Sunday, July 13, 2008

5768.10.10addendum Israel Land of My Possession - Additional/revised URGENT ACTION ALERT. TIME SENSITIVE Mattot Arim


10 Tammuz 5768
July 13, 2008


Dear Fellow Jew and Activist, amv"sh,

Please forgive  multiple emails in one day.  I try to minimize it. But when it comes to Pikuach Nefesh,  we must do more than just tolerate these emails to act.  Mattot Arim  have written in their emails that 29 Jews have died so far as a result of releasing terrorists.  This action alert is to prevent  future terror attacks by the hands of known cruel terrorists who are to be released.  If we don't act to stop this ridiculous exchange of live terrrorists with dead body parts, how can we then claim in a predictable terror attack of one of these terrorists that our hands did not share in the shedding of this blood.  What good will "sharing the the pain" of our brethren do at such time.  And frankly how can we be assured that this pain will not directly hit us. Terror attacks have no save havens.  Not our homes and not our  backyards and not our shopping areas. Even Lakewood ,Boro Park and Crown Heights have their share of incidences.   Turning a blind eye to our brother's security danger might evoke Midas Hadin from Heaven. Chas VeChalila!!!!!

Received from Mattot Arim <>,


Folks, we are happy to report that plenty of SMSs reached the Knesset Members to remind them how important it is to get through that important law against using the legal system to harrass political demonstrators. So...please let's stop the SMS's TO THE MK'S now to let the poor Knesset Members get some rest. Now see below -- superurgent - you need to SMS elsewhere.


SUPERURGENT – ON TUESDAY 15 July (this Tue),



On Tuesday (thank you to the Jerusalem Post for finding this out:


 the Government will be voting again to continue the horrific "bodies for Samir Kuntar" deal, which if you saw today's news, has already resulted in Olmert having to promise Abu Mazen to release MORE  terrorists -- so as to be fair to Abu Mazen as well, of course! And the shopping list of terrorists to release is yet long.


From now till Tuesday is your chance to help stop this. If we do not totally succeed this time, we will partially succeed. Remember the calls to destroy terrorists' houses? The first time around everyone said: "Those people are crazy". The second time, Olmert and Jerusalem mayor Lapoliansky fell over one another in their haste to come out and say that terrorists houses have to be destroyed. That happened ONLY because concerned people like you demonstrated, called and faxed the first time around. There is a lesson to be learned here.

received from Mattot Arim


Your SMS, email or fax can be very short:





* SMS to Olmert aides' cellnumbers – 050 621 6677    050 629 8032      050 620  3763

* Email to these addresses (never mind if a few don't work):,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


* Best of all is to fax or call ministers' offices direct, click this link for fax and phone numbers:


* If you are very bold, you can call Olmert's senior aides directly -- it is your democratic privilege:


Yanki Galanti, Media Advisor, PM. 02 6705465 cell. 050 621 6677

Oved Yehezkel, Gov't  cabinet  sec'y 02 6705532

Ronen Moshe, Media Advisor, DM 03 697 5750 cell. 050 629 8032

Gil Messing, Media Advisor, FM   02 5303215   cell  050 620  3763



The Shdema committee has received a letter from the Ministry of Defense clarifying that Israel has not yet finalized its decision to transfer Shdema to the Arabs. So... it is clear that the main purpose now is to have constant events in Shdema.  The more Jewish presence, the more chance we have to keep Shdema in Jewish hands and ultimately create a nice new yishuv right there in that strategic location.

Most important now is to make sure we have enough people this coming Monday, July 14th when we plan to go to Shdema for a night of kumsitz, painting the buildings, and singing Eretz Israel songs till early morning.

Even if you can't come for the entire night, make an effort to come at least for the first few hours. If you do not come with your own vehicle, please register for the bus by calling 0505-500834 or 0505-777254 or 0505-246770 or 02-9961292

Transportation will be leaving  from Har Homa in Jerusalem (6:30 pm from the Har Choma police station), 5:30 pm  from Kiryat Arba
6:00 pm  from Gush etzion, 6:10 pm  from Efrat South, 6:20 pm  from  Tekoa. 6:30 pm  we all meet (private cars and buses) at the roundabout before the turn to Nokdim. Bring sleeping bag, food, drink, flashlight, walking shoes, tefillin and siddur

Details: Orly Glauber (Har Choma 054-4286425),  Ruti Wolfish (Tekoa 02-9964956), Nadia Matar (Efrat 0505-500834), Anita Finkelstein (Tekoa 0505-777254), Eli Rodan (Elazar 054-4993529)



Saturday, July 12, 2008

5768.10.10 Israel Land of My Possession - URGENT ACTION ALERT. TIME SENSITIVE Mattot Arim


10 Tammuz 5768

Sunday July 13, 2008

For English read below.

Received from Mattot Arim to
exonerate Orange demonstrators (kids that protested Gush Katif etc.) who are being prosecuted as criminals.

Yossi Beilin clause


עדכון דחוף בעניין החוק לסגירת תיקי המפגינים הכתומים


השמאל מנסה להכניס סעיף מיוחד, שנקרא "סעיף יוסי ביילין", לחוק לסגירת תיקי המפגינים הכתומים. זהו אותו חוק שעליו דיווחנו במייל האחרון שהגיע אליכם לפני שבת. יצביעו עליו ביום שני, מ-11:00 עד 13:00.  "סעיף יוסי ביילין" נועד לקלקל את כל החוק. למשל, יתכן שיהיה כתוב באותו סעיף, שהחוק יחול רק אם פקידים מסויימים במשרד המשפטים מסכימים שהוא יחול. הסעיף נקרא "סעיף יוסי ביילין" בגלל שח"כ עתניאל שנלר, יו"ר הוועדה שמטפלת בחוק, אמר השבוע כי: "אולי יהיה צורך לשנות סעיף זה או אחר בשביל לזכות בקול של יוסי ביילין..." (מקור ראשון" משבת, גליון "יומן", עמוד 10).


בכל הכבוד - לא צריך את קולו של יוסי ביילין, הרי יש רוב בלעדיו. מה שכן צריך, זה לשמור שלא ייכנסו "עיזים" לחוק.


לכן נא לשלוח ס.מ.ס. דחוף  (רצוי עד יום שני ב-11:00) לכל הח"כים הטובים הבאים שפועלים לטובת החוק, משהו כמו: "תודה על סיועך לחוק מפגיני הימין, נא שמור שלא ייכנס "סעיף ביילין", תודה, (שם)" 


                  לשלוח אל:

א.      רובי ריבלין –  0505233818 RUBY RIVLIN, MK

ב.      אפי איתם     0506247802 EFFY EITAM, MK

ג.      צבי הנדל   ZVI HENDEL, MK  0505587077  

ד.      נסים זאב 0505411752 NISSIM ZEEV, MK

ה.      עמירה דותן   0502205444 AMIRA DOTAN, MK 

ו.        הרב רביץ       0505456633 RABBI RAVITZ, MK

ז.       יעקב מרגי      0504963737 YAKOV MARGI, MK

ח.   ד"ר יובל שטייניץ    DR. YUVAL STEINITZ 0523853280   

 ט.   ישראל כץ 0506241000  YISRAEL KATZ, MK 


תודה רבה על פועלך!


Urgent -- the leftwing MKs are trying to "ruin" the law to be voted upon on Monday -- the law you heard about in our previous email , which is intended to exonerate Orange demonstrators who are being prosecuted as criminals. The leftwing MKs are trying to add a special "Yossi Beilin" clause, which apparently even Yossi Beilin may be willing to vote for because it renders the entire law useless. For example, the clause may say that the law only applies if some clerk in the Ministry of Justice SAYS that it applies. Can you please send suitable SMSs to the above list of MKs (see the Hebrew) - including MKs Ruby Rivlin, Effy Eitam, Zvi Hendel, Nisim Zeev, Amira Dotan, Rabbi Ravitz, Yakov Margi, Yuval Steinitz, Yisrael Katz. Use the cellphone numbers above, in the Hebrew, and write something like:



Please note that the vote is scheduled to take place on Monday between 11:00am and 1:00pm Israel Time which is  4:00am to 6:00am early Monday EST (7 hours difference).


Thank you very much to all those who are calling and SMSing about this law, thereby making Israel a better place. We all know how bad it is for a society, when its legal system is abused in order to score political points by persecuting demonstrators.   

Friday, July 11, 2008

5768.10.8 Israel the Land of My Possession: Dialogue with The Chareidim, Action Alert...


8 Tammuz 5768
Friday, July 11, 2008

This newsletter is dedicated to those that wish to follow the Rabbanim but pick Rabbanim who remain Silent regarding our entitlement to Eretz Yisroel.

1. Rabbi Moshe Tendler's visit to Temple Mount. Chareidi reaction. 102 comments before my own (see next item) which may or may not be published.

2. Robin Ticker's response to the comments on YWN Yeshiva World Network to above post on YWN.

3. Rabbi Chananya Weissman's reaction to the comments on YWN.

4. Meeting with Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander member of Sanhedrin Rabbinical Court of Bnei Noach in Brooklyn, NY

5. The negotiations- Rabbi Shalom Z Berger Knowing that our claim to the Land is true and that the enemy's claim is spurious is a precondition for rallying the support that is necessary for a successful engagement with the enemy.

. People of the Book - The Rebbe says that
the physical act is necessary: to settle the entire Land of Israel!-

 7. Dr. Roy Neuberger - Thought about Tammuz

8.  Lev U'neshama Help our Brethren in Tsefat


1. Rabbi Moshe Tendler's visit to Temple Mount. Chareidi reaction. 102 comments before my own (see next item) which may or may not be published. Go to link to read comments.

Reprinted from Temple Institute: 

(Click HERE for photos) Rabbi Moshe Tendler, rabbi of The Community Synagogue of Monsey, senior Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva University's Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, the Rabbi Isaac and Bella Tendler Professor of Jewish Medical Ethics and Professor of Biology at Yeshiva College, and son-in-law of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, paid a visit to the Temple Mount on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, 5768, (Thursday, July 3, 2008), in the company of the Temple Institute's Founder, Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, and Institute Director, Yehudah Glick. Joining them was Rabbi Tendler's grandson Avraham.

During the course of the visit the group recited prayers, including Kadish, Birkat Kohanim, and Barchu. The group also sat as a Bet Din, (Rabbinical Court) to perform Zecher Lekidush Hachodesh, ( a re-enactment of the Temple era pronouncement of the New Moon by the Sanhedrin).

Rabbi Tendler declared that he intends to encourage his students as well as members of his community to ascend Har Habayit (the Temple Mount).

2. Robin Ticker's response to the comments on YWN Yeshiva World Network.

Thank you Rabbi Chananya Weissman for comment #102 (see below).  I too will not be afraid to sign my name.

 Ever since plans for the disengagement was announced, approximately following Pesach 2005, I and other lovers of Eretz Yisroel called and begged Rabbanim in Agudath Yisroel of America and MOetzet Gedoilei Hatorah and the Yeshivishe world to speak out for Eretz Yisroel.  We begged them to put a Kol Korei that Hashem promised Eretz Yisroel to the seed of Avraham Yitzchok and Yaakov exclusively as an everlasting inheritance and we in turn our obligated to keep the Mitzvoth such as Shemittah and other Mitzvoth read at Hakhel and all the Mitzvoth of the entire Torah which reach ultimate fulfillment in Eretz Yisroel, Eretz Hakodesh. 
Moshe Rabbeinu did not merit to lead Am Yisroel into Eretz Yisroel but he prepared them for Eretz Yisroel by teaching them how to live once they have entered the Land. All of Sefer Devarim is devoted to Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz and how we must live in the Land.
Is it mere coincidence that it was following the the Pesach  of the 4th year of the shemittah cycle, the year where Vidui Maaser is required, that that the decree of the expulsion was declared in the Knesset. Is it coincidence that the expulsion of Gush Katif came on Tisha Baav, the bitter yahrzeit of the Chait Hamiraglim? 

Gush Katif was a farming community with millions of Shekalim if not billions in exports.  I thought to myself, perhaps we should be concentrating on whether vidui maaser was done properly.  Let me stop my discussion by saying that this is in no way to denigrate the righteous Jews of Gush Katif.  Lehefach.  They have such love for Eretz Yisroel that puts the rest of Am Yisroel to shame.  Yet like all great and righteous people perhaps Hashem judges them with hairline precision.  No. Even if there was lapses in their observance of vidui maaser the fault was primarily with the rest of Am Yisroel who simply did not value Hashem's gift of Eretz Yisroel.  The fault I believe lies with the Hamonei Am that has failed to see that after 2000 years, with nissim geluyim that were so obvious in 1967, following the churban of Nazi Germany, there is finally Jewish Sovereignty and the possibility of actually observing Vidui Maaser in Eretz Yisroel.  The majority of the "frum" and secular in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora did not join the 250,000 precious Jews that davened bitterly at the Kotel and in Nevei Dekalim and the other shuls in Gush Katif, crying to the Rebonei shel Olam begging Hashem to allow Jewish presence to remain on Eretz Hakodesh.  If there truly existed a yearning to keep the Mitzvoth teluyot Baaretz then surely the "frum" world would join with their brothers and cry to Hashem "but who will keep these Mitzvoth if not us?"  Will a peaceful state of Palestine practice Shemittah and bring the Kedusha and blessings to the entire world?
 I agree with the chareidim that Heter Mechira is not the answer to Shemittah but in all due respect the religious Zionists did not wish to sell Eretz Yisroel to the Goyim, they saw it as a temporary, symbolic selling recognizing the weakness in Emunah in our generation.  However, the "frum" world will yell about Heter Mechira, a symbolic selling,  but have no qualms about actually giving the land to the Goyim.  Where was their outcry by Annapolis when President Bush and Condeleeza Rice openly and proudly presented the 2 State Solution.   Shemittah for the "frum" community apparently can be observed w/o Eretz Yisroel.  Simply buy from the Arabs, paying ridiculously  high prices to benefit those that wish to destroy us.  Is this the proper spirit of Shabbat Haaretz? 
I suppose the Yeshiva world will argue that all this is not relevant.  The spirit of Shabbat in the Shemittah year is nice in theory alone.  How many tiyulim were there to all the fields that were declared hefker so that people could pick at will and then party with the Kiddush spirit of Shabbos?  I suppose these dreams are only for those who actually believe that the Torah means what it says and says what it means. It is only for young children who have Emunah Peshuta and read the Chumash and actually believe Peshuto shel Mikreh.
Well I personally went to the P'eylim Lev LAchim office in Coney Island Ave and asked the Executive Director Rabbi Joseph C. Karmel how come their map clearly shows that all the offices of P'Eylim Lev Laachim are within the green line and all of Yehudah and the Shomron are depicted in a different shade of green  and marked "Arab Populated Areas". Apparently, disengaging from Yehudah and Shomron by P'Eylim Lev Lachim preceded Annapolis and any talk of a 2 State Solution. They disengaged Judea and Samaria on their map. On their map there is not even one city marked in Yehudah and the Shomron. This map was proudly displayed in  a 22 page glossy advertisement/pr publication  for P'Eylim Lev L'Achim headlined as the Movement of Gedolei Yisroel, with pictures and names of 38 chashuva Gedolei Yisroel on the back cover who either were the organizers of P'Eylim Lev LAchim and/or sent blessings to P'Eylim Lev L'Achim. This  map was proudly displayed in their office in Coney Island Ave.  Fundraising for Peylim Lev L'achim was done in Yeshivot in Flatbush where unknowingly the young students including my own son were collecting for Jews of Eretz Yisroel but not for those that lived in the Shtachim. In fact doing Sherut Leumi, such a tremendous help to the Yishuvim were discouraged by Lev L'Achim's "kiruv" work as not being "frum" enough for religious girls.  Let the nurseries and kindergardens in the Yishuvim fend for themselves w/o the sherut Leumi girls.
 I asked Rabbi Karmel how come there were no offices in Yehuda and Shomron. I mentioned that I lived in Kiryat Arba in the 80's and I could assure him that there were very beautiful Jewish population centers and cities all the way from Hebron to Yerushalyim.  The most beautiful Torah communities imaginable.  How could they print a map of Eretz Yisroel and leave out Hebron or Shchem? 
I asked him what the Gedoilim had to say about the Disengagement of Gush Katif?  He answered me that Rav Shteinman was asked precisely this when he came to visit America and he himself was a witness to his answer. 
Rav Shteinman answered in 3 words, Rav Karmel proudly informed me.  Rav Shteinman answered in simply 3 words. These were the three words.  "NISHT INZERE SUGIA".    What? I said to myself.  Are you not embarrased to tell me this?  What about all the glossy PR for Kupat Hair, Vaad Harabbonim Le'inyanei Tzedaka B'Eretz Hakodesh, Agudas Bais Binyamin- A Tzedaka Organization led by Gedolei Hador shlita, Havaad Haarzi - Bais Vaad the Organization  for Families in Distress under the Direction of the Great Torah Sages of our Generation speaking about Kol Yisroel Areivim Zeh Lezeh.  Are the now poor people of Gush Katif who were originally prosperous now not qualified as being eligible because they simply came from a place that does not apparently exist?  How about all the thousands that had to flee Sderot because of their proximity to the new Arab populated Gush Katif.  Do the Gedoilim really share in their pain?  If so why is there such silence when 200,000 Jews of Judea and Samaria are slated for a similar fate of those of Gush Katif and the rest of Israel including P'Eylim Lev L'Achim offices within firing range of Judea and Samaria? 

 How will all these worthy Tzedakas raise enough money for their poor in Bnei Brak and other areas if they have to compete with the newly poor 200,000 people of Judea and Samaria.  The generous benefactors in Chutz Laaretz will be inundated with Tzedaka requests much too much to bear.
Since the Gedoilim do not go on the internet are the Gedoilim aware of the imprisonment of precious Jews like the Halamish Brothers, Rivka Meirchik, Shimshon Citron, and the Hilstein Brothers for the crime of protesting further expulsions from Eretz Yisroel? 
Why are the non Jews speaking publicly for a new USA/Israel foreign policy based on G-d's Covenant with Israel and the Gedoilim are not. (Hutchensin, Bill Hellman CIPAC, James Vinyard...) Torah is Torah even when quoted by non Jews.  These non Jew have written a resolution sent to Senator McCain stating that Oslo, the expulsion from Gush Katif, the Roadmap and the 2 State Solution are complete failures.  They see that any future Land for Peace deals are equally potentially disasterous and dangerous and they say so publicly. Therefore that put together a resolution asking for a New USA/Israel foreign policiy based on G-d's Covenant with Israel.
The Gedoilim apparently agree privately but publicly they choose silence. What do the followers  of Gedolei Yisroel believe? Just read these posts. Do they have a clue that Eretz Yisroel is their entitlement?  Have they rejected Hashem's precious gift to Am Yisroel as being irrelevent to their lives and to their Yiddishkeit.

  Torah can exist w/o Eretz Yisroel as it has for 2000 in Galus.  All their prayers for Yerushalyim and the Bais Hamikdash are for when Moshiach comes and not for now.
How then do they explain how the Jews were allowed to conquer Eretz Yisroel in the time of Yehoshua and the Shoftim and Neviim w/o a King?  Didn't the Neviim complain that they rejected the Mitzvoth? 
Do we really need Moshiach to keep Shemittah?  However we do need the Land to keep this Mitzvah.  This Mitzvah was not irrelevant in the time of Yehoshua. Shoftim.  Are the farmers in the parts of Eretz Yisroel within the green Land the only Jews that are obligated in Shemittah?  I suppose the other communities of Jews residing in Judea and Samaria are invisible not worthy even of a location marker on a map and their boundaries do not coincide with the boundaries of Eretz Yisroel delineated in the Torah.  Their map agrees with the politics of the present Israeli gov't and not with the delineated boundaries in Chumash.   Isn't it ironic that the Gedoilim do not make statements regarding our entitlement to Eretz Yisroel based on Torah.   They say such a statement is Politics and they do not make political staements/.
I do not know Rabbi Tendler personally but I do know some of the Rabbanim from Temple Institute.  I can attest to the fact that when these Rabbanim of Temple Institute davan and when their children davan and read Tanach the Torah is alive and relevant. Their Torah is real and not simply the Emperers cloths embellished in the imagination.
Sincerely, Mrs. Robin (Stern) Ticker
a mere woman that has gotten strength of conviction from Hevron Ir HaAvot our forefathers, true role models and recipients of Hashem's Covenant with Am Yisroel giving Eretz Yisroel as an everlasting Covenant for generation to generation on condition that we observe the Mitzvoth.

3. Rabbi Chananya Weissman's reaction to the comments on YWN.

Normally I do not post messages on blogs, since they are a waste of time and they seem to attract the lowest elements of our society. However, Rabbi Moshe Tendler is both a great man and my Rebbe, and I will not be guilty of allowing him to be degraded by vulgar people without protesting.
  1. And, unlike the vast majority of you bitter fools, I have no problem signing my real name to my comments and standing by my words.

    Shame on you.

    The self-proclaimed "Yeshiva world" blows a lot of steam about respect for Talmidei Chachamim and following "Da'as Torah". Of course, only certain yeshivos merit to be part of this exclusive "Yeshiva world"; other yeshivos are smugly looked down upon as not being "real" yeshivos or part of this world.

    Da'as Torah is code for the right to have an opinion about anything, and no one outside their narrow circles is so privileged. Yet, there are really no opinions in the world, only a party line. If the greatest of their Gedolim decided that studying science, working for a living, asking a girl out on a date, etc. is perfectly okay, he would be summarily stripped of his Da'as Torah. The same man who is assumed to be infallible and impossible to comprehend today would be thrown out like garbage tomorrow if he went against the party line. Da'as Torah comes and goes according to the pre-determined whims of an intellectual mob, who reserve the right to ridicule and abuse those they disagree with.

    The rabbinic leaders of this exclusive world are supposed to be universally revered without question, and any implication that they are less than perfect, let alone far less than that, is met with a violent response. Of course, rabbinic leaders who do not subscribe to the narrow-as-a-pin ideology of the "Yeshiva world" are not considered to be rabbis altogether, let alone leaders who should be respected. At most the "Yeshiva world" will derisively refer to such rabbis as leaders of Modern Orthodoxy, which is a clever way of feigning respect for them while simultaneously dismissing them as irrelevant to the "frum community". Yet, again, THEIR leaders are supposed to relevant to everyone, and pity the one who suggests otherwise.

    The "Yeshiva world" and its anonymous henchmen get to decide who has "Da'as Torah" and who doesn't. A clear formula has never been provided for us. We're just supposed to follow the crowd and cower before whoever yells the loudest.

    This is not a new phenomenon. I only wonder how this Olam Ha'sheker has gained such dominance and how those of us who know better have meekly allowed this to happen.

    Notice how Rabbi Moshe Tendler, a true Talmid Chacham and one of the finest people I have been privileged to encounter, is referred to in the most vulgar and degrading of terms by Chelmites who aren't worthy to shine his shoes. Notice how they presume superior knowledge, while presuming that Rabbi Tendler needs permission from their perverse "Da'as Torah" to make a decision.

    These same monkeys would throw a fit if anyone suggested Rabbi Elyashiv, or Rabbi Kanievsky, or some such figure were less than perfect, yet a Talmid Chacham outside their immediate comfort zone is fair game for the most disgusting of attacks.

    Did THEY consult their vaunted "Da'as Torah" before posting this "expose" on a great man who needs approval from no one, least of all anonymous fools? For that matter, didn't their "Da'as Torah" forbid the Internet?

    People, wake up. Our Judaism and our Torah have been hijacked by people who resort to intimidation and intellectual suppression to insure that their community speaks with one voice. They have created a perverse religion of "Da'as Torah" that continues to drift farther and farther away from the Torah, even as their proclamations in the name of Torah become louder and more shrill.

    No one from this community will stand up and defend Rabbi Tendler for the sake of Kavod HaTorah. Let our community, whose membership is diverse, contemplative, intelligent, educated, worldly, and self-supporting stand up for itself. Let us no longer allow others to proclaim themselves exclusive title-holders to a "yeshiva world", or "Da'as Torah", or frumkeit, or in charge of who is a Gadol and who is not even a rabbi.

    Who are these people anyway, and what gives them any influence if not our own cowardice?

    Well, YOUR cowardice, perhaps. They don't frighten me. But you do — if you will continue to stay silent.

    Signed as always,
    (Rabbi) Chananya Weissman, privileged to be a talmid of Rabbi Moshe Tendler

    Comment by chananya_weissman — July 10, 2008 @ 7:48 pm

4. Meeting with Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander member of Sanhedrin Rabbinical Court of Bnei Noach in Brooklyn, NY and in Queens.

Rabbi Hollander, Rebbe and educator par excellence, member of the Sanhedrin and Rabbinical court of the Bnei Noach met with a group of activists in Brooklyn and the next day in Queens.   After a dvar Torah in Tehillim there was a very productive given and take between Rabbi Hollender and the activists regarding the collective silence of mainstream Jewish organizations and how we can effect change.   Rabbi Hollendar also met with the World Committee forEretz Yisroel the next day in Queens.  We walked away from the meeting feeling stronger and resolute.  Rabbi Hollander is a member of the nascent Sanhedrin, subject to controversy and mockery but they did speak with clarity against the expulsion from Gush Katif and for those that have been imprisoned because of their activism and protest to any Land for peace negotiations.

5. The negotiations Rabbi Shalom Z. Berger

The Shiur was given on Tamuz 5767
Written by the rabbi

Dedicated to the speedy recovery of
Yehudah ben Hadasah Hinde Malkah

...When Yiftah HaGiladi (Shoftim 11-12, a section of which is this week's haftarah) needs to defend Am Yisrael from the attacks of the Amonites, he responds not only with a successful military defense, but first and foremost with a historical refutation of the Amonites' claim to the Land. Knowing that our claim to the Land is true and that the enemy's claim is spurious is a precondition for rallying the support that is necessary for a successful engagement with the enemy.

In our own day it is essential that we be knowledgeable about the history of Eretz Yisrael - both ancient and modern - so that we will be able to refute the false claims of others, and even more so, that we will understand that it is our right and destiny to live there.

6. People of the Book

Weekly publication by True Peace on issues related to peace and security in Israel.  

    Issue no. 198 • 1 Tamuz, 5768 - July 4, 2008   E- Mail:

 The obligation to settle the land Part 2 of 2

In his address of Pesach Sheini, 5738 (1978), the Rebbe

said that there is an immediate need to populate the entire

eastern border of the Holy Land, adding: "This is literally

a matter of security for three-and-a-half million Jews!"

The Rebbe always mentioned in his addresses the saying

of the Sages, "Action is the main thing." He also mentions

this saying in connection with the indivisibility of the Land

of Israel, which is an important and fateful issue. In his

public address of 13 Tishrei 5738 (1977), the Rebbe stresses

that action is the main thing with regard to the integrity of

the land:

The entire Land of Israel should be populated, along its entire

boundaries. This is similar to that which is said regarding Torah

and mitzvos — just as we must perform the actual physical act,

so must it be regarding the integrity of the Land of Israel — the

physical act is necessary: to settle the entire Land of Israel!


Dear Friends:


Now we enter the difficult days of summer.  Is it not amazing that the non-Jewish world looks upon these days as representing FREEDOM, HAPPINESS, VACATION, RELEASE FROM RESTRAINT, PLEASURE, and we - lehavdil - the Nation of G-d , look upon them as the greatest challenge of our year, the days during which our greatest tragedies have occurred.


Just to walk down the street in the summer is a huge test.  In Jerusalem last week, I saw a man with a cloth hanging down from the front of his hat to shield his eyes from what he should not see.  He was negotiating the sidewalk as best he could.  We must guard our eyes and our souls.  We must try to erase the pollution which is eating away at our souls. 


Under the burning sun of Eretz Yisroel, tragic and horrific events occurred during this season, and they did not occur for no reason.


Please, my dear friends, listen to the words of the Yom Tov Mussaf service, which we recently said on Shavuos: "Because of our sins we have been exiled from our land and sent far from our soil.  We cannot ascend to appear and to prostate ourselves before You, and to perform our obligations in the ... great and holy House upon which Your Name was proclaimed, because of the hand that was dispatched against Your Sanctuary."


Someone said on our return from Israel, "Welcome back to Golus." Do you think our Exile is over?  Is Exile only outside the Land of Israel? 


No, my friends, it is not so.  Ask anyone in Sderot if the Exile is over.  In Ashkelon! In the Golan Heights!  In Yehuda and Shomron! 


Ask any perceptive Jew in the heart of Yerushalayim or Bnai Brak ... or Borough Park ... anywhere!


Why did it happen?  "Because of our sins."


How will it be cured? Because of our teshuva, our repentance!  It's all in our hands.


My dear friends, the headlines proclaim, "Truce with Hamas."  On our recent flight an El Al stewardess said to me, "Now perhaps we will have peace."




"Eichah... Alas, she sits in solitude.  The City that was great with people has become like a widow.  The greatest among nations the princess among provinces, has become a tributary. She weeps bitterly in the night and her tear is on her cheek."


We sit among ashes on the FORTY NINTH LEVEL of degradation, wandering aimlessly and leaderless, lost in Exile, a Nation almost devoid of unity and hope.








It is well-known that we are in Exile today because of Sinas Chinom [2] unwarranted hatred among the Children of Israel.  But the question is: do we believe it?  We pay lip service to achdus and ahavas chinom, love among our family, but do we live as if our lives depend on it? 




There is NOTHING ELSE of importance except this!  NOTHING!  If we would become once again like "one man with one heart" as we were at Mount Sinai, and stand together before our G-d saying once again, "Na'ase v'nishma," we will live Your Torah, the Redemption would come in the blink of an eye!  The entire world would instantly be at peace, our internal and external enemies would have disappeared before we knew it, the Temple would stand upon Mount Zion and Moshiach ben Dovid would reign forever in Jerusalem the Holy City. 




As Kalev says to the Children of Israel: "You should not fear the people of the land, for they are our bread. Their protection has departed from them." [3]







With love and hope, Roy S. Neuberger

8.  Lev U'neshama Help our Brethren in Tsefat

We are resending this invitation to remind you about our upcoming dinner in Denver as well as to correct the email address for reservations. Please note the correct e-mail address:

Lev U'Neshama
Heart and Soul
Tzfat, Israel
First Annual Benefit Dinner
Sunday July 27th, 2008
5:30 PM
East Side Kosher Deli, Banquet Room
499 South Elm Street
Denver, Colorado

Guest Speaker: Rabbi Yossi Serebryanski
Topic: Tzedakah, The other side of the coin
Silent Auction and Door Prizes
Reservations: Terre Lidstone
Phone: 303 750-1999
$36.00 per person
Proceeds to the Lev U'Neshama Food Fund

This invitation in its original format was sent to all our friends in Colorado. However we also want our friends and supporters outside of Colorado to know about this exciting event. The proceeds from this evening will be used to continue to provide the monthly food boxes for 144 needy families who are presently on our list.

We know that many people would like to attend this dinner but because of distance are not able to. However, if you cannot attend in person you can still be with us in spirit. We are planning a display that will include an empty plate to symbolize what many Tzfat families often face regardless of the time of year. This will be accompanied by a listing of those who have sent in donations to help us keep these plates filled. In this way you can join those who are attending the dinner.

Donations of any amount must be received by July 21st in order that your name and location will be included in the display. Please send your check payable to Lev U'Neshama to: Smolensky, c/o Quezada, 2285 Forest Street, Denver, CO 80207. If you want a tax receipt please contact Yaffa at: Your participation will be gratefully accepted.




As you know, terrorists are about to be released into the streets of the free world, however, this "deal" is fortunately not yet final. The chairman of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, MK Zachi Hanegbi, caused a sensation when he revealed to Maariv this week that last time, 29 Israelis were murdered by terrorists who were released by the Sharon government, within only 18 months of the release date.


Be part of the solution -- not part of the problem. We can all help save the next 29 lives. Jot down the telephone number of Prime Minister Olmert's office on a piece of paper: 02-6705555. Then, call that office EVERY DAY unless G-d forbid you hear that Samir Kuntar and the other terrorists have been released. Say to the phone-person who answers: "I would like to dictate to you, a message for the Prime Minister". Dictate a short message, and ask the phone-person to please read it back to you to make sure it's right.


Thank you so much for caring. Incidentally you are helping not only innocent Israelis but ALSO the families of the soldiers, because when people pressure the government to release terrorists, foolishly thinking they are helping the families, the result is in fact the exact opposite (as disclosed by Maariv deputy editor Ben-Dror Yemini this week): the terrorist organizations immediately jack up their demands. So, do the right thing - make a daily phone call to Olmert with a message:  DON'T RELEASE TERRORISTS. You can fax, too: 02-6546717. Pass this on, please.




If you are against police brutality toward orange demonstrators, please join the people who attend the trials against violent policemen, who attacked young people (and some elderly people as well) in Amona, Gush Katif and other places where demonstrations were held. The next trial is this Wednesday in JERUSALEM. 9 July, 11:30 AM, Hashalom CourtHouse, Judge Berkley presiding. In case there are last minute changes in the schedule, call Evelyn at  0524831905 before you leave for the courthouse. Many thanks for participating in this and showing the justice system that there are people who care  (that makes the judges "sit up" and take these matters seriously)



If you love the Golan and can devote one-half an hour to the Golan, from the privacy of your own home, please contact write "RAMAT HA-GOLAN" in the subject line of your email, and indicate your place of residence and name. Thank you!



Friday, Tamuz 8 (11.7.08) at 10:00, meeting in Gush Etzion Matnas, Alon Shvut, re Shedma. Shdema, between Jerusalem and Gush Etzion,  is located in Zone C (under full Israeli control). Despite opposition by senior officers in the IDF, the government is favorably considering transferring the area to the Palestinian Authority -- a very dangerous precedent indeed.

Speakers: *       Shaul Goldstein, Head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council *       Rav Ya'akov Medan, head of the Har Etzion Yeshiva *       Rav Yaron Dorani, Rav of Nokdim 

At 11:00 -- bus to Shdema.  Estimated time of return: 13:00. Monday, Tamuz 11 (14.7.08): all night kumsitz (bonfire) at Shdema


For Particulars please call the committee for Jewish Shdema:

Ruti Walfish (Tekoa) 02-9964956   Anita Finkelstein (Tekoa) 050-5777254  Eli Rodan (Elazar) 054-4993529


SUNDAY, July 13th,2008, at 10:30 am, VIGIL IN JERUSALEM

The Levinstein -Harel brothers are rotting in jail for 40 and 30 months for planning to block a highway with a burning car as a form of protest against the disengagement. Using a section of the Law, Section 332, which is intended for perpetrators who INTENTIONALLY endanger lives, the brothers, who did not actually block the highway at all, hurt no-one, are fathers of young children and have no criminal record, were sentenced to 30 and 40 months in jail.  

*Vigil in front of the Presidents house in Jerusalem (Jabotinsky street) to demand their  release. For details call Ayelet 054-8147151





Thursday, July 03, 2008

5769.10.01 Israel the Land of My Posession. SHDEMA, Religious Parties have UNITED! Phil Chernofsky, Paul Eidelberg, Gimmel Tammuz


Rosh Chodesh Tammuz 5768
July 3, 2008

1. Shdema - A Must Read to Know who our Enemies are!   Investigative report of Sharon Katz in Voices! It is lengthy but a must read! If you are too sleepy make sure to go back and read it when you are awake. Campaign of Decolonization of the Jews.

2. Portions of Tanach in response to the investigative report above regarding Shdema. Not to be ignored

3. Religious Parties UNITED in Statement against Toeva Parade!!!!!he Shas, National Religious Party, United Torah Judaism and National Union Parties have joined forces i(I am sure Manhigut is also against this impurade but I'm not sure why their name was not on. (Robin))

4.Phil Chernofsky in Torah Tidbits. Re: Chareidim in IDF. Never too late to do Teshuva

5. Paul Eidelberg.  The Majority of Jews in Israel are against Land for Peace.  The Knesset does not reflect the will of the people due to a system which encourages bribery and no accountability of MK's to constituency.  Israel needs electoral reform. Shas is major culprit.

6. Gimmel Tammuz CROWN HTS WOMEN FOR THE SAFETY AND INTEGRITY OF ISRAEL  Today Thursday July 3rd. You can also see on archives!


1. Shdema -

From: Nadia & David Matar []
Subject: The struggle for a Jewish Shdema-

          Dear friends,

                     The following are new, and shocking, details on what is happening in Shdema and in the struggle for Shdema.

           First of all, mark the following dates, on which we are planning activities for a Jewish Shdema. Make every effort to come, and to bring additional activists who love Eretz Israel.

 A) Friday, July 11, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., in the Gush Etzion community center (Matnas):

gathering and tour for a Jewish Shdema, with the participation of public figures, settlement secretariats, and activists from all over Israel

Details regarding the speakers at the gathering will be provided in the coming days.

           The gathering in the community center will be short and purposeful. At 11:00 we will travel together by bus to Shdema, where we will tour the area and plan the activities for the coming weeks.


          It is very important to attend the gathering and participate in the tour, in order to see with your own eyes what is happening at Shdema, and how international anarchists are attempting to take over the location (details below). Estimated return to the Gush Etzion community center at 1:30 p.m.

          Those planing to arrive for the gathering and tour are requested to send an e-mail, so we will have an idea of how many people will participate and order buse accordingly. Send an e-mail to:

B) Monday, July 14, 2008: a kumsitz and sleeping at the Shdema camp

          Reserve the date. Precise details of the program for the day will be sent by e-mail in the coming days.

          We will arrive at Shdema in the late afternoon, and we will repaint the buildings after the anarchists painted over what we had done about a month ago.

          With God's help, we will remain at Shdema until morning. It is important that many people come for this activity, as well.

          The more we engage in activities at Shdema and increase the Jewish presence at the site, we will succeed, with God's help, in returning it to our hands and turning it into a Jewish settlement.

           New details follow regarding Shdema and the anarchists involved in their activities there. A report by Hodayah Karish-Hazoni appeared in Mekor Rishon in the last Shabbat issue..

           We are grateful to Sharon Katz,  Efrat resident, the editor of the Voices magazine, who accompanied us on one of the tours to Shdema, discovered the activity by the anarchists, and wrote a lengthy investigative article on the subject in her magazine. A link to Sharon Katz's article in Voices will be available soon.

           Also enclosed is a letter signed by rabbis and public figures, mainly from the Har Homah-Gush Etzion-Kiriat Arba-Hebron area, who warn the Defense Minister of what is happening at Shdema, and demand that this be dealt with speedily.

 With the blessing of  "Let us by all means go up, and we shall gain possession of it" (Numbers 13:30)

The Committee for a Jewish Shdema

 for information:

Rabbi Yaron Durani, Rabbi of Nokdim

Yehudit 02-9961292

Anita 0505-777254

Nadia 0505-500834

Datia 0505-246770


Shdema is the abandoned army camp on the Jerusalem-eastern Gush Etzion road, not far from Har Homah. Despite the camp being in Area C (Israeli control), the government gave the OK to the PLO  Authority to establish an Arab neighborhood there in the near future.

           About a month and a half ago we began the struggle for the establishment of a Jewish city at Shdema, and the security forces removed us. Since then, we have been returning in small groups to examine what is happening and to plan the continuation of the struggle. To our amazement, we recently encountered groups of international anarchists who are trying to take control of the location. Sharon Katz conducted an investigation of who these anarchists are, and the results are simply amazing.

           Actually, there are many international elements involved and mixed together.

          There is the CURE organization that builds hospitals in Muslim countries in order to "draw the Muslims closer" and the like. According to what is written in their site, they are building a hospital for the children of Beit Sahur in the vicinity of Shdema, but it is not certain that this is exactly where the army camp is located. They are the ones who tell us they have $16,500,000 to develop the hospital.

           And there are two more names: Paidia, Oush Grab

          Paidia is building the Forrest Adventure Gardens on "an abandoned Israeli army base."

          They call the Shdema area "Oush Grab."

           They work together with an NGO of very organized anarchists and artists (Arabs, Europeans, Americans, and at least one Jew from London named Eyal Weizmann) who set up a truly horrible web site based entirely on the ideology of decolonization. That is, a web site that analyzes the question, "How to deal with the great architectural problem: what to do with the remains of the settlements when they will be destroyed and dismantled in the future." Decolonization means, of course, the dismantling of the settlements. That is, we have here a band of Israel-haters who professionally plan the dismantling of our settlements.

          They write "Architecture is speculation, but we are providing real answers to what can be done on the ground." And, actually, anyone who enters the site sees that they have built an instructive professional plan, with maps, aerial photographs, and the like, of a considerable portion of the settlements: how to dismantle them, how to use the houses after being dismantled, etc.

           They are a group of dozens of people who meet on a weekly basis and discuss this issue.

           They say:

"We have chosen the settlement of Psagot as a test case, because it is close to Ramallah and el-Bireh."

          Eyal Weizmann explains the national need to, first of all, destroy everything that has been built by the settlers, and shows photographs of Shdema when the Arabs destroyed the military structures.

                     After the locals destroy, then comes the next stage: dismantling (or destruction).

          What to do with the settlers' houses - how to dismantle them and use them - to turn them into public buildings? into a school classroom?

And on and on.

          You should take a look at their site - it's a good idea to first take a pill against nausea.

           The chapter on "Vision" has photographs of Shdema and the "vision" to transform the army base into a gigantic site for the showing of movies, to give the Palestinians a good feeling about an area that was once occupied

and that this will become an area from which "Palestine can be seen."

                   And then there is the Paidia organization, which sends volunteer activists into the field to live with the Arabs and to help them. These are the same ones we met there. If we wondered what strange games they are playing, then here below is a  letter to their activists.

Clearly, using "games" and faking "educational projects" has become the anarchists' tactic to steal the land of the Jews and  to push their real goal:  the destruction of the settlement enterprise and ultimately the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel.

Their letter:

2. Portions of Tanach in response to the investigative report above regarding Shdema. Not to be ignored. Thank you Rafael Rabinovitz for this link

(במדבר פרק לג, פסוקים נ עד נ״ו )

Posted August 4, 2005

And HaShem spoke to Moses, in the plains of Moab, by Jordan, [near] Jericho, saying: Speak unto the sons of Israel, and thou hast said unto them, When ye are passing over the Jordan unto the land of Canaan.

Then you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, destroy all their engraved stones, destroy all their molded images, and demolish all their high places; you shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land and dwell in it, for I have given you the land to possess. And ye shall take for yourselves the land as an inheritance by lot according to your families: to the many ye shall increase their inheritance, and to the few thou shalt diminish their inheritance: where the lot falleth to him, there shall be each man's [inheritance]; according to the tribes of your fathers shall ye take for yourselves the inheritance. But if ye will not dispossess the inhabitants of the land from before you, those that ye let remain of them shall be thorns in your eyes, and pricks in your sides, and they shall harass you in the land wherein ye dwell. And then I will do to you what I plan to do to them.

Numbers (Bamidbar) 33:50-56

3. Religious Parties have UNITED in Statement against Toeva Parade!!!!!he Shas, National Religious Party, United Torah Judaism and National Union Parties have joined forces (I am sure Manhigut is also against this impurade but I'm not sure why their name was not on. robin.)

Frum Parties Call on Authorities to Move To'eva Parade Indoors

A letter was sent to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Attorney General Menachem Mazuz and the chief of police, calling upon them to move Thursday's scheduled to'eva parade in Yerushalayim to an indoor venue.

The Shas, National Religious Party, United Torah Judaism and National Union Parties have joined forces in their effort, along with Israel's chief rabbis, seeking to compel authorities to move the event to an indoor venue to prevent the chilul Hashem associated with such a happening in the streets of Yerushalayim.

(Yechiel Spira ñ YWN Israel)

4.Phil Chernofsky in Torah Tidbits. Teshuva for Chareidim...

If the Chareidi rabbis had seen serving in the Israeli Army as a crucially important mitzvah, today's IDF would be a strong Torah Defense Force!

Judaism never accepts that things can't be fixed or changed. That's what tshuva, repentance, is all about. We must constantly strive for a higher level of Jewish Life and to correct our, yes, our, mistakes.

5. Paul Eidelberg.  The Majority are against Land for Peace.  The Knesset does not reflect the will of the people due to a system which encourages bribery.  Israel needs electoral reform.

Paul Eidelberg  To Disenfranchise or to Empower the Jewish People

Studies of the Guttman Institute indicate that 25% of Israel's Jewish
population is "orthodox," and at least 50% is "traditional."  No less
than 75% therefore identify with the Jewish heritage.  This
corresponds to the 76% of the Jewish electorate that voted against
the Labor Party's policy of "unilateral disengagement" in the January
2003 election-the paramount issue of that election.

Nevertheless, thanks to political bribery-facilitated by the system
of voting for party slates-the Knesset, by a margin of 67 to 45,
voted for territorial withdrawal and the expulsion of 10,000 Jews
from their homes!  Surely, few if any of the 23 Likud MKs would have
voted for that defeatist and criminal policy had they been
individually accountable to the voters in constituency elections.

This vividly illustrates how Proportional Representation in a single
nationwide electoral district undermines political accountability. It
also shows how PR has diminished Jewish sovereignty over the Land of
Israel and, to that extent, has undermined the Jewish heritage.  (I
have elsewhere cited polls going back to 1992 showing that a
substantial majority of the Jews have opposed surrendering Jewish
land.  See Ariel Center Policy Paper No. 172 for details.)

In view of the preceding facts, I conclude that Shas, by vetoing
constituency elections, perpetuates a system that disenfranchises the
people; and since most of the people identify with the Jewish
heritage and expect law-makers to uphold Jewish beliefs and values,
it follows that Shas, despite its religious orientation, has
undermined, to no small extent, Israel's Jewish character.

6. Gimmel Tammuz CROWN HTS WOMEN FOR THE SAFETY AND INTEGRITY OF ISRAEL  Today Thursday July 3rd. You can also see on archives!

Below is info about our special programs in honor of Gimmel Tammuz for this Thursday as well as an article about the child killer/terrorist Samir Kuntar who is, G-d Forbid, going to be released in the upcoming prisoner exchange the Israeli Knesset agreed to earlier this week.  You can call the White House Call-In line to protest its involvement in this travesty at 202-456-1111.  You can also call the Israeli Embassy in Washington--202-364-5500- to protest the Israeli government's disgusting behaviour in playing politics with the security needs of our fellow Jews both in Eretz Yisroel and outside.




                        A SERIES OF





The Shleimus HaAretz Talk Show

  Thursday, Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, July 3

     NOON TO 1:30PM NYC time ~ 7 to 8:30pm Israeli time



Shleimus HaAretz with the Lubavitcher Rebbe 

Live Interviews:

Rabbi Yaakov Cohen

 The Rebbe, The Arabs and Sheva Mitzvos

Dror Vannunu

  International Coordinator for The Gush Katif Committee

    On the latest housing crisis GK expellees face

Prisoner Release for Samir Kuntar?!--exposing the farce and tragedy of the Camp David Accords

Pidyon Sh'vuim Update  with Mrs. Elly Rodan




DIAL 712-451-6000



DIAL 641-715-3486







A Shleimus HaAretz Farbrengen 

Beginning at 8pm 

1714 President Street between Utica and Rochester. 

Come and share your learning, thoughts, and ideas for this inyan that means so much to the Rebbe. 

Light refreshments will be served. 

Open to the community, separate seating. 

Want to listen and join in:  Dial 712-451-6000, Access Code: 505946#.


The Shleimus HaAretz CD featuring 4 shiurim from the talk show given by Rabbis Shalom Ber Kalmanson and Heshel Greenberg.  You can find the CD on sale in Crown Hts. stores.

Questions/Comments?  Call 718-774-0914 or email
