Sunday, May 03, 2015

FW: 600 Yazidis massacred Friday, May 1st - read Mirza's words. Both Kurds (KRG) under Mullah Barzani and ISIS responsible for Genocide


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Date: Sun, May 3, 2015 at 2:36 AM
Subject: FW: 600 Yazidis massacred Friday - read Mirza's words

Mirza Ismail
Yezidi Human Rights Organization-International

Dear all,

Thank so much for your concerns about the Yezidis situations in the Middle East today and in Iraq in particular; I do not think anything will help the Yezidis to survive, because not only the Islamic State is executing the Yezidis but the "International Community" is supporting the ISIS against the Yezidis and unfortunately including our country Canada!  The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) was and is the main cause for the Yezidi Genocide, the KRG was the one who had an agreement with the Islamic State to wipe off the Yezidis from the face of the Earth; if there was "Justice" in the entire World existed the Mullah Barzani and his KRG would trialed equally to ISIS but unfortunately justice does not exist for the poor and innocent nation such as the Yezidis in today's World.  And the Yezidis are now must be "Thanking the Kurds" for their involvement with the Islamic State for doing the International community's job to wipe-out the Yezidis from the face of the Earth.  The International community is now agree with the Islamic State that "God Made a Big Mistake  by Creating the Yezidis," so the International community is now supporting the Islamic State via providing military training and arms to the Kurdish terrorists.
Best regards,

Mirza Ismail

Friday, May 01, 2015

Cry No More Yerushalayim - Nepal and Yazidis. Israel - A Nation of Priests who carries the Troubles of the World on its Shoulders.


I don't know if I was in an exceptionally emotional mood today but email after email left me crying...

It started with videos from Nepal.

The 60 Second Video About Israel in Nepal That Will Amaze You!

From Israel Defense Forces

Nepal: Israeli Field Hospital Treats 'Miracle' Survivor. International effort: US, Nepalese teams rescue 11-year-old girl, 15-year-old boy who miraculously survived for days under the rubble.

Watch: Nepalese Man Thanks Israel in Hebrew for Saving his Mom.'Israel is helping us, we'll be okay then' - man who worked in Israel thanks IDF for fixing his mother's leg broken in earthquake disaster.
Watch: 'It's Just Amazing, the Whole IDF is in Nepal' 
New video documents IDF evacuating stranded Israeli tourists to field hospital, and efforts there to save wounded Nepalese.

I was being embraced with reports from Nepal

Chabad Center Serves 2,000 Meals in a Single Day to Nepalis
Emissaries continue to help and house the stranded, and expect to feed even more people tomorrow By Faygie Levy   |   April 29, 2015 

While Chani Lifshitz was serving up 2,000 meals to Nepalis outside the Chabad House in Kathmandu, her husband, Rabbi Chezky Lifshitz, was out in a helicopter rescuing travelers,and their children were being hosted at the home of Israel's President Reuven Rivlin.

An Inside Look at the IDF's Unique Medical Technology in Nepal
Published on: April 28, 2015

I couldn't help but cry.  I asked myself. Why are you crying. This is a good thing what Israel is doing.  You don't even know the people affected by the Earthquake. 

Maybe because I saw these people whom I don't know being treated with humnanity after a terrible disaster.  Maybe because I was so grateful that all the Israeli's in Nepal, and there were hundreds, other than one, was accounted for. Even for this Israeli there is good reason to be optimistic.  Maybe because finally after being bombarded with such false negative pr about Israel the truth is being revealed about Israel. Surely the world will begin to recognize a G-dly Israel. Surely, the prophesy of Isaiah, and Micha,  the Nations of the world streaming to Jerusalem, is within reach... 

The pride of President Reuven Rivlin of Israel for what Chabad is doing in Nepal,  seeing a tremendous Kiddush Hashem also from the IDF  is enough to make one cry... in a good way.

From Imra: Table: Israel sent largest team to Nepal - source: CNN
Israel 260
UK 68
China 62
US 54
South Korea 40
Taiwan 20
Italy 15
France 11
Switzerland 6
Figures as of April 27, 2015

...and then my friend Renanah from Toronto, a student of Weissmandl sent me a video about the Yazidi's that really turned on the faucet..

"Yezidi's speak" a special event presented by "Canadian Jews and Friends" Start it at the beginning. around 36 minutes. Published on Apr 28, 2015. The Yeziti people of Northern Iraq speak at a special event in Toronto.   Please watch this youtube in its entirety.  The women Yazidi speakers were crying.  I was crying....  This is unadulterated evil, genocide, brutality reminiscent of the Holocaust and it is presently on Israel's northern border with Syria. The threat to us is real.  Unless we address it and fight it and help the victims to cope....the evil will spread.  The evil is happening as I write this.... There are many victims who are still in harms way.  Let us share their pain and let us pray and try to follow Renanah's lead,  and her group in Toronto who are actively planning another event to help the Yezidi's, to  fight and stop evil from gaining strength and from inflicting more pain and suffering on innocents....

While I had read about the genocide and about the slave trade of the Yazidi women and blogged extensively about it , watching this video and listening to first hand reports brought out raw emotions.

I chanced upon  this documentary put out by PBS "Freed but not Freed: Yezidi girls who escaped Islamic State trapped by Trauma" Last summer, militants from the Islamic State group attacked a small ethnic group called the Yazidis, executing men and taking thousands of women and girls as slaves. Special correspondent Marcia Biggs reports from Northern Iraq on the rape, violence, threats and harrowing escapes that some young women endured and their continuing struggles with psychological trauma and stigma.

This documentary served to authenticate and validate further as if I had any doubts.....

This is terribly painful because it was perpetrated by humans who act more like animals.  It wasn't an earthquake.  It didn't have to happen...How can humans behave like this as one of the speakers at the Toronto event cried????.

Like in Nepal, the Toronto Jewish community demonstrated how Jews demonstrate compassion, humanity in the face of evil, feel and  empathize with the pain of others, with strangers not even Jewish,  and try to the best of their ability to help in whatever capacity to ease their pain to address the injustice of it all. We shoulder the burden with them. We cry with them.   We are all members under G-d's Kingdom.  Sometimes we know that there are situations where certain peoples deserve what they get.  We understand Divine Justice. What goes around come around.  But the Yazidi's are not from this group. They like the Jews are the innocent victims and not from the perpetrators...

As a Jew I suddenly understood  our role as a Jew and the blessing of Benjamin the Tribe in whose lot falls the the Holy Temple.  

יב לְבִנְיָמִן אָמַר יְדִיד יְהֹוָה יִשְׁכֹּן לָבֶטַח עָלָיו חֹפֵף עָלָיו כָּל הַיּוֹם וּבֵין כְּתֵפָיו שָׁכֵן
12 And of Benjamin he said, "The Lord's beloved one shall dwell securely beside Him; He protects him all day long, and He dwells between his shoulders."

Rashi: And of Benjamin he said: Since Levi's blessing pertains to the sacrificial service, and Benjamin's blessing pertains to building the Holy Temple within his territory, Moses juxtaposed one to the other.

Like the High Priest, the Kohen Gadol,  who wears the names of the Tribes of Israel on his shoulders, the Nation of Israel is a Kingdom of Priests for the World, shouldering the disasters, natural or man made, with the troubles of the world on its shoulders and G-d resides between the shoulders of his Chosen People, Chosen to carry this very heavy burden,  on the H-ly Mount where the Nations of the world will one day stream....

Temple Mount - Har Habayit - All the Nations shall stream to it- 
The word that Isaiah, son of Amoz, prophesied concerning Judah and Jerusalem.  And it shall be at the end of the days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be firmly established at the top of the mountains, and it shall be raised above the hills, and all the nations shall stream to it.  And many peoples shall go, and they shall say, "Come, let us go up to the Lord's mount, to the house of the God of Jacob, and let Him teach us of His ways, and we will go in His paths," for out of Zion shall the Torah come forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

And it shall be at the end of the days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be firmly established at the top of the mountains, and it shall be raised above the hills, and peoples shall stream upon it.  And many nations shall go, and they shall say, "Come, let us go up to the Lord's mount and to the house of the God of Jacob, and let Him teach us of His ways, and we will go in His paths," for out of Zion shall the Torah come forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. 3 And he shall judge between many peoples and reprove mighty nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nations shall not lift the sword against nation; neither shall they learn war anymore.

Maybe G-d in His wisdom understood that Benjamin is the son of Rachel.  Rachel is a Mother who cries for her children to return. As Rachel cries for her sons, G-d cries for all His children, the sons of Noah, governed by the 7 Noahide Laws, the Universal laws of morality, to also return to Him.

Cry No More Jerusalem..... Cry No More - Official music video by Shwekey (1,546,397 hits as of this post)


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 



The Noahide 7 Laws are the Universal Morality for the World ever since time immemorial. 

The Torah Position - Believers of the Bible!
 Noahides, Jews and non Jews, acknowledge and proclaim there is a G-d in the world who is KING.   We are all descendants of Noah and are obligated to keep the 7 Noahide Laws. A basic belief of morality and ethics.  (Listen to Jewish audio 
BY NISSAN DOVID DUBOV Chabad of South London, UK)  and click on link to "Universal Morality Seven Noahide Laws".  

Shabbat for the Noahide: Rabbi Chaim Clorfene

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Anti Israel Jews: Jewish Community Alert: 101 Shofar Rally Against The UJA-Federation for Promoting Boycott Israel Groups


Let us join with this group of sincere, honest, true, committed Jews,  devoted Israel activists and blow the Shofar to stop the Fifth Column of Jews who have become embedded in UJA who embrace and support Israels worst enemies to undermine Israels Sovereignty and right to defend itself. 

They engage in economic warfare against Israel.  

Let's analyse who they are boycotting.  Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria vs a nuclear, Iran intent on Israel's destruction not to mention world domination?

Seriously, Who deserves our Boycotts? 

We are protesting individuals who call themselves Jews who  have embedded themselves in key positions of UJA and Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, (see link to Arutz7 Op-Ed:) and are welcome in Obama's inner circle and who encourage Boycotting Israel products. They give money to the NIF a deceptive organization that funds Israels enemies. 

They must be exposed,  expelled from UJA or wherever them embed themselves, stripped of prestige, prevented from exercising influence to hurt Israel from within. They are traitors to the Jewish People and probably should join the ranks of Fatah or Hamas whom they actively support. Shame on them! 

Please read this link about Yossi Beinart the CEO of Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE)

Tel Aviv Stock Exchange CEO Is a Leader of a Pro-Boycott Organization A shocking exposé: TASE head is a member of NIF's International Council . by Ronn Torrossian Plain as day on the website of the New Israel Fund is a statement which says, "NIF opposes the occupation and subsequent settlement activities. NIF will thus not exclude support for organizations that discourage the purchase of goods or use of services from settlements." The New Israel Fund supports boycotts against Israel – and says so clearly on their website.

...Considering the outrage at boycotting Israel, it is shocking that the CEO of the Tel-Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE), Yossi Beinart is a New Israel Fund leader.  Beinart is a member of their International Council which "is an advisory group established in 2002 to supplement the work of the organization's governing Board.  The role of the IC is to sustain involvement of past Board members and to educate, motivate, and nurture future leadership for the Fund."

The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange is Israel's only stock exchange, with hundreds of public companies listed.  The head of start-up nation's stock exchange serving on the board of an organization that advocates a boycott of Israel raises many questions.

Baruch Hashem we have some real friends in the "United States Senate:  

Senate Committee Passes Measures to Combat BDS Senate Finance Committee adopts amendments to the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) aimed at countering BDS.

Other Jewish traitors 

Anti-Israel J Street Leftists Met w/Obama, Urged Him to Oppose Israel

I remember how my parents had great disdain for someone who was a Kapo in the Holocaust.  It tainted him for life... Maybe the Kapos were coerced. What's the excuse for these so called Jews?  Probably follow the money trail.. Maybe there is some other underlying reason.  I don't envy them.  

Concentration Camps:Kapos

The German concentration camps depended on the cooperation of trustee inmates who supervised the prisoners. Known as Kapos, these trustees carried out the will of the Nazi camp commandants and guards, and were often as brutal as their SS counterparts. Some of these Kapos were Jewish, and even they inflicted harsh treatment on their fellow prisoners. For many, failure to perform their duties would have resulted in severe punishment and even death, but many historians view their actions as a form of complicity. After the war, the prosecution of Kapos as war criminals, particularly those who were Jewish, created an ethical dilemma which continues to this day.

Pls spread the word! Thanks

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: "JCCWatch" <>
Date: Apr 30, 2015 6:22 PM
Subject: Jewish Community Alert: 101 Shofar Rally Against The UJA-Federation for Promoting Boycott Israel Groups
To: "Robin Ticker" <>

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Jewish Community Alert 


Join The Worlds Largest Number of Shofars Ever Sounded In Unison-One Hundred and One !






Monday May 11, 2015

 5 PM to 7:30 PM

UJA-Federation Building

130 East 59 Street, NYC

Between Park & Lexington Avenue


 Join The World's Largest Shofar Sounding In History

Shofars will be distributed to participants


Hear O'Israel 

The President of the UJA-Federation, Alisa Doctoroff is a Major Funder of the New Israel Fund, a group that Finances The Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions Movement (BDS) Against Israel


The UJA-Federation has been twisted by its leadership to embrace and promote the following Boycott, Divestment & Sanction groups against Israel:


1)  The New Israel Fund (NIF)  Finances Organizations that promote BDS against Israel. Five NIF grantees signed a letter to the Norwegian Government Pension Fund urging them to divest from Israel; Machsom Watch, Coalition of Woman for Peace, Woman Against Violence, Social TV & Mossawa


2)  The Israel High Court Rules Against The New Israel Fund.


3) B'Tselem produced the video shown at the infamous "Israel Apartheid Week" events held at universities and colleges worldwide.  The chair of B'Tseleem's board Oren Yiftachel has publicly called for "Effective Sanctions" against Israel.  B'Tselem is a major grantee of the New Israel Fund.


4) Partners For Progressive Israel calls for a boycott of SodaStream and Ahava Cosmetics and other Israel Companies.


 Join Us On Monday May 11th As We Blast The Truth !

 Say No To The UJA-Federation Leadership Financing BDS Against Israel 



Sponsored by:

The Hear O'Israel Coalition:

In Formation


Americans For A Safe Israel (AFSI)

Americans For Peace and Tolerance

Endowment For Middle East Truth (EMET)


International Committee For The Land Of Israel

Jewish Action Alliance

Jewish Political Education Foundation

National Conference On Jewish Affairs

Zionist Organization Of America (ZOA)











New York New York 10005

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Important! Please VoteTorah or VoteZOA in WZC Elections deadline is tomorrow. Even if you don't call yourself a Zionist...(read Rabbi Lerner's reasons and my comments)


If you are at least 18 years of age, live in the US, and accept the Jerusalem Program, see below, you are most likely eligible to vote. It costs $10 for over 30 years of age and $5 for under 30. You can pay by credit card.  There is pay back and you and others you know probably have already been a recipient.

Please send reminders to your friends and acquaintances.  TY. 

VoteTorah - THE TIME IS NOW, VOTE TODAY! VOTING ENDS TOMORROW! From Rabbi Pesach Lerner Vote Torah!


VoteZOA - Your Chance to vote in an important election affecting the Jewish people: Please vote & spread the word to vote for the ZIONIST ORGANIZATION OF AMERICA/ZOA: Defend Jews & Israel Slate in the World Zionist Congress Elections!

even if you just love Eretz Yisroel but wouldn't call yourself a Zionist and consider yourself a Chareidi,  please vote! Please check out the link to explain why. Thanks

VoteTorah or VoteZOA; WZO funds Mir Yeshiva and Bais Yaakov Seminaries in Eretz Yisroel catering to Diaspora Jews. That is why you should vote even if you don't call yourself a Zionist!  Important religious matters such as Mi Hu Yehudi legislation is addressed as per Rabbi Lerner's points above.

The WZO represents Jews Globally.  They have a billion dollar budget and are influential in deciding policy that affects World Jewry.  

Jerusalem Program



Zionism, the national liberation movement of the Jewish people, brought about the establishment of the State of Israel, and views a Jewish, Zionist, democratic and secure State of Israel to be the expression of the common responsibility of the Jewish people for its continuity and future.

The foundations of Zionism are:

  1. The unity of the Jewish people, its bond to its historic homeland Eretz Yisrael, and the centrality of the State of Israel and Jerusalem, its capital, in the life of the nation;
  2. Aliyah to Israel from all countries and the effective integration of all immigrants into Israeli society.
  3. Strengthening Israel as a Jewish, Zionist and democratic state and shaping it as an exemplary society with a unique moral and spiritual character, marked by mutual respect for the multi-faceted Jewish people, rooted in the vision of the prophets, striving for peace and contributing to the betterment of the world.
  4. Ensuring the future and the distinctiveness of the Jewish people by furthering Jewish, Hebrew and Zionist education, fostering spiritual and cultural values and teaching Hebrew as the national language;
  5. Nurturing mutual Jewish responsibility, defending the rights of Jews as individuals and as a nation, representing the national Zionist interests of the Jewish people, and struggling against all manifestations of anti-Semitism;
  6. Settling the country as an expression of practical Zionism.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.