Friday, August 26, 2016

Fwd: There is a new generation of youth that demands Eretz Yisrael! Women in Green

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Date: Aug 25, 2016 11:31 PM
Subject: There is a new generation of youth that demands Eretz Yisrael!
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There is a new generation of youth that demands Eretz Yisrael!

Encouraged by Women in Green,  a wonderful new generation is growing.
At a time when many teens are busy looking for their own private
identity, a serious group of youth has sprung up that continues the
great tradition of Zionism seeking to establish, unequivocally, that
the Land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel and that we have to
establish our basic right to this Land by applying Israeli

Dear Eretz Youth: May you be successful!

To join the Eretz youth please contact Daniel Gabay: 050-2266242

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Below is the translation into English of an article about the Eretz
youth that appeared on Arutz 7:

Link to the Hebrew article:

Signs calling for Sovereignty at Ministers' and MKs' Homes

Youths have hung signs calling for sovereignty near the homes of
ministers and MKs of the Right. "We demand the leaders to act
according to their declarations and the will of the people who voted
them into office"

Youth Sovereignty Campaign

Activists of the ERETZ (Youth Sovereignty Organization) movement are
"painting" the area of houses where MKs and ministers of the national
camp live with signs and advocacy materials expressing the demand to
apply Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.

The activists went to the communities and neighborhoods of MKs Shuli
Mualem, Deputy Minister Rav Ben Dahan, Defense Minister Avigdor
Lieberman, Minister of Jerusalem Affairs, Environment and Diaspora
Affairs Zeev Elkin, Minister of Agriculture Uri Ariel as well as other

The organization explains that "the goal of the operation was to bring
to the attention of the MKs the need and the demand arising from the
nationalist people and the public for the MKs, who are representatives
of the nationalist public, to take courageous and effective action
toward the application of Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria and
the promotion of the Israeli Right's diplomatic solution".

The activists say that the responses from the field were warm and even
enthusiastic. Yohai Sarel, the movement's coordinator for Samaria,
relates: "At first, we were uneasy and expected to see some raised
eyebrows, but when the residents understood what it was all about they
fortified and encouraged us.  Some even said that there had never been
such activity in the field toward a change of government policy on the
subject of Judea and Samaria. These responses encouraged us and still
encourage us to continue to act".

Daniel Gabai, the general manager of the organization, explains that
"this was not a one-time activity": the reactions from the last
operation are amazing. The warm responses spur us on to act even more
assertively, but this process, in which, for the first time, the
solution of sovereignty is embedded in the public discourse and public
opinion, cannot end with one or two activities. Our goal is that the
nationalist public will enthusiastically adopt the plan for
sovereignty as an alternative political solution. We demand for the
MKs will act in accordance with the will of their constituents and
back up all of their talk with deeds. They have a great deal of

Gabai also said that "We are preparing the field with operations and
events, and little by little, we are seeing results. 'The time has
come for sovereignty' is the byword that we have been using for more
than a year and thank G-d 'it caught on in the effective campaign in
Ma'ale Adumim. We are acting in every dimension under the slogan 'One
Land for One People' and we believe that with G-d's help we will
succeed to bring about a positive change in reality and an increase in
Jewish settlement in all areas of our Land."

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Fwd: What's So Un-Islamic About ISIS?

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Date: Aug 24, 2016 6:41 AM
Subject: What's So Un-Islamic About ISIS?
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What's So Un-Islamic About ISIS?

by Ayman S. Ibrahim
American Thinker
August 23, 2016

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In each horrifying operation executed by ISIS, the radical terrorist group uses every possible way to convey its Islamic identity. They make sure the world sees and hears what they believe and seek, emphasizing plainly their religious motivation.

However, in each of these instances, we immediately, and almost automatically, hear some Western "scholars" insist that everything about ISIS is un-Islamic: ISIS reflects "societal ills, not Islamic doctrine," as it "hijacks religion in order to legitimate, mobilize and recruit." We also hear that ISIS's version of Islam "is not in accordance with the Quran, the traditions of the Prophet or even with Islamic Law," and that "No religion, including Islam, preaches indiscriminate violence against innocents."

This is puzzling. But, no, it should not be.

When some Western scholars deny that ISIS is "in any way" driven by rigorous Islamic ideology, this could hardly be attested, especially if you consider the insistence of prestigious Islamic institutes, like Egypt's al-Azhar, on identifying the members of ISIS as true Muslims who are committing wrong deeds. For al-Azhar, ISIS's members cannot be identified as unbelievers as long as they do not reject Allah's strict monotheism and the apostleship of Muhammad.

Contrary to arguments set forth by these Western scholars, ISIS reflects a specific interpretation of Islam that is both legitimate and consistent with Muslim sacred texts and classical exegesis. Claiming that ISIS's members are lunatics driven by lust or social evil is hardly plausible, and at best fanciful. Its members can establish rigorous convincing arguments based on the Quran and Islamic tradition to justify each action they take, as they affirm: "This is a fight against Muslims and Islam." They rely on what Muslims consider divinely inspired and authoritative texts. Ideology establishes convictions and drives behavior.

While there are, of course, various political, sociological, and economic dimensions of the ISIS identity that make its radical image appealing, the religious appeal is exceptionally powerful and unmatched.

For ISIS, the centrality of the Quran and the veneration of the Prophet Muhammad are of utmost importance, and they believe they are destined by Allah to win because of their "noble" cause. This is clearly reflected in ISIS's black flag that contains the presumed sign of Muhammad's seal and the Islamic Shahada ("there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger").

ISIS portrays itself as not only Islamic, but more precisely, Quranic. They perceive their actions as truly sanctioned and legitimately supported by Islam's scripture.

A Canadian member of ISIS, Farah Mohamed Shirdon (aka Abu Usama), appeared on a VICE News interview. When asked who recruited him to ISIS, Shirdon stated: "no one recruited me, actually no one spoke or said a word to me, all I did I opened the newspaper, I read the Quran -- very easy." Shirdon joined the "Islamic caliphate" over a year ago and in a different video, he ripped up his Canadian passport, throwing it into a burning fire as he shouted: "This is a message to Canada and all the American tyrants: We are coming and we will destroy you, with permission from Allah the almighty."

To encourage Muslim enthusiasts to participate in militant operations and thus get admitted to paradise, ISIS recites Quran 47:15, according to their official electronic magazine, Dabiq. To justify beheading, mutilating, and crucifying their enemies, ISIS uses a literal reading of verses such as Quran 5:33, 8:12, and 47:3-6. They believe that, according to Quran 8:12, Allah himself "will cast terror" into the hearts of the unbelievers, so the believers would "strike their necks, and strike each of their fingertips." In ISIS's view, the Quran is what constitutes their actions and that makes their message successful in reaching the hearts of many.

Not only the Quran, but also Islamic history and its significant precedents back their supposed legitimate cause.

Muslims view the early years of Islam not only as history, but specifically as a sacred narrative of the greatest prophet and his pious companions. The "precedent" is very important in Islam, as the early figures are often viewed as role models to follow. ISIS knows Islamic history very well, believes it wholeheartedly, and precisely emphasizes specific historical incidents to justify their deeds and ideology.

To support their treatment of prisoners of war or expelling the non-Muslims from their lands, ISIS would quote well-known stories in the Biography of Muhammad of expelling the Jews from the land or beheading several hundred of them after they were accused of being traitors. To justify burning people alive, they refer to authenticated historical reports from his life and those Caliphs after him. While these stories could be interpreted in many different ways, ISIS follows and imitates what the prophet said and did by the letter. This is precisely the way the radical group wants to depict itself. In an interview with an ISIS recruit, Khadija, a female who changed her name for security reasons, was asked why she joined ISIS. "We are going to properly implement Islam," she was promised by her recruiter.

So, what is really un-Islamic about ISIS?

It appears that one un-Islamic matter about ISIS is the fanciful Western discourse that represents the Islamic terrorist group as completely un-Islamic. With the increased public profile of Islam, some Western scholars simply avoid assessing precise elements of Islamic ideology that drive and support the deeds of religious enthusiasts. However, this is unneeded obfuscation, and it should end, so that we better explain to policy makers, diplomats, and the public the significance of ancient sacred texts and acclaimed precedents on contemporary actions.

As Muslims look back and yearn for the golden days of Islam, ISIS provides a dream fulfilment for some. For the first time in centuries, Muslims from many ethnicities and cultural backgrounds are called to be united, apply literally what the Quran teaches, and imitate the deeds reported in Muslim history about "pious" religious figures.

Ayman S. Ibrahim is Bill and Connie Jenkins Chair and Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, Senior Fellow of the Jenkins Center for the Christian Understanding of Islam at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a post-doctoral candidate (2nd PhD) of Middle Eastern History, Haifa University. This essay was sponsored by Campus Watch, a project of the Middle East Forum.

This text may be reposted or forwarded so long as it is presented as an integral whole with complete and accurate information provided about its author, date, place of publication, and original URL.

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Campus Watch

Was my letter to the Knesset Members merely frothing at the mouth? Here are the links that led me to these conclusions. Please come to your own conclusions.


Please scroll down.  Following the letter itself I added the links that led me to the conclusions that I did. 

It is not my intention to malign the Supreme Court of Israel. Frankly it pains me to do so and I will be more than happy to post any proof that disputes my conclusions. 

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Here they are... the articles that brought me to the conclusions that I did. You can come to your own conclusions.. 

Amona is a test case for Israeli democracy  
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Susya: David Bedein's response to Obama's threat of a "harsh response" if illegal Arab outpost is demolished. Academic research proves there was never an Arab Susya

Im Tirzu: Fwd: From Words to Action: Exposing the Foreign Agents in Israel’s Supreme Court

I have been in touch with Nati Smadar.  He is an Israel activist for Amona.  I am in touch with those who are trying to get him and his family out of debt, listed in the article and  the deadline is the end of August. This is a true story.  Please come to his financial aid!

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DUMA-one year (and three arson attacks) later by Martin Sherman and AMONA stop the slated destruction!

I have been told that the Hebrew name for Israel's Supreme Court is BaGatz. BaGatz is an acronym for בית דין גבוה לצדק.  Where is the TZEDEK? (Thank you Nati Smadar for pointing this out. )

To quote Andrew McCarthy from the National Review article to impeach Hillary Clinton he writes:

The Framers [of the Constitution] would have thought laughable the suggestion that corrupt members of the president's cabinet — officials who had taken their corrupt actions with the president's knowledge and support — would be prosecuted by the president's own law-enforcement agents. 

So too it is laughable the suggestion that the BaGatz can prosecute itself.


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

If Hillary Is Corrupt, Congress Should Impeach Her (Not Criminal Prosecution) by ANDREW C. MCCARTHY August 23, 2016


If Hillary Is Corrupt, Congress Should Impeach Her  by ANDREW C. MCCARTHY August 23, 2016 12:20 PM @ANDREWCMCCARTHY 

The Framers [of the Constitution] gave Congress a tool to police corrupt executive-branch officials — Congress should use it. For our recent "Tricky Hillary" issue (National Review, Aug. 1, 2016, on NR Digital), I wrote a feature arguing that Mrs. Clinton should be impeached.

...The remedy provided by the Framers to deal with corrupt executive-branch officials (including former officials who might seek to wield power again) is impeachment, not criminal prosecution. That is because, for the well-being of the nation, the critical thing is that power be stripped from those who abuse it, to prevent them from doing further damage. Whether, beyond that, they are prosecuted for any criminal offenses arising out of the wrongdoing is beside the point.
Read more at:

 ....Madison et al. gave Congress its own powers to check rogue executive conduct — and for them, no such conduct would have been more egregious than misleading the People's representatives. The Framers would have thought laughable the suggestion that corrupt members of the president's cabinet — officials who had taken their corrupt actions with the president's knowledge and support — would be prosecuted by the president's own law-enforcement agents. Indeed, at the time the Constitution was adopted, there were no such agents. Law-enforcement was handled by the states, and the attorney general was basically the president's lawyer. There was no Department of Justice until 1870, nor anything like the FBI until 1908. That did not stop the Framers from including impeachment in the Constitution, nor cause Madison any hesitation in regarding impeachment as Congress's "indispensable" tool.


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.