Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Contributions 2012 Show your Hakoras Hatov to those that helped Judea and Samaria

Name of Organization Website Contact Person Telephone Address email Notes Column9
A/F of Ateret Cohanim http://www.jerusalemchai.org/ Shani Hikind ateret@juno.com
A/F of Shavei Hevron Rabbi Moshe Bleicher yshevron@aol.com
AFSI www.afsi.org Helen Freedman afsi@rcn.com
Arlene Kuschner www.arlenefromisrael.info Arlene Kushner akushner@netvision.net.il
Arutz7 www.israelnationalnews.com
B'Ahavat Yisrael www.byisrael.net,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaLKUteveTQ 718-686-7061 bahavatyisrael@yahoo.com
Beit Orot www.beitorot.org Shlomo Zwickler info@beitorot.org
Caroline Glick www.carolineglick.com Caroline Glick
Central Fund for Israel Jay Marcus Contact: MARCUS. Address: 980 AVE OF THE AMERICAS FRNT 3. NEW YORK, NY 10018
Chabad Hebron http://www.chabadhebron.com/ Rabbi Danny and Batsheva Cohen, Mrs. Aliza Karp danny770@yahoo.com
CJHSLA Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors www.CJHSLA.org Doris Wise Montrose doris@cjhsla.org
Emunah Women http://www.emunah.org/
Five Towns Jewish Times http://5tjt.com/ Larry Gordon publisher
Friends of Gush Katif http://www.gushkatif.co.il/en/ Dror Vanunu
Friends of Itamar http://www.friendsofitamar.org/ Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith Mayor
FrontPage Magazine http://frontpagemag.com/ David Horowitz  P.O.B. 55089, Sherman Oaks CA 91499 info@horowitzfreedomcenter.org
Gush Katif Museum www.gushkatif.022.co.il Shlomo Wasserteil mgushkatif@gmail.com
Hachnosas Orchim Hebron http://thevuesonline.com/ Alan Hirsh alanvues@aol.com
Hatzalah Yehuda Shomron http://www.geocities.ws/chevrahatzalah/yehudashomron.html hatzalah@hatzalah.org.il
Hebron Fund www.hebronfund.org Rabbi Daniel Rosenstein drosenstein@hebronfund.org
Honenu http://honenu.org/
Honest Reporting honestreporting.com Simon Plotsker 10024 Skokie Blvd Suite 201, Skokie, IL 
I-Ari Israel American Renaissance Institute http://i-ari.org/ Paul Eidelberg
IsraCampus www.Isracampus.org.il IsraCampus.orgPOB 6652Haifa 31066Israel isracampus@gmail.com
Israel Against Terror http://israelagainstterror.blogspot.co.il/ Sally Zahav sally.zahav@gmail.com
Israel Dog Defense http://defendisrael.net/ Mike Guzofsky Israel Volunteer
 Canine Unit, POBox 6592 Jeruslame, Israel 91060
Israel Independence Fund www.fundisrael.org Aharon Pulver
Israel Land Fund www.israellandfund.com Arieh King office@israellandfund.com
Israel Resource Center http://www.israelbehindthenews.com/ David Bedein
Israpundit http://www.israpundit.com/ Ted Belman
JAHG-USA http://www.noahide.com/ Boruch (Bryan) Ellison 
JCCWatch http://jccwatch.org/ Richard Allen
Jewish Star http://www.thejewishstar.com/ Karen Greene kgreen@thejewishstart.com
Keep Jerusalem www.keepjerusalem.org Chaim Silberstein
Leket Israel http://www.leket.org.il/
L'Maan Achai http://www.lemaanachai.org/
Mattot Arim http://mattotarim1.blogspot.com/ Susie Dym mattot.arim@gmail.com Contributions not directly but to pay makor rishon מקור ראשון directly and sent to Mattot arim --attn  susie dym, 7 melzer street rehovot israel
Mishmeret Yesha http://fundisrael.org/mishmeret-yesha/ Israel Danziger guards24@zahav.net.il
Netzer Hazani http://www.netzerhazani.org/ Anita Tucker Rebuilding homes lost in Gush Katif
Neveh Avraham Child Development Treatment Center http://www.neveavraham.org/ Chaviva Tzachor Kiryat Arba
NGO Monitor http://www.ngo-monitor.org/
OFICL The Office for Israeli Constitutional Law www.justicenow4israel.com Mark Kaplan JusticeNow@JusticeNow4Israel.com
Ohr Yair http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvPKI597Upg Mordechai Granevich 972-52-3003221 Susia, Har Hevron
One Israel Fund www.oneisraelfund.org Mark Prowisor
PMW Palestinian Media Watch http://www.palwatch.org/ Itamar Marcus
Queens Jewish Link www.queensjewishlink.com Yaakov Serle
RadioHidabroot http://www.radiohidabroot.com/
RCRF http://theracheltear.blogspot.com/ Evelyn Haies rachelschildren@gmail.com
Regavim http://regavim.org.il/en/ Ari Briggs ari@regavim.org
Sderot Hesder Yeshiva http://www.sderot.org/english/ Rabbi Fendel, Yossi Baumol
Sderot Media Center http://sderotmedia.org.il/ Noam Bedein
Shomron Liason Office www.yeshuv.org Dovid HaIvri haivri@yeshuv.org
Shurat HaDin http://www.israellawcenter.org/ Nitzana Dirshan Leitner
Tazpit www.tazpit.org.il Amotz Eyal info@tazpit,org.il
The Jewish Community of Hebron www.hebron.com office@hebron.com
The Temple Institute www.templetinstitute.org Rabbi Richman 19 Misgav LaDach St.,Jewish Quarter Old City, Jerusalem 97500 Israel
the Vues http://www.thevuesonline.com/ Alan Hirsh see Hachnosat Orchim Hebron
theShmuz http://www.theshmuz.com/ Rabbi Benzion Shafier
Toronto Zionist Council Yossi Winter President tzc@torzc.org
UCI Unity Coalition for Israel http://www.unitycoalitionforisrael.org/ Esther Levens voices@unitycoalitionforisrael.org
UN Palestine Vote Illegitimate; West Bank is Ancestral Israel! http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/un-palestine-vote-illegitimate-west-bank-is-ancestral.html Yosef Rabin 613yos@gmail.com
United Hatzolah www.unitedhatzolah.org office@unitedhatzolah.org
United With Us http://unitedwithisrael.org/ Michael Gerbitz info@unitedwithisrael.org
Very Good News Israel http://www.verygoodnewsisrael.blogspot.com/ Michael Ordman   Michael.goodnewsisrael@gmail.com
WCLI World Committee for the Land of Israel Dr. Frager, Dr. Brody, Odelia Jacobs and Rabbi Algazi
Women in Green http://www.womeningreen.org/ Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover wfit2@womeningreen.org
Yad Ezra http://www.yadezrah.org.il/ helpinghand@yadezrah.org.il
YAD EZRA V'SHULAMIT https://www.yadezra.net/donation_e.php?occasion=tilim_darom feedisrael@yadezra.net
Yesha Bulletin http://www.yeshabulletin.com/ Rivka Rybak dobiim@yeshabulletin.com
ZMEC Zionism Museum and Education Center  Steve Epstein 2810 Nostrand Ave.
Buddy Macy vegibud@gmail.com
Robin Ticker faigerayzel@gmail.com


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd: Sovereignty Conference LIVE tonight Tue. on 6:30pm Israel time Arutz7! Oz Zion dismantled! Hakoras Hatov to those who help safeguard Yesha.

Dear Media, Rabbanim, Honorable Chavrei Knesset and Activist List, amv"sh
Please open the attached document.  It's never too late to show Hakoras Hatov to wonderful organizations and individuals that love Eretz Yisroel and Am Yisroel.   Fireworks are in the air (literally) Happy Secular New Year! 
LIVE on Arutz 7!

3rd Annual Conference on Application of Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria

We are happy to announce that the 3rd Conference on the application of Israeli Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria that will take place, please G-d today Tuesday January 1st at 6:30pm Israel time, will be broadcasted live on Arutz 7 IsraelnationalNews- both in Hebrew and in English

For the English site: www.israelnationalnews.com

In addition, bli neder, all lectures will be posted on youtube, in both languages, a few days after the conference.

Join us!

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

The movement for Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)




We are happy to announce that because of the huge response to the
conference that will take place, please G-d, Tuesday January 1st at
6:00pm, we are moving the conference to a larger venue.

The new location for the conference is the Conference Room in the
newly refurbished Bayit Vegan Guest House Rechov Hapisga 8 in Bayit
Vegan, Jerusalem.

Public transportation: Egged bus route 33
Light Rail Har Herzl Train Station
Parking: Street parking, or at the light rail parking lot on Herzl Street

Please confirm receipt of this email as we need to follow up with
hundreds of registrants to make sure that they reach the new location.

We are excited to have succeeded in finding a new location large
enough to hold this many participants and more. Registration to our
conference continues! To register: ribonutisrael@gmail.com

Renee Margolis, Yehudit Katsover 050-7161818 and Nadia Matar 050-5500834

Honenu Tevet תשע"ג December 2012


Honenu's 24 hour hot line receives many calls all the time from people who need aid and defence. While all around us, there are those who attempt to weaken Israel, Honenu stands for truth and justice.
The following are just a few of the cases Honenu has worked on recently. See more examples on the Honenu website.

Oz Zion Dismantled

On Friday Dec. 28, two hours before the Sabbath, troops arrived at the Oz Zion outpost in Binyamin, near Bet El, in an attempt to dismantle it. Hundreds of guests had joined the residents for a very special spiritual weekend. Calls were made to Knesset members and other people of influence to prevent the desecration of the Sabbath and the forces left. A 15 year old yeshiva high school student was arrested and accused of attacking a policeman although the boy and his friends said that the opposite is true. He was released on Saturday night. Although police requested that the youth be put under house arrest, he was allowed to return to his Yeshiva on condition that he stay in the Yeshiva for two days and keep away from Oz Zion for five days. The buildings of Oz Zion were destroyed on Saturday night.



This week a plea bargain was reached with a group originally accused of espionage. The events began slightly over one year ago when the Israeli Defense Minister announced his intent to destroy several "illegal neighborhoods" including Mitzpeh Yitzhar of Yitzhar and Ramat Gilad, an outpost adjacent to Karnei Shomron. During the days before the planned destruction, right-wing activists in the areas scheduled for destruction, organized a group to relay information about the location of soldiers who intended to carry out the destruction. Several days later the GSS and the Israeli Police raided an apartment in Kiryat Moshe, Jerusalem which was suspected of being the headquarters for the flow of information regarding movement of the army and for planning demonstrations against the destruction. Several right-wing activists who were in the apartment were detained. Children aged 4-5 were present in the apartment at the time. Two other people who were thought to be a part of the group, were detained later. The charges against them were changed from espionage to "collecting information of military value" . For the duration of a year the five defendants have been under house arrest with severe restrictions, among them a long term ban on usage of telephone, internet or any other means of communication. Some of the restrictions had been eased over the course of the the year. Honenu, which has assisted the defendants with legal counsel since the beginning of the case, states; "We have mixed feelings about the outcome of the case. On one hand we are pleased that the showcase trial conducted against our clients has ended with the Attorney General's office dropping most of the charges, but on the other hand this has been a mark of disgrace for the Israeli legal system which for the first time has made use against Jews of the "collecting information of military value" clause dating from the era of the British Mandate." Some of the group will spend several months in prison and others will do community service.

Crime or Persecution

honenu coke

On Tuesday, Dec. 25, policemen from Hebron detained two Jewish youths near the Avraham Aveinu neighborhood in Hebron. The two were taken to the Hebron police station where they were told that they were accused of spilling cola out of their car onto an Arab pedestrian. The two detainees denied the chatges. They were released several hours later.

Old City Suspects

Honenu has been involved with many cases of people, dressed in similar religious garb, being searched as they walked through the Old City. Some of these have been residents of hilltops and Judean and Samarian communities and some have been students at local yeshivas. Police claimed that these pedestrians were carrying knives. In one case, the person's bag was searched twice. In the first search of his bag, nothing was found. When he was brought into the police statiion his bag was searched again and a knife was found. He immediately denied that the knife was his and said that it was planted in his bag. He further pointed out that it was not found during the first search of his bag and stated that his fingerprints would not be found on the knife since he had never touched it. More and more people are reporting similar stories of searches and in many cases knives that are unfamiliar to those being searched are being found.

Please make a tax - deductible donation so that Honenu can fight for fair judicial process in Israel.

©2012 Honenu | PO Box 2, Kiryat Arba 90100, Israel

Most of the organizations listed in the attached Excel spreadsheet have been literally there or in support of Yehudah and the Shomron and we owe a great deal of Hakoras Hatov. I am sorry if I accidentally omitted someone. It would not surprise me if I did.  Let me know whom you think I should add. I would have included Manhigut Yehudit because I love much, not all, of their platform but... they stubbornly remain part of Likud which is responsible for tremendous heartache - case in point OZ Zion.  I can't  understand how Netanyahu the leader of Likud still supports a demilitarized PA State even though the PA has the same agenda as Nazi Germany!
All members of Likud are unfortunately held accountable by association.
Naftali Bennett, another very impressive leader of Jewish Home has not clearly ruled out Arab autonomy for the PA in parts of Yesha. I found that disappointing as well.  Yasher Koach all the Chavrei Knesset in all the various parties who have not let us down and speak out forcefully against any disengagements.  The pain really doesn't go away unless there is rebuilding in the same places we stupidly gave away.. We are still scarred from Migron evacuation....not to mention Yamit, Gush Katif, Amona......
When all the right parties unite for the Bris, our Covenant, Hashem made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob our forefathers and their seed meaning us as well, Moshiach will know that we are ready for him...


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, December 31, 2012

Sovereignty Conference tomorrow; Oz Zion dismantled! and end of year donations recommendations.

Please open the attached documents.  You will find wonderful organizations to donate to most of whom are good friends and give Chizuk to Yesha.  I am sure I forgot excellent ones like the Toronto Zionist Council who does wonderful work.  If you see that you are not on the list just email me and I will update the list. Thanks. 


We are happy to announce that because of the huge response to the
conference that will take place, please G-d, Tuesday January 1st at
6:00pm, we are moving the conference to a larger venue.

The new location for the conference is the Conference Room in the
newly refurbished Bayit Vegan Guest House Rechov Hapisga 8 in Bayit
Vegan, Jerusalem.

Public transportation: Egged bus route 33
Light Rail Har Herzl Train Station
Parking: Street parking, or at the light rail parking lot on Herzl Street

Please confirm receipt of this email as we need to follow up with
hundreds of registrants to make sure that they reach the new location.

We are excited to have succeeded in finding a new location large
enough to hold this many participants and more. Registration to our
conference continues! To register: ribonutisrael@gmail.com

Renee Margolis, Yehudit Katsover 050-7161818 and Nadia Matar 050-5500834

Honenu Tevet תשע"ג December 2012


Honenu's 24 hour hot line receives many calls all the time from people who need aid and defence. While all around us, there are those who attempt to weaken Israel, Honenu stands for truth and justice.
The following are just a few of the cases Honenu has worked on recently. See more examples on the Honenu website.

Oz Zion Dismantled

On Friday Dec. 28, two hours before the Sabbath, troops arrived at the Oz Zion outpost in Binyamin, near Bet El, in an attempt to dismantle it. Hundreds of guests had joined the residents for a very special spiritual weekend. Calls were made to Knesset members and other people of influence to prevent the desecration of the Sabbath and the forces left. A 15 year old yeshiva high school student was arrested and accused of attacking a policeman although the boy and his friends said that the opposite is true. He was released on Saturday night. Although police requested that the youth be put under house arrest, he was allowed to return to his Yeshiva on condition that he stay in the Yeshiva for two days and keep away from Oz Zion for five days. The buildings of Oz Zion were destroyed on Saturday night.



This week a plea bargain was reached with a group originally accused of espionage. The events began slightly over one year ago when the Israeli Defense Minister announced his intent to destroy several "illegal neighborhoods" including Mitzpeh Yitzhar of Yitzhar and Ramat Gilad, an outpost adjacent to Karnei Shomron. During the days before the planned destruction, right-wing activists in the areas scheduled for destruction, organized a group to relay information about the location of soldiers who intended to carry out the destruction. Several days later the GSS and the Israeli Police raided an apartment in Kiryat Moshe, Jerusalem which was suspected of being the headquarters for the flow of information regarding movement of the army and for planning demonstrations against the destruction. Several right-wing activists who were in the apartment were detained. Children aged 4-5 were present in the apartment at the time. Two other people who were thought to be a part of the group, were detained later. The charges against them were changed from espionage to "collecting information of military value" . For the duration of a year the five defendants have been under house arrest with severe restrictions, among them a long term ban on usage of telephone, internet or any other means of communication. Some of the restrictions had been eased over the course of the the year. Honenu, which has assisted the defendants with legal counsel since the beginning of the case, states; "We have mixed feelings about the outcome of the case. On one hand we are pleased that the showcase trial conducted against our clients has ended with the Attorney General's office dropping most of the charges, but on the other hand this has been a mark of disgrace for the Israeli legal system which for the first time has made use against Jews of the "collecting information of military value" clause dating from the era of the British Mandate." Some of the group will spend several months in prison and others will do community service.

Crime or Persecution

honenu coke

On Tuesday, Dec. 25, policemen from Hebron detained two Jewish youths near the Avraham Aveinu neighborhood in Hebron. The two were taken to the Hebron police station where they were told that they were accused of spilling cola out of their car onto an Arab pedestrian. The two detainees denied the chatges. They were released several hours later.

Old City Suspects

Honenu has been involved with many cases of people, dressed in similar religious garb, being searched as they walked through the Old City. Some of these have been residents of hilltops and Judean and Samarian communities and some have been students at local yeshivas. Police claimed that these pedestrians were carrying knives. In one case, the person's bag was searched twice. In the first search of his bag, nothing was found. When he was brought into the police statiion his bag was searched again and a knife was found. He immediately denied that the knife was his and said that it was planted in his bag. He further pointed out that it was not found during the first search of his bag and stated that his fingerprints would not be found on the knife since he had never touched it. More and more people are reporting similar stories of searches and in many cases knives that are unfamiliar to those being searched are being found.

Please make a tax - deductible donation so that Honenu can fight for fair judicial process in Israel.

©2012 Honenu | PO Box 2, Kiryat Arba 90100, Israel


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

THE BLOOD CONNECTION! PLO = Nazi Germany, 2 State Solution = Final Solution. Benjamin Netanyahu = Sir Herbert Samuel? Jewish Press promotes those that promote 2 State Solutnion on front page. Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

Why are Jews suicidal??????
"John Kerry is an excellent choice to be the next Secretary of State. Kerry would be well positioned to play a leading role should President Obama move to revive peace efforts aimed at achieving a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. " according to J Street blog http://jstreet.org/blog/post/john-kerry-an-excellent-choice-for-state_1. 
We know that J Street alligns themselves with Israel's enemies, those that support BDS etc. Et tu Jewish Press?
Can't the Jewish Press feature Rep. Joe Walsh on the Front Page of the Jewish Press and not leftist American Jew Ron Kampeas?   Isn't the Jewish Press a Pro Israel Newspaper????? 
Ron Kampeas of JTA was chosen for this weeks front page of  the Jewish Press with a post headlined . "Pro-Israel Community Warms to Prospect of John Kerry As Secretary of State" 
No, this is not the first time Ron Kampeas of JTA is featured on the front page of the Jewish Press with a leftist agenda.  A great supporter of President Obama and the 2 State solution, Ron Kampeas empowers our enemies and assaults Israel's friends. 
Case in point:  Rep. Joe Walsh published an op-ed in the The Washington Times in May 2012 in which he called for the US and Israel to abandon the two-state solution. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/may/3/myth-of-a-two-state-solution/
Caroline Glick writes:
"FOR HIS unstinting support for Israel, Walsh has been subject to an unbridled assault by leftist American Jews. Ron Kampeas from JTA, for instance, attacked Walsh, accusing him of being no different than Israel's enemies who seek to destroy Israel by ending its ability to define itself as a Jewish state through what they refer to as the "one-state solution."  from Column One: Let's embrace our friends By CAROLINE B. GLICK 05/17/2012 23:17 http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Article.aspx?id=270472
My question is what does the Jewish Press gain by featuring Ron Kampeas on PAGE 1 who in my observation, unlike Rep. Walsh, is no different than Israel's enemies who seek to destroy Israel by ending its ability to define itself as a Jewish state?  I have no doubt that Ron Kampeas has choice labels for myself  as well who sees the PLO for what they are and would sooner label me as radical and extreme than label the PLO as radical and extreme and a terror organization which in fact  they are.
Do facts count when it comes to media that is biased?  Let me add that Netanyahu and the Likud party are guilty parties as well in perpetuating the myth that a 2 State solution is a viable option and  apparently Netanyahu welcomes the nomination, and called Kerry a friend and a supporter of Israel. OY VEY. 
 ...And all the MK's who fall under the Likud umbrella are tainted by association..... But I will save further comment on Israel's Election 2013 for a future post.
I expect better from the Jewish Press, Netanyahu and Likud Ministers and I hope you do too. Please write a letter to the Editors and Likud Ministers. You can get their emails above in the To: list.
The Torah is quite clear.  Israel is the Promised Land.  Promised by G-d for the Seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for the purpose of keeping the Torah and her Commandments.  Israel is the Biblical Homeland for Jewish people and Noahides who accept Jewish Sovereignty. 
Likud members might dismiss this post and pigeon hole me with the "religious sector" and apparently from their perspective representing the Torah position is not broad enough to incorporate all Jews as well as the Likud platform...
Please read "Media Bias and the Erosion of First Amendment Ideals" an excellent post by Matthew M. Hausman http://www.israpundit.com/archives/51850
Please read the following if you haven't already.  What does it take to wake up the sleepers?  Thank you for your attention!
Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini --- Yasser Arafat

To understand the EVIL AND DECEPTIONS of Yasser Arafat, we must look briefly at the situation in pre-Israel Palestine during the British Mandate. The moral of this story is that those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

Sir Herbert Samuel, Palestine High Commissioner At the end of the First World War, Britain was given the mandate to administer Palestine. The British government appointed Sir Herbert Samuel, a British Jew, as Palestine High Commissioner. Sir Herbert Samuel arrived in Palestine on July 1, 1920. Unfortunately, history tells us that Sir Herbert was a weak administrator who was all too ready to compromise for what he thought was for the sake of peace. Haj Amin al-Husseini. Husseini

Perhaps because he was a Jew, and not wanting to appear partial, Sir Herbert appeased the extremist, nationalistic Arab minority led by a violent, fanatical zealot named Haj Amin al-Husseini. Husseini was from a prominent Arab Palestinian family who were fervent Anti-Zionists. The British had earlier imprisoned Husseini for instigating an Arab attack against Jews who were praying at the Western Wall.

A crisis that would have lasting consequences occurred in 1921 when the existing Arab Mufti (religious leader) died. Due to influence by anti-Zionist British officials on his staff, Sir Herbert released Husseini from prison and appointed him as the new Mufti, even elevating him to the title of Grand Mufti. He became the religious and political leader of the Arabs. Husseini was only in his mid-twenties at this time, but he already had a history of violence against Jews.

Husseini was the first proponent of militant, Arab Palestinian nationalism. He was an all or nothing terrorist who was determined to drive out or destroy the Jews or be destroyed himself, regardless of how many lives were wasted in the process. Once he was in power, he began a campaign of terror and intimidation against anyone opposed to his rule and policies. He not only killed Jews but also Arabs who did not support his campaign of violence. Husseini was not willing to negotiate or make any kind of compromise for the sake of peace.

Once again we turn to Winston Churchill who tried to reason with the Arabs with the Western understanding of "give and take" so that all parties would have at least some of their demands satisfied. Churchill noted that the Arabs refused to negotiate but came to the "peace talks" thinking they could give nothing while expecting the other side to make huge concessions with no guarantees that the concessions would lead to peace. He was baffled hat the Arabs were unwilling to offer even one percent in order to get ninety-nine percent. They had no consideration of the claims and needs of others, but only their own.

Many moderate Arabs fled Palestine out of fear of Husseini. He raised the stakes of the Arab-Jewish conflict and took control away from the more moderate Arabs who desired to live in peace with the Jews. Mainly because of him, attempts to establish peaceful relations between Arabs and Jews came to an end. He plunged the Arab world into a political and religious "jihad" against the Jewish people that set the course for the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East.

1929 Hebron victims of Arab rioting Husseini instigated bloody riots against the Jews in 1920-1921 and again in 1929. In 1929, Husseini concocted a story that the Jews praying at the Western Wall were taking over the Al-Aqsua Mosque. Sound familiar? He massacred the Jews at the Wall. This triggered a riot by Arabs in Hebron. On the Sabbath of August 24, Arabs murdered sixty-seven Jewish men, women and children in Hebron and destroyed the synagogues. This violent action brought an end to a Jewish presence in Hebron that had been there for thousands of years.

He saw Hitler's "final solution to the Jewish problem" as the answer to his own desire to eliminate the presence of Jews in Palestine. Husseini imported Nazi influence into Palestine and used Nazi funds to finance his terrorist activities. He openly supported Hitler and Mussolini and led a revolt against the British in 1936-1939. He was forced to flee to Iraq where he cooperated with the Nazis in a failed coup attempt against the British. He then fled to Germany where, in November of 1941, he was greeted with open arms by Hitler himself.

Mufti Haj Amin al-HusseiniMufti Haj Amin al-Husseini Husseini was known as the "Arab Fuhrer." He used his program on Radio Berlin to exhort the Arabs in the Middle East to murder the Jews in a holy war that pleased Allah. While at the same time, he prodded the Nazis to further zeal in completing their "final solution to the Jewish problem." In one instance, he learned that Adolf Eichman intended to swap thousands of Jewish children for German POWs. His protest forced Eichman to cancel the swap, resulting in the children being sent to death camps in Poland. On another occasion, Husseini traveled to Bosnia where he recruited Bosnian Moslems for the SS. They slaughtered ninety percent of Bosnia's Jews. The only condition Husseini set for assisting the Nazis was that, after they won the war, they would murder all the Jews in Palestine. After the war was over, Husseini fled to Cairo where he was given a heroes welcome.

During the war, Arab Nazi parties were founded throughout the Middle East. The most influential one was "Young Egypt" which was established in 1933. Young Egypt imitated the Nazi party in their ideology, slogans, processionals, and anti-Semitic actions. When the war was over, a member of Young Egypt named Gamal Abdul Nasser led the coup in 1952 that overthrew the Egyptian government. He made Egypt a safe haven for Nazi war criminals and, in 1964, he established the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).

Rahman Abdul Rauf al-Qudwa al-Husseini ... later known as Yasser ArafatEventually the leadership of the PLO was taken over by a man named Rahman Abdul Rauf al-Qudwa al-Husseini. Al-Husseini was a nephew and great admirer of Uncle Haj Amin al-Husseini. He was born in Cairo in 1929 and grew up in the Gaza strip. His mother, Hamida, was a cousin of the Grand Mufti. Due to internal Arab strife, his father Abdul Rauf al-Qudwa was forced to flee Gaza where the family took refuge in Egypt.

Al-Husseini's cousin is Faisal al-Husseini who is the grandson of Haj Amin al-Husseini and the PLO representative in Jerusalem who has directed attacks on the Jews praying at the Western Wall. When Rahman Abdul Rauf al-Qudwa al-Husseini enrolled at the University of Cairo in 1951, he decided to conceal his true identity and registered under the name "Yasser Arafat."

Yes, Uncle Haj, the Arab Fuhrer himself, passed his legacy of hatred of Jews to his nephew Yasser Arafat who has passed the same legacy of hatred to the next generation of young Arabs. Through the PLO, he seeks to further the Arab Nazi goal of eliminating the Jews from the Land. However, like his notorious uncle, Yasser Arafat will fail, and after he has passed from the scene, the Israeli flag will still be flying high over Jerusalem, the eternal, undivided capital of Israel.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Chuck Hagel Obama's nominee to serve as Secretary of Defense? WHAT DOES HE STAND FOR?


Dear Knesset Members, Rabbanim, Media and Activist List amv"sh
Let us examine carefully what Chuck Hagel believes:
In His Own Words: Sen. Chuck Hagel on the Middle East
The following is a link of Senator Hagel's wide-ranging remarks to Israel Policy Forum (IPF) on December 4, 2008.
Here are some excerpts.
... "When I listen to Peter tonight talk about justice, about hope, about possibilities—that is not reserved for Catholics or Jews or Hindus or Muslims. That is what we all aspire to: justice, equality, hope, better world. I have referenced that as the common denominators of the human condition. Most of you in this room have been to many places in the world, and I suspect that most you would find it hard to believe that somehow one religion or one region has a corner on those virtues. That somehow Christians are more noble than Jews, or Jews more noble than Muslims. I don't think so. I think all people love their children and their families, and want a better world."
Jews more noble than Muslims? Yes or NO? You decide after watching these you tubes!
  • Pillar of Defense:   ISRAEL vs HAMAS and the different ways they fight a war.  Must See You Tube.  Who is more noble?


  • Samaria (West Bank): The Heart of Israel  (What is the difference in the education of Jews in Samaria and the Palestinians?)  Who is more noble?
 In 1990, when Bethlehem was under full Israeli control, it was 60% Christian. Since the PA took over control of the town, that Christian population has gone down to around 15% or less, even as its total population has increased!

Who is responsible? well,
it isn't the Jews. There must be another set of people there who are forcing the Christians out.

And this other group has been
openly stealing Christian-owned land under the watchful eye of Mahmoud Abbas' government, with no known arrests or court cases to combat the phenomenon.

In an interesting historical note, in 1967, before the first Christmas after the Six Day War, Abbas' Fatah party
explicitly threatened any Christian pilgrims who wanted to visit the city.
Senator Hagel continues....
"It is clearly in the interest of America, and clearly in the interest of the Middle East and the world that this issue be brought to a higher ground of confidence and trust to move to a different plateau of finally trying to solve the problem in a relevant and realistic way.(my emphasis) I noted the topics of the three breakout sessions tonight- all quite relevant to your topic and your focus here because all three, in my opinion, are part of the comprehensive, strategic context and approach that must be employed in a coherent way to deal with getting where we all or almost all of us agree we need to get to- and that is a two state solution.(my emphasis) And if we almost all agree with that, and the leaders of the free world: the US, Israel, the Palestinian Authority, most all the Arab nations, Russia China, P5 plus 1, NATO, most of the UN all agree that that is the objective, that is the point, then why can't we get there? Why do we keep going backwards? "
We all know that Senator Hagel conclusion is that the 2 State Solution is the answer and that there is a consensus.. 
BUT  Why is Israel under Netanyahu included in this list of "leaders of the free world" who agree that a 2 State Solution is the objective??????? FOR SHAME 
Senator Hagel continues....
,,,"Now I am not an expert on anything, and I'm certainly not an expert on the Middle East. Most of the people in this room, especially those that were on the panels tonight know a lot more about this issue than I do. But I do listen. I do observe. I am somewhat informed. That informs me that when the people of the Middle East themselves tell me that this issue has to be dealt with or there will there will not be a resolution to any other issue in the Middle East."
I am glad that Senator Hagel admits that he is not an expert and is open to listening to others.  If he really was interested in reality and wanted to know the facts he can start here by listening to Pat Condell!  http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2012/12/pat-condell-on-the-un-and-israel-2544342.html
Chavrei Knesset Yekarim:  A 2 State Solution is the same as THE FINAL SOLUTION!

G-d's Covenant with Israel can not be Annulled! 
FATAH, HAMAS, NAZISM all want the same for Israel. DESTRUCTION and ANNIHILATION! The GRAND MUFTI  Haj Amin al-Husseini of Jerusalem,  uncle and mentor of the founding father of Fatah, Yassar Arafat was Hitler's Collaborator.  THE BLOOD CONNECTION Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini --- Yasser Arafat
fyi: from Women in Green
http://www.womeningreen.org/Jan012012.php  Our upcoming 3rd Annual Conference for the application of Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.. DID YOU REGISTER? The venue chosen for the conference, the Bible Lands Museum, after the two preceding conferences had been held in Hebron,  was not by chance according to Katsover and Matar: "This is an unequivocal statement: Eretz Israel belongs to the people of Israel according to the Bible."

also fyi: from Mattot Arim  http://www.mattotarim1.blogspot.com/  re: THINKING ABOUT LIKUD & ABOUT BEIT EZRA IN HEBRON

 I am THINKING ABOUT whether or not to vote for Likud in the upcoming elections. I understand that the government you lead is THINKING ABOUT allowing use of Ezra House (Beit Ezra) by Jews in accordance with the express wishes of the wronged Jewish owners. Could you let me know when you finish your THINKING so that I can THINK whether or not to vote for you accordingly. It actually seems to me that not much THINKING should be required on your part, since after all, the home is owned by the Ezra family - not by the Likud and certainly not by the Palestinians, but I look forward to hear your THINKING on that point as well.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.