Saturday, October 29, 2016

Fwd: It was called Hillarycare Mike Huckabee

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From: "Mike Huckabee (Personal)" <>
Date: Oct 29, 2016 9:53 AM
Subject: It was called Hillarycare first...
To: <>

HuckPAC - Electing Conservatives Nationwide

October 2016


Like a dead beached whale, Obamacare is decomposing in front of our eyes and stinking up the whole place. Doctors are quitting, insurers are fleeing (leaving many consumers with only one choice), Millennials are opting to pay the fine rather than sign up, co-pays and deductibles are rising, provider networks are narrowing and premiums are rising by over 100 percent in some states. Even Bill Clinton admits it's "the craziest thing in the world." So of course, the solution to this massive failure of government intrusion into health care is to turn it over to his wife Hillary, who will add even more government, and that will fix it.

Allow me to take you young folks (who find yourselves paying a fine and still having no health insurance) on a trip down Memory Lane to 1993. A freshly-inaugurated President Clinton put his wife in charge of reforming America's health care. Instead of listening to experts, she decided she knew best and surrounded herself with far-left sycophants. They locked out people who knew anything about the subject, in violation of open meetings laws, which led to lawsuits by conservative groups (any of this sounding familiar?). She eventually emerged with a 1,000-page behemoth of a bill that would have imposed massive bureaucratic control and killed jobs and the economy by forcing all businesses to provide insurance (she arrogantly snapped that she couldn't be responsible for every under-capitalized small business in America – spoken like what she is: someone who's never actually run a business). It was so poisonously unpopular that even though her own party refused to back it, it still cost the Democrats Congress in the 1994 elections.

And lest there be any doubt, last January in Vinton, Ohio, Hillary proudly declared, "It was called HillaryCare before it was called ObamaCare." That's right: the last time Hillary moved into the White House, the very first thing she did was to violate the laws and spark lawsuits in the pursuit of creating what was the first incarnation of Obamacare. And she's proud enough to brag about that.

Now, answer honestly: Do you really want to send her back to the White House?

Speaking of Obamacare, its chief architect Jonathan Gruber let the cat out of the bag on CNN and admitted that the most important thing that could be done to make it work is to increase the penalty for not buying health insurance. He's getting a lot of flak over it, but let's get real: this is an example of how political figures get in the most trouble when they accidentally tell the truth. Many Americans would rather pay the penalty than spend even more on narrow-network, high-deductible health insurance. And he's right, the only way, short of holding them at gunpoint, to force them to buy is to make the penalty as least as high as the cost of the policy so they'll say, "What the heck, I might as well just buy the lousy insurance."

But Obamacare is doomed because Democrats in Washington won't take that drastic step. They know in their hearts that if they did, most Americans wouldn't buy insurance. They'd instead use that money to buy tar and feathers and a tank of gas to drive to Washington to put the tar and feathers to good use.

Thankfully you don't have to drive to Washington to make a difference, you can chip in and financially support Huck PAC's conservative Republican candidates with your most generous donation here:

Your investment will help elect good conservatives like Trent Franks, Marco Rubio and others. I hope I can count on you today to donate to our cause.


Mike Huckabee


Chip in to help support Huck PAC endorsed candidates such as Tim Scott, Marco Rubio and Trent Franks. We rely on small donations from supporters to help fund our efforts, not big money donors from Wall Street.  We only support candidates who will stand firm and repeal Obamacare.

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Friday, October 28, 2016

Fwd from Mike Huckabee...Protect Religious Freedom by voting for Trump! They asked for his Bible...

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From: "Mike Huckabee (Personal)" <>
Date: Oct 28, 2016 9:24 AM
Subject: They asked for his Bible...
To: <>

HuckPAC - Electing Conservatives Nationwide

October 2016


Dr. Eric Walsh, a Seventh-Day Adventist lay minister, claims in a discrimination suit that the job he'd accepted from the state of Georgia Department of Public Health was rescinded because of his faith-based views.  He says they have no right to call for copies of his sermons, his training materials and even his Bible.

His Bible!  I suppose they want to check and see if he marked any passages in Leviticus that they can say violate transgender rights.

His lawyer points out that the very fact they're demanding these things shows that their objection to him was faith-based, as he claims.  Otherwise, why would they want them?

Just imagine what President Hillary Clinton might do with her Justice Department to trample religious freedom.


Mike Huckabee


JUST IMAGINE WHAT A PRESIDENT CLINTON WOULD DO WITH HER JUSTICE DEPARTMENT:  Chip in to help support Huck PAC endorsed candidates such as Tim Scott, Marco Rubio and Trent Franks. We rely on small donations from supporters to help fund our efforts, not big money donors from Wall Street.  We only support candidates who will stand firm in support of freedom of religion.

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Mike Huckabee Gems. Voting for a Third Party is a Strategy that helped Bill Clinton get elected. Dont be a Fence Sitter! There is a candidate whose Team and Platform is consistent with Torah and Noahide values and authentically loves and supports Israel and another Candidate whose team and platform annuls Torah and who have empowered evil regimes like Iran and Isis, powerful evil forces who have grown under their watch who reject basic laws of Universal Morality. The Choice is clear!


Shtika ceHodaya Damya. Silence is like complicit agreement!

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From: "Mike Huckabee" <>
Date: Oct 28, 2016 8:39 AM
Subject: A Third Party Spoiler
To: <>

The message you have just received was delivered by Mike Huckabee and includes a message from Huck PAC, his political action committee. 


If you know anyone who doesn't want Hillary to be President but just "can't" vote for Trump, show that person the story below. The emails between Cheryl Mills and Bobby Mook reveal some interesting inside stuff about campaign strategy --- as in, should Hillary be running primarily as a woman, or not? --- but one thing in particular stands out.

In almost an aside, Mook says, "JUST NEED A THIRD-PARTY SPOILER AND WE'LL BE ALL SET!"

He's referring to Clinton's win in 1992, in which third-party candidate Ross Perot made it possible for Bill Clinton to ascend to the Presidency with a whopping 43 percent of the vote.

If a third-party candidate siphons off enough of the anti-Hillary votes, or keeps Trump from winning Utah, we'll be ushering in the Dark Age Of Hillary Clinton this January. The only way to keep Hillary out of the White House is to vote for Donald Trump. If you're not crazy about Donald, sorry, but this is reality, and reality bites.

For the full story, click here.


Mike Huckabee


Message from Huck PAC:  

HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Chip in to help support Huck PAC endorsed candidates such as Tim Scott, Marco Rubio and Trent Franks. We rely on small donations from supporters to help fund our efforts, not big money donors from Wall Street .


And in case you missed these:  

A Message For Washington

By Mike Huckabee

The 41-day standoff between ranchers and federal authorities at Oregon's Malheur National Wildlife Refuge could have turned into a Branch Davidian-style slaughter. The ranchers were protesting the federal government's growing bureaucratic restrictions on ranchers whose families have been caretakers of Western public lands for generations. It was sparked by the arrest and imprisonment of two ranchers for burning brush. Luckily, most of the ranchers surrendered peacefully, although one, Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, was shot and killed by authorities when he tried to flee during a traffic stop. Eleven occupiers took plea deals, and another seven are awaiting trial.

But yesterday, after a five-week trial, the jury stunned the feds by finding protest leader Ammon Bundy and six co-defendants not guilty on all charges. Those charges included conspiring to impede federal employees through intimidation, threat or force; possessing guns in a federal facility; and theft of government property. Jurors seemingly agreed with their attorney that the charges were a heavy-handed overreaction to a peaceful protest, the kind held by groups like "Occupy Wall Street" that cause far more disruption without authorities shooting and arresting them; that the protest was part of a long American tradition of standing up to government overreach; and that the intent was not to break the rules but to force the government to follow its own rules. One defendant called the verdict a "stunning victory for rural America."

Whether you agree with the verdict or not, the fact that a jury reached it unanimously should send a loud, clear message to those in Washington who think that they can keep on endlessly expanding their power at the expense of Americans' rights and freedoms. They've been pushing it further and further for years, but Americans have just about reached the limits of their patience with liberal petty dictators. The Tea Party movement tried to make the point politely and were persecuted by the IRS and slandered by the media. The ranchers tried to make the point that the people were fed up with elitists with messiah complexes, and they were shot and arrested. Now, the Trump movement is making the point louder and less politely, and the elites respond with slander, disdain, dirty tricks, and threats of violence. They would be well advised to view this verdict as a three-alarm wake-up call that they had better start responding to the anger and frustration of the American people by listening to them and remembering who their bosses really are. Hint: it's not lobbyists, Wall Street bankers or George Soros.


By Mike Huckabee

Like a dead beached whale, Obamacare is decomposing in front of our eyes and stinking up the whole place. Doctors are quitting, insurers are fleeing (leaving many consumers with only one choice), Millennials are opting to pay the fine rather than sign up, co-pays and deductibles are rising, provider networks are narrowing and premiums are rising by over 100 percent in some states. Even Bill Clinton admits it's "the craziest thing in the world." So of course, the solution to this massive failure of government intrusion into health care is to turn it over to his wife Hillary, who will add even more government, and that will fix it.

Allow me to take you young folks (who find yourselves paying a fine and still having no health insurance) on a trip down Memory Lane to 1993. A freshly-inaugurated President Clinton put his wife in charge of reforming America's health care. Instead of listening to experts, she decided she knew best and surrounded herself with far-left sycophants. They locked out people who knew anything about the subject, in violation of open meetings laws, which led to lawsuits by conservative groups (any of this sounding familiar?). She eventually emerged with a 1,000-page behemoth of a bill that would have imposed massive bureaucratic control and killed jobs and the economy by forcing all businesses to provide insurance (she arrogantly snapped that she couldn't be responsible for every under-capitalized small business in America – spoken like what she is: someone who's never actually run a business). It was so poisonously unpopular that even though her own party refused to back it, it still cost the Democrats Congress in the 1994 elections.

And lest there be any doubt, last January in Vinton, Ohio, Hillary proudly declared, "It was called HillaryCare before it was called ObamaCare." That's right: the last time Hillary moved into the White House, the very first thing she did was to violate the laws and spark lawsuits in the pursuit of creating what was the first incarnation of Obamacare. And she's proud enough to brag about that.

Now, answer honestly: Do you really want to send her back to the White House?


Message from Huck PAC:  

HUCK PAC NEEDS FINANCIAL HELP: Chip in to help support Huck PAC endorsed candidates such as Tim Scott, Marco Rubio and Trent Franks. We rely on small donations from supporters to help fund our efforts, not big money donors from Wall Street . We urgently need your financial support so please respond today!


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Fwd: ZOA Op-Ed: The Forward’s Responsibility to Expose Campus Anti-Semitism

Excellent article by Susan Tuchman Esq!

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From: "Zionist Organization of America" <>
Date: Oct 28, 2016 9:06 AM
Subject: ZOA Op-Ed: The Forward's Responsibility to Expose Campus Anti-Semitism
To: "" <>

Zionist Organization of America 

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ZOA Op-Ed: The Forward's Responsibility to Expose Campus Anti-Semitism

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For more information contact Morton A. Klein 212-481-1500

NEW YORK, October 27, 2016

By Susan B. Tuchman, Esq.

Last month, The City University of New York (CUNY) released a report by two CUNY-hired lawyers to investigate allegations of campus anti-Semitism. The investigation was triggered by a 14-page letter from the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) to CUNY's leadership, describing the anti-Semitic harassment and intimidation that students were enduring on four CUNY campuses, perpetrated in part by the so-called "Students for Justice in Palestine" (SJP) group.

After the report was released, the Forward published an article about it. The article is both perplexing and troubling. Perplexing, because the Forward declared that SJP was "vindicated of anti-Semitism charges" in the report, when in fact, the investigators reached exactly the opposite conclusion. And troubling, because the Forward should be stronger and more focused in highlighting the serious harassment and intimidation that Jewish students are facing today.

The Forward article didn't mention that the investigators actually confirmed that CUNY has been plagued by numerous anti-Semitic incidents and that SJP was responsible for many of them. At CUNY's Brooklyn College, for example, a student's mother was harassed by SJP members simply because she was cleaning offensive anti-Israel chalkings off the sidewalk which were illegally drawn there in the first place. Her daughter, who witnessed the harassment, was herself too frightened even to file a complaint about it. Another Jewish student at the college who did not endorse the SJP's positions was repeatedly harassed by an SJP member who sent her alarming messages, including, "I hope you don't walk alone on campus." Yet another Jewish student was threatened by an SJP member simply for refusing an anti-Israel flyer; the report noted that the student was told that "they would knock on every door in Midwood [a section of Brooklyn] until they found her." At John Jay College of Criminal Justice, SJP threatened a student group for co-hosting an event with Hillel that had nothing to do with Israel. As the CUNY report confirmed, the group dropped its sponsorship, notifying Hillel that "we fear for your safety and ours."

The Forward published the statements of SJP's most vocal defenders who had the audacity to assert that "ZOA's claims that SJP engaged in anti-Semitic activity are completely unsubstantiated," when in fact, many were substantiated.

In addition to substantiating SJP's responsibility for several anti-Semitic acts, the CUNY report also shows that SJP incited Jew-hatred in others. At an SJP-organized rally at Hunter College to protest rising tuition and growing student debt, SJP turned the rally into a vehicle for attacking Jews. SJP promoted the rally on Facebook by criticizing "the Zionist administration" for, among other things, hosting Birthright programs and study-abroad programs in "occupied Palestine" – meaning Israel – and for "reproduce[ing] settler-colonial ideology through Zionist content of education." SJP could not possibly have known whether CUNY administrators support Israel; this was an instance where "Zionist" was a code word for "Jew" – a phenomenon that the CUNY investigators confirmed. Given how SJP framed the rally, outrageously blaming Jews and Jewish programs for high tuition and student debt, it is hardly surprising that, as the CUNY report confirmed, protestors at SJP's rally screamed that Jewish people are "racist sons of bitches" and shouted "Go back home, and get the f—k out of my country," and that the crowd chanted, "Jews out of CUNY" and "Death to Jews."

None of these troubling findings were reflected in the Forward article. Nor did the article even mention the investigators' findings that the anti-Semitism has caused students to feel harassed, threatened, and unsafe, making some fearful of openly identifying as Jewish on campus. Instead the Forward published the statements of SJP's most vocal defenders who had the audacity to assert that "ZOA's claims that SJP engaged in anti-Semitic activity are completely unsubstantiated," when in fact, many were substantiated. The Forward even accepted without challenge SJP's claim that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism, never noting the fact that the U.S. government has long recognized that anti-Zionism – denying Israel's right to exist – is anti-Semitism.

Even more inappropriately, the Forward didn't seek a response to SJP's false claims from anyone versed in the situation. Instead, the paper published comments from Dov Waxman, a professor at Northeastern University who falsely claimed that the ZOA has made "largely baseless" and "exaggerated" claims of anti-Semitism at CUNY and other schools. In fact, Professor Waxman lacks any personal knowledge about the problems at CUNY or on any of the other campuses where the ZOA has worked to protect the legal right of Jewish students to a learning environment that is physically and psychologically safe. Indeed, before Waxman's tenure at Northeastern, the ZOA provided the university's president with a detailed account of the anti-Semitism that Jewish students were enduring on his campus. The Anti-Defamation League followed up with its own letter to the president, corroborating the incidents we described and urging that "the assertions catalogued in ZOA's recent letter cannot, and should not, be dismissed." They weren't. Commendably, Northeastern took several positive steps to remedy the hostile environment for Jewish students, including placing SJP on supervised probation.

Members of the public often ask us why campus anti-Semitism is being tolerated when university leaders are – as they should be – cracking down forcefully when other minorities are targeted. The answer is a complicated one. But it surely doesn't help when the problem is minimized or justified. We hope that in the future, the Forward and other respected publications will more thoroughly cover every aspect of this growing problem.

Susan B. Tuchman, Esq. is the Director of the Zionist Organization of America's Center for Law and Justice.

This article was published by the Forward and may be found here.

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The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is the oldest and one of the largest pro-Israel organizations in the United States. With offices around the country and in Israel, the ZOA educates the public, elected officials, the media, and college/high school students about the truth of the ongoing Arab war against Israel. The ZOA works to strengthen U.S.- Israel relations through educational activities, public affairs programs and our work on Capitol Hill, and to combat anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias in the media, in textbooks, in schools and on college campuses. Under the leadership of such presidents as Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, and current President Morton A. Klein, the ZOA has been - and continues to be - on the front lines of Jewish activism. For more information contact Morton A. Klein 212-481-1500.

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