Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Agudah Mission to Washington DC July 25, 2013 gets widespread media coverage

To the Distinguished Leadership of Agudath Israel Mission to Washington DC July 2013:
The recent Agudath Yisroel mission to Washington DC received wide media coverage.  A well written article by Shoshana Bernstein was headlined "To See and to Be Seen". Coverage appeared in Hamodia, Yated,  5 Towns Jewish Times, Jewish Home, in Cleveland and Baltimore papers and others. 
Here are some links:
 It is clear that Agudath Yisroel has a wide network of friends in Washington DC.  
Eric Cantor the Republican House Majority Leader was quoted as saying, " I always admired Agudath Israel for their grassroots ability".
As an Eretz Yisroel Activist, I was especially curious to read about Aguda's lobby efforts in these trying times, specifically on behalf of Judea and Samaria and against the sickening release of terrorists.
Apparently, focus was "To See and To Be Seen", rather than to lobby for Judea and Samaria, against a PA State or against the release of terrorists. 
“This is Agudath Israel at its best,” enthused Rabbi Labish Becker, the organization’s Executive Director, as he reflected on the day. “Fulfilling our core, essential mission of representing Klal Yisroel to the governmental authorities and forming positive, mutually appreciated relationships with them to ensure their ongoing support on behalf of Eretz Yisrael, Jewish education, security and our ability to function as religious Jews.”  ( Cleveland Local Jewish News)
While showing a respectable presence and building relationships is a worthy goal,   the mission and what it accomplished was terribly disappointing. We were hoping that lobby efforts on behalf of Judea and Samaria and against the release of terrorists would have been on the agenda.
Atem Nitzavim Hayom....Lo Bashamayim hi.....
A few days ago on August 13, 2013 in Brazil, Kerry remarked that the Jews are illegitimate occupiers of Palestinian Land  All Israeli settlements on Palestinian land are illegal, US says

These untruths must be renounced.  We have the facts.  Truth is on our side.
 We know that we are descendants of the Tribe of Yehuda and the Tribe of Binyamin and the Tribe of Levi.  We know that these territories are our rightful legitimate Biblcal Inheritance and are clearly delineated in the Torah.  Who is Kerry to steal our identity and our Promised Land from the descendants of Yaakov Avinu? 

From an International legal standpoint please refer to Howard Grief's book The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law (2008). While Jewish legal rights are firmly implanted in international law, there is, on the other hand, no binding document of international law that provides for the creation of a new Arab state in former Mandated Palestine. In this respect, UN resolutions do not constitute international law, nor does the Road Map Peace Plan or other similar initiatives.
Lemaan Zion Lo Echesha.....
The world needs to hear a Torah statement of truth to combat the lies whose foundation comes from our enemies, radical, terror supporting, Islamic infiltration of the White House.

Sec'y Kerry is trying his hardest to win over the major Jewish Organizations to support his anti Israel Agenda to turn Jews agaisnt their own brothers. 

Tamar Adelstein a Chabad actvist and Director of  Crown Heights Women For The Safety and Integrity of Israel whose activism comes from the teachings of the Lubavitch Rebbe put out a Press Release to denounce the presence of American Friends of Lubavitch presence at Kerry's meeting with Major Jewish Organizations.
Arlene from Israel found it dispicable and dangerous.
2013: Unbearable »

August 11, 2013: Despicable and Dangerous

Last Thursday night, Secretary of State Kerry met for 90 minutes with a select group of heads of Jewish American organizations to speak about the "peace process." Standing with him at this "briefing" were National Security Advisor Susan Rice and special envoy (Middle East "mediator?") Martin Indyk.

Present were representatives of AIPAC, J Street, the ADL, the American Jewish Committee, the Conservative movement (the Rabbinic Assembly according to the JPost, and perhaps also the United Synagogue), the Orthodox Union, American Friends of Lubavitch, B'nai B'rith International, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the Jewish Federations of North America, Hadassah, the National Jewish Democratic Council, the National Council of Jewish Women and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

As the meeting was off the record, there was no official report issued; media descriptions relied upon reports from participants. All reports I encountered had the same basic information, but with varying details provided from one to the other. What I'm reading is that Kerry said there was a "strategic imperative" to arrive at a deal soon. Sounding "upbeat" about the possibilities, he said he "feared" for Israel's future if no deal was reached.

Kerry asked for American Jewish organizational "support" for this diplomatic effort. He is worried about "pressures" on Netanyahu that might sway him away from a deal -- as he has to contend with right wing parties in his coalition.""
Major Jewish Organizations listened to Kerry and were silent.  Aguda fortunately wasn't one of these groups summoned to support Kerry's statements. I feel  sorry for those who attended and were silent. We learn from Iyov that Silence is not an option. We must learn from Yithro who stood up to Pharoah, and assert our rights to Yehuda and Shomron as theological truth.
  We are counting on Agudath Israel's stance to be more proactive and assertive regarding our Jewish Biblical Heritage. Beezrat Hashem,  davka because Aguda is held in such high esteem and have a long term relationship with members of the Senate, House of Representatives and
White House officials that you can effect change and make a difference...
You were briefed regarding Israel's Security.    Key names that came up in this mission that pertain to protecting Israel's security interest came from the Dept. of Treasury, David Cohen Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence and Eytan Fisch and Daniel Moger asst. Directors for Policy, Office of Foreign Assets Control.  Their efforts are in the realm of sanctions for Iran. Sanctions against Iran are important but when you are dealing with an enemy that can not be bought, a statement of truth and principles must the foundation of all other course of action.  Otherwise sanctions alone prove ineffective.

 Menachem Lubinsky, who is involved in the protection of the graves of Har HaZeitim and a  member of the Board of Trustees of Agudath Israel noted a period of history where the Rabbonim did have influence.  Unfortunately, it was too late for the millions that already perished.....It took just a few short months in 1944 for the majority of Hungarian Jews including my grandparents and aunts and uncles to be decimated in Auschwitz. Too bad Rabbonim didn't or couldn't do more sooner....
"At the Treasury Department, the Orthodox group noted the historic role of US Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau in moving the FDR administration to recognize the atrocities being perpetrated against Jews in Eastern Europe. It was in October 1943 that some 400 Orthodox rabbis traveled to the White House to plead with the US Government to rescue Jews from the furnaces of Nazi Germany.
"While FDR refused to see the rabbis, who were reluctantly seen by Vice President Henry Wallace, it was Secretary Morgenthau at the urging of Agudath Israel and the Vaad Hatzalah, who successfully implored the Roosevelt Administration to rescue Jews, which resulted in the creation of the War Board," said Menachem Lubinsky, a member of the Board of Trustees of Agudath Israel. "For this we are eternally grateful."

There were many warnings pre Holocaust that the Rabbonim ignored.  Doris Wise Montrose a child of Holocaust Survivors describes the blatant warnings that a Holocaust was coming that Jews choose to ignore:  She writes:
"I am Doris Wise Montrose, founder and president of Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors. As a child of two Holocaust survivors, I determined that it was my obligation to help educate the public in the United States and abroad about the political, intellectual and cultural climate that led to the Holocaust.
My father, Meyer Wise, a survivor of the Lodz Ghetto and Auschwitz among other Nazi retreats, always said that had a place like Israel existed where Jews were wanted and could go, there would not have been a Holocaust.
In the 1930s, Jews in Europe were forbidden to attend schools, play in the parks, go shopping and do business. Jews accommodated, believing that if only they abided by the rules, they would be left alone. But then Jews were told to relinquish their possessions, their jewelry, and their art. Again, Jews believed that their possessions were only material things and if they would only let go of them, they would be left alone..."  She brings lots more examples..
- "All of these ongoing concessions by Israel resulted in one failure after the other, yet many still contemplate further futile capitulation to gain the world's sympathy. Too many Jews still hold the same old suicidal belief that the more we surrender to those who hate us, the greater the likelihood that peace with the Arabs will be achieved. Today, we are here again. -
See more at:
Doris writes
"... 1948, the UN completely disregarded the Balfour Declaration, the decisions of the League of Nations and the historical rights of the Jewish people to Israel/Palestine. Instead, they tried to split the land of Biblical Israel into a Jewish state and a Muslim/Arab state. The Jews said, "It's not fair, but we'll take what we can get." The Arabs said, "No, we want it all."Then the Arabs said, "We will rename ourselves, invent a people, a land and a history where none had existed." The Jews failed to correct that myth and now the world sides against a people with an established history of a Jewish nation for over 3000 years. Unfortunately, Israel and the Jewish people accommodated and continue to accommodate this new narrative which has captured the world's support and sympathy while inspiring hatred for the Jews and Israel. "
Dror Eydar in Israel Hayom writes, "Every diplomatic statement, press conference and political speech needs to emphasize, first and foremost, the historical, religious and moral rights of the Jews to their land. Mr. President of the United States of America, do you believe in the Bible? Do you believe in the promise of this land to the Jewish people? Almost 2,000 years before Islam came to this world, when the forefathers of MKs Zahalka and Tibi were worshipping idols in the Hijaz desert, our own forefathers were walking here and beginning to practice monotheism.
One thousand six hundred years before Islam, we had a kingdom and Temple in Jerusalem. Twice we were destroyed and exiled, and twice we came back home. Four hundred years before the advent of Islam, the Romans changed the name of Judea to Palestine, after the coastal nation known as the Philistines, who had disappeared hundreds of years previously. The Romans sought to erase the connection between the Jews and their land. Now Arabs of the region call themselves Palestinians and say, "We were here before you." This lie must be exposed at every opportunity. Telling this truth is also our chance at achieving true peace. "
Surely a public statement of such nature by Agudath Yisroel is crucial. It is an accurate reflection of the beliefs of the Jewish people throughout the world throughout the centuries.. Surely it is an accurate reflection of the Torah..
 This public statement with the backing of hundreds of thousands of frum ehrlich Yiden, Jews united and mobilized to support this statement in action and words, will ease the pressure off of Netanyahu, give him Chizuk (support), and help him be strong to not cave into pressure. It will validate and justify Israel's policies to continue to build build homes, schools, cultural centers, nurseries and expand in Judea and Samaria and in all parts of Jerusalem especially in areas captured after '67 and defend Israel's refusal to freeze settlement growth and release terrorists.
Apparently, Agudah doesn't want to, or is afraid to express a viewpoint that is contradictory to American foreign policy. Otherwise they would be more outspoken as per our Biblical, historical and moral right to our Biblical Homeland.

Agudah defends its position of not making a public statement by assuring its people that it is obvious that Agudah is pro Jewish settlement in Eretz Yisroel and wants Israel to be safe and how is it possible to think otherwise. Unfortunately, taking a public stand with a declaration is not their way and the Gedoilim who see things in a clear light choose a different approach so as not to anger the Goyim.
But we are reaching a red line and this approach can not be sustained any longer. It has perhaps delayed the anger of the Goyim (nations of the world), and that is arguable in itself, but certainly allowed the cancer to grow and fester. It has allowed the lie to grow bigger and bigger.
The time has come to speak the truth and brace ourselves for a reaction as did Bnei Yisroel after Moshe Rabbeinu confronted Pharaoh and told him Let my People Go.
Maybe the Gedoilim do not feel we the people are ready to brace ourselves for the backlash of speaking truth. Let us encourage our Leaders not to be afraid to speak the truth. We the Jewish People want Eretz Yisroel the Promised Land promised to our forefathers. We support Jews in Har Habayit, Hebron and Shchem the 3 holiest sites of Israel for the Jewish People. We have faith that Hashem will save us and deliver us from our enemies as He has promised when we are deserving.
Or do we continue to remain silent and allow the enemy to take over what rightfully belongs to us?


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Fw: Senate Resolution 203 is Dangerous for Israel and America

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: AFSI <>
Sender: AFSI <>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 16:35:35 -0400 (EDT)
To: <>
Subject: Senate Resolution 203 is Dangerous for Israel and America

Americans for a Safe Israel
Americans For a Safe Israel
Tel: 212-828-2424; 800-235-3658; Fax: 212-828-4538
Mark Langfan, Chairman
Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director
August 2, 2013




Dear Members, Friends and Conservative pro-Israel Activists:
 From: Eytan Laor - 561.315.9700 - American Principles -
Senate Resolution 203 has been introduced by Senators Diane Feinstein (D-CA), Tim Kaine (D-VA) and Martin Heinrich (D-NM) seeking to endorse the Obama/Kerry "peace process." (The resolution is attached.) 

Here is the conclusion and call to action at the outset of this email:

The threatening and biased policy statements contained in the "whereas" declarations of the resolution should deter any friend of Israel from signing on. Here is a specific breakdown of the troubling points contained in the resolution.
  • "A two-state solution is the only outcome to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which can ensure the State of Israel's survival as a secure, democratic homeland for the Jewish people." This statement is false on several levels:
a. The term "Two-State Solution" is inherently misleading in that Israel is already a state.  Its legitimacy is not dependent upon the creation of a 23rd Arab state.
b. This proclamation attempts to create conflict between Israel's Jewish and democratic characteristics. Israel has not only survived but thrived as the secure, democratic homeland of the Jewish People for 65 years without conceding territory for the creation of a 23rd Arab state.
c. The conflict has been further aggravated over the last two decades by such attempts to prevent consideration of any other viable alternatives that might satisfy both parties.
  • "A two-state solution is the only outcome to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which can fulfill the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people for a state of their own." 
This statement is also false. It assumes that territory and the creation of a 23rd Arab state to be called Palestine is the motivation and therefore endpoint of the conflict. The true aspiration of the Palestinian-Arab people, as confirmed by vast amounts of public polling data, is to see Israel wiped off the map. A 2007 poll showed that 75% of Palestinian-Arabs don't think Israel has a right to exist.[1] A 2008 poll showed that only 13% of Palestinian-Arabs support educating their children for peace.[2] Polling conducted in 2010 informs us that 85% of Palestinian-Arabs don't want peace if it involves any compromise on borders, settlements, Jerusalem or the Israel-destroying 'right of return'.[3] Finally, a July 2011 poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion found that 73% of Palestinian-Arabs believe in the Islamic verse quoted in Article 7 of the Hamas Charter, which calls for the murder of all Jewish people everywhere.[4]
The falsehood of this statement is further reinforced by ignoring the connection of the Palestinian-Arabs to Jordan, a state in which 85% of the population identifies with the same Arab bloc as the "Palestinians."  Palestinian-Arab leadership, including Mahmoud Abbas, have often repeated that they desire a confederation with Jordan, thus highlighting Jordan's ability to fulfill the national and political aspirations of the Palestinian-Arabs. Creating another Palestinian-Arab state at Israel's expense is NOT the only option.

"Achievement of a two-state solution that would enhance stability and security in the Middle East is a fundamental United States security interest."

This statement falsely suggests that the creation of a Palestinian-Arab state at Israel's expense would be in the security interest of the U.S. In fact, it is strictly Israel's stability and security that is the interest of the U.S. Israel has repeatedly highlighted the existential threat that would be posed by the "Auschwitz Borders," which describes the indefensible 1949-1967 armistice line that the Palestinian-Arabs and President Obama have demanded Israel retreat to. Furthermore, it also relies upon the false notion that a Palestinian-Arab state, if created, would not be hostile toward the U.S. when, in fact, Territory controlled by the Palestinian-Arabs has proven to be among the world's most fertile breeding grounds for Jihadist activity. Hatred of America prevails throughout Palestinian-Arab society, as witnessed by anyone who turned on the TV and watched the celebrations there on 9/11.
This statement is also misleading. It suggests that Israel is a source of instability and insecurity in the Middle East. To the contrary, events around the region prove that this is not the case. Islamist-driven uprisings in Libya, Egypt, Syria and elsewhere are completely unrelated to the absence of a would-be 23rd Arab state ("Palestine"). This fact was also proven in the Wikileaks disclosure scandal, where it was revealed that Iran and not Israel is viewed by most Arab states as the greatest source of instability and insecurity.
  • "While only the parties themselves can make the difficult choices necessary to end their conflict, the United States remains indispensable to any viable effort to achieve that goal."
Numerous reports are now indicating that threats and undue influence are being exerted upon Israel by Secretary Kerry and the Obama Administration. These reports suggest that as recently as Sunday, Prime Minister Netanyahu was forced to lead his cabinet into agreeing to the "goodwill gesture" of releasing 104 terrorist-murderers, despite the warnings of his national security (Shin Bet) head and in defiance of the 85% super-majority of Israelis who opposed the action. Though under-reported in our media, the U.S. is being roundly criticized by Israeli ministers and members of the Knesset for exerting such pressure, even from within the Prime Minister's own Likud party:
b) MK Miri Regev (Likud)"Just as the Americans guard their honor, so we must guard our national honor, and respect the families of the victims. It's unthinkable that we release prisoners, murderers, terrorists who murdered innocent Israeli citizens, before we even sit down to talk."
c) Deputy Minister Ofir Akunis (Likud) apologizes to victims families for previously suggesting that Israel would not give in to American pressure to release terrorists.
d) MK Motti Yogev (Bayit Yehudi)"It isn't moral to release murderers. It isn't safe to release murderers... Has the United States ever released murderers as a concession to terrorism?"
e) MK Ayelet Shaked (Bayit Yehudi): "The government forgot why we are here and how to stay here. It started with giving in to terror in the Shalit deal and continues with surrendering to the Americans. For what?" - "America is a strong country that knows how to stand up for its interests, but when America demands that we release murderers that killed children, and soldiers and elderly people and mothers, we're stupid, give in to terror and to [PA Chairman Mahmoud] Abbas."
Israel's U.S. supporters need to be made aware of the extent to which President Obama is fleecing Israel's sovereignty and security. This recognition particularly applies to Republicans, who believe in the principles of peace through strength and the rule of law.
Republican Senators should use this analysis and critique of the Feinstein resolution to openly and vocally oppose this harmful policy statement. Consistent with their we'll-established pro-Israel track record, perhaps the most important thing that Republicans can do now to support Israel is to speak out strongly in favor of Israel's right to determine its own future, and against any and all attempts to pressure Israel into concessions that violate the will of her government and people. 
AMERICANS FOR A SAFE ISRAEL suggests that you call Diane Feinstein, Chair of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, 202-224-3841; Mr. Kaine, on the Foreign Relations Committee: 202-224-4024; Mr. Heinrich, on the Select Intelligence Committee, 202-224-5521, and inform them that their Resolution 203 is endangering both Israel and America - that they have only to read the statements of Mahmoud Abbas to know that the only aspirations that he expresses have to do with the destruction of Israel, America's only reliable ally in the Middle East.

 The best way to send a message to the detractors of Israel in the media, the Administration, and the public is by joining AFSI and becoming active with AFSI's work.  As a member, you will receive all our email alerts as well as email copies of our renowned monthly publication, The Outpost.  See past editions.  


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Friday, August 02, 2013

Release of Terrorists Protest Continues. Important Posts,Videos and Urgent Action Alerts before summer session in Knesset. This Shabbat a Shabbat for Eretzy Yisroel Shleimut Ha"aretz

  1. Releasing Murderers for Peace Negotiations: The Fight Begins Now David Bedein Director Israel Resource News Agency Center for Near East Policy Research Beit Agron Suite 105-106 37 Hillel Street Jerusalem 94581 Israel +972-547-222-661 
  2.  For the Sake of Allah part 1 of 4 Palestinian suicide bombers educated in Jihad and in terror training in prisons in Israel
  3. By CAROLINE B. GLICK 08/01/2013 20:29 In bowing to US pressure and approving the release of 104 terrorist murderers from prison, Netanyahu behaved like a coward.
  4.  Zaki Tamir  if CHJCC at NY Protest in front of Israel Consulate
  5. Palestinian minister says treaties may only be temporary Paul Lungen, Staff Reporter, Friday, July 26, 2013 -
  8. Action Alert from Arlene Kuschner
    This entire incident signals for me a time for activism. Those of us who care deeply about this issue must not be silent. From time to time I've asked my readers to participate in activism by way of sending messages to members of our government. And I'm asking it here, more extensively than I ever have before.
    If you care, truly care. If you are alarmed. And angry. And saddened. Please, work with me here so that our voices can begin to be heard.
    There are different groups of people within the Israeli gov't or closely associated with it who need to hear from us now. Those who supported the release have to know:
    [] That you think it should never have happened and feel great anger/disgust/disappointment (you pick the word) that it did. Add a brief sentence or two if you wish about why it shouldn't have happened: encourages terrorism, shows Israeli weakness, subverts justice, wounds bereaved families, etc. etc.
    [] That you will not be quiet about this. The nation of Israel requires more courageous or wiser leadership than what they have provided.
    [] That you will watch the positions they take in the future, and if you are Israeli, let them know that this will affect how you vote.
    This message, in your own words, said politely and briefly, but strongly, should go to:
    Prime Minister Netanyahu, who requires a message of grievous disappointment. See below at the bottom of this post an article about what he said regarding releasing prisoners just five years ago. :

    Fax: 02-670-5369 (From the US: 011-972-2-670-5369)

    E-mail: and also (underscore after pm) use both addresses

    Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon -- Likud, who should be told that people were disappointed in him because he knows better:
    E-mail: Phone: 02-675-3256
    Gideon Sa'ar, and Yuval Steinitz -- both of Likud, who might have been expected to know better:
    E-mail: Fax 02-649-6578
    E-mail: Fax: 02-649-6579
    Yitzhak Aharonovitch and Sofa Landver -- both of Yisrael Beitenu:
    E-mail: Fax: 02-649-6188
    E-mail: Fax: 02-649-6744
    Yair Lapid, Yael German, Yaakov Peri, and Shai Piron -- all of Yesh Atid:
    E-mail: Phone: 02-640-8385
    E-mail: Phone: 02-640-8341
    E-mail: Phone: 02-640-8422
    E-mail: Phone: 02-640-8433
    Shai Piron almost voted against and you might note this and encourage him to be courageous next time.
    Those who opposed the release of prisoners must be praised and encouraged. They need to hear that many are behind them and that they are supported and appreciated. Tell them that the future of the nation of Israel depends upon courageous leadership such as they demonstrated:
    Yisrael Katz and Gilad Erdan -- both of Likud. Katz in particular is tough.
    E-mail: Fax: 02-649-6525
    E-mail: Fax: 02-675-3982
    Naftali Bennett, Uri Ariel and Uri Orbach -- all of Habayit Hayehudi. Much rests with Bennett and how he leads his party; he needs to understand that there are people looking to him for leadership. Uri Ariel is also tough.
    E-mail: Phone 02-640-8430



Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.
Most of these emails are posted on 


AUGUST 1, 2013


As a follow-up to this week's press conference/protest against the Israeli government's decision to begin releasing 104 Arab terrorists who murdered Jewish women and children, HY"D, Rabbis, lecturers, group gatherings of all types and people in the position of community leadership are asked to dedicate their Shabbos sermon/gathering to the topic of how we can help our brethren living in the Land of Israel and especially those in Judea and Samaria in these precarious times.

The leaders of the Shomron, Gershon Mesika - Mayor; Yossi Dagan - Deputy Mayor and David HaIvri - Director of Public Diplomacy and Communications, have met with some 25 members of Congress, including Ted Cruz, Michele Bachmann, Trent Franks, John Fleming and Louie Gohmert. They were very encouraged with the support and encouragement they received by these meetings in Washington.

Mesika noted however a vacuum of hasbara, information, regarding Judea and Samaria since most of the material these congressmen/women had was coming from the palestinians or secular leftist Israelis.

Let us help them fill this vacuum and help the Shomron Council publicize their message that there are over 700,000 Jews living in these areas with sizable thriving Jewish Communities and Judea and Samaria is the more historically accurate name rather than Occupied West Bank.

We also ask that you circulate the below information and encourage people to participate in this very important action alert that will help protect and save Jewish lives.

Before the Israeli Government can release a terrorist, Israeli law dictates that a murderer must first be evaluated through a mandatory "risk assessment" process.

In previous deals, the Israeli Government ignored that process because Israeli lives were on the line - Gilad Shalit, Elchanon Tannenbaum as well as others whom the government knew to be dead but deceived the public by holding out the possibility that they were alive, as was the case with soldiers Goldwasser and Regev.

Today, no lives are at stake-
only the lives that freed convicts would kill, G-d Forbid!

Therefore, NOW is the time to let Israeli Cabinet and Knesset members know that you want them to demand and ensure that no killer go free without first going through the mandatory risk assessment process.

According to the highest sources in Israeli intelligence, such a process would definitely result in a cancellation of the orders to free at least some of the killers.

Moreover, if even ONE of the killers is not released, this could, G-d Willing, result in the implosion of the current Israel surrender process.

Bottom line; Keep up the pressure on the Israeli gov't to follow the Israeli penal law.

The Knesset will be in session until August 12. Realistically, there is one week to go..

All e-mails, fax numbers and telephone numbers of all members of the government and Knesset are listed at;


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.


July 31, 2013

by Tamar Adelstein, coordinator, Crown Hts. Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel
Contact info: 718-774-0914/

Upon hearing that Prime Minister Netanyahu and his cabinet had voted Sunday to release 104 Arab murderers as a goodwill gesture to the so-called Arab "Palestinian" Authority, my group Crown Hts Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel along with good friends Rabbi Dovid Algaze and Dr. Paul Brody president and vice-president respectively of The International Committee for The Land of Israel, Helen Freedman director of American Friends for A Safe Israel and activists Buddy Macy and Robin Ticker acted quickly to organize a press conference/protest in response.

Many thanks as well to Ted Bellman from IsraPundit who spread the word to his vast email list. Support also came from Manhigut Yehudit represented by Bob Unger. The press conference also enjoyed the support of Jewish activist groups here and in Israel. Finally many thanks to the 17th Precinct, CO's Officer Arlotta and Det. Bagucchi for setting up the press conference area.

It was held on Tuesday, July 30th across the street from the Israeli Consulate in New York City. Baruch HaShem, the event was picked up by ArutzSheva and many other Jewish news outlets.

Among the speakers was Helen Freedman - AFSI - who noted the hypocrisy of Mr. Netanyahu, Gideon Saar and Moshe Yaalon releasing Arab terrorists with blood on their hands when just a few years ago the trio was busy blasting Ariel Sharon's justification for doing the very same thing.

How very demoralizing, Helen said, for the victims' loved ones and friends to know that these murderers will soon be receiving a heroes' welcome when they get home.

Long-time activist Glenn Richter pointed out these killers were convicted prior to when the Oslo Accords were signed in 1993. It was difficult for him to read and painful for us to listen to the list of their heinous deeds. But how can we forget, for example, the murder of Rachel Weiss and her three young sons and the Israeli soldier who tried to rescue them from the bus she was riding on in 1988 that Mahmoud Abu-Charbeesh attacked with petrol bombs.

Zaki Tamir, chairman of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council and a trial lawyer spoke forcefully from a legal standpoint on the horrible travesty of justice releasing criminal terrorists with cold blooded murder on their hands not to mention that it is simply unprecedented in the real of criminal law. Mr. Tamir called on everyone to express their outrage and disgust.

Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon defends his vote for releasing the terrorists explaining he was faced with deciding between a bad or an even worse choice. Rabbi Dovid Algaze, Rav of Havurat Yisroel in Forest Hills, Queens, President of the International Committee for Israel and a friend of Moshe Yaalon, demanded to know what "worse" meant.

Rabbi Algaze said that while on the one hand we have become accustomed to the Israeli government's misguided thinking and easy capitulation to foreign pressure, releasing so many Arab killers at the same time simply has no rational explanation.

Moreover, what does it say to the world at large and in particular to the Arabs about the value of Jewish life? And even more unsettling is the subtle message their release will send: that indeed their killings were justifiable - G-d Forbid!

As MC I mentioned a story about the Rebbe's father, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, who was once summoned, along with other prominent Rabbonim, to a meeting with Russian officials in Kharkov. The Russian government wanted them to sign a public statement saying there was no religious oppression in Russia.

As they retired for the night to their hotel rooms, another Chassid with Reb Levik watched him weigh the pros and cons of signing out loud to himself. After a quarter of an hour back and forth, Reb Levik finally declared that he would absolutely not give in to the pressure and refused to sign on something that simply wasn't true.

When the Rebbe was asked how he managed to remain firm and outspoken, often alone, in the battle for Shleimus HaAretz, he pointed to his father example, saying it had been ingrained in him since youth that, "when dealing with matters of life and death, one may not be silent!"

As is well-known Mr. Netanyahu loves retelling the time he met with the Rebbe in 1984. The Rebbe said to him, "you are going to the UN—a place of deep darkness and lies, and if you will light one candle of truth, you will dispel the darkness."

Surely the Prime Minister is thoroughly familiar with the Rebbe's directives regarding Israel's security as are the members of his cabinet and the Knesset. And surely he and they are well aware that every concession Israel has made to international pressure and Arab demands has only served to bring about war, more terrorism, devastating property damages and loss, economic sanctions, and generations of Jews beset by on-going trauma and stress, r"l.

Why then would he and they persist in the folly of negotiations and concessions once again? Why would he dispense greater darkness rather than dispel its forces?

Whatever, his answer, let us all join together following the Lubavitcher Rebbe's heartfelt plea to "Scream about the horrible situation - without embarrassment and not from behind a curtain. We must bang our fist on the table, if necessary, because this issue affects the very lives of millions of Jews!"

HaRav Yosef Gerlitzky along with the other Chabad Shluchim sent by the Rebbe to work in Eretz Yisroel issued a statement (which was read at the press conference) calling on Jews everywhere to support his organization Pikuach Nefesh which has been dedicated to combating the policies of withdrawal and concessions for the past 20 years.

Because yesterday Secretary of State John Kerry announced that negotiations between Israel and the "Palestinians" will include all final status concerns and be kept secret from the public until agreements have been reached we are calling upon all Rabbonim and the Jewish Public to make this Shabbos, Parshas Re'eh, a Shabbos for Pikuach Nefesh and Shleimus HaAretz.

We ask that your Shabbos sermon touch on the very real dangers now facing C'lal Yisroel that negotiations, concessions, and the imminent release of those 104 Arab killers of Jewish women and children, r"l, is causing.

We ask that you relay the Lubavitcher's Rebbe's pained concern to your congregations and organize a response to Prime Minister Netanyahu that in the words of HaRav Gerlitzky will "bring him to the realization that the only way to achieve peace and security in the Holy Land is by standing firm for the integrity of the Holy Land."


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.