Sunday, December 18, 2011

New Gingrich unafraid to speak the truth. Analysis by Dr. Paul Eidelberg why aren't MK's speaking the Truth, additional comments by Robin Ticker why aren't Rabbanim speaking the Truth


New Gingrich unafraid to speak the truth.  Palestinians an invented people

Analysis by Dr. Paul Eidelberg:

Another Cover-up?

Newt Gingrich had the courage and intellectual integrity to say that the Palestinians are an "invented people." This being so, he cannot in good conscience advocate a "two-state solution" to the conflict between this invented people and the Jewish people of Israel.

Gingrich knows that the "Palestinians" have been led by terrorists. He knows that a large majority of these so-called Palestinians have supported these terrorist, the murderers of Jewish men women, and children.  They voted for arch terrorist Yasser Arafat knowing full well of his genocidal objectives. And they voted for Arafat's  accomplice and successor Mahmoud Abbas, who praises Arab suicide bombers as "martyrs."

But there is one truth that Gingrich (understandably) did not dare reveal, namely, the complicity of every Israel prime minister since the 1993 Israel-PLO Agreement.


Each and every one of these prime ministers has known, and has covered up, the hoax of a "Palestinian" people.  This fact logically entails another: these prime ministers are at least morally and politically responsible for the 10,000 casualties Jews have suffered as a result of that fraudulent agreement with the PLO.

Also blameworthy is the failure of any Israeli pundit or journalist to draw out the plain implications of the Gingrich exposé which reveals, as indicated, the complicity of Israeli governments: their unconscionable failure to expose the hoax in question, which has inflicted so much suffering on the Jews of Israel.  

I would have thought that more than one perceptive pundit in Israel would have called for a national commission of inquiry into the implications of the Gingrich revelation to determine whether any Israeli prime minister may be held criminally liable for the hoax under discussion.

Is another cover-up being orchestrated by Israel's ruling elites? 

In the next email Paul writes:

Are you wondering why Jewish Members of the Knesset have been mum regarding New Gingrich's revelation about the "invented people"?  Indeed, the best and brightest of the MKs can be expected to remain silent about that fictitious people because if any Jewish MK were to say a word so much as hinting at the validity of Gingrich's exposé, he would jeopardize his own political career, for he might then be asked: "Why did you fail to tell the truth about that fictitious people years ago, when you might stopped the fraudulent peace process which has cost Israel so many Jewish lives and precious Jewish land— and with no end in sight?"  The On-going Conspiracy of Silence

In the next email Dr. Eidelberg adds.

Those threatened by expulsion should organize a movement to expose the inherently undemocratic nature of Israel's system of government and how it  serves the personal  and partisan interests of the ruling elites. The Gingrich expose clearly indicates, and I have personal knowledge to illustrate, that Israel's government always knew that the |Palestinians were an "invented people,' but covered up this hoax not only out of cowardice but for secular reasons: they wanted to shatter and demoralize the religious community whose birth rate signaled the end of secular control of the State. 

      Meanwhile,as a result of the cover up and the government's deliberate policy of restraint against Arab terrorists--i.e., members of the  "invented people"--the so-called Palestinians--we suffered some 10,000 Jewish casualties (killed and wounded), and of course we lost Jewish land because of this  cover-up,
      This is the message that needs to publicized loud and clear every day and in every forum. Consult my articles on the subject--organize, and go on the offensive. And keep in mind how the political SYSTEM precludes accountability, and fosters |prime ministerial government (a soft form of despotism), and offer the constructive alternative set forth in my books and articles--and in Hebrew, Russian, and English. (For many articles on Israel's undemocratic system, consult www.i-ari,org

Questions and answers by Robin Ticker

My question remains

Q: Why don't the rabbanim speak the truth????? Why didn't the Hesder Yeshivot (institutions that combine army training with religious education)instruct the Chayalim (soldiers) under their tutelage that they must refuse orders to destroy homes and throw fellow Jews from their homes in Judea and Samaria as did Rav Melamed of Har Bracha? 

A: They are dependant on Israeli gov't stipends. Their are at risk of losing their Yeshivas financing

Then my question is:

Q: Why aren't the Rabbanim in Chutz LeAretz, the Diaspora, speaking the truth like Newt Gingrich, an American? 
 A:  Because it goes back to the Chait HaMiraglim, Sin of the Spies, whereby they would then have to admit that our place is in Eretz Yisroel and not Chutz LeAretz, the Diaspora.  Easier to say "Nisht Inzere Sugia", which translates it's really not our business.  

Q:  Maybe they are right and since we live in the Diaspora it is none of our business..  After all, our boys don't fight in the IDF and risk their lives like the Israeli's
A: The Torah was not given in Eretz YIsroel. It was given on Har  Sinai outside of Eretz Yisroel. Therefore, our Divine Heritage is not dependent on being a citizen of the State of Israel but rather on whether we are descendant from the Avot, Avraham Yitzchok and Yaakov Avinu.  So it is as much our Sugia, our business, as it is those who are Israeli citizens.

Q: But still we are not living in the Land of Israel?
A: Rabbi Nachman of Bretzlev says "Wherever I travel, I travel to the Land of Israel".  Therefore, no matter whether we are, be it in Brooklyn, NY or in Australia,  our mindset is still must be Eretz Yisroel, 

Let us ask ourselves, 
Q:Why is Newt Gingrich, and American running for President of the USA speaking the truth about the Palestinians? 
A: Because he cares about America.  He knows that only the truth of the Bible and G-d's Divine will brings peace and prosperity to mankind.  
Q: Why is he not afraid of the backlash?  
A: Because he is even more afraid of living the lie and the consequences of this lie overtaking America.  He is backed by Bible believers who also know the truth by reading the Bible.

Q: Why there is so much antisemitism in the world today?
A:  First let me preface my answer with whom not to ask this question.  Don't ask Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations,  the Jewish expert on antisemitism. Malcolm Hoenlein's support for Oslo and Annapolis and a 2 State solution is part of the problem, the lie. Malcolm will not provide us with a solution. It's a conflict of interest for him. If he would really help solve anti-semitism in the world, he would be out of a job. There would longer be a need for an expert on anti-Semitism.  

(Not to worry Malcolm. If you speak the truth like Newt Gingrich, true your job might become obsolete.... but don't despair.  You can easily change  professions. You would make a fine Rebbe and  can always become expert in Torah whose reward in the world to come far exceed any profits, prestige or money accrued in your present day profession. Surely, that will also help your insomnia and sleepless nights worrying about the state of the world because of the growing anti-semitism. )

A: It is my opinion that Jews are at fault for anti-semitism.  We created a Chillul Hashem - a void regarding G-d's Name and His Divine Will.   Anti-Semitism grows as we Jews refuse to state and act on the truth. We knew the truth and still know the truth yet we are either apathetic or act in ways contrary to this knowledge of truth from G-d.  For example, the government of Israel (GOI), representing the Jewish people, continue to demolish budding Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.  The Government of Israel (GOI) continues to allow unchecked illegal Arab building.  We continue to allow hate education i Arab textbooks and we allow their elementary schools and other educational institutions  be named after suicide bombers.  We negotiate with terrorists and live the lie that they have legitimacy and that if we surrender our Land they would be peaceful.  

Case in fact:  Had we Jews faced the truth early on and addressed the leadership of the Palestinian Authority, before the leadership of CAIR transplanted itself from the Middle East to the United States, wouldn't America be a safer place today?

Conclusion:  When Israel and the Rabbinic Leadership and the people of Israel publicly proclaims the truth and acts on it, anti-semitism will dissipate and the world will be a better place.

Q: Simplistic?
A: Yes but it's Emunah Peshuta.  It requires the simple belief of a child reading the Torah that G-d keeps His Promises and Covenant to Mankind and to the Jewish People.
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

IDF not defending Judea and Samaria and Barak and Aharonovich have the chuzpa to declare the youth of Judea and Samaria terrorists. Dare we suggest an alternative?


Dear Hesder Yeshivot and Members of the Knesset, 
FIDF (Friends of the IDF) is cc'd

Do not dare to suggest recommendations of an alternative way to defend the citizens in Judea and Samaria in light of the recent escalations of attacks by the IDF and Arabs on Judea and Samaria.  Do not dare to raise awareness of the failure of the IDF to do their job in defending the residents of Judea and Samaria.  It will only  bring forth accusations of creating strife and provoking a civil war by the leftist media and unfortunately also by Yesha leaders, rabbanim and Knesset members (all on the payroll) who collaborate with the government.

Logic concludes that the opposite is true.  Because if the State succeeds, chas Veshalom, in expelling Jews from Judea and Samaria, it puts the entire Israel into real danger.  The people would then have good reason to hate their fellow Jew and good reason to start a civil war.  For the people in Judea and Samaria and their supporters it's a matter of survival, for the entire Israel, the entire world, and not only for Judea and Samaria..

Halvai, the Hesder Yeshivot would insist that their soldiers not be allowed to expel Jews from their homes, and stand firm in their Torah principles.  Halvai Hesder Yeshivot unite with Generals and Army professionals of the same mindset in support of the settlement youth and for their justified right, and by extension the right of all Israelis to being protected by the State of Israel. 

Perhaps we should prosecute the Civil Administration under the Military,  for settlement bashing?.  Yea, right....who expects any justice from a Judicial system that self appoints leftists as judges and is above the law.  

If the Hesder Yeshivot would stand firm for Torah and put Torah before IDF orders, the State would have no choice but to back down because they would lose their best and committed soldiers.  They would have no choice because that is the desire of the vast majority of Jews living in Israel.

With leaders of the IDF who defame the character of their best and their most loyal, it should be the Halacha to go against the IDF when they insist on immoral orders such as expelling Jews from their homes. 

What happened to Rav Melamed when he dared speak out strongly for Torah.  Did Hesder Yeshivot back him up?  Not when they were at risk of losing their stipends. Not by Rabbanim who collaborated with the Police in the Geirush. He was marginalized,defamed, and his Yeshiva was thrown out of the Hesder Yeshiva System.  The Hesder Yeshivot agreed with him but did not back him up.  They were too worried about their stipends.  They did what was politically correct at the time.

So the Hesder Yeshivot turned the other way and allowed this evil to fester. Now face the consequences. Look at what they are saying about your students who agree with the "hilltop youth".  I am sorry to report that you are teaching a bunch of friends of terrorists or terrorists themselves who deserve to be killed. Try to explain that one to your students.  Surely it will win you much respect. But wait...That makes you the teachers of terrorists!  OMG

The Almighty State of Israel

Prof. Paul Eidelberg


Modern Israel is referred to as a "State" as well as a "Democracy"; and of course public life in this so-called democratic state is dominated by "politics."  But to practice "politics" in Israel, or to conceive of Israel as a "State" or as a "Democracy," is to enter a world of thought, action, and passion utterly foreign to the Torah and out of place in the Holy Land.  I shall limit this inquiry to the concept of the "State," and I will show that insofar as the power of this state is virtually unlimited, it borders on fascism and sometimes crosses that border.


Alfred North Whitehead, the great gentile philosopher and mathematician, wisely said, "The Jews are the first example of [a] refusal to worship the state."  The reason is this.  The "State," like the city of Babel, manifests the self-glorification of man.  The State is wholly a human product, based on the autonomy of human will.  The principle, l'état c'est moi, may be traced to Machiavelli's Prince, from which we learn that the laws of the state depend solely on the will of the sovereign, be it the One, the Few, or the Many.  This idea of the State is fundamentally opposed to the Torah's conception of Israel. 


Israel is supposed to be a non-sovereign state created by God to be the teacher of mankind.  Perhaps this explains why Israel today, by using foreign concepts, often fails to act like a sovereign state.  Notice how Israel relies on Washington to mediate conflicts with Arab neighbors.  This may not seem unreasonable, until we recall that Israel's government invested the CIA and the American State Department with the power to supervise PLO compliance with the Wye River Memorandum!


It would seem that Israel cannot act as a normal sovereign state.  Or as the prophet Ezekiel says:  "That which comes into your mind shall not be at all; in that you say, We shall be as the nations ..." (20:32).  What is there about the Sovereign State that Israel cannot readily or comfortably assimilate?


The State is ever seeking to concentrate all power in itself, and this is usually at war with family life and family loyalties.  Indeed, one may see in history a fundamental conflict between the State and the family.  Israel, however, is supposed to be, more than any other, a nation of families with a godly mission. Unlike the State, which pursues power, wealth, and glory, the family, the nucleus of a God-oriented community, honors the pursuit of wisdom and virtue. 


Consider America, ostensibly a benevolent state. The permissiveness fostered by the Judicial and Legislative branches of this liberal or secular democratic state is a constant assault on family values—an assault now augmented by America's Executive branch of government under the Statism of Barack Obama.  


Notice the apparent contradiction: permissiveness on the one hand, Statism on the other.  But this Statism is at the service of permissiveness. In fact, this permissiveness is actually a consequence of the State's arrogating to itself the power to decide the question of morality, even while insisting that it is not the function of the state to legislate morality! 

The State's laissez-faire attitude toward morality is itself a decision not to support traditional morality, which is tantamount to granting a license to a new morality, which, from the traditional perspective, is nothing but immorality. That decision constitutes a subtle but tremendous exercise of power, for it has subverted the long-established morality of the Bible, a precondition of family life and of what families most cherish. 

          This subtle war against family morality is occurring in the Land of Israel.  As may be seen in my book, The Myth of Israeli DemocracyIsrael's Supreme Court, influenced by American jurisprudence, has legalized homosexuality and same-sex marriage—now on the agenda of Barack Obama, who therefore is neither a Muslim nor a Christian but a neo-pagan. 

           Neo-paganism, which is conspicuous in Hollywood, is on public display in Jerusalem, in its annual Gay Parade, whose legal justification may be found in the permissive rulings of Israel's Supreme Court.  But what enables the Court to issue such rulings—which violate 3,500 years of Jewish history and morality—is not simply the Court's ultra-secular agenda, but the palpable fact that the Court is an organ of the all-powerful State of Israel.

            When we utter the word "State," we have in mind an entity possessing a monopoly of power. But the power of the State of Israel is extraordinary. There is not a single state among the world's 88 democracies whose power over its own people equals that of the so-called democratic State of Israel. Where in the world is there a democratic State that has expelled 10,000 of its own citizens from their homes, destroyed their schools, their places of worship, their cemeteries, their community centers, their farms and factories?   And where in this world is there a State whose leader has arrogated to his government the authority to commit the same unspeakable crime, only now to 300,000 human beings as if they were cattle? 

           I am appalled by the absence of outrage among academics and journalists, who gloss over this crime. I am dismayed by academics and journalists, who, out of ignorance or insouciance, have failed to say that this crime sullies the State of Israel with the taint of FASCISM.  I am horrified by the fact that academics and journalists do not denounce this State's in the clearest terms, that its territorial polices show no serious concern for the heritage and therefore the future of the Jewish people. 

 But such is the power of this almighty State that it can betray the heritage of the Jewish People with impunity. It is the only State in history that has voluntarily surrendered land its peoplerepossessed in a war of self-defense against Arab despots. It is the only State in history whose government supports the establishment of a hostile state on its people's own territory, indeed, in their very heartland. This almighty State has therefore arrogated to itself the power and authority to sever the bond between Israel's heartland and the sacred teachings and historical memory of the Jewish People!  The power of this State is cruel, tyrannical, beyond all reason and justice.


Hence this STATE, as a secular and undemocratic STATE. must perish for the PEOPLE of Israel to obtain a new birth of freedom.




Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Pushing for a Torah Autonomy. In response to Are price tags Jews Americans? Let us study American History and the History of the American Revolution


I am getting annoyed at Arutz7 articles about Rabbanim, Yesha Leaders and Knesset members who condemn the youth while these leaders are the ones in power who ignore and/or are ineffective in addressing the deterioration of the security in the settlements and the violence that has been directed at residents of Judea and Samaria.  Just Blame it on the kids!  These young boys and girls  can only fight back with burning tires and with their physical bodies against an army of clubbed and shielded police officers with their riot gear and riot horses risking attack and  arrest.  

Recent Bills and votes in the Knesset have not been effective in stopping this terrible escalation of violence against budding Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. Articles such Are Price Tag Settlers American and 

IDF Chief Rabbi: Attacks on IDF Against Halakhah condemning crimes of "revenge" reminds me of the Yesha Council and their collaboration with the Police  and serve to demonize the settlers and the youth and portray them as radical elements.  This is surely not the case. I know the population and there is no population that is more peace loving and Torah loving than the population in Judea and Samaria.   They are law abiding and not violent.  They have exhibited self restraint that is superhuman.  How dare the media and the paid salaries of the Israeli government portray these youths who were brought up with Love of the Land of Israel and Love of the Jewish People and Love of the Torah in such a false despicable manner?

Let these self righteous leaders and individuals in places of power look at themselves in the mirror and ask what have they done to make sure that these youths and their homes are protected and not violated? Only when they give themselves a satisfactory answer let them dare to suggest it's unruly youth who are at fault.

Why not focus on the barrage of Intolerable acts and illegal acts that violate the  human rights of the Jewish Settlers over the past few years?  Is the IDF protecting their tax paying citizens or is there the situation of "Taxation without representation".  Why is representing over 1000 cases and why are settlers afraid to go to the Police to protect them when they are attacked?  What about freedom of self defense and the freedom to bear arms?????? is it no wonder that Americans who were brought up learning their history are the ones that are advocating such Freedoms in the Land of Israel as well. What about the obligation of any State, to protect its citizens and fellow brothers.  

I do not advocate vigilante individuals acting on their own.  However, let us study what the Americans patriots did when they were facing a similar and even less threatening scenario. The residents of Judea and Samaria and the settlers of the hilltops of Judea and Samaria are facing demolition of their homes and property and constant terror attacks from Arabs, not just unfair taxes..  True, the State of Israel is governed by our brothers and sisters.  We see no reason to fight our brothers and sisters Chas Veshalom, heaven forbid.  However, if  the State of Israel chooses not to fulfill their obligation to defend the Jews in Judea and Samaria,  their brothers and sisters, or to defend the heartland of Israel and our birthright as decreed by Divine Will, then surely the Jews of Judea and Samaria have the justification to seriously consider and openly discuss a Torah Autonomy in Judea and Samaria that will be separate yet friendly, (call it a sister State), to the State of Israel. Surely such a Torah Autonomy will be a much friendlier neighbor than a Palestinian State and will serve to protect the low lying areas in Israel like Tel Aviv and Ben Gurion airport as well.  

But the greatest reason to consider a Torah Autonomy is in order to implement, a prototype, a small scale implementation and an actualization of our dreams and aspirations for over 2000 years for a Torah government whose Roadmap is spelled out in the Torah Shebichtav and Torah ShebaalPeh, the Written and Oral law.  There is no question in my mind that eventually the Nations of the World will then describe the Nation of Israel "Am Chacham VeNavon", a wise and discerning Nation. 

So before you portray these G-d fearing youth as radical, home grown terrorists, think of how you would have described the American Patriots had you lived in their era. Visit this link or any other link that will educate you  regarding the American Revolution and the factors leading up to it. 


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Protest Rally at Israeli Consulate: Helen Freedman of Afsi, Fern Sidman of Arutz7 and Raanan Isserof of Chabad


Why didn't Yesha Chairperson Danny Dayan or MK Yaakov Katz hold a demonstration against the destruction of Alei Ayin and Givat Aryeh like AFSI did in front of the Israeli Consulate?  

Why are they not demonstrating on behalf of the budding communities slated for destruction such as Ramat Gilad, Migron, Givat HaUlpana in Beit-El, and perhaps many more.  Why are they so quick to condemn "settler violence" which perhaps as Ketzele suggest is due to Shin Bet provocateurs inciting disaffected youth into the act.

AFSI, CHABAD and Friends including Notsrim are not shy to focus on the acts of violence perpetrated against Jewish Settlers by the Israel gov't who directs the IDF and by Arabs. Surely we must learn our lessons from Gush Katif.  

A common tactic used by those who are guilty and do not wish to be prosecuted is to go on the offensive on their victim calling them the aggressor so that the victim is too busy defending himself against alleged crimes and have no energies left to prosecute.

Let us not fall into their trap and be sidetracked. 




By: Helen Freedman Director of AFSI


It is with a sense of disbelief and shock that we continue to hear about the program being conducted by the Bibi/Barack demolition crews in Israel. In the middle of the night, Destructo crews are sent in to small, hilltop communities, the inhabitants are thrown out of their beds, out of their homes, and into the cold night. Total disregard is paid to babies, nursing mothers, children, the elderly, and adults. Synagogues have been destroyed, private possessions thrown broken and littered along the ground, and lives are left in limbo.


Teenagers who should be enjoying the carefree years of youth, are left embittered and bewildered by the scenes of the IDF, the police, and Arabs, destroying their homes. The love and trust placed in one's parents and government is shattered. Where does one turn for security and protection? The disillusionment and despair is devastating.


Amazingly, there are those who are able to pick up the pieces and start all over again, and again, and again. It takes amazing physical and mental strength, but there are some who can do it.


But where are our leaders? Why is Bibi groveling and scraping before the world, allowing people to see Israel's shame and degradation? Why is President Obama intent on making Israel the sacrificial lamb? Why does it take a Newt Gingrich to announce what any honest person must know, that there is no "Palestinian" people, language, culture, heritage, and therefore no "Palestinian" entitlement to any of the land of Israel?


Below is the Arutz Sheva article by Fern Sidman, covering AFSI's Sunday, Dec. 11, 2011 protest against the demolitions. We have already lost Alei Ayin and Givat Aryeh. Slated for destruction are Ramat Gilad, Migron, Givat HaUlpana in Beit-El, and perhaps many more. All of this is intolerable. Please read the following article and contact AFSI with your ideas regarding ways in which you can help to stem the flow. We are desperate for your help.   

US Jewish Right Speaks Out Against Destruction of Givat Aryeh 
NY demo against gov't destruction in Itamar. 
By Fern Sidman

Although it has always been the policy of right leaning American Jewish Zionist groups to avoid criticizing Israeli government policy in public, it seems that recent actions by the Netanyahu government are beginning to erode that policy, already severely shaken by the Gush Katif disengagement during PM Ariel Sharon's term of office.

On Sunday morning, December 11, a large gathering of American Zionists gathered at the Israeli Consulate in New York to vocally express their protest at the recent decision by the Israeli government to demolish the community of Givat Aryeh.


Organized by Americans For A Safe Israel (AFSI), its executive director Helen Freedman who just returned from Israel on the organization's bi-annual Chizuk mission, told those gathered, "Just two weeks ago, we celebrated the dedication of a new Torah scroll that was presented to the residents of Itamar and Givat Aryeh in the Shomron by its sponsor, AFSI member Jack Ross. Now we are totally disheartened to learn that the destruction of this community was orchestrated by a decision of the Netanyahu/Barak government."



Calling the decision to bulldoze the synagogue and the homes of those residents in the Givat Aryeh community a "craven, cowardly and sacrilegious act", Ms. Freedman declared, "It is shameful and abhorrent that an ostensibly Jewish government in Israel would even consider destroying a holy Jewish synagogue, along with the homes and possessions belonging to its most loyal citizens." 


Ms. Freedman added, "I had invited many rabbis and mainstream Jewish leaders to attend this demonstration. Many refused; saying that they didn't believe in criticizing Israel in public. I responded by saying, 'If your beloved is about to walk off a cliff, wouldn't you reach out to restrain him?'" 


In a private interview with Arutz Sheva, Ms. Freedman said, "I believe it is because of our great love for Israel that we venture out together on a bitterly cold Sunday morning in December to denounce actions that are suicidal for our Jewish homeland. It is dishonest and un-Jewish to shake off that responsibility while pretending that it is in the best interest of Israel when we know it is self-destructive. As we approach the Chanukah season, we would do well to remember the immortal words of the brave Matityahu who said, 'All who are faithful to G-d, follow me!'" 


Demonstrators held aloft Israeli flags along with signs and banners saying, "Build Jewish Homes and Schools: Don't Bulldoze Them", "A Two-State Solution is Indefensible", and "Save Judea and Samaria from Destruction". 


Among the speakers at the protest were Pastor James David Manning of the ATLAH World Missionary Church in Harlem who was joined by a contingent of his congregants. As an outspoken supporter of Israel and a fervent Zionist, Pastor Manning said, "The Bible states quite clearly that the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people for eternity and no one has a right to take that away. My congregants and I unequivocally support the Zionist cause and as a Christian member of the clergy I remind everyone that whoever blesses the people of Israel shall be blessed but those who curse Israel shall be cursed forever." 


Echoing these sentiments was Raanan Isseroff, a representative of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement who reminded the protestors of the words of the Lubavitcher Rebbe who said that, "The land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel and is non-negotiable. It is G-d's gift to the Jewish people and there is no human being who can alter that fact."  


With great emotion, AFSI member Jack Ross recalled that the Torah he had presented to the people of Givat Aryeh had been purchased and restored by him in memory of his parents who had survived the Holocaust. "I dedicated this special Torah to the memory of the murdered members of the Fogel family in Itamar and tragically, it was confiscated by the IDF on December 1 when both the community and synagogue of Givat Aryeh were destroyed."



In a powerful display of symbolism designed to graphically depict the devastating destruction that was wrought in Givat Aryeh, both Mr. Ross and long-time Jewish activist Charlie Bernhaut, held up a Torah scroll  (allowed as it was one which was deemed halakhically pasul), to represent the assault on Torah-true communities in Judea and Samaria by the Israeli government. Mr. Bernhaut enumerated the names of the communities that appeared in the Torah which was on display and told the protestors that "these are the very same communities that the Arabs claim belong to them. It is clear that we get nowhere when we attempt to appease our enemies." 


David Jacobs, formerly of Staten Island and now a citizen of Israel who resides there with his family, spoke of his own daughter's Bat Mitzvah which took place in the Elei Sinai synagogue in the former Gush Katif region. Recalling the pain he felt when that synagogue was destroyed as well by the Israeli government when the residents of the 21 communities of Gush Katif were expelled in 2005, Mr. Jacobs outlined many of the flaws existing in the Israeli government today, and the difficulty Jews have in publicly speaking out about them.  


Other activists such as Brooklyn resident Robin Ticker, Manhigut Yehudit spokesman Rob Muchnick, veteran AFSI volunteer Charlotte Wahle and Bob Unger, all delivered moving remarks about the crucial need to "recognize the fraudulence of the Arab claim to the land of Israel" and added that any discussions of "legal" and "illegal settlements" in the land of Israel are a misnomer considering that "we recognize that the entire land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people." Concluding the protest was professional singer and activist Bob Unger who led the protestors in an emotional rendition of "God Bless America" and "Hatikvah".


 The best way to send a message to the detractors of Israel in the media, the Administration, and the public is by joining AFSI and becoming active with AFSI's work.  As a member, you will receive all our email alerts as well as email copies of our renowned monthly publication, The Outpost.  See past editions.  


Protest Rally at Manhattan Consulate
Israeli's safety was first and foremost on everyone's mind today, as protesters with a Torah scroll joined AFSI director Mrs. Helen Friedman to rally Sunday Dec 11th in front of Israel's consulate in Manhattan ● Full Story
by Raanan Isseroff
17 Kislev 5772 (13.12.2011)
Israeli's safety was first and foremost on everyone's mind today, as protesters with a Torah scroll joined AFSI director Mrs. Helen Friedman to rally Sunday Dec 11th in front of Israel's consulate in Manhattan.

Joining with Helen were Reverend James Manning and some of his congregants as well as Crown Heights Committee for Shleimus HaAretz and many others who came to voice their protest at Israel's unfair actions to its own Jews.

Givat Aryeh, a small hilltop village built and funded in memory of the martyred Fogel family killed so tragically earlier this year was destroyed this week. With it, was destroyed a synagogue and the villages pricey security system. The three Torah's were taken into custody and "booked" by police and by morning the village was no more.

One of the Torah scrolls was a very special gift of Mr. Jack Ross of Rochester, New York. Mr. Ross prays at the Chabad Center in Rochester run by Rabbi Nechemia Vogel the Lubavitcher Rebbe's emissary there.

The Torah donated had a story.

A Polish sefer Torah, rescued from the Holocaust and restored at no small cost by a Lubavitcher sofer, was presented as a gift to the community of Givat Aryeh in November of this year. Located a bit North of Ariel and West, the windswept hill of Givat Aryeh overlooks the community of Itamar in the Shomron region of Israel.

While there have been many "hilltop villages" destroyed over the last six years, none has so poignantly touched the nerves of Israelis and Jews around the world as this week's midnight destruction of Givat Aryeh, named after the murdered Fogel father Mr. Aryeh Fogel by Israeli forces.

It brought home the irony of Israel's seeking to "dance at two weddings" on the world stage. On the one hand trying to keep its mission as the Jewish Homeland pure and at the same time seeking to make its foreign friends happy with gifts of Land.  All the while trying to make peace somehow with Israel's eternal destiny of G-d's restoring His exiles to Tzion and somehow never succeeding.

This week brought home more than ever, the losing battle, Israel's government is waging against the fulfillment of its mission as a Jewish government over a Land that is not just the birthplace of mankind, but is uniquely gifted to its Jewish citizens.

A mission the government has yet to come to terms with since its establishment in 1948.

In another classic "we won a battle but are losing the war scenario", the government proved itself to be once again the unpopular supporter of Arab rights over those of its Jewish citizens.

A battle it cannot win.

Speaking at the rally, Reverend Manning reminded the Jewish listeners of their sacred mission and his fervent wish to join them in preserving the Jewish face of the Land of Israel.

Mr. Jack Ross joined with another torah scroll that he brought from Chabad of Rochester. Speaking in 40 degree winds, Mr. Ross described how his father survived untold suffering in the infamous Lodz Ghetto until his liberation in 1945.

"A gun was held to heads of the Jews of Lodz forcing them to do what they did" (meaning to other Jews). "They had no choice."

Turning to the Israeli Consulate Mr. Ross pointed: "But Mr. Netanyahu has no gun to his head! Yet in 1992 he was the first in Likud to give away land (Hebron). Today, he still gives away land.  But where is the gun?"

Mr. Ross's inference to Israel's putting Jews in danger at the beck and call of foreign powers was not lost on the audience.  Nor was his inference comparing the Lodz Ghetto's infamous Jewish police who gave over Jews to be killed to Israel's feigned excuses of "helplessness" as they legally clear Biblically Jewish land of Jews.

Land that was bought or won in wars in which Israel was attacked and by miracles won.

Israel's rush to satisfy foreign entities appears to take clear precedence over its interest in the safety of Israel's Jews. A point a number of speakers brought up.

Today, Israel has still not rescinded its commitment to give away major parts of Jerusalem, keeping up building restrictions, recognizing new pre-1967 borders as "established" and refusing to reestablish the West Bank as a legal part of Israel. This is in spite of the West Bank's warlike posturing that has not ceased and has in fact increased with each land concession. Gaza too, a little 7 mile wide by 15 mile long area is a constant source of missiles into Israeli areas.  Facts, Israel conveniently ignores as it moves forward to continue the Peace Process.

Yet to the ire of the Israeli public, these areas are not being reclaimed as part of Israel. Instead, they are allowed to continue being a source of murder and destruction for Jews. And will continue to be, until Israel finally listens to the clarion call of logic, good sense and the need to ensure the safety of Jews in Israel by retaking all the areas including Sinai that it so foolishly gave away like some lentils for a national heritage.

In keeping with the theme of Chanukah, speakers pointed out the hard fight that the Maccabees had against the "political Jews" of that time. Jews who put their faith in the Greek nation first. Much like today, where Jews around the world look to the nations of the world for the very survival of Israel. Nations who historically caused the Holocaust.  Yet from them, they seek salvation. And like the political Jews of days of old, this faith in the nations was to such an extent, that it was not beyond them to put Jews in danger and even joined the Greek legions in fighting against those heroes, the Maccabee's.

While this seems romantic looking back, we are each left with the question of whose side are we really on today?

Have we unwittingly aligned ourselves with the "Political Jews", those Greek Jews of the Chanukah story against the very hero's we so revere?

Today, the situation is so similar.  It will only be with those people who are the "small jar of pure oil". Those who feel the sacred mission of the Holy Land and its Jewish place in the destiny of the world, that Israel will again please G-d, regain its senses and begin to once again put the safety and necessity of Israel's Jews first.
Article that came out today on

Crown Heights Committee For Shleimus HaAretz
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Advocating For Israel - Chabad Style!


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

PM orders emergency meeting on settler violence


"Settler Violence" does not happen in a vacuum! see comment below! I urge you to visit the Arutz7 reports posted last night regarding this matter and watch the Miraglim youtubes.  

Netanyahu Vows to End Violence Against IDF

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu condemned the violent raid on an IDF base in Yesha saying "we will stop it now."
By Gavriel Queenann

After reading this Arutz piece all I can say is to the following leaders in the Nationalist camp is "shame on you"  for condemning the angry settlers and the "minority" of them who acted "despicably" and depicting those that are angry as radical .  Pinchus Wallerstein is a known traitor from the Gush Katif saga but Ketzele and Danny Dayan? I hope not!  But I am afraid that they are falling into a trap. i recommend that they watch the Miraglim youtubes so as not to be used by the evil forces.  

Let's say that this "violence" was perpetrated by provocateurs as Ketzele and Danny Dayan suggest.   Still, the reality is such that settlers are subject to day to day violence from Arabs and from the IDF and this violence directed against them is tolerated. It is not a minority of settlers who are very angry at the IDF for expelling Jews from their homes.  It is not a minority of caring Jews all over the world who are angry at the IDF for violence directed at settlers!  Whether or not settlers perpetrated this act of Violence, does not hide the fact that indeed they were provoked either by actual violence directed, such as the expulsion from their homes or by provocateurs implanted by Shabak who led them to believe that they and their homes will be attacked and they must do something in self defense.   Let say that some of these settlers that perpetrated these "acts of violence" had intelligence that Ramat Gilad as well as 5 other outposts was going to be raised as was Givat Aryeh. Let us even say for arguments sake that this intelligence was planted falsely by Shabak.   Are they totally unjustified to burn tires or even throw rocks at an IDF who is oblivious to rocks thrown at them?

If you say that they are unjustified, let me remind you of the intolerable acts directed against the American pioneers that brought on the American Revolution.  Freedom of Self Defense and Freedom to Bear Arms are built into the Bill of Rights of the American constitution.  The settlers of Judea and Samaria are not merely suffering from Taxation without Representation.  They are suffering from intolerable acts. 

Settlers do not want to fight the IDF.  They do not want a civil war.  But the government of Israel is not allowing them basic freedoms and are not protecting them as governments are  required to.  Shame on Ketzele and Danny Dayan for not emphasizing these truths but rather worrying about how the settlers are depicted in the Press.   You and I know that the settler movement  is not a "home grown terror organization".  By suggesting credibility in your statements of this being a possibility by a minority of settlers, strengthens the arguments of the government and makes you their tool to divide the Nationalist camp into 2 camps.  Those who are "violent" and those who are not. 

I suggest you emphasize the American Colonists and the Intolerable Acts that led to the American Revolution. 

From YNet

PM orders emergency meeting on settler violence

Netanyahu to convene IDF chief, police commissioner and defense minister to discuss ways to handle settler violence, vows to take firm hand against rioters

Attila Somfalvi

Published: 12.13.11, 11:52 / Israel News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered an emergency meeting following settler violence directed at the IDF. The discussion will be attended by the IDF chief of staff, police commissioner, Central Command chief, defense minister and internal security minister.


"This is an intolerable state," Netanyahu said. "Tonight's events are very serious. We shall take a firm hand," a statement on behalf of Netanyahu said. The prime minister will demand explanations and will search for ways to toughen handling of rioters.


Related stories:


The IDF is also taking the events seriously. IDF Spokesman Yoav Mordechai described the incident in which Ephraim Brigade commander Ran Kahana was hurt. "He was hit by a rock and was lightly bruised," he told Ynet. "Later on a bus arrived and unloaded 40-50 rioters who entered the base, hurled stones at military vehicles, broke windows and punctured tires."


סימני צמיגים בוערים בחטיבה (צילום: יואב זיתון)

Marks of burning tires (Photo: Yoav Zitun)


Mordechai said that a red line had been crossed. "Hurting military officials and IDF bases is intolerable. There is an attempt to drag the army into the political discourse with violent means and provocation." He called on Yesha leaders and leading rabbis to condemn the event in an unequivocal manner.


Asked about the army's handling of the violence he said that the IDF will draw lessons from the event and noted that the IDF chief of staff is personally dealing with the issue.


Traces of burning tires can still be seen near the Ephraim Brigade base. An IDF officer whose car tires were punctured described the events. "They opened the gate by force and hit anything they came by, throwing stones, bottles of paint and puncturing tires. By the time the police came they had ran away. The whole thing lasted 20 minutes."


Talking to Ynet Minister Dan Meridor responded to the violence and said, "I don't want to think what would have happened were they not Hilltop Youth members but Palestinians. I think this is a cause for serious concern for us all."


He added, "When the rule of law is being violated there is no end to the phenomenon. Some say 'price tag' acts against Arabs aren't so bad because it's against Palestinians. Then it's being done in Israel and people say it's not so bad because it's against leftists. And now it's being done against the army. This challenges the authority of the state and the government. Such violence against IDF soldiers must be met with a firm had and in accordance with the law."


Yair Altman contributed to this report

My comments:

There is a direct correlation between "Settler Violence" and Police violence directed against settlers and their homes and properties.  When stones are thrown at settlers  by Arabs, do the Police and IDF call it intolerable and  then take a firm hand against the Arab rioters and stone throwers?  Sadly to say, not only do they not take a firm hand against the Arab stone throwers, they instead take a firm hand against the Jewish victims.   These Jewish victims are afraid to report any Arab violence out of fear of being accused of being the perpetrators and then prosecuted in Israeli court.  Check out the work of Honenu


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.