Sunday, June 22, 2014

More on Bring Back Our Boys - Hardline approach in answer to denial and International lack of condemnation of Kidnapping, and condemnation of IDF search


Our enemies have intensified their smear campaign against Israel.   Is Israel being overly aggressive as the Palestinians and International media claim? Or is the opposite true?  Israel has failed to assert, defend and protect what is ours and meant to be ours, and to stand up for Torah and our Eternal Covenant between G-d and the Jewish People!

In the past, Israel and by extension, the IDF has accepted the 2 State Solution in principle and acted with misplaced compassion on our enemy to prevent "civilian" casualties at the expense of our own soldiers and defense . This is done in spite of the enemy hiding behind schools, medical centers and human shields.  By being merciful to the cruel we end up compromising the security of our own children and citizens.   Israel is then vilified and accused of fabricated, monstrous atrocities and war crimes.  Remember Jenin OPERATION DEFENSIVE SHIELD AND THE MYTH OF THE JENIN MASSACRE and Goldstone Report following Operation Cast Lead.  

When we are overly concerned with how the world judges us as opposed to doing the right thing, G-d then repays us in kind and the world condemns us and sees us in a negative light. When we show resolve to address terror, the entire world is a safer place.

Therefore, let us trying a different approach!

  • Annex Judea and Samaria. Accept Levy Report.   
  • Build in Judea and Samaria instead of  slowdown of building in Judea and Samaria.  
  • Call for Collective Punishment on Palestinians.  
  • Throw out Arab Knesset MK's and deny voting rights to those that do not accept Israel Sovereignty
  • Stop arresting, provoking and vilification of Settler Youth of Judea and Samaria who witness settler homes cruelly demolished, their Yeshiva taken over and their friends kidnapped.
  • Hitchiking Should it continue in Judea and Samaria? There are those who believe that we can't stop living.  (Of course we need to take proper precautions. Robin)
Call for Collective Punishment on Palestinians.  Palestinians are defending, celebrating, being entertained by, and denying the abductions of the boys while condemning Israel's rescue efforts
  • Rabbi Ronsky: Nothing Wrong With Collective Punishment. Former IDF Chief Rabbi Avihai Ronsky believes that Israel must hit Palestinians hard - collectively - in order to free the kidnapped teens
  • Rabbi Elchanan Lewis:Electricity and civilian populations in time of war In general, during the war, the life of our enemy (even the civilians) is worth less that life of our people; how much more so, the convenience and comfort of our enemy is worth less than the lives of our soldiers and civilians. Therefore if to save lives of, or to remove a risk from our soldiers, you will be allowed to cut off electricity from women and children etc. in some cases even risking lives of civilians during war will be permitted for the sake of defending Jewish lives, in some extreme cases even collectively punishing the civil population will be permitted. (Amud Hayemini 16, Tchumin 12 pp. 237-239, ibid 5 p. 353)

Stop arresting, provoking and vilification of Settler Youth of Judea and Samaria who witness homes cruelly demolished, their Yeshiva taken over and friends kidnapped.

Touching Video on youtube:  Bring Back our Boys:

Answering Kidnapping with Kindness. Rabbi Solomon speaks....

Hachnosas Orchim Hebron.While they search for the missing boys, Hachnosas Orchim Hevron is providing the soldiers with food: Pizza, Shwarma, Nosh.  Central Fund for Israel  c/o the Vues POB 330 Midwood Station Brooklyn, NY 11230

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Open Letter to Jihad Watch. 3 kidnapped boys. Knowing about Islam what would you suggest would be the best approach


Dear Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, amv"sh

I am a blogger and Israel activist. My blog is

When the boys were kidnapped I asked myself what would be Israel's best response.  There have been many failed kidnapping attempts and this one did not come as a surprise.

Being an activist I am very familiar with the truth about the barbaric ways terrorists treat their victims and treat their own people.  The massacre of the Fogel family in Itamar, the lynching of Israeli soldiers who made a wrong turn, Chabad terror attack in Mumbai and even the way they handle their women for infractions under Sharia law and reading horrible reports and watching videos opened my mind to the reality of whom we are dealing with.  This uncomfortable knowledge is reported by many including Jamie Glazov of Frontpage and yourself

With this understanding of the mentality of our enemy who are subhuman, I have come to the conclusion that normal ways of dealing with terrorists to "convince" them not to  harm those kidnapped is at best useless and probably counterproductive.   In other words, nothing we do or say will work if they chose to act brutal... We are counting on their desire to free more terrorists...But that only breeds more terror.... What to do?.

We need to communicate to them in their own language, in the language they understand!

Acting with restraint, turning to  Shimon Peres, Abbas as per Herzog's advice,  Obama, and the State Dept. are all perceived as signs of weakness since we are depending on the wolf, the kidnappers' collaborators and supporters,  to help protect the sheep. 

Unfortunately, this has been Israel's approach coupled with a show of strength, IDF soldiers rounding up of Hamas operatives. At the moment, Abbas is now engaged in media slander campaign against Israel which surely will be taken up by enemies of Israel by international media and leftists.  

History has shown us that the times we were most careful to be politically correct and tried our hardest to please those condemning Israel rather than asserting our rights to the Land, at the expense of defending our own people were the times we were most vilified and falsely accused of International war crimes. (Jenin etc.). When we acted with moral fortitude and asserted our rights to defend our Land and our people, condemnation was actually less intense and dissipated over tune.. . 

An effective fighting strategy on their part is to preempt and accuse the IDF and Israel of atrocities and War crimes before any real evidence. This serves to prevent Israel and the IDF from properly acting in self defense and within acceptable warfare protocol, scared that we will be vilified internationally.

To counter the PR campaign against us, we need to conduct a massive PR campaign on our behalf exposing their atrocities against Israel, atrocities against their own people, the atrocities they inflict upon those they consider infidels, and their war crimes using children as human shields, barbarity etc. 

PMW Bulletins
Abbas defends PA search for teens; 
PA daily writes Israel may be behind kidnapping  

While reports of destroying Hamas infrastructure is heartening, rounding up Hamas terrorists is not enough.  Being in Israeli prison is rewarding financially.  How are conditions in Israeli jail for the terrorists?  I don't believe they are afraid of being tortured or afraid of their lives like we fear what might be happening to the boys Hashem Yerachem.  They receive nice salaries, from taxpayer monies coming from the US and EU, whereby the greater the crime the higher salary they receive. (Edwin Black Financing the Flames) In addition,  Israel has released many terrorists irregardless of their life sentencing. Upon release they all received a heroes welcome. They all seemed well fed.  

We can threaten them, but will they take our threats seriously?  

Unless the terrorists see clearly, that there is a price to be paid for their acts of terror there is nothing motivating them to release the captives unharmed other than another Gilad Shalit deal,

I am convinced that Abbas is taking full advantage of the situation and even if he succeeds in finding and freeing the kidnapped boys, he will use it to his fullest advantage and be hailed as a peace loving moderate whose only concerns lie for the unfortunate Palestinians living under " Israel Occupation".  Even if Israel does not agree to his terms and demands, he will receive international respect and recognition.  These boys and their families after all were studying in what is considered the "occupied West Bank" and the boys and their families identify with the "occupation".  So Abbas, "out of concern and humanity"  "cooperates with Israel" to help find the boys.  How laudable.. 

You and I know that it's all deception and his desire is to destroy Israel no different than Hamas!  

"Do we have a choice?" we sigh. 

Yes we DO!!

First and foremost, Israel should annex all of Judea and Samaria and demand that all non Jewish residents declare loyalty to Israel and abide by the Seven Noahide laws. Let us be proud to proclaim the Biblical boundaries of Israel. By all accounts, Judea and Samaria fall within the Biblical boundaries and all of our Holy sites fall within these boundaries.  See Parshat Masei and the extended boundaries mentioned to Abraham at Brit Bein Habesarim. Judea and Samaria and land conquered in six days, with G-d's open miracles, in 1967, after being attacked, should be annexed.  Our rights to Israel as a Jewish Homeland has been recognized and  accepted in International Law at San Remo, the League of Nations and later adopted by the UN.   Let those in Israel, Palestinians or other, who object to Israel's existence and Sovereignty,  move and  take residence in any of the neighboring 22 Arab countries etc where surely they will feel more at home among their own tribes.  . 

It makes sense to me, that we need to talk to them in the language they understand.  They will bring false allegations and accusations of atrocities and war crimes against Israel when we show weakness not when we show strength.  When we show strength, their accusations will dissipate because there is a G-d and truth in the world. 

In any case, we must brace ourselves for international condemnation since it is inevitable and passes. 

 I believe the only way to impress them to stop them from behaving in the barbaric fashion, which is their modus operandi is to show them that we are capable of doing to them precisely what they are contemplating for us.

We need to have a full scale PR blitz as per their modus operandi.  Websites like Jihad Watch and Frontpage and PMW are already in place with the necessary material. Let Israel rain down this material upon them and upon International media.  Pictures of Daniel Pearl, the Fogel family needs to flood the media and our intention to treat them in kind if they do not release our boys .........

Let me many suggest that there are those who believe that Israel would be justified to take murderers with blood on their hands, like the murderers of the Fogel massacre, have them publicly displayed on Arab television, and threaten to amputate and dismember, a finger at a time etc.  at set intervals until they release the kids measure for measure.... Obviously, this kind of barbaric  approach, morally is justified on known terrorists who behaved in a similar fashion to others in order to show we mean business. 

Of course, it can be debated that this approach will cause an unnecessary provocation.  

Surely executing terrorists with blood on their hands seem to be justified from a secular and religious perspective. 

Torturing them is not what Jews do and extremely distasteful and goes against our very grain.  It is a worthy research project to see precedent in Tanach for such action. Is there any precedent with the way Moshe Rabbeinu, Yehoshua and Dovid Hamelech fought against our enemies?

In the Torah, someone who accidentally kills another Jew has to run away to an Ir Miklat, a safe haven, in order to save himself from the wrath of the Goel Hadam, the victim's relative who will be after him.  This is for an accidental killing.  If a Jew murders another Jew purposefully, then there is a death penalty requirement.  Al Achat Kama VeKama, even more so,  for an Islamic terrorist who is cruel and who has committed the worst atrocities imaginable. 

Justice demands that we show no mercy.  Torah tells us that when we fight Amalek, and the Canaanite Nations, not to be afraid to destroy them.  

Collective punishment on Fatah and Hamas community for the purpose of exerting pressure on the kidnappers to release the boys alive and unharmed is justified. News reports are that Palestinians hindered the IDF's efforts to find the terrorists and they celebrated the kidnapping.  Let Israel withhold taxes, monies to the PA who joined with Hamas, and lobby Congress to stop taxpayer monies to the PA. Why can't Israel temporarily shut down their electricity? If that doesn't work, a temporary blocking of their food and water supplies, and medical treatment for those who do not recognize Israel's Sovereignty and right to exist etc. Why should they benefit from the hand that feeds them and whom they wish to destroy?  This must be accompanied with a warning that if any harm is inflicted on the kidnapped victims, they should expect the worst and we must be prepared to act on our threat!

When  this hard line approach is presented to people there is consensus that this is what barbarian terrorists deserve.  (That what they schemed to do to us should happen to them)  but many are terrified that the terrorists response to a hard line approach would be to harm the boys. Normally that would be a reasonable assumption, concern and expectation. In this case,  I personally believe that weakness on our part will cause them to respond with cruelty on their victims rather than the hard line approach. ..  My prayer is that in merit of asserting  Biblical truths and our rights to Eretz Yisroel, and thereby make a Kiddush Hashem,  it would terrorize the terrorists.  They will be seized with fear of G-d and with G-d's help, release the boys unharmed swiftly.....  

And we must continue with our prayer rallies since only G-d is the true source of salvation....

I am curious to know what you think.

Thanks. Robin Ticker

Beth Gilinsky writes:

It is Abbas who has just formed a partnership with Hamas, the terrorist group that is currently  
   holding the three teenage boys.  

But no surprise there: Abbas was Arafat's deputy for 40 years.
And he co-founded Fatah with Arafat. And, he:
Was one of the masterminds of the Munich massacre that slaughtered the Israeli Olympic athletes.
Wrote a Phd thesis and book denying the Holocaust. (I know, I know, Rabbi Schneier, because of your diplomatic 
    skills he's "changed his mind")

Named his son after Yasser Arafat. 
Named Rafah crossing after terrorist Al-Moayed Bihokmillah Al-Aqha, who slaughtered 5 Israelis.
Has praised Hizballah, saying that it is a source of pride.

Has said of Palestinian Arab terrorists that "Israel calls them terrorists, we call them strugglers".
Has said of them that "Allah loves the martyr".
Heads the Fatah Party, whose Charter calls for Israel's destruction.
Has called Israel "the Zionist enemy."
Dedicated his ascendancy to President of the PA to Yasser Arafat, proclaimed that "the little jihad ha ended and the   
   big jihad is now beginning."  (not exactly my idea of a peace partner!)
In 2005 approved a law authorizing lump-xum payments to surviving family members of "shahids" (including suicide
In 2007 stated: "We must unite the Hamas and Fatah blood in the struggle against Israel as we did at the beginning 
    of the Intifada."
In 2010, eulogized Abu Daoud, mastermind of the Munich massacre: "He (Abu Daoud) will be missed.  He was one 
    of the leading figures of Fatah and spent his life in resistance and sincere work as well as physical sacrifice for   
    his people's just causes."
In March 2013, told Russia Today TV: "As far as I'm concerned, there is no difference between the policies of the 
    Palestinian Authority and Hamas."

I also think  Israel should throw out certain Arab MK's  like Zoabi and  Sarsour from the Knesset.  Why are they in the Knesset to begin with???  Robin....

The fact that Gilad Shalit was returned alive is hopeful but what was his experience initially?  

Perhaps it can be argued that a hard line approach would have rescued him and saved him years in captivity. Was he tortured initially?  Also, the outcome of Nachshon Wachsman abduction is disheartening and Israel seems to be taking a similar approach now.  

Hashem Oz Leamo Yiten. Hashem Yevarech es Amo Bashalom.  Hashem should give Israel strength and fortitude and Belief in G-d our Only Salvation. 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Yekutiel ben Yaakov : Israeli Dog Unit. Maginei Eretz LMaan Hazulat Extreme delay in police response to missing people reports

Re Kidnapped Jewish Teens and this week's training exercises

Canine training this week tomorrow in Beth Shemesh at 3 PM, Tapuach at 6 PM, Leshem at 9.30 PM

Thursday special SAR training on rubble sight at 7 PM

Pray for the kidnapped teens-

There is unprecedented unity in Israel as millions pray for the immediate release and safety of the three Jewish teens who were abducted by Arab terrorists from Gush Etzyon.

There are many lessons to learn from this incident. As long as we allow our enemies to live amongst us they will continue to plot against us. The IDF continues to blame police for their inexcusable late response, only many hours, after they received notice from one of the boys that he was kidnapped. The police actually received notification minutes after the abduction. However, the GSS and IDF were only tipped off by police many crucial hours later.

We warned the Knesset State Controller's Committee, 4 months ago, Feb. 18th when I was asked to testify before a special Committee convened to investigate police treatment of missing people searches. My first words to the Committee were about the extreme delay in police response to missing people reports and how the police commence searching far too late, losing vital and critical time that could translate into life or death for the missing subject.  See page 5 of that Knesset Committee transcript:

We have offered our services to the Commander of the Missing Persons Unit in the army and we may yet be called in to help in the search with the use of our specially trained dogs.

Our Israeli Dog Unit is in need of more volunteers and in need of finding to maintain our canine units. Maginei Eretz LMaan Hazulat - POBox 6592 Jerusalem Israel 0544876709

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sign Petitions: U.S. Government: Take Action to Force the Palestinian Authority to Help Return the 3 Kidnapped Israeli Students, Hebrew Petition asking that Israel Kill a terrorist every hour until the abducted kids are returned


  • In Hebrew: Kill a terrorist every hour until the abducted kids are returned. A Hebrew Facebook page that has around 15,000  likes at this time gaining momentum very quickly.
In The Palestinian News about the abducted kids:

Around the World: Kidnapped Israeli Teens: The Worst Coverage The Guardian, CNN, Sky News, Christian Science Monitor

Watch: Mother of Kidnapped Teen Naftali Frenkel Speaks Out 'They were just boys on their way home from school,' Racheli Frenkel states, tearfully, to reporters. 

Did Leftists Try to Divert Army's Attention from Kidnappers? Residents of a Hevron-area town suspect that leftists tried to help kidnappers of Eyal Yifrah, Gil-Ad Shaer and Naftali Frenkel. ... both Hamas and Fatah called on activists and local Palestinian Arabs in Judea and Samaria to work to disrupt the IDF's search as much as possible.

The Israeli Gov't is doing a tremendous amount.  Is it strong enough?  Here are my suggestions and please read till end: We don't want another Nachshon Wachsman ending 
My concerns:  Knowing the evil nature of the enemy, Is the mother overly trusting, overly optimistic and naive, counting on the IDF and gov't officials who are bound to a certain degree to political pressures, to deal with this evil. Not that I blame her, chas veshalom.  It is easy to give the impression of being macho but in reality it's just rhetoric. From the count of likes of the Hebrew petition above , it seems many like myself feel that only a no nonsense approach is the way to deal with the likes of Fatah and Hamas. Even if the IDF closes in on the terrorists what is preventing them from shooting the boys chas veshalom if and when the IDF zeroes in on them like they did to Nachshon Wachsman hy"d?   Netanyahu needs to show the terrorists very clearly that we mean business so they get it and won't lift a finger on them. Rounding up 80 terrorists is not going to convince them not to murder the boys I'm afraid especially when the terrorists get salaries and released in the past. 

Here is an opinion piece by Shalom Pollack of Honenu an organization that defends Settler Youth from often bogus charges of "price tag" vandalism and unwarranted arrests by the civil Police.  A bit cynical about the Police.  

Here is another report critical of the Police's response time to missing person's reports. Yekutiel ben Yaakov : Israeli Dog Unit. Maginei Eretz LMaan Hazulat Extreme delay in police response to missing people reports

We can expect Netanyahu and his government to be subjected to extreme international pressures to  raise the rhetoric and to talk tough but not to act in a way that the PA and Hamas know we mean business.  That White House petition above is a perfect example.

Right now Kerry is saying the proper things. Kerry Says Hamas Apparently Behind Kidnapping 'Many indications point to Hamas' involvement' in the 'despicable terrorist act,' says US Secretary of State.
The U.S. embrace of the Palestinian unity government and act on it.  Highly unlikely unless forced to. That is my educated guess.

Arlene Kushner writes. "Unless I am missing something, there has been no condemnation of the kidnapping by Obama.  Which is fairly incredible. 
"Canada has firmly condemned last week's Palestinian Authority terrorist kidnapping  of three teenage boys but U.S. President Barack Obama has yet to say a word about the attack — even though one of the hostages is an American citizen."

It makes me wonder.  Was the following just another set up of "price tag" libel against the settler youth?

Youths held after angry protesters throw stones at Arab cars near Beitar Illit in protest of terrorist abduction of Israeli teens. Attorney David Halevi, who is representing the youths on behalf of the Honenu legal rights organization, told the court that police had a very weak case, as they were unable to positively identify the youths as the culprits.

On the other hand....

An Abducted Youth Called Police and Said: 'We've Been Abducted!' 
Explosive revelation: One of the youths abducted Thursday night called the police hotline, but police did not take him seriously.
...News surfaced Saturday night that there was a significant time lapse between when parents reported the kidnapping to the police and the notification of security sources and the IDF over the issue. As of Saturday, initial reports indicated a lapse of a few short hours, but some reports Sunday allege that the gap may have been as much as eight hours.
The Israeli police has finally responded to these reports Sunday afternoon. Senior police officers told Walla! News that "you cannot overlook" the mishandling of the report and that an internal committee has been set up to handle the issue. 
Despite this, the police have refused to accept criticism launched at them over the mishap, claiming that every day are dozens of reports of attempted abductions, and in the end they turn out to be false reports.
"We check every report, but you can not call the IDF over every report we get," said a police official. "Still, this case turned out to be a red flag, so there will be a thorough investigation into the matter." 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd: Three boys abducted _ A Nation responds

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shalom Pollack <>
Date: Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 11:49 AM
Subject: Three boys abducted _ A Nation responds

It happened  again. The  Arabs  promised  they would,  after their last great coup as Israel released thousands of terrorists for one kidnapped soldier - and they did. As I write these  words, three innocent Jewish  boys are undergoing unspeakable terror at the  hands of our cruelest enemies  Their  families  -  can  we imagine?

We heard  the  news just hours before the Shabbat on Friday afternoon
Before that  shocking  bulletin, the media was  busy with  the  ever increasingly popular annual  "Gay Parade"  in Tel Aviv. The  excited  media sounded as if they were there in the middle of the - what shall we call it...? Hundreds of thousands jamming down town Tel Aviv. The major streets were closed to traffic to enable..their free and  expressive statement  of ...  what shall we say...? 
As they were making certain that  the first Hebrew city, deserved it's growing  reputation as one of the hottest "Gay  tourism"  (Yes,  the Miistry  of Tourism is very pleased)  sites in the  world, news came in about the three boys.

I wondered if the very gay party makers, paused for  a moment. Perhaps they were upset with the party poopers who should have not been in those occupied territories in the first place. Why can't they  just let their Israel get on with  being a "normal" place like all others.. The  common profile of the  Gay partiers usually includes a desire to disconnect with any link to the Land promised to us by God and to the  rest of  what He  has to say. Coincidence I suppose.

I Just wondered.  I also  wondered if there just may some link between the  two events taking place  just about forty  miles   ..and  a world   away...

An Israeli soldier  doing his military service with the army radio station: "Galei  Tzahal"( where Left wing celebrities  find soft jobs for their children in the IDF) posted a complaint on Face Book, "Why do these kids have to hitch hike in "those places"(Jews should not dare  travel in certain places!) late  at night and rely on God  to  protect them. If they do  so, then let God protect them now an not force an entire country to stop what its doing and mount  a search..!"

"Mmmm..what  shall  we make of this? Notice ,the anger aimed at the victim, his brothers(?). and not at  the Arab kidnappers. What can one expect  from the Arabs.? Maybe they were justified in some way. After all those settlers and their God preoccupation, are not  regular Israelis but  a mutant body that we "normal" Israelis  thought we  were rid of and  must deal with  too.They make problems for every one!. Again , the common profile. 

We begin to connect some dots.

On the same day as thousands of Jews in Israel and beyond, were steeped in thought and prayer over our three young brothers, some other Israelis (they would  prefer the term Israeli  over Jew..) were deeply concerned about  a  dire threat to society. Israeli Leftists joined their Arab brothers in the Israeli - Arab village of Furadis , south of Haifa. They demonstrated their solidarity and outrage at graffiti scrawled on one of the  walls of the village.  Jews  were suspected of  the act and this war  against "hate crimes" is the latest Crusade of the Left media and "elites" against  nationalist Jews in Israel.

So far, not one has been found guilty  after dozens of arrests. In some instances, it was later found to be an inside  Arab job.  

In any event, that Shabbat  found some Israelis in Furadis doing the "enlightened" thing and other Jews in synagogue doing the Jewish thing. 

By the way, the police and security forces have promised to, and in fact have, devoted huge resources to cracking the "hate crimes" (graffiti) against Arabs.and so when the boys were abducted and one of them got off a phone call to the police, they were too busy to respond immediately. It took eight  hours before they acted. After all, it was not a hate crime that was reported.

The same police chief, Aronovich, (Israel Beitenu party) who makes  grand appearances when graffiti is found on a mosque, never visits the sites of a torched or desecrated synagogues  - in our Jewish state. That is never called  a hate crime  by the media or by the police and is ignored by the media. 

And so  we pray for our boys and for our beloved country. May He  have mercy upon us all.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.