Thursday, February 16, 2012

Gush Katif Museum flier - Youtube of Chabad of Yitzhar Please Hashem, never again to destroy beautiful homes and communities


Please watch this inspiring Youtube of Chabad of Yitzhar. It is for communities like these, (not only Chabad), we are having events like this.  We must do our Hishtadlus so that what happened in Gush Katif must not repeat itself and happen to them chas vechalila!

Please print a copy of the attached PDF file and hang up in shul.  Please ask the President to announce event in shul. Contribute and ask people to send contributions.  Thank you. Shabbath Shalom!

The FRIENDS of the GUSH KATIF MUSEUM in JERUSALEM invite the community to a dinner in Brooklyn, NY at the RAZAG BALLROOOM, 739 East New York Avenue (Crown Heights), at 6 P.M. on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2012.
This dinner will heighten awareness of the tragedy of the expulsion of 21 flourishing communities from Gush Katif and four from the northern Shomron in August, 2005.
Rabbi Shalom Dov Wolpo, director of the Gush Katif Museum and head of SOS-Israel,
was recently summoned by the Israeli police for questioning. The interrogator informed Rabbi Wolpo that he is under suspicion of encouraging soldiers to disobey orders, a crime liable to heavy punishment. "I'm not encouraging disobedience to orders," Rabbi Wolpo responded to the police investigator. "I'm encouraging soldiers to follow the order of G-d, who gave the entire land of Israel to the Jewish people and commanded us to settle every part of it. Disobeying orders are those trying to please the enemy by advocating establishment of a terror state in the heart of the Holy Land."
Rabbi Wolpo is working with a team of strong activists for Israel in America to make this dinner an overwhelming success. These include organizations such as AFSI, along with its director Helen Freedman, and The World Committee of the Land of Israel, whose executive committee includes Dr. Joseph Frager, Dr. Paul Brody, Rabbi David Algaze and Odeleya Jacobs.
Americans for a Safe Israel/AFSI ( and The World Committee for the Land of Israel are offering subsidized ratesTo register, call 212-828-2424800-235-3658 or email
Or RSVP directly by calling 718-989-2767. Mail your check to "Friends of Gush Katif Museum", 383 Kingston Ave., suite 155, Brooklyn, NY 11213 or email pay online by credit card go to the English or Hebrew website of SOS-Israel 
 and click on the black banner promoting the dinner. This and all other contributions are tax deductible.
The museum has been visited by over 100,000 people to date, including Knesset Members, members of Congress and many notable personalities across all political lines. By attending the Gush Katif Museum dinner, you will have a unique opportunity to learn about and support the invaluable work of SOS-Israel and help to prevent any further Jewish expulsions. YOUR presence at this dinner can make a difference! Be with us!! NEVER FORGET!


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Must See: Brigitte Gabrielle video of ACT at anti Sharia Conference (it will also motivate you to support Gush Katif Museum Dinner)


Dear friends, amv"sh

Why am I sending this out now when I am so busy promoting the Gush Katif Museum Dinner?  Because this Dinner in Crown Heights with star studded speakers, Glenn Beck and John Bolton, is a window of  opportunity.  It is an opportunity to make a big Statement. 

Understand that YOUR involvement is as necessary as the wealthiest donors and their contributions.  

When the Temple stood in Jerusalem, each and every Jew was obligated to bring sacrifices and gifts for the Holy Temple as their offering to the Creator.  One with means brought gifts that were plentiful and lavish and one who was without means brought sacrifices of flour and oil.  But our sages teach us that each and every sacrifice was necessary, important, accepted, noted and appreciated as per the intent in the donors heart no matter what the amount.

This museum was established partially to document what happened in Gush Katif and in order to prevent it from happening again.  My guess is that a house in Gush Katif had the market value of at least $100,000. A very low estimate. How can I live comfortably in my house in Brooklyn when I know that my brothers house in Judea and Samaria is likely to be destroyed.  Behind the scenes, deals are in the making for further painful concessions for the greater "good" otherwise known as the "Peace Process". 

This time, let us do our part to prevent it from happening!  How can we let the refugees from Gush Katif continue to suffer when we did not do our share to help them before the gov't brutally destroyed their homes and communities.  At the very least, let us support them now and prevent further tragedies. Let our investments for this Dinner send a message to the World at Large and with G-d's help, stop our enemies from within and without! 

Eretz Yisroel is OURS and not Palestinian.  This is what is written in the Torah and this is the Divine will.  We are not the "Occupiers" and the Palestinians are not a people. No more expulsions! Yehudi Lo Megaresh Yehudi! Jews should not Expel Jews! Unfortunately, there are individuals who call themselves Jews, yet for whatever reason they empower our enemies. There are individuals who are not Jewish yet they empower the Jewish people and proclaim G-d's Law.

Don't let this fight be fought by others.  Make it your own.  The Holocaust happened and the Disengagement happened because good people stood by and didn't do their part. Saying Tehillim, Psalms, after the fact will not bring back the houses.  History has shown that when disaster strikes, good people come together to pool their resources and all of a sudden the money is no longer a consideration.  After all, when ones house is destroyed and all is lost, priorities of money,  time and  energies are totally reevaluated. Finally, what is most precious to us in life gets the attention it deserves.  

Why wait for a disaster before prioritizing.  Do it now when there still time and our assets are in tact.  And if you need a little more motivation of why you should come and/or support this dinner to the extent you can, watch Brigitte Gabrielle!  You will better understand the fight and why YOU too must join to combat this evil.  And if you ask why we depend on  non Jews to get our message across, it is because they are Hashem's messengers and they are influential and they will be the first ones to say that what is good for Israel and Jews is good for America.  The first line of defense for America is defense of Israel which can only happen by defending what is clearly, written in the Torah.  Thank you for listening.

(Thank you Ted Ackerman for sending)
Friends:Maybe you have seen this, maybe not, this woman is amazing!!! Send this to everyone!!! A must see video.  Very scary but informative.This is frightening, This is a very telling lecture. It hits at the root of what is happening in American Universities, and what is happening to our culture. This fight is as real and costly as any combat this nation has been through in the past. The battlefield is non-conventional, but so are the methods of our enemies. Please take the time to listen. Note: If the video stops partly through, just click on the blank section and it will continue. Click here: <;bclid=0&amp;bctid=1271237687001> 

and then read what Beth Gilinsky of NCJA sent out today which will validate that all the concerns of Brigitte Gabrielle are justified!

Beth Gilinsky
8:56 AM (3 hours ago)
to nationalconfer.

From NCJA Academia and Campus Life Task Force Chairman, Tammi Benjamin. Please circulate this to your lists and take action.


February 15, 2012

Please circulate and help publicize widely the egregious misuse of the resources and imprimatur of a California public university to promote an assault against the Jewish state.  This is not just a California problem: similar abuses are occurring in many universities across the nation, with the use of federal and state taxpayer money.

We need your help.


Largest Public University in U.S. Promotes Anti-Israel Speaker on its Campuses

Ilan Pappe is an Israeli Jewish academic who harbors deep animosity towards the Jewish state, has publicly called for its elimination, and engages in activities to harm its citizens, such as a campaign to boycott Israeli academics, which he helped to found. In addition, he openly supports the terrorist organization Hamas and falsely accuses Israel of "crimes against humanity," including "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing."
He will speak February 20, 22, and 23 on three California University campuses with official sponsorship and funding by University departments and administrative offices. In addition, on each campus the event has been organized and promoted by a faculty member or top university administrator who has publicly expressed his or her hatred of Israel and has participated in many anti-Israel events, including the campaign to boycott Israeli academics.
Although we are concerned about Ilan Pappe's talk per se, we are more concerned that the talks are organized and promoted by officials and faculty of the California State University system,  using the name, resources, and imprimatur of CSU, in order to vilify and harm the Jewish state and its supporters. In this way, taxpayers like us are subsidizing the promotion of hateful indoctrination in our nation's largest public university.
Please click here to view a letter the AMCHA Initiative has sent to university administrators.
You can also watch the following AMCHA video to learn more about CSU's support for Ilan Pappe's speaking tour by clicking here.
Please consider sending your own respectful letter to one or more of the following individuals, asking them to ensure that official university sponsorship and funding is withdrawn from Ilan Pappe's talks at the three CSU campuses:

Here is the full list of emails:

If you do send a letter, please copy or blind-copy us at:

Thank you!

Tammi Rossman-Benjamin
Co-founder the AMCHA Initiative
Leila Beckwith
Co-founder the AMCHA Initiative

To attend or contribute to the Gush Katif Museum, please call 718-989-2767, or mail your check to "Friends of Gush Katif Museum,"
383 Kingston Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11213, suite 155,email:, or
you can pay online with your credit card: This and all other contributions
are tax deductible.

Afsi and World Committee for the Land of Israel are offering subsidized rates when needed.
Call Afsi office

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Historic Press Release: ZOA Slams Israel for persecuting Jews on Har Habayit; urges Jewish organizations to advocate

February 13, 2012
Contact: Jeff Daube,
ZOA to Israel Gov't: Stop Police and Muslim Wakf Discrimination Against Jews On Temple Mount

Israel's Temple Mount (Har Habayit), not the Western Wall (Kotel), is Judaism's holiest site. The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) believes that unfettered access and freedom to pray at a holy site is a basic, universally recognized right, which certainly should be accorded to Jews in the Jewish State of Israel. Safe and unimpeded access to holy sites also is guaranteed under Israeli law. 

More Jews have wanted to visit the Temple Mount in recent years as, increasingly, rabbinic authorities are stating publicly that Jewish law does not prohibit this. To their dismay, when they do visit they are subject to blatant discrimination and humiliation by the Israeli police, who are cooperating with and hoping to appease the extremist Muslim Wakf authority on the Mount.

The ZOA has sent a letter to the appropriate government officials urging them to rectify this situation. The addressees include Knesset Interior Affairs and Environment Committee Chair MK Amnon Cohen and committee members; Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman; Minister of the Interior Eli Yishai; Minister of Internal Security Yitzchak Aharonovitch; Minister of Justice Yaakov Ne'eman; Minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Yuli Edelstein; and Minister of Religious Affairs Yakov Margi.

Recent Activity:


Press Release - Rabbi Wolpo interrogated


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Full Invitation to Gush Katif Museum Dinner and related articles and You Tubes. Please forward to your lists!


Dear Friends and Lovers of Eretz Yisroel, amv"sh

Attachments include an 8 page full invitation including descriptions of the speakers and honorees, and a letter to the local Rabbonim in Flatbush inviting them to the Dinner. 

FYI  AFSI (American Friends for a Safe Israel) members are encouraged to attend this special event commemorating the tragic expulsion from Gush Katif in August, 2005. A reduced rate has been secured for their organization.

Call the AFSI office: 212-828-2424 for information, or email:

Of course this Dinner is a fundraiser for the Museum but money should not be the reason for you not to come. 

They have amazing speakers. John Bolton and Glenn Beck not to mention  Rabbi Jacobson.   Please, please make it your business to come and to support this cause.  It will get wide media coverage and we hope it will prevent further expulsions from Judea and Samaria. We need to show a strong presence with serious people so that the world understands that what happened in Gush Katif will not be forgotten and that we will fight to make sure it doesn't happen again in Judea and Samaria.  Thanks 

For those reading this on my blog, please email me (  if you would like to get the attachments to this post or attachments to any other post.  

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.