Friday, July 25, 2014

Fwd:Operation Protective Edge: A campaign by StandWithUs, an iPhone app and more ways to strengthen Israel!

In these difficult times, Jewcer and StandWithUs have joined forces to give you an opportunity to be part of the International pro-Israel advocacy efforts:

Join StandWithUs in their campaign to strengthen Israel through advocacy on college campuses, online and in rallies around the world!
Join StandWithUs in their campaign

More ways you can help Israel at this critical time:
RED - Missile Alert App

You have seen or heard of this life-saving app. Join this campaign to develop this app further and keep it alive.

Fund Trips for Kids under Rocket Fire

The children in the south of Israel are going through very tough times. You can help get many of them to the north for fun road trips.
Jewcer is proud to help Jewish innovators and advocates around the world in their efforts to help the people and nation of Israel. With much gratitude to the IDF, we hope for the safety of citizens and soldiers, and a swift and lasting end of all challenges to Israel's right to exist as a peaceful sovereign nation.
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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Moshiach Must be Really Close. Sent by Yekutiel Guzofsky


Moshiach Must Be Really Really Close:  Yekutiel Guzofsky shared this link on 

When my dear friend Ben Caspit, formerly of the lunatic fringe extremist leftwing ilk writes and op-ed piece calling upon Israel to smash the Hamas enemy without mercy, not to agree to a ceasefire, and to disregard international opinion and get the job done without risking Jewish soldiers even at the expense of killing "innocent terrorist shield civilians" then you know Moshiach must be here or very near indeed.

When Yair Lapid talks about conquering all of Gaza and about looking for his grandpa's prayer book to pray to Hashem, you know there is something new and special in the air.

When correspondent Ben Caspit today speaks about a wonderful dream that the media would not be broadcasting their nonsense that instills hysteria and fear in the hearts of the people, we are approaching the final days of redemption.

When thousands of Jews come out to Tel Aviv's "Rabin Square" to pray, there is revolutionary and unprecedented faith and unity in the streets.

When Ofer Winter, the Chief officer in charge of the Givaati Brigade gives a speech that could have been taken straight out of the Bible to strengthen the faith and resolve of his troops before they entered Gaza, this is something new, that we have not seen since the time of the Bible. We are not speaking of an IDF Rabbi, but rather a high ranking combat officer. He made all of the soldiers say shema Yisrael and he spoke about destroying the enemies who threaten Jew s and who defile the living G-d of Israel…

Haaretz and Maariv attacked Machat Givaati Ofer Winter for turning this into a religious war as they spoke, to their great dismay of the new reality of a Jewish army filled with religious zealots who are dominating the combat units, including the ranks of the officers.

When Egypt supports Israel's military operation…

When G-d hardens the hearts of the Hamas who despite their being clobbered continue to force Israel to continue smashing them…

When Israel continues to disregard international pressure for a ceasefire…

When 40,000 fellow Jews show up for the funeral in Haifa of a lone soldier who they never met…

When Israelis start acting nice to each other and stop cutting you off on the roads as they curse you out…

When Rabbis openly speak about driving the Arab enemy out of Israel….

When the Iron Dome miraculously intercepts most of the missiles that would land in populated areas, and 3000 rockets cause almost zero harm…

When dozens of tunnels that were meant to surprise Israel and facilitate hundreds of armed terrorists launching dozens of simultaneous raids into Israel are discovered and blown up by the Israelis who had no intention of fighting this war until they were dragged into this, 18 days ago….

Two weeks ago, the average Israeli would never have supported a ground assault on Gaza…

The Targum in Isaiah 14:29 explains the reference to flying snakes as a sign of redemption. The COBRA helicopters with their insignia of a cobra snake dropping its payloads of explosives over Gaza, and the paratroopers with their flying snake symbol are living prophecy.

The insane bombing of Daniel The Prophet's grave two days ago by Islamic fundamentalists in Iraq can be seen as yet another divine sign to add to all of the other signs about a redemption rapidly approaching. It was Daniel who tried to discover and reveal the date of the final redemption…
Yisrael Misgav of Haaretz attacked the new era that this operation has ushered it in, "Israel has been conquered with prayers"…

This is a war that has great potential to roll into the final war of redemption. Will Israel have the faith to get the job done, disregard world opinion. Destroy Hamas, rid the area of any hostile enemies, liberate all of Gaza and allow the return of Jews to Gaza? If so, then clearly Moshiach is at our doorstep. If not, we will continue to respond to Arabs murdering Jews with ceasefires and wars and more bloodshed. We have reached a decisive and critical juncture in Jewish history and there is change in the air…

Will Jews in the Exile have the faith and wisdom to understand that their time is more than limited with attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions throughout the Exile, with flights being temporarily frozen? Who is to say that Jews will have an opportunity to leave when Israel really does what they ultimately must do? As the prophet Yoel says, the only refuge will be in Zion.

See Rashi in Breishit 15:9 where Rashi speaks of the Moshiach coming when Abraham will send away the Ayit, the symbol of America…Will Israel have the faith and the courage to do that today?

Regardless, it is clear that the nation of Israel is readier than ever to do so, and that if the politicians once again buckle under American pressure, there will be sever political repercussions for Bibi. Actually in as much as bringing the redemption closer, it is a no lose situation for the good Jews. Because the nation is more ready and prepared than ever to sacrifice with faith in unity.

Let us do what we can to strengthen the resolve of the nation and the leadership of Israel to fight the war the way it should be fought and to bring decisive victory with G-d's help. Faith in G-d not in Obama!

Rabbi Kanyevsky, on several occasions in recent weeks, including this week speaks openly and out of character about Moshiach being close and about the possibility that we will not have to fast this 9th of Av. May it be the will of G-d, Amen.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd: Rosh HaShanah massacre thwarted

Israeli Security sources say that Hamas had a plan to attack kibbutzim near the Hamas tunnel exits this coming Rosh Hashanah in a coordinated attack with an invasion force of over 200 terrorists and an objective to kill or kidnap as many Israelis as possible.

The information comes from captured prisoners who have constructed this most horrifying picture. Security sources say that Hamas plan was "lowering the State of Israel to its knees." Prime Minster Netanyahu was reported by Israeli newspaper Maariv, as saying the goal was to use dozens of Hamas tunnels simultaneously. Tunnels have been found and dug under many kibbutzim that surround Gaza. One tunnel was even found to have its exit right next to the entrance to the dining hall of a Kibbutz.

Maariv's sources in Israeli security confirmed Hamas had a plan to attack kibbutzim near the tunnel exits this coming Rosh Hashanah with an invasion force of over 200 terrorists. The plan was to launch the 200 terrorists at once, through dozens of tunnels, across six towns in the western Negev. In most cases the tunnel exited into the hearts of those Israeli communities. The coordinated attack would occupy the whole area and kill and/or kidnap as many Israeli civilians as possible, depending on circumstances. Abducted Israelis would be transferred via the tunnels to the Gaza Strip. 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd: Operation Protective Edge: Chabad Hevron: Fighting With Shwarma

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Danny Cohen <>
Date: Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 9:31 AM
Subject: Gaza War Update: Fighting With Shwarma

Chabad Ratz Shwarma Campaign View this email in your browser
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See end of email for amazing inspirational story

Gaza Update:

Chabad of Hebron Launches New IDF Campaign 

As the brave and courageous soliders of the IDF continue the operation in Gaza to wipeout terrorism and restore safety and security in the region, the Chabad of Hebron Ratz Outreach Team has stayed by their side.

Thanks to your support and contributions, the team has distrubted hundreds of care packages, foodstuffs, toiletries, as well as our trademark tefillin, warmth, and smile. "We know we aren't alone and that all Jews are with us," said a soldier recently in response to getting a Ratz Team package.

We may not all be on the front lines physically, but we all can and do make a difference with our support. So, what can we do now that the soldiers have their basics? Some good food. Honestly.

Not that the army doesn't provide the soldiers food. But you can't compare it to warm shwarma in a pita, delivered with care and a smile that says: "We are all with you!" This week, the Ratz Chabad Team delivered hundreds of pita shwarmas to a really happy, grateful group of soldiers. Wow did it go fast! 

The soldiers aren't letting up, let's not either. Click on the donate button and join the effort. Every $12 you contribute is another shwarma and drink for a grateful soldier. And that means extra physical and emotional nutrition to help them fight for victory and peace. A simple click and they know you are with them and they are not alone in this war.
DONATE to our efforts with IDF soldiers
Need more inspiration? Check out this email we received from California. Way to go Shustermans!

"We the Shusterman boys, Chabad shluchim in Beverly Hills, ca, wanted to do something to help you help the soldiers. We are constantly davening for them, giving Tzedakah and doing many mitzvos in order so that the Chayalim will come home safely. In order to spread awareness and gather Tzedakah we created a lemonade stand on the corner of our street, in our very, very Jewish neighborhood and raised almost $80 for the soldiers. We sent in that donation today for $85 and we just wanted you to know that we send our thoughts,  love, support, and of course tefilos to the Chayalim all the way from across the world! Am Yisroel Chai! We want Moshiach Now!
Tzvi (8), Moshe (7), Yisroel (6), Eliezer (4), Yehoshua (3)

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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.