Sunday, December 27, 2009

More on a Torah Republic in Judea and Samaria Yehudah vs. Yosef


In light of some of the comments I have received to my former post
let me respond.

 Rabbi Stein commented that the Rabbanim get their money from the gov't and therefore can't respond forcefully.  David Bedein suggests a massive PR campaign to the Israeli Public to prove to them that what the gov't plans to do to Judea and Samaria will directly compromise their own security.  Chashi said that what I propose is a last resort. 

I propose an autonomous government self supported based on Torah and Mitvoth.  We need G-d on our side to help fight our battles.  Why would a fancy PR campaign convince when the dangers to all of Israel are obvious and don't convince? Everyone knows that the assault of Sderot followed the expulsion of Gush Katif. It does not take a rocket scientist to put 2 and 2 together.

My dear friends, The fact of the matter is that we are blinded by money and by our stubbornness not to make the observance of Torah the key point.  And to Chashi I ask, shouldn't we act before our ability to act is taken from us?

Let me suggest serious deliberation about the establishment of a working prototype, a model political Torah Autonomy in Judea and Samaria. It's best to start small in order to iron out the details and fix issues that arise before it is on a large scale. It seems to me that the majority of Israeli's are not spiritually, psychologically or emotionally ready for a Torah republic.  It's revolutionary.  Let the Jews in Judea and Samaria be the first to try living a Torah Autonomy and with Hashem's help they will be a shining light for the rest of Am Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel and then model a society that is a Mamlechet Kohanim VeGoy Kadosh.

Parshat Vayigash brings the conflict of two Kings Yosef and Yehuda face to face.  According to Breishis Rabba Yehuda faces this conflict with prayer, willingness to appease Yosef but if necessary prepared to fight.  (taken from the Midrash Says Parshat Vayigash)

How appropriate is this weeks Haftorah, read Chanuka time to the current events at hand and speaks about the divide between Judea and Israel and the final redemption.  The Haftorah  from Yechezkel speaks about the unification of the tribes of Yehudah and the tribes of Yosef  under the Leadership of Moshiah.  Moshiah is  from Shevet Yehudah, the Davidic dynasty who unites the Jewish people  under Torah Law and ultimately this brings peace and prosperity to all of mankind.

Let us keep sacred in our hearts and mind the ultimate redemption and unification read in this weeks Haftorah of Parshat Vayigash from Sefer Yechezkel.

It seems to me that in order to fulfill this prophesy of Yechezkel, some rift, some divide  between Yehudah and Yosef needs to be in place in order for the unification to happen.

Now back to the present:

There needs to be a way where the gov't of Israel gets real consequences, Midah Keneged Midah.  I am not talking about Nekama.  I am talking about taking away sources of funding that they are presently receiving from those who will suffer as a result of their policies. I am also talking about hurting the IDF before they get a chance to hurt us to the point where we will be unable to defend ourselves or do anything about it except carry resentment and ill will.  If the gov't of Israel chooses to destroy homes, businesses communities and the property of their citizens who are residents of Judea and Samaria, they should not reap the benefits of these citizens taxes.  Also, since the communities in Judea and Samaria benefits the entire Israel from a security standpoint, all Israelis should  withhold tax money from the Israeli gov't in order to help support Judea and Samaria thereby defending themselves as well. Many Israeli citizens would downheartedly agree that their security would be greatly compromised with an unchecked Palistinian State and the absence of Jewish settlement. The assault on Sederot and Southern Israel after withdrawing from Gush Katif is proof. I am sure that David Bedein and the Israel Resource Center would be helpful in PR in this respect.

As the government of Israel becomes a puppet of foreign powers, and stops representing the Jewish people and the Torah, stops protecting it's tax paying citizens and as a result creates major security concerns, then Jewish Leadership must take over.

The terror attack this past week against Rabbi Meir Avshalom Chai perpetrated by released terrorists is another example of how policies of the government is endangering its citizens.

Therefore, Judea and Samaria needs to be governed autonomously.  They need a governing body based on Torah,  they need services, and a militia .  The Hesder Yeshivoth united should stop sending their boys to the IDF while they are intent on expelling Jews and instead enlist them in the Judean Authority militia governed by Torah law whose purpose is to protect Jews. Needless to say, the IDF and the Judean Militia should work hand in hand in defending Jews. Hesder  Yeshivoth should receive their funding from the Judean Authority and not the State of Israel..

If the State of Israel sees that we are serious in Judea and Samaria, they will hopefully see that they are outnumbered and stop the freeze, stop plans of expulsions and future dangerous prisoner exchanges.  If however, they choose to be stubborn about this, then we must be prepared to fight them, with Hashem and our Torah guiding us. Yisroel Betach BaHashem Ezram Umeginum Hu.  We have no alternative.  We daven, we tried to appease and we are prepared to fight a war.  (Just like Yakov Avinu in preparing with his fight with Eisav and Yehudah in Parshat Vayigash).

The recent appeasement  of the Hesder Yeshivot did not work. 

In response to Barak's stubborness to exclude Rabbi Melamed and the Yeshiva at Har Bracha, all Hesder Yeshivot must unite and say we are all Har Bracha and not Har Kelala.  We agree with and stand with Rabbi Melamed.   We will advise our sons not to join the IDF or be part of an operation that expels Jews. Furthermore, we will actively do our best to defend our G-d given entitlement to live on our Biblical Homeland and fight against Kassam or Yassam or any Mishtara that threaten us. .

As I suggested in my previous email is a Judean Autonomy whereby the residents would pay local municipal  taxes.  Israeli's, businesses and private citizens that wish to support the communities in Judea and Samaria should withhold  taxes for the gov't and instead at the very least put it in Escrow until the gov't shows that they will protect the rights of the residents in Judea and Samaria and put an end to the freeze.  If the gov't insists on the freeze, let  this money go to establishment of a Torah Republic of Judea and Samaria ir whatever it's called.  I am against using youth, women and children as our front line.  I am against massive arrests that will put us and our families at the mercy of a Barak and his henchnan.  We were naive once.  We trusted that they wouldn't harm us because we believed them to be our brothers. We know now that many weren't even Jewish. Why be stupid again? We saw how the Judicial system treated young girls who had an ideological protest.  We saw what they did to unarmed kids at Amona, Those clubs and riot horses were not child's play. 

Torah must take the leadership position.

Let us take into account that once a military operation against the Jews in Judea and Samaria by Barak and his people  is in place chas vechalila any counter move will be much harder.

All comments to these ideas are most welcome. In fact the greater the discussion on the legitimate right of the residents of Judea and Samaria to form their own Autonomy given the series of intolerable acts against them, the greater is the deterrent for the government of Israel to implement expulsions.  This will be posted  on  Please feel free to comment there so that others can see your opinion.

Thank you for reading and Shavua Tov!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Another letter to Rabbanei Hesder Yeshivot - Response to Construction Freeze - a stronger "anti freeze' action plan


To the Rabbanei Hesder amv"sh

Of course I can't tell you what to say. You are learned and great Torah Scholars.  I can only tell you what I would like to hear you say or what I believe is moral  legitimate and justified, upholding Torah and ultimately will bring peace among brothers.

Given the leaked plan of the IDF and the State of Israel to implement expulsion from Judea and Samaria in a manner that treats the residents of Judea and Samaria as the enemy:

Given the fact that Israel is planning on establishing a Palestinian State, hostile to the entire Land of Israel thereby endangering Jews in Israel and worldwide

Given the fact that Israel is planning on expelling Jews from their homeland, stealing their property and their source of income, thereby raising havoc with the community and the family structure...and violating many Biblical and Rabbinic commandments in the process...

I feel that there is justification to make the following declaration.

We stand as one together with our colleague Rabbi Melamed and the Yeshiva at Har Bracha in teaching and instructing with our students, soldiers of the IDF not to participate in evicting Jews from their homes. We are Har Bracha....(as Rav Waldman declared..). We oppose the establishment of a Palestinian State and the expulsion of Jews from our Biblical Homeland.

We oppose releasing terrorists in a prison exchange. We support operations like Entebbe.

* We hereby declare Judea and Samaria as an autonomous entity, named for our purposes the Yesha Authority, separate and distinct from the existing State of Israel but still brothers and sisters under the same family whose roots stem from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob also known as Bnei Yisroel.

The Yesha Authority will exercise its rights to self defense against Kassam and Yassam. It will be governed by Torah Law with a Legislative, Judicial and Executive branches of government based on Torath Yisroel and will have an active set of Shoftim, Dayanimin and  militia as well.  It will not act aggressively against their brothers of sisters in the State of Israel unless acting in self defense and in protection or defending our entitlement to live and settle on the Land within the Biblical boundaries.

There is no question that we are better neighbors than a Palestinian Authority and will not be aggressive against our brothers and sisters unless provoked.  We would insist that nonJews within our Land accept the Noahide laws and accept Jewish Sovereignty. Otherwise they are free to leave to the 22 surrounding Muslim countries.  Acts of aggression against Jews will not be tolerated and will invoke harsh backlash in order to prevent further incidents.

I applaud many parts of the "Anti Freeze' Action Plan recently released by Grassroots organizations in the Yesha such as the call for No Dialogue and the Call for building.  But the part which calls for getting arrested seems to be dejas vous with disastrous results.  Let me remind you how the Yassam responded in Amona to the unprotected youth.  They hit them in their reproductive organs and made antisemitic remarks like we hope that the likes of you don't reproduce.

Please forgive me for reminding you but we must know our opponent and how they have responded in the past against unarmed civilians, namely a bunch of kids.They have imprisoned young girls compromising tzniyut with uncalled for body searches for months at a time for the crime of rejecting their court system.

Showing a willingness to be arrested indicates a willingness to be subservient and aversion to lead.  The State of Israel was established with a flaw.  That flaw is rejection of Torah.  Throughout the years however, the State did much to encourage a rebirth of Torah. That is until the intifada.  At that point the State seemed to undo their years of progress of building.  The Disengagement, the Hitnatkut symbolized destruction rather than growth.

Torah Jews can not operate under this anti Torah umbrella.  The flaw has turned into a crack. The time has come to correct this flaw.

If a Yesha autonomous governing authority is established, residents of the Judean and Samarian communities would pay taxes to the local municipalities and pay for the Judges and Legislature as well as for the services of the communities. Let there be a call among Torah Scholars, Talmudic scholars, academic scholars, political theorists, economists and those that research Hebraic Law (e.g. Selden) for papers addressing  a theoretical  model of a government based on Torah. 

We are talking about a population that respects authority.  However, how will the Rabbanei Hesder Yeshivoth look at their wives and children if Chas Vechalila the IDF comes by to evict them? Won't the women and children's eyes ask why was it forbidden to protest and mobilize the Jewish population to put an end to  these evil decrees rather than meekly agree to be subjected to getting arrested? Frankly, if I was in your shoes, I  wouldn't want my daughter to be arrested and I don't think she should be in the front line.  If they send in armed soldiers then, armed soldiers should be their match and not unarmed youth, women and children.

In my opinion, taking a strong position is justified and would be the only way to deter implementation of a future expulsion chas Vechalila.  All comments are welcome.  A healthy exchange of ideas is the civil way to respond to the looming threat of expulsion and any attempt to stifle a healthy dialogue would be indicative of failure to allow freedom of expression one of the basic Bill of Rights

Sincerely, Robin Ticker.


From Women in Green: Rebuilding Netzer - Chanuka Chizuk Movie - Gives you the feeling as if you had been there yourself....


From Women in Green:

Sharon Katz, Editor of Voices magazine, wrote an op-ed about our
building activity in Netzer last week and edited a short movie which
will give you the feeling as if you had been there yourself.

The movie can be seen by clicking on:
For the article:

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Netzer Again and Again and Again

Eight times the outpost of Netzer has been destroyed. Nine times it
has been rebuilt. This afternoon was one of its rebuildings.

Netzer was created to bring Jewish continuity from Alon Shvut to
Elazar, the Biblical Heartland of Israel, the center of Gush Etzion.
It stands on a hilltop only a few hundred meters from Alon Shvut's
Givat HaChish and from the top of Netzer, you can see Elazar's
beautiful Jerusalem-stone homes.

Netzer became a symbol long ago of the Jewish determination to build
the land. Its outpost stood for many different lengths of time, only
to be destroyed , but then rebuilt again with even greater

Gush Etzion was well-represented on Netzer today. Dozens of Jews of
all ages gathered there to show their steadfast attitude that Gush
Etzion and all of Yesha must be strengthened, and this would be
achieved through continued construction, construction, construction.

It was cold and windy on the hilltop, but there was no freeze. Three
generations of pioneers carried small and large stones to build the
walls of a stone house on the remnants of a house that stood once
before. Teenagers sawed and hammered to build the skeleton of a wood
and aluminum house, as well.
The building was done to lively accordion music, as the accordionist
walked from worker to worker, cheering him on with his tunes.

After hearing a shiur (lesson) by Alon Shvut's Rabbi Gidon Perl, the
visitors lit an improvised Chanukiah (menorah) on the side of the
mountain. Its flames were visible all the way from Efrat.

While this building event was partially symbolic, there is actually a
movement underway to create a "Build the Land of Israel Fund." This
Fund will finance Jewish builders in the construction of a 48 sq meter
home at the cost of 100,000 NIS (completed within five days) or the
construction of a 70 sq meter home at a cost of 200,000 NIS (within
two weeks).

This will enable young couples to move to Israel's hilltops at very
reasonable susidized costs. The couples will not pay for the
construction, but will pay rent to the Fund, which will then subsidize
other housing.
If the houses are destroyed, G-d forbid, the Fund will finance new
homes. Continued new homes throughout Judea and Samaria will thaw the
freeze, and continue the warmth of building and growing.

There are already ten young families on a waiting list for the hamlets
of Aish Kodesh, Sussia and Negohot. With the help of the "Build the
Land of Israel Fund", founded by Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover, the
families will be able to expand on the hilltops with REAL houses.

The people of Judea and Samaria want to continue building. This Fund
will make it even more possible.
If the Fund is not able to collect the monies that it believes is
possible, then chas v'shalom, the only building in the next nine
months and beyond, will be the symbolic stone and wood structure a la

For more information about the "Build the Land of Israel Fund,"
readers can contact Nadia Matar, 050-5500834
or Yehudit Katzover 050-7161818.
The photos in this blog were provided by Israel Katz.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Disappointed in Yeshivot Hesder for their unanimous declaration against protest of IDF


To Whom It May Concern in the Hesder Yeshivot, amv"sh

I feel that the recent unanimous declaration not to protest the IDF shows weakness .  This becomes especially  true in light of the leaked military plan to enforce the construction freeze as a military operation against the Jews of Judea and Samaria as if they are the enemy

The time has come to institute Civil Law in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.  Taxes should go directly to the local municipalities which will pay the salaries of the municipalities as well as Hesder Yeshivot in Judea and Samaria. 
A militia of soldiers to defend Judea and Samaria should be established as per the encouragement of the Yeshivot Hesder to defend our rights to settle in Judea and Samaria and to defend Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria   If funding for the Yeshivoth came from a source other than the State of Israel, then surely this statement against protesting the IDF would be far from unanimous.

The IDF with orders from Barak to expel Jews  from the heartland of Israel has lost its moral compass and has reneged on our Covenant that Hashem made with our Forefathers Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yaakov.  Sometimes, a child can see that the Emperor is not wearing clothes while all the grownups are blinded with considerations.  The State of Israel is wearing no clothes of Torah.

The Hesder Yeshivoth should be  making unanimous statements against the delivery of terrorists to the enemy and against the construction freeze in Judea and Samaria.   The loss of funding to the Hesder Yeshiva in Har Bracha amounts to 800,000 NIS as per the  number of students.
ובלי להפסיד תקציב של 800 אלף שקלים לשנה (לפי מספר התלמידים). This is not small change. Obviously w/o this funding the Yeshivah can not continue to operate in the same way or perhaps not at all. 

 It's time for the masses, companies and individuals in business throughout Israel put their taxes in escrow and with pride insist that the government either allow construction, building and growth in Judea and Samaria or else the tax money will go to the local municipalities in Judea and Samaria. Perhaps it's time to sell Judean Bonds rather than Israel Bonds. This revenue from  taxes and  outside foreign sources can then support the Hesder Yeshivot as well as all the services the Yesha communities require for its safekeeping and development.

Will this cause a civil war and divisiveness?

The government of Israel is clearly implementing intolerable acts.  This is clearly a situation of taxation w/o representation and many feel, including Knesset members, that it is a declaration of War against the communities in Judea and Samaria.  The communities in Judea and Samaria have no alternative.   Meek expressions of protests serve no purpose unless accompanied with some muscle. If the government of Israel understand that their actions will result with a loss of tax revenue coupled with a decision of the Yesha communities to operate under local civil law rather than under military law of the State of Israel and form an independent militia to protect the communities in Judea and Samaria from Kassam and Yassam then perhaps they will forego this military plan. Surely a Judean Authority will be a much better neighbor to Israel than a Palestinian Authority.  Israel should welcome a Judean Authority with open arms.  They are relieved of their duties to protect this population and in return gain a loving neighbor who has no intention of sending Kassam rockets their way.

If the State chooses to proceed with their military plan then we are assured of divisiveness, justified anger, resentment, and a potential civil war between Jews (if not immediate, then as the children grow up).

On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 10:50 AM, משה גולדשמיט <> wrote:
Dear Robin, Great letter only even in the first paragraph there is a probematic nuance where it says "by using soldiers for police actions to expel Jews from their homes". This is a very common hasbara mistake because it engrains in the readers mind, or listeners mind the idea that expelling jews from their home is conceivable in a way. I don't think the settlers of Neve Dekalim would have felt any better if they were carried out by a policeman (as opposed to a soldier). the idea of expeling jews shouldn;t even be mentioned because it becomes a norm in our minds when we discuss these things. Helen is obviosly for Eretz Yisrael hashelayma as well as many many activists that "fall into the pach" when they say things like this (policemen as opposed to soldiers doing dirty work). NO-ONE should have to do dirty work and the dirty work should never be mentioned. The word settler was also misused. When I represent my yishuv I ALWAYS say community. Settlement has become the misconstrued word meaning- radical place. No, we are just regular la dee da communities. The expeling of jews from their homes isn't on a priority list for who has to, or will do it. First mistake.
Anyway, thank you so so much for your constant care and may we be consoled with the stories of Yosef and know that he who laughs last, laughs best! Love, leah
----- Original Message -----
From: Robin Ticker
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 11:51 AM
Subject: Activism in support of Rabbi Melamed of Har Bracha vs. Barak anddecision to oust them from Hesder -AFSI, Hesder Rabbanim Petition, Mattot Arim


1751 Second Ave, New York, NY 10128

Tel: 212-828-2424; Fax: 212-828-1717;;

Contact: Helen Freedman, Executive Director

Dec. 18, 2009



             "Defense Minister Ehud Barak made a serious mistake when he "punished" Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, Head of the Har Bracha Hesder Yeshiva, by removing the yeshiva from the military program for the alleged offense of suggesting that soldiers disobey expulsion orders," asserts Helen Freedman, Executive Director of Americans for a Safe Israel/AFSI. She quotes former Defense Minister  Prof. Moshe Arens who says, "The government  is wrong for involving the army in politics by using soldiers for police actions to expel Jews from their homes."

            Freedman continues, "There is obviously a great struggle here between the authority of the IDF and Torah law. A preliminary petition, signed by 23 Hesder Yeshiva rabbis, which is expected to have many more names added to it, speaks about the "establishment of the State and a Jewish defense force, the IDF, as a great sanctification of G-d's name."  Consistent with this ideology, the rabbis reject the use of the army for purposes that desecrate His name – such as using the IDF to expel Jews from their homes. In this spirit, the rabbis have stated clearly that "loyalty to Hashem stands above all other loyalties, to the government or to the army."

            AFSI sympathizes with the soldiers who are put in the extremely difficult position of having to decide whether or not to follow orders of expulsion from their military commanders, or to follow Torah Law and refuse to expel their fellow Jews from their homes. Many of the soldiers in the Hesder program come from communities slated for removal, as was the case in the expulsion from Gush Katif in August, 2005.

            AFSI, which supports a whole Israel, Yisrael Shlayma, denounces the give-away of any of the Land of Israel and deplores any actions of expulsion or discrimination against Jews. The worst manifestation of this anti-Jewish bias is in asking loyal Jewish citizens to use physical violence against  their own brethren. We call for support for the Hesder rabbis in their brave denunciation of the use of the IDF to violate Israel's Jews.


From Mattot Arim:

Please contact other Hesder Yeshiva Rabbis on this subject

Here's an example letter (feel free to write your own):


Dear Hesder Yeshiva Rabbis, re: Freedom of religion for combat soldiers.

Please express your support of Rabbi Melamed. His positions  rejecting military orders to dismantle Jewish settlement coincide with those of certain senior authorities on Jewish halacha -- such as at least 2 former Chief Rabbis of the State of Israel -- Former Chief Rabbis Goren and Shapira. Therefore, Rabbi Melamed's positions are crucial because they pertain to freedom of religion for Israel's Jewish combat soldiers.  Since Israel's vegan and vegetarian soldiers are not forced to wear regulation army leather shoes,  it should certainly be the case that Israel's practicing Jewish soldiers not be forced to dismantle Jewish settlement which is contrary to well established Jewish beliefs. After all -- Israel is a Jewish state, not a vegan state. Thanks very much in advance, Rabbi, for speaking out thus demonstrating your devotion to "our boys in uniform". Sincerely (name, location, profession, academic title, etc.);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


*For email addresses of all Hesder Yeshiva rabbis -- -- you can just "scoop up" all those email addresses with your mouse and copy-paste them into the to-field of your email. However, there are 60 Hesder email addresses above, so if your Internet Service entitles you to send to only 50 persons at a time, you will need to send 2 separate emails using about half of the above addresses for each. Thanks for helping from -- Mattot Arim

בבלוג מטות ערים: 


    OR by phone: 02-997-4836, OR by email
To purchase books of the Yeshiva & the Rabbi: 02-970-9588, ,
To register as a student in the Yeshiva: 0525-665-735

Petition of Hesder Yeshiva Educators in Support of R. Melamed

Follow Israel news on Twitter and Facebook.

( Support for Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, Head of Har Bracha Yeshiva, is growing. A petition supporting Rabbi Melamed in his ideological showdown with the Minister of Defense, signed by rabbis and educators countrywide, has reached Arutz Sheva.

The letter reads as follows:

An open letter
From rabbis/educators in the Hesder yeshivas
To the yeshiva students, and youth awaiting conscription

 Dear students and youths!

We turn to you at a time in which many in the country are discussing the relationship between Torah commandments and the authority of the military commander.

As educators who send their students to serve in the IDF, we are committed to answer this question in a clear and precise way, as we were taught by our greatest rabbis: Chief Rabbi Shlomo Goren of blessed memory,  Chief Rabbi Avraham Elkana Shapira of blessed memory, Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli of blessed memory and Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Neria of blessed memory.

We have therefore written the following before you:

May you only be strong!

By the grace of G-d we have been given the gift of living in a time of redemption. A time of ingathering of exiles, of establishment of the State and a Jewish defense force, the Israel Defense Force or IDF. All these constitute a great sanctification of G-d's name and are steps toward the complete redemption.
To our sorrow, for some time now, the army is also being used for purposes that have nothing to do with defending Israel, and are contrary to the will of Hashem, as it appears in the holy Torah. This situation throws the soldiers of the IDF into a reality in which there is a contradiction between the commandments of G-d and the orders of the military commander.

Therefore, we must teach ourselves and all of Israel, that our belief in Hashem the G-d of Israel and the acceptance of the yoke of His Kingdom, are the source of our devotion in the war to assist Israel. We need to make it clear to everyone that this loyalty to Hashem stands above all other loyalties, to the government or to the army.

Through this very trouble shall we be delivered.

We will make it clear that while it is true that the army has one commander – he, too, must be loyal to the G-d of Israel. This clarification will uplift our army to loyalty to Hashem our G-d, a loyalty through which the true Israeli military consciousness shall be clarified.  It is not "my power and the might of my hand that hath gotten me this wealth, but the Lord your God... gives you power to get wealth" (Deuteronomy 8).

The Gemara in Sanhedrin Tractate teaches us that it is a mistake to declare loyalty to a flesh and blood king without noting that our primary loyalty is to the Word of Hashem!

The Yad Ramah [a 12th century Jewish sage from Spain – ed.] explains the passage by saying that any declaration of loyalty must be carried out in the fashion of the sons of Gad and Reuven, who told Joshua: "As we obeyed everything that Moses told us so shall we obey you, only let the Lord your G-d be with you as He was with Moses; Every man who goes against your orders will be put to death, may you only be strong."

They declared loyalty and then lessened it, in case they would be ordered to transgress against the Torah and its commandments.

We teach our students, the Hesder Yeshiva students, to be loyal soldiers out of a commitment to to the Word of Hashem. We are certain that the Name of the Lord which we bear is what strikes fear into the hearts of our enemies, and it is what awards us with salvation and the glory of victory. 


Rabbi Yigal Abutbul, Rishon LeTzion Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Ben Tzon Elgazi, Kerem BeYavneh Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Shmuel Eckstein, Afikei Daat Hesder Yeshiva in Sderot
Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakai, Kiryat Arba Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Shlomo Binyamin, Lev LaDaat Hesder Yeshiva in Sderot
Rabbi Ariel Bareli, Afikei Daat Hesder Yeshiva in Sderot
Rabbi Ohad Baruchi, Tverya Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Eyal Gefen, Rishon LeTzion Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Chaim Gross, Mitzpeh Eshtamoa Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Amir Garti, Shavei Shomron Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Erez Vatik, Shavei Shomron Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Shiloh Tovi, Afikei Daat Hesder Yeshiva, Sderot
Rabbi Elisha Yinon, Beit Shean Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Yaakov Yehudah Yakir, Beir Orot Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Yitzchak Levi, Kerem BeYavneh Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Yishai Lange, Beit Orot Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Yair Frank, Shiloh Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Nachum Tzafri, Elon Moreh Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Noam Konigsberg, Shaalabim Hesder Yeshiva
Rabi Eliyahu Shachor, Elon Moreh Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Aryeh Stern, Kerem BeYavneh Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Shalom Shmidt, Ramat Gan Hesder Yeshiva
Rabbi Yedidya Shimon, Rishon LeTzion Hesder Yeshiva

The organizers said that the list is a preliminary one.



The Full text in Hebrew of the Hero Rabbi Eliezer Melamed (H)