Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Fwd: Yom Hashoah: Watch Three Generations in Israel Sing Together About Life

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From: <havanehama@aol.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 10, 2018, 1:52 AM
Subject: Yom Hashoah: Watch Three Generations in Israel Sing Together About Life

This year, Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) falls on Wednesday night April 11 and Thursday, April 12

THEN and NOW.....

 THE PARTISANs' SONG, Europe, 1943

In the darkest days of the Holocaust, Jews maintained hope in their survival and future. 
Among the songs they sang was the Yiddish Partisan's song entitled "Zog Nisht Kein Mohl: Never say that you are walking on your final road."  

The lyrics of this song were written by Hirsch Glick, a young Jewish inmate of the Vilna Ghetto. 

Hirsch was inspired to write the song by news of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising in 1943. 

During the War, "Zog Nisht Keyn Mol" was adopted by a number of Jewish partisan groups operating in Eastern Europe. 

It became a symbol of resistance against Nazi Germany's persecution of the Jews and the Holocaust. 

In the midst of death and destruction, years before the state of Israel became a reality, years before there was any glimmer of hope on the horizon, the Jews sang of survival....... 


Never say that you have reached the very end
Though leaden skies a bitter future may portend
Because the hour which we yearn for will arrive
And our marching step will thunder: We survive!...

UTUBE: click here: 


Today, survivors, their children and grandchildren in Israel join to sing about the future of Am Yisrael: 

CHAI, we are alive.

We thank Hashem for all the miracles He did and continues to do for us. 

We thank Him for our lives and the opportunity to continue to fulfill our historic destiny.  


Listen my brothers, I am still alive

And my two eyes are still raised to the light

Many are my thorns, but also my flowers

And before me are years too numerous to count

I ask and I pray...

It is good that hope was not lost...

UTUBE  (click here)



Monday, April 09, 2018

Fwd: Open Letter to Ambassador David Friedman re: Elisha Odess


TO:  friedmandm@state.gov

Dear Ambassador Friedman, amvsh

Please read this enlightening yet disturbing article published in Arutz7 by Boaz Shapiro translated by journalist translator Chava Shulman.

I hope some other Jewish journalists do their part as well to report on this very real news! 

Rabbis as well have an obligation to speak up... For many reasons!

Elisha Odess the victim, one of many apparently,  now a teen, formerly a minor, is still isolated, in jail, and treated as a Jewish Terrorist. He has been denied being in a Torah section with other prisoners, denied a continuing education, and there is no evidence against him other than forced confession. 

He has had no due process because he as well as other hilltop youth are held under Administrative Detention laws 

Please read this article by Raanan Isseroff posted on A7 in August 25, 2015

Administrative detention is non-democratic and must end.

Elisha has been in jail for over 2 years!  He and the others were initially tight lipped so as not to say anything that might be used against them in a secular Court of Law which has a proven record of being biased against the Hilltop Youth. He finally confessed to the arson in Duma for collaborating to set fire to an Arab home that killed the parents and a 18 month old. He tried to commit suicide during this process..

(He basically confessed to any criminal act suggested by his torturers) Torture was authorized by then Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein

According to his parents in a Mishpacha interview, http://www.mishpacha.com/Browse/Article/9880/Rose-Report-Parents-of-Duma-Suspect-Speak-Out this sweet kid, well liked, 16 years old, with a bit of ADHD, left Yeshiva in 9th grade to join the hilltop youth.  

He has a great family. His parents are educators, and following parental guidance,  allowed him to study for his matriculation exams while productively engaging in agriculture, shepherding and building on the hilltops on Samaria. They would have preferred he remain in Yeshiva but respected his life choices.

The Duma Arson attackers scribbled Hebrew Graffitti on the targeted Arab house. Apparently, this was all the real evidence the Shabak had against the "Jewish Terrorists".   Following cross the board condemnations from the heads of the State of Israel, Elisha and dozens other hilltop youth were rounded up and either placed under house arrest, or had restraining orders against them, separating  them from their family and friends rendering them homeless. Elisha was first placed under house arrest and then detained and was indicted 4 months following the Duma fire based on his tortured  confession.  He basically confessed to whatever the GSS wanted him to confess to but even the GSS at the end could only charge him of collaboration and not of the arson itself because his confession had no substance.

 He has yet to stand trial!!!!  This delay is called עינוי הדין as it says in Pirkei Avot Chapter 5:11  חרב באה לעולם על עינוי הדין.
The sword comes upon the world on account of the delay of Justice and the perversion of Justice.

To the best of my knowledge unfortunately  Elisha is still languishing in jail following Pesach in spite of a recent failed campaign by family and friends  to free him in time for Pesach.

We are determined to keep up the pressure to raise awareness!

It seems to us activists, that for political motivations, the government of Israel was intent to produce "Jewish Terrorists" even when they don't and never existed. In this way, they prove to the world that they are on high moral ground. After all,  they don't treat Jewish terrorists any better than any other kind of terrorist. The Jewish terrorists are also tortured...

The real difference between a real terrorist and a fake terrorist is that there  is no real evidence against these Jewish youth other than forced confessions....

Shmuel Koenig, activist and Rabbinic lobbyist was in Oppenheimer hotel  in Upstate NY for Pesach and he made an announcement at Shalosh Seudos on Shabbos to all the guests present about this miscarriage of justice. He spoke with several Rabbanim who were there on Pesach as well, who wanted to know more.

This is a terrible stain on Israel's democracy reflective of a tyrannical governmental regime rather than a democracy.

Worse than that, the treatment of these hilltop Youth are in violation  of many Torah Commandments pertaining to setting up righteous and just courts of law in the Land of Israel and elsewhere.

The Laws of Administrative Detention for "Jewish Terrorists", enabled this miscarriage of justice to actualize (basically intolerable acts). It is a holdover of the British law,  making it "legal" to suspend suspects'  basic human rights  under the false pretenses that these suspects are dangerous and  ticking time bombs...This in turn justifies removing due process and transparency, by implementing gag orders and secrecy...

It is a terrible stain on the heads of State of Israel who rushed to condemn "Jewish Terrorists" without awarding the suspects due process or a fair hearing but rather rushed to defame and malign hilltop Settler Youth without evidence. 

Meanwhile our enemies are busy fabricating evidence portraying Israel as terrorists with Paliwood, fake news. 

Paliwood. Fake Palestinian Blood makeup artists at work fabricating evidence of "IDF brutality" against "innocent" Palestinians. 

In contrast,  read how fake Jewish Terrorist leaders like Mike Guzofsky aka Yekutiel ben Yaakov a former Kahane Chai Leader is now heavily involved in rescue work and saving Jewsh lives, 

Is this group of Kahane supporters, Israel Dog Unit, working tirelessly to save Jewish lives and souls still designated as Jewish Terrorists as per the 1994 designation by Israel's Heads of State?

The Enemy's Modus Operandi is framing Blood Libels against Jews.

Doesn't it then make perfect sense for Israel's enemies to set the arson themselves and blame the Settler Youth and fabricate evidence of Jewish Terror by scribbling some Hebrew Graffiti on the Arab home under Fabricated Price Tag Terror pretense?

This Passover Reflect How Did Israelites End up in Egypt? They Threw Joseph in the Pit. Think of Elisha Odess This Seder Night!

 .... So who are the "Jewish Terrorists".  Everyone knows who they are.
They are the  Hilltop Youth settling the hilltops of Samaria the Biblical Inheritance of Joseph. They are the ones connected to Kach and Kahane Chai.  The Israel Government designated them as a terrorist Organization in 1994.  

"Cabinet Communique - March 13, 1994". Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved 23 June 2015 


Sunday, April 08, 2018

Birthright Teens see Dead Palestinians or watching Paliwood? Fake Dead Palestinians? Sick...


Teen on Birthright hadn't expected to see so many dead Palestinians

Or was it just a Fabricated Horror movie to Libel and Defame the IDF?

Palliwood. Fake Palestinian Blood makeup artists at work fabricating evidence of "IDF brutality" against "innocent" Palestinians. 

Fwd: Honorable Ron Dermer: Please Act To Release Tortured Jewish Boys in Israel

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From: <havanehama@aol.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 8, 2018, 3:46 AM
Subject: Honorable Ron Dermer: Please Act To Release Tortured Jewish Boys in Israel
To: <consular@washington.mfa.gov.il>, <ambassador@washington.mfg.gov.il>, <consular@newyork.mfa.gov.il>
Cc: <pm_eng@pmo.gov.il>, <uria@knesset.gov.il>, <nissan@knesset.gov.il>, <ebendehan@knesset.gov.il>, <bezalels@knesset.gov.il>, <nbenet@knesset.gov.il>, <myogev@knesset.gov.il>, <smoalemr@knesset.gov.il>, <ashaked@knesset.gov.il>, <Sar@justice.gov.il>, <rachela@knesset.gov.il>, <bmerav@knesset.gov.il>, <elic@knesset.gov.il>, <elalouf@knesset.gov.il>, <royf@knesset.gov.il>, <yoavg@knesset.gov.il>, <akramh@knesset.gov.il>, <michaels@knesset.gov.il>, <talip@knesset.gov.il>, <yifatsh@knesset.gov.il>, <oakunis@knesset.gov.il>, <davidam@knesset.gov.il>, <bbeni@knesset.gov.il>, <anatb@knesset.gov.il>, <dbitan@knesset.gov.il>, <nboker@knesset.gov.il>, <davraham@knesset.gov.il>, <yedelstein@knesset.gov.il>, <Zelkin@knesset.gov.il>, <gerdan@knesset.gov.il>, <ggamliel@knesset.gov.il>, <yglick@knesset.gov.il>, <tzhanegbi@knesset.gov.il>, <shaskel@knesset.gov.il>, <ohazan@knesset.gov.il>, <zhotovely@knesset.gov.il>, <kayoob@knesset.gov.il>, <hkatz@knesset.gov.il>, <yiskatz@knesset.gov.il>, <yoavk@knesset.gov.il>, <nkoren@knesset.gov.il>, <ylevin@knesset.gov.il>, <zakil@knesset.gov.il>, <ymazuz@knesset.gov.il>, <aneguise@knesset.gov.il>, <bnetanyahu@knesset.gov.il>, <amiro@knesset.gov.il>, <mregev@knesset.gov.il>, <ysteinitz@knesset.gov.il>, <mzohar@knesset.gov.il>, <efrej@knesset.gov.il>, <zgalon@knesset.gov.il>, <igilon@knesset.gov.il>, <mrozin@knesset.gov.il>, <tzandberg@knesset.gov.il>, <dazulay@knesset.gov.il>, <ybentzur@knesset.gov.il>, <izchakec@knesset.gov.il>, <aderey@knesset.gov.il>, <guetta@knesset.gov.il>, <ymargi@knesset.gov.il>, <yvaknin@knesset.gov.il>, <yakova@knesset.gov.il>, <ieichler@knesset.gov.il>, <mgafni@knesset.gov.il>, <ylitzman@knesset.gov.il>, <umaklev@knesset.gov.il>, <mmozes@knesset.gov.il>, <cohenmeir@knesset.gov.il>, <Kelharrar@knesset.gov.il>, <ygerman@knesset.gov.il>, <haimj@knesset.gov.il>, <ylapid@knesset.gov.il>, <alavie@knesset.gov.il>, <mickeylevy@knesset.gov.il>, <ypery@knesset.gov.il>, <yrazvozov@knesset.gov.il>, <oshelach@knesset.gov.il>, <sterne@knesset.gov.il>, <amarh@knesset.gov.il>, <odedfo@knesset.gov.il>, <rilatov@knesset.gov.il>, <slandver@knesset.gov.il>, <olevy@knesset.gov.il>, <ymalinovsky@knesset.gov.il>, <Zouheirb@knesset.gov.il>, <ybar@knesset.gov.il>, <obarlev@knesset.gov.il>, <beyal@knesset.gov.il>, <mbiran@knesset.gov.il>, <eitanbr@knesset.gov.il>, <ecabel@knesset.gov.il>, <YaelParan@knesset.gov.il>, <hyoel@knesset.gov.il>, <iherzog@knesset.gov.il>, <zlivni@knesset.gov.il>, <emargalit@knesset.gov.il>, <michaelim@knesset.gov.il>, <ayeletn@knesset.gov.il>, <aperetz@knesset.gov.il>, <mrosenthal@knesset.gov.il>, <sshaffir@knesset.gov.il>, <nshai@knesset.gov.il>, <ishmuli@knesset.gov.il>, <ksenias@knesset.gov.il>, <revitals@knesset.gov.il>, <manuelt@knesset.gov.il>, <syechimovich@knesset.gov.il>, <yosefyo@knesset.gov.il>

Honorable Mr. Ron Dermer, Israel Ambassador to the United States;

I am a dual U.S. - Israeli citizen currently living in New York. I am a journalist, and a graduate of Bar-Ilan University.  

I am writing to you regarding the torture and prolonged imprisonment of two Jewish boys. At the time of their imprisonment, Elisha O. was 16 years old and Amiram ben Uliel was 18.  

The details of their torture, approved and sanctioned by Prime Minister of Israel Binyanim Netanyahu, former Attorney General Yehuda Weinsten, and former head of the Shabak Yoram Cohen, is documented in an article which recently appeared in both Hebrew and English translation on the Arutz Sheva website (see below). The purpose of the torture was to force a confession for the crime of arson in the Arab village of Duma. To this day, there is no evidence that either Elisha O. or Amiram ben Uliel have any connection to this crime, other than the forced confessions. Nor is there any evidence that they were "terrorists" or "ticking bombs". 

As the author of "The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror," you surely champion the basic principles of a democratic state which adheres to the Geneva Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

Your mission as Israel's ambassador to the U.S., is to counter the false and rampant anti-Israel portrayals of Israel as a militant and oppressive regime and portray Israel as the only democracy in the Middle East which is a beacon of light, a civilized state adhering to basic conventions of humaneness and justice.   

As such, it is my hope that you will champion to basic human rights of these two citizens of Israel (Elisha is a dual American-Israeli citizen)  and appeal to the government and judicial system of Israel to free these two boys and pay them reparations for the unimaginable injustice done to them.  Even if they are freed immediately, they will probably never recuperate from the inhumane and prolonged trauma they suffered. 

There is no reason for the nations of the world to read about this reprehensible, horrific treatment of Jews in Israel and say with a smirk, that Jews treat other Jews just as their worst enemies do.   

To read articles: 

Hebrew: עינוי ילד יהודי  https://www.inn.co.il/Articles/Article.aspx/17300 

English  The Torture of a Jewish Child  https://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/21944


Chava Shulman 
New York 

CC: Binyamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel
Ayelet Shaked: Minister of Justice 
Honorable Knesset Members 

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Fwd: Daily Alert - April 5, 2018



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From: "Daily Alert" <dailyalert@list-dailyalert.org>
Date: Apr 5, 2018 9:30 AM
Subject: Daily Alert - April 5, 2018
To: "Subscriber" <Faigerayzel@gmail.com>

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April 5, 2018

In-Depth Issues:

Mossad Chief "100 Percent Certain" Iran Seeks Nuclear Bomb (AP-VOA News)
    Yossi Cohen, the head of Israel's Mossad intelligence agency, told a recent closed meeting of senior officials in Jerusalem, "I am 100% certain that Iran has never abandoned its military nuclear vision for a single instant. This [nuclear] deal enables Iran to achieve that vision."
    "That is why I believe the deal must be completely changed or scrapped. The failure to do so would be a grave threat to Israel's security."
    He called the nuclear deal a "terrible mistake" that allows Iran to keep key elements of its nuclear program intact and will remove other restraints in a few years.
    "Then Iran will be able to enrich enough uranium for an arsenal of nuclear bombs," Cohen said.
    He added that the decision to lift sanctions on Iran has resulted in "significantly increased" aggression by Iran, and noted Iran's continued development of long-range ballistic missiles.

Israeli UAV Fires on Armed Terrorist at Gaza Border (i24News-Jerusalem Post)
    An armed Palestinian man was killed by an Israeli air strike as he approached the Gaza border early Thursday, the Israel Defense Forces said.
    Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesperson for the Gaza Health Ministry, said the man was killed by a missile fired from an Israeli unmanned drone.
    Palestinians are expected to resume massing along the Gaza security fence on Friday.

Turkey Expands Operations in Syria and Iraq - Jonathan Spyer (Jerusalem Post)
    Turkey's entrance into Afrin in northern Syria gives it a contiguous area of control from Jarabulus to northern Idlib.
    The Turks have made clear they have no intention of handing these areas over to the Assad regime.
    Turkish aircraft have in recent days been in action over northern Iraq, bombing what Ankara claims to be PKK guerrillas in the Qasr-e area of Erbil province.
    The Turkish military is presently engaged 15 km. across the border into the Kurdish Regional Government area.
    Ankara has set as a strategic goal to destroy the Kurdish gains that resulted from the fragmentation of Syria and Iraq over the last half decade.
    The writer is a fellow at the Middle East Forum.

U.S. Fines Norwegian NGO $2M for Supporting Palestinian Terror Groups - Ray Downs (UPI)
    Oslo-based Norwegian People's Aid received several grants from the U.S. Agency for International Development between 2012 and 2016 to provide aid in developing countries in Africa.
    The U.S. Department of Justice said Tuesday that before receiving the grants, NPA had provided material support to Iran, Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine - all of which are on the State Department's Sponsors of Terrorism List.
    "For years, Norwegian People's Aid obtained grant money from USAID by falsely representing that it had not provided, and would take reasonable steps to ensure that it did not knowingly provide, material support to prohibited parties under U.S. law," Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman said.
    The NPA provided "training and expert advice or assistance" to the banned organizations.
    Under the settlement of a civil fraud suit, NPA is required to pay the U.S. $2.025 million.
    See also Norwegian NGO Provided Material Support to Iran, Hamas (U.S. Department of Justice)

Follow the Jerusalem Center on:

Israel's Social Media in Arabic - Linah Alsaafin (Al Jazeera)
    On any given Friday, spokesperson for the Israeli army Maj. Avichay Adraee sends out a message to his more than 186,000 followers on Twitter.
    Sometimes the message is accompanied by a Quranic verse or a saying of the Prophet Muhammad.
    "How would you like to be remembered by people, as respected and successful or as troublemaking terrorists?" he posted last month. "The successful Mohamad Salah and Mostafa al-Agha or the cowardly terrorist Ahmad Jarrar?"
    Saleh is a popular Egyptian football player, and Agha is a Syrian presenter of a TV sports program. Jarrar, a Palestinian suspected of being behind the killing of an Israeli in the West Bank in January, was killed after a manhunt by the IDF in February.
    Adraee's Twitter and Facebook pages are among several mushrooming social media accounts in Arabic by Israeli military and government officials.
    "This constitutes the first time Palestinian citizens have direct online contact with high-ranking Israeli officials," said Nadim Nashif, executive director of the Arab Center for Social Media Advancement.

The ISIS Files - Rukmini Callimachi (New York Times)
    For nearly three years, the Islamic State controlled a stretch of land that at one point was the size of Britain, with a population estimated at 12 million people. How did the group hold onto so much land for so long?
    Part of the answer can be found in more than 15,000 pages of internal Islamic State documents I recovered during five trips to Iraq over more than a year. A team of journalists spent 15 months translating and analyzing them page by page.
    The documents show that the group realized its dream to establish its own state, a theocracy they considered a caliphate, run according to their strict interpretation of Islam.
    The militants taxed every transaction. It was tax revenue on daily commerce and agriculture - not oil - that powered the economy of the caliphate.

Al-Qaeda's Long Game - Milo Comerford (Tony Blair Institute for Global Change)
    While no public message has been heard from ISIS' senior leadership since September 2017, al-Qaeda's leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, has published six speeches in 2018 alone. The latest is titled, "America Is the First Enemy of the Muslims."
    As ISIS has declined, al-Qaeda has experienced a "resurrection," according to terrorism scholar Bruce Hoffman. ISIS "can no longer compete in terms of influence, reach, manpower, or cohesion." 

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We wish our readers a Happy Passover holiday!
Daily Alert will not appear on Friday, April 6
News Resources - North America, Europe, and Asia:

  • U.S. Troops to Remain in Syria a Few More Months - Julie Hirschfeld Davis
    President Trump has instructed his military commanders to quickly wrap up the American military operation in Syria so that he can bring the 2,000 troops home within a few months, senior administration officials said on Wednesday. At a meeting of the National Security Council on Tuesday, Trump's top military advisers told him they had drawn up plans to pull American troops out of Syria immediately. But they also presented a plan for the forces to stay longer to clean out residual pockets of Islamic State fighters and train local forces to stabilize the liberated territory. Trump replied, "I can support that," as long as the operation lasted months rather than years.
        Col. Ryan Dillon, spokesman for the American-led coalition in Iraq and Syria, said that the Islamic State still held territory in the mid-Euphrates River Valley. He noted that defeating the remaining militants had proved difficult since offensive operations had all but ceased since the Syrian Kurds - America's key ally - had left the region to fight against the Turkish incursion in northwestern Syria. (New York Times)
        See also U.S. Officials: Trump-Netanyahu Phone Call Grew Tense over Plans to Leave Syria - Josh Lederman
    A phone call Wednesday between President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu grew tense because of the Israeli leader's concerns that the U.S. will withdraw and allow Israel's enemies to gain a further foothold in neighboring Syria, two U.S. officials said. (AP-San Francisco Chronicle)
  • Iran's Supreme Leader Calls on Muslims to Defeat Israel
    After Saudi Arabia's crown prince said Israelis were entitled to live peacefully on their own land, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday called on the people of Muslim countries to defeat Israel. "With an intense and planned struggle they should force the enemy to retreat toward the point of demise." Khamenei also said, "Movement toward negotiation with...[Israel] is a big, unforgivable mistake that will push back the victory of the people of Palestine." He pledged continued Iranian backing for the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas. (Reuters)

News Resources - Israel and the Mideast:

  • Israel Warns of Ecological Damage as Gazans Prepare to Burn Thousands of Tires at Border - Tovah Lazaroff
    Palestinians plan to engulf the Gaza border with smoke and flames from thousands of burning tires on Friday, according to a Gaza source. Videos on social media show hundreds of tires that have already been gathered.
        In an Arabic post on Facebook, Maj.-Gen. Yoav Mordechai, the coordinator of government activities in the territories, warned, "It's the people in Gaza who will be strangled by black smoke." He warned that the smoke is carcinogenic and harmful to the respiratory and immune systems. Mordechai also wrote a letter asking the World Health Organization to intervene, saying he feared the burning tires could cause an ecological disaster by poisoning plants and animals. (Jerusalem Post)
  • Divisions Surface within Hamas - Daniel Siryoti
    Senior Palestinian sources in Gaza and Ramallah said Tuesday that Hamas is plagued with infighting that began several months ago with the resignation of Hamas Interior Minister Fathi Hamad, who oversaw the security and intelligence apparatuses in Gaza. Hamad was for years considered a potential successor to Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, and was greatly offended when Izzedine al-Qassam strongman Yahya Sinwar was named as military leader in Gaza in February 2017.
        Sinwar ousted Hamad from his position of power, prompting him to leave Hamas and announce plans to found a rival organization. Hamad has reportedly been able to convince dozens of his supporters in Hamas to join his organization. Ramallah sources told Israel Hayom that dozens of Hamas security officers, including several high-ranking officials, have been arrested over the past few weeks on suspicion of aiding Hamad. (Israel Hayom)

Global Commentary and Think-Tank Analysis:


  • Crisis in Gaza: The Israeli Point of View - Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon
    The New York Times editorial, "A Test for Israel in Gaza" (April 4), doesn't mention, or minimizes, basic facts that led to the situation in Gaza. First, we withdrew entirely from the Gaza Strip in August 2005, removing every Israeli resident, home, factory and synagogue. We are not responsible for the well-being of the people of Gaza.
        Second, the restrictions that exist on Gaza are not the cause of the situation there but rather a result of Hamas' refusal to renounce violence. This is not Israel's condition, but rather that put forward by the U.S., EU and UN as part of the Quartet framework. If there were no terror, there would be no restrictions.
        Finally, the fence that was attacked over the last week separates a sovereign, democratic state and a murderous terrorist entity. Our security forces acted judiciously, and a vast majority of those killed were terrorists who have been identified as members of Hamas.
        These were not "peaceful protests." Every critic of Israel must ask himself how he would expect the security forces of his own country to react if terrorists armed with rifles and Molotov cocktails began to march on his country's border. It is the peak of hypocrisy for the international community to criticize Israel while ignoring the real factors causing pain and suffering to the innocent people of Gaza. (New York Times)
  • The Lessons for Israel from Gaza - Zalman Shoval
    From Israel's perspective, the main lesson from last weekend's events in Gaza is that they should be seen as a preview of what might happen in the future if an independent Palestinian state were to be established on our eastern border under the current circumstances.
        No security fence or even a concrete barrier can stop an organized mass attempt to breach the Israeli border along a much larger front than merely the Gaza border, unless the IDF maintains full control, not only of the borders of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), but inside those territories.
        Israel - with the help of the U.S. - must move ahead toward interim solutions that will remove unnecessary financial, civil and governmental limitations from the Arab population in the territories, without affecting Israel's operational freedom on matters of security. The writer is a former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. (Israel Hayom)
  • The Secret World of the Palestinian Authority - Bassam Tawil
    report published last week in Ramallah by the Coalition for Accountability and Integrity (AMAN), established in 2000 by a number of civil society organizations, offers a rare glance into the secret world of the Palestinian Authority. Entitled "Integrity and Combating Corruption: Palestine 2017," the report discussed the $17.5 million "presidential palace" for Mahmoud Abbas built on a hilltop on the outskirts of Ramallah, calling it "the epitome of misuse of public funds as well as a bad example of lack of prioritization...given the urgent need to finance vital services such as health and education."
        Another PA practice of squandering public money involves paying the salaries and expenses of a non-existent airline called "Palestine Airlines." "Hundreds of employees of this company continue to receive salaries and allowances from the Palestinian Authority." The report also notes that members of the Palestinian Legislative Council also benefit from monthly salaries, despite the parliament having been paralyzed for more than a decade as a result of the dispute between Abbas' ruling Fatah faction and Hamas. (Gatestone Institute)
  • The Anguish of the Palestinians - Tarek Fatah
    The anguish of the Palestinian people seems to be a never-ending tragedy. Abandoned by their Arab neighbors Egypt, Jordan and Syria, and betrayed by the short-sightedness of their own divided leadership, they have slid further into the arms of Iran-backed Hamas and its cult of celebratory martyrdom as the ultimate honor.
        Gaza could have been a Mediterranean paradise with mile after mile of beaches that could have turned the territory into an example of Palestinian ingenuity. Instead Gaza became a laboratory of Islamic extremism where leaders of the Palestinian Authority were tortured and assassinated, thrown over the roofs of buildings, and adversaries were killed and their bodies dragged by motorcyclists.
        Palestinians today must recognize two bitter realities: Israel will never commit suicide by permitting a "right of return" to millions of descendants of the 1948 Palestinian refugees. Israel will never hand over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to Palestinians. The writer is a founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress. (Toronto Sun-Canada)


  • Israel's Intelligence Ministry Eyes Iran - Kimberly Dozier
    "Right now, our number one goal is to prevent Iran from basing itself militarily in Syria," the director of Israel's Ministry of Intelligence, Chagai Tzuriel, said during the recent German Marshall Forum in Brussels. If the U.S. doesn't find a way to keep Iran from building military bases in Syria, Israel may well have to be the "other people" Trump referred to who will have to "take care of it."
        "If they start building air, sea and ground bases for them and Shi'ite militias, a forward base like they built in Lebanon with Hizbullah, we have made clear we will not accept the situation," Tzuriel said. "We have presented it as a red line." This is on top of the previous red lines: no transfer of advanced weapons to Syria; no violation of sovereignty of Israeli territory in the Golan Heights; and no manufacture of chemical weapons.
        Tzuriel noted that "The Russians, having had a very formidable achievement in Syria, are not interested in destabilizing their achievement. They understand that if the Iranian proxy presence in Syria is a source of friction and tension and a potential flashpoint, they can also be a constructive player and can play a limiting and restraining role vis-a-vis Iran and Hizbullah."  (Cipher Brief)
  • The IAEA's Right and Obligation to Inspect Military Facilities in Iran - Olli Heinonen
    In order for the nuclear deal with Iran to ensure the "exclusively peaceful nature of Iran's nuclear program," the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) must be able to inspect all necessary locations either in the territory of Iran or under its control elsewhere, including all military sites. The absence of inspections at military sites prevents the effective monitoring of the deal, known as the JCPOA.
        Iran committed to apply the legally binding Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA) as well as the Additional Protocol (AP) as part of the JCPOA. Like all other countries subject to CSA safeguards under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, Iran cannot declare any site to be a sanctuary off-limits to IAEA inspectors.
        Experience shows that Iran has often conducted nuclear R&D and manufacturing activities at military sites, so the IAEA would be remiss if it did not inspect them. The IAEA must fully exercise its rights and obligations in order to ensure the full and meaningful implementation of the JCPOA. The writer is former deputy director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and head of its Department of Safeguards. (Foundation for Defense of Democracies)
  • Mismanagement Leaves Iran's Economy Vulnerable - Patrick Clawson
    On March 29, the IMF released a report highlighting Iran's economic vulnerabilities, at a time when the Iranian rial has been under sustained pressure. The IMF report discussed a host of grave dangers to Iran's banks. Their capital-to-assets ratio continues to decline (currently 4.9%), while nonperforming loans continue to grow (11.4%), and "the cost-to-income ratio for banks in Iran is amongst the highest in the world."
        The report also discussed the problem of maintaining a pension system in a country with a rapidly aging population. "The three largest [public] pension schemes (90% of the system) are insolvent."
        In short, Iran's economy is highly vulnerable to external shocks such as oil price drops or toughened international sanctions. The writer is director of research at the Washington Institute. (Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
        See also Tehran's Financial Woes and U.S. Policy - Jay Solomon (Washington Institute for Near East Policy)
  • Iran's Foreign Interventions - Hillel Frisch
    The Islamic Republic of Iran, which ranks only 17th in terms of economic output, is hardly a major power. Yet it is demonstrating almost daily its imperialist reach in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Gaza, and is developing ballistic capabilities to threaten Europe. While China's and Russia's assertions of power are focused on land and seas contiguous to their borders, Iran is the only country whose focus is on political, military, and terrorist intervention in areas beyond its contiguous borders against states that have not struck its homeland.
        Israel, the state it vows to destroy, never wanted a fight with the Islamic State of Iran. A strong lobby within Israel believed for many years that Iran would renew ties for mutual benefit, as it did in the days of the Shah.
        The Islamic Republic of Iran created Hizbullah in faraway Lebanon to fight Israel and threaten it with 100,000 missiles. Iran is exploiting the new dynamic in Syria to transform it into another Lebanon. Imported Shiite militias under Iranian Revolutionary Guard guidance and command are creating missile sites similar to those in Lebanon. Terrorist activity is being increased, and munitions factories and forward bases are being established inside Syria and along the border of the northern Golan.
        The writer, a professor of political and Middle East studies at Bar-Ilan University, is a senior research associate at its BESA Center. (Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies-Bar-Ilan University)

    Other Issues

  • An Emerging Arab-Israeli Thaw - James S. Robbins
    We may be on the verge of seeing a historic normalization of relations between Israel and several major Arab states - all thanks to Iran. On March 13, representatives from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and the UAE, among other countries, gathered at the White House for a meeting on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. An Israeli delegation also attended, marking the first ever publicly acknowledged diplomatic meeting involving these countries and Israel.
        A new diplomatic paradigm is rapidly emerging. The Palestinian issue is no longer the marquee concern it once was. Iranian expansionism, nuclear and missile proliferation, and radical extremism are the critical issues pushing Israel and the Arab states together. Palestinian leaders have shown no great willingness to adapt to the new circumstances. And to the extent the Hamas faction draws closer to Iran, it puts itself on the wrong side of the peace equation. The writer is senior fellow for national-security affairs at the American Foreign Policy Council. (National Interest)

    Weekend Features

  • Israel to Construct Wildlife Corridors through New Jordan Border Fence - Dan Lavie
    Israeli soldiers stationed near the Jordanian border have been canvassing the area to find ideal places to construct natural wildlife corridors before a new border fence is constructed. Operation Living Together is being carried out in conjunction with academic experts, the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel, IDF trackers, and the Jordanian army.
        One purpose of the operation is to help migrating birds and animals access drinking water. The Egyptian border fence was fitted with specially designed crossings that allow only wildlife to move back and forth. "The current operation serves as a very tangible example of how the army takes wildlife into consideration during its routine missions and helps to preserve it," said Guy Selai, founder of the "Nature Defense Forces" initiative to instill in soldiers a greater sense of responsibility for the environment in which they operate. (Israel Hayom)
  • How Israeli Ingenuity Repairs the World - Shoshanna Solomon
    Avi Jorisch, a senior fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council, said the idea for his new book, Thou Shalt Innovate, How Israeli Ingenuity Repairs the World, "started to germinate in 2014" when he was in Israel during the Gaza war and witnessed firsthand how Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system protected his family from Hamas rockets. Soon after that, he started noticing other Israeli innovations that were helping to make "a real difference in fostering a kinder, gentler world."
        He noticed that in traffic accidents, emergency responders riding ambucycles - motorbikes refitted as ambulances - were quick to appear; his Jerusalem gardener brought to his attention a drip irrigator that saved water; and a colleague of his with Parkinson's began undergoing deep brain stimulation to mitigate his symptoms.
        For his book Jorisch selected 15 technologies and their entrepreneurs in fields such as drugs, drip irrigation, solar power, defense, agriculture and cybersecurity that are making a difference in the world. In an appendix, Jorisch lists Israel's 50 greatest technological contributions. "I could have very easily kept going to 100, 200, 300," he said. (Times of Israel)
        See also 15 Earthshaking Israeli Technologies - Shoshanna Solomon (Times of Israel)


IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eizenkot said in an interview published on March 30:
  • "On the one hand, [the Palestinians] realize that they are facing a powerful foe they cannot defeat. On the other hand, they hate us very much and want desperately to hurt us."
  • "We are able to thwart 98% of potential terrorist attacks, but still, they keep trying. Just last year, we apprehended 4,600 potential terrorists, and I have no doubt that there will be another 4,000 the coming year, and another 4,000 in the year after that."
  • "There is immense motivation to perpetrate terrorist attacks. The main problems are hatred, willingness, the culture, the religious beliefs and the profoundly painful understanding that they strongly believe terrorism is a way of fulfilling political, social and religious desires. This is something that won't change for many years to come."
  • "The hatred toward Israel isn't new....I researched and found that the first terrorist attack on record in Israel was in 1851."
  • "Anyone who thinks that they will see democracies or Western lifestyles in the Middle East in the near future must come from another planet. They are delusional."
  • "Our experience teaches us that wherever the system is overthrown, we get a far worse alternative....You end up with ISIS and a chaotic reality that will take decades to get under control."
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