Wednesday, May 23, 2012



Richard Allen of JCC Watch reports that New Israel Fund and its allies actively promote economic warfare against Israel through Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions, and are funded by the European Union for the express purpose of undermining Israel. 

Today Aaron Lerner of IMRA reports:
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
European Union: Palestinians have right to throw stones as part of nonviolent protest  

For Palestinians, stone throwing is a non violent protest.  Tell that to Asher Palmers hy"d parents. 

NIF supports civil and human rights of the Palestinians, justice for the victims of the Israeli Occupation and  a right to engage in nonviolent protest such as stone throwing against Israeli occupation.  This they believe will bring the illusive peace we all long for.

NIF is marching in the Israel Parade. Apparently, the Jewish victims of terror are the obstacle for bringing about democracy, justice, civil and human rights, freedom and peace. . 

 ---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: AFSI <>
Date: Wed, May 23, 2012 at 1:15 PM

Americans for a Safe Israel
Americans For a Safe Israel
1751 Second Avenue (91st Street)
New York, NY 10128
Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director
May 23, 2012


To: Organizers and those responsible for decision making regarding the June 3 Israel Day Parade in NYC. : JOHN RUSKAY -; UJA-Federation President Jerry W. Levin at:; Rabbi Michael Miller /JCRC at:; Peter Kohlmann, Executive Producer at:; Michael Mittelman, Director of Celebrate Israel Parade at:; Gianna Bergman, Director at:; Noam Gilboord, Israel & International Program Director at:; Karen Ostrove, Parade Creative Director at:; Akiva Roth, Israel Engagement Initiative at:


Please read the following letter from Jeff Daube in Jerusalem, Israel addressed to Richard Allen, leader of the Committee for a Pro-Israel Parade.

Daube's letter speaks for itself, but clearly indicates the damage done by organizations such as Machsom Watch against Jewish victims of terror in Israel.

It is incomprehensible that you who have the power to make decisions regarding the Israel Day Parade would actually accept the presence in the parade of such an enemy of Israel as the NIF and its umbrella organizations. They not only support BDS against Israel, but interfere with the implementation of true justice for Jews, in this case U.S. as well as Israeli citizens, murdered by Palestinian Arab terrorists.

We plead with you to reconsider your decision to allow these anti-Israel groups to march in the parade. We would appreciate a positive response.

Thank you

Helen Freedman

Executive Director, AFSI

Committee for a Pro-Israel Parade



Letter from Jeff Daube

Israel Office Director

Zionist Organization of America [ZOA]


Dear Richard,


Although I have never had the privilege of meeting you personally, I have been following your efforts with great admiration from Jerusalem and would like to express my deepest gratitude to you and the committee.


I have a recent anecdote concerning Machsom Watch, one of the many beneficiaries of NIF largesse that are politically motivated and whose work undermines the Jewish State. You can add the following to your dossier of supported anti-Israel activities if you wish. 


I have become very involved in the matter of bringing Palestinian terrorists who have US citizens' blood on their hands to justice as mandated by US statutes. Unfortunately, some of those terrorists, such as Ahlam Tamimi who was responsible for the murder of 8 children and boasted about it, had to be released as part of the Gilad Shalit deal. So I am doing what I can in Israel to support efforts to make these terrorists accountable. (I also am pursuing the Justice Department and the State Department on the US side.)


Last year, Palestinian Arab terrorists murdered American Asher Palmer and his baby son Yonatan outside Hebron by throwing a rock through Asher's car windshield, which struck him and caused him to lose control. I have been going to the trials of the alleged perpetrators - not only to provide comfort and support for father/grandfather Michael Palmer as he endures emotional trauma I can only barely imagine - but to demonstrate to court officers that concerned Israeli citizens feel it is in Israel's interest that the maximum allowable sentencing be applied in such cases.


At the last hearing I went to, I observed a Machsom Watch representative also in attendance. Machsom Watch is an extremist, highly partisan NGO dedicated to undermining Israeli security personnel's ability to provide for citizens' defense. The representative did not approach the victims' party to offer even a single word of sympathy. Instead, she sat down next to the alleged murderer's parents and engaged in animated conversation; I would guess, punctuated by criticism of the justice-seekers along with Machsom Watch's offers of further support.


Below is the Machsom Watch report from their website:


Notice the Machsom Watch monitor acknowledges she knew nothing about the case upon entering - so her only having queried the defendant's lawyer for his version of the "facts" already speaks volumes. She also inflates the number in our party - we were seven. And she presumes we all were "settlers," which I suppose is true if you accept, as Machsom Watch surely must like many of its Palestinian cohorts, that the western Jerusalem Katamon neighborhood in which I live also is a "settlement." 


The Machsom Watch representative also commented on the photo of Asher and Yonatan (also below). We had been holding it quietly and discreetly in our laps, not "brandishing," as she wrote, which implies some kind of threat on our part. Worse, her analogue of holding up pictures of Palestinians is one of the more egregious examples of moral equivalency I have seen lately. 


It should be evident that Machsom Watch's participation and biased reporting, in this instance as in so many of their activities, is meant to delegitimize Israel's justice and security processes and wear down Israel's supporters. 


So on Sunday, June 3rd Machsom Watch-supporting NIF will march in the Israel parade while, on the same day, bereaved father/grandfather Michael Palmer, fellow Israelis and I once again will sit in the Ofer Prison courtroom for the next hearing. And Machsom Watch inevitably will return to support the defendant while undermining justice for his alleged victims and their family.


I hope Messrs. Ruskay, Levin and Miller will take a minute to put themselves in Michael Palmer's place on June 3rd as NIF passes their reviewing stand. I, for one, will be thinking about the truncated lives of Asher and Yonatan z"l, hoping that a stroke of last minute moral clarity will lead the parade leadership to do the right thing.


Feel free to forward my email to these gentlemen.


With brachot from my beloved Jerusalem,

Jeff Daube

Israel Office Director

Zionist Organization of America [ZOA]

Israel Tel: 052-538-0840


from the US: 011-972-52-538-0840





Courtroom 1 - a panel of three judges presided by Lieut.-Col. Ronen Atzmon


Ali Abed Alhadi Ismail Saada - Case 5347/11


A young man from Hebron, accused of throwing a rock at a car coming from the opposite direction on route 60. As a result the vehicle was hit and a man and his young son were killed. This happened on


The trial is at the evidentiary stage.


I walked into the court without prior knowledge of the case.


The defendant is represented by Atty. Bargout, who supplied the background:


The defendant claims that he could not have thrown the rock at a car coming from the opposite direction because he was sitting in the passenger seat, i.e., the right hand front seat next to the driver, so there was no way he could have thrown a rock at a car driving on the opposite lane, the left side of the road. However, under interrogation by the GSS, he was forced to accept a version by which he was sitting on the left side in the back of the car, thus incriminating himself. He later retracted that version.


The defendant's parents were present in court, as well as 10 settlers (presumably from the settlement where the victims used to live).


Each settler held a big picture of the dead father and son, which they brandished throughout the hearing. I wonder if any judge would have allowed hoisting pictures of dead Palestinians during a legal proceeding.



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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Urgent! Today important Knesset Vote to save demolitions in Ulpana, Bet-El Givat Asaf, Migron, Amona. Al Taamod Al Dam Raiecha!


Lichvod Knesset Members: amv"sh

Rabbosai, do you like living in your home???? So do they.  They have families, They pay taxes. They fight in the IDF and defend Israel.  They love Israel. Did you feel the pain of Gush Katif???? 

Will you tell your children that you did what you could to prevent their homes from being demolished.  Will you be able to look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you did what you could to stop the demolitions?

This email is being sent to many Rabbonim and to the Jewish Media in America as well as to many activists who do not want these neighborhoods destroyed. 

Sent by Matton Arim: 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
To: mattotarim <>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 19:09:54 +0300
Subject: הצילו בית-אל, הצילו בית-אל SOS Bet-El, SOS Bet-El

PM Netanyahu met for 1.5 hours this morning with:

a. Yakov Ketzaleh, founder of the Bet-El neighborhood and a disabled war hero, and

b. Uri Ariel, former Council Head of Beth-El.


The topic, of course, was Peace Now's demand that Netanyahu raze an entire neighborhood in Bet-El and subsequently demolishing 3 entire small settlements in Judea and Samaria (Givat Asaf, Migron, Amona). Press releases in Hebrew below. The two men said that the Prime Minister was unwilling to firmly undertake to allow the Ulpana neighorhood in Bet-El to remain intact and so legislation must be voted upon immediately, tomorrow evening (Wed) in Knesset.


There is currently a serious problem with the following ministers and deputy ministers who thus far are not willing to undertake to raise their hands FOR the legislation:


M. Cachlon 050-6845584 *   Yuli Edelstein 050-3334298

Gilad Erdan  050-5936500 *   Bogy Yaelon 0505313133 

 *     0506208500  Silvan Shalom       Ayoub Kara (Druse) 050-6233617

Leah Nes 050-5247077  G. Gamliel  052-2700727  

 0544622045 Daniel Hershkowitz 

   *Limor Livnat 0505-200-050    *     050-6233939

 Gideon Saar 050-6343111     Yossi Peled  0525003060

Yuval Steinitz 052-3853280;;;;;;;ulandau@KNESSET.GOV.IL;;;;;dhershkovitz@KNESSET.GOV.IL;;;;;

Kindly use all of the email addresses above, or the SMS info above, to contact these ministers and deputy ministers, e.g.: PLS CLEAR YR YOMAN (=SCHEDULE) FOR THIS WED & NEXT (23,30 MAY). YR ABSENCE IS LIKE U PERSONALLY DRIVING THE BULLDOZER WHICH WILL RAZE THE BET-EL NEIGHBORHOOD. VOTE YES! (& IF ABROAD,PLS FLY HOME URGENT)


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

NIF redefines Judaism with its own kind of false religion.. also Secular Education in Israel Brainwashes Against Religion to keep the Jewish Masses ignorant


Dear Rabbanim, Media and Activist List:  amv"sh

The Jewish Federation and the JCRC are allowing the NIF to march in the Parade and the NIF is gloating:

Under the lies and distortions of promoting human rights, freedom and peace the NIF "celebrate Israel's essential founding principles of democracy, justice, civil and human rights, freedom and peace".

 (NIF actually funds organizations that promote the freedom boycott Israeli products and to attack Jews especially in Judea and Samaria where human rights for Jews do not apply especially when it comes to self defense, and the Jews are considered the "occupiers of Palestine".)   Read about B'Tselem one of NIF's grantees: 
B'Tselem video shows a Yitzhar resident firing at an Arab, fails to mention that Arabs had tried to set fire to the community.By Elad Benari

Today I turned on Radio Hidabroot (May 22 between 9 and 11) and tuned into Divine Information with Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi.  His website is . He was talking about secular Israeli public schools and the fact they brainwash their kids against religion.  He described how in Israel it's pretty unheard of a Rav to provide religious education in a secular school, since they don't want to be "indoctrinated" with any kind of religious education.  They don't want to hear any "religious propaganda". But there was one Rav that manages to teach 10 minutes a week in a secular public school in Tel Aviv.  

He was asked how he succeeded? 

He replied that he once visited the secular school principal and asked to speak 10 minutes about Shavuot.  He was told that they are a secular school.  He said that is why I came, in order to enlighten the Students about the Jewish Holiday. After all it is not part of their curriculum. So the principal said no more than 10 minutes and that the Rav can not speak about observing Shabbat etc or talk about becoming religious etc.  The Rav agreed and said he'll discuss cultural matters like why we eat dairy and not meat etc. The prinicpal insisted that the Rav sign as to the above conditions so that if the parents complain she will be covered.  He spoke for 9 and 1/2 minutes and in the last half minute mentioned Psalms.  He asked them "Who wrote Psalms?" From 400 students nobody knew.  He said Dovid...expecting them to say ben Yishai or Melech Yisrael and instead they yelled out "Dovid ben Gurion!".  The Principal was so embarrassed as per their ignorance that she allows him to come every week for 10 minutes to educate.

According to Rabbi Mizrachi, In Israel,  secularJews are often clueless about their Jewish heritage.  It's a tragedy.  In America, those affiliated only through the Federation clearly lack an authentic Jewish education. 

Jewish Federation will silence and hide Torah Judaism from Jews who are uneducated.   

It is when evil infiltrates and is given respectability and legitimacy, endorsed protected and tolerated in the upper levels of leadership that there is a serious problem.  It is when evil is masked under a false identity that unsuspecting Jews turn against their own brothers and sisters because the truth was distorted and they believed that they were fighting for human rights, freedom, democracy, justice and peace. 

 Jewish Federation is keeping Jews ignorant of their Jewish heritage and redefines the religion by replacing it with their own false religion. They educate in their own way but their education replaces the Torah narrative with post Zionism.   In this environment the NIF can operate with deceit, lies and distortions and under a facade of  respectability and legitimacy while at the same time they undermine Judaism, the State of israel and the Jewish character of the State. 

Rabbanim, isn't it time for the Kiruv professionals to seriously address this matter? Surely it deserves publicity in the papers! These concerns go way beyond June 3rd and the Israel parade. It concerns the Jewish character of Israel.  Do we really want to have a "State for Jews" or a "Jewish State?"  If you choose a "State for Jews" without the Torah as does the NIF, you will actually choose a "State for Palestinians" who are worthy and deserving of human rights, freedom, justice, democracy and to live in peace and prosperity (without Israel).

Let's Not Forget the Facts and Make our Voices Heard Today!

    -Last year, the New Israel Fund (NIF) was allowed to march in the parade. Other groups marched with the New Israel Fund, displaying their individual banners, including B'TselemPartners for Progressive Israel and Rabbis for Human Rights

    -This year , New Israel Fund is slated to march again, and we expectB'Tselem and the other groups will once again join NIF, displaying their banners. 

    -New Israel Fund finances numerous Israeli NGOs (non-governmental organizations), some of which promote Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel.
    -For instance, five grantees of the New Israel Fund (Machsom Watch,Coalition of Women for PeaceWomen Against Violence, Social TV, andMossawa
) signed a letter to the Norwegian Government Pension Fund, urging it to divest from Israel. 

    -Partners for Progressive Israel (also known as Meretz USA) prominently displays on its website, under the heading "boycott these Settlement products sold in the US, "
 a list of Israeli products that it wants Jews to boycott. These products include Ahava cosmetics, SodaStream products, and wine from nine Israeli vineyards.

    -The chair of B'Tselem's board, Oren Yiftachel
, has publically called for "effective sanctions" against Israel. B'Tselem is a major grantee of the New Israel Fund. 

 produced the video that was shown at the infamous "Israel Apartheid 2012" events held at Universities and Colleges worldwide. 

    -Despite the New Israel Fund's stated  opposition to Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), their continued funding of these groups shows their actions are not in line with their statements.

To voice your opinion and concern please contact the following:
1) John Ruskay at the UJA-Federation by calling                212-980-1000              212-980-1000                            212-980-1000                    212-980-1000       or via email at  

2) The UJA-Federation President Jerry W. Levin at

3) Rabbi Michael Miller at the JCRC by calling                212-983-4800              212-983-4800                            212-983-4800                    212-983-4800         or via email at
4) Peter Kohlmann, Executive Producer via email or by calling                212-983-4800              212-983-4800                             212-983-4800                    212-983-4800      x162
5) Michael Mittelman, Director, Celebrate Israel via email or by calling                212-983-4800              212-983-4800                             212-983-4800                   212-983-4800       x487
6) Gianna Bergman, Director, Sponsorships via email at or by calling                203-918-6780              203-918-6780                             203-918-6780                   203-918-6780      
7) Noam Gilboord, Israel & Internat'l, Program Director via email at or by calling                212-983-4800              212-983-4800                            212-983-4800                    212-983-4800       x489
8) Karen Ostrove, Parade Creative Director via email or by calling                212-983-4800              212-983-4800                             212-983-4800                    212-983-4800      x482
9) Akiva Roth, Israel Engagement Initiative via email or by calling                212-983-4800             212-983-4800                             212-983-4800                    212-983-4800       x488

 Who can not be bought or threatened? Hashem Oz LeAmo Yiten.... 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.