Sunday, March 25, 2018



While We Are Sitting at Our Seder, Will The Duma Arson Suspects, the Fake Jewish Terrorists, Elisha Odess and Amiram Ben-Uliel be sitting in Jail? 

March 28, 2018
Fifth Letter. Att: Ron Dermer Special  Request To Intevene for the release of Elisha Odess American Citizen before Pesach from Crown Heights Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel

רות איזיקוביץ ה' ניסן תשע"ח March 21, 2018
J'Accuse. Will the Land continue to be Silent? by Ruti Itzkowitz posted on Kol Yehudi On the Slander of the Hilltop Youth

בעז שפירא , ה' בניסן תשע"ח  March 21, 2018
Torture of Duma Boys. Article in Arutz Sheva: Torture of a Jewish Child by Boaz Shapira

March 20, 2018
Att-Amabassador Dermer- 4rd request re- Elisha Odess.pdf by Crown Heights Women for the Integrity and Safety of Israel

Lobbying For An End To Israel's Jewish Terrorist Law. Author: Anonymous 45 pages PDF

March 15, 2018
Yediot Interview with Elisha Odess' parents - Hebrew and translated into English. When the police came to us, we told them, 'Great. Together we will bring him back on track. ' How naive we were 

March 14, 2018Parents of Duma Suspect Speak Out. MISHPACHA by Binyamin Rose  Has the Shin Bet locked away a Jewish terrorist or innocent teen?

כ"ז באדר תשע"ח March 14, 2018 
המדינה טוענת:"עינוי הנחקרים בתיק דומא - חוקי" הפרקליטות מבקשת מבית המשפט להכיר בשימוש ב'אמצעים חריגים' כלפי עצורי הפרשה, שהיו "סבירים" לדעתה. The state claims:  "Torture of Interrogees in a Duma - Legal"  The State Attorney's Office asks the court to recognize the use of "exceptional measures" against the detainees of the affair, which were "reasonable" in its opinion.

Court to determine submissibility of Duma arson defendants' confessions 
הפיגוע בדומא: "המדינה מבקשת לקבוע שעינוי הנאשמים היה חוקי" 

כ"ח באדר תשע"ח March 13, 2018
The Hearing of the Duma Suspects begin. An investigation that is all threats and violence" "חקירה שכולה איומים והפעלת אלימות" - ערוץ 7

March 15, 2018 
Hearing for Duma Suspects. Justice for Elisha Odess! Losing Faith in the Israeli Judicial System! Evil Judges who Pervert Justice. What next? The Death Penalty on innocent Hilltop Youth chas Veshalom????? by Robin Ticker

Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Elisha Odess hearing tomorrow: FYI Timeline Review of Duma Investigation against the Jewish Suspects of the Duma Arson. by Ruti Itzkowitz. Collaboration of Law enforcement agencies to violate human rights and create a miscarriage of justice.

March 7, 2018
Att-Amabassador Dermer- 3rd request re- Elisha Odess.pdf by Crown Heights women for the Integrity and safety of Israel

Letter by Ruti itzkowitz re: Elisha Odess to MK Ayelet Shaked on her unwillingness to intervene the framing of the Hilltop Youth and fabricating evidence based on forced confessions and the collaboration of the Police, the Shabak and the Ministry of Justice

re: Elisha Odess. Letter of Attorney Boaz Shapiro to Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked

re: Torture of Elisha Odess and the Hilltop Youth. Letter to MK Nissan Slomiansky by Atty Aviad Visoli, Abuse of the ISA, the Police, the IPS and the Ministry of Justice,

The important, but not infallible, Shabak (Shin Bet) — Where is the political and judicial oversight? by  ARI Z. ZIVOTOFSKY

Thursday, March 08, 2018
Request for Rabbonim and Askonim to call for an investigation to help Elisha Odess Hilltop Youth, framed for Duma Arson. He needs our Help! Pidyon Shvuyim! by Robin Ticker

Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Fwd: URGENT! Pidyon Shvuyim Write a letter to free Elisha Odess who has been subjected to Cruel and Unusual Punishment for a Jewish prisoner.  Example by Helen Freedman

February 17, 2018
Rabbi Mordechai Tendler's Letter to MK Gilad Erdan and his Psak against Administrative Detention on behalf of Elisha Odess

By David Israel -  24 Shevat 5778 – February 8, 2018
Seeking Confession at All Costs, Israeli Court, AG, Endorsed Torture of Jewish-American Minor by David Israel 

Thursday, February 08, 2018
Fwd: Day of Tefilla for Elisha Odess: Teen Tortured by Shabak for false Duma confession

January 31, 2018

June 21, 2017
'They overturned beds and came out empty-handed'
Mother of Elia Nativ of Yitzhar, in administrative detention: 'They banged on the door, went through the closets; we were in total shock'.

June 20, 2017
Alleged Jewish extremist to be held without charge despite court freeing him. Shin Bet orders administrative detention for Elia Nativ over ‘ongoing violent activities’ against Israeli security forces, Palestinians

July 29, 2016 by Dr. Martin Sherman
INTO THE FRAY: Duma-one year (and three arson attacks) later

With continuing unsolved arson attacks in Duma, seven months after a coerced confession & an indictment wildly at odds with eyewitness accounts, troubling questions must be raised.

February 23, 2016
Fwd: An Open Letter to the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah re: Writing an Open Letter to Netanyahu to Free Meir Ettinger who has been slapped with 4 more months of Administration after 6 months in isolation. (Listing the Mitzvot D'Orayta in fighting this battle). End the Sinas Chinam Against the Hilltop Youth
(Had Am Yisroel collectively protested Administrative Detention Law in 2016 when Meir Ettinger was the prime target, and abolished it, Elisha Odess and Amiran ben Uliel would not have been sitting in jail for the last 2 years. It is not enough to release them on condition that they are silenced as was Meir Ettinger since there are other victims who will follow suit). 


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Mike Huckabee Newsletter March 25, 2018 Today's Commentary: A good guy with a gun -- Hillary Clinton update -- Fake news outrage -- Andrew McCabe's pity party -- France terror update -- Additional Mike Huckabee commentaries

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Date: Sun, Mar 25, 2018 at 2:41 PM
Subject: A good guy with a gun


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Today's Commentary: A good guy with a gun -- Hillary Clinton update -- Fake news outrage  -- Andrew McCabe's pity party  -- France terror update -- Additional Mike Huckabee commentaries


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Here is yet another reason why we don't allow people to serve as lawmakers until they are at least 25 (and one hopes, have taken Logic 101 class).

One of the Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivors who has become a darling of the anti-gun left tried to refute opponents who pointed out that in the recent Maryland school shooting, a massacre was prevented because an armed officer was on the scene and responded in less than a minute. This was her tweet, which went viral among other people whom I assume also have never taken a logic class:

"The Great Mills school resource officer stopped the shooter but a 'good guy with a gun' is NOT the answer. Armed citizens rarely successfully intervene to stop an active shooter - an FBI study of 160 incidents found that only 1 was stopped by someone with a valid firearms permit."


Mike Huckabee

Hillary Clinton update

By Mike Huckabee

Once again, the DNC is unhappy with Hillary Clinton. This time, she's scheduled a fundraiser for her own organization in New York City at the same time as a speech by DNC Chairman Tom Perez, one at which he no doubt hoped a lot of deep pockets donors would show up so he could put the post-speech bite on them. Insulting the voters is bad enough, but now Hilllary's blocking them hosing up other people's money. That's just about the only sin left that top level Democrats still recognize.

This is especially ironic (and hilarious) considering Hillary's latest broadside against President Trump, when she told a Dutch TV interviewer that Trump has "disregarded laws, ethical standards" and "undermined the office and used it to enrich himself and his family." That soft plopping sound you heard was jaws hitting the floor all over the Netherlands.

Trump walked away from his businesses to run for office, donates his salary to the government, makes sure his hotels give any money paid in room rentals by foreign governments to the Treasury (which isn't even legally necessary), and has seen his brand tarnished by the endless anti-Trump vitriol from leftist nutjob protesters, political opponents and the news media (but I repeat myself in triplicate.) As a result, he has dropped on lists of the world's richest people.

As Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton's salary was $35,000 a year (trust me, I know.) He claimed that when he left the White House in 2000, he and Hillary were "dead broke." Today, after all those speeches at up to $250,000 a pop (special rate for Russian banks: $500,000), eight-figure book advances and other such perks, not to mention the billions that have poured into the Clinton Foundation from sometimes shady and opportunistic sources, Bill is estimated to be the wealthiest living ex-President and among the top 10 richest of all time. Quite an accomplishment, considering Hillary's boast during the Democratic convention that Trump had devoted his life to greed (i.e., running a private business that actually builds things people want) while her life had been devoted to public service. Who knew that selfless public service could be so lucrative?

But hey, I'm not knocking them for being successful! I make money from books and speeches, too. It's just that when I write a book, I have to get on the Huckabus, go out into America, talk to the people and sell it (maybe if Hillary had done that, she would know that people between New York and L.A. are actually literate.) And if I had an agent who could get me a $500,000 speaking fee, I'd be there. The only problem is, I don't think I could command a fee like that. Partly because I didn't make it to the White House. But mostly because the only thing my clients expect me to deliver for the dough is a speech.



Fake news outrage

By Mike Huckabee

And one more reason why relying on random retweets and Facebook posts for news is only slightly less reliable than playing a game of "Telephone" with the entire US population. No, Alabama Rep. Mike Rogers did not mock a Congressional witness for having a Puerto Rican accent. The woman wasn't even a speaking witness at the hearing. In fact, Rogers was making a lighthearted joke with a friend about the two of them having Southern accents. But that didn't stop the torrent of outraged tweets and retweets about Rogers' nonexistent racist comment.

People who keep track of these things have noted that fake news and false accusations tend to be retweeted tens of thousands of times and the retractions and corrections only a fraction as many times. It used to be said that a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its pants on. Thanks to social media, the lie now circles the Earth about a million times while the truth can't even get people's attention. "Accent-gate" will likely become something that dogs Rep. Rogers for years to come, even though, as we Southerners say, it's just a big pile of crud muffins.



Andrew McCabe's pity party

By Mike Huckabee

Andrew McCabe has written a self-pitying, finger-pointing defense of himself published (natch) by the Washington Post. Monica Showalter at American Thinker does a good job of poking him full of holes like the Pillsbury Dough Boy. The only thing I disagree with her on is her assessment that McCabe's lack of candor and language skills bode ill for his chances of a book deal. Between all the anti-Trumpers who'll buy any nonsense that trashes Trump and the liberal publishing houses owned by big media companies that want to curry favor with DC Democrats, he could land at least a seven-figure advance even if he were still struggling to write "CAT" with a crayon.


France terror update

By Mike Huckabee

The terrorist attack in a supermarket in France is over with the gunman killed, three victims dead and at least a dozen injured. He stormed the store yelling "Allahu Akbar" and claimed to be a soldier of ISIS. ISIS took credit for the attack, but authorities believe they didn't know about it in advance, and the killer was a lone wolf and petty criminal who became radicalized and took it on himself to launch the assault.

Once again, we learn that authorities had "monitored him" and "believed that he was not radicalized." Which should serve as a sobering lesson (as if we needed any more, although some people apparently do) that for the citizens of a free society to rely solely on the government for protection from armed nuts bent on violence – even a government that's watching people more closely than at any time in history, and in a nation with strict gun laws – is like a trapeze artist depending on a safety net with holes four feet wide.



Additional Commentaries

What the media won't tell you about the Maryland school shooting

More reason to doubt integrity of Mueller and friends

"Clock boy" is back in the news again

Republicans close House Intel Committee investigation

"A Wrinkle in Time" the movie

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Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

'I tried Elad, I hope you're proud of me' - Israel National News.Widow of Elad Salomon writes heart-wrenching post about her anger against Israel Supreme Court

Lobbying For An End To Israel’s Jewish Terrorist Law


Lobbying For An End To Israel's Jewish Terrorist Law


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Re: Torture of Duma Boys. Article in Arutz Sheva: Torture of a Jewish Child by Boaz Shapira


Torture of a Jewish child
translated with the help of Google translate.  Any improvements are most welcome. see Hebrew text below. (h)

It is inconceivable that what is happening here, almost under the radar, is a shocking episode of the torture of Jewish youths, when most of the time the Nation of Israel is paralyzed and silent.

The above refers to the so-called "Duma affair" and without coming to grips with the "legal" matter that many believe is transparent and holds no substance, I will focus here on the human aspect, the unthinkable pain of parents and children - a pain shared by  the many who are tormented at night without sleep, suffering and worrying, eating their hearts out. Yes,  Yes, that's right.

Many signs indicate that the fire in which the Arabs of the Abu Dawsha clan were killed was an internal Arab affair (an ongoing dispute within the Dawabsha clan, in which the homes of the clan were burned together, even after the fire in which the Arabs were killed). A calligraphic analysis of a Hebrew inscription indicates that a hand Of an Arabic speaker wrote the slogans and more and more ...

On the legal level, I will make do with noting the unbelievable detail that will follow: Aside from the confession of two defendants, a confession that was obtained with unbearable torture, the prosecution has nothing nor half of nothing to go on. This significance is twofold - the admission of an accused in itself is not to be enough to convict and more severe - such a confession should be given of free will of the confessor. What is clear above and beyond any doubt is that here this is not the case in the Duma affair.

I would like to focus on the harsh tortures suffered by several Jewish youths, the vast majority of whom were released without charge, while two others were prosecuted in a mini court for the admissibility of "confessions" given after severe torture of the Jewish youths.

One of those interrogated testified that they had placed him on a low chair with no backrest, shackled to a chair, and his legs were bent back under the chair and tied to a chair. In this situation, the interrogators forcibly bent his back until his head touched the floor and his back formed an "opposite arc" and held it for long periods of time for a whole night, and for three nights. The pain caused by torture to him was unbearable. The interrogators screamed at him that he must confess to the murder and crimes that the interrogators dictated (and he had nothing to do with them) in order to stop the torture. 

The intorrogated was willing to admit to everything in order to stop the inferno pain of the torture.  

The torture lasted for weeks, including prolonged sleep deprivation, slapping, beatings, curses, threats, tying, placing interrogators in impossible body positions that cause the most severe pain - to the point of fainting. 

One of those interrogated testified that an interrogator had beaten his stomach, and another interrogator "threw" his head back until he needed medical attention and supervision.

Another time he was interrogated, shackled with his feet to a chair, his hands cuffed behind him. The interrogators raised his hands back until they formed a 90-degree angle with his back, thus stopping the flow of blood into his hands. The boy (then seventeen) felt numbness and freezing cold in his hands, due to the cessation of blood flow. Then the interrogators gave him an electric shock and he felt his hands burning with terrible pain. The interrogee was thrown to the floor as a result of the electric shock.

There are other terrible and horrific testimonies that I will not describe here. The interrogees said they were willing to do everything to stop the suffering, the pain, and the agony. One who was interrogated tried to commit suicide, after he begged to be told what he was to admit and he would admit - even in the assassination of Rabin, the murder of Kennedy or the murder of Arlosoroff.

It was reported that during a closed-door trial, one of the defendants asked his parents to leave the hall when he was called to testify. This tzaddik did not want his tormented parents to hear from him how he was suffering harshly, asking to spare them further suffering.

Various elements, this public servant among them, are trying to knock on the doors of policymakers, politicians, members of the judiciary, journalists, spiritual leaders ... to no avail. Today, alone in the campaign, two families whose sons have been detained in inhuman conditions for more than two years remain alone. And why is a loud voice of the Institute for Democracy, the Council for Child Welfare, the Association for Civil Rights and the Rabbanim of Israel not heard?

Imagine that you are dealing with this scenario.  Imagine the scale of the suffering and the intensity of the worry. Try to imagine how you would feel if your child was tortured and imprisoned and you were helpless to help him. Inconceivable, unbearable - a suffering I find difficult even to contemplate.

This is what you must know - in order to make Kosher the vermin and in an attempt to justify the use of "special means of interrogation" (harsh torture), the interrogators claimed that this was a "investigation of necessity (ie preventing future terrorist activity) something that never was and never existed of course and other fabrications.

And recently the prosecution has increased its request to ask the court "to recognize torture as lawful" an unprecedented request that I do not recall. This is in continuation of the State Attorney's Office's attempt to convince the justices that despite the use of "exceptional measures" - torture in interrogations of defendants, their confessions were given 'free will' and are legally admissible. Is it possible to grasp the magnitude of the absurd, the intensity of the horror?

I do not know what the verdict will be in the mini trial and it is only to pray that at last the boys will be treated with a bit of justice. What is already clear is that this affair, the harsh torture of Jewish boys, must be thoroughly investigated. The heart and mind do not tolerate that the Jewish state will treat Jews in this manner, which is even more harsh than what it usually does with Arab terrorists whom it is investigating.

עינוי ילד יהודי

בעז שפירא , ה' בניסן תשע"ח 21/03/18 11:01

בלתי נתפש מה שקורה כאן, כמעט שעוברת מתחת לרדאר פרשה מזעזעת של עינוי נערים יהודים כאשר רוב הזמן עם ישראל  משותק ושותק.

האמור מתייחס למה שמכונה "פרשת דומא" ובלא להיכנס לעבי הקורה ה"משפטית" שלדעת רבים היא שקופה ואין בה כל ממש אתמקד כאן בפן האנושי, בכאב הבלתי נתפש של הורים ושל ילדים- כאב המשותף לרבים המתייסרים בלילות ללא שינה, בסבל ובדאגה האוכלים את הלב, כן, כך ממש.

סימנים רבים מעידים על כך שהשריפה בדומה בה מצאו את מותם ערבים בני חמולת דוואבשה הייתה ענין פנים ערבי  (סכסוך מתמשך בתוך חמולת דוואבשה במסגרתו נשרפו באופן הדדי בתי בני החמולה, גם אחרי השריפה הנדונה בה נספו הערבים) ניתוח קליגרפי של כתובת בעברית מלמד על כך שיד של דובר ערבית כתבה הכתובת ועוד ועוד...

ברמה המשפטית אסתפק בציון הפרט המדהים דלקמן: מלבד הודאת שני נאשמים, הודאה שהושגה בעינויים קשים מנשוא, אין בידי התביעה דבר וחצי דבר. לכך משמעות כפולה- הודאת נאשם כשלעצמה אין בה כדי להרשיע והחמור יותר- על הודאה כזו להינתן מרצונו החופשי של נותן ההודאה, מה שברור למעלה מכל ספק שלא מתקיים כאן ב"פרשת דומא".

ובזה אבקש להתמקד- בעינויים הקשים אותם עברו כמה וכמה נערים יהודים, רובם המוחלט שוחרר ללא כתב אישום בעוד נגד שניים אחרים מתנהל משפט זוטא לעניין קבילות ה"הודאות" שניתנו לאחר עינויים קשים של נערים יהודים.

נחקר אחר העיד שהושיבו אותו על כיסא נמוך ללא משענת גב כשהוא אזוק לכיסא ורגליו מכפופות לאחור מתחת לכיסא וקשורות לכיסא.  במצב זה כופפו החוקרים בכוח את גב  הנחקר לאחור עד שראשו נגע ברצפה ובגבו נוצרה "קשת הפוכה", וכך החזיקו בו לפרקי זמן ארוכים לאורך לילה שלם, ובמשך שלושה לילות. הכאבים שגרמו העינויים לנחקר היו ללא נשוא. כדי להפסיק את העינויים, החוקרים צרחו עליו שעליו להודות ברצח ובפשעים שהכתיבו לו החוקרים (ואשר לא היה לו כל קשר אליהם). הנחקר היה מוכן להודות בכל כדי להפסיק את כאבי התופת שגרמו לו העינויים.העינויים נמשכו במשך שבועות וכללו בין היתר מניעת שינה ממושכת, סטירות, מכות, קללות, איומים, קשירה, השמת הנחקרים בתנוחות גוף בלתי אפשריות הגורמות לכאבים חזקים ביותר-עד כדי עילפון. אחד הנחקרים העיד שחוקר חבט בבטנו, חוקר אחר "העיף" את ראשו לאחור עד שנזקק לטיפול והשגחה רפואיים.

בפעם אחרת הושב נחקר אזוק ברגליו לכיסא, וידיו אזוקות לאחור. החוקרים הרימו את ידיו לאחור עד שאלה יצרו זווית של 90 מעלות עם גבו, וכך הפסיקו את זרימת הדם לידיו. הנער (אז בן שבע עשרה) חש רדימות וקור מקפיא בידיו, עקב הפסקת זרימת הדם. או אז, נתנו חוקריו של  מכת חשמל בידיו האזוקות והוא חש שידיו שורפות בכאבי תופת. הנחקר הועף לרצפה כתוצאה מהשוק החשמלי.

יש עוד עדויות קשות ומחרידות שלא אתאר כאן. הנחקרים ספרו שהיו מוכנים לעשות ה כ ו  ל כדי להפסיק את הסבל, את הכאב ואת הייסורים הקשים. נחקר אחד ניסה להתאבד, אחר התחנן שיאמרו לו במה הוא מתבקש להודות ויודה- אפילו ברצח רבין, רצח קנדי או רצח ארלוזורוב.

דווח שבמהלך משפט הזוטא המתנהל בדלתיים סגורות בקש אחד הנאשמים שהוריו יצאו מהאולם עת נקרא לעדות. הצדיק הזה לא רצה שהוריו המיוסרים ישמעו מפיו כיצד עונה קשות, בקש לחסוך מהם סבל נוסף על סבלם....

גורמים שונים, עבדכם בכלל זה, מנסים להתדפק על דלתות קובעי דבר- פוליטיקאים, אנשי מערכת המשפט, עיתונאים, מנהיגים רוחניים....ללא הועיל. היום נותרו  לבדן, בודדות במערכה -שתי משפחות שבניהם עצורים בתנאים בלתי אנושיים זה למעלה משנתיים. ומדוע לא נשמע ברמה קולם של המכון לדמוקרטיה, המועצה לשלום הילד, האגודה לזכויות האזרח ורבני ישראל?

תארו לעצמכם שבעלילה עסקינן. שוו בנפשכם גודל הסבל ועצמת הדאגה, נסו לדמיין איך הייתם מרגישים לו היה מדובר בילד שלכם המעונה ואסור בכלא ואתם חסרי ישע לעזור לו. בלתי נתפש, בלתי נסבל- סבל שאני מתקשה אפילו להרהר בו.

וזאת עליכם לדעת- על מנת להכשיר את השרץ ובניסיון להצדיק נקיטת "אמצעים מיוחדים בחקירה" (עינויים קשים) טענו גורמי החקירה שמדובר ב"חקירת צורך" (שמשמעה מניעת פעולת טרור עתידית...) מה שלא היה ולא נברא כמובן , ועוד בדותות.

ולאחרונה הגדילה התביעה  לעשות בבקשה מבית המשפט "להכיר בעינויים כחוקיים"  בקשה חסרת תקדים שאינני זוכר כמותה. זה בהמשך לניסיון הפרקליטות לשכנע את השופטים כי למרות הפעלת 'האמצעים החריגים' - העינויים בחקירות הנאשמים, הודאותיהם ניתנו 'מרצון חופשי' והינם קבילות משפטית. הניתן לקלוט את גודל האבסורד, את עצמת הזוועה?

אינני יודע מה תהיה הכרעת הדין במשפט הזוטא ואין אלא להתפלל שסוף סוף ייעשה עם הנערים מעט צדק. מה שברור כבר עתה הוא שהפרשה הזו, עינויים קשים של נערים יהודים ,צריכה להיחקר ביסודיות ועד תום. הדעת והלב אינם סובלים שמדינת היהודים תנהג כלפי יהודים באופן זה, שהוא קשה אף ממה שהיא נוהגת על פי רוב במחבלים ערבים  אותם היא חוקרת.