Monday, December 01, 2008

Fwd: קריאה דחופה להגיע עכשיו לבית השלום emergency call to come to Bet HaShalom now


Dear Fellow activist in the Diaspora, amv"sh

Call Agudath Yisroel of America, the OU, the Young Israel and Lubavitch International all with Washington offices and large network of shuls and yeshivas and members and ask what they are doing to mobilize the people to protest this and other immoral provocations of the Gov't of Israel against the settlers, as a result of pressure from outside sources such as the USA  to implement the Roadmap and establish a Palestinian State putting the lives of all Jews in danger. .

The destruction of the Federman house and the illegal arrest and abuse to his family, the immoral arrest of Rabbi Shendorfy and the  discrimination against the settlers is reaching an all time high.  There is example after example of intolerable acts all following the pattern of discrimination, harassment, provocation, lies, unfair judgement and meanness against those that insist on our Biblical rights to the Land of Israel.  WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE IN AMERICA TO PROTEST?????

Rav Yaakov Perlow, Noveminsker Rav shlita
Rosh Agudath Yisroel of America
Agudath Yisroel of America
42 Broadway Suite 1400 New York, NY 10004
Tel 212-797-9000 Fax: (212) 254-1600
cc: Avi Shafran Director of Public Affairs for Agudath Israel

Rabbi Pesach Lerner shlita
Executive Vice President of the National Council of Young Israel
The Council of Young Israel Rabbis USA: - CYIR,
111 John Street, Suite 450, New York, New York 10038
Tel: 212-929-1525 Fax: 212-727-9526

Mr. David Olivestone shlita
Director of Communications and Planning
The Orthodox Union
11 Broadway,
New York, NY 10004
Tel:: (212) 563-4000 ♦ Fax: (212) 564-9058

Rabbi Krinsky shlita
Chabad Headquarters
770 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Tel: 718 774.4000 / fax 718 774.2718

Rabbinical Council of America
305 Seventh Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, New York 10001
Phone: 212-807-9000
Fax: 212-727-8452

Rabbi Basil Herring
Executive Vice President
Phone: 212-807-9000 x 5
Rabbi Shlomo Hochberg

We request that you telephone -- rather than e-mail --
the Israeli Embassy or the Israeli consulate nearest you and demand to know
why they are destroying Beit HaSHALOM?
    The embassy's phone number is 202-364-5500.
Stress, that as an American citizen, you can ask the State Department to
investigate what you feel is clearly a human rights violation due to pressure from the USA.
    Now, we are asking you to call your member of Congress and raise the
issue of why only in Israel is it forbidden for a Jew to purchase property from an Arab but an Arab is permitted to purchase property from a Jew. Why are scores of Arab buildings being built without the proper permits with USAID with no inhabitants (take a ride adjacent to the wall that is presently being built and you will see house after house w/o windows or inhabitants) and there is no reaction from the gov't of Israel while men women and children living in Beit HaShalom, purchased with all the legal permits are being thrown out.  This is clearly a discriminatory political matter and not a legal one.

We also ask you to call the State Department's Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor and
inform them of clear violations of human rights with the destruction of the Federman home and the illegal arrest of Noam Federman and demand an investigation.  The State Department's main numbers are 202-647-4000 or

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: eli7 <>
Date: 2008/12/1
Subject: קריאה דחופה להגיע עכשיו לבית השלום emergency call to come to Bet HaShalom now
To: eli7 <>

כוחות בטחון מג"ב ומשטרה ממשיכים לזרום לחברון

מתגבר החשש לגירוש מבית השלום עוד הלילה.

הציבור נקרא להגיע מידית לבית השלום

המטה המשותף למאבק על בית השלום


More and more security forces and Border Police are now flowing to Hevron

There is certainly great reason to worry that the authorities are planning the expulsion from Bet Hashalom tonight.


Please come and help prevent another expulsion of Jews from their home.






Friday, November 28, 2008

Contact information of Influential Rabbanim and Askanim in Israel and in America



1655 46 STREET
3. RABBI AHARON FELDMAN  Rosh Yeshiva Nir Yisroel
4.  RABBI SHMUEL KAMINETZKY Rosh Yeshiva in Philadelphia, Rabbinic Advisor Chofets Chaim Heritage Foundation)
6.  RABBI YAAKOV PERLOW Rosh Agudath Yisroel of America
1569 47TH STREET
7. RABBI AARON SCHECHTER  Rosh Yeshiva Chaim Berlin
1141 E. 17TH STREET

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Avi Shafran <>
Date: Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: response to your questions
To: Robin Ticker <>

The following list is copied from

Current members belonging to Agudath Israel

    Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh Alter, the Rebbe of Ger (Hasidic dynasty) (Chairman)
    Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Hager, the Rebbe of Vizhnitz (Hasidic dynasty)
    Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Horowitz, the Rebbe of Boston (Hasidic dynasty)
    Rabbi Avrohom Yaakov Friedman, the Rebbe of Sadigura (Hasidic dynasty)
    Rabbi Chaim Shaul Taub, the Rebbe of Modzitz (Hasidic dynasty)
    Rabbi Yochanan Sofer, the Rebbe of Erlau

Current members belonging to Degel HaTorah

    Rabbi Yosef Shalom Eliashiv (Co-Chairman)
    Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Ponevezh Yeshiva (Co-Chairman)
    Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach (II), the Rebbe of Belz (Hasidic dynasty)
    Rabbi Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Ponevezh Yeshiva
    Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, the Rosh Yeshiva of the yeshiva Torah Ore
    Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Maalos HaTorah yeshiva
    Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel (Mir), the Rosh Yeshiva of the Mir yeshiva (Jerusalem)
    Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Ponevezh Yeshiva
    Rabbi Meir Tzvi Bergman, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva Rashbi

Robin Ticker wrote:


Dear Rabbi Shafran, amv'sh

Thank you so much for responding.

Can you please provide the names of the Eretz Yisroel Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah or the names of the Gedoilim in EY from whom American Agudah are waiting to get direction regarding taking a position?

Gmar Chasima Tova!

Robin Ticker

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 2:02 PM, Avi Shafran <> wrote:

The American Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah does not generally take positions on matters of Israeli security.  I do not know if the Eretz Yisrael Moetzes has done so with regard to Yehudah and Shomron (or territory in the Negev that was abandoned).

That the Jewish people is entitled to all of Eretz Yisrael, though, is a truism.  Whether or not we have been zocheh at this point in history to be able to exercise that right, however, is a different, and open, question.  My impression is that most Gedolim in Eretz Yisrael are opposed to a Palestinian state (at least in the absence of a sea-change in Palestinian attitudes).

Should those Gedolim in E"Y ask the American Agudah to organize some sort of public expression of a position, we would obviously treat the request with great alacrity.  To date, though, they have not.

Robin Ticker wrote:


Dear Rabbi Shafran, amv"sh

Whatever you send to me should be considered for  public distribution.

Official Questions awaiting official responses:

What is the position of Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah regarding Yehudah and the Shomron in our day?  Are we entitled to this Land today or is this up to the political decisions of the government of Israel which means the establishment of a Palestinian State and the expulsion of the Jews from Yesha..

If you answer that we are not entitled to Yehudah and the Shomron then what should be the answer for the hundreds of thousands of Jews presently living in Yesha.

If you answer that we are entitled to Yehudah and the Shomron then what is Agudath Yisroel doing proactive to mobilize it's people to protest a Palestinian State and keep Yehudah and the Shomron..

What is the position of the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah regarding territory that have been ceded to the Arabs like Gush Katif and any future negotiations. Are these agreements legal and binding according to the Torah. Have Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah concluded that they are legal agreements altogether.

Dear List,

The following organizations must have extensive mailing lists of Rabbanim,  since they reach tens of thousands of Jews if not more, with the various Torah Lectures on Ahavas Yisroel, Shmiras Halashon, Tisha Baav Programming

I would send them letters return/receipt addressed to the key contact people and ask/plead with them to pass it along to their list of influential Rabbanim. It's a matter of Pikuach Nefesh.

Mr. Michael Rothschild
Executive Director
Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation
361 Spook Rock Road
Suffern, NY 10901



This organizations has worldwide Harbotzas HaTorah Projects and Torah lectures held in USA, Israel, Europe, Canada, South America, Australia, South Africa.  They have hundreds of Rabbanim that have lectured for them and  the Gedolei Hador of Eretz Yisroel have their ear. (Maran HaGaon

Rabbi Elozer B. Bald
Founder and Menahel
Irgun Shiurai Torah
1606-47th St
Brooklyn, NY 11204

cc: Ari Parnes and Reuven Wolf

Fax 718-853-0909

Irgun Shiurai Torah TapeCenter
4609 - 16th Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11204


In addition I will try to get contact info for the Kiruv ORganizations like Aarachim, Aish Hatorah, Ohr Sameach.  Unless they show that they believe in G-ds Covenant with our forefathers and a willingness to not stand by in Silence at the Blood of our brothers, their other words of chizuk will not be considered authentic.

Rav Yaakov Perlow, Noveminsker Rav shlita
Rosh Agudath Yisroel of America
Agudath Yisroel of America
42 Broadway Suite 1400 New York, NY 10004
Tel 212-797-9000 Fax: (212) 254-1600
cc: Avi Shafran Director of Public Affairs for Agudath Israel

Rabbi Pesach Lerner shlita
Executive Vice President of the National Council of Young Israel
The Council of Young Israel Rabbis USA: - CYIR,
111 John Street, Suite 450, New York, New York 10038
Tel: 212-929-1525 Fax: 212-727-9526

Mr. David Olivestone shlita
Director of Communications and Planning
The Orthodox Union
11 Broadway,
New York, NY 10004
Tel:: (212) 563-4000 ♦ Fax: (212) 564-9058

Rabbi Krinsky shlita
Chabad Headquarters
770 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Tel: 718 774.4000 / fax 718 774.2718

Rabbinical Council of America
305 Seventh Avenue, 12th Floor
New York, New York 10001
Phone: 212-807-9000
Fax: 212-727-8452

Rabbi Basil Herring
Executive Vice President
Phone: 212-807-9000 x 5
Rabbi Shlomo Hochberg

Rav Hershel Schachter of YU

Tuesday, November 25, 2008



I just came back from Israel today after the AFSI tour throughout Yesha.  The facts on the ground are very grave indeed and happening very quickly and people even in Yesha are unaware of how the government is working very effectively with facts on the ground towards the establishment of a Palestinian State.  For example, our tour group was subjected to a roadblock going from Hevron to Ashkelon and we were asked to give our passports as if it were between 2 different countries.  It was still an unsophisticated checkpoint since the machine didn't work properly and it didn't seem that the people knew what they were doing.  The signs were only in Arabic and the inspectors did not seem the typical Israelis but rather a mix of Border police.  It was quite unsettling. New signs are going up along this new forming wall (the future border of the "Palestinian State") stating that the development is funded by USAID or European Union etc.  Many illegal Arab houses unoccupied at the moment, without windows are being built at an alarming rate with this influx of money coming from outside sources to establish facts on the ground.  Also yesterday the government sent around 250 Yassam Police to evict a family from a Caravilla in Nitzan from Gush Katif (Please note that Nitzan is within the Green Line)  Apparently, a family moved from a Caravilla to a house.  Another family wanted their bigger Caravilla and moved into it.  Leaving a smaller Caravilla to be removed.  For this terrible "crime" they sent in 250 Yassam Police, riot horses etc to remove this family who wanted less cramped quarters.  While Arabs are allowed to build illegally w/o permits all over the place. Jews are bogged down with bureaucracy, their natural grown contained and permits very hard to come by. Immoral and illegal orders have been implemented to expel Jews from settling the Land of Israel.  But the letter below clearly clarifies how far the government is willing to go and it is our duty to publicize the truth before it becomes too late.  

We asked Dror Vanunu, Gush Katif Leader what could stop a future expulsion from Yesha  He replied that if the Rabbanim would come out with a strong psak for soldiers to disobey illegal and immoral orders to expel their fellow brothers in Yesha, it would be effective to prevent another expulsion. Mr. Sones wants a Psak of the Rabbanim to tell the ravshatzim (those responsible for the security and weapons of the residents) to disregard any order to confiscate the weapons of the residents of Yesha and for reasons of Pikuach Nefesh make sure that they are returned if confiscated. .

These are intolerable acts and we can take our cue of the establishment of the militia men in the 13 colonies.

Let us legitimize the justification of our bretheren in Judea and Samaria to fight a fair and just war in their struggle of freedom of religion and their right to assert our rights as loyal and tax paying citizens of the State of Israel.

I would like the Rabbanim to suggest that the entire Nationalist Camp join in one party party in a platform of Unity  for Yesha and against the establishment of a Palestinian state.  Splintering into Likud or any other party does not allow a strong force to present our case.  Also they can use their influence to convince the people that for their very survival they must urge everyone to fight for Yesha as a priority to fighting for their very own community or Organization. United we Stand, Divided we fall.                                                                . 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Israel Kaplan <>
Date: Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 1:33 AM
Subject: Rav Lior
To: Robin Ticker <>

Hi Robin
Please read urgent letter sent by Mordechai Sones to the Rabbi of Yishuv Nachliel,
Rabbi Uriel Houbara
 On Thu, 11/20/08, Israel Kaplan <> wrote:
From: Israel Kaplan <>
Subject: Subject: Israel Govt. Confiscating Weapons From Yishuvim
To: "IZZY" <>
Date: Thursday, November 20, 2008, 7:03 PM

16 Cheshvan 5769
14 November 2008

To: Rabbi of Yishuv Nachaliel, HaRav Uriel Houbara, shlita

From: Mordechai Sones

Re: Confiscation of Resident�s Weapons and Danger to Life

Shalom u�Vracha,

We are hereby bringing before the Rav an urgent request for a ruling regarding pikuach nefesh (saving of endangered lives), detailed as follows:

Because our communities and the roads leading to them are constantly surrounded by danger, a sudden army or government order to confiscate our weapons would appear calculated to signal an official willingness to place our lives and the lives of our families in greater danger.

Recently, the army committed a surprise weapon confiscation that has stripped our communities of what little defenses we had. Therefore, it has become clear that there is complicity at the highest levels to abandon Judea and Samaria, including Arab attacks, targeted evacuations, and evictions of outposts and other yishuvim ("settlements" � "yishuv", sing.) to help maintain process momentum.

There are other indications that a Palestinian State is planned to be announced in the coming year. In the past, Israel government officials promised they would not uproot "a single yishuv". Their betrayal of that promise is especially significant as they also stressed that they never said they would not allow the Palestinians to chase us out themselves or slaughter us in a first strike attack. Credible military eyewitnesses have reported Palestinian first strike capability within 20 minutes of every yishuv in Judea and Samaria.

As the world�s attention is focused on Gazan missiles, IDF counter-strikes, evictions of outposts, and Israeli political intrigue, the coming abandonment of Judea and Samaria is being obscured in a craftily orchestrated international protest against Israel�s building of the wall � as if it were an Israeli trick for pushing back the Green Line here and there � and not an instrument to facilitate the carving off and eviction of the Jewish communities that should be protesting the fact that they happen to be on the "wrong side" of the wall to make a Jew-free Palestine.

All of the nine major tyrannical regimes of the twentieth century confiscated the weapons of the populations they planned to murder or terrorize en masse.

The nine regimes are listed below:
Ottoman Turkey
Nazi Germany
Yugoslavia (the former)

Of the nine regimes, not one announced its intentions to its victims. All the victims were deliberately fed disinformation until the last minute in order to induce them not to resist.

This may explain the transparent story repeated by each ravshatz (Civilian Security Coordinator and IDF-Settlement Liaison), including our own, Mr. Ilan ben-Shabbat, that our weapons are "not actually being confiscated; they will merely be under lock and key with me in the gun rooms, to be distributed in an emergency". 1

Although the IDF often promises weapons to be made available to the Yeshans (Judeans and Samarians) once a PA onslaught is imminent, the order to release and distribute such weapons would depend on an Israeli cabinet decision.

A PA first strike�s chances of success would increase if a handful of IDF officers issued orders to the yishuv ravshatzim not to resist, but to evacuate. Such orders would have to come from the top, of course, i.e. the Prime Minister him/herself.

Knowledgeable disinformers may in fact not know the government�s full strategic picture of implementing the betrayal, but have been briefed in meetings with IDF officials on talking points, and guided on what lies to put out facilitating such a betrayal to ensure maximum surprise and shock value against those being disarmed and attacked.

As a matter of fact, six years ago, this same Ilan ben-Shabbat, then able to speak the truth without the constraints imposed by his paymasters in the army, went on record in the community�s weekly newsletter more than once, saying:

"Weekly Newsletter, Yishuv Nachaliel; Parshas B�Ha�aloscho (and also) Shelach, year 2002:

"Message from the Ravshatz:

"In light of the current situation and after investigations that were performed after all the infiltrations into yishuvim in the past months, the one who succeeded in stopping or significantly delaying the terrorists were those who encountered them first and were carrying their weapons. In light of this, I request of all those in the yishuv who have guns to always carry their weapon with them at any given time. I know that this is not easy but doing this could save lives.

"Shabbat Shalom, Ilan"

The Ravshatzim are therefore stuck in the middle; they have a difficult job, they are loyal citizens, and they are the constant target of kvetching instead of meaningful community support. This will only undermine their ability to stand up for you to make the clear and right decision at the vital moment.

The government�s goal is the successful evacuation of Judea and Samaria, with as little casualties (to themselves) as possible.

The methods they are using against us to achieve this goal:

Planting false hopes for Yeshans to cling to and postpone plans to resist;
manufactured sense of hopelessness;
appearance of fait accompli when it has not yet occurred;
betrayal of trust;
dividing yishuvim against each other;
cut off support from rest of Israel;
element of surprise; and,
shock of betrayal -
are all designed to produce one key end-result: Jewish paralysis to allow for the swift collapse of Judea and Samaria.

Meanwhile, on the frantic night of the eviction, several contradictory thoughts, emotions, pressures, and confused loyalties will have been calculated to create extreme psychological stress and paralysis for each ravshatz:

A phase of sustained killings, terror, and other harassment which is gradually demoralizing the general population and especially the ravshatzim and their families for years;

Sudden intensification of such incidents;
The ravshatz�s knowledge of the yishuv�s lack of independent defensive capability;
Recent orders from the IDF to leave;
Fresh demonization of "settlers" in Israeli and world media with newly invented stories of Jews caught planning attacks or atrocities under the auspices of the GSS "Road Safety Committee";

At a certain point of peak violence and stress the ravshatz may receive notification that truck convoys have been pre-positioned near the yishuv to evacuate families as Palestinian Authority armored vehicles advance toward yishuvim, as agreed upon in the Oslo Accords2, is coordinated with the IDF retreat to clear the way for Palestinian declaration of statehood.

These same techniques used successfully to betray and abandon the SLA in Lebanon, and the residents of both Yamit and Gaza, are being used against us in Judea and Samaria. SLA Commanders could have saved Southern Lebanon but were given orders from the IDF to betray and abandon their positions. The ravshatzim may be given similar instructions in face of PA attack.

Just like the one night when SLA platoon commanders could have saved the SLA, so will the Ravshatzim have a brief chance to save Yesha (Judea and Samaria).

Under these circumstances, the ravshatzim will unfortunately be the ones upon whose shoulders will rest the terrible decision if our community will survive as a community after a sudden stroke of eviction or abandonment.

The day may come when the ravshatzim will have to give the orders to open the gun rooms and help � or at least allow - the Yeshans to engage in effective nonlethal resistance against an IDF-led eviction, or effective lethal resistance against an Arab first strike.

We must address these issues now, to ensure the survival of your community and Judea/Samaria as a whole � for as we know, Judea and Samaria must stand together - lest Israel fall.

Whether your ravshatz will stand with the group for abandonment and betrayal, or stand with us for the rescue of our yishuv and our country has become the question. We are not the ones forcing this question. The diplomatic appeasement by our government to many other nations sworn to our national destruction has created this question. For us the only question remains either to surrender, or to draw the line with our lives rather than going like sheep to the slaughter.

Because we Yeshans have not been providing the answer, the answer is being made FOR us, which will further demoralize us. So unless we draw the line, it will be drawn for us in an indefensible way. If we don't draw this line now, there are no other lines for Israel to draw.

The world recognizes people�s right to defend their homes against aggression, and once they fail to defend those homes, the world also recognizes that they have forfeited the legitimacy of their claims to them. In 1948 the Arabs were told by their own armies to run and they ran. By the world�s criteria, they lost their claim to the land when they ran.

Yeshan's willingness and preparation to defend themselves against lethal or nonlethal attempts to evacuate them is Yesha's key to survival at this point.

The amount of time people in yishuvim will have to hold will be temporary � it will be limited. The Iraqi army will not come against us � PA forces plus PA eviction units will have limited time.

If the first strike/eviction against yishuvim is not a fait accompli within a day or two, Yeshans still wavering whether to evacuate may begin finding the courage to resist.

The key factors affecting yishuv survival are the weapons, training, and organization to withstand an assault; the food, fuel, and ammunition to outlast a siege; plus an organized system to provide early warning for when an assault would take place.

We are asking the Rabbis to present this information to the ravshatzim, and to make clear to them that the laws of Pikuach Nefesh obligate them to commit to their historical role in saving Judea and Samaria. When the mad night of betrayal comes, they will be the ones who can empower, or at least not interfere in Yeshans self-defense. And effective Yeshan self-defense is what it will take to buy that crucial 24-48 hours for Israel to reject the policy of acquiescence in abandonment. While the battle to collapse the abandonment policy continues, those inside the yishuvim already understanding the threat can take practical countermeasures.

If the Yeshans do not summon the courage to take effective countermeasures against eviction, they will have acquiesced in their own betrayal by default.

And in the eyes of the world we will have forfeited the moral right to our homes and our land.

Because the hills on which our homes sit are the strategic backbone of Israel, our obligation to defend them goes beyond our obligation to protect our property from theft. The survival of Israel itself is at stake.

Despite official attempts to confiscate and limit the weapons and ammunition available to yishuvim, each yishuv still has more weapons, ammunition, and trained personnel on hand than was available for the heroes of the Warsaw ghetto uprising.

In the historical sense, it was their heroism that placed these resources in our hands, and it would be immoral for us to squander them in paralysis when Israel�s own survival is at stake.

But by exposing the covert eviction preparations, we can diminish the political support for the abandonment of Yesha and eliminate the element of surprise.

If we adopt effective countermeasures, we can neutralize the threat of eviction.

If all the Rabbis will cooperate, with full support of the community, in ruling thus to all the Security Coordinators, it will make it much easier for each ravshatz to know that he is not alone � on the contrary, many ravshatzim are extremely concerned about the situation � we understand the difficult situation in which they have been placed by the government, and we wish to strengthen and encourage them to do the right thing.

Therefore, we are urgently requesting an Halachic ruling from the Honorable Rabbis based on the unbiased, unbribed (former) testimony of the greatest yishuv security experts there are � the ravshatzim themselves - that confiscation of our weapons constitutes a grave and immediate danger to the people of our communities, both within the yishuv and on the roads, and pikuach nefesh overrides everything.

We therefore request that the Rabbis rule that as a matter of pikuch nefesh, the ravshatzim must immediately return all the weapons and equipment to all the residents like before, and to inform the army that they cannot be party to a deed that will endanger all the families who rely on them and trust in them, because it is the ravshatz�s job is to protect them.

With much respect,

Mordechai Sones

cc.: Rabbis of the Jewish People in Every Place

Residents of Judea and Samaria

416 824 2858
416 256 2858
Check out my new blog

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Urgent Action Alert! - PMW - Hamas and Fatah the same - Stop the "Peace" process and millions of $'s to PA


Re: Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) Report

PMW monitors what comes out of the Palestinian media. It is crystal clear from their reporting that there is no significant difference between what Hamas teaches their children and what Fatah teaches their children. 

Besides working to stop funding to the PA, let's stop promoting the "Peace Process". 

Let us begin in our shuls and our very own Jewish Media and our very own Malcolm Hoenlein. .

Malcolm Hoenlein is a very well respected Jewish Politician.  The Yated and Hamodia promote Malcolm Hoenlein as does Nachum Segal.  There is standing room only in religious shuls when he speaks and the audience is mesmerized.  Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky values Malcolm Hoenein's opinion on foreign affairs.

Yet Malcolm Hoenlein, in spite of all his knowledge regarding antisemitism has supported Oslo and Annapolis and was an active member of the negotiating team in Annapolis.  He is actively engaged in negotiating and promoting the Peace Process and the organizations with whom he has close affiliation endorse the establishment of a PALESTINIAN STATE!  

Is it any wonder that the Yated and Hamodia did not take the side of the settlers when the Federman family were beaten and thrown out of their home in the middle of the night.  Is it any wonder that the Orthodox and Chareidi newspapers did not shout with outrage at the destruction of the Federman and Tor homes or  when Elisheva Federman was arrested a week later and dehumanized  when they took DNA samples from her for alleging kicking the police officer that perpetrated this immoral and illegal military operation against her family. 

Let us be a Jewish Media Watch and find out why the Jewish Press did not find the Federman story newsworthy (old news is not the same) and what kind of news coverage was reported by the Yated and Hamodia. 

Then ask Malcolm Hoenlein how come he considers Oslo binding (what about Bris Bein Habesarim - G-d's Covenant with Abraham) and why was he at Annapolis? If he clearly believes as a right wing Torah Believing Jew, what business does he have representing the Conference of Presidents whose very influential members are leftists who endorse the Peace Process and a Palestinian State. He is getting bashed by the left for not being enough of a leftist and by us for representing the left. 

Our suggestion to him is to quit his job and get off the fence and  stay true to his personal convictions.

The bottom line dear Jews is as follows:

As Orthodox Jews, readers of the Torah, how can we disregard G-ds Covenant with Israel?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kati <>
Date: Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 7:20 AM
Subject: Fw: URGENT: Please Take a Moment to Fight Anti-Israel Terror
To: chayawitkin <>, Robin Ticker <>

: Monday, November 10, 2008 4:00 PM
Subject: URGENT: Please Take a Moment to Fight Anti-Israel Terror

This email contains an action alert regarding an extremely critical situation, the crux of which may be understood in the following two sentences: "THE WORLD was incensed when Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced his vision of a world without Israel, and there were calls to put him on trial. Yet when Abbas's TV teaches Palestinian children the identical vision of a world without Israel, Western countries run for their checkbooks to keep funding him." (An excerpt from the linked article, "Why is West funding Abbas' hate TV?" by Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch -



Please take this simple action:


1.)   Open a second email window


2.)   Copy and paste the following email addresses to the address line:, 


3.)   Copy and paste the following email address to the Bcc line:


4.)   Copy and paste the following to the Subject line:
Norway: Stop Funding Terror!


5.)   Copy and paste the following to the text area of the email:
Norway's current government, as chair of the committee that co-ordinates international funding, has a moral obligation not only to immediately cease funding the PA hate machine, but to recommend that the entire international donors' group cease funding the Palestinian Authority, and make renewed funding conditional on the rewriting of PA schoolbooks and a change in the PA worldview.


6.)   Then type your name, city and state (if you reside in the U.S.) or name, city & country and send it. 


Please send this to everyone on your email list, and urge them to do the same.


Thank you for your past EFFECTIVE action, and in advance, for this one.



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Action Alert: Jonathan Pollard from Yosef Rabin

Yosef: Call the Israeli Embassy Now and demand that they request the release of Pollard!

202 - 364 – 5542

Say these 13 words

"Go to the White House and demand the release of Jonathan Pollard Now!

Public Reception:
Monday through Thursday
09:30 AM - 01:00 PM
09:30 AM - 10:30 AM

If you cannot call between these hours leave a message.