Showing posts sorted by date for query Lubavitcher Rebbe videos. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Lubavitcher Rebbe videos. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, July 09, 2015

Ait Tzara.. Lech Knos Es Kol Hayehudim! War of Gog UMaGog this year 5775 prediction by Chofetz Chaim? Reason to call a Massive Tefilla, Teshuva Rally. Publicize Marienbad Resolutions. Moshiach on the brink, another World War in 5775 end of Shemittah year...Rav Abergel, RavKanievsky, Rav Amnon Yitzchok,


Updated  2015 July 14, 

Lech Knos Es Kol Hayehudim!

War of Gog UMagog coming this year 5775. Prediction by Chofetz Chaim?

It is better not to be overly concerned with calculating when  Moshiach is coming as it says "Tamim Tehiyeh im Hashem Elokecha", to walk simply with Hashem.  However, if one is paying attention to current events, especially the recent deal with Iran, one comes to the conclusion that we, Am Yisroel must cry out to Hashem at this time.

PM Netanyahu's Statement Regarding the Deal with Iran Netanyahu says that this is an unprecedented  historic mistake ever!

We must unite and put aside all minor  political differences..

The purpose of showing these links is to motivate Am Yisroel to Teshuva!

The youtubes below testify to the Chofetz Chaim's predictions. They are in Hebrew. But they all carry a consistent message.  Before the Chofetz Chaim died in 1933 CE,  he predicted WWII to begin in 5700 (1940 CE), 25 years following WWI,   to last 5 years ending in Hebrew Calendar year 5705, a Shemittah year, and another World War in 5775 (2015 CE),  10 Shemittah cycles later which is 70 years later.  

The Chofetz Chaim was also one of the planners of the Marienbad Conference of Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah in 1937.  Please understand the extreme relevance of that historic meeting in the context of today's existential threat. 

Please read an open letter to the Rabbanim of our times to publicize and implement the Rabbinic Resolutions of Marienbad 1937

 In this letter we ask the Rabbanim to reaffirm this historic ruling. 
" The foundation of the Jewish peoples right to the Holy Land is based on the Torah and the prophets…A Jewish State not based on the principles of Torah is a denial of Jewish origin, is opposed to the identity and to the true stature of our people, and undermines the basis of existence of our people…Any relinquishment of the Holy Land given to the Jewish people by G-d has no validity" (HaPardes 11:6)

We know that any decree,  Gezeira in Hebrew,  for bad can be changed as long as people do Teshuva.  Surely a bad decree can be mitigated with massive unification and Tefila. 

Every Shul, Yeshiva, Bungalow, Camp should be called upon to unite with all of Am Yisroel at this time especially during the period of Bein HameTzarim, known as the Three Weeks and Nine Days.

Videos of Rabbanim testifying to the Chofetz Chaim's dire predictions

HaRav Yoram Abergel. (H) 
רב יורם אברג'ל- דיבור מדהים על גאולת סוף שנת תשע'ה2015-חובה הצפייה!
ציטוטים מ'החפץ חיים' ובעל התניא על הגאולה העתידית בסוף שנת השמיטה תשע'ה 2015.
מצב האומה על הפגעים הרוחניים שיש בארץ,על טיסות הנשים לאומן ורבניות השקר ומאילו אנשים יש להתרחק בתחילת הסרטון.מדקה 2:50 תחילת התוכחה 
חובת צפייה לכל יהודי בעולם.
חובה להפיץ!!!

See around 5 minutes into the youtube where he discusses how the Chofetz Chaim predicted a World War in the year in the Jewish Calendar 2705 and then again for 70 years later,10 Shemittah cycles later.

Rav Amnon Yitzchok (H)
** הרב אמנון יצחק - גוג ומגוג ע"פ החפץ חיים!! אוי לנו מיום הדין !! 2015 HD **
חלק ב- גוג ומגוג 2015- HD יותר מ- 26 שנה הרב אמנון יצחק 

Rav Kanievsky (H)
בול פגיעה - הרב קנייבסקי במסר לעם לגבי המשיח We are on the brink of Moshiach. The only way to survive is with Torah and Gemilut Chassadim and to take a loudspeaker and blast the message.

I have been told that this prediction of the Chofetz Chaim is also mentioned in the book The Not Far Away Past by Rebbetzin Rivka Kaluszyner (Author), Mrs. Dina Storch (Translator). Bli neder I will see if I can get an exact reference (page number).   

Rav Amnon Yitzchok in his video says that there are very reliable sources of this prediction from HaRav Pam, HaRav Eliya Svei, Harav Kotler, HaRav Elchanan Wasserman, HaRav Chezkel Levenshtein of Ponovitch, HaRav Eliyahu Lopian, zt"l hy'D. He referenced the book Shaal Avicha VeYagedcha. 

Rav Amnon makes these points. (summary)

In the War of Gog UMagog it will be like in Mitzraim. In Mitzraim only a fifth of the Israelites were redeemed. Four Fifths died in the Plague of Darkness.  How is this possible he asks, after all, the Israelites,  witnessed the miracles of the 8 preceding plagues where clearly Hashem differentiated between the Israelites and the Egyptians? Rav Amnon suggested that this phenomenon exists today.  Didn't we experience war in Gaza with thousands of missiles were shot into Israel with almost no casualties?  Isn't this a clear sign from Heaven that G-d is protecting His people?  Even the Arabs themselves noticed and concluded that G-d is protecting us and it wasn't their weakness.  

Yet four fifths of Jews in Egypt preferred to stay in Egypt.  

Rav Amnon Yitzchok was asked by a listener "How can we be saved?"  He answered "Behar Zion Yehiyeh Pleita", that the remnant will be in EY.  He said that those that adhere to Torah and do deeds of kindness will be spared.  He quoted a Tehillim 91 where King David shows how in spite of death surrounding him, G-d will provide protection and shelter in  miraculous ways to those who trust in Him .  

He brought sources from Tanach describing the war between Gog UMaGog. 

He said the war will last 7 years and then the Nations will gather to fight Israel. He said that many of the Roshei Am, the leaders of Israel will be from the Eirev Rav, the mixed multitude, leading from an unholy source. He said it will include nuclear, biological and Chemical warfare chas veshalom!

He mentioned that our generation should learn from past sins of our people, specifically from the generation that left Egypt.  

Let us recall the Sin of the Golden Calf in the desert whereby the people, who were led by the Eirev Rav, mixed multitudes, were misled into serving a foreign G-d. Aharon,  the high Priest participated in the Sin of the Golden Calf and  this is why he was instructed to bring a bull to atone for the Sin of the Golden calf.   If the Kohen Gadol (high priest) sins, he brings a bull. Aharon the High Priest was required to bring this offering as well as future High Priests as an atonement for serving the Golden Calf.  

Let me suggest that putting an intermediary between us and G-d is a very grave sin.  Each and every soul was at Sinai.  We each will be held accountable, individually if we go after foreign G-ds and we can't blame our leaders because we should have known better.  

Another Sin of the Generation leaving Egypt was the Sin of the Spies whereby they discouraged the people from entering the Land.  

Now in our generation we have the opportunity to rectify this Sin.  It is for this reason we are emphasizing the Resolutions made by the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah in Marienbad and invite the Rabbanim of our generation to reaffirm them. 

Let us talk about Shemittah and it's relevance!

 Shemittah, specifically Shemittah Karkaot,  is a Mitzvah that requires the Land of Israel. The farmer must relinquish the Land in order to keep the Mitzva properly.  Just like one needs a candle to produce light, one needs the Land of Israel to keep the Torah.  Ki Ner Mitzvah VeTorah Or. The Mitzvah of Shemittah will produce the light of Torah. Therefore, if we truly yearn to keep the Mitzvoth of  Shemittah properly, without Heter Mechira (selling the Land to non Jews)and without Yevul Nochri (buying produce from non Jews to circumvent the Mitzva and associated ramifications of eating produce with Kedushat Shviit, with sanctity of the 7th year), how can we remain Silent when Obama, European Union and world Media accuses Israel of Illegal Occupation? The Lubavitcher Rebbe says that Silence is a Sin!   Let us proclaim that the Land belongs to G-d  and He chooses to whom to give the Land. (the First Rashi of Breishit). The borders of Israel is not determined by Man. Not by Obama not by Netanyahu.  It is a  Divine designation and that is non negotiable.  

Another aspect of Shemittah is the spirit of Shabbat. When the Jewish farmer keeps the Mitzva of Shemittah and opens his field, everyone is welcome to enter and to eat.  After all, the Land belongs to G-d.  This Mitzva corrects the bad character trait of Kochi VeOtzem Yadi which means my strength and my might has made me great.  When we acknowledge all comes from G-d by surrendering what we own, we eradicate this negative trait from our very souls.  Disasters of epic proportions serves the same purpose but accomplishes it in very painful ways with great destruction and loss of life. Suddenly the focus is not on me anymore but on unity and joining as one to cry out to Hashem and for His Salvation. 

We all are very worried about multiple potential disasters occurring in the very near future, Hashem Yishmor.

  • Iran, 
  • Isis, 
  • a predicted collapse of the dollar 
  • attack on America's Electric Grid 
  • etc
These are all very real threats coming together at once, may Hashem have mercy....  Even the Goyim have recognized a pattern of tragic events at the end of Shemittah cycle like 9/11 and 2007 stock market collapse.  

Moshiach will be accompanied with terrible suffering unless we do Teshuva and WWII in comparison with the last War of Gog U Magog, according to Rav Amnon Yitzchok based on sources,  is child's play. He says 2/3 of the world will be wiped out. That's billions of people.  Unfortunately it is not so hard to imagine given the weapons of mass destruction in the hands of evil powers. Yet surely Hashem is sending us warnings so that we can do Teshuva....

Massive rallies against nuclear Iran are being planned by Jewish groups. On July 22nd Jewish Rapid Response Coalition is organizing a massive rally in Times Square uniting Jews and Non Jews Bipartisan.  On July 21st, TIP The Israel Project is having an event at Lincoln Square Synagogue. Here are links to their respective fliers. Take note of the lineup of speakers. The events are going viral on social media. 

  • Stop IRAN Rally in Times Square organized by Jewish Rapid Response Coalition 

  • AIPAC:

 Lynne Bursky Tammam <> writes in an email: 

 "AIPAC leaders have said very clearly that they consider the prevention of a nuclear Iran "the defining issue of our time."    AIPAC has contacted every single Senator and representative in the House to inform them of the elements that must be present in a good "deal."    The leadership has also started an initiative, the goal of which is to communicate with every rabbinical leader of every single synagogue to advise them how to get synagogue members involved in the effort to prevent a nuclear Iran.   They realize how indispensable "grass-roots" involvement of constituents has become in the quest to influence Congress.   They are in the process of preparing the groundwork for a massive campaign to deluge the offices of Congressional reps with phone calls at a moment's notice...a most critical and necessary endeavor. "  

Shouldn't we in the Religious communities also organize something as well? We can mobilize shul, camps, Bungalows individuals with deep Crying out to Hashem and to Unite.  Ait Tzara can be helped, mitigated.... If we act...

More links re: Marienbad:

Mishpacha Magazine Article Issue 179, Cheshvan 5768, October 2007 (E)

HaPardes, Elul 5697 September 1937 (H)

HaPardes, Tishrei 5698 October 1937 (H)

Lubavitcher Rebbe - Letters on the Land for Peace (E). The Rebbe encouraged his Chassidim to publicize the resolutions at Marienbad   (Today was the Azkara of Rabbi Yekutiel Rapp z"l a strong Eretz Yisroel Activist. He was killed in a fatal car accident . His Neshama should have an Aliya)

Some ideas for a Massive Tefila, Teshuva Gathering.....

Here are some ideas for a nine days gathering not just saying Tehillim but to really arouse the people to Teshuva: Bring in Yaakov Shweky cry no more..with Rav Gabriel Sassoon and songs of Tehillim sung in Gush Katif as they were being thrown out of their homes like Tefila leAni ki Yaatof lifnei Hashem Yishposch Sicho... and Rabbi Eliezer Rosenfeld of Kochav Hashachar who just lost his son hy"d to terror and sings at Levaya,  Veafilu behastatra ubesoch hastara sham nimtza Hashem Yitbarach he also lost an older son, an Israeli soldier some years ago.

Cry No More Yerushalyim. Recording of Sassoon Family prior to tragic fire. ynet arutz7 (different photos backdrop to song)

ירושלים - שוואקי | Cry No More - Official music video by Shwekey

"Rachem and Tefila LeAni Ki Yaatof" Gush Katif music video

Watch: Terror Victim's Father Sings Goodbye at Son's Funeral
Heart-wrenching scenes as father Eliezer Rosenfeld bids his son Malachi, murdered in a shooting attack, a tearful farewell.

Benny Friedman & Yedidim Choir - Aaron Teitelbaum Production - בני פרידמן וידידים - ואפילו בהסתרה
בני פרידמן וידידים - ואפילו בהסתרה
מילים: ליקוטי מוהר"ן
לחן: שעיה גרוס
דער אייבישטער זאגט אינז קינדערלעך אנוכי הסתר פני ביום ההיא, אבער די רבי זאגט ואפי' בהסתרה שבתוך ההסתרה בוודאי גם שם נמצא השם יתברךגם מאחורי הדברים הקשים העומדים עליך, אני עומד


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Urgent Please Flood the Phone Lines. Call Schumer and Gillilbrand re: voting against ISIS. Urge the Rabbanim to speak of our entitlement of Judea and Samaria and an undivided Jerusalem based on Torah!


TO: Chazaq, Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation, JCC Marine Park,  Nachum Segal Network, Citicom, 5WPR, Sheinkopf Ltd., Har Hazeisim Preservation,  and list....

Dear Yaniv Meirav, Michael Rothschild, Shea Rubenstein, Nachum Segal. Morty Mehlman, Ronn Torossian and Hank Sheinkopf, Menachem Lubinsky, Dov and Shani Hikind  and Fellow Activists, lovers of Israel.....amv"sh

I am specifically addressing this letter to you, and bccing to many more people because you each have either shown tremendous love for Am Yisroel, Eretz Yisroel and/or demonstrated amazing ability to mobilize the Jewish people  in the Diaspora, to to act to benefit Israel,  humanity, the Jewish People in Israel and/or America,  and the world  at large. 

Basically, you have demonstrated amazing leadership skills and are extremely well connected to the powers at large, be it spiritual, political, and/or the masses. Some of you are PR firms and others are publishers with print and radio media at your disposal. Some of you are networked to many Rabbanim and Torah Institutions.  

We all know that Israel is facing an existential threat.  

Now we are in the month of Nissan.  Either we witness awe inspiring miracles or chas veshalom the opposite.  I don't see the volatile global situation staying status quo for much longer.  Iran is very close to obtaining nuclear empowerment.  President Obama has not made it a secret of his intentions to help Iran acquire it.  Isis as well as Iran are dangerously close to Israel.

Jews and non Jews are extremely concerned!

Besides prayer, we still have the ability to act to make a difference or pay the consequences....

Atem Nitzavim...Each one of us according to our ability has the obligation to act....

When Mordechai Hayehudi was faced with existential threat he acted.  

You are proven leaders and men of action.

Now is not the time to be humble and to say let us ask the Rabbanim.  When one is uncertain about the threat one must act and not ask.

When it comes to saving a life, one must act with the greatest alacrity and should not hesitate. The Gemara (Yerushalmi Yuma 8:5) puts it very pithily: "The one who acts with alacrity is to be praised; the one who is asked (concerning whether to desecrate Shabbos) is disgraceful; and the one who asks is a murderer."

If it cannot be ascertained whether or not a situation is life-threatening, the situation must be considered life-threatening until proven otherwise, thereby allowing action to be taken.

It is of prime importance that if one believes a life may be in danger, and seconds may count, that persons involved not delay helping the victim out of fear of violating halakha, or in order to determine if such a violation is permissible according to halakha.

If one takes action in violation of halakha to save a life when s/he believes the situation is life-threatening, but later learns that there was no threat to a human life, s/he has not sinned, and must not feel guilty over having made such a mistake.

Let us all join together following the Lubavitcher Rebbe's heartfelt plea to "Scream about the horrible situation - without embarrassment and not from behind a curtain. We must bang our fist on the table, if necessary, because this issue affects the very lives of millions of Jews!" (not to mention non Jews RT)

Each of you, the Askanim have the  media tools to act in your capacity different than the Rabbanim.  Therefore don't waste any time!  However the Rabbanim are by no way exempt.  The Opposite!

The current situation in Israel is such that the duty to protest falls squarely on the shoulders of the Rabbis. This obligation falls upon all Rabbis who arbitrate practical matters of Jewish law, and especially those Rabbis who have at one time expressed an opinion on this issue, no matter where they are — whether in Israel or in the Diaspora.

The ruling must be explicit and definitive, being the result of exhaustive consultation with present military authorities who have actual firsthand knowledge about these issues, and who express their opinions through purely security-oriented considerations, and not political ones.

In order to save the Rabbis the trouble of researching the issues which are required for a ruling, the Rebbe informs us that he has already investigated the matter, and the conclusions are:
Those involved in military affairs say that surrendering any portion of the West Bank and Gaza, places untold numbers of Jews in danger, G-d forbid.

The past is well known (e.g., Golda Meir not listening to the Israeli Military Intelligence prior to Yom Kippur War).
A ruling must be issued quickly, and a Rabbi must not wait until he is asked about the matter. Rather, he must see to it that the law is publicized everywhere — to the extent that "there will not be a single individual who has not heard of this ruling." This is because regarding these matters, "he who asks (rather than acts) is a spiller of blood, and the one who waits to be asked is contemptible" for not having publicized his opinion.[35]
Similarly, one should publicize the decision of the "Great Assembly" of 1937 [36] which states that "it is forbidden to cede to a non-Jew, even a tiny strip of the Land of Israel." This should be publicised until the entire Jewish people are aware of this ruling.

Every Jew, regardless of where he lives, is connected with every other Jews in the rest of the world. Therefore, according to Jewish law, he must protest any action taken by another Jew which is not in accordance with Jewish Law. Protest is required even if the forbidden action took place a great distance from him — because he is still obligated by the command, "Thou shalt not stand idly by thy brother's blood."
At times the situation is such that there is nothing left to do but to protest. This is a precise indication that our task in this situation is to protest.

The claim that protest will not affect the situation does not absolve any of the Rabbis, no matter where they are, from their obligation to publicize a clear ruling because:
Who knows where we would be if no one were to speak up.

Regarding the mitzvah to admonish one's fellow man, the Talmud says, "even one hundred times," meaning, if one unsuccessfully gave rebuke ninety-nine times, one is bound by Jewish law to engage in rebuke a hundredth time, for it could well be that the hundredth time will be decisive.
The Rabbi must do his job and protest without fear, and without considering the reaction which may follow his ruling (such as being ignored); especially because this is an ongoing matter, which concerns saving Jewish lives.

The obligation not to stand idly by while your brother's blood is being spilled, applies in every situation, even when one is uncertain that his protest will have any effect. Even if the chance that protest will assist is only one thousandth of a chance, or a fraction of that, one is obligated to protest, because this is the law in the Code of Jewish Law.

Even if the majority remain silent, and those protesting are in the minority, nevertheless, the minority is taken into consideration.

The Rabbis who remain silent cause the greatest damage. This is analagous to the Talmudic law concerning seventy Rabbinic judges who rule for or against a certain side, with one judge "abstaining." In such a case, Jewish Law requires the entire trial to be rendered null and void.

The Rebbe's opinion is that were there to be a sustained protest, carried out with the greatest intensity — as the present situation clearly demands — it would eventually succeed, in the near future.

Thank you Izzy Kaplan zt"l for forwarding the material of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 2007. 

from: Lynne Bursky Tammam <>
to: Jeff Wiesenfeld <>
cc: Marvin Belsky <>
date: Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 11:23 PM
subject: Urgent Message from Jeff Wiesenfeld
The Corker-Menendez Bill is coming to a vote next week.  Our Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, despite their public statements to Jewish groups claiming their commitment to Israel, have been silent about whether or not they intend to vote for the override of  Obama's expected veto of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act.
Friday, March 27 at 12:00 noon is the ideal time for a press conference in front of Schumer's and Gillibrand's offices at 780 Third Avenue because Friday is the day they are in their NY offices.   The initial vote will have taken place by then and the pressure will be on to secure the rest of the votes needed for an override.  
We are able to effectively address BOTH Schumer and Gillibrand because their offices are at the same location!!!!  The purpose is to pressure them to commit to overriding Obama's veto of this critical legislation.
For many, Friday may be difficult but THIS is the day when BOTH Senators are in the building.   March 27 is the day.

Please contact Marvin Belsky at
Senator Schumer spoke at the Chazaq Event a week ago by Daniel Perez "Also among the guests and well-wishers at Sunday's big event were prominent political leaders such as New York's own Senator Chuck Schumer, who spoke of his efforts against Iran's nuclear program, which he characterized as an existential threat the Jewish state-just as Chazaq combats assimilation here at home, an existential threat to the Jewish soul. Commenting on the Hebrew origin of his own name, Schumer declared: "I take my name as a shomer Yisrael ('guardian of the Jewish people') very seriously." 

He received a resounding round of applause.   He promised then, that he will be true to his be a Shomer, the watch guard of the wall, named after his ancestor who guarded the ghetto wall, to be a Guardian of Israel. 

YET Senator Schumer has still yet to commit to override the expected Obama veto!  

This is where our Hishtadlus comes in.  We must mobilize the Jewish people including men, women and children, not only in prayer but in awareness and we must call our Senators. 

Marco Rubio Delivers Blistering Speech on Obama's Assault on Israel

Senator Schumer needs to know that his promises at the Event only ends with a commitment to override the Obama's expected veto. Obama's attempt to unseat Netanyahu meddling into the internal politics of Israel is indicative that he stops at nothing! Unfortunately. Schumer has to personally see it through to the very end.  It requires Mesirat Nefesh on his part.  Talk alone is cheap.

Date: Mar 17, 2015 12:01 PM

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Wiesenfeld, Jeffrey S <>
> Date: Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 11:11 AM

> What did I tell you about our two NY senators????
> They should always be challenged as any other interest group would do.
>... And as a community – we are allowing our two senators, representing the nation's largest Jewish population to play us to the White House's benefit.
>  > Time to get busy with these two "shomers."
> Jeffrey S. Wiesenfeld
> From: Sarah Stern [
> Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 10:47 AM

> Importance: High
> We just had a meeting with a professional staff member for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who works directly under Chairman Bob Corker. We have been putting maximal  energy into  Corker-Menendez,  The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, which would enable the  Senate to review  and vote on the Iranian nuclear deal that the Obama is hell-bent to sign next week. This staffer has told us that Senator Schumer,  Senator Gillibrand, and Senator Booker are not yet on the act. They need enough votes to over-ride a presidential veto.
> We need people to flood their phone lines and ask them to please sign onto S615 the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. They have scheduled a vote on this for next week. PLEASE SEND THIS OUT TOTO ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS AND ANYONE ON YOUR LISTS.
> Senator Schumer's number is 202-224-6542
> Senator Gillibrand's number  is 202-224-4451
> Senator Booker's number is 202-224-3224
>   If you need any talking points, please let us know.
> Thanks very much,
> Sarah
>  > Sarah N. Stern
> Founder and President

> Endowment for Middle East Truth
202-601-7422 (office)
301-922-9667 (cell)

From: Lynne Bursky Tammam

Date: March 12, 2015

Dear Friends of Israel and the Jewish People,  

It has been reported that Senator Cardin (D-MD), Senator Coons (D-DE), Senator Blumenthal (D-CT), and Senator Bennet(D-CO) have all committed to overriding President Obama's anticipated veto of the newly introduced Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (S. 615)!!!!   This bi-partisan legislation authored by Senators Bob Corker (R-TN), Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Tim Kaine (D-VA) will delay the lifting of sanctions against Iran and establishes a procedure for congressional review and approval of any nuclear agreement with Iran before it is finalized.  
Christians United for Israel was able to get 57,000 supporters of Israel to write letters to the Senate.   A similar effort on your part will dramatically enhance the effort to pass the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.  It is urgent that we call, e-mail, and write to those senators below who supported the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act in the past but who have maintained silence or are non-committal regarding their willingness to override Pres. Obama's expected veto of  the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015.   Our phone calls, e-mails, and letters DO make a difference!   This was emphasized first-hand by Congressional representatives during recently attended AIPAC sessions.  
The websites of Senators are warning that intense security in Washington is causing significant delays in the receipt of regular mail.  They are advising to fax letters rather than sending them by regular mail to Washington. 
NOTE:  Although it was reported in the Wall Street Journal that Senator Schumer was committed to overriding Obama's expected veto of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, the Jewish Voice (3/11/15) has just reported that Schumer "declined to confirm that he would vote to override a veto."   Ask Senator Schumer:  Is he or is he not going to be counted among those brave Democratic Senators who are putting our national security and that of Israel before partisan politics and protocol?  
For those in New York, call Senator Schumer at 202-224-6542 (or 212-486-4430).
                                                                                      E-mail him by going to
                                                                                      Fax a letter to: 202-228-3027
For those in New York, call Senator Gillibrand at 202-224-4451 (or 212-688-6262).  
                                                                                      E-mail her by going to
                                                                                      Fax a letter to: 202-228-0282  
For those in New Jersey, call Senator Cory Booker at:
                                                                                  202-224-3224 (or 973- 639- 8700)                                                                         
                                                                                  E-mail him by going to
                                                                                  Fax a letter to: 202-224-8378
For those in Pennsylvaniacall Senator Bob Casey:  Call 202-224-6324 (or 215-405-9660)
                                                                                              Fax a letter to: 202-228-0604
Senators Mark Warner (D) of VirginiaJoe Donnelly (D) of Indiana,  and Joe Manchin (D) of West Virginia are also senators who originally supported the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act but who are now silent.   If you are in these states or have contacts in these states, please encourage them to launch phone, e-mail, and letter-writing campaigns to these senators.
The message we sent:    
"Your support for the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 (Senate Bill 615) is urgently needed.   It is critical that the proposed agreement with Iran be subjected to Congressional review and approval before it is finalized.    We are urging you to put the security of the United States of America, its closest ally Israel, and the entire Middle East region above politics and protocol and to commit to overriding President Obama's expected veto.   77 % of Americans now agree that Iran's development of nuclear weapons is a "critical threat" (Gallup World Affairs Poll, Feb. 8-11, 2015).
The Administration is about to enter into an agreement with Iran which is described by our State Dept. as the "world's foremost leader of state-sponsored terrorism" and is ruled by a regime that has reneged on every agreement it has signed since 2003.  It continues to refuse the International Atomic Energy Agency access to its Parchin military complex and has refused to allow the IAEA to inspect the technologies it is developing which are related to building a nuclear weapon.   Iran has done nothing to establish itself as a credible negotiating "partner."
There is every indication that the strategies being used with Iran are the ones that failed with North Korea which now has nuclear weapons.  Iran's nuclear ambitions are threatening  to create a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. 


On behalf of our children, our grandchildren, and future generations, we beseech you to find the courage and fortitude to support the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 and to commit to overriding Pres. Obama's expected veto!  At this perilous juncture in history, we need heroic action!" 
Lynne Bursky-Tammam and Nessim Tammam
Chairpersons, Yom Hashoah Mobilization Committee

Friday, February 27, 2015

What Should Netanyahu say in Congress? What Does The Lubavitcher Rebbe Advise? Videos, Sichos and Letters on Eretz Yisrael. Your input


Now is the time for Prime Minister Netanyahu to quote from the Prophets when he speaks to Congress.  

The word that Isaiah, son of Amoz, prophesied concerning Judah and Jerusalem.  And it shall be at the end of the days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be firmly established at the top of the mountains, and it shall be raised above the hills, and all the nations shall stream to it.  And many peoples shall go, and they shall say, "Come, let us go up to the Lord's mount, to the house of the God of Jacob, and let Him teach us of His ways, and we will go in His paths," for out of Zion shall the Torah come forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

And it shall be at the end of the days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be firmly established at the top of the mountains, and it shall be raised above the hills, and peoples shall stream upon it.  And many nations shall go, and they shall say, "Come, let us go up to the Lord's mount and to the house of the God of Jacob, and let Him teach us of His ways, and we will go in His paths," for out of Zion shall the Torah come forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And many nations shall go, and they shall say, "Come, let us go up to the Lord's mount and to the house of the God of Jacob, and let Him teach us of His ways, and we will go in His paths," for out of Zion shall the Torah come forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem

In Hebrew

What Does The Lubavitcher Rebbe Say?
Videos, Sichos and Letters on Eretz Yisrael

We Must Tell The Truth: It is forbidden to tell them (non Jews) lies.   Since Abraham's Covenant, G-d Forbids Us To Give Away The Land

Heaven forbid that Jews should reject parts of the Land of Israel which were given to them by G-d as a gift, through unsolicited kindness and open miracles, (and not through military prowess, to which some erroneously attribute Israel's astounding victories), by giving them to non-Jews!

Due to the fact that we are still in exile, there are parts of the Land that have not yet been returned to us. Regarding such portions, the Torah enjoins us not to incite those who presently occupy them. This condition, however, does not apply at all to those portions of the land that G-d has already returned to us, (through great miracles, moreover.)

There are those who argue that giving these portions back to the non-Jews will bring peace. The response to this is that behavior which runs contrary to the Torah (i.e., rejecting G-d's gift) cannot possibly have positive results, and certainly cannot bring peace. Quite the contrary: only behavior that accords with Torah will bring peace. The Torah's instruction in this area is that we must explain -- albeit in a pleasant manner -- that no one can change the fact that G-d gave us these territories as a gift.

Peace can only be achieved by behaving in accordance with the Torah's instructions, and the Torah instructs us to tell the truth. 

When speaking with non-Jews too, it is forbidden to tell them lies. It is forbidden to speak to them "diplomatically". They must be told the truth -- that since at the Covenant Between the Parts, G-d gave the Land of Israel to the Children of Israel as an eternal inheritance, we may not be unappreciative by refusing to accept His gift.

Moreover, they must be told that we are forbidden to even entertain such a notion. Heaven forbid, that after G-d has taken the Land from the gentiles and returned it to us, someone should come along and desire to give it back to them.

Never before has something like this happened to the Jewish People!  Certainly, in the end, we will witness the fulfillment of the verse, 'Plan a conspiracy and it shall be annulled, speak your piece and it shall not stand, for G-d is with us!' For as King Solomon said, 'Many are the schemes in the heart of Man, but only the counsel of G-d will prevail'
(From the Rebbe's public address, 10 Teves, 5742 - 1982)

Must see video: Uploaded on Sep 25, 2009
Following his address before the United Nations General Assembly Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke before a meeting of American Jewish leadership in an event cosponsored by the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and the Consulate General of Israel in New York. Netanyahu recounts how the Rebbe tells Netanyahu   "You will go into a house of lies.  That is how he called a particular institution.    Remember that in a hall of perfect darkness, totally dark,  if you light one small candle,  it's light will be seen from afar Ohr Yekorot, precious light, will be seen by everyone,  Your Shelichus, your mission, is to light a candle for truth and for the Jewish People."

The Rebbe writes
"Advantages" of Peace Talks: Meeting Mr. Moshe Katzav (Before he was President of Israel) "I recently heard a bizarre and shocking rumor -- that the Israeli government is discussing and planning to give away portions of the Land of Israel. The discussions are currently focused on a five year plan called 'autonomy'. In truth however, it doesn't matter what government officials are calling it, because the fact is that these discussions and plans fall under the explicit Torah prohibition of Lo Sechaneim, i.e. the prohibition against giving any part of Israel to non-Jews. These discussions will in fact result in the eventual giveaway of parts of Israel, and as thus represent a denial in G-d, His Torah, the Land of Israel and the holiness of the Land.

Said the Rebbe: "And we see in which direction the change is headed. It's unacceptable for a Jew who believes in G-d and in His Torah, to Heaven forbid, be a partner to matters such as these and affix his signature to them in approval. It is thus preferable that the government should dissolve and cease to be a Jewish government -- because they speak of these autonomy plans only out of pressure from the Gentile nations (as they themselves admit). As such, it is preferable that there be established, G-d forbid, a Gentile government, which will make the decisions about what to do with the Land of Israel. This way, at least Jews will not affix their signatures to such matters.  

You are certainly acquainted with Mr. Menachem Begin, who originally did not agree with the Camp David issue. Indeed, he strongly opposed it. Eventually, however, he began to make concessions, and from what I hear, he regrets having done so to this very day.  If people who do not believe in G-d were the ones doing this, it would possible to understand. But for people who believe in G-d to affix their signatures to matters relating to the giving away of parts of Israel, is a desecration of G-d's name.

Shamir* believes in G-d and in the holiness of the Land of Israel. It is  completely incomprehensible how he, of all people, now agrees to discuss plans, which ultimately translate into the giving away of parts of Israel. 
The security of the Land of Israel comes from the One G-d. If the government will act accordingly, with the necessary strength, then they will have nothing to fear regarding Israel's security!

 In the wars that Israel has fought in recent years, three grave mistakes were made, all of them the results of placing political considerations above security considerations:

Politicians hinders the armies activities.... As a result, sacrifices have been falling (r"l) for weeks and months now! Why don't they learn from the past...?!"=(See public addresses of Kislev 1976 and Kislev 19, 1983) Newly elected Knesset Member Benjamin Netanyahu visits the Rebbe: I had much satisfaction from your first speech in the Knesset. Continue along this approach, for it is the best path to avoid war. You will have to struggle with 119 others in the Knesset, but surely you won't be intimidated, because G-d is on this side.

    "Recently, it became known that during the Holocaust — may G-d protect us — clear information was received, to the effect that if the United States would bomb the railroad tracks leading to the 'extermination camps', the mass exterminations would be halted (or at least reduced). Attempts were made to persuade President Roosevelt to order such an operation, but certain Jews intervened (including some Rabbanim who were given distorted information), and held back the pressure on Washington, citing the verse, "Do not incite the nations," and similar arguments. The rescue of many Jews was thus withheld.  
"Those very same 'leaders' and their disciples are now continuing down the same path, using the same argument, i.e., we may not incite the nations.(From the Rebbe's public address — Bechukotai, 5738 - 1978)

The solution to the political situation in Israel is the very opposite of the approach taken by the Israeli governments up until now. Their approach has been that the more concessions they will make on matters of vital interest, the more they will gain. This approach however, runs contrary to the nature of the United States. The United States arose and was founded through firm adherence to the principle that on matters of vital interest concessions cannot be made. They maintained this stance despite opposition from England, France and essentially the entire world.(Talk with Mr. Elyakim Rubinshtein, Cheshvan 1989)

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

In Defense of Israel: Amazing Videos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe re:Israel, Relevant today. JUSTICE MURPHY FOR THE DEFENSE OF ISRAEL FROM CHABAD4ISRAEL.ORG


Thank you Raanan Isseroff for sending. 

Lubvitcher Rebbe Speaks About Our Eternal Rights to the Land of Israel. Non Negotiable. No Land for Peace.  Listen to the Military experts! Silence is a Sin.  Territory taken from Israel in the hands of Non Jews is harmful to the non Jew as well.  We owe it to our children and grandchildren ...It is their Land as well....



Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Must see videos! *Shomron leaders fight PR War in Congress with Success! " Hasbara in Washington and *Mattot Arim documents Nationalist MKs performance in Knesset.


Shomron leaders wage PR War in Congress with Success!
Video: Congress Members Object to Israel Releasing Terrorists, Members of the U.S. Congress have expressed their objection to Israel's decision to release 104 terrorists as a gesture to the PA.
The leaders of the Shomron, Gershon Mesika - Mayor; Yossi Dagan - Deputy Mayor and David HaIvri - Director of Public Diplomacy and Communications, have met with some 25 members of Congress, including Ted Cruz, Michele Bachmann, Trent Franks, John Fleming and Louie Gohmert.
Most of the Congress members, noted the Shomron Regional Council, were surprised to find out that almost 700,000 Jews reside in Judea and Samaria and that Samaria was literally in the heart of the State of Israel.
The members of Congress admitted that they "never met an Israeli resident of Judea and Samaria" and certainly did not receive any first-hand information on the region. They all expressed their support for Israel, said that the U.S. should not pressure Israel to restart peace talks, return to '67 borders and said they object to Israel releasing terrorists. Michele Bachmann called the PA to renounce article 7 of the Hamas Charter which calls for the elimination of Israel. John Fleming said how honored he was to meet the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Samaria.

At the end of this video, Mesika speaks about how encouraged he was to hear of the support and admiration expressed by some of the Congressmen for the delegation. He spoke however also of a vacuum of knowledge in Congress regarding Samaria and that members of Congress regularly receive their information from the Palestinians and the Israeli left rather than from accurate Jewish sources. Yossi Dagan educated them to more accurately use the name Judea and Samaria reflecting thousands years of history rather than the false politically correct name "occupied West Bank" and to call population centers in Judea and Samaria "Jewish communities" rather than "Jewish Settlements"  which has a negative connotation of illegal settlement.

Let us address how our Jewish Leaders and Rabbanim can fill this vacuum in Washington.
A little Hasbara goes a long way.
Please reach out and open your offices, to leaders of the Shomron and discuss how you can help improve the Hasbara, Agudah, OU, YI and Chabad International all have Washington liaisons and directly communicate with Members of Congress on a regular basis. .

Let us be true to our Torah and Jewish Heritage and true to basic justice and morality.

104 released terrorist murderers as a precondition for "peace" talks is not acceptable for any legitimate legal system,  International let alone Jewish..
Please take each and every opportunity to educate our elected officials in Washington and their aids in a way that can help our brethren in Judea and Samaria.  Many of the members of Congress are righteous Gentiles who have utmost respect, reverence and knowledge of the teachings of the Torah and the Prophets. They are open to hearing about our legal and moral rights from thousands of years ago based on Jewish Code of Law and learning about International law which supports or rights to live and settle in Judea and Samaria and United J-M.  (See work of Howard Grief)

We need to allow our collective pain of the proposed release of terrorists and G-d forbid establishment of a 2 State Solution,  to be heard.   With G-d's help we can still prevent unspeakable tragedy and pain in the future.
Our leaders can mobilize their communities to speak out forcefully for Jewish rights to our Biblical Homeland. It needs to be spoken about on Shabbos in shuls and in the classrooms and in the halls of the Batei Medrash.  These are matters of Life and Death. It is a reflection of our yearning to actualize our daily prayers to return to Jerusalem and serve our G-d in the Holy Temple and to once again become a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation..
Let us begin this week. Parshat Reeh when the laws of Shemittah are discussed in the Torah Reading.  Observing Shemittah as prescribed by the Torah shows that the Jew recognizes that the Land belongs to G-d.  G-d in turn, promises this Holy Land to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to their seed as an everlasting inheritance. It is for this reason that the Land of Israel is also called "The Promised Land".  We have been Chosen because we are expected to be a Kingdom of Priests.  The concept of being Chosen is not a racist one.  It is a deserved honor due to our obligations to elevate society to observe G-d's will and to make this world a better, happier, more prosperous and peaceful place.
Judea is a Lion Kingdom! Let us make sure it is not overrun by evil which replaces a once blooming Land and transforms it to become a barren Land.
Following yesterdays' demonstration across the Israeli Consulate, Tamar Adelstein coordinator, Crown Hts. Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel writes:
"Because yesterday Secretary of State John Kerry announced that negotiations between Israel and the "Palestinians" will include all final status concerns and be kept secret from the public until agreements have been reached we are calling upon all Rabbonim and the Jewish Public to make this Shabbos, Parshas Re'eh, a Shabbos for Pikuach Nefesh and Shleimus HaAretz.

We ask that your Shabbos sermon touch on the very real dangers now facing C'lal Yisroel that negotiations, concessions, and the imminent release of those 104 Arab killers of Jewish women and children, r"l, is causing.

We ask that you relay the Lubavitcher's Rebbe's pained concern to your congregations (YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE LUBAVITCH TO FEEL CONCERN, MY COMMENTS, ROBIN) and organize a response to Prime Minister Netanyahu that in the words of HaRav Gerlitzky will "bring him to the realization that the only way to achieve peace and security in the Holy Land is by standing firm for the integrity of the Holy Land."

Matot Arim releases its semi-annual report, documenting the performance of nationalist MKs "for posterity and primaries."
Watchdog Warns Ministers: We're Following You, We Won't Forget.

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.