Thursday, May 28, 2015

Muslim Arabs mocking Obama on TV


From Truth Provider:

Yuval Zaliouk

 Muslim Arabs laughing on TV at the man who is supposed to be the leader of the free world. The clip is supplied by Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

What they are discussing on the clip is a reaction to the laughable statement made by Obama to graduating coast guards cadets that "Global Warming" pauses a grave threat to American security....Not ISIS, not Iran, not North Korea, not Asad, not Putin, not illegal immigration, not China's expansionism in the China Sea, not violence on USA's streets, Global Warming is the real threat...


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Seize the Moment! Signs of Moshiach: Deputy Foreign Minister Hotoveli First Rashi of Breishis (and President Rivlin conflicting messages) Ayelet Shaked Justice Minister - Supporting Jewish State Law - Nahum Rakover Mishpat Ivri on Front Page of Ami Magazine..Hoshiva Shofteinu Kavarishona.... Rabbi Reisman of Agudath Yisroel quotes Chasam Sofer a true Zionist on Leyl Shavuoth


Tzipi Hotovely - Deputy Foreign Minister

Hotovely Tells Foreign Ministry to Quote Torah to the World.  Deputy FM in speech tells Israeli envoys worldwide to reference Torah in arguing Israel's right to all of the land. Tzipi Hotovely Quotes Rashi In Telling Diplomats That All Of Israel's Land Belongs To Jews 

Deputy Minister Hotovely Quotes First Rashi

Let us compare Deputy Minister Hotovely's remarks with President Rivlin.  Before doing so let us see President Rivlin in a positive light.  

Reuven Rivlin - President

President Rivlin was so proud of Chabad in Nepal and so proud of what Israel was doing in Nepal! He is a beaming Grandfather shepping Nachas from his kids..

President Rivlin loves the fact that Israel is a game player and leader in the universal stage of nations.  He and the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, have to deal with enormous pressures and at times need to be gently reminded however, that this goes hand in hand with a fundamental given that the Land of Israel must be under exclusive Sovereignty of the Children of Israel following the precepts of the Torah.  A Palestinian State, aka the two State Solution,  are mutually exclusive with a Jewish State.. 

Will a Palestinian State have the obligation of keeping  Shemittah for example?  This exalted status of being a leader among nations carries with it obligations and responsibilities.  These obligations and responsibilities require that we settle the Land, the entire Land as the Deputy Minister Tzipi Hatovely made clear and let me add, according to the precepts of the Torah. 

Therefore, it makes me sad to report that....

President Reuven Rivlin, who in the past was a prominent opponent to a two-state solution, met Thursday with EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and reiterated the commitment Netanyahu made a day earlier to a two-state solution.

Probably a political ploy to quiet the raging storms brewing when Israel speak the truth about Judea and Samaria and Har Habayit. 

Ayelet Shaked: Justice Minister

A True Jewish Minister of Justice. During her Knesset membership, Ms. Shaked pushed for passage of an amendment that would limit the – in her words – "leftist" High Court of Justice's power, while supporting the "Jewish State Law," 

NAHUM RAKOVER is featured in this week's Ami Magazine.  A Conversation with Professor Nahum Rakover. BTW Rabbi Frankfurter, publisher of AMI magazine took a leading role in defending the Chareidi position against the Chareidi Draft not particularly Tzioni Stand.  Interesting that they are publicizing the work of Nahum Rakover and Mishpat Ivri. 

Nahum Rakover (Hebrew: נחום רקובר b. 13 November 1932), professor emeritus at Bar-Ilan University, is an Israeli former Deputy Attorney General in Israel,
Rakover is a leading researcher in the area of applying traditional Jewish rabbinic law to Israel's state legal system.[1]
He is a prolific author on Jewish law and associated with the Mishpat Ivri movement, and is the author of over 30 books and 200 articles.[1] In addition to important monographs, he has compiled several bibliographies on the use of Jewish law in Israeli judicial opinions, legislative deliberations, and scholarship.

Rabbi Reismanm Rav of Agudath Yisroel of Madison gave a very Tzioni lecture on Tikkun Leyl Shavuoth..  He said that he has 20 sources of the Chasam Sofer which proves how Zionistic the Chasam Sofer was in the early 1800's, before Jewish Settlement In Judea and Samaria and making Aliya was fashionable. He says that the Chasam Sofer was a Gilgul of the Ramban.  Not sure if that was literal or figurative.  Probably the latter. Rabbi Reisman shared two proofs that seem to differ from the Shita of the Satmer Rebbe's position that Moshiach must come before Jews return to the Land of Israel.  The first proof was the Pasuk "Rachel Mevakah Al Baneha"  Mother Rochel is crying for her children.  Hashem consoles her "Minee Koleych Mibechi, ....Vashavu Meeretz Oyev".  Hashem consoles Mother Rochel that they will return from the land of their enemies.  The Chasam Sofer asks.  Why is this such a consolation.  Didn't Hashem already promise the ingathering of the exiles in the time of Moshiach? "Unefutzoseinu Kanes Miyarkesai Aretz". Doesn't Hashem keep His promises?  How was Rachel Imeinu consoled?  From here we learn that they will return while they are still in the Land of their enemies, ie before Moshiach comes when they are still among the Goyim. .

The second proof was from the last Perek of Yirmiyahu.  Contact Rabbi Reisman for more details.

It seems like we are in a window of opportunity.  The Chareidim and the Dati Leumi and secular Zionist and the Gov't of Israel are slowly uniting with a Torah message.  Let us seize the moment!  

Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

Tefillat Hashlah - A Parents Prayer - Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan


Please have in mind and davan for Avraham Zev ben Yehudis נ"י who just started dialysis this morning.  He is around 16 maybe 17 years old who had an infection in his arm that spread to his organs. May Hashem grant him and all those who need it a Refuah Shlaima BeKarov! Venomar Amein Ken Yehu Ratzon!

Please visit these posts sent in 2013 and 2014 re: Tefillat Hashlah. They have a link to the actual Tefilla with a translation as well as some additional thoughts related to the kidsatrisk phenomenon of our generation. 

This post is a plea for leadership of our generation to act when there are issues.

When the issues of a family or a child are not addressed early on because the system is either incapable or unwilling to address the matter, it doesn't go away.  

Assuming we are a school. Let us take the scenario where we feel ill equipped of addressing the issues at hand of a particular student and or his/her family. Our school can't handle the issues or don't want to deal with the issues.  Perhaps we are afraid of negative influences on the other students.  Perhaps we simply don't have the resources. 

So the family and the kid leaves the school voluntarily or involuntarily.  

Can the school now wash their hands of the matter? This student is no longer the school's Achrayus...True or false?  . One can argue true.  The family no longer pays tuition, the school can disconnect from the family and student. 

Let us ask ourselves.  Is that family now going to receive the help that they need?  The school was their support until now.  Now that the school is out of the picture, their issues are compounded because there is a void.  The issues didn't go away and now the support that they were receiving from the school is no longer in place either.  When a student or a family is in stress is this the proper time to abandon them to their own devices? More often than not other kids fill the void and try to help their friend often getting stuck in the quicksand themselves not having the proper tools..

Is society there to pick up where the school left off? 

When society ignores, turns a blind eye, or more often than not distances itself, it  merely serves to allow its issues to become worse.  

Allow me to use the analogy of a real infection.  If  the  bad bacteria is not addressed, either by the bodies' immune system or by medication,  the bacteria will multiply until it chas veshalom takes over all of the organs.

At that point it is much harder to fight the bacteria. 

and let us agree that the school was correct in diagnosing a spiritual infection. 

It is my conclusion that the ultimate responsibility then falls upon the leadership of society and that no segment of society is exempt to address the issues at hand. . This is necessary in order to "repair the fraying of the social fabric" and this can be learned from the Parsha of Egla Arufa.  See below

Let me add that the rationalization to not address the issues of others,  in its early stages perhaps comes  because we don't fully appreciate the unity of the Jewish people and the Unity of G-d in Israel as a Nation and the world at large and  that yes, while we are separate and distinct individuals,  we are also interconnected each soul being an integral part of Am Yisroel all of us being part of the Unity of Hashem. .

The spiritual bacteria in one limb will eventually infect the entire body if not treated and in addition, the body is suffering because it is not receiving the full use of all of its limbs, in addition, proper circulation of the entire body can be hampered if one limb is not receiving the nutrients it needs. 

The second post talks about being Areivim and offers a partial solution as per how our Neshamos can stay connected to help one another especially when one Neshoma is not functioning to its fullest.

The Parsha of Egla Arufa

While individuals, schools, parents, teachers, social workers, psychologists, Rabbi's, Law enforcement, and gov't servants do what they can...

... to be most effective there needs to be corroboration and cooperation between all of the above, to work to bring the resources necessary to where it's needed.

  This is where leadership comes in...  

Otherwise, when there is a fatality chas veshalom,  can leadership of society honestly say  "Our hands did not spill this blood and our eyes did not see." 

 "The implication of the elders' declaration in the ritual of "Egla Arufa" is that the repair of manifestations of the fraying of the social fabric is the primary responsibility of the political, judicial, military and executive branches of government." (see full text)

Egla Arufa as a Chok.
At the end of Parashat Shoftim (Devarim 21:1-9), we encounter the curious and mysterious ritual of "Egla Arufa" (lit. broken-necked calf). The procedure is required when the body of a murder victim is discovered in an unpopulated area within the land of Israel. The closest Jewish city is notified and its inhabitants perform a ceremony that culminates in a prayer for HaShem to Grant atonement for the crime that has taken place so close to their homes. Some of the components of the ceremony seem to have purely symbolic value, e.g., the killing of a calf that has never been used for any type of work upon a site has never been cultivated, and would therefore appear to qualify as one of the "Chukim" (lit. statutes), laws whose meanings are obscure to the human mind.[1]
The leadership of the city closest to the body must take responsibility for what has occurred.
However, one aspect of the ritual is very comprehensible, and probably quite disconcerting for the city's leadership. By means of both body language as well as the spoken word, the leaders of the community are commanded to declare their innocence of any wrongdoing in connection to the murdered individual's demise.
Devarim 21:6-7
And all of the elders of that city closest to the lifeless body will wash their hands[2] over the broken-necked calf in the valley.
And they will recite and say: Our hands did not spill this blood and our eyes did not see.
The Tora-mandated public declaration by these leading personalities of the city, suggesting that some degree of suspicion regarding their complicity in the murder has to be unambiguously refuted, inspires the Mishna (paraphrased by RaShI in his interpretation to Devarim 21:7) to rhetorically ask a pointed question, and then answer its own query with an intriguing hypothesis.
Sota 9:6
…Does it ever occur to us that the elders of the local court are murderers?
But rather (they are declaring) that we were never approached by this individual and we never deliberately sent him away without food;
we never saw him setting out on a journey and are not to be blamed for allowing him to travel without a protective entourage…
The Mishna interprets the elders' verbal formula associated with "Egla Arufa" as suggesting that rather than focusing upon the murder itself from which the elders hopefully should be able to easily disassociate themselves, reflecting upon and reenacting the series of events that possibly led up to the actual crime is of importance to us all, and that the responsibility for this chain of unfortunate circumstances might have to be laid at the feet of the city's leadership, however distinguished their reputations. Every grouping of human beings, large and small, contains within it, on the one hand, individuals who are vulnerable and needy, and on the other those who are predatory and predisposed to violence. When the paths of members of these two groups cross under extenuating circumstances, e.g., when food is scarce and extreme poverty is wide-spread, the Tora suggests that blame for violence cannot be confined to the immediate perpetrator of a crime, but rather has to be shared by those mandated to create and enforce a spirit of cooperation, mutual respect and safety within their municipality's precincts. The implication of the elders' declaration in the ritual of "Egla Arufa" is that the repair of manifestations of the fraying of the social fabric is the primary responsibility of the political, judicial, military and executive branches of government.
For whom must the leadership take responsibility, the victim or the perpetrator?
The Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds disagree regarding the identity of the individual about whom the elders are declaring their freedom from blame. Bavli Sota 45b-46a understands that the elders are referring to the murder victim concerning whom they claim they did not know that he either lacked food or had felt compelled to travel alone on dangerous roads. Much more intriguingly, the Talmud Yerushalmi takes a different perspective, shifting the focus from the social services offered by the society, to its justice system.
Yerushalmi Sota 9:6
The Rabbis from here (Israel—Jerusalem Talmud) explain the verse in terms of the murderer, while the Rabbis from there (Bavel—Babylonian Talmud) interpret the verse in terms of the murder victim.
The Rabbis from here explain the verse in terms of the murderer: he did not come into our hands and we freed him (without subjecting him to punishment). We did not see him committing the crime, and failed to bring him to justice.[3]
While the Rabbis of the two Talmudical traditions disagree regarding how to understand the focus of the elders' declaration, from the perspective of considering societal needs, both perspectives are important to consider. Individuals reduced to desperate circumstances in order to be able to survive will feel compelled to engage in risk-taking that can sometimes prove fatal, while unrepentant criminals who are allowed to continue to wreak havoc with impunity will similarly erode the quality of life within the community. R. David Tzvi Hoffmann[4] suggests that the difference in opinion between the Yerushalmi and Bavli revolves around whether a "Beit Din" (Jewish court)'s failure to convict a criminal who subsequently murders someone is tantamount to the judges themselves being guilty or at least accused of spilling blood—according to the Rabbis of Israel "yes",[5] and the Rabbis of Bavel "no".[6]
The dialectic between protecting the accused and protecting the society.

And of course the most important ingredient is much Siata Dishmaya.  Help from the One Above.

Let me end this post with a touching story about President Bush.  

And The Good News Is by Dana Perino combines a self-portrait of her early years, her journey culminating in becoming the first female Republican press secretary, and her ability to give very practical advice.  American Thinker had the privilege of interviewing this number one best-selling author who portrays President George Bush the 43rd President of the USA as being gracious, compassionate, and caring. 

....There is a heart-wrenching scene in the book where a mother whose son was on life support severely criticized President Bush. She writes, “He didn't leave. He stood there, almost as if he needed to absorb it and to understand it. Commanders in chief make really tough decisions, and we went on to the next rooms, and I remember those being experiences where the families were very happy to see him. But when we got on Marine One to fly back to the White House, the president was looking out the window, and then he looked at me and he said, "That mama sure was mad at me." And then he looked out the window and he said, "And I don't blame her a bit." And a tear rolled down his cheek, but he didn't wipe it away, and then we flew back to the White House.”

This post is dedicated for a Refuah Shelaima for Avraham Zev ben Yehudis n"y and Aryeh ben Rina n"y


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Rabbi Levinger ob"m


- From Hebron Fund

Baruch Dayan HaEmet 
It is with great sadness and deep pain that we inform you of the passing of
Rabbi Moshe Levinger a"h, the founder of the resettlement of Hebron and who helped lay the foundation for the resettlement movement in Israel.  

Rabbi Levinger's place will forever be remembered along with the names of leaders of the country since the beginning of the Zionist resettlement and the revival of the Nation and building of the land of Israel. 

Note: tonight/tomorrow is Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day)  
and the day before Hebron Liberation Day 

profile of Rabbi Levinger upon receiving the prestigious Moskowitz Prize in 2013



The funeral will take place Sunday at 12:30pm in front of Ma'arat HaMachpela  

and will proceed to the Hebron cemetery.


May the Almighty comfort the family 
among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.



- Received from Women in Green:

A great leader of Israel has passed  - Rabbi Moshe Levinger, obm

The Women in Green movement is pained by the great loss to the People
of Israel upon the passing of Rabbi Moshe Levinger, father of renewed
Jewish settlement throughout the Land of Israel after the Six Day War.

Rabbi Levinger blazed the trail for glorious settlement throughout
Judea and Samaria; he was the driving spirit that inspired the great
movement together with his wife Rabbanit Miriam. The trailblazers of
settlement in Binyamin and Samaria were his students.

His faith, courage, audacity and the love for the People of Israel
resulted in the first Jewish community in Judea. He established a city
that carries all of the banners of Zionism: settlement, absorption of
immigrants and security. Thanks to him, Kiryat Arba Hevron is a symbol
of harmonious life among religious and secular, immigrants and
long-time citizens from all sectors of the People.

Rabbi Levinger was a symbol of simplicity, always traveled by
hitchhiking or by bus, despised materialism, was always on a mission,
always active for the People of Israel and the Land of Israel. He did
not engage in small talk, everything always revolved around the great
goal - the Land of Israel.

He died on the eve of the anniversary of the liberation of Jerusalem.
He always corrected us and said: the liberation of the Land of Israel.

A very great spiritual presence, who knew how to combine the vision
with reality, has gone from us.

May we be comforted in the building of the Land of Israel.

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar
and the entire Women in Green family

PM Netanyahu Sends Condolence Letter to the Levinger Family
(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Sunday, 17 May 2015), sent the following condolence letter to the family of the late Rabbi Moshe Levinger:

"Dear Levinger family,

I was saddened to hear of the passing of the head of your family, the late Rabbi Moshe Levinger.

Rabbi Levinger's name will be forever linked with the movement for renewed Jewish settlement in Hebron and other areas of the country where our patriarchs walked thousands of years ago. He was an outstanding example of a generation that sought to realize the Zionist dream, in deed and in spirit, after the Six Day War.

As a prominent student of Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook at Mercaz Harav Yeshiva in Jerusalem, Rabbi Levinger was influenced by the dream according to which 'everything grows from the Land of Israel'. He stressed that deepening our roots in the inheritance of our forefathers would allow us to strengthen the State of Israel as a whole.

Our return to the holy places of our people in the defensive war and war of deliverance 48 years ago stirred our hearts. Our eternal capital Jerusalem was a united city once again. Rachel's Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs, where our patriarchs and matriarchs are buried, again became centers of prayer for myriad Jews. I am proud of the fact that they are included in the Government's list of national heritage sites, given their religious and educational importance of the highest order.

There is great symbolism that Rabbi Levinger passed away on the eve of Jerusalem Day; he leaves behind him a well-established legacy and many students who are dedicated to taking root in our Land.

Dear members of the Levinger family, my heart is with you at this difficult time. May the Almighty comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem and may you know sorrow no more.

Benjamin Netanyahu." ________________________________________
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

President Rivlin attends the funeral of the late Rabbi Moshe Levinger, leading member of the revived Jewish community in Hebron
(Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)
Sunday 17th May, 2015 / 28 Iyyar, 5775

President Rivlin attends the funeral of the late Rabbi Moshe Levinger, leading member of the revived Jewish community in Hebron

President Reuven Rivlin today (Sunday), attended and gave a eulogy at the funeral of the late Rabbi Moshe Levinger, a leading member of the revived Jewish community in Hebron, who died yesterday at the age of 80.

The President began his eulogy by speaking about his acquaintance with the late Rabbi Levinger and the Hebron community which became his life's work. The President said, "Dear Rabbi Moshe, I met you and the Levinger family as a Yekke (Jew of Litvak traditions) family from Jerusalem. A family who emigrated from Germany and lived not far from us, on the border of the Rehavia and Sha'arei Chesed neighborhoods. You grew up in a household with a rare religious and spiritual depth. A house with wide-ranging knowledge, a loyalty to the concept of "Torah and science", as well as observing and maintaining religious practices in an uncompromising way. It was the hallmark of the Levinger family – whether they chose to become Rabbis, go into academic research, or practice the unique combination of both. "

The President went on to say, "People like to say that you weren't a man of consensus – and this must be true. Yet, you never neglected to make an effort to involve as many people as you could to your endeavors, from the 'Valley of Hebron' you asked your brothers from all the camps to join you. You argued, got angry, you were sharp, incisive, assertive and forceful in your words. You didn't look for compromise and yet you never doubted that only a solid foundation among the people of Zion, and broad support for Jewish community of Kiryat Arba, which is Hebron, will resume here the chain of generations. Not for nothing the first donor to the Hebron Yeshiva, under your leadership, Rabbi Levinger, was David Ben-Gurion, who donated 100 Israeli Lira (the old Israeli currency). Not for nothing were you very active with Yigal Alon, and members of the 'Greater Land of Israel' movement, who were mainly from the Labor movement, in rebuilding the Jewish community once again, here in Kiryat Arba, in Hebron. You believed with all your heart that by rebuilding Hebron, you would also re-build Jerusalem, and out of that belief you acted to ensure that not only would Jerusalem be redeemed, but so would Kiryat Arba, in Hebron."

At the end of the eulogy President Rivlin said, "In recent years you suffered from a serious illness, and when I came to visit you I saw that you did not cease to believe, to hope, and to expect to see the redemption of Israel. Today, as we accompany you on your last path, I cannot but remember your struggle not only for life here, but for the right to be buried in the cemetery here in Hebron. Today these graves here will be joined by the grave of Rabbi Levinger one of our most treasured sons and founders of the Jewish community here. May his memory be blessed and may his soul be bound in the bond of life. Amen. "
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis

Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Jerusalem Videos in honor of Yom Yerushalyim


Video: Yom Yerushalayim 2015 at the Kosel

Shira Chadash Boys Choir: This is the Most Beautiful Music Video You'll See All Year
They pour their hearts out for Jerusalem

Sam Glaser with his super catchy song "Dancing in Jerusalem" will capture your heart as he dances in Jerusalem. Follow him all over the old city of Jerusalem as he dances with soldiers, tourists, orthodox yeshiva students, and just about everybody. This song will turn you on!

Possible Parah Adumah (Red Heifer) On Outskirts of Lakewood, New JerseyRed Heifer in Lakewood

Discrimination at Har HaBayit:  
How long to wait at Har habayit  Jerusalem Day May 2015

Dome of the Rock - Temple Mount - Jerusalem - Epicenter - Joel Rosenberg.wmv


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.