Thursday, September 24, 2015

Iran Deal Advocacy: Rabbi's, OU, Agudath Israel vs Neturei Karta. Neturei Karta Wins? Search on Youtube for "Rabbis DC" and see what comes up

We are all accustomed to seeing the Neturei Karta contingent at the Israel Day Parade...They annoy us and we dismiss them. "they represent a fringe group.."  we tell ourselves. 

This article will prove that they are very influential and very dangerous!

They look like many Chareidi Jews particularly similar to Satmar Chasidim who do not  particularly like the secular Zionist government in Israel.  However, unlike Neturei Karta, Satmar Chassidim do NOT support empowering our enemies like IRAN.  Those of us Jews in the loop dismiss Neturei Karta as idiots and assume they are being paid off by Iran because no sane Jew really wants a nuclear Iran.   Do these "Jews" really want to reap what they sow?   So we either try to engage them in dialogue, ignore them,  shove an anti Iran poster in their face, give them a dirty look, yell at them or at worst, sing Hatikvah...

Yes, it is time to take them seriously as they have become sophisticated with a strong youtube and online presence. Their online presence is stronger than the Rabbi's at the Rabbi-led Rally in front of UN before Yom Kippur, stronger than OU Rabbi's and the OU Advocacy group who assembled on Capital Hill before Rosh Hashana and stronger than Rabbinic Organization, Agudath Israel and their Advocacy group the Lefkowitz Leadership Initiative. Let me go so far as to say that Agudath Israel of America empowers Neturei Karta. 

Here is proof!
RABBINIC-LED RALLY September 20, 2015 Erev Yom Kippur

Read about this  Rabb-ledi Rally against a nuclear Iran. I was there and I thought it was an amazing Rally. 
Neturei Karta was there as well in relatively strong numbers,  in support of a nuclear Iran.

These look alike Rabbi's, fools dressed in Rabbi's garb, were on E.  45th street closer to 2nd ave. We were closer to 1st Ave. These fake Rabbi's had signs "We support a nuclear Iran deal".   Here is a youtube of them.

Please note that as of tonight, post Yom Kippur, they have a youtube up and the Rabbis of Conscience-led rally do not. Shalom TV video'd this amazing Rally but because of the holidays didn't yet post it. Hopefully sooner than later, because the fake Rabbi's beat us to it.  
Personally I took several excellent videos of the real Rabbi's speaking but these videos were longer than 2 and a half minutes. I  have yet to figure out how to upload large files onto youtube.   Luckily Steve Epstein managed to post some videos of this rally on facebook.   While we were an amazing group of professional  volunteers working on this rally, we were also trying to prepare for Yom Kippur etc.
The Neturei Karta probably got a busload of students and followers. (They probably came by bus because the subways have forbidden images. I would like to know where their funding is coming from?) They need to hire someone to video and someone to post on youtube with a misrepresentation of who they are. 
They say that they represent true Judasim as opposed to the other Rabbi's who don't.
 If you were uninformed researcher, which Rabbi would you believe. The one with the strong Youtube presence or the one w/o youtube presence?  
OU Advocacy and Press Conference on September 9th North Lawn of the Capital.

Very little coverage. I found this OU article about this event which brought in hundreds of Rabbis for the day and there was a price that one needed to pay for a seat on the bus.  Rabbi's took off valuable time to attend this rally and lobby in Congress. .
Search "Youtube for OU Iran Deal and see what comes up".  Not much except Neturei Karta.  I finally found this unprofessional youtube under OU Advocacy.

You can not see the speaker.  The message was not a message of Torah but rather about the fact that the Deal with Iran is a bad deal, bad for Israel's security and bad for America. A moral objection. . These were Rabbi's but no Torah Message that the Land of Israel is Promised to the our Forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for an everlasting inheritance! If there was such a message it wasn't posted. 

Neturei Karta in comparison, had an impressive bunch of videos posted on youtube.  

The typical Satmar Chossid probably doesn't realize that the world looks at these images and assumes that they are all supporting a nuclear Iran under the Neturei Karta umbrella of peace and love.

Neturei Karta of course accuse the other Rabbi's as being false...

    1. Orthodox Rabbis Counter-March Zionist Stop Iran Rally, Washington DC, 09/09/15

      • 2 weeks ago
      We of the Jewish Torah true communities throughout the United States of America humbly ask of you to take a moment of your ...
      • HD
    2. Orthodox Rabbis Counter-Rally Zionist Stop Iran Rally, Washington DC, 09/09/15

      • 1 week ago
      We of the Jewish Torah true communities throughout the United States of America humbly ask of you to take a moment of your ...
      • HD
    3. Orthodox Rabbis Counter-March Zionist Stop Iran Rally, Washington DC, 09/09/15

      • 2 weeks ago
      We of the Jewish Torah true communities throughout the United States of America humbly ask of you to take a moment of your ...
      • HD
    4. Press Conference by Orthodox Rabbis at U.S Capital, Washington DC, 09/09/15

      • 1 week ago
      We of the Jewish Torah true communities throughout the United States of America humbly ask of you to take a moment of your ...
      • HD
    5. Orthodox Rabbis Counter-Rally Zionist Stop Iran Rally, Washington DC, 09/09/15

      • 2 weeks ago
      We of the Jewish Torah true communities throughout the United States of America humbly ask of you to take a moment of your ...
      • HD
    6. Orthodox Rabbis Counter-March Zionist Stop Iran Rally, Washington DC, 09/09/15

      • 2 weeks ago
      We of the Jewish Torah true communities throughout the United States of America humbly ask of you to take a moment of your ...
      • HD

  1. Rabbi Weiss Speaks at Peace Rally, Capital Hill, Washington DC, 09/09/15

    • 1 week ago
    We of the Jewish Torah true communities throughout the United States of America humbly ask of you to take a moment of your ...
    • HD
  2. Rabbi Weiss Speaks at Peace Rally, Capital Hill, Washington DC, 09/09/15

    • 2 weeks ago
    We of the Jewish Torah true communities throughout the United States of America humbly ask of you to take a moment of your ...
 These videos were calling for peace with Iran.
The Message of Neturei Karta is: Stand with the Peace Process with Jews who are "True to the Torah". The Deal is a G-dly work with the backing of the True Brooklyn Jewish Community in Williamsburg, the largest Jewish Community in New York.  Bloodshed of the world is because of the Zionists and this group wishes to show gratitude to the Arabs for giving Jews the freedom to practice Judaism in freedom.
 The OU Advocy has put their emphasis on closed meeting advocacy with members of Congress.  Gillibrand, Jeffries, Corey Booker, Schumer  etc.

What do they have to show for it?   Not much.  Gillibrand, Jeffries, Booker came out for the Deal.  

Even Schumer disappointed us since he was too busy to study the Iran Deal because he was busy working on the Education bill.  See 3:30 into video with Chuck Schumer:UP WITH STEVE KORNACKI 7/19/15 I'll make up my own mind on Iran nuke deal .  

Just knowing that Iran was getting $150 billion dollars of sanctions relief is reason enough to come out against it. What exactly about the deal did he have to study? (Caroline Glick at Times Square Rally opposing the Deal)

When Gillibrand and other Democrats came out in support of the deal, Schumer finally came out against it.   Even after knowing that there were hidden side deals, Schumer didn't try very hard to convince fellow Democrats that this was a bad deal.   Even with his lukewarm opposition, Obama came out with full force backlash...

BTW, Yes, the Yeshivoth did received promises of big bucks from New York State early this summer around this time..Schumer was probably focusing on this! Monies that were somehow owed to private schools from 9,10 years ago.... reimbursable...Impeccable timing?


 Earlier this summer, the New York State Education Department announced that over the next two years it would be distributing $250 million in mandated services/CAP reimbursement to nonpublic schools across the state with $125 million to be paid out in each of the two years...
Mrs. Deborah Zachai, Director of Education Affairs for Agudath Israel of America, explained that these monies have been owed to nonpublic schools for more than a decade. Due to budget shortfalls and the use of a flawed formula to calculate the actual reimbursement due to nonpublic schools, the debt accumulated and became substantial over a more than ten year period.
It has been a long-standing legislative priority for Agudath Israel of America – whose late president Rabbi Moshe Sherer was instrumental in getting the mandated services law enacted over 40 years ago – to obtain payment on the debt. The state's allocation of $250 million for this purpose, goes a long way towards accomplishing that priority.

"We are absolutely thrilled that, at long last, the state has begun making payments on the debt it has owed yeshivos and other nonpublic schools for so many years. We anticipate that the yeshiva share of these funds should be approximately $80 million over the next two years, in addition to the regular mandated and CAP payments. This infusion of substantial funding is wonderful news for yeshivos and should significantly help ease their cash flow," said Mrs. Zachai. 
"This development is long overdue, but nonetheless extremely welcome," added Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Agudath Israel's Executive Vice President. "We look forward to working with the State Education Department over the next two years as these vital funds are distributed."

Agudah Advocacy for Iran:

Aside from these posts and this PDF which gives talking points and  sample letters to our elected officials, that's about it. And it is pretty hard to cut and paste a pdf file. 

Agudah has been rather silent. No videos about our G-d Given rights to Eretz Yisroel,  Yehuda and Shomron based on commentaries of the  Biblical boundaries of Eretz Yisroel delineated in Parshat Masei. No videos about a dangerous Iran deal,

Compare Neturei Karta's online and video/youtube presence and "Torah Message" in support of a Nuclear Iran with that of Agudath Yisroel against a Nuclear Iran.  Neturei Karta wins hands down!

Yet Agudath Yisroel is a mainstream ultra religious Organization with hundreds of thousands of followers and thousands of Rabbi's.  They have a paid office staff and even a public relations office in DC.

While Neturei Karta is a fringe group numbering maybe in the hundreds. We suspect they are getting paid off...

We know that Agudah knows how to advocate when it really wants to.....

Here is a successful protest organized by Agudath Israel. 

Haredim pray in New York for cancellation of Israeli ultra-Orthodox draft bill 

NEW YORK – Tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews gathered in New York's financial district on Sunday to protest against a Knesset bill to draft previously exempt yeshiva students into the IDF or national service. The protest, described as a prayer meeting by organizer Agudath Israel of America, was intended to serve as a follow-up to last week's mega-protest in Jerusalem, which drew a crowd of hundreds of thousands.
Officially, Agudah is against the Iran deal but compare their effectiveness in advocacy against the Nuclear Iran deal with  the Rally they helped to organize on June 9, 2013 against the Chareidi Draft of Israel.

Please watch the following youtube video of this Rally, probably put out by Neturei Karta whose presence with Satmar was significant:

Apparently, Agudah helped to organize a Neturei Karta event. Probably very disturbing to the majority of members of Agudah.   

other posts about this Protest rally....

Seriously, is the government of Israel more of a threat to the Chareidi Jew than Iran, Hamas, Hizbollah, Fatah and Isis? Is the 150 billion dollars of freed assets to a terror State of Iran less of a problem then the State of Israel calling for a Chareidi Draft to fight real enemies who wish to annihilate her?

Case in point: How would the Chareidim suggest that they defend themselves against the Hamas tunnels discovered in Operation Protective Edge without an army? 

How long did it take for a Druze Policeman to come to stop the terrorists who massacred and dismembered with gruesome cruelty those that were davening in Har Nof?
Perhaps if B'nei Torah synagogue, the shul in Har Nof  where the massacre took place, had mispallelim, worshippers,  with ammunition on them, as is the case of most Dati Leumi shuls (religious Zionists synagogues)  perhaps the terrorists could have been neutralized sooner than the 7 minutes it took for the police to come.  Will Chareidim blame the gov't of Israel for not providing equal protection for Chareidim as other Israeli citizens?

The Truth of Torah will Silence Neturei Karta. 

 ...And large sums of monies from the US Government, can silence Agudah from speaking words of Truth and words of Torah.  

Am I suggesting impropriety?

Warning lights!  Wait a moment.  Motzei Shem Ra!  Lashon HARA! Giving someone a bad reputation is a very serious violation!  Especially a Rabbinic Organization. Especially Motzei Yom Kippur!  

How can this money that is "coming to Yeshivoth via Agudah Advocacy" be considered unholy?

The Yeshiva's deserve this money I hear you ask. We pay our taxes and shouldn't we receive funds from our hard earned tax payer money for our children's education like all New York State residents?

This is an excellent question.   Yes is my answer to that question. Yeshivoth surely deserve this money and if New York State gives this money to Yeshivoth, they will truly merit to have upright citizens.  A win win situation for all. 

So where lies the problem? 

The answer I believe lies in a personal discovery made after a long and difficult struggle and search to understand the Mitzvah of Shemittah.  I will explain it to you in abridged form related to the topic at hand. If you wish to read about this further and how Shemittah is related you can visit this post.

The Tikkun lies in the way one gives and the way one receives. If one gives in the proper spirit that we are doing the right thing and that monies are owed to the private schools that is the right way for the State to give. Those receiving are not receiving a present.  They are receiving that which is due them. They don't owe those who have released the monies anything. They are receiving their fair share.  

But why did it take so long to release the funds and why davka now?  This release of funds is suspicious.  Are there any strings attached?  Was there an unwritten agreement, like don't fight us on the Iran deal in order for the monies to be released, If so, this is a bribe or like tossing a dog a bone when it is very hungry. One is blinded from a bribe and this is what can make it unholy.  

Those who remember how the expulsion of Gush Katif happened and how the religious parties initially opposed the decree only to be bought with Educational subsidies are super sensitive to this possibility.

Keeping Shemittah in the proper spirit reminds us that it is G-d alone who provides for our sustenance and that there is One G-d... a very difficult Mitzvah to keep indeed...

The Truth of Torah 

These Pesukim appeared in the Yom Kippur davening more than once. 
זְכֹר לְאַבְרָהָם לְיִצְחָק וּלְיִשְׂרָאֵל עֲבָדֶיךָ אֲשֶׁר נִשְׁבַּעְתָּ לָהֶם בָּךְ וַתְּדַבֵּר אֲלֵהֶם אַרְבֶּה אֶת זַרְעֲכֶם כְּכוֹכְבֵי הַשָּׁמָיִם וְכָל הָאָרֶץ הַזֹּאת אֲשֶׁר אָמַרְתִּי אֶתֵּן לְזַרְעֲכֶם וְנָחֲלוּ לְעֹלָם:
 Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Your servants, to whom You swore by Your very Self, and to whom You said: 'I will multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens, and all this land which I said that I would give to your seed, they shall keep it as their possession forever.' "

I marched alongside Neturei Karta wearing my Hebron T shirt and holding a map of the Land of Israel  based on the Biblical delineations of the borders of Israel according to commentaries  of Chumash.  

All of the maps of these delineations, according to all the opinions, include Judea and Samaria. Here is the picture  of the map on the T shirt:  

I tried to emphasize to those that paid any attention, that this was Chumash, our everlasting Covenant with Hashem,  and not merely the boundaries of the modern State of Israel! 

The back of this T shirt had Biblical references of the boundaries  of the Land of Israel in Parshat Masei. Numbers 34: 1-15

As the Neturei Karta were chanting "Judaism, Yes, Zionism No", I marched alongside them chanting quotes about Zion from the Torah and from the Liturgy. "Ki Mizion Tezei Torah,  Udvar Hashem MeYerushalyim" From Zion comes forth Torah and the word of G-d from Jerusalem.  ..VeZechezena Ainenu Beshuvcha LeZion BeRachamim.....  May our eyes behold Your return to Zion in compassion.  Blessed are you Hashem, who restores His Presence to Zion. (translation courtesy of Artscroll)

They looked at me truly confused.  Deep down they too have a Jewish soul yearning for the truth... 

Years from now, the world including our children and Chareidi children will get the wrong impression that all ultra Orthodox supported IRAN Deal.   All they will see are the Neturei Karta youtube posts.  

Something to reflect upon.

Pitka Tova, A good Kvitel....


Monday, September 21, 2015

Erev Yom Kippur 5776 Stop Iran Rabbi-led Rally of Conscience. Please put in the News!


Dear Media List: 

This was an amazing Rally and very worthy of Press. There a video links to the speeches and the music of Pey Daled was amazing! Please make sure that this rally gets the proper coverage it deserves. Thank you. 

  • Cindy Grosz put out the following press release
Rabbi's proclaim "Work has just Begun" at UN Mission Rally

I posted this on my blog:
  • Letter to Rabbanim re: A Communal Call to Conscience - The Rabbinic-led Rally at the United States Mission to the United Nations, Tehillim, Heartfelt prayers and resolve.....

Kol Tuv and Gmar Chathima Tova!

Letter to Rabbanim re: A Communal Call to Conscience - The Rabbinic-led Rally at the United States Mission to the United Nations, Tehillim, Heartfelt prayers and resolve.....


Erev Yom Kippur 5776

Lichvod HaRabbonim Shlita:

If you were unable to attend this rally, please take a few minutes of your time to focus on what is probably the biggest existential threat Am Yisroel is facing in our lifetimes....

It was truly an honor to have attended this rally.  Let this pure intentioned pre Yom Kippur Rally be only the beginning....

These are my impressions.  Please watch these links and form your own. If you were unable to attend, after watching some of these links, I hope you will regret not having been there with your supporters and followers and resolve to be at the next rally because we have just begun to fight!!! and we need you!!!....Am Yisroel needs your leadership.... Hashem needs to hear our unified and collective voices...

A Sweet yet Somber Message from this Rabbinic Led Rally Tehilim 23 in an era foreshadowing terrible evil...
ה' רֹעִי לֹא אֶחְסָר: The L-rd is my shepherd; I shall not want

גַּם כִּי-אֵלֵךְ 
בְּגֵיא צַלְמָוֶת 
לֹא-אִירָא רָע 
כִּי-אַתָּה עִמָּדִי

Gam ki elech begei tzalmavet, lo ira ra, ki Atah imadi 

Even as I walk in the valley of the shadow of death
I will not fear any hardship for You are with me. 

Band, Pey Daled ....The heavens are wide open.  Let us shatter the gate of Heaven....

Reciting Tehillim 121 
 אֶשָּׂא עֵינַי אֶל הֶהָרִים מֵאַיִן יָבֹא עֶזְרִי: I shall raise my eyes to the mountains, from where will my help come?
עֶזְרִי מֵעִם ה' עֹשֵׂה שָׁמַיִם וָאָרֶץ  My help is from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

 I lift up my eyes, the words of this psalm.  Tears filled my eyes as I heard the sweet voices of Pey Daled. Pey Daled performing 1:40 into the video

When Klal Yisroel came to Har Sinai, the pasuk says, "VaYichan Sham Yisroel Neged HaHar" - "And the Jews camped near the mountain". "VaYichan" is in the singular - "And he camped" - although it is referring to all of Klal Yisroel. Rashi says that this is to teach us the unity that Klal Yisroel had. They were, "K'Ish Echad BiLev Echad"- "like 1 person with 1 heart". One heart one mind.

Please note that these were Rabbi's representing the full spectrum of the Jewish people.  Rabbi Avi Weiss, Rabbi Bruce Ginsberg and Rabbi Richard Block etc..... Orthodox, Conservative and Reform, Re-constructionist and Traditional with ...What was missing here was the masses of  people....What was missing here was Hakhel a gathering of the masses, ... reminiscent of the Kakhel which takes place G-d willing, this year as well,  the first day of Chol Hamoed Sukkot in Israel following a Shemitah year in Jerusalem near the site of the Beit HaMikdash, the Holy Temple. Perhaps it is this unity Hashem desires and when we unfortunately do not have a Holy Temple, and we don't want Him to bring a disaster, or chas Veshalom, human sacrifices, in order to achieve this Unity...It can be achieved with fulfilling this Mitzvah in the capacity that we can...

Deuteronomy 31:12
הַקְהֵל אֶת הָעָם הָאֲנָשִׁים וְהַנָּשִׁים וְהַטַּף וְגֵרְךָ אֲשֶׁר בִּשְׁעָרֶיךָ לְמַעַן יִשְׁמְעוּ וּלְמַעַן יִלְמְדוּ וְיָרְאוּ אֶת יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֵיכֶם וְשָׁמְרוּ לַעֲשׂוֹת אֶת כָּל דִּבְרֵי הַתּוֹרָה הַזֹּאת:Assemble the people: the men, the women, and the children, and your stranger in your cities, in order that they hear, and in order that they learn and fear the Lord, your God, and they will observe to do all the words of this Torah.
Hillary Barr was an amazing MC.  She was the women behind the scenes, helping to organize this event under the direction of Rabbi Avi Weiss. Rabbi Avi Weiss set the tone of the program. Pey Daled added much to the spirit of the Rally. 

Cindy Grosz helped to organize and publicize this fabulous event, a seasoned PR person. She spoke and introduced a college student and a high school student representative  

Rabbi's went off stage into the crowd and started to dance inspired by the music.   Separate for men and women....they drew in Curtis Sliwa founder of Guardian Angels... (please note that the Ger Toshav, resident rigteous Noahides,  participated in Hakhel and not only Israelites)

Rabbi Avi Weiss 

 "Ani Shalom Vechi Adaber, Hema,  Lemilchama.  I speak but when I start to negotiate and the other side declares Death to America and Death to Israel,then  they are for War.."

Shalom, Shalom Veeyn Shalom Rabbi Weiss cried....We all desire peace, Peace, Peace but this is no peace....

Shofar blowing of Rabbi's...

Copies of Letter Signed By Rabbis Sent To President Obama

There was a counter rally, a anti Zionist Rally by Neturei Karta group close by.  This group has become stronger and can no longer be ignored as they have a significant online presence which gives the impression that they are mainstream group representing "true Judaism". Iran Deal Advocacy: Rabbi's, OU, Agudath Israel vs Neturei Karta. Neturei Karta Wins?

This Rally in the News:

Cindy Grosz put out the following press release

Rabbi's proclaim "Work has just Begun" at UN Mission Rally

Lynne Tamam's a tireless activist against a nuclear Iran put out this writeup of this rally:

Gmar Chathima Tova!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Fwd: September 20, 2015 - From the Blog: "Middle East and Terrorism" - 10 new articles

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Sally Zahav" <>
Date: Sep 20, 2015 2:05 AM
Subject: September 20, 2015 - From the Blog: "Middle East and Terrorism" - 10 new articles

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"Middle East and Terrorism" - 10 new articles
  • The collapse of the Palestinians
  • Congress Must Not Retreat Further on Disastrous Iran Dea
  • The great American patronizing email
  • Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic
  • Trading Horses with Putin
  • Israel is not a lonely island
  • Clinton Global Initiative loses sponsors and prestige speakers
  • Martians Stone Jew to Death
  • The Islamic State's activities in western Egypt raise risk of two-front insurgency, threatening oil assets in Western Desert
  • Come laugh with us: Dems name Hillary's best accomplishments

  • The collapse of the Palestinians
    by Reuven Berko
    Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are too busy with their rivalry to truly care about the Palestinian people's welfare • Both are also oblivious to the fact that Middle East geopolitics and global circumstances have marginalized the Palestinian issue.

    Congress Must Not Retreat Further on Disastrous Iran Dea
    by Joesph Klein

    Time to invoke the "nuclear option" to prevent nuclear catastrophe?

    The great American patronizing email
    by Dror Eydar

    A recently released 2010 email from Martin Indyk to Hillary Clinton reveals a great deal about the Americans' misguided approach toward Israel and its leader • Five years later, it is clear how wrong the Obama administration's approach actually was.

    Germany: Migrants' Rape Epidemic
    by Soeren Kern

    "We Are the Biggest Brothel in Munich"

    Trading Horses with Putin
    by Caroline Glick

    Time for Israel to reach out to Russia?

    Israel is not a lonely island
    by Boaz Bismuth

    The International Atomic Energy Agency's decision on Thursday to reject, by a large majority of 61 to 43, the proposal from the Arab bloc -- to impose international oversight on Israel's nuclear facilities is not just a major Israeli victory, but also proof that Israel is not some wayward island in a virtuous global sea.

    Clinton Global Initiative loses sponsors and prestige speakers
    by Thomas Lifson

    This could be the beginning of the end. Of course, the empire is striking back

    Martians Stone Jew to Death
    by Atty. Stephen M. Flatow

    They're not fighting for "independence." They're trying to murder Jews.

    The Islamic State's activities in western Egypt raise risk of two-front insurgency, threatening oil assets in Western Desert
    by Ludovico Carlino

    At least 12 people were killed and 10 injured in Egypt's southwestern desert on 13 September 2015 when security forces mistakenly fired on a group of Mexican tourists

    Come laugh with us: Dems name Hillary's best accomplishments
    by Ed Straker

    After nearly forty years in public life, what exactly has she accomplished.

    Saturday, September 19, 2015

    Fwd: Rally this Sun., 9/20, 12 pm, U.S. Mission to U.N.

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: "Lynne Bursky Tammam" <>
    Date: Sep 18, 2015 6:26 PM
    Subject: Rally this Sun., 9/20, 12 pm, U.S. Mission to U.N.
    To: "Lynne Bursky Tammam" <>

    Dear Friends,

    ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 AT 12 NOON, THERE WILL BE A RALLY IN OPPOSITION TO THE DISASTROUS AGREEMENT WITH IRAN AT THE UNITED STATES MISSION TO THE UNITED NATIONS, EAST 45TH STREET BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND AVENUES IN MANHATTAN.    Organized by Rabbi Avi Weiss, Spiritual Leader of the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale and founder of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah and Rabbi Bruce Ginsburg, Spiritual Leader of Congregation Sons of Israel in Woodmere and past president of the Long Island Board of Rabbis and the Union for Traditional Judaism, the rally will be led by rabbis from the tri-state area representing Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform congregations.  Among them will be: 


    • Rabbi Rick Block, immediate past international President of the Central Conference of American Rabbis and spiritual leader of Temple Tifereth Israel in Beachwood, Ohio
    • Rabbi Perry Raphael Rank, past international President of the Rabbinical Assembly and spiritual leader of the Midway Jewish Center in Syosset, N.Y.
    • Rabbi Charles Klein, past president of the New York Board of Rabbis and spiritual leader of the Merrick Jewish Center in Merrick, N.Y.
    • Rabbi Elliot Skiddell, current president of the Long Island Board of Rabbis and spiritual leader of the Reconstructionist Congregation Beth Emeth in Rockville Centre, N.Y.
    • Rabbi Art Vernon, current president of the Queens/Nassau/Suffolk Region of the Rabbinical Assembly and spiritual leader of the West Hempstead J.C.C. in West Hempstead, N.Y.
    • Rabbi Allen Schwartz, spiritual leader of Congregation Oheb Zedek (OZ) in Manhattan
    College students are being encouraged to participate in this rally  and connect with Cindy Grosz of the Stop Iran Now College Activism effort ( in anticipation of a rise of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel activism on campuses in the wake of the negotiations with Iran.


    At this time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur when we pray for the aversion of a severe decree for the Jewish People, we are so grateful to Rabbi Weiss and Rabbi Ginsburg for giving voice to the unprecedented unity among the Jewish People against this agreement that would lift the U.N. arms embargo against Iran and release $50 billion in cash and $100 billion in contracts to the Iranian regime which is actively seeking the destruction of Israel (G-d forbid!).     

    May all our prayers be answered, 
    Lynne Bursky-Tammam and Nessim Tammam
    Yom Hashoah Mobilization Committee