercy and as professional as they come, and most of the medical supplies she needs like incontinence supplies, creams, hospital bed, hoyer lift, etc almost covered by Medicare and Medicaid.  She lives comfortably and every day the aid takes her on walks in her wheel chair. She has dementia but still enjoys eating and smiling. Is this the Nazi Germany you describe.  Surely, in Nazi Germany any individual who is incapable of working is probably useless, let alone a 97 year old women who is bedbound. If you were in control would you consider my Mother someone worth investing your money in without any return, just a charity case, as someone who deserves to be kept alive?

My parents were moral, kind, hard working people and they deserve the best in their old age. Who is to judge if my mother's thoughts and smile are worthless?

Is making that comparison between USA and Nazis wishful thinking on your part? I hope not! Because it is not reality. 

On the other hand if Obama had gotten his way,  I'm not sure how much longer it would have taken for Radical Islam to have their hands on nuclear weapons and for stealth Jihad to be victorious in USA not only Europe.  Radical Islam partnered with Nazi Germany.  Check out the Mufti of Jerusalem.  All this is very different than the atrocities you are accusing the USA of. 

 I wouldn't invest in BitCoin after your antiSemitic nuances against Rothschild even with all your "knowledge" about shemittah even if it would make me a multibillionaire.   Money is not the end all. .

Again, if it's all about Your Strength and Your Might then it's about the number 6,  6 days a week we work. If we attribute all our success to the sweat of our hands and our brow and give no recognition to the Almighty 6 is the number. 

the number 7 signifies holiness.  G-dliness, the Almighty G-d runs the world and HE  is capable of bringing Blessings and Curses.

One needs balance.  Hard Work and then Rest.  That is where Charity, tzedaka comes into play. I give charity not because I am benevolent. I give because, it is a Mitzvah, a Commandment.  It's not all share, like Communism and it's not all about work like capitalism.  It is about a healthy balance of the two. Not exactly Anarcho-Capitalism. OR is Anarcho the Holyness you are referring to?

If you take G-d out of the equation and If you want to take all the credit for your success so be it. but you are left with only Capitalism.
Others have tried.  

Haman, Hitler have tried their hardest to annihilate G-d via annihilating Jews....with not such great success. Israel has survived, even the Holocaust...

But if you want to see Blessing in the world, Bless the Jews and the Torah the source of morality and goodness and G-d's Word which will bring Peace and Prosperity. Bringing G-dliness into everything material. Obey the 7 Noahide Laws. That brings Order and Serenity. Order is not a bad thing. It can be abused. Anarchy is Hefker meaning not really owned by anyone. This is the situation in the Shemittah year. However the Land lies fallow and everyone eats from each others field.  This is not equivalent with  anarchy but on the surface may be confused as such. There is rhyme and reason, rules and order within the anarchy because we recognize that everything belongs to G-d and has holiness.  

Please reread what I wrote to you in 2016. I know another Rothschild that is a wonderful man. His name is Michael Rothschild and he is the CEO of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation. You can look them up and learn about the Power of Speech, how to live a pious life without badmouthing others and watching your tongue from slandering and speaking evil of others. He is perhaps a descendant of the Rothschild you wish to badmouth, the one who .is interested in a New World Order where a few control the world. However, this is clearly not his agenda. Making the world a more G-dly place is. 

On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 10:26 PM, Robin Ticker <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Berwick, bsd
The root of the Rothschild  blessing came from a Godly and noble root. He was falsely accused of wrongdoing and responded nobly so too hopefully the Rothschild name will be vindicated of your accusation.
In addition, you seem to not quite grasp the entire concept of Shemittah.
I tried to explain it to you... Once again, the purpose of Shemittah is to correct the sin of "Kochi veOtzem Yadi Asa li es HaChayil Hazeh."  Which means "My strength and My might made me great"
Greatness and all of what we own comes from and should be attributed to an Almighty G-d. 
The entire Land belongs to G-d as it says "Ki li Kol Haaretz." That is why the Jewish Farmer refrains from working the land in the Shemittah year yet he doesnt starve bc likewise the entire nation is engaged us sharing resources in a spirit of generosity.
Unless u learn the lesson of Shemittah all your acqisition of wealth is pointless. The same holds true for the Rothschilds and all the wealthy elites of the universe.
If all one can see from the Rothschilds is their lust for wealth, i suggest you be circumspect and examine your own motives.
With roots coming from a holy source it can not be as you describe...
I dont have answers for you...but something so evil and sinister can not grow from a pure and holy beginning.
Robin Ticker


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on