Thursday, August 04, 2011

On Hakoras HaTov - Gratitude to my Rabbonim, Importance of keeping Kedusha of Mikdash Me'at (keeping sanctity in our personal homes)


Bor she'sha'sis mi'menu mayim al tizrok bo even. Don't throw rocks in a well.  

Am I mocking or striking  the Rabbonim, the  very sources of my own Chinuch, religious education, on my blog

It is clearly forbidden to do so as we learn out from Moshe Rabbeinu who did not strike the River and sent Pinchas to fight Midyan rather than fight a Nation that protected him. .   

Gratitude is not because someone did something for you. But rather if you benefited, that's the keyword. If you benefited from somebody, you must have gratitude (from the book Netivei Ohr pg.165 by Rabbi Nissim Yagen). Even if the person did not have good intentions. That's why it says by Moshe that he was not allowed to hit the Nile river, to make it into blood. He had to ask Aharon to do it. A river does not care. It does not care whether he lived or died. But since Moshe benefited from the river, so then he has to have gratitude and he can't strike it. You hear?? Likewise in the Talmud it says "the well that you drank from, do not throw rocks in it". Even though the well has no feelings and does not care, nevertheless since you benefited from it, you must show gratitude.

How I have drunk from the wells of Torah lectures, books and tapes teaching us about  Kedusha, sanctity, in our Mikdash M'at, our personal homes.  How I envy those beautiful Chareidi (and non Chareidi) families who always speak dignified and respectfully  to each other,  spouse to spouse, parents to children and children to parents and children  to their siblings.  They are nourished with these same sources but to a higher degree than myself.  How I wish that my own Mikdash Me'at would reach a very lofty level where communication is without anger, demeaning and insult but rather just with clarification. And if I would follow these teaching in the Chareidi circles more carefully and rid my house of the TV and negative influences of Internet then surely my house would be a holier place.  I don't refute it.  

Yet I live a life less secluded and my house is invaded with the influences of a secular society and my Mikdash Me'at is compromised.  Chatasi, Avisi Pashati.  Hashem Yerachem. Al Eila Ani Bochiya.  

Tonight I went to a lecture by Rabbi Aharon Rakeffet and he said that a leader of the Conservative Movement who himself was Shomer Shabbat does not have religious grandchildren. Yet the Chareidim for the most part are success stories, (and of course there are those that have fallen by the wayside),  but the majority are those whose children and grandchildren are Shomrei Torah and Mitzvoth, building beautiful families with  Kedusha permeating their homes and Shabbos and Yom Tov is filled with palpable sanctity and holiness and if there is discussion of Harry Potter, Yankees and Jets it is in order be maalin Bakodesh and be raised to a higher level.    I wish my family could be like theirs...and Divrei Torah be the primary spoken words on Shabbos... 

Rabbi Rakeffet said that their success is their failure and their failure is their success. 

Let me add my personal explanation of Rabbi Rakeffets reflection.  Perhaps I personally can add to the Chareidi's observance of Torah and Mitzvoth by alerting them to things that they need to know because what they don't know will hurt them Chas Veshalom...

It seems to me that this insulation has  insulated Chareidim, Children of Holocaust Survivors as myself,  from knowledge of pure evil that is threatening the world at this very moment. It is the obligation of their papers to print such material but they choose not to so as not to offend the Gedoilim who are of the opinion that supporting Judea and Samaria is not part of their public agenda. This passive position opens the door for a Palestinian, Nazi ideology supporting State threatening not only Am Yisroel but the world.. (Palestinians Sacrificing ones children to the Molech, Robin's note)  (Norway defends Palestinian terror against Israel but is in shock when it hits home)

Fogel Family Murderer Convicted After Confession.  

Are Chareidim aware that this murder of the Fogel family did not happen in a vacuum and had Jews been more aware and vigilant and supportive of Yishuv Itamar (which is community with a window view of Shchem and Har Eival and Har Grizim) and their requirements of security this terror attack would not have been possible? 

Are Chareidim made aware that Shchem is the City where Avraham Avinu was first promised Eretz Yisroel  "LeZaracha Etein Es Haaretz", and the first city that Am Yisroel came to when they entered Eretz Yisroel and heard the blessings and curses on Har Grizim and Har Eival?

Chareidim don't get emails from Daniel Greenfeld entitled: 

"Something Rotten in Norway". which shows how a community that tolerates, supports and defends evil will have it turn against itself. 

or PMW Palestinian Watch' advisor: PA should honor "Martyrs" and not worry about donor's grants

and will they hear about the Chillul Hashem and destruction on Har Habayit?  Surely these excavations could have been prevented and can be prevented with some protest coming from the Chareidi and Dati Leumi and Leumi world uniting and not silenced when American Foreign Policy stopped supporting a United Jerusalem

Are Chareidim aware that the gov't wants to demolish 47 hiomes in Migron in the Shomron even when there are no Palestinians who can prove ownership? tells a story of secular courts system destroying our rights to Eretz Yisroel. Where are Jewish Courts and our Sanhedrin based on Torah Shebichtav and Torah Shebaal Peh????

High Court Issues 'Death Sentence' to Migron

The High Court Tuesday told the government to destroy the Migron community, home to 47 families in northern Samaria, by next March.
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

How will the Chareidi newspapers report what is happening in Migron?  Like Haaretz or like Arutz7?  My guess is that they will barely report on it so that they won't have to choose any controversial slant. Or will they choose to be "objective" and sit on the fence without taking any sides as if to say that choosing for or against giving away Judea and Samaria are two acceptable valid Torah positions.  Why do they take a decisive position  regarding Bris Mila, circumcision or Shechita, Kosher ritual slaughter but not on our entitlement to live and settle in Judea and Samaria and obligation to observe the Mitzvoth Teluyot Baaretz?

How familiar are Chareidim with the destruction of 22 communities in Gush Katif and Northern Shomron and the havoc and pain and suffering for 10,000 people and their families and friends.  (not to mention the suffering of neighboring Sderot). Somewhat,  but apparently not enough to prevent other expulsions Chas VeShalom.  

What will make them, their teachers and my teachers  understand that my desire is that the Kedusha in their homes stay as is.  Fighting for Eretz Yisroel is also a Mitzva and preventing the destruction of Jewish lives overrides all other Mitzvoth except the 3 cardinal sins which by the way are threatening us for which we are obligated to be Moser Nefesh. What is the point of learning Gemaras on property rights and sit by while Har Habayit is being desecrated with the sanction of a secular Israeli courts and destruction of Jewish homes and communities is legalized by  secular Israeli courts led by a minority against the wishes and desires of the majority?

Just because many rulings of the Israeli government is secular now does not mean that this is the way it has to be?  All of our Tefillos of returning to Eretz Yisroel and rebuilding the Beit Hamikdash so that we can once again bring Karbanot is a possibility in our day!  Hashem sends us miracles and technology which is all for His Honor and all this technology are tools to bring the Kedusha to mankind, Letaken Olam BeMalchus Shakai as we say in Oleinu, To Perfect the World with the Kingdom of Heaven.  

Last night Rabbi Gorelik spoke in the Chabad Shul of Ocean Ave, Rabbi Liberov's shul, the first of a 12 part series on Moshiach He talked about the coming of Moshiach and asked how come technology like the airplane or cars  only appeared within the last 200years.  People were riding horse and buggy for thousands of years.  Then quite miraculously, without major new discoveries, inventions came into existence that could have been invented earlier.  He quoted a Zohar that said that just like the waters in the time of Noach opened from above and from below when Noach was 600 years old, in the 6th millenium in the  600th year or so, the wellsprings of knowledge of science and technology(from below)  and Chasidut(from above) will flood the world preparing it for the 7th millentium which is Yom sheKulo Shabbos,  a millenium of complete Shabbos.  

We are now living in an age of amazing technology.  It is now the Erev, the Eve of  Shabbos of this special millenium.  Who would have believed before such technology existed that we would be able to fly to Eretz Yisroel for each Shabbos or comprehend how  the entire world will hear the news about Moshiach simultaneously. Yet we all know that this is totally possible in our times.

Rabbi Rakeffet said that many in the Chareidi World are now trained and knowledgeable in computer systems and are flooding institutions of learning that teach a trade such as  Machon LeParnasa, Machon Lev etc.  There are separate classes for men and for women.... 

 How else can Chareidim provide for their families nowadays?  Grandparents can no longer support 40- 50-80 grandchildren bli ayin hara.  Perhaps, years ago, very wealthy Chareidi  parents and grandparents supported the next generation.  But their success led to their failure ken yirbu and it is no longer feasible to be able to support such large extended families. 

There are over 10,000 boys bli ayin hara in Nachal Chareidi where there are no women and multiple Hashgachot, supervision seals, on the food they eat.  

There are Chareidi Rabbanim like Rav Yissachar Dov Rumpler and his Eishis Chayil author of Halacha Berura and Agudath Chalamish (Chareidim LeMaan Yehuda VeShomron) who join with Dati Leumi in their desire to fight for Eretz Yisroel, to settle Yehuda and Shomron and to rid our land of Avoda zara, Idol worship and Gilui Aroyot immorality.  There is a 2 volume Sefer entitled Halacha LeTzava which answers questions for the Jewish Soldier like "Can I take my Tefillin with me if I am called up to the Front on Yom Kippur", 

So my message to all the Rabbonim that have raised my level of Judaism and Kedushah is to thank them from the bottom of my heart and to reciprocate in kind by my own connection with Hevron Ir HaAvot and to connect them as well with Hebron.  I can not think of a greater gift that I can give to anyone, the love of my soul, the desire of my heart but to be closely connected with our Forefathers and Mothers Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yaakov, Sara, Rifka, Rochel and Leah. How I wish to share the intense longing for Hebron and for Eretz Yisroel, our H-ly Land where our Mitzvoth reach the highest actualization and completeness of sanctity possible.

I don't know how many out there are listening to what I am saying.  But as Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein said today in Radio Hidabroot (round the clock on the web or in Brooklyn 97.5fm ) , that it is not up to us to finish the job,  We just have to try to do our best and leave it up to Hashem.  

Anovim - Great Song!!

Lyrics in English
"At the moment when king Mashiaj comes, he will stand on the roof of the holy temple and call out: My humble children, the time of your redemption has come.And if you don´t believe me, look at the light that I shine upon you!"(Yalkut Shimoni, Ieshayahu 60-499)

Lyrics in Hebrew
beshaa shemelech hamashiach ba omed al gag Bet Hamikdash mashmia leIsrael veomer: anavim anavim higia zeman guelatjem veim ein atem maaminim reu beori shezarach.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rally for Temple Mount, tonight Tuesday, near Machene Yehuda. Shechina on Har Habayit weeping - Breaking the Silence - End the Lip service -


Makom HaMikdash.

(Please try to read or skim the entire email in spite of its length and all its inadequacies.  I am crying out to the Chareidi community to reevaluate the position of the Gedoilim regarding Har Habayit, and Kever Yosef and to raise these points with the Gedoilim since I am not sure they read the Internet and they need to hear questions raised from their inner circle)

Our people are Silent except for select brave souls seeking truth and unafraid to speak up   Tomorrow, Tuesday evening a group of such individuals will be opening up a table near Machene Yehuda Market in Jerusalem from about 4pm-7pm in order to hand out information and enlist people to join the ongoing struggle for Jewish rights on the Temple Mount and to call for an end to the Muslim control of the holy site.  

This is part of an ongoing effort to draw attention to Jewish abandonment of the Temple Mount and to strengthen Jewish love for the Mount both in spirit and action. For the last two Thursdays rally vigils have been held at the entrance to Jerusalem and numerous people have already signed up to join future actions. We need the help of Jews and righteous gentiles around the world to help us with this ongoing campaign.  See below for details as per how you  can show support even when you live in Chutz L'Aretz. 

Chatasi Avisi Pashati!  I know that I too am far from innocent and far from deserving and worthy.  But is that the excuse  the Yetzer Hara uses to trick us into being silent about Har Habayit?
Har Habayit  the place of our Shechina,  the place of our Holy Temple, our most Holiest site, forlorn, cast aside and abandoned to the Waqf?  
Where is the outcry??? 
How can we tolerate the daily desecrations on Har Habayit? Arab Soccer games on Har Habayit!??? Arab Picnics?
In Shacharith Shabbos in Kedusha we say "Baruch Kevod Hashem Mimkomo", Blessed is the Glory of Hashem from His Place.  

Today, what Kavod, what Glory is there on Har Habayit? We, Am Yisroel are allowing this desecration. 
Sefer Vayikra 26:1 states "You shall not make idols for yourselves, and you shall not erect for yourselves a statue or pillar, and in your land you shall not emplace a flooring stone which to prostrate oneself - for I am Hashem your G-d" Sefer Vayikra (26:2), "Es Shabsosai Tishmoru UMikdashi Tirau Ani Hashem? My Sabbaths shall you observe and My Sanctuary shall  you revere -  I am Hashem. (translation Stone Chumash). 
How can we then be Mekayim, fulfill these Mitzvoth ...
(Please note the term Shabsosai  is the plural for Shabbos). 
"Mimkomcha Malkeinu Sofia, VeSimloch Aleinu Ki Mechakim Lach."  From Your Place our King, You May appear and reign over us.  For we do await for you. When will you reign in Zion? Soon in our days, forever and ever may You dwell there... " 
 ... But when we say "Mechakim Anachnu Lach",  we do await for you and "BeKarov Beyameinu", soon in our days,  is this merely lip service?  How does it resonate with the fact that we continue  not to protest and allow Har Habayit to be under the jurisdiction of the Waqf!?  

Rav Shteinman and Rav Eliashiv, your loyal flock is waiting for your direction to speak up and end this Chillul Hashem, this desecration of G-d's name on Har Habayit and the desecration by Kever Yosef both places paid for with Kesef Malei.

 Hillel ben David Web page:  writes: 

There were three parcels of land, in Eretz Israel, that were purchased by the Patriarchs:


  1. The Cave of Machpelah near Hebron where the Patriarchs and their wives are buried. This site was purchased by Avraham Avinu.
  2. The field near Shechem where Yosef HaTzaddik is buried. This site was purchased by Yaaqov Avinu.
  3. Har HaBayit, the Temple mount, in Jerusalem. This site was purchased by David HaMelech.
There are three cities at the heart of our conflict with the goyim (nations – Gentiles). I would like to look at these cities that are at the center of this conflict. As we shall see, the fight over these three cities is a fight over existence. Somehow the Goyim, the seed of the bondwoman, realize that possession of these three key cities is intrinsically connected with their existence.

Davka by Kever Yosef and Har Habayit have the Gedoilim discouraged Sovereignty and shown a willingness to forego Sovereignty and a willingness to be subjugated to the forces of Tuma? Kever Yosef is part of Eretz Yisroel and one of the 3 holiest sites. Kever Yosef, the burial place of Yosef HaTzadik, the symbol of Kedusha over the forces of Tuma handed over to the Palestinian Authority and Breslov Chasidim whose Avodath Hashem is in the realm of personal holiness are attacked and we say it is their fault because they went to a dangerous place? Damo B'Rosho?

Dear List, amv"sh As you can guess, I am getting flack for such emails. I get no pleasure from speaking up. It hurts me to read my own emails. People complain that I am mocking the Chareidi Rabbanim. 

I received an email admonishing me as follows: "The chareidi rabbis (Rav Shteinman) would say that as a matter of pikuach nefesh  (danger to ones life) Jews should not visit KeverYosef, and should not live in dangerous towns. And when they say that, you mock them. You may have a hard time accepting what they say, but that is the position of the leading halachic decisors of our people. If you go up against them you can not expect their support. ...You are not prepared to listen to what Rabbi Kamenetsky and Perlow say. You are not prepared to accept that the State may not be "reishit tzemichat hageulah". You are not prepared to accept their position on serving in the army or sheirut le'umi.You are not prepared to accept what they tell you about settlements. You are not prepared to accept much of what they have to say about any of this issues you are so dedicated to. Yet, you wonder why they won't support you. "
My response to this is that it is important to speak Emes and defend the Torah to end a Chillul Hashem and prevent the anger of Hashem against Am Yisroel. 
We say in Shabbos Shemoneh Esreh Shacharis,
"Yismach Moshe BMatnas Chelko".  Moshe rejoiced in the gift of his portion..
Moshe Rabbeinu gets the gift of Shabbos. Shabbos and Eretz Yisroel are synonomous. 
Shemittah. Shabbat LaHashem.  Kedushath Sheviis. The Sanctity of the Seventh year.  
"Velo NeSato Hashem Elokeinu LeGoyei Haaratzoth."  And You, Hashem our G-d, did not give the Sabbath,to the nations of the lands, Velo Hinchalto Malkeinu LeOvdei Pesilim"  nor did You make it the inheritance our King of the worshippers of idols. "Vegam Bimnuchato lo Yishkanu Areilim", and also in its rest  the uncircumsized will not be sheltered.  "Ki Leyisroel Amcha Nesato BeAhava LeZera Yaakov Asher Bam Becharta Am Mekadshei Shevii", For to Yisroel Your people have you given it in love to the seed of Jacob whom You have Chosen, the people that sanctifies the Seventh (year and day),"Kulam Yisbau VeYisangu", all will be sanctified and will be delighted "Mituvecha", from your Goodness!  (from Schottenstein Siddur edition of For the Sabbath and Festivals) Surely this is an accurate description of not only Sabbath Day but also of the Sabbath Year also known as the Shemittah Year.
So how does Moshe Rabbeinu, the Protector of Shabbos, go about to protect the sanctity of Shabbos?    
Beginning of Moshe's career he fights and murders the Mitzri and at the end of his career he fights Midian in last weeks Parsha, Parshat Matot.  
VeAsisa Hatov VeHayashar.
Why is Moshe Rabbeinu involved in murdering a Mizri and fighting a War? How is this related to properly keeping Shabbos?

The domination of Midian over the Israelites prevent the sanctity of the Jewish Nation.  Coexistance is not possible as long as the Midianites are dedicated to the annihilation of the spirituality and holiness of the Jews. The Jewish people must go to War in order not to be held under the forces of evil of Midian, a source of Tuma, unholiness .  The purpose is not merely to subdue the enemy but rather to raise the moral integrity of the Jewish People so they not be entrapped by Gilui Aroyos and Avoda Zara.  (ideas taken from Mrs. Shira Smiles responds to the tragic death of Leiby Kletzky z"l.) This seems to be consistent with the order of the Pesukim in Parshat Vayikra where there is the commandment against idolatry.
The Chareidi Rabbanim discourage the people from asserting Sovereignty over Har Habayit.  They discourage combat units in  the IDF. We know that "Vehaya Machanecha Kadosh" is reference to a military camp and not to be replaced with the battle cry for Tzniut (even though it can be an extension).  They discourage settling Judea and Samaria.  They encourage Yevul Nochri for the Shemittah year which means high prices for Jews and profits for the Goyim.  They are against Heter Mechira yet don't protest an actual PA State.  They look down upon those who have attempted to establish a Nascent Sanhedrin and a binding Judicial system that advocates Torah and Halacha over the secular Law of the Land.  They did not mobilize those that follow their rulings which number to the hundred of thousands and perhaps much more, to protest the giving away of Gush Katif and Northern Shomron.  When we question these rulings which turn a blind eye to the struggle for Judea and Samaria  it is considered as if we are  mocking our Sages?  

We  want to believe that they are pained when homes in  Gaza and Judea and Samaria are demolished but do they validate our right to be in these homes?  We are told that we do not understand G-d's ways and if we think we have explanations for attacks against us we are arrogant.  We are told to upgrade the Kedusha in our lives but Chareidim are discouraged to outwardly fight the PA, Hamas, Hizbollah, El Qaida threats, whose very essence is Tuma and Avoda Zara and the way to fight is to davan and  to insulate ourselves from it, sweep it under the rug so to speak, with  learnng Torah, doing Chesed and Maasim Tovim and "Teshuva" and dressing modestly. "Sure we know this Land is ours the Gedoilim say, but is there any  point in saying so publicly?  It only serves to anger the Goyim."  

Isn't Teshuva the physical act of returning to the Land and doing our physical Hishtadlus? Wasn't this the way of Moshe Rabbeinu in the Dor HaMidbar followed by Yehoshua?  

When we are commanded "Lo Tasur" one can not turn aside right or left from the rulings of the Sages it needs to come from That Place which the LORD shall choose.  How can this happen under the jurisdiction of the Waqf?

In Devarim  17 the Torah says 
ח  כִּי יִפָּלֵא מִמְּךָ דָבָר לַמִּשְׁפָּט, בֵּין-דָּם לְדָם בֵּין-דִּין לְדִין וּבֵין נֶגַע לָנֶגַע--דִּבְרֵי רִיבֹת, בִּשְׁעָרֶיךָ:  וְקַמְתָּ וְעָלִיתָ--אֶל-הַמָּקוֹם, אֲשֶׁר יִבְחַר יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ בּוֹ. 

8 If there arise a matter too hard for thee in judgment, between blood and blood, between plea and plea, and between stroke and stroke, even matters of controversy within thy gates; then shalt thou arise, and get thee up unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose. 

ט  וּבָאתָ, אֶל-הַכֹּהֲנִים הַלְוִיִּם, וְאֶל-הַשֹּׁפֵט, אֲשֶׁר יִהְיֶה בַּיָּמִים הָהֵם; וְדָרַשְׁתָּ וְהִגִּידוּ לְךָ, אֵת דְּבַר הַמִּשְׁפָּט. 

9 And thou shall come unto the priests the Levites, and unto the judge that shall be in those days; and thou shalt inquire; and they shall declare unto thee the sentence of judgment. 

י  וְעָשִׂיתָ, עַל-פִּי הַדָּבָר אֲשֶׁר יַגִּידוּ לְךָ, מִן-הַמָּקוֹם הַהוּא, אֲשֶׁר יִבְחַר יְהוָה; וְשָׁמַרְתָּ לַעֲשׂוֹת, כְּכֹל אֲשֶׁר יוֹרוּךָ. 

10 And thou shalt do according to the tenor of the sentence, which they shall declare unto thee from that place which the LORD shall choose; and thou shalt observe to do according to all that they shall teach thee. 

יא  עַל-פִּי הַתּוֹרָה אֲשֶׁר יוֹרוּךָ, וְעַל-הַמִּשְׁפָּט אֲשֶׁר-יֹאמְרוּ לְךָ--תַּעֲשֶׂה:  לֹא תָסוּר, מִן-הַדָּבָר אֲשֶׁר-יַגִּידוּ לְךָ--יָמִין וּשְׂמֹאל. 

11 According to the law which they shall teach thee, and according to the judgment which they shall tell thee, thou shalt do; thou shalt not turn aside from the sentence which they shall declare unto thee, to the right hand, nor to the left. 

יב  וְהָאִישׁ אֲשֶׁר-יַעֲשֶׂה בְזָדוֹן, לְבִלְתִּי שְׁמֹעַ אֶל-הַכֹּהֵן הָעֹמֵד לְשָׁרֶת שָׁם אֶת-יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ, אוֹ, אֶל-הַשֹּׁפֵט--וּמֵת הָאִישׁ הַהוּא, וּבִעַרְתָּ הָרָע מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל. 

12 And the man that doeth presumptuously, in not hearkening unto the priest that standeth to minister there before the LORD thy God, or unto the judge, even that man shall die; and thou shalt exterminate the evil from Israel. 

There are Righteous Gentiles who are far more ready than our Gedoilim to speak proudly and publicly as per our entitlement to the Land of Israel based on Torah.     In the CUFI Conference, Noahites United for Israel,  Fern Sidman reports in Frontpage Magazine

"Taking on those who have attempted to revise the Jewish narrative with statements geared toward separating the Jewish people from their religious and historical connection to the land of Israel, Pastor Hagee said, "We are still one nation under G-d, and it was G-d who gave the land of Israel to Abraham and it belongs to the Jewish people forever. The Jewish people are not occupying this land; they own this land."

In an Arutz7 article Ms. Sidman reports: 

"Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed the session via satellite from Jerusalem.  Greeted with over 10 minutes of applause and enthusiastic cheers, Mr. Netanyahu extended his appreciation to those Christian supporters of Israel who have the "courage to stand up and speak the truth." 

Drawing the largest applause was Netanyahu's reference to the biblical connection of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland. "The Jewish people are not occupiers in the land of Israel. We have returned to the land of our forebears; of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and Solomon and we are here to stay." 
(but then he ruins it by confusing the issue "This conflict is not about Israel refusing to accept a Palestinian state") Why can't Netanyahu refuse to accept a PA State? (my comments)
 In Mishpacha Magazine p54 issue 368 reported that Bith Thiyang, "embryonic South Sudan's soon to be ambassador to Israel" says that "Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv  is the eternal capital of Israel". He said  "No one can decide other than what G-d Himself wrote in the Bible, which we all believe in, Eretz Yisroel in its entirety is the land of the JewsThis is their only Land and they must live here.  If you dare divide it," he warns in broken English but in a clear tone, "G-d will punish you.  In my opinion and in the opinion of my government ....The Jewish Nation itself has no right to divide its G-d given inheritance. The Jews are not permitted to abrogate the word of G-d".  This isn't Robin Ticker speaking.  This is Bith Thiyang.
So why haven't Rav Shteinman and Rav Eliashiv spoken similarly and clarify to the JEWISH PEOPLE and primarily to the CHAREIDIM  this Truth?  Why is it so obvious to Glen Beck, Pastor Hagee, Bith Thiyang and not to Chareidim?

  Tolerance of evil brings tragedy. Showing compassion to the cruel results in being cruel to the compassionate. Let us learn from Pinchas HaKohen and Moshe Rabbeinu to address the matter before tragedy strikes or strikes harder.     Moshe Rabeinu fights for Justice at the start of his life, he murders the Mitzri and at the end of his life fights the war wtih Midian. Pinchas slays Kozbi and Zimri and is called to lead the battle wtih Midian. 
The murder and dismembering of Fogel family hy"d  in Itamar close to Shchem is forces of evil unchecked. The brutal murder of Leiby Kletzky z"l another example. Both had red flags and could have been prevented had it been addressed when the red flags of the perpetrators had been dealt with more effectively before tragedy struck. Hashem Yishmor.   Moshe is upset at Bnei Reuvein and Gad and Chatzi Shevet Menasheh, Your brothers will fight and you stay here?  Pick 12,000 men to fight, 12,000 men to daven and 12,000 to carry supplies.  This War against evil belongs to every Jew and we fight them in every generation.  Like Bilam,  Lavan Bikesh LaaKor as Hakol, Lavan wanted to destroy everything, especially in the spiritual realm of holiness..  

 Mrs. Shira Smiles responds to the tragic death of Leiby Kletzky hy"d... In this Torah shiur (class) on Parshat Matot she said that we all have the potential, even Jews, to break down to lowest level chas vechalila.  Moshe Rabeinuu overcomes his negative charachter traits. Yosef fights it as well.  Yosef is placed into the hands of the Midianites who wish to destroy his spirituality into the forces of evil yet he overcomes. 

Surely we must learn from Moshe Rabbeinu how to respond otherwise we fall under bad influence and subjugated and we must fight it so that matters do not degenerate down a slippery slope of the path of no return.

In light of the recent New York passed law legalizing gay marriages and in light of the gay parade in Jerusalem, Jews must take an active stand to fight for Kedusha. Asserting our right and entitlement to Kever Yosef and Har Habayit go hand in hand with this fight against this Tuma. The reason this rally is today and not Thursday is because Yosef Rabin, one of the organizers said "We do not know if we will be holding it this Thursday, because of the abomination parade is set to take place this Thursday and many of our people are going to protest there." 

Read here about the latest protest vigils in Jerusalem for the Mount 

First Protest Vigil at entrance to Jerusalem

Second Protest Vigil at entrance to Jerusalem 

Read article regarding Jewish law and the Temple Mount and calling on the government to allocate funds for Jewish prayer area on the Mount

Op-Ed: Response to Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz and the Kotel Renovations

Please support this group, make a donation and Take a stand for the Temple Mount before its too late.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Upcoming Yesha Activities: :Women in Green this week and RCRF Calendar Aug 1, 5, 7, 19, 30 ONGOING Wednesdays. Thursdays , Eretz Israel Shelanu links


This Tuesday and Friday in Netzer


Tuesday July 26th at 4:30 pm in Netzer

Family farming and Ceramic workshop with artist Rivka Leibovitz


Transportation by registration only:

Jerusalem inbal hotel 3:30pm- Kiryat Arba Hevron 4:00pm- Tsomet hagush 4:15 pm-Elazar gate 4:20pm


Friday July 29th at 9:30 am in Netzer

Lecture for women by Tzippy Egert(instead of Sara Jo Ben Zvi)


Transportation by registration only:

Jerusalem Inbal hotel at 8:30 am- Kiryat Arba Hevron 9:00 am- Tsomet hagush 9:15- Elazar gate 9:20


For registration and details: Yehudit Katsover 050-7168181  Nadia Matar 050-5500834


5771/2011 RCRF AUGUST SCHEDULE: Clip and Save

walk left past Kever Rachel to Beit Bnei Rachel, Free Parking OPPOSITE KEVER RACHEL.


ROSH CHODESH AV, MONDAY AUGUST 1, 6PM (5pm Egged #163 Bus)

"Two Visions of Community in the Book of Bamidbar"


4 Av, Thursday, August 4, 6PM(5pm Egged #163 Bus)

"Eicha; the tragedies of walled and unwalled cities, 1300s until present"

*Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher  

7 av, Sunday, August 7, 6PM (5pm Egged #163 Bus)

"Don't Despair – Hang in There!"

   Lecture by Devorah Mantel

Thursday, 18 Av/18 august, 6PM

*Biblical Art EXHIBIT 

Artist: Ellen Lapidus Stern  

*Harav Benyamin Levene: 

Rosh Chodesh Elul, Tuesday, August 30, 10am VIA 9AM Egged Bus



Atara Gur, Rachel Imeinu Scholar and Author

Nechama Sarah G. Nadborny, Author of "The Twelve Tribes of Israel"

Wednesdays at 11am - 2pm; 

Take 10am Egged #163 Bus:


Devorah Mantel, Lecturer from Bar Ilan University


"The Strength of the Jewish Women"

Book your simchas with RCRF in our lovely Reception Center that can accommodate 100

<> 054-224-2649


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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fwd: Sovereignty Conference - Did you register yet? My comments

Dear List, amv"sh
The Jewish People want clarity from our Spiritual Leaders!   Palestinian State vs Jewish Homeland.   What do the Jews CHOOSE?  I haven't heard clarity from Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah.   Where is the public discourse?  The Religious, Chareidi Jews are confused.  Jews in Brooklyn are confused.  AmericanYeshiva boys studying in Eretz Yisroel are confused as per any obligation to join the army to defend Eretz Yisroel because it is a Milchemet Mitzva or is it not relevant to their lives because they are Chareidi.
 Rav Shteinman says that it is forbidden to go to Kever Yosef because it's Pikuach Nefesh for Jews.   (the PA is in charge of security and unless we coordinate beforehand with the IDF they justify gunning down Breslov Chasidim). 
Does that mean that living in Itamar is also dangerous. After all terrorists infiltrated Itamar (which overlooks Shchem, where Kever Yosef is found) and dismembered the Fogel baby's head among murdering the parents and other children. 
And if Jews leave Itamar chas vechalila, will Jews be more safe in Tel Aviv, Bnei Brak and Ben Gurion?
So what does Rav Shteinman and Rav Eliashiv choose?   A Jewish Homeland or a Palestinian State?   (It seems to me a Palestinian State but it's not clear) Rikki from Yated told me in the name of the Editor Rav Pinchus Lifshuts that there are two opinions.  My understanding from her that there is the opinion that Jews should be in Judea and Samaria and the opinion that Jews should not be in Judea and Samaria.  What is Rav Shteinman's opinion? What about Rav Eliashiv,  Maybe I didn't hear properly. You can call them up yourself and clarify.  Yated's telephone number in Monsey NY is 845-369-1600.  Since Yated does not want to take sides and be controversial they avoid articles promoting giving chizuk and support and/or twinning and fundraising for  Organizations, Yeshivoth and  communities in East Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria with their readership.  Most of their news items are eulogizing the Gedoilim that recently passed away. They endorse supporting Rubashkin and other worthy Tzedakos.  It is very difficult for emmisaries of Judea and Samaria and Har Habayit to get a nice reception or raise funds in Brooklyn and in the Chareidi world because they are not endorsed by members of Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah.
Surely now Yated as all the religious papers will focus on the gruesome details and discussions trying to find meaning of the murder of Leiby Kletzky z"l.  
But even in this Boro Park tragedy the question will be asked. Can this have been prevented?  When evil is staring you in the face and we  ignore the red flags and respond with solutions that do not address the threat, then evil will prevail.  Or is what happened something that G-d allowed to happen and there was nothing that could have been done to prevent it?
It all goes back to the Sin of the Spies.  The Three Weeks, Tisha Baav.
Caroline Glick says that choosing a Palestinian State means choosing our destruction. 
Moshe Dann says that choosing to annex Judea and Samaria is truth.
I say let us look at our Midrashic sources and see what choices we can offer the Palestinians of today.  It seems to me that if we allow them to stay in Judea and Samaria they must accept Jewish Sovereignty and the 7 Noahide Laws and then they have the rights of a Ger Toshav.  Israel must provide for their welfare.  Is this a solution of a radical right or is this the Torah solution ?
Let us refer to the book of Joshua and Judges. Here we find the narrative of the Israelites conquering the Promised Land. There is a sad and recurring story in the book of Judges. Unfortunately it is not fiction. It is a true story. G-d commands the Israelites to conquer the Land and the Canaanite Nations and all those that do not accept Israeli's Sovereignty and the 7 Noahide Laws were to be driven from the Land along with their idol worship and places of worship. The idol worshipers loved the horrible ceremonies, such as sacrificing children to the gods. (One can see much parallels to todays society to use Palestinian children as human shields and educate them to glorify Shahidism. It is consistent with this pagan philosophy to name schools after suicide martyrs. Go to PMW (Palestinian Media Watch )website to listen to Palestinian School Children singing patriotically and being trained to be shahid. Watch their version of Sesame STreet.

Going back to the Biblical Narrative in Joshua, the Canaanite nations did not choose to make peace and accept the 7 Noahide laws nor did they have any intention of leaving the beautiful land. According to the Little Midrash Says by Rabbi Moshe Weissman based on Midrashic sources (page 63), the only one of the seven nations that decided to move away from Eretz Canaan was the Girgashi. They all went to Africa. Hashem gave them a beautiful, new land in Africa as a reward for their leaving. In addition, the Givonim saw what happened to Sichon and Og and tricked the Israelites and pretended they wished to convert. They too were spared. The rest chose to fight.

When Joshua was 110 he gives his first speech. He assembled the Judges of the Sanhedrin, the Nesiim (leaders of the tribes) and as well as all of the Nation of Israel. He warns them. "You must continue to to drive away those Nations. Hashem will help you as He did until now. But if you begin to become friendly, with those nations, they will after a while teach you their evil ways and their idol worship. If you say "on the contrary, they will learn from US how to serve Hashem! Joshua answers that this is a mistaken idea. These nations will hurt and damage you like thorns that prick your body and eyes. In his last speech Joshua warns them again.

In the Book of Judges, the Tribe of Yehuda fights additional battles. They make a grave mistake by allowing Canaanites to stay in their portion. After conquering a mountain on their part of the land they began to attack the Canaanim who lived in the valley below. To their dismay they discovered that those Canaanites possessed iron chariots. In those times, iron chariots were the equivalent of modern powerful tanks or airplanes. (p13 Shoftim Littlel Midrash Says) The men of Yehudah had no iron chariots, They said, "it is useless for us to fight against an army that has iron chariots! We will all, G-d forbid be killed.

They lacked the proper trust in Hashem. Because of this, a number of Canaanim survived and remained in Shevet Yehuda's portion of the land. This was a serious sin. The men of shevet Yehuda transgressed Hashem's command to kill (or drive out) all the seven nations living in Eretz Canaan. This scenario of the Israelites falling spiritually has a direct correlation with their inability to drive out the Canaanite nations.

As soon as the Israelites began serving idols as a result from their association with the Idol Worshipers, they fell into the enemy's hand and in the face of disaster, Hashem who is forever merciful sends 12 great Judges to lead the people and lead them back to righteousness.

According to the Little Midrash Says: based on Midrashic sources, The Jews had several choices:

1. To drive them out of the land. or
2. To use them as servants, in which case the Canaanim would pay taxes and keep the seven Noahide Laws or:
3. if the Nations would not agree to either of the above choices, Bnai Yisrael had to destroy them completely.

Hashem commanded the Bnei Yisroel in the desert "Do not allow any of the seven nations to remain free men in Eretz Canaan?". What was the reason for this commandment?

These nations worshiped idols as mentioned before and had bad character traits like in the wicked city of Sdom who robbed and abused the poor.

it any wonder that the Palestinian refugees are still living in such horrid conditions after all these years.

They are trained to be wicked.

Here are some examples: What happens to naive Peace activists women as they enter Arab camps and villages fighting for Palestinian Rights? What happens to Jewish women that foolishly agree to a relationship with ARabs and are then are trapped in Arab Villages and need secretive operations to free them. What is the Sharia law regarding Palestinian women who do not submit to their husbands? Why are Palestinian children trained to be martyrs and suicide bombers. Why are they are trained to lie to the "infidels"?. 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Women in Green <>
Date: Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 2:23 PM
Subject: Sovereignty Conference - Did you register yet?
To: wfit2 <>

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Dear Friends,

Two days to our conference in Hebron on the issue of "Applying
sovereignty over Judea and Samaria" and the response is thank G-d
overwhelming. If you plan on coming and need transportation from
Jerusalem, please call us to reserve seats on the buses. Lectures will
be in Hebrew with simultaneous translation into English.

The topic of the urgent need for  Israeli sovereignty in Judea and
Samaria is finally being raised in the media too.
See below for Caroline Glick's article appearing in today's Jerusalem Post.

Caroline Glick will be one of the speakers at our conference.
As she writes in her article:
"No, annexation won't be easy. But then again, the alternative is
national suicide."

Glick's article is being followed by an article by Moshe Dann that
appeared this week in the Jerusalem Post:

As Moshe Dann writes:
"The State of Israel, therefore, on behalf of the Jewish People, has
the obligation and responsibility to say the truth: Eretz Yisrael,
including Judea and Samaria, legitimately, legally and historically
belongs to the Jewish People; it always has and always will."

Looking forward to  see you all in Hevron at the conference- please
G-d Thursday July 21st starting at 5:00pm with as speakers MK Tzipi
Hotovely, MK Arieh Eldad, Caroline Glick, Yoram Ettinger, Prof. Rafi
Israeli, Eran Bar-Tal, Elaykim Haetzni and Dr Gabi Avital.

Details and exact schedule of the conference can be found on our


Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover
050-5500834     050-7161818


Our World: Israel's only two options
The Jewish state's choices are to either annex Judea and Samaria or be
destroyed by its neighbors.

Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas is in Europe this week seeking to convince
the Spanish and Norwegian governments to support the Palestinian bid
to sidestep negotiations with Israel and have the UN General Assembly
recognize Palestinian sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem in
addition to Gaza.

The Palestinians know that without US support, their initiative will
fail to gain Security Council support and therefore have no legal
weight. But they believe that if they push hard enough, Israel's
control over these areas will eventually unravel and they will gain
control over them without ever accepting Israel's right to exist.

Fatah's UN gambit, along with its unity deal with Hamas, makes clear
that the time has come for Israel to finally face the facts: There are
only two realistic options for dealing with Judea and Samaria.

Either the Palestinians will take control of Judea and Samaria, or
Israel will annex them.

If the Palestinians take control, they will establish a terror state
in the areas, which – like their terror state in Gaza – will use its
territory as a starting point for continued war against Israel.

It isn't only Israel's experience with post-withdrawal Gaza and South
Lebanon that make it clear that a post-withdrawal
Palestinian-controlled Judea and Samaria will become a terror state.
The Palestinians themselves make no bones about this.

In a Palestinian public opinion survey released last week by The
Israel Project, 65 percent of Palestinians said they believe that they
should conduct negotiations with Israel. But before we get excited, we
need to read the fine print.

According to the survey, those two-thirds of Palestinians believe that
talks should not lead to the establishment of the State of Palestine
next to Israel and at peace with the Jewish state. They believe the
establishment of "Palestine" next to Israel should serve as a means
for continuing their war against Israel. The goal of that war is to
destroy what's left of Israel after the "peace" treaty and gobble it
into "Palestine."

That is, 66% of Palestinians believe "peace" talks with Israel should
be conducted in bad faith.

Moreover, three-quarters deny Jewish ties to Jerusalem, and 80%
support Islamic jihad against Jews as called for in the Hamas charter;
73% support the annihilation of the Jewish people as called for in the
Hamas charter on the basis of Islamic scripture.

As bad as Israel's experience with post-withdrawal Gaza and South
Lebanon has been, Israel's prospects with a post-withdrawal Judea and
Samaria will be far worse. It isn't simply that withdrawal will invite
aggression from Judea and Samaria. It will invite foreign Arab armies
to invade the rump Jewish state.

Unlike the post-withdrawal situation with Gaza and South Lebanon,
without Judea and Samaria, Israel would not have the territorial depth
and topographical advantage to defend itself from invasion from the

Moreover, the establishment of the second Palestinian terror state
after Gaza in Judea and Samaria would embolden some of Israel's Arab
citizens in the Galilee and the Negev as well as in Jaffa, Lod, Haifa
and beyond to escalate their already declared irredentist plans to
demand autonomy or unification with whatever Palestinian terror state
they choose.

Living under the constant threat of invasion from the east (and the
south, from a Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Egyptian army moving
through the Sinai and Gaza), Israel would likely be deterred from
taking concerted action against its treacherous Arab citizens.

As then-prime minister Ariel Sharon warned in 2001, the situation
would be analogous to the plight of Czechoslovakia in the 1930s. Just
as the Nazis deterred the Czech government from acting against its
traitorous German minority in the Sudetenland in the 1930s, so Arab
states (and a nuclear Iran), supporting the Palestinian terror states
in Judea and Samaria and in Gaza, would make it impossible for Israel
to enforce its sovereign rights on its remaining territory.

Israel's destruction would be all but preordained.

The second option is for Israel to annex Judea and Samaria, complete
with its hostile Arab population.

Absorbing the Arab population of Judea and Samaria would increase
Israel's Arab minority from 20% to 33% of the overall population. This
is true whether or not Israel grants them full citizenship with voting
rights or permanent residency without them.

Obviously such a scenario would present Israel with new and complex
legal, social and law enforcement challenges. But it would also
provide Israel with substantial advantages and opportunities.

Israel would have to consider its electoral laws and weigh the
prospect of moving from a proportional representation system to a
direct, district system. It would have to begin enforcing its laws
toward its Arab citizens in a manner identical to the way it enforces
its laws against its Jewish citizens. This includes everything from
administrative laws concerning building to criminal statutes related
to treason. It would have to ensure that Arab schoolchildren are no
longer indoctrinated to hate Jews, despite the fact that according to
the Israel Project survey, 53% of Palestinians support such
anti-Semitic indoctrination in the classroom.

These steps would be difficult to enact.

On the other side, annexing Judea and Samaria holds unmistakable
advantages for Israel. For instance, Israel would regain complete
military control over the areas. Israel ceded much of this control to
the PLO in 1996.

The Palestinian armies Israel agreed to allow the PLO to field have
played a central role in the Palestinian terror machine. They have
also played a key role in indoctrinating Palestinian society to seek
and work toward Israel's destruction. By bringing about the disbanding
of these terror forces, Israel would go a long way toward securing its
citizens from attack.

Furthermore, by asserting its sovereign rights to its heartland, for
the first time since 1967, Israel would be adopting an unambiguous
position around which its citizens and supporters could rally.
Annexation would also finally free Israel's politicians and diplomats
to tell the truth about the pathological nature of Palestinian
nationalism and about the rank hypocrisy and anti-Semitism at the
heart of much of the international Left's campaigns on behalf of the

No, annexation won't be easy. But then again, the alternative is
national suicide.

And again, these are the only options. Either the Palestinians form a
terror state from which it will wage war against the shrunken,
indefensible Jewish state, or Israel expands the size of the Jewish

Since 1967, Israel has refused to accept the fact that these are the
only two options available. Instead, successive governments and the
nation as a whole have set their hopes on imaginary third options. For
the Left, this option has been the fantasy of a two-state solution.
This "solution" involves the Palestinians controlling some or all of
the lands Israel took over from Jordan and Egypt in the Six Day War,
establishing a state, and all of us living happily ever after.

Given the Palestinians' overwhelming, consistent and violent support
for the destruction of Israel in any size, this leftist fantasy never
had a leg to stand on.

And since 1993, when the Rabin government adopted the Left's fantasy
as state policy, more than 2,000 Israelis have been killed in its

Not only has the Left's third option fantasy facilitated the
Palestinian terror machine's ability to kill Jews, it has empowered
their propaganda war against Israel.

Israel's pursuit of the nonexistent two-state solution has eroded its
own international position to a degree unprecedented in its history.

Last week's meeting of the so-called Middle East Quartet ended without
a final statement. It isn't that its members couldn't agree on the
need to establish "Palestine" in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem. That
was a no-brainer. The Quartet members couldn't agree on the need to
accept the Jewish state. Russia reportedly rejected wording that would
have enjoined the Palestinians to accept the Jewish state's right to
exist as part of a peace treaty.

And this was eminently foreseeable. The unhinged two-state solution
makes Israel's legitimacy contingent on the establishment of a
Palestinian state. And it put the burden to establish a Palestinian
state on Israel.

Since everyone except Israel and the US always accepted the
establishment of a Palestinian state, and no one except Israel and the
US always accepted the existence of the Jewish state, by making its
own legitimacy dependent on Palestinian statehood, Israel started the
clock running on its own demonization.

The longer Israel allows its very right to exist to be contingent on
the establishment of another terror state committed to its
destruction, the less the nations of the world will feel obliged to
accept its right to exist.

As for the Right, its leaders have embraced imaginary third options of
their own. Either Jordan would come in and save us, or the
Palestinians would come to like us, or something.

The one thing that both the Left's fantasy option and the Right's
fantasy option share is their belief that the Palestinians or the
Arabs as a whole will eventually change. Both sides' imaginary third
options maintain that with sufficient inducements or time, the Arabs
will change their behavior and drop their goal of destroying Israel.

Our 44-year dalliance in fantasyland has not simply weakened us
militarily and diplomatically. It has torn us apart internally by
surrendering the debate to the two ideological fringes of the
political spectrum. Actually, to be precise, we have surrendered 99%
of our public discourse to the radical Left and 1% to the radical

The Left's control over the discourse has caused its ideological
opposite's numbers to increasingly disengage from the state. That
would be bad enough, but the Palestinians' inarguable bad faith and
continued commitment to Israel's destruction have driven the far Left
far off the cliff of reason and rationality.

Unable to convince their fellow Israelis that their two-state pipe
dream will bring peace, the Israeli Left has joined forces with the
international Left in its increasingly shrill campaigns to
delegitimize the country's right to exist and undermine its ability to
defend itself.

This sorry state of affairs is exemplified today by the radical Left's
hysterical response to the Knesset's passage last week of the
anti-boycott law. The comparatively mild law makes it a civil offense
to solicit boycotts against Israel. It bars people engaged in economic
warfare against Israel from getting government benefits and makes them
liable to punitive damages in civil suits.

The Left's hysterical public relations campaign to demonize the law
and its supporters as fascists and seek its overthrow through the
Supreme Court makes clear that the Left will wage war against its own
country in pursuit of its delusion.

But aside from driving the public discourse into the depths of
ideological madness, Israel's embrace of fantasy has made it
impossible for us to conduct a sober-minded discussion of our only
real options. The time has come to debate these two options, choose
one, and move forward.


The imperative of Jewish sovereignty
By MOSHE DANN, The Jerusalem Post
July 4, 2011
Jewish sovereignty speaks to the purpose and promise of the State of
Israel and to everyone who is inspired by that vision.

As the PA/PLO presses for UN recognition of statehood, the question of
who has sovereign rights over Judea and Samaria becomes critical.
Historically and legally part of the Jewish national homeland, it is
also claimed by Palestinians. To whom does this area belong? A
uniquely Jewish definition of sovereignty provides a compelling

Sovereignty, the ability of a government to act independently and in
its own interests, is the essence of statehood. Applying just
authority and institutions to assure the protection and well-being of
its citizens are what conventional statehood is about. A relatively
modern concept associated with 16th-century French philosopher Jean
Bodin, then later with Hobbes, Rousseau, Hegel and others, sovereignty
is the expression of national independence and the right and
responsibility to rule.

The roots of Jewish sovereignty in Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel),
however, are not modern. They are biblical, grounded in Jewish thought
and history: the first and second Temples, commonwealths and
civilizations that flourished in the Land of Israel, especially in
Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.

A thousand years ago, the great biblical and Talmudic commentator
Rashi explained Jewish sovereignty. When the Jewish people conquer,
settle and re-establish political sovereignty in the Land of Israel,
the nations of the world will accuse them of stealing the land. His
reply: Other nations simply occupy their lands; God Himself gave Eretz
Yisrael to the Jewish people as an everlasting inheritance. This
suggests an understanding of Jewish sovereignty that transcends

Sovereignty, like beauty, may be only in the eyes of the beholder, but
it also says something about those who behold it. Unlike that of other
countries and contexts, the concept of Jewish sovereignty in Eretz
Yisrael adds a distinctly intimate dimension – Shechinah, God's
Presence, an eternal bond between the Jewish People and the Land of
Israel, a reverence for The Land itself as sacred.

The State of Israel, therefore, on behalf of the Jewish People, has
the obligation and responsibility to say the truth: Eretz Yisrael,
including Judea and Samaria, legitimately, legally and historically
belongs to the Jewish People; it always has and always will.
Proclaiming Jewish, rather than simply Israeli sovereignty is an
authentic statement of the relationship between the Jewish People and
the Land of Israel.

DECLARING JEWISH sovereignty clearly and unequivocally will correct
the distortion and misunderstanding of those who ignore or deny Jewish
history and international law grounded in the League of Nations and in
its Mandate for Palestine.

The Jewish return to Eretz Yisrael and the establishment of a state,
Israel's towering achievements in science and technology, its
contributions to world civilization and myriad creative innovations
are physical, material representations of a profound spiritual
dimension – the fulfillment of Jewish sovereignty and destiny.

Jewish sovereignty speaks to the purpose and promise of the State of
Israel and to everyone who is inspired by that vision.

It is a statement of affirmation, not apology – of commitment, not
appeasement. It is what true Zionism is all about. Israel's failure to
express Jewish sovereignty over Judea and Samaria weakens its
diplomatic position and strengthens those who contest its claim.
Sovereignty Now.

The writer is a historian, writer and journalist living in Jerusalem.

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Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Rav Shteinman: Those Who Go To Kever Yosef are Suicidal and my comments


"Visitors to Kever Yosef are like those who commit suicide," said Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman at his home at 5 Rechov Chazon Ish in Bnei Brak.

Rav Shteinman made his remarks to a group of dayanim who came to his home to discuss visiting the tzion of Yosef Hatzaddik and those who place themselves in immense danger doing so.

"The people who go there are forfeiting their lives. There is real sakonas nefashos. This is also called 'hisgaros be'umos' (teasing the nations). They know it angers the goyim and they go anyway."

"For what purpose do people do this?" asked the senior rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Orchos Torah. "Are there nokevorim here in Bnei Brak, or Yerushalayim, or up north to go to?"

"Anyone who goes there," added Rav Shteinman, "if chas veshalom something happens to him, 'damo berosho' (his blood is on him, i.e., he is accountable for his own fate). Even an eglah arufah need not be brought for such a person. He is to blame. He brought it on himself. It is like one who committed suicide."

"Nowadays that the danger is known to all," concluded Rav Shteinman, "there's no purpose in going, and thesakanah is greater than any gain."

I agree with a comment of this link:  If the IDF would defend Kever Yosef properly it would not be a Makom of Sakana. 

THere was a cold blooded murder of a Breslov Chasid ben Yosef Livnat  when he went to davan in Kever Yosef unarmed.  I can not accept that it is the case of Damo BaRosho but rather Damo on all those who allowed the lives of Jews to be Hefker and did not insist on adequate security for this holy site in Eretz Yisroel. The Breslov Chasidim were willing to be Moser Nefesh in order to show the World that Eretz Yisroel is our rightful inheritance as per Hashem's Covenant with Am Yisroel and their right to prey at this HOLY Site as per the International law and the Law of the Land and this murder proved what we all now know that  when we do not protect Eretz Yisroel, our Holy Land,and we allow our enemies the opportunity to defend us,  then all of our lives are in serious danger. 

The Fogel family were murdered in cold blood in Itamar.   The Yishuv did not have the necessary cameras to detect the infiltration properly .My rhetorical question to Rav Shteinman  Is whether living in the Yishuv of  Itamar constitutes putting your life in Sakana? It is a rhetorical question since  I know the answer already.

 We all know what happened when those in Gush Katif were expelled.  Rav Perlow at a Agudah Convention quoted Rav Eliashiv who said, from a security standpoint it made things worse!.  Should those in Itamar leave?  Should they be sitting ducks waiting for tragedy to happen?  Should settlers of Judea and Samaria be expelled like those from Gush Katif?  After all, their settlements anger the local Arab population. Damo BRosho? To where will they run?

Did the "Disengagement" bring security to Sderot, Ashkelon and Ashdod?  
The  IDF allowed the PA to be in charge of security.  This put not only Breslev Chassidim lives in danger  but also the lives of all Jews living in Judea and Shomron in danger. This murder of ben Yosef Livnat should have woken up those who are blind as per the Pikuach Nefesh of hundreds of thousands of Jews living in Judea and Samaria because roadblocks are being closed and the  PA is being trained by America with sophisticated weapons and training,only to align themselves with Hamas.  Why has the  IDF turned a blind eye and the Israel judicial system act in discriminatory judgments against those living in Judea and Samaria?   When there are thefts of property and acts of aggression against fellow Jew not only are settlers not defended they are prosecuted when false allegations are brought against them.

Rav Shteinman," Is the plight of Jews of Judea and Samaria "Nisht Inzere Sugia"?.  (not of our concern)

Should we in America and in Bnei Brak wait until it is too late when it is "Inzare Sugia" and there will be no one there to help us defend ourselves chas Veshalom like it happened in Eastern Europe?  When a psak saying that those that go to Kever Yosef is suicidal gets printed it confuses the editors as per whether living in Judea and Samaria is also Suicidal.  This results is that those same editors ignore the plight of those living in Judea and Samaria by not taking sides.When there is no awareness, hundreds of thousands of caring Jews are then stopped from doing their hishtadlus in whatever capacity to protect Eretz Yisroel.  Then because of Areivus, we as a Nation are not worthy of claimng the Land. 

 Please reevaluate this Psak. 

When we give the high ground to our enemies like the Shomron, those in the low ground like Tel Aviv airport and perhaps even Bnei Brak are in danger.  

Damo B'Rosho.  Let us not put the blame on the innocent.  Let us see the whole picture.

Let us unite and may there be a Tikkun of Chait HaMiraglim in our Generation  the Yetzer Hara, the evil inclination which blinds us and which discourages the people from inheriting the Land of Eretz Yisroel.  Surely our Gedoilim have the ability and the greatness to lead Am Yisroel to greatness.  That is why they are accepted as Gedoilim and I am not.  However, we are all human and Hashem should help us all see how we can be Metaken what needs to be Metaken. 

Please forgive me for speaking out.May HASHEM who understands the thinking of my heart knows that I do have Emunas Chachamim and strengthen my Emunas Chachamim and it is for this reason I am addressing this matter.   Hareini Mocheles lechol me Shehichis oti.....Let us forgive each other and judge each other favorably and may Hashem forgive us for all our sins. 

Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan)  a great activist and lover of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichrono Baruch.

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.