Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hashomer Hayisraeli Hahadash - Our World - The New Guardians of Israel by Caroline Glick, The Jerusalem Post, Jewish Pride renewed


Thank you Women in Green for sending. 

Our World: The new Guardians of Israel
March 25, 2008

Moshav Tzipori, in the Lower Galilee, is a microcosm of the history of the Land of Israel. A regional capital under King Herod, Tzipori was the seat of Jewish learning and the preservation of the Torah through some of the most tumultuous periods of Jewish history.

After the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, refugees from Jerusalem fled to the Galilean town. Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi, who presided over the writing of the Mishna, or oral law, moved to Tzipori from Beit Shearim, and it was there that he codified the six books of the Mishna and died.

The Jews of Tzipori revolted against the Roman Emperor Constantine, refusing to accept Christianity and the city was destroyed. The Jews later returned during the Islamic period. On and off, for the next millennia, Jews settled, were forcibly removed and resettled the city several times under various conquerors of Israel.

During the 1948 War of Independence, the ancient city was the site of a major battle between the new Israel Defense Force and the neighboring Arab villages assisted by invading forces from Syria and Lebanon. The Arabs were routed. In 1949, Moshav Tzipori was founded.

LAST FRIDAY afternoon, the struggle for Jewish control of Tzipori, the Galilee and the Land of Israel as a whole continued on the ancient ground. On that quiet afternoon of Purim, under the blistering sun, three horses stood happily grazing in a field of shrubs and grasses. The only problem with the otherwise pastoral scene was that the horses belong to Arab squatters from the Kablawi clan. In recent years, the Kablawis have built themselves an illegal village of some 20 houses masquerading as storage containers on stolen Jewish National Fund land adjacent to Tzipori's fields. The horses, who entered through a hole cut into the field's fence, pranced about and ate, destroying the field that was painstakingly cultivated for the moshav's cattle herds.

The farmers and ranchers of the Galilee, like their counterparts in the Negev are at wits' end. Fearing Arab riots or political condemnation by the Israeli Left, Arab leaders, the Islamic Movement and their allies abroad, the police and the state prosecutors have simply stopped enforcing the laws against the Galilee and Negev Arabs. Surrounded by increasingly hostile and lawless Arab and Beduin villages, local Jews' livestock and crops are continuously plundered.

They are faced with three equally unacceptable options for contending with this state of affairs. They can do nothing and let their livelihood and lives' work be destroyed. They can pay protection money to Arab criminal gangs, who in exchange agree not to rob them. Or they can try to sell off their lands and abandon agriculture altogether.

The obvious recourse - filing a complaint with the police - is an exercise in futility. Thousands of complaints are filed each year. Almost none of them end in indictments or trials. Most of the files are closed by the police due to "lack of public interest."

ON FRIDAY, the field in question belonged to a cattle rancher named Haim Z. Over the past few years, Haim has filed more than 250 complaints against local Arabs from the Kablawi family and from neighboring Arab villages like the Islamist stronghold Mashad with the police. None have ever gone anywhere. Last year, a helpful police officer recommended that Haim simply start paying protection money.

Last year Haim told his son that he had had it. The son of the moshav's founding generation, Haim said that he just couldn't go on anymore. The state's refusal to protect Jewish property rights had forced him to devote all of his energies to playing cat and mouse games with Arab poachers. He couldn't invest in his herd. He couldn't develop his land. All he could do was sit by and watch as year in and year out, his lands were plundered, his cattle stolen and the work of his life and his father's life was destroyed.

HIS SON, a 23 year old soldier in one of the IDF's elite commando units decided that it was up to him not only to save his father's farm, but to stem the tide of Arab infringement on Jewish land and property rights. Due to his position in the IDF, his name is classified. We'll call him J - for Jew.

In response to his father's desperation, J. took a storage container to a hilltop that overlooks Tzipori's fields, the surrounding Arab villages and the access routes to the moshav's fields. He placed a sofa, a bookshelf full of Jewish history books, religious texts and philosophy classics, and canned food inside and moved in during his furloughs from the army. Rather than hang out with his friends, he began standing guard. He confronted every Arab he caught infiltrating the moshav's fields, and both filed complaints with the police and chased them away.

Given his impossible schedule, J. enlisted his friends to help out. The sons of other desperate farmers, who also serve in combat units, they joined him enthusiastically. Within months, J. had set up an organization of more than a hundred young volunteers - soldiers, college students, and high school students from his moshav, other moshavim in the lower Galilee and surrounding non-agricultural communities.

He called the organization, Hashomer Hayisraeli Hahadash - or the New Israeli Guardsmen. The original Hashomer, or Guardsmen was established in the Galilee in 1909 for the same purpose - protecting Jewish farming communities from Arab marauders who demanded protection money from the farmers. It was the progenitor of the Haganah, which in turn, became the Israel Defense Force.

As J. puts it, "We're not simply a security service. We see ourselves as a new movement. Our activities rest on three foundations: securing the land, expanding our operations throughout the Galilee and the Negev, and teaching Zionist and Jewish values to our members, our communities and the general public."

TZIPORI, ONE of the stops of the Cross Israel Hiking Trail, is a popular destination for school groups, youth groups and just regular hikers. J. has organized visits to his guard post for thousands of hikers over the past year. During their visits the hikers listen to lectures about the New Guardsmen, about the Jewish history of the Galilee and the development of agriculture in the area, and topics of general interest provided by local residents, politicians and professors.

Friday afternoon, after noticing another encroachment on his father's field, J. called the police at the Nazareth police station. Joined by two of his fellow guardsmen, who are also sons of farmers and soldiers in commando units, they waited in the sun for over an hour for the police to arrive and planned their moves. They approached the horses with reins and bits.

"We will seize the horses and bring them back to our stable. If the Kablawis pay the damages, then I'll give them back, if not, I'll sell them," J. explained.

As the young men approached the horses, Yasser Kablawi, the head of the clan appeared. According to Haim, over the past year, the Kablawis have trampled his fields with their animals on more than 20 occasions.

Haim, who arrived at the scene some 10 minutes before the police made their grand appearance turned toward Kablawi and said, "Why are you doing this?"

"This land belongs to the JNF, not to you," Kablawi said.

"Why are you lying? I sat in your home with the JNF inspector months ago, and he told you straight that this is my land. You know you are stealing from me, and you're doing it while you're illegally squatting on JNF land. You've caused me tens of thousands of shekels in damages by trampling my fields today alone, and you know it."

By the time the police arrived, J. and his friends had roped one of the horses. Kablawi was joined by three grandsons and four sons. J. was joined by another seven Guardsmen. It was a standoff.

THE POLICE, who were informed of the presence of a journalist at the scene, acted with some resolution. After speaking with the JNF inspector, they explained to Kablawi that he could either sign a statement acknowledging that the land belongs to Haim and that he would be arrested if he trespassed again, or they would allow Haim to seize his horses. Kablawi signed.

J.'s activism is not just a personal quest to save his father from economic ruin. "If it were just about me and my family, my brother and I could take care of the thieves. They'd leave us alone. But then they'd just move on to our neighbors. It isn't about one family. This is a question of control over the land of Israel. The state is weak. We need to be strong if we want to remain here."

Last month, J. registered the Guardsman as a non-profit organization. He has a grand vision for the future.

"In the space of just a few months, I have brought in thousands of people, exposed them to our mission. I have more than a 100 volunteer guards. We have reduced theft by 80 percent.

"I want to raise money to buy night vision goggles and some all terrain vehicles to do proper patrols. I'd like to be able to give students scholarships so that they can guard and study at the same time. I've been in touch with farmers and ranchers in the Negev and they are anxious for us to expand to the south. I believe that within five years, the Guardsmen can end the protection rackets."

BACK IN June 2005, then vice premier Ehud Olmert gave an American audience his opinion of the Israeli people. "We are tired of fighting, we are tired of being courageous, we are tired of winning, we are tired of defeating our enemies," he whined.

Young people like J. and his colleagues, secular, yet deeply rooted Jewish sons and daughters of Galilee and Negev farmers, like their religious friends prove everyday that Olmert was not speaking for his countrymen. Whatever messes Olmert and his colleagues in the government still manage to make before they are finally thrown from office, it is absolutely clear that these young people and millions like them are willing and able to clean them up for themselves, their countrymen, and for the next generation of Jews in the land of Israel.

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
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Monday, March 24, 2008

Rav Lior's call to Rabbanim

Thank you Avi Conway for forwarding. 
 Rabbi Lior calls for Rabbonim to forbid participation in any further evacuations of settlements. * The "leaders" are stupid because they eat non-kosher food *The Halachic ruling will be publicized in next weeks' copy of "Ertez Yisroel Shelanu"

Rabbi Dov Lior, Rav of Chevron and Kiryat Arba,has issued a Halachic ruling forbidding the hiring of, and renting of homes to Arabs anywhere in Israel. In an interview with Rabbi Lior in this weeks' "Eretz Yisroel Shelanu" newsletter, he states: "Being that we are dealing with a very obvious life threatening issue, as is clarified in the Halacha, it is absolutely forbidden to rent homes to Arabs, and forbidden to employ them. This pertains not only to yeshivos but includes hotels, factories, etc. This is particularly imperative in the light of the halachic injunction that "the poor of your city precede the poor of other cities".
Rabbi Lior offers an explanation for the irrational behavior of our political leaders: as our Rabbis state-the ingesting of non-kosher food causes befuddled thinking. We are under the rule of the Erev Rav. Being so close to the Geulah, we are witnessing a re-run of the sin of the spies who wished to reject Eretz Yisroel.
Rabbi Lior justifies not allowing PM Ehud Olmert to pay a condolence visit to Yeshivas Merkaz HaRav. "How can one host someone who acts in defiance to our holy Torah and continues to endanger the Jewish nation? Is it possible to honor such a person? Until this very moment he has not expressed one iota of remorse for all he done, and he is planning more of the same. Meanwhile they are unable to carry out their plot, but they strive towards it. Therefore it was proper not to have him visit at the yeshiva."
Rabbi Lior also commented on the halachic ruling that one may shoot into a populated area and possibly harm innocent bystanders. "There is no Jewish law that states that we must take 'innocent bystanders' into consideration during a war. We act out of defense, and therefore there is no problem. Obviously if we must stop the terrorist shootings, we are allowed to strike at innocent bystanders, if there is no other alternative."
Rabbi Lior attacked those Rabbis that didn't listen to the ruling of Rabbi Avraham Shapiro that one must not take part in the disengagement. If they would have followed the ruling of Rabbi Shapira and (yibodel l'chaim) Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, and ruled that one must refuse to participate in the disengagement, it is possible that the disengagement would not have happened. Unfortunately, so called "Rabbonim" ruled otherwise, and we are paying the steep price for this to this very day. "Those who take the advice of the Elders do not stumble".
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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Blood Libel March 2008 in Novosibirsk, Russia.


Thank you for sending.  And there are those that still believe that Silence will stop antisemitism.


Russian blood libel: Jews use children's blood for matzot

Hundreds of anti-Semitic pamphlets distributed in Novosibirsk,
Russia, warning residents of supposed Jewish practice of kidnapping
children to use their blood for Passover matza

Yael Branovsky Published: 03.19.08, 20:34 / Israel Jewish Scene

Hundred of anti-Semitic announcements warning Russian parents to
beware of the supposed Jewish practice of using children's blood to
prepare Passover matza were put up around the city of Novosibirsk,
Russia in southwest Siberia on Wednesday.

"Beware Russian parents. Keep watch over your children before the
coming of April 2008, the Jewish holiday of Passover. These
disgusting people still engage in ritual practice to their gods. They
kidnap small children and remove some of their blood and use it to
prepare their holy food (matza). They throw the bodies (of the
children) out in garbage dumps," the announcements read.

"Esther", a resident of Novosibirsk, told Ynet: "I saw the
announcement, however I won't be afraid of going to synagogue during
Passover. In my house, we will have matzot.

"Anti-Semitism exists in the city and it never disappears. You can
walk around in the streets and see derogatory sayings scrawled on the
walls of houses; 'Jews go home' and such. The announcement simply
disgusted me.

"These anti-Semites merely want to divert the attention of the city's
residents away from the problems that exist in the area and blame the
Jews for everything. I personally am not afraid because my children
are in Israel."

Approximately 13,000 Jews live in the Novosibirsk area, with most
living in the city itself.

Since the beginning of this year, Russia has experienced dozens of
anti-Semitic acts – including violent attacks on Jews, derogatory
graffiti and the vandalism of Jewish cemeteries.

Anti-Semitism on rise

Recently, the US government published its yearly report that stated
that anti-Semitism, which promotes hatred towards Jews under the
guise of criticism against the State of Israel, has increased in the
last 10 years.

The report claimed that the Belarus government openly disseminates
anti-Semitic material. It also said that government-controlled media
outlets in Saudi Arabia and Egypt broadcast anti-Semitic programs.

Additional acts of anti-Semitism were recorded in Poland, Russia,
Ukraine, France, Germany, the UK, Argentina, Australia, Canada and
South Africa.

"Contemporary anti-Semitism appears openly and in disguised forms in
place where there are Jewish communities just like in places where
there are few Jewish people. Violent anti-Semitic crimes are carried
out – beginning with from terrorism carried out against Jews to
desecrating and destroying Jewish property such as synagogues and
cemeteries," the report stated.

Amos Hermon, the Jewish Agency official in charge of the fight
against anti-Semitism, told Ynet following the incident in
Novosibirsk that "this is an appalling and extraordinary incident. I
really hope that we're not going back to the period at the beginning
of the previous century in which Jews were blamed and put on trial
for killing children.

"We hope and we are sure that the Russian government will find those
who distributed (the announcement) and work to stamp out the

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letter from Yishuv Itamar near Shchem.Mayor, Rabbi Moshe and Leah Goldsmith

 Anyone that wishes to contribute to this Yishuv, all  donations are gratefully accepted. Please contact Rabbi Moshe Goldsmiths parents in Brooklyn, Lester and Jeannette Goldsmith
Rabbi Moshe (also Mayor of Itamar) and Leah Goldsmith write:

Dearest Friends it has been a while since I wrote to you. It is hard to believe that we are celebrating Purim already. Wow! The year is flying by so quickly. I wanted to give you all a small Itamar update with a Torah thought and of course wish you all a happy Purim. Unfortunately, we have all been witness to some very tragic days here in Israel beginning with the terrible rocket fire on Sederot and culminating with the massacre of the boys in Mercaz Harav Yeshiva. Here on Itamar we had our share of security problems over the last few months as well. We have been suffering a lot of rock throwing at cars driving up our road and some infiltrations to our hilltops where sheep were stolen. In one incident, a rock hit a driver and caused a car accident where a guest visiting our community was hospitalized with moderate to serious injuries. Last Shabbat our security fence was cut and we were all put into high alert. There were also four shooting incidents at buses going through the nearby village; one took place last night. Thank G-d nobody was hurt but the busses were shot up.

 The struggle for building our nation in the holy land goes on. Many people are asking themselves - when is this going to stop? If it is any way consoling, let us remind ourselves that this madness has been going on with ups and downs when the students of the Vilna Gaon and the Baal Shem Tov started to make Aliya 200 years ago. Our sages didn't hide from us their teaching that the land of Israel is acquired through suffering. Ok, so we can't say that we didn't know that building the land would not be easy.  Nevertheless, why does it have to be this way? One simple answer is that nothing that is of any value comes easy. The greater the gift the more we have to work hard to attain it. Eretz Yisrael is the most precious thing in the world. Therefore, in order to acquire it we have to work very hard. The harder we work the greater reward we will eventually see. Many evil forces are hovering over the land of Israel that are trying to prevent us from reaching our goals. Every person that believes in Hashem, His Torah, and His people must act. We can't remain indifferent at such a special time. Life is too short and there is just so much that we have to do. As we read today in the Megillah  - Mordechai says to Queen Esther  -  "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will be lost. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?" Mordechai is telling Esther that she must realize that G-d placed her in a special position for a reason of furthering the redemption of her people. When someone reaches the heights of royalty it is very easy to fall into the trap of wealth, honor and pleasure and forget about the priorities of life. Mordechai's message was not only to Esther but it is for every one of us as well. Although G-d has blessed us greatly with a comfortable life, we can not sit back while our nation needs help! Every day, we must spend a few minutes thinking about how we can help build our land. Those who have the strength should consider making Aliyah there is nothing greater than returning home. Those that are not ready to make Aliyah at this time must get involved in some Chesed activity for helping build the land. Any small action adds up. We have all been witness to the fluctuations of the stock market and the dollar around the world over the last few months. People are panicking about loosing their fortunes. Let's put things into proportion, we have to thank G-d that we have food on the table and are not starving. After 120 years, a person is not going to take his dollar bills to the world to come. What he will take with him is the good deeds he did in this world.

I want to wish you all a happy Purim! Thank you for everything you have done for Itamar and Eretz Yisrael! Looking forward in seeing you here on Itamar.





Moshe Goldsmith Itamar




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Action Alert: Please forward letter by Herb Zweibon to SILENT Religio Jewish Org

Please forward to anyone on your list that has any influence on Agudath Yisroel of America, the OU, Young Israel and Chabad International begging and pleading them to speak up for the Torah Roadmap and our Biblical Covenant!!   Mr. Zweibon writes "Not realizing what lay ahead, the residents of Sderot were passive when the Sharon government forfeited their security by destroying the Jewish communities of Gaza."  Will we make the same mistake?

The relevant rabbis to contact r e s p e c t f u l l y  in this connection are:
* Rabbi Perlow, Rosh Moetzes Agudath Yisroel, Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Rabbi Avi Shafran, and Rabbi Gertzulin - Public Affairs Department, Agudath Yisroel  212-797-9000  and anyone on the Board of Directors.
* Rabbi Pesach Lerner at The Young Israel 212-929-1525
* Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb of the OU 212-563-4000
* Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Chabad Headquarters  718 774.4000 / fax 718 774.2718
Please forward this article to:


Sderot Now, Tel Aviv Tomorrow
Herbert Zweibon
On February 17 a Kassam rocket exploded near a preschool in Sderot sending several people into shock. A week earlier two brothers, Rami and Osher Twito, were on an errand to buy after-shave lotion for their father's birthday when a Kassam struck, leaving both boys lying in a pool of blood and severing 8 year old Osher's leg. In one four day period over 150 rockets exploded in Sderot and its surroundings. Nor are the citizens of Israel being targeted "settlers"—they live within the 1949 Green Line, an area not the subject of negotiations, that not even the most appeasement minded Israeli would call "occupied territory."
Desperate, people from Sderot demonstrate in front of the Prime Minister's Office, pitch tents before the Supreme Court, block the main entrance to Jerusalem, close the main entry road to Tel Aviv, anything to draw attention to their plight.
As Sderot teeters close to collapse, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert worries not about the lives of his people but that he might be impelled to do something. "I am fending off heavy pressure to launch a major ground operation in Gaza" he told Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik. His government does virtually nothing to perform its most basic task: protecting the security of its citizens. Yet as legal scholar Abraham Bell points out, under international law the right to self-defense authorizes Israel to initiate military action in Gaza, regardless of whether or not it is seen as having independent sovereignty.
The Olmert government's behavior is yet worse: it holds the people of Sderot hostage. Over 20% of the population has left and fearful of projecting an image of defeat, the government seeks to impel the rest to remain. It refuses to help those with mortgages to leave (under current conditions no one will rent or buy) and thousands living in public housing are in the same predicament, refused alternative accommodation elsewhere. Israel Schwartz, deputy director-general of the Housing Ministry, is candid: "Assisting Sderot residents and the Gaza envelope pay the rent is akin to declaring the evacuation of settlements."
Not realizing what lay ahead, the residents of Sderot were passive when the Sharon government forfeited their security by destroying the Jewish communities of Gaza. At present the Olmert government is preparing a similar fate for the residents of Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv and the entire coastal plain. It is negotiating the transfer of Judea and Samaria and much of Jerusalem to Fatah. What happens when the terrorists control the high ground of Judea and Samaria? What happens when a missile brings down an airplane flying into or out of Ben Gurion airport? Can there be any doubt that every single airline, with the single possible exception of El Al, will cease flying to Israel? What then happens to Israel's vaunted economy? And what happens—remember that Israel is a mere nine miles wide at its waist—when missiles fall on Netanya or Nahariya or Tel Aviv? The exodus of Jews that Arafat foresaw will become a rapid reality, as those who can most easily leave—Israel's most productive citizens—will rush for the exits, even as many of those who can leave, now flee Sderot.
Noting that Sderot has put the government's ability to protect its citizens to the test, Eeki Elner, who directs the Center for Leadership in Sderot, writes: "The collapse of Sderot would mark the Zionist vision's collapse. It constitutes the collapse of what is left of the trust in our national leaders. It would be the collapse of our hope and faith in our right to cling to our land."
The government's failure to protect the most populated parts of Israel—indeed its willful turning of Israel's heartland into a target for terrorists—will surely spell the total collapse of the Zionist vision.
Will the Jews of Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem wake up like the Jews of Sderot – when it is too late?

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