Thursday, May 09, 2013

Today Erev Chodesh Sivan. Prayer for Children Tefillat Hashlah

29 Iyar, Yom Chevron, Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan

This prayer is so important!  We davan that our chldren merit Olam Haba by keeping Torah and Mitzvoth. Otherwise, for what purpose did we bring them into this world if not to keep Torah and Mitzvoth and sanctify Hashem's H-ly name?
When the Jews came back to Eretz Yisroel after 70 years of Galus after the Churban Bayis Rishon with Ezra they began to intermarry with the locals.  When Ezra found out he was besides himself. He cried to Hashem. 

See Ezra Perek 9

The people did Teshuva because the Leadership of that time acted.
In this age of internet access and social media many, especially our youth, have lost the concept or are clueless of what it means to be H-ly.  They have embraced an alien culture and their minds can not process this new culture together with Torah.  The words of the Torah "Kedoshim Tehiyu" cries out in pain as these precious Jewish souls are falling into a hole that is so deep and so hard to emerge and in the quicksand so many are being sucked under. 
May Hashem give our generation the strength and know how to act like the generation of Ezra to not allow this to happen.  As Shachania ben Yechiel of the sons of Elam told Ezra "be strong and act". (Ezra Chapter 10:5)  And in this zechus of not standing idly by, may Hashem listen to our prayers and may all these precious souls be returned to the pure state that Hashem graciously granted each of us when we were born. "Elokai Neshama shenasata bi Tehora hi..." (My G-d, the soul that you placed in me is pure) and may each of us be zocheh to the rebuilding of Yerushalayim, and to the rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash and the coming of Moshiach.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Fwd: Fantastic Press of Gush Katif Museum Dinner in Hebrew as well as English! Pls translate Huckabee's speech into Hebrew and forward to Israeli Press

All the speeches were amazing but Mike Huckabee's speech was especially amazing coming from a high ranking American politician with a true passion for Israel.  There is  a link below to the transcript. Can someone please translate it into Hebrew and send it to the Israeli Press and Knesset Members so that they get some Chizuk on the eve of Obama's visit????? Thanks!
There are many more articles than this that were published and many more will be published in the papers that hit the stands today and tomorrow etc.  Please continue to forward to your lists so that people realize the difference of the real protector of Israel, (and it is not Schumer), someone who really has an unshakeable bond with Israel, someone who really has Israel's back, i.e. Gov. Mike Huckabee, and  compare his statements and Middle East understandings with President Obama who doesn't have a clue of what an unshakeable bond really means.  Mike Huckabee can teach him!

Israel National News(h) (nice interviews of the honorees and guests in Hebrew)

LaDaat (h)
Israel National News (e)
Daniel Perez article was the source of Arutz7 article. He is a freelance writer .
Dov Hikinds Blogspot


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Huckabee to Obama - Visit the Gush Katif Museum - Free Pollard. Message from Helen Freedman, Executive Diirector of AFSI

Americans for a Safe Israel
Americans For a Safe Israel
1751 Second Avenue (91st Street)
New York, NY 10128
Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director
March 12, 2013




          Governor Mike Huckabee's messages at the Gush Katif Museum Dinner this past Saturday night, March 9, to President Obama on his forthcoming visit to Israel, derived strongly from Huckabee's own visits to the Gush Katif Museum in Jerusalem. He saw the suffering of the Gush Katif residents as they were forcibly removed from their homes and communities in order to pacify the terrorist Hamas and Fatah Arabs. He suggests to Obama that he demand no more "sacrifices for peace" from the Israelis, but instead ask that the Arabs simply recognize Israel's right to exist. Huckabee also points out the absurdity of Israel retreating to the 1967 lines, and instead urges the Israelis to build as much and as quickly as they can.

Here are some quotes from his compelling talk:


"The nations that bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed," said Huckabee. "It is time we recognize that you don't negotiate with people who do not believe you have the right to even exist, much less live next to you."

Huckabee said he recommended that before President Barack Obama asks Israelis "to make sacrifices for peace" during his upcoming trip to Israel, he visit the Gush Katif Museum located in Jerusalem.

"I would love to escort him personally to the Gush Katif Museum and say, 'Mr. President, the Israelis have made many sacrifices for peace. Can you show me one sacrifice that the Palestinians have made for peace?'"

Rather than say to the Israeli's, "Stop Building in Judea and Samaria," I would suggest that YOU BUILD AS RAPIDLY AS YOU CAN, AND AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, AND AS MANY HOUSES AS YOU CAN! And tell the Palestinians that if they don't like that, the way they can fix it is to sit at the peace table and sign an agreement that they recognize Israel's right to exist, within the borders that G-d gave them and to exist with safety and security!

That my friend will probably never happen!



 For the full text of Huckabee's speech, as well as wonderful photos from the heartwarming event,

  Please click here  

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another message that is critically important to deliver to President Obama is one in which everyone can participate - that is to FREE JONATHAN POLLARD. Everyone can call the White House as often as possible: 202-456-1414 and ask that Jonathan Pollard be freed.  See the message below from Yosef at the National Council of Young Israel announcing their Free Pollard campaign: 


Now Is The Time To Call The White House!
"Call for Clemency Campaign" Gets Underway - Call the White House at 202-456-1414 Today! 
With President Obama set to make his first visit to Israel as President on March 20th amidst a groundswell of support for Jonathan Pollard's release, now is the time to call the White House and urge the President to commute Pollard's sentence to time served.  Next month, on April 8, 2013, Jonathan Pollard will have spent 10,000 long and lonely days in prison.
Although the "Call for Clemency Campaign" is an initiative of the National Council of Young Israel, it is supported by Jews throughout the United States, as evidenced by the growing calls for President Obama to commute Pollard's prison sentence.  There has been a flurry of activity in recent weeks relative to the plight of Jonathan Pollard, as Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Peres, the leaders of every major political party in the Knesset, and U.S. government officials, legal professionals, and religious groups have all called for Pollard's release, as has the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.
As part of the "Call for Clemency Campaign," people across the United States are encouraged to call President Obama and request the release of Jonathan Pollard and to tell the White House that 28 years in prison is more than enough.  People can contact the White House between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM EST at 202-456-1414.
Everyone is urged to participate in this national grassroots effort starting today, by calling the White House and urging President Obama to free Jonathan Pollard.  Tell the President that releasing Jonathan Pollard would end an injustice.  Please encourage your family and friends to call today.
Pollard has spent 28 years of an unprecedented life sentence in a federal prison for passing classified information to Israel, an ally of the United States.  The median time served for this offense is 2 to 4 years.  No one else in the history of the United States has ever received a life sentence for this offense.  Pollard and the Government of Israel have both apologized and expressed remorse for their actions.
Calls for Jonathan Pollard's release intensified in recent months in light of the revelations stemming from the recently declassified CIA damage assessment in the Pollard case.  The CIA document disclosed that Pollard spied for Israel, and did not spy against the U.S.  The report also stated that Pollard received a life sentence not because of the damage he did, but because he gave an interview to journalist Wolf Blitzer of The Jerusalem Post in 1986.  The government used the interview, which could not have been done without government approval, to push for a different sentence than the plea bargain required without negating the plea bargain.  It is unethical for the government to say he violated the plea agreement to obtain a harsher sentence for Pollard without throwing out the terms of the agreement that were beneficial to the government.  Further, such actions by the government is a disincentive for others giving classified information to plea bargain because of their lack of confidence that the government would comply with their promise concerning what sentence the plea bargainer would receive.  Such a situation could hurt U.S. security, as a failure to agree on a plea bargains would lead to trials that could lead to the release of information that the U.S. Government would prefer to remain classified.
During a visit to Israel with the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations last month, National Council of Young Israel President Farley Weiss raised the issue of Pollard's release publically with U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro, drawing applause from his fellow Jewish leaders when he did so.
In just one month, an online Israel-based petition calling on President Obama to free Jonathan Pollard has garnered over 120,000 signatures.  The petition will be hand-delivered to the President when he arrives in Israel on March 20th.
The major decision makers who were intimately involved in the Pollard case and who were most informed on the impact of Pollard's actions have issued public calls for his release, including former Secretary of State George Shultz, former Senator David Durenberger, who served as Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence at the time of Pollard's conviction, former Congressman Lee Hamilton, who served as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee at the time of Jonathan Pollard's sentencing, former Assistant Secretary of Defense Lawrence Korb, and former National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane, who served under President Ronald Reagan at the time when Pollard was investigated and ultimately charged with disclosing classified information to an ally without intent to harm the United States.  McFarlane called Pollard's sentence "a great injustice" and stated that it was only due to former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger's "unbalanced" views regarding Israel and his "deeply held animus toward the State of Israel."
In addition, former CIA Director James Woolsey, former Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Senator Dennis DeConcini, former White House Counsel Bernard Nussbaum, and former Deputy Attorney General and Harvard Law Professor Philip Heymann, each of whom reviewed the classified intelligence reports about the Pollard case, have publically called for Pollard's release.
In addition, some of the other prominent American leaders who have called for clemency for Pollard include Republican Senator John McCain, Democratic Senator Charles Schumer, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, former Vice President Dan Quayle, and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey.  There have also been numerous bipartisan calls for Pollard's release that have emanated from Congress and numerous former Senators.
"Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Peres, and Israeli leaders from across the political spectrum have come together to issue a strong and unified appeal for Jonathan Pollard's release," said NCYI President Farley Weiss.  "The National Council of Young Israel echoes their plea and wholeheartedly endorses the Israeli government's calls for clemency for Jonathan Pollard.  After nearly 10,000 days, it would be completely unjust for Jonathan Pollard to spend even one more day in prison.  We need to let the White House know that American Jewry stands firmly behind Israel's calls for Pollard's release."
Call President Obama today at 202-456-1414 and ask him to free Jonathan Pollard.  Tell the president that 28 years in prison is more than enough! 

 The best way to send a message to the detractors of Israel in the media, the Administration, and the public is by joining AFSI and becoming active with AFSI's work.  As a member, you will receive all our email alerts as well as email copies of our renowned monthly publication, The Outpost.  See past editions.  


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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Transcript: Gov. Mike Huckabee message to President Obama upon his upcoming visit to Israel. Powerful Speech at Gush Katif Museum Dinner Motzei Shabbat March 9th

Gov. Mike Huckabee
Keynote Address at Gush Katif Museum Dinner March 9th 2013
Razag Ballroom

Well first let me say thanks for the wonderful frank reminder of Gush Katif… It has been a delight getting to share a fellowship with you, to share a mutual passion with you, for the protection of the security of Israel.  And I was asked earlier, "Why would a Goy, a Christian, be interested in Israel?"  Sometimes I feel that my passion for the goodness of Israel, maybe exceeds even my Jewish friends – and I tell people, I say, "you have to understand – It is entirely possible to be Jewish and not have a complete relationship to Christians - but it is impossible to be Christian and not have a complete relationship with Judaism - because it is in fact the foundation upon which every Christian believes and every Christian understands - that Israel is G-d's Chosen Land! And we recognize that, and respect it and understand that the Nations Who Bless Israel Will Be Blessed And Those Who Curse Israel Will Be Cursed!

My first trip to Israel was exactly forty years ago this year, when in July 1973 just a couple of months before the Yom Kippur war, I made my first trip to Israel when I was just a teenager.  I've been going back to Israel ever since 1973 for 40 years!  You know Moses had the children in the wilderness for 40 years…There has got to be some connection there…

When I visited the Gush Katif Museum just a couple of years ago, it was a brutal reminder of what happens when politicians make decisions that don't involve their brains!  Because in a way, when you ask people  -  no, when you demand that people abandon their homes, when you do it because you somehow believe you can trust radical Islamic fascists to keep their word and make nice if you make nice, then it shows a level of naiveté that make Chamberlain look like Churchill. 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is time we recognize you don't negotiate with people who do not believe you have a right to exist  -much less live next to you!  I cannot understand why the Secretary of State visited Egypt and handed over a check of 250 million dollars when we are closing the White House to tours?  That makes no sense at all!  Why did he give F16's and Abram tanks to a country whose elected President is associated with a  terrorist organization who has openly and publicly called Jews bloodsuckers and the descendants of apes and pigs.  Why would you reward someone with that kind of behavior? And even in his Senate confirmation hearing, Mr. John Kerry said they will be held accountable.  I got to wondering, "Is accountability being given F16's, tanks and 250 million dollars?" Dear Mr. Secretary. Please hold me accountable 'cause I'd like 250 million dollars.    And if that's what it takes, to make radical, ridiculous, offensive and inexcusable statements like this, then we should all share in the spoils. 

This is absurd! 

And now word is that when the President visits Israel later this month, that he will ask not the Israeli gov't leaders - because it would be seen as bad form to lecture them (although he's been willing to do it before) - but it is reported he will ask the Israeli people to make sacrifices for peace.  If that is the case, I would like to escort him personally to the Gush Katif Museum and say, "Mr. President, the Israelis have made many sacrifices for peace, and show me one sacrifice that the Palestinians have made for peace!  I have yet to see it!"  I would say "Mr. President, I believe the Israelis have given and given and given and so far have received nothing in return!" 

And every trip I make to Israel, I always venture into the Old City.  I go into some of the shops where one can purchase a Palestinian map. This past month, in February, I had two hundred people that I took with me, most of whom were Christians, most of them had never been there before.  I wanted them to understand what is unique about this situation. And I get one of these maps and I said. "By the way - Open the map up and show me where Israel is."  And they opened it up and they didn't see it.  And I said, "Interesting isn't it?  And somehow the people of Israel are asked to make peace with a people who even in their published maps refuse to acknowledge even so much as the existence of the Nation of Israel?"

And that's why if our President makes the absurd suggestion that Israel should go back to the Pre '67 borders, I'm thinking "Well, if they are going to roll back, let's just roll all the way back to Abraham and let's let the borders be the borders that originally were established which goes far back as we can go!"

The Gush Katif Museum is a stark reminder that sometimes things happen in our past that we need to commemorate not because they were pleasant but because they are sobering reminders of the mistakes that have been made in the past. 

We should not forget that Bull Conner turned the fire hoses on African Americans in the 60's. We should not forget the James Meredith who was not allowed to attend the University of Mississippi. We should not forget that the Little Rock Prime was blocked from the door of Little Rock High School by the Governor of the State in 1957. 

These are not pleasant things, but they are important things because they remind us of what happens when politicians make the wrong decisions and how it affects people and how long it takes to come from beyond it. 

And so I say tonight that the reason that I wish that the President - and I wish he would be accompanied by as many of the Israeli officials as is possible - would attend the Gush Katif Museum while he's there and watch those films, and talk to the people like Rivka (Rivka Goldschmidt) who is here tonight, who personally experienced it.  I wish that, that could happen.  So that the next time he suggests that the Israelis stop building bedrooms for their children, in the Land that is theirs, that instead he would spend his time not asking the Israelis to stop building bedrooms, but that he would demand that the Iranians stop building bombs pointing at Israel and the rest of the free world! 

Israel often gets criticized for the acts that it takes to protect its citizens. The construction of the security wall which I have flown over almost in its entirety in a helicopter and personally have seen that security wall, and I tell you today, and you already know, that until that security wall was erected, it was a common occurrence for people to strap bombs to their bellies and board a bus and kill innocent children and citizen.  And with the construction of that fence, those acts stopped immediately and permanently.

Shall we be critical of those who wish to protect their babies?  Shall we truly be critical of those who wish to have peace in their neighborhoods, allow their children to play in a park or for their wives to be able to go to a Café or a supermarket without the fear of being blown up by a terrorist?

We would never tolerate in our own cities what the people of Sderot have been asked to tolerate.  And I have been to Sderot and I have seen the thousands of Katyusha rockets stacked up behind the Police Station.  I stood there with Dov Hikind and Joe Frager and Paul Brody and others who are in this room tonight and I can tell you that it is an absolute sobering experience to understand that people have fear every day that a Katyusha rocket would land on their children's bedroom, land in the park where they play, in the schools they attend, in the Synagogues where they worship. And we would not tolerate that!

And I'll ask Americans, "How many Katyusha rockets fired from Toronto into Buffalo NY, do you think it would take before Americans would demand that we do something and absolutely stop it?  Five thousand?  Four Thousand?  Three Thousand? One hundred?  NO! One Katyusha rocket.  We would demand it STOP! And the Israeli's have been asked to let it go after thousands of them?  I say NO!  One is enough.  Thousands are too many and it's time for the Israeli's to quit apologizing to the world and to say "We have a right for the secure and safe homeland – Not just for us but for those grandchildren and great grandchildren of our descendants and who come after us - a place that is a safe place, a haven."

And if anybody would wonder why that is so necessary -  well it was brought back to me, not only by those repeated visits to Yad Veshem, but this past holiday.  In January, my wife and I travelled to Poland. We went to Schindler's factory and then we went to Auschwitz and Birkenau.  And I stood in the very room where 1.1 million of your relatives and your friends and your ancestors, were marched into that very room and were murdered in cold blood – and I stood there as the chills came over me as I realized what had happened  in that room - and I prayed, "May the world never forget what happened".   Because if we forget what did happen, it can happen yet again!  And when people ask why it is important for Israel to have secure borders and safety,   I would love to take them to Auschwitz, stand them in that room, and ask them, "Do you think for one moment that if these had been your parents and your grandparents that you would be a bit uneasy about being told that if would be all right for people who avow to exterminate and kill every one of you, to live as close as nine miles in a border?  I think NOT! 

And that's why I believe with all my heart that when the President goes to Israel, it is important that the American people give him the message - rather than him give Israelis a message!  And the message is, "Mr. President, Americans stand with Israel because they are a mirror image of our freedom and our democracy in this country.  And we suggest that before you make any demands of the Israeli's to give anything, you set down and look the Palestinians in the face and ask them 'What have they given up?' And tell them - as I would love to do if I was making that trip as the Chief Executive : Rather than say to the Israeli's "Stop Building in Judea and Samaria". I would suggest that YOU BUILD AS RAPIDLY AS YOU CAN, AND AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, AND AS MANY HOUSES AS YOU CAN! And tell the Palestinians that if they don't like that, the way they can fix it is to sit at the peace table and sign an agreement that they recognize Israel's right to exist within the borders that G-d gave them and to exist with safety and security!

That my friend will probably never happen!


That is the message we need to give to the world!
Thank you and G-d Bless You


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Friday, March 08, 2013

Must Read Article. Take off our blinders when it comes to America. Those educated today are the leaders of tomorrow

Dear Freedom Center and Daniel Greenfield, amv"sh
Distributed to my list and posted on my blog.   Thank you for your important work!

On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 9:58 AM, David Horowitz <> wrote:

Dear Robin ,

Earlier this week, I sent you an email about the advertisement the Freedom Center will be running in campus newspapers at Colleges and Universities around the country. Today, I wanted to share with you an article, written by the Center's Daniel Greenfield, which illustrates why getting this ad distributed as far and wide as possible is so critical.

I hope you'll take a moment to read this article, and if you haven't already, make a generous, tax-deductible donation to support our efforts.


A Double Standard on Hate

By Daniel Greenfield

Every year college campuses across the country hold a festival of hatred aimed at Jews and the Jewish State. Israeli Apartheid Week has become notorious for the targeted harassment of Jewish students, support for Hamas and even physical violence.

This year the David Horowitz Freedom Center has responded to Israeli Apartheid Week with Islamic Apartheid Week. Unlike Israeli Apartheid Week, which is based on a lie, Islamic Apartheid Week addresses the sexism, homophobia and religious bigotry threatening minorities in the Muslim world. To promote Islamic Apartheid Week, the Freedom Center attempted to place an ad in forty college papers.

The ad called "Faces of Islamic Apartheid" drew attention to the victims of Islamic sexism, homophobia and theocracy by briefly telling the stories of gay men hanged in Iran, women and girls murdered by their governments and their families for the crime of falling in love and the Christian Minister for Minorities Affairs in Pakistan's cabinet who was murdered for trying to reform his country's theocratic blasphemy laws.

These four women, three men and one little girl were the victims of Islamic Apartheid. Five of them have been murdered. Their memory lives on only when they are remembered. One has been on death row for six years. Telling her story may help save her life. The remaining two live under threat of death.

Instead of listening to their stories, the campus culture of political correctness drowned out their voices and apologized for even allowing their stories to be told.

Nine college papers turned the ad down, five of them in the University of California system which has been criticized for tolerating anti-Semitism. When the California State Assembly passed a resolution condemning anti-Semitism on campus and warned that no public resources should be used for anti-Semitic hate, the University of California objected on free speech grounds. However free speech for Israeli Apartheid Week did not translate into free speech for Islamic Apartheid Week.

Seven college papers took the advertisement. Of those papers, Tufts University's Tufts Daily and Austin's Daily Texan both ran apologies from their editors for even printing the ad.

Tufts Daily editor Martha Shanahan called the decision to run the ad an "editorial oversight." Daily Texan editor Susannah Jacob denounced the attempt to tell the stories of victimized women and children as "hateful" and "an unspoken incitement to violence."

Martha Shanahan spent two pages apologizing for the existence of the "Islamophobic and violently offensive" advertisement, the existence of Tufts Daily, its staff and her own existence. At no point during her long series of apologies, did Martha acknowledge that her paper had run four editorials in a single week from Students for Justice in Palestine attacking Israel and promoting hatred for the Jewish State. And in an unequal response to this, it also ran a brief letter from Tufts Friends of Israel distancing itself from the ad and politely suggesting that apartheid shouldn't be used to refer to Israel.

Anthony Monaco, the President of Tufts University, took to Twitter to denounce the advertisement for vilifying Islam, but made no such denunciation of the Tufts Daily's op-ed, "The Case for Israeli Apartheid" which (not coincidentally) appeared on the same day as the ad. At Tufts, no one apologizes for accusing democratic Israel of apartheid. There are only apologies when theocratic Iran and Pakistan are accused of practicing Islamic Apartheid.

When anti-Israel voices are outweighed 4-to-1 and the editor apologizes for publishing another perspective that would have made it 4-to-2 then the freedom of debate at Tufts University is in a very sad state. When that same editor prints editorials describing Israel as an apartheid state, but promises to put in place an entire system of oversight to make certain that no advertisement challenging Islamic Apartheid is ever printed again, then a system of censorship has been put into place silencing the voices of victims and encouraging their persecutors.

The Daily Texan's Susannah Jacob claimed that the crosshairs over the faces of the victims were an incitement to violence when they were actually a way of bringing urgency to the violence that had been committed against them. And making it clear that she never even saw the advertisement that she was denouncing, Susannah described the ad as depicting six women, when it included two gay men, one Christian man and one little girl.

Susannah further distorted the truth about Islamic Apartheid when she described the pervasive sexism, homophobia and theocracy that these people fell victim to as "discrete incidents of violence by Muslims" being used "to implicate all Muslims" while ignoring the fact that five of the victims in the ad had been targeted by their governments or with government backing.

Can the Daily Texan's editor honestly claim that Iran's persecution of women and gay men or Pakistan's persecution of Christians are "discrete incidents of violence", rather than state policy? Could she find a single human rights organization that would agree with such a dishonest whitewashing of the terror under which millions live?

The responses to the advertisement have established once again that some forms of apartheid are privileged on campus and that some forms of persecution cannot be talked about. Demonizing the Israeli victims of Islamic terror is within the realm of campus free speech, but speaking about the vulnerable minorities in the Muslim world is not.

If the advertisement was wrong, then there would have been no need to censor it. False claims can easily be disproven. Five minutes with Google would have told every reader and editor whether there was any truth to the Faces of Islamic Apartheid.

It is never necessary to censor lies. It is only necessary to censor truth.

That is why the majority of campus papers – ten so far, including Harvard whose editors said they would not print it under any circumstances -- refused to run this paid advertisement. It is why those few who did have begun making ritual apologies while lying about its contents. It is why the attacks on the advertisement have taken refuge in vague platitudes about offensiveness, without a single attempt at a factual rebuttal. It is why every response to the advertisement has consisted of claiming that speaking about Islamic bigotry is the real bigotry.

There were eight faces and eight names in the censored advertisement that the President of Tufts, the editors of Tufts Daily, the Daily Texan and the editors of ten college papers that turned down the ad, did not want their students to see or know about because it might disturb the manufactured campus consensus that they have constructed with great effort around Israel and Islamic terrorism.

These are the names. Amina Said. Sarah Said. Afshan Azad. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani. Shahbas Bhatti. Rimsha Masih. Mahmoud Asgari. Ayaz Marhoni.

They were repressed as individuals. Now their story is being repressed on the American campus.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center

Begin forwarded message:

From: David Horowitz
Date: March 5, 2013 11:05 AM EST
Subject: Expose the lies on our campuses

Dear Freedom Center Supporter,

Anti Semitism on America's campuses—nonstop bashing of Israel and glorification of Hamas and other jihad groups, and even physical intimidation of Jewish students—is worse than ever. Administrators and faculty accepts all this as part of the university's standard operating procedure. But the Freedom Center calls it for what it is—an intellectual reign of terror.

And we're fighting back!

Think of what is allowed to take place these days as part of our universities' business as usual:

  • "Israel Apartheid Weeks" staged every year by hate groups such as the Muslim Students Association that echo the call of Hamas for the "liberation" of Palestine "from the river to the sea," which really means destroying the Jewish state and pushing its inhabitants into the sea;
  • "Nakkba" demonstrations that see the founding of Israel as a "crime against humanity;"
  • Calls by the growing BDS movement for Boycott or Divestment from Israel; and
  • Sanctions against Israel because it is a "fascist state" whose official policy is "apartheid."

These unrelenting attacks against Israel and Jewish students are shameful and disgusting. Will you help the Freedom fight back today with a tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 or more?

While the truth about the Middle East is systematically turned upside-down and inside-out, no one is stepping forward to defend Israel and remind her enemies that:

  • Israel is the only apartheid-free state in the Middle East;
  • Countries such as Lebanon and Jordan that have apartheid-style laws on their books; and
  • Islamic supremacists viciously subjugate women and persecute gays, Christians and other religious and racial minorities.

There's only one organization willing to go onto our campuses to tell our students the truth about this brutal discrimination that occurs under Islamic Sharia Law—and that's the Freedom Center.

This year the Freedom Center is sponsoring "Islamic Apartheid Weeks" on over 50 campuses across the country. These events will provide a truth-telling, in your face response to the Big Lies that are at the foundation of the leftist "Israel Apartheid Weeks." They will explain and explore the many forms of Islamic apartheid—racism, ethnic cleansing, gender discrimination, political oppression and slavery—that have been part of the Middle East for over a millennium and are now spreading into Africa and other regions of the world.

One of the main components of the Freedom Center's campaign is to insert full-page ads like this one in campus newspapers across the country. Under the headline "Faces of Islamic Apartheid," the advertisement will features victims of Sharia law abroad and in the U.S. such as Amina and Sarah Said, murdered in Texas by their father for dating non-Muslims, and Shahbas Bhatti, the sole Christian minister in Pakistan's cabinet who was murdered by members of the Taliban for advocating reform of Pakistan's strict blasphemy laws.

While our college students hear the Big Lie about Israel every day, they never hear the truth about the body count, even in the U.S., that results from the teachings of radical Islam. And we need them to! So will you support our efforts with an immediate tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 or more?

We are currently submitting this ad to 50 campus papers around the country to coincide with March's "Israel Apartheid Week" events. We have already received confirmations that the ad will run in the papers at the following Colleges and Universities,

  • Rutgers;
  • Colorado State;
  • George Washington University;
  • University of Texas – Austin;
  • Tufts;
  • UNC - Chapel Hill; and
  • University of Pennsylvania.

We are targeting at least another 40 campuses this week. But the cost of running ads in just these newspapers is about $75,000! So please follow this link right now to make a tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 or more to support our efforts.

These ads do what nothing else can do—highlight the true sources of "apartheid" in the Middle East put the campus Islamists attacking Israel on the defensive. The Freedom Center is on the front lines in the war on campus between the Big Lie and the truth in the Middle East. Your support is critical to making this effort a success.

Thank you for everything you do to help me and the Freedom Center.


David Horowitz
President & Founder

P.S. We need your help to place this ad in campus newspapers at Colleges and Universities across the country. Will you make a tax-deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 or more to the Freedom Center right away? We must raise $75,000 by midnight tomorrow, so I'm counting on you. Thanks—David

The David Horowitz Freedom Center
P.O. Box 55089
Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964

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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

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