Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Yezidi doc airs at 10:00 pm tonight July 14, 2015 on PBS. John Doyle: Harrowing PBS doc reveals IS's systematic rapes, sexual slavery



Tonight's video on ISIS' enslavement of Yezidi women airs at 10:00 p.m. tonight, July 14, [not 9:00 pm.] on PBS. PBS link for replay is http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/escaping-isis/

Below is the original Globe article describing the PBS video.

John Doyle: Harrowing PBS doc reveals IS's systematic rapes, sexual slavery


Includes correction

Published Monday, Jul. 13, 2015 3:35PM EDT

Last updated Tuesday, Jul. 14, 2015 2:07PM EDT

A man shows the camera crew around a village in northern Iraq. The village is deserted, every building empty. Not bombed or flattened to the ground, but just eerily empty.

Then the man presents a video of Islamic State fighters, showing them joshing about Yazidi women. What one man says is translated as, "Do you want a slave, a sex slave? Yeah, ha ha ha." Another says, "The price depends. Does she have blue eyes? I'll swap a Glock for her." The man who has been guiding the camera crew around the village looks at the video and points at the guy who joked about the Glock. He says "One of our Yazidi girls was held by this guy. This bastard. She's back home now."

He explains that the village is empty because Islamic State fighters simply killed the men and took the women and children. That was more important than capturing the territory and destroying the structures.

The man is Khalil al-Dakhi, a former lawyer from northern Iraq who now operates an underground railroad to rescue Yazidi women and children from the clutches of the Islamic State. "Even though it's dangerous, we're going to keep going," al-Dakhi says.

He is at the centre of Frontline: Escaping ISIS(PBS, 10 p.m. Tuesday) and it's a horrifying, riveting, gripping news documentary. Its particular focus is the circumstances of Yazidi women and children, members of a religious minority who have been targeted by the Islamic State (referred to as "ISIS" throughout) for particularly brutal treatment. There are many petrifying first-hand accounts of women who escaped the Islamic State.

We are no longer just bewildered by the IS. We are in a numbed state of trepidation. We turn away from the most horrific videos of beheadings and other barbaric practices. Our understanding and forbearance are beggared by it. It is the beast we are reluctant to confront; our tolerance is strained and perhaps unglued by it.

What we see and hear in this program is at times unbearable.

We learn that al-Dakhi and a small group of Yazidi men now spend their entire time attempting to rescue women and children. Some captured women use cellphones they hide from the captors. We hear their calls to al-Dakhi's group, the chilling, desperate cries for help. As al-Dakhi explains, at this point, his name and number are known to some IS men who call and attempt to sell the women to him. We hear their calls too. The arrogant bark of, "The money must come tomorrow!" He says money is never paid.

The Yazidi people, long persecuted by other religions and sects in the region, are particularly despised by the IS. They are seen as seen as heretics and the caliphate must be cleansed of their presence to assure the purity of the state. What this means in practice is that men are killed and the women are prized as sex slaves.

A mother, aged 21 with two infant children, tells of what she witnessed while being held. Nine-year-old girls being raped. A woman, Nadia, says, "They raped me through the night and into the morning. Then a driver took me and delivered me to a group of 12 men. All 12 of them, they did everything to me again." The woman, clearly physically and mentally fragile, kneads her hands and shakes recounting her story. She also says, "Two of my friends killed themselves. The fighters said they would feed their bodies to the dogs."

The Frontline program takes a diversion, dealing for a time with the young men and women who have flocked to IS from other countries. "Attracted by a life of Islamic purity," the voiceover says. But what we see in glimpses from footage is young men giggling as they survey messages on their cellphones. Watching, we have to wonder what their actions have to do with any religious experiences; these are young thugs bent on murder and rape. There are pedophiles among them, taking advantage of the opportunity to rape nine-year-old girls.

The program ends with al-Dakhi organizing a successful mass escape. Dozens of people, elderly men and women and several young women have made the trek out of the Islamic State territory.

It's a moment of relief in a brutal hour of reportage. There is no mention of what has been reported, that Yazidi women are stigmatized and sometimes shunned because they were raped. We see only the relief of family and relatives.

One supposes we are meant to share the relief that sometimes the brutality can be escaped. We do, intuitively. Yet we also need to look at this hour of reporting as a narrative of unspeakable depravity in the name of religion. Our senses are battered but never near as battered as the women captured, sold, enslaved and raped.

Editor's note: Frontline: Escaping ISIS airs at 10 p.m. Tuesday. Incorrect information appeared in the original version of this article.



Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Shemitah WND Exclusive: America's day of Reckoning Just 60 Days Away?


Ancient biblical cycle now 2 months from climax



Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, July 09, 2015

Ait Tzara.. Lech Knos Es Kol Hayehudim! War of Gog UMaGog this year 5775 prediction by Chofetz Chaim? Reason to call a Massive Tefilla, Teshuva Rally. Publicize Marienbad Resolutions. Moshiach on the brink, another World War in 5775 end of Shemittah year...Rav Abergel, RavKanievsky, Rav Amnon Yitzchok,


Updated  2015 July 14, 

Lech Knos Es Kol Hayehudim!

War of Gog UMagog coming this year 5775. Prediction by Chofetz Chaim?

It is better not to be overly concerned with calculating when  Moshiach is coming as it says "Tamim Tehiyeh im Hashem Elokecha", to walk simply with Hashem.  However, if one is paying attention to current events, especially the recent deal with Iran, one comes to the conclusion that we, Am Yisroel must cry out to Hashem at this time.

PM Netanyahu's Statement Regarding the Deal with Iran https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OORklkFql3k. Netanyahu says that this is an unprecedented  historic mistake ever!

We must unite and put aside all minor  political differences..

The purpose of showing these links is to motivate Am Yisroel to Teshuva!

The youtubes below testify to the Chofetz Chaim's predictions. They are in Hebrew. But they all carry a consistent message.  Before the Chofetz Chaim died in 1933 CE,  he predicted WWII to begin in 5700 (1940 CE), 25 years following WWI,   to last 5 years ending in Hebrew Calendar year 5705, a Shemittah year, and another World War in 5775 (2015 CE),  10 Shemittah cycles later which is 70 years later.  

The Chofetz Chaim was also one of the planners of the Marienbad Conference of Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah in 1937.  Please understand the extreme relevance of that historic meeting in the context of today's existential threat. 

Please read an open letter to the Rabbanim of our times to publicize and implement the Rabbinic Resolutions of Marienbad 1937 


 In this letter we ask the Rabbanim to reaffirm this historic ruling. 
" The foundation of the Jewish peoples right to the Holy Land is based on the Torah and the prophets…A Jewish State not based on the principles of Torah is a denial of Jewish origin, is opposed to the identity and to the true stature of our people, and undermines the basis of existence of our people…Any relinquishment of the Holy Land given to the Jewish people by G-d has no validity" (HaPardes 11:6)

We know that any decree,  Gezeira in Hebrew,  for bad can be changed as long as people do Teshuva.  Surely a bad decree can be mitigated with massive unification and Tefila. 

Every Shul, Yeshiva, Bungalow, Camp should be called upon to unite with all of Am Yisroel at this time especially during the period of Bein HameTzarim, known as the Three Weeks and Nine Days. http://www.ahavat-israel.com/torat/threeweeks.php

Videos of Rabbanim testifying to the Chofetz Chaim's dire predictions

HaRav Yoram Abergel. (H) 
רב יורם אברג'ל- דיבור מדהים על גאולת סוף שנת תשע'ה2015-חובה הצפייה!
ציטוטים מ'החפץ חיים' ובעל התניא על הגאולה העתידית בסוף שנת השמיטה תשע'ה 2015.
מצב האומה על הפגעים הרוחניים שיש בארץ,על טיסות הנשים לאומן ורבניות השקר ומאילו אנשים יש להתרחק בתחילת הסרטון.מדקה 2:50 תחילת התוכחה 
חובת צפייה לכל יהודי בעולם.
חובה להפיץ!!!

See around 5 minutes into the youtube where he discusses how the Chofetz Chaim predicted a World War in the year in the Jewish Calendar 2705 and then again for 70 years later,10 Shemittah cycles later.

Rav Amnon Yitzchok (H)
** הרב אמנון יצחק - גוג ומגוג ע"פ החפץ חיים!! אוי לנו מיום הדין !! 2015 HD **
חלק ב- גוג ומגוג 2015- HD יותר מ- 26 שנה הרב אמנון יצחק 

Rav Kanievsky (H)
בול פגיעה - הרב קנייבסקי במסר לעם לגבי המשיח
https://youtu.be/rC-ORfDUrI8 We are on the brink of Moshiach. The only way to survive is with Torah and Gemilut Chassadim and to take a loudspeaker and blast the message.

I have been told that this prediction of the Chofetz Chaim is also mentioned in the book The Not Far Away Past by Rebbetzin Rivka Kaluszyner (Author), Mrs. Dina Storch (Translator). Bli neder I will see if I can get an exact reference (page number).   

Rav Amnon Yitzchok in his video says that there are very reliable sources of this prediction from HaRav Pam, HaRav Eliya Svei, Harav Kotler, HaRav Elchanan Wasserman, HaRav Chezkel Levenshtein of Ponovitch, HaRav Eliyahu Lopian, zt"l hy'D. He referenced the book Shaal Avicha VeYagedcha. 

Rav Amnon makes these points. (summary)

In the War of Gog UMagog it will be like in Mitzraim. In Mitzraim only a fifth of the Israelites were redeemed. Four Fifths died in the Plague of Darkness.  How is this possible he asks, after all, the Israelites,  witnessed the miracles of the 8 preceding plagues where clearly Hashem differentiated between the Israelites and the Egyptians? Rav Amnon suggested that this phenomenon exists today.  Didn't we experience war in Gaza with thousands of missiles were shot into Israel with almost no casualties?  Isn't this a clear sign from Heaven that G-d is protecting His people?  Even the Arabs themselves noticed and concluded that G-d is protecting us and it wasn't their weakness.  

Yet four fifths of Jews in Egypt preferred to stay in Egypt.  

Rav Amnon Yitzchok was asked by a listener "How can we be saved?"  He answered "Behar Zion Yehiyeh Pleita", that the remnant will be in EY.  He said that those that adhere to Torah and do deeds of kindness will be spared.  He quoted a Tehillim 91 www.chabad.org/library/bible_cdo/aid/16312/jewish/Chapter-91.htm where King David shows how in spite of death surrounding him, G-d will provide protection and shelter in  miraculous ways to those who trust in Him .  

He brought sources from Tanach describing the war between Gog UMaGog. 

He said the war will last 7 years and then the Nations will gather to fight Israel. He said that many of the Roshei Am, the leaders of Israel will be from the Eirev Rav, the mixed multitude, leading from an unholy source. He said it will include nuclear, biological and Chemical warfare chas veshalom!

He mentioned that our generation should learn from past sins of our people, specifically from the generation that left Egypt.  

Let us recall the Sin of the Golden Calf in the desert whereby the people, who were led by the Eirev Rav, mixed multitudes, were misled into serving a foreign G-d. Aharon,  the high Priest participated in the Sin of the Golden Calf and  this is why he was instructed to bring a bull to atone for the Sin of the Golden calf.   If the Kohen Gadol (high priest) sins, he brings a bull. Aharon the High Priest was required to bring this offering as well as future High Priests as an atonement for serving the Golden Calf.  

Let me suggest that putting an intermediary between us and G-d is a very grave sin.  Each and every soul was at Sinai.  We each will be held accountable, individually if we go after foreign G-ds and we can't blame our leaders because we should have known better.  

Another Sin of the Generation leaving Egypt was the Sin of the Spies whereby they discouraged the people from entering the Land.  

Now in our generation we have the opportunity to rectify this Sin.  It is for this reason we are emphasizing the Resolutions made by the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah in Marienbad and invite the Rabbanim of our generation to reaffirm them. 

Let us talk about Shemittah and it's relevance!

 Shemittah, specifically Shemittah Karkaot,  is a Mitzvah that requires the Land of Israel. The farmer must relinquish the Land in order to keep the Mitzva properly.  Just like one needs a candle to produce light, one needs the Land of Israel to keep the Torah.  Ki Ner Mitzvah VeTorah Or. The Mitzvah of Shemittah will produce the light of Torah. Therefore, if we truly yearn to keep the Mitzvoth of  Shemittah properly, without Heter Mechira (selling the Land to non Jews)and without Yevul Nochri (buying produce from non Jews to circumvent the Mitzva and associated ramifications of eating produce with Kedushat Shviit, with sanctity of the 7th year), how can we remain Silent when Obama, European Union and world Media accuses Israel of Illegal Occupation? The Lubavitcher Rebbe says that Silence is a Sin!   Let us proclaim that the Land belongs to G-d  and He chooses to whom to give the Land. (the First Rashi of Breishit). The borders of Israel is not determined by Man. Not by Obama not by Netanyahu.  It is a  Divine designation and that is non negotiable.  

Another aspect of Shemittah is the spirit of Shabbat. When the Jewish farmer keeps the Mitzva of Shemittah and opens his field, everyone is welcome to enter and to eat.  After all, the Land belongs to G-d.  This Mitzva corrects the bad character trait of Kochi VeOtzem Yadi which means my strength and my might has made me great.  When we acknowledge all comes from G-d by surrendering what we own, we eradicate this negative trait from our very souls.  Disasters of epic proportions serves the same purpose but accomplishes it in very painful ways with great destruction and loss of life. Suddenly the focus is not on me anymore but on unity and joining as one to cry out to Hashem and for His Salvation. 

We all are very worried about multiple potential disasters occurring in the very near future, Hashem Yishmor.

  • Iran, 
  • Isis, 
  • a predicted collapse of the dollar 
  • attack on America's Electric Grid 
  • etc
These are all very real threats coming together at once, may Hashem have mercy....  Even the Goyim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8B14NSIWc8&safe=active have recognized a pattern of tragic events at the end of Shemittah cycle like 9/11 and 2007 stock market collapse.  

Moshiach will be accompanied with terrible suffering unless we do Teshuva and WWII in comparison with the last War of Gog U Magog, according to Rav Amnon Yitzchok based on sources,  is child's play. He says 2/3 of the world will be wiped out. That's billions of people.  Unfortunately it is not so hard to imagine given the weapons of mass destruction in the hands of evil powers. Yet surely Hashem is sending us warnings so that we can do Teshuva....

Massive rallies against nuclear Iran are being planned by Jewish groups. On July 22nd Jewish Rapid Response Coalition is organizing a massive rally in Times Square uniting Jews and Non Jews Bipartisan.  On July 21st, TIP The Israel Project is having an event at Lincoln Square Synagogue. Here are links to their respective fliers. Take note of the lineup of speakers. The events are going viral on social media. 

  • Stop IRAN Rally in Times Square organized by Jewish Rapid Response Coalition stopiranrally.org 

  • AIPAC:

 Lynne Bursky Tammam <hashoah@hotmail.com> writes in an email: 

 "AIPAC leaders have said very clearly that they consider the prevention of a nuclear Iran "the defining issue of our time."    AIPAC has contacted every single Senator and representative in the House to inform them of the elements that must be present in a good "deal."    The leadership has also started an initiative, the goal of which is to communicate with every rabbinical leader of every single synagogue to advise them how to get synagogue members involved in the effort to prevent a nuclear Iran.   They realize how indispensable "grass-roots" involvement of constituents has become in the quest to influence Congress.   They are in the process of preparing the groundwork for a massive campaign to deluge the offices of Congressional reps with phone calls at a moment's notice...a most critical and necessary endeavor. "  

Shouldn't we in the Religious communities also organize something as well? We can mobilize shul, camps, Bungalows individuals with deep Crying out to Hashem and to Unite.  Ait Tzara can be helped, mitigated.... If we act...

More links re: Marienbad:

Mishpacha Magazine Article Issue 179, Cheshvan 5768, October 2007 (E)

HaPardes, Elul 5697 September 1937 (H)

HaPardes, Tishrei 5698 October 1937 (H)

Lubavitcher Rebbe - Letters on the Land for Peace (E). The Rebbe encouraged his Chassidim to publicize the resolutions at Marienbad
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B86sGl9yfinjTU9HSEwwZWN0S0Y4cm8tUmQxUVRZQmJLN2hV/view?usp=sharing   (Today was the Azkara of Rabbi Yekutiel Rapp z"l a strong Eretz Yisroel Activist. He was killed in a fatal car accident http://matzav.com/rabbi-yekutiel-rapp-ztl/ . His Neshama should have an Aliya)

Some ideas for a Massive Tefila, Teshuva Gathering.....

Here are some ideas for a nine days gathering not just saying Tehillim but to really arouse the people to Teshuva: Bring in Yaakov Shweky cry no more..with Rav Gabriel Sassoon and songs of Tehillim sung in Gush Katif as they were being thrown out of their homes like Tefila leAni ki Yaatof lifnei Hashem Yishposch Sicho... and Rabbi Eliezer Rosenfeld of Kochav Hashachar who just lost his son hy"d to terror and sings at Levaya,  Veafilu behastatra ubesoch hastara sham nimtza Hashem Yitbarach he also lost an older son, an Israeli soldier some years ago.

Cry No More Yerushalyim. Recording of Sassoon Family prior to tragic fire.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZGZZJNA6sM ynet
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rrxli4LyJCk arutz7 (different photos backdrop to song)

ירושלים - שוואקי | Cry No More - Official music video by Shwekey

"Rachem and Tefila LeAni Ki Yaatof" Gush Katif music video

Watch: Terror Victim's Father Sings Goodbye at Son's Funeral
Heart-wrenching scenes as father Eliezer Rosenfeld bids his son Malachi, murdered in a shooting attack, a tearful farewell.

Benny Friedman & Yedidim Choir - Aaron Teitelbaum Production - בני פרידמן וידידים - ואפילו בהסתרה
בני פרידמן וידידים - ואפילו בהסתרה
מילים: ליקוטי מוהר"ן
לחן: שעיה גרוס
דער אייבישטער זאגט אינז קינדערלעך אנוכי הסתר פני ביום ההיא, אבער די רבי זאגט ואפי' בהסתרה שבתוך ההסתרה בוודאי גם שם נמצא השם יתברךגם מאחורי הדברים הקשים העומדים עליך, אני עומד


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Growth Out of Pain (Bat Galim Shaer) Oz veGa'on ; When Tragedy Strikes (Rabbi Gabriel Sassoon) Hashem is Si HaChesed and Si HaRachamim; Hashem Is Standing With Us in Hardest of Times (Rabbi Eliezer Rosenfeld) even when He is concealed sung at his son's funeral Malachi Rosenfeld Hy"d



Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.