Monday, October 27, 2014

Fwd: From Israe Arlene Kushnerl: Jewish Voices on Campus, must see very scary you tube, ... What we have on our hands is a war with radical Islamists, who are now focused on Jerusalem, something that must be dealt with, as Naftali Bennett put it, “with an iron fist”. You don't like it? Tough


Very Scary!
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From: Arlene Kushner <>
Date: Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 3:25 PM

October 26, 2014

The word "tough" has different meanings, and I am actually using it in more than one sense in this posting.  The first meaning – difficult to deal with – applies to the video directly below.  From "Jewish Voices on Campus," it is exceedingly important and I ask you all to take the time to see it:
A message of hate bred on the tongues of terrorists now poison our college campuses today and it's up to us, the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims to stand up for peace; it up the us, the students in pursuit of the freedom of education to push back and stop these radical, hate-driven organizations. Stop violence. Stop bigotry. Stop anti-Semitism. 
(Thanks to those readers who sent this to me.)
The second meaning I want to apply is slang, as in "You don't like it? Tough." 
Orwa Abd El-Wahab Hammad, from the village of Silwad near Ramallah, was killed by the IDF on Friday.  Arab sources said he was 14, the IDF says he was 17.  Born in America, he has lived in Arab villages in Samaria since he was a small boy.  He was shot because he was about to throw a Molotov cocktail into on-coming traffic on Highway 60.  A Molotov cocktail is a home-made incendiary device, serving as a fire bomb, that can set its target on fire. Thrown at a car, it could be lethal and might cause multiple deaths.
Explained an IDF spokesman: "The forces fired immediately to neutralize the danger...."
Now, partly because of this, we've got rioting by Arabs in certain parts of eastern Jerusalem for the third consecutive day.  These riots have been encouraged by Hamas

official Mahmoud Al-Zahar, who has told Palestinian Arabs in eastern Jerusalem to rise up against Israel and continue "resisting."

"The escalation [of violence] in the city is the solution to 'Israeli aggression.'"

A Palestinian protester burns a tire during clashes with Israeli security officers in the Issawiya district of Arab east Jerusalem on October 24, 2014. (Photo credit: AFP / AHMAD GHARABLI)

Credit: AFP / Ahmad Gharabli

See critical information below about Hamas involvement in this situation.


Now, it's not Israeli officials saying "tough," it's me. They are too diplomatic. But I am expressing a forthright and honest sentiment.  Not a single iota of regret.  No way. The Arabs don't like it that one of their youth was shot?  If he had not been attempting to create chaos and danger for Jews driving in nearby cars, he would still be alive.
As it happens, the death of this boy is not the only reason for the rioting. The crowds are also "agitated" about the death of Abdel Rahman Al-Shaludi, the terrorist who killed baby Chaya Zissel Braun when he ran his car into a crowd at the Light Rail station. 
He was shot by a security officer at the scene and died some hours later. There are – I would say "incredibly," except that this seems par for the course – claims by Arab sources that what happened was merely a "traffic accident" and that there was no reason to shoot him.
His funeral was supposed to be today, and when a terrorist is being buried that always stirs up the crowds. As I write I am not sure whether he was buried, or will be in the remaining hours of the day.  Israeli officials sought to delay the funeral, and then to limit the size of the crowd.
I call your attention here to a critically important piece, written by Pinchas Inbari – who is an Arabic speaking Israeli journalist and exceedingly knowledgeable – for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.  "The Role of Hamas and Fatah in the Jerusalem Disturbances."
What is going on here in Jerusalem is not simply a matter of local Arabs expressing "distress."  What we have on our hands is a war with radical Islamists, who are now focused on Jerusalem. And so, we are back to my first definition of "tough,' as something difficult to deal with.  But something that must be dealt with, as Naftali Bennett put it, "with an iron fist" (all emphasis added):
"The deterioration of the security situation in Jerusalem cannot be understood only on the Israeli-Palestinian level; it is umbillically connected to the chaos in the Middle East and to the great struggle between the moderate Sunni regimes and the Muslim Brotherhood, which seeks to make the Jerusalem issue a rallying cry of the 'Arab Storm.'  The Brotherhood's strategy hopes to unite all of the regions Islamic movements around the idea of the Muslim Caliphate with the Al-Aqsa Mosque [on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem] as its hub."
Inbari documents the "call of the Muslim faithful" to liberate the Mosque in a variety of contexts, both with regard to Hamas and Fatah.  He says:
"On the issue of funding Fatah activity in Jerusalem, eyes are turned to Qatar, the great financier of all the movements that are undermining regional stability, including in Israel.  The large sums evidently being used by the websites of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood to wage the Jerusalem campaign indicate that much Qatari money has already flowed their way, and Fatah is now waiting in line.
"Fatah's very weak standing in the Al-Aqsa compound was apparent in the attack – wild to the point of life-endangering – on Palestinian religious affairs minister Mahmoud al-Habash when he visited the Al-Aqsa Mosque at the end of June this year.  His attackers were Hamas and Hizbat-ut-Tahrir men, and the Palestinian Authority's security forces had a very hard time rescuing him.  The joint attack also conveyed a message that these two movement, which have struggled over hegemony on the Mount, have reconciled and are now acting in unison.
"Yet everyone is competing for Qatar money – a fact that only spurs local groups towards greater levels of violence. Fatah's joining of the Al-Aqsa campaign as a wagon hitched to fundamentalist Qatar may well herald a take-over of Ramallah by the radical Islamic movements – unless the Palestinian Authority regains its bearings in time."
Scary as hell, my friends, and I will continue to report on this.
Today it was not only police that were out in large numbers to quell the violence, but other security forces as well. Whatever it takes.
Israeli security officers run during clashes with Palestinian protesters in East Jerusalem on October 24, 2014 (Photo credit: Ahmad Gharabli/AFP)
Credit: AFP / Ahmad Gharabli
Please do know that, as horrific as it is, all of Jerusalem is not in turmoil.  I live in the city, in a western neighborhood, and everything is entirely peaceful.  The violence is occurring in certain Arab neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem and in certain parts of Jewish neighborhoods past the Green Line that abut Arab neighborhoods, and at key points such at the Mount of Olives and the Temple Mount.
A major point here:
The US is on the wrong side with regard to this entire matter. Not surprising, but exceedingly distressing. 
There is, first, the growing relationship of the Obama administration with Qatar, the major funder of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Then there is what we are seeing in terms of State Department positions in response to what is going on here.  Last week I expressed great anger at the statement, after the Al-Shaludi attack, that, "We urge all sides to maintain calm and avoid escalating tensions in the wake of this incident."  Instead of expressing concern for the Israeli populace and standing with Israeli attempts to protect those citizens. "Morally blind by design," I wrote. And indeed this is true.
Now we have the latest press statement from Jen Psaki:
"The United States expresses its deepest condolences to the family of a U.S. citizen minor who was killed by the Israeli Defense Forces during clashes in Silwad on October 24.  Officials from the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem are in contact with the family and are providing all appropriate consular assistance. We call for a speedy and transparent investigation, and will remain closely engaged with the local authorities, who have the lead on this investigation.  We continue to urge all parties to help restore calm and avoid escalating tensions in the wake of the tragic recent incidents in Jerusalem and the West Bank."
As commentator Yisrael Medad has pointed out, the term "clashes" is severely misleading.  There were no clashes. There was an Arab youth threatening Jews, who had to be stopped.
Aaron Lerner, director of IMRA, minced no words in his description of the State Department statement, beginning with his title, "US declines to indicate if opposes murdering drivers with Molotov cocktails in State Department statement":
Question: Why wasn't State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki able to come up with a formula in the wording of the indicate that the United States of America does not condone, under any circumstances, the throwing of firebombs?"
Indeed!  It is apparent to me, and I am reasonably certain Lerner intends to suggest the same, that it is not that Psaki was unable to come up with the wording, but chose not to.
I will mention here – and return to this – that when Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon was in the US recently, it has now been revealed, he was denied access to certain key officials with whom he wished to speak.
© Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by Arlene Kushner, functioning as an independent journalist. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution. 
If it is reproduced and emphasis is added, the fact that it has been added must be noted.

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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd:Paul Eidelberg: Secular Gov't is afraid of a Religious Jewish State? WHO SHALL RULE? Shall it be Israel’s religious Jews or its non-religious Jews? To Be or Not to Be: Or why Shimon Peres Reversed Himself


This sounds a bit crazy but what rational explanation is there? 

 The Arabs call this a Holy War. In Article Six of the Hamas Charter it says "The Islamic Resistance Movement is a distinguished Palestinian movement, whose allegiance is to Allah, and whose way of life is Islam.  It strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine.   

The Jews are afraid to bring up the Bible and G-d's Covenant with our forefathers. They are afraid people will consider them no different that radical Hamas. (Islam has hijacked  religion and allegiance to a Higher Authority)..
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From: Paul Eidelberg <>
Date: Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 3:09 AM
Subject: To Be or Not to Be: Or why Shimon Peres Reversed Himself
To: Paul Eidelberg <>

To Be or Not to Be: Or why Shimon Peres Reversed Himself

Prof. Paul Eidelberg

Last month – on September 1, 2014, to be exact – I wrote an article "Netanyahu, the Disciple of Shimon Peres." The article, which ended with unanswered questions, referred to a book authored by Shimon Peres, Tomorrow is Now (Jerusalem: Keter, 1978). The book was publicized by IMRA (Middle East News & Analysis). IMRA described the book in striking terms, which I quoted in my article, and which bears repeating, only now I shall answer my article's unanswered questions. Here are the key passages of IMRA's bon mot of Peres' book:

The following is a chillingly accurate prediction made in 1978 by none other than Shimon Peres. In it he foresaw, in precise detail, the dire perils that would result if Israel were to embark on precisely the policy he himself championed and which he continues to advocate with passion: "The establishment of such a [Palestinian] state means the inflow of combat-ready Palestinian forces (more than 25,800 men under arms) into Judea and Samaria; this force, together with the local youth, will double itself in a short time. It will not be short of weapons or other [military] equipment, and in a short space of time, an infrastructure for waging war will be set up in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip. Israel will have problems in preserving day-to-day security, which may drive the country into war, or undermine the morale of its citizens. In time of war, the frontiers of the Palestinian state will constitute an excellent staging point for mobile forces to mount attacks on infrastructure installations vital for Israel's existence, to impede the freedom of action of the Israeli air-force in the skies over Israel, and to cause bloodshed among the population in areas adjacent to the frontier-line."
Now for the unanswered questions alluded to earlier, which I introduced by saying that the citizens of Israel should demand an explanation for this dramatic shift in Peres' position: from total opposition to total support for Palestinian statehood. I asked:

● Why would any rational person shift from a well-founded position to a demonstrably ill-founded and lethal position?

● What induced Peres to endorse a policy he previously rejected as perilous …?

● Why would any responsible leader urge his people down a path that he himself warned was disastrous …?

I shall now try to answer these questions.

The above questions seem to involve nothing more than the Israel's national security. In fact, however, they involve not only the nation's security, but also the most fundamental question of politics, WHO SHALL RULE? This was the issue underlying the Rabin Government's policy of "land for peace," which precipitated the Israel-PLO Agreement of September 1993, as well as the Sharon Government's policy of disengagement from Gaza in August 2005 – the former, a Labor or leftwing government; the latter, a Likud and reputedly rightwing government.

What did these two governments have in common? Both were ruled by secularists.  Both advocated the policy of "land for peace." What land were these governments willing to bestow on the Palestinian Authority (PA), ostensibly for the sake of peace? More precisely, what was the most distinctively Jewish land that the Labor and Likud parties were willing to turn over to the Muslim-Arab rulers of the PA? The answer is obvious: Judea and Samaria, the cradle of Jewish civilization.

Judea and Samaria is the land on which the prophets of Israel walked and taught and formed the unique national identity of the Jewish people, their historical memory and consciousness. 

Surrendering Judea and Samaria to the disciples of Muhammad would eviscerate not only the hearts and minds of the Jewish people, but it would also undermine their physical security – and security is the paramount concern of Peres's book Tomorrow is Now, and of the policy of "land for peace" pursued by both Labor and the Likud.

We see here a dichotomy between the security of the Jewish people, which requires their retention of Judea and Samaria, and the national identity of the Jewish people, which requires their retention of this holy land.

But it was precisely retention of this land that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a reputed "nationalist" and "right-winger," renounced in his speech at Bar-Ilan University on June 14, 2009, when he endorsed the creation of a Palestinian state that would encompass Judea and Samaria!

It thus appears that Netanyahu is hoisted by his own petard. He is willing to sacrifice Judea and Samaria, his country's Jewish spiritual identity, for the sake of Israel's physical security, but would undermine both by advocating a Palestinian state!

This dilemma dissolves once we recognize that the paramount objective of the Likud and Labor parties – evidence to the contrary notwithstanding – is NOT security but POWER, more precisely, WHO SHALL RULE? Shall it be Israel's religious Jews or its non-religious Jews?  This is why Judea and Samaria are so crucial.

This is the land that both the Labor-led Government of Yitzchak Rabin and the Likud-led Government of Benjamin Netanyahu are willing to surrender to the Palestinians. These Arabs are infinitely more faithful to Islam than such Jews are to Judaism – Jews who, like Esau, are willing to sacrifice their heritage for the potage of peace. 

To be or not to be: this is Israel's quintessential question.◙



Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Re: Har Hazeisim Desecrations


Outrage on the Mount of Olives
Posted January 21, 2015

....The Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom reports that when the decision was made to bury the four terror victims in Israel last week, the Israeli authorities suggested they be laid to rest at the Mount of Olives cemetery.
The 3,000 year-old site is the oldest and largest Jewish cemetery in the world. It includes the graves of the biblical prophets Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi; numerous Talmudic and medieval rabbinical sages; the first Chief Rabbi of Eretz Yisrael, HaRav Avraham Yitzhak HaKohen Kook; and contemporary Jewish leaders such as Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Hadassah founder Henrietta Szold.
But the families of the Paris victims turned down that suggestion because, as Israel Hayom put it, “Jewish gravestones there are subject to vandalism.”
......Last year, the Religious Zionists of America mobilized more than 100 prominent Orthodox rabbis, including the Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel, to sign a petition urging the authorities  to take “immediate action to safeguard this holy Jewish site and preserve the integrity of undivided Jerusalem, Israel’s eternal capital.”
It’s not exactly a radical demand. Nor is it very difficult to achieve. All it requires is to station some 24-hour armed guards on the premises. In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks, numerous synagogues and yeshivas around the world have hired armed guards. Why can’t the same be done for the oldest Jewish cemetery in the world?
This should not be a controversial position in the Jewish community. Every Jewish group, regardless of religious or political affiliation, should be able to agree on protecting the Mount of Olives. No matter what one thinks about Israel’s borders or settlements or any other issues, we should all be able to unite on this issue – including the leader of the prominent Jewish left-wing group whose late father is buried on the Mount of Olives.
The time for silence is over. The refusal of the Paris families to bury their loved ones on the Mount of Olives should be a wake-up call to the Jewish world to speak out for protection at this sacred site.
Oct 26, 2014

Dear  Menachem Lubinsky, Jeff Daube, Shea Rubenstein and Chaskel Bennett, amv"sh

Thank you for your past activism for the Security of Har HaZeisim! and for your love of Eretz Yisroel. 

I understand you are focused on Har HaZeisim rather than on the larger Israel Palestinian conflict. 

In all due respect,  it is impossible to isolate Har Hazesim from the big picture. In fact, I imagine that you agree with me.  Perhaps in light of your political affiliations, you can't publicly come out and say that the Palestinians had better stop attacking Israelis.  It is less controversial to simply protest the desecration of the cemetery. Surely you agree that monies collected for the preservation of the cemetery to introduce cameras is lost unless the Police do their job.  The Israeli gov't, as well, Netanyahu and company, has to "play the game of political correctness" and can't call a spade a spade that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish People but rather continues this false narrative of the  2 State Solution with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and harmony if only those Jewish settlers wouldn't get in the way. 

Netanyahu continues this political game of suppressing the truth, because he is fearful of international public outrage with Israel being accused of war crimes and tarnished with a tainted image of not being a true "peace" partner.  He is afraid truthfulness will  translate into punitive measures against Israel and Jews at large, with world condemnation in the UN and with withdrawal of military aid by America and other allies as what happened temporarily in Operation Protective Edge.  Hashem Yishmor.  (May G-d protect and have mercy on us)

So Israel has their wings clipped and does not respond in kind. The desecration in Har Hazeisim continues to happen because the perpetrators are not being punished in any meaningful way.  There is no effective deterrent. Not for the desecration of Har HaZeisim and not for the recent attacks on innocent civilians in East Jerusalem and nearby neighborhoods nor on the roads and on settlements in Judea and Samaria.

The battlefield is being fought in the mindset and it is this battle that the Palestinians seem to be have the upper hand.

Each and every Jew can and should be enlisted to fight this battle. .

Because America and the prevalent Global and International distorted mindset weakens Israel's resolve to respond.  

We need to unite and pool our resources to fight against American mindset under the Obama Administration.

To clarify: The mindset is that the Palestinians have a rightful claim to Israel and that they are moderate "peace partners".  The mindset then projects wishful thinking that Mahmoud Abbas is a potential peace partner and therefore when innocent civilians in Israel are attacked it is somehow justified because Palestinians are simply engaged in an armed struggle for the Liberation of Palestine.  The Palestinian armed struggle mindset has superiority over Israel's insistence of  defending it's civilians.   After all, the mindset holds as a given, that Israeli citizens are the illegal Occupiers of Palestinian Lands and therefore Palestinian aggression against Israel is justified even more so than Israel's right to defend itself.  The Palestinians hold the upper moral high ground. 

Israel has to claim that we are the rightful inheritors and occupants of Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem.  That then gives Israel the upper moral ground and the right of self defense.

The Land of Israel is G-d's gift to the Jewish People and our claim is justified first and foremost from a religious perspective! The Bible!  ....It is justified as well from a historical, military and internationally legal perspective  unlike the Palestinians false claim to the Land.  Our connection to the Land and lineage is clearly supported with archaeological and genealogical evidence.  The people of Israel indeed are indigenous to the Land of Israel. 

America urges both side to avoid escalating tensions. 

America sees moral equivalency between a terror organization and a free democratic State.

Actually, Palestine from their perspective, is not a terror organization.  Palestine is the land of the Palestinians the rightful occupiers of Judea and Samaria. 

Obama and Kerry repeatedly defend the rights of the Palestinians in light of the "Occupation" and apparently accept as a given, that the Palestinians are rightful owners of Judea and Samaria, East Jerusalem and Temple Mount.

As mentioned above, this is a false narrative,

Israel has been weak in addressing the falsehoods and asserting our rights to the entire Land of Israel possibly because they have an international gun aimed at them. 

Therefore, let me urge you to ask the Rabbanim to make a public clarification of this fundamental truth that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish People, the people of the Book and that Israel, unlike intolerant Islam, welcomes in its midst those who accept Israel's Sovereignty and accept the Noahide Laws. Israel is not racist. The Torah is not racist! Compare Israel's tolerance to the 22 Arab nations surrounding Israel. 

This truth is not only fundamental to Jews, but to all religions and to all Bible believers, which comprise the majority of Americans and the Western world at large.

In Today's News:

Arabs Desecrate Mount of Olives Cemetery Again

By: Jewish Press News Briefs
Published: October 25th, 2014 
Latest update: October 26th, 2014

Palestinian Authority-American Shot Dead while Trying to Kill Jews

The US sends its "condolences" and urges "all parties…to avoid escalating tensions."
By: Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu
Published: October 25th, 2014 
Latest update: October 26th, 2014

Israeli soldiers saved Jewish motorists from a firebombing attack Friday night when they shot and killed a Palestinian Authority-American teenager who was throwing a Molotov cocktail at passing cars on Highway 60, north of Jerusalem, Friday night.
ilitary spokesmen said that Israeli soldiers had set up a lookout patrol on the highway spotted the teenage terrorists hurling the firebomb and opened fire "in order to neutralize the threat to the lives of civilians driving on the highway."

The terrorist, age 14, was identified as Orwah Hammad, who the U.S. State Dept. said was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and moved to the Palestinian Authority with his family at the age of 6.

He was from the village of Silwad, and residents told Haaretz that Hammad was the cousin of a terrorist who killed 10 Israelis in a sniper attack in 2002 and that his uncle was reportedly killed in the intifada that began in the late 1980s.

Hammad's cousin admitted to the newspaper that he was among a group of that was throwing rocks at motorists, but U.S. State Dept. Psaki responded to the attack by sending "deepest condolences to the family of a U.S. citizen minor who was killed by the Israeli Defense Forces during clashes in Silwad."

She made no mention of the circumstance of the shooting and simply stated, "We call for a speedy and transparent investigation, and will remain closely engaged with the local authorities, who have the lead on this investigation. We continue to urge all parties to help restore calm and avoid escalating tensions in the wake of the tragic recent incidents in Jerusalem and the West Bank."


Again, this is related to a bigger picture

On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 1:53 AM, Robin Ticker <> wrote:

To Whom it May Concern, amv"sh  Menachem Lubinsky, Jeff Daube, Noveminsker Rav, Rabbi Lieff, Malcolm Hoenlein etc. 

Similar letter sent on website. 

Yasher Koach on your activism for Har Hazeisim.  I understand Rave Moshe Lieff, the Noveminsker Rav and Malcolm Hoenlein have been very involved and Baruch Hashem raised lots of funds for the Har Hazeisim Preservation Committee recently in Flatbush.  

Hundreds of people came to the Flatbush fundraiser. I personally received postcards, telephone calls and emails not to mention advertising in local papers and announcements in almost every local shul in Flatbush and Marine Park by the Rabbanim about the Har Hazeisim event.  

It is noteworthy to mention that lack of security on Har Hazeisim is tied to a bigger picture of lack of security on the roads in general. especially in Yehudah and Shomron and East Jerusalem.  

In addition, since we expelled 8,500 Jews from Gush Katif, Southern Israel has been under attack with residents constantly having their lives disrupted with Sirens going off and having 15 seconds to find shelter.  Now the entire country is being targeted with rockets coming from Gaza from where the Gush Katif communities once were. 

In addition, over time, under the watchful eye of Israel, Israel has allowed Hamas to dig tunnels into Israel proper, right from a Palestinian kindergarten into an Israeli kindergarten, a disaster waiting to happen and allowed these long range rockets from Iran to be smuggled via Egypt ,into Southern Gaza now targetting Israel. . 

The entire Israel is now under attack with rockets coming from Hamas. There is a ground invasion underway. Many Chayalim  are in harms way...

For the past few days, unless tourists fly El Al they couldn't even fly to Israel from USA .. Baruch Hashem the ban was just lifted..Many in fact believe this FAA ban was put in place for political rather than security considerations triggered by anti Israel sentiment in America . I am sure Ted Cruz's investigation helped the ban to be lifted.  Why was just Israel targeted and not Ukraine etc.

The United Nations, the State Dept and Obama Administration believe and publicly say that Jews are "occupying" Gaza and Judea and Samaria even though they reluctantly will admit that Israel has the right to defend itself from rockets with "restraint".  Har Habayit is a live wire as you are well aware so your work for Har HaZeisim is indeed very important because of its close proximity to Har Habayit and the adjacent Jewish settlement not only the cemetery! 

If we allow a Palestinian State in Judea and Samaria, Ben Gurion is within an arms throw and then flights coming in and out would truly be targeted. 

Not too much tourism in that case.

Am Yisroel needs to unite in this time and mobilized and stand united behind Israel and morally defend our right to the Land based on Torah not to mention the right of Self Defense..  

 Please be careful not to be used by our enemies in their attempt to Divide and Conquer which is usually, "I'll support your cause as long as you are quiet about the BIG picture".  This divides Am Yisroel.  It silences a major bloc of our population, one bloc at a time. This was how they succeeded in implementing the Disengagement.  Each group had their individual needs addressed and the needs of the entire people were then Hefker. 

When the Chareidi population was mobilized they were able to gather hundreds of thousands of Yiden. Unfortunately it was to protest a Chareidi Draft and was used to be Motzei Sheim Ra on those in the gov't and the majority of the population who have legitimate concerns of why Israel needs an army to fight Hamas and our enemies.  The primary purpose of the Israeli army is not to destroy Torah as the resolutions of the anti draft Chareidy protest rally suggested, but rather it's a Mitzvah to defend the Land as this War and other wars  attest!.  Rather than addressing how the army can be Holy and fulfill the Mitzva of Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh, this anti Draft rally passuled the army completely.  Would one Passul wearing Tefillin when there is a possibility that the Tefillin might be unkosher? Or would we passul eating and drinking because there is a possibility of eating or drinking something non kosher? How about passuling education for Chareidi children because there are schools in Israel that are coed and they have to work with the Ministry of Education? How is that different than the Mitzva of Self Defense? Haba Lehargecha, hashkem Lehargo  etc....

Who now is fighting the war against Hamas?  Without Hashem's help and our Hishtadlus, the IDF, Rockets would be falling over Chareidim who depend on the gov't for their protection not to mention leftists who promote Palestinian rights and the entire Israel. They would not only be falling over Jewish National Religious communities in Judea and Samaria. 

Isn't there room for Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah to first of all acknowledge the miracles Hashem has showered upon us in the past few weeks as well as Hakoras Hatov to the IDF and all the soldiers who have been putting their lives on the line.  By all means organize Tefilla rallies but do it on the front line preferable so that the Kavana will be that much more intense and admit that perhaps the Gedoilim were mistaken in denouncing a military draft in Israel.  

Decisions by consensus of the three major councils of Torah sages, which met last week in Bnei Brak – that of Shas, Degel Hatorah and Agudat Yisrael. Mass Tefillah Gathering Called For Sunday In Yerushalayim  By Dovid Hoffman And Avi Yishai Http://Www.Yated.Com/Mass-Tefillah-Gathering-Called-For-Sunday-In-Yerushalayim.7-1184-7-.Html
"First to speak at the conference was Rav Shteinman, who decried the terrible chillul Hashem embodied in criminal sanctions. Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman said at the meeting that "chillul Hashem is a worse sin than avodah zarah, for which we are obligated to give up our lives rather than transgress.

"Everyone knows that there is no greater chillul Hashem than to be rodef those who learn Torah, because Torah and Klal Yisroel are one and the same, and Yisroel and Oraisa and Kudsha Brich Hu are also chad. If there is no Torah, the world will be destroyed. Our tachlis is to learn Torah, and there is nothing worse than to disrupt those who learn Torah.

"This is our life, the life of Klal Yisroel from the time of Matan Torah until this very day… May Hakadosh Boruch Hu ensure that all those who wish to impede this will fail, and that we will merit to be saved from them, and to learn Torah and more Torah."

"The whole purpose of existence is to study Torah and there is nothing worse than harassing those involved in this mitzvah. This is our life, the life of Klal Yisroel in all generations from the time the Torah was given until today. We must know that there is nothing except Torah. This is our life!

Rav Shalom Cohen of the Shas Moetzes said that the danger hanging over the heads of Sefardi bnei Torah is even greater.

"All the Sefardim are like hanefesh asher asu beChoron [the people Avrohom and Sarah saved from spiritual destruction]," he said. "I know from my yeshiva that many talmidim's parents want them to go to the army. They don't understand anything. If their sons were not close to their rabbonim, they would go to the army. The rabbonim watch over them. If they don't do something and announce that there should be no army [enlistment] at all, it won't work, chas vesholom.

"The media incites against the bnei yeshivos. This influences Sefardim. Our community may be the hardest hit from this decree. We must learn from hanefesh asher asu beChoron and draw as many people to Torah as we possibly can. I request that a decision be issued from here that there be no army [enlistment] and nothing [else]. Their money doesn't interest us. We are only interested in Torah."

The Vizhnitzer Rebbe emphasized the importance of putting up a united resistance to the draft law.

"The posuk says, 'Yisroel encamped there opposite the mountain,' and Chazal explain, 'Like one person, with one heart.' The goal is unity," he said. "I think that the many rebbes and rabbonim present here must unitedly, publicly, and clearly announce that we will not enlist at all. We have nothing to do with the army, nothing at all. This is the message that must come out from here. If we all unite, with Hashem's help we will persevere and merit the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu, soon in our days."

At the end of the meeting, the joint decisions of the three Mo'atzos Gedolei Hatorahwas announced:

"This is not a time to keep silent. Under the prime minister's directive, a plot has arisen among the authorities to rebel against Hashem's Malchus. Their intention is to uproot the Torah and to impart criminal sanctions upon those [for whom] Torah is their livelihood to the extent of throwing them into prison.

"We tremble at the terrible chillul Hashem and humiliation of the Torah this entails. We are fearful of what may result, and pained at the continued attacks directed against the Torah world and the unending attempts to put obstacles in their path. In light of this, we have decided as follows:

1. The Moetzes Gedolei Vechachmei HaTorahdemands that the government immediately annul the decisions of the committee that seeks the coercive draft of talmidei yeshivos and kollelim. We call upon all bnei yeshivos and kollelim not to enlist in the army under any circumstance, not be persuaded by any blandishment or punishment, and not to participate in the army's plan to set up a central sorting center for chareidi [IDF inductees], but instead to continue studying Torah day and night.

2. If, chas veshalom, those who persecute religion enact their plots and make a coercive enlistment law, the Mo'atzos Gedolei Vechachmei HaTorah will convene to make plans against them and their plots, and consider forbidding  visiting army induction centers [even to merely receive deferments].

3. The Mo'atzos Gedolei Vechachmei HaTorah demand that the government cease persecuting the Torah world and instead help the growth of Torah and chinuch institutions in the Holy Land in the path forged by our forefathers.

4. The Mo'atzos Gedolei Vechachmei HaTorahturn to the Jewish people with this message: 'Nothing is left to us but this Torah.' Torah study and fulfilling its mitzvos in holiness and purity are a defending wall for the Jewish people against every distress and tribulation wherever they live. This is a protection from public and private, physical and spiritual difficulties that oppress them in all the places they dwell. We must hugely increase Torah study and the holy performance of its mitzvos, and the precise performance of every detail of halachah.

5. The Mo'atzos Gedolei Vechachmei HaTorahcall upon our Jewish brothers in every place they dwell, in Eretz Yisroel and abroad, to grasp the skill of our forefathers [prayer]. All Jews must gather, men and children, to cry out and plea to our Father in Heaven to have mercy upon us as a father spares his children. We hereby announce that those who fear Hashem's word will gather at a rally of prayer and outcry and mass protest… This will be a kiddush Hashem to counteract the chillul Hashem made by those who plot to uproot religion.

Rabbi Tuvia Schulzinger, the Rabbi of the city of Kiryat Ata and a close associate of prominent hareidi leader Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach
The hareidi public will fight the enlistment of Torah students in the IDF no matter what sanctions the government imposes, warned Rabbi Tuvia Schulzinger, the rabbi of the city of Kiryat Ata and a close associate of prominent hareidi leader Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach.
Speaking to Arutz Sheva, Rabbi Schulzinger compared the expected anti-enlistment protests to recent violent riots in Ukraine.
"Remember what happened in Ukraine, the President had to step down. Here, too, if the powers that be fight us and religion, they will not succeed, none of them will succeed," he declared.
"One million people will flood Jerusalem, and [Prime Minister] Netanyahu will need to step down," he predicted.
Hareidi Jews would rather die than enlist, he predicted. "Rabbi Shach already said that we won't stay in the country. People need to sacrifice for this, and it's likely some will be killed in this war.
"But under no circumstances will we allow young men to be prevented from learning Torah," he declared.
He expressed skepticism over the government's ability to counter hareidi resistance to the enlistment law. "What are they going to do, put tens of thousands of men in jail?" he asked.
Rabbi Schulzinger argued that the real motive behind the enlistment law is a hatred of hareidi Jews, and a desire to change their way of life. "There is a deep hate of hareidi Jews, a hate led by Yair Lapid," he accused.
"They want to change our faith. It won't work," he continued. "Tanks, APCs – nothing will crush us. The Torah is eternal."


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Geert Wilders and Rabbi Meir Kahana


Please read Paul Eidelberg's piece about Rabbi Meir Kahana below.  There are many similarities in what Rabbi Kahana hy"d and what Geert Wilders have to say. Maybe now that the world is facing ISIS we can once again revisit the teachings of Rabbi Meir Kahana based on Torah and conclude that perhaps he was judged wrongly. Rabbi Kahana was human and surely made mistakes but perhaps we need to hear his message now in order to know how to face and fight an enemy that wishes to take over the world and establish an Islamic caliphate. Perhaps Meir Kahana wasn't clear when he advocated the expulsion of Arabs he was referring only to Arabs who could not be classified as a Ger Toshav.  A Ger Toshav is a resident of Israel that accepts the Sovereignty of Israel in the Land and accepts the 7 Noahide Laws. It makes no difference what race he is from.    I am not personally proficient in Meir Kahana's writings. I can't believe Rabbi Kahana would advocate that an Arab who falls under the category of Ger Toshav is someone to expel from the Land.  If any of the readers here know otherwise please let me know. That is the impression that I have. 

Geert Wilders addresses the following points.  Is Islam a viable religion?  Should we treat Islam as we would treat other religions?  Geert Wilder differentiates between Muslims the people and Islam the ideology.  They are not the same.    Islam educates with the ideology of hate, violence, totalitarianism, and non tolerance.  One need only watch you tubes of their Imams and take note of how they fight their opponents, to recognize this to be the case.  One doesn't need Rabbi Meir Kahana nor Geert Wilder to reach this conclusion. We have all seen enough be-headings and you tubes to know that this is the case. However, armed with this knowledge will we continue to treat Islam as it were no different than other religions and award Islam the 1st Amendment Rights? 

Geert Wilder points out that cultural relativism is dangerous.  Equating Islam with other religions is cultural relativism.  Geert Wilders is not afraid to say that Judean, Christian, culture/ teachings is superior to Islamic culture and it is not racist to say so. Islam on the other hand is a racist religion.  Under Islamic rule they persecute Jews and Christians alike. Dressing immodestly, singing Happy on you tube are all justified reasons for severe punitive action. Women and Gays have no rights to speak of.  Kahana, who spoke out  against Islam was called a racist.  Perhaps Kahana's mistake was to not clearly differentiate between Muslim Arabs and the religion Islam. 

Geert Wilders is prosecuted and met with threats and violence.  He openly advocates to keep Islam out of Holland.  He says that in his country Holland today and in Europe there is much less tolerance because of the infiltration of Islam into their society.  We all know this to be a fact.  Kahana advocated the transfer and/or expulsion of Arabs from Israel.  Did Rabbi Kahana mean that all Arabs should be transferred.  I am totally convinced that this is not the case.  Surely he knew the laws of Ger Toshav whereby non Jews must be awarded rights to live with dignity in the Land. A Jew is not allowed to see someone living in the Land overcome with poverty but is required to help him.  That is Torah.  However, those Arabs who support Sharia law, educate with hate and violence, use their children as human shields, glorify suicide bombers, celebrate when innocent civilians are murdered, dig tunnels in order to infiltrate Israel to attack Israeli civilians...they have no place within Israel and surely it is those Arabs he advocated for transfer.

Geert Wilders, is the founder and leader of the "Party for Freedom" — which is currently the fourth-largest party in the Dutch parliament. Mr. Wilders is best known for his brave stance against, and truth-telling about, Islam. He is the author of Marked for Death: Islam's War Against the West and Me.

The Case of Kahane Revisited*

Prof. Paul Eidelberg

Part I. Why was Kahane Vilified as a "Racist?"  

The Sages say that he who defames a man is like a murderer. Why did many of Israel's political and intellectual leaders defame Kahane?

Long before Rabbi Kahane advocated the transfer and/or expulsion of Arabs from Israel, the idea was proposed by no less than Theodor Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, and other notables.  Herzl wrote:  "We shall try to spirit the penniless (Arab) population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries while denying any employment in our own country."

Still, why is it that only Rabbi Kahane was vilified as a racist? There are several reasons.  He was a rabbi, an Orthodox rabbi. Although the racist calumny was used primarily by liberal and left-wing secularists, Reform, Conservative, and "politically correct" Orthodox rabbis joined the chorus of abuse. They shared a common interest, to diminish the power of uncompromising religious Orthodoxy, such as found among the Aguda and Shas parties. Unlike the leaders of these parties, however, Kahane was an ardent and uncompromising nationalist. He advocated the immediate incorporation of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza into the State of Israel and the expulsion of their Arab inhabitants [something beyond the purview or daring of those religious parties].

By calling Kahane a "racist," his calumniators, especially among the "Right," intimidated many thoughtful, but more cautious, critics of the government from openly supporting Kahane or taking a firm position of their own. Rabbi Kahane thus served as a convenient target for silencing "right-minded" public opinion, especially about the "West Bank" Arabs. 

It's demonstrable, however, that an increasing majority of the Jews in Israel know they cannot live in peace and equality with devotes of the Quran. What else can anyone with a stitch of intellectual integrity conclude given the appalling indoctrination of Jew-hatred in Arab school books, the collaboration of Israeli Arabs with Hezbollah, and the seditious behavior of Arab MKs? Here let us pause and ask how has Israel's Government addressed this problem?

In the mid-1980s the Knesset passed a law barring from parliamentary elections any political party that advocated any form of "racism." The intended target of the law was not Muslims whose Quran calls Jews "pigs," and "dogs." No, the target was Rabbi Kahane. Let's consider this carefully.

Kahane, who was elected to the Knesset in 1984, voted in favor of that anti-racist law. He did so because its final version excluded from the definition of racism any party that advocated laws consistent with the Halacha. This, he erroneously thought, would save him. Yet the final version of the law did not deter Likud and other Knesset members from petitioning the Supreme Court to bar Kahane's Kach Party from competing in the 1988 Knesset election. And on this issue the Likud took the leading role because it was the Likud that had the most to lose [in votes and Knesset seats] if Kahane competed in that election. Indeed, the judges [of the Supreme Cout] voted unanimously in favor of the plaintiffs. This means they condemned Rabbi Kahane as a racist! Why did they perpetrate this injustice?

One reason is this: they feared the truth so often enunciated by Kahane, the truth about the genocidal objectives of Arabs on the one hand, and about the failure of Israel's government to take proper measures to protect its Jewish citizens on the other.  

But there is something more to this story, for the elucidation of which allow me to quote from an article I wrote [for the New York-based Jewish Press]  in September 1988, before the Supreme Court was petitioned to bar the Kach Party from the November 1988 elections: 

Will Kahane be allowed to run for the 12th Knesset?  Obviously the Knesset will do everything in its power to disqualify this unSocratic gadfly. But what about Israel's Supreme Court, its High Court of Justice? Did it not rescue Kach and Kahane from the machinations of the Knesset in the 1984 elections (along with that PLO front, the Progressive List for Peace)?

The trouble is this. When Rabbi Kahane ran for the Knesset in 1984, many people thought he would fare no better than in his previous attempts to enter that political menagerie. Certainly no one regarded him as a force to be reckoned with when it came to forming a coalition government.  And so the Supreme Court could feel no qualms in applying, as it often does, principles of American constitutional law in the area of civil liberties.

But today [I went on to say] the question is not whether Kahane will get a seat in the Knesset (if he is allowed to run), but how many seats? People who did not vote for him in 1984 out of pessimistic expectations regarding his chances for election will certainly vote for him in November [1988], given the opportunity. And if only because of the intifada, Kach could become the third largest party in the Knesset. This is why I do not think the Supreme Court will come to Kahane's rescue in 1988 as it did in 1984.

Unfortunately, my prediction was correct. What is more, the same Court that barred Kach permitted the Progressive List for Peace, a pro-PLO party, to participate in the 1988 Knesset elections. The Court thereby armed the wicked and disarmed the innocent. This has been the general policy of the Government of Israel vis-à-vis its domestic enemies, a policy which may be termed "government-licensed insurrection." 

Indeed, Israeli governments have not only armed Arab terrorists, but they are paying these Arabs even while they are killing Jews! But this means that Israeli governments, especially their prime ministers, are accomplices to murder!

That politicians like Shimon Peres see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil about Israel's implacable enemies may be attributed less to their escapist mentality, than to their intellectual dishonesty and [moral] cowardice: they simply can't accept responsibility for the disaster they have inflicted on the people of Israel since Oslo. Moreover, they can't transcend the indiscriminate egalitarianism of contemporary Western democracy, which accords disloyal Arabs the same rights as loyal Jews. To this add only Israel's political system that perpetuates these poltroons in power.

That Arabs attack and murder Jews because they are Jews is conclusive evidence that these Arabs are racists in the conventional sense of the term.  But to expose this racism and to act appropriately vis-à-vis these Arabs would require more political probity and courage than these politicians can muster. Moreover, for politicians like Peres to acknowledge this relentless Arab hatred would be to admit that they had long been engaged in deception regarding the possibility of Jewish-Arab coexistence, which they (as well as Benjamin Netanyahu) constantly mouth for consumption abroad. Otherwise they themselves would be exposed to the charge of racism! 

Hence they found in Rabbi Kahane a convenient scapegoat on which to vent their cowardice and dishonesty. Whereas one professor likened Rabbi Kahane to Hitler proclaiming the Jews as the Master Race, others called him the "Khomeini" of Israel. 

In the name of democracy Rabbi Kahane, was barred from speaking at Israeli universities, some of whose professors opposed, on grounds of "academic freedom," the temporary closing down of PLO-infested Arab universities in Judea and Samaria! Still, apart from political motives, what was there about Rabbi Kahane that aroused so much vituperation?

More effectively than other rabbis, Kahane held up a mirror to self-effacing Jews: Jews embarrassed by hundreds of biblical verses like this: "You are a holy people to the Lord your God: the Lord has chosen you to be His special people, out of all the peoples that are on the face of the earth" (Deut. 7:6). No wonder reluctant members of the Chosen People were so embarrassed and enraged by Kahane. To the ignorant, such biblical verses smack of racism! The last thing these timorous and assimilated Jews want to see in Israel is the intellectual and moral cultivation of a people true to these words of the Torah: "Lo, it is a people that stands alone and does not reckon itself among the nations" (Num. 23:9).

Rabbi Kahane was proud of his Jewishness.  But he lived in a country whose ruling elites evince not a scintilla of Jewish pride. This is why they hated him. This is why they reviled him as a racist. This is why they drummed him out of the Knesset. And this is why they bear no small burden of responsibility for his murder. 

Part II.

Whatever shortcomings one may attribute to Rabbi Kahane—and even the great men of the Bible were not faultless—this intrepid rabbi was a great man and a great Jew. That's why he was banned from the Knesset.

That sinkhole of corruption is a haven for small-minded men: men without keen wits and imagination, men lacking spiritedness, men without chests. But note this about them: their personal faults aside, these politicians are emasculated by the myth of Democracy and by an inauthentic or fabricated form of Zionism.

To overcome these obstacles to Israel's spiritual redemption and thus foster the development of a national goal worthy of the name "Israel," Kahane sometimes resorted to strident rhetoric. But let's remember that the Prophets were not milquetoast toast orators ala Benjamin Netanyahu. Would we remember them were they mere politicians?

If I am not mistaken, however, it must be admitted that despite his sharp mind, Kahane overlooked what might have been his best weapon. I have in view the Achilles heel of Israel's ruling elites: namely, that Israel is not and never has been a democracy!

Since Kahane was accused of being a fascist, it would have been quite simple to turn the accusation against his detractors by showing that modern Israel is in fact a democratically elected despotism; and he could have cited the illustrious Alexis de Tocqueville, to prove it! Of course, this might also have been somewhat embarrassing to his own (brief) membership in the Knesset—not an insuperable obstacle, but one requiring great finesse to defuse.

Even rabbis are fond of saying, ala former Supreme Court President Aharon Barak, that Judaism is democratic. Is it not clear, however, to anyone with a stitch of intellectual integrity, that democracy's basic principle of one-adult-one vote would consign Israel to oblivion if the Arabs were a majority? What a commentary on the caliber of Israel's High Court of Justice! But that rabbis should genuflect to such sugary nonsense is disgraceful.

Unsurprisingly, rabbis were among Kahane's greatest enemies. Some feared that his reputation as a rabbi, however slanderous and absurd, would undermine their own prestige. This calls to mind an occasion when students at the religious Bar-Ilan University invited Kahane to speak on their campus, but this liberal university also banned him. Perhaps they feared his notoriety would alienate the University's financial benefactors in America? This is probably why American Zionist organizations deemed Kahane anathema.

One last word: The people loved Rabbi Kahane; the Establishment abhorred him. He had the pulse of the people. They knew quite well about Israel's Arab enemies, of whom Israel's ruling elites—politicians and judges, intellectuals and journalists—were fearfully silent. And the silence continues to deafen us. The unSocratic Kahane spoke the truth, and it was this, not hemlock, that killed him.

*This article is based on my previous offering "Who Murdered Rabbi Meir Kahane? (March 25, 2009).

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Death of Klinghoffer Protest in the News: leading to and following Premier showing of "The Death of Klinghoffer" at the MET October 20th, 2014 - ISGAP in the News


Op-Ed: 'The Death of Klinghoffer' an injustice to our father's memory. By Lisa and Ilsa KlinghofferOctober 19, 2014 

Op-Ed: Arutz Sheva What Would Toscanini Do? 
Maestro Arturo Toscanini refused to perform for Mussolini or to conduct the Italian national anthem. We have allowed the ideas of terrorist groups to permeate our culture at every level and in every way. Thursday, October 23,  2014 by Prof. Phyllis Chesler

Jewish Connection: Front Page Cover Article: Protesting the Met's "Death of Klinghoffer"
by Yvette Alt Miller: The death of Leon Klinghoffer cannot be explained away.
Jewish Voice:  Murder at the Met – Thousands Rage and Protest at Opening of 'Klinghoffer' WEDNESDAY, 22 OCTOBER 2014 BY: FERN SIDMAN
Israel National News (Arutz Sheva) The Sick Logic of Wealthy Jewish Met Opera Donors - Op-Eds  by Mark Langfan October 21, 2014

The ramifications of the rationale for continuing to donate are horrific. 

21-Oct-14: Malki Foundation: Frimet and Arnold Roth:  (Parents of Malki Roth hy"d murdered in Sbarro)  Trivialization pursuits. Blog:
The New York Metropolitan Opera, in a co-production with the English National Opera, began a run of John Adams' 1991 opera The Death of Klinghoffer last night in Manhattan with a standing ovation and mixed reviews.

Algemeiner  What if Klinghoffer Were a Muslim‎? by SETH FRANTZMAN

ISGAP is in the news following our Teach-In on "Death of Klinghoffer: The Normalization of Antisemitism"

Click to view the Shalom TV video from the ISGAP Teach-In on October 14, 2014 at Walter Reade Theater, Lincoln Center:

Other examples of glorifying terror and distorted reporting of terror

Take a good look at the shirt, not the Muslim who wears it: THE shirt!


Arab Paper on Hamas Terrorist Attack: 'Israeli Police Shoots 'Palestinian'

Arab press (with western media parroting) describe Hamas vehicular terrorist attack and murder of infant as 'Israeli Police Shoot Palestinian'
By: Lori Lowenthal Marcus

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.