Sunday, May 17, 2020

Fwd: Please help! Last Chance To Help Amiriam Ben Uliel. Verdict to be handed Down Today Monday Morning 9am Israel Time. Daven for Amiram Ben Nurit.


TODAY,  MONDAY May 18, the verdict will be handed down to Amiram ben Uliel. 

Four years ago, Amiram was arrested and tortured for weeks on end in the Shabak cellars. He was then imprisoned in solitary confinement for the past four years on trumped up charges of setting fire to home in an Arab village. 
This village has seen tens of similar arsons committed by fellow Arabs against the same Arab family as part of an ongoing clan war. 

There is no evidence of Amiram's guilt except his "confession" extracted after four weeks of relentless torture by "Miguel" the Shabak torturer. Even then, he could not give the details of  his supposed crime during the re-enactment of the crime because he simply had never been there and had nothing to do with it!!! 

After four years of solitary confinement, the day of the verdict has arrived.
Please daven to HASHEM, the ONE and ONLY who can bring about Amiram's release.

Please say Tehillim and daven with a broken heart to Hashem to finally release this innocent Jewish youth from his nightmare of torture and imprisonment on false charges.  

Please daven for 


עמירם בּן נורית

May we merit to see Hashem's geula for Amiram and all those who need a yeshua in Am Yisrael bekarov mamash. 

Verdict to be handed down for Ben Uliel Sunday, May 17, 2020, 14:25 On Monday, May 18, t
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Verdict to be handed down for Ben Uliel

Amiram Ben Uliel; Photo credit: Free use
Sunday, May 17, 2020, 14:25 On Monday, May 18, the court will hand down a verdict in the trial of Amiram Ben Uliel, the only Jewish defendant remaining from among the many investigated in the Kfar Duma arson incident case, which has been ongoing for close to five years. The verdict was scheduled to be handed down on April 26, however three days before the deliberation, Central District Court Judge Ruth Lorch postponed it by more than three weeks.
Shmuel (Zangi) Meidad, the director of Honenu: "There is only one way for the truth to be revealed: complete exoneration of Amiram and his release home tomorrow morning to his wife and daughter, from whom he has been cruelly separated for four and half years."
Zangi called for an investigative committee to examine the flaws in the Kfar Duma case: "Afterwards, I hope that the decision makers in Israel form a governmental investigative committee to thoroughly examine the actions of the Jewish Department of the GSS and of the upper echelon of the Attorney General's office for their part in the criminal treatment [of the defendants].
Ben Uliel is being detained until the end of proceedings and is being held in isolation. He is not allowed use of a telephone and in light of restrictions implemented due to the Coronavirus outbreak, his family has not been able to visit him for approximately three months.
See "Exposing the Duma Blood Libel" – Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 for more details about the case.
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Fwd Honenu: Scheduled Hearing of the Final Verdict for Duma Suspect Amiram Ben Uliel tomorrow May 18,2020 9am after many delays and more than 4 long years


Translation follows.

Recent Honenu videos in defense of Amiram Ben Uliel (h) 


מחר – הכרעת הדין במשפט דומא
הכרעת הדין במשפט דומא, בעניינו של עמירם בן אוליאל, החשוד היחיד שנותר בפרשה, תינתן ביום שני. שמואל (זנגי) מידד מנכ"ל חוננו: "האמת תצא לאור בדרך אחת: זיכוי מוחלט של עמירם"

Tomorrow - the verdict in Duma

The verdict in Duma's case, in the case of Amiram Ben Oliel, the only suspect remaining in the case, will be given Monday May 18, 2020. Shmuel (Zangi) Meidad CEO of Honenu: "The truth will be revealed in only one way: A complete acquittal of Amiram"

מחר (ב'), תינתן הכרעת הדין במשפטו של עמירם בן אוליאל, הנאשם היהודי היחידי מבין נחקרים רבים שנשאר מואשם במשפט דומא, המתנהל מזה למעלה מארבע שנים. הכרעת הדין נדחתה בעבר, ימים ספורים לפני קיום הדיון, והמועד החלופי נקבע למחר
Tomorrow (Monday), the verdict will be given in the trial of Amiram Ben Oliel, the only Jewish defendant among the many (Jews) investigated, who remains accused in the Duma case, which has been going on for more than four years. Hearings for rendering  verdicts were pushed off in the past, just days before the hearing, and an alternative deadline was set for tomorrow.

שמואל (זנגי) מידד, מנכ"ל חוננו, אמר היום: "ישנה רק דרך אחת בה האמת תצא מחר לאור: זיכוי מוחלט של עמירם מהאישום החמור נגדו ושחרורו מחר בבוקר לחיק אשתו וביתו, מהן הוא נותק באכזריות לפני ארבע וחצי שנים".

זנגי קרא להקמת ועדת חקירה שתבחן את הכשלים, לדבריו, בחקירה: "לאחר מכן אני מקווה שישכילו מקבלי ההחלטות בישראל להקים וועדת חקירה ממלכתית, שתעשה בדק בית בכל הנוגע למעללי המחלקה היהודית בשב"כ ובכירי הפרקליטות שנתנו יד לפשע הזה".

נזכיר כי בן אוליאל עצור עד תום ההליכים ונמצא בכלא אשל בתנאי בידוד. הוא שוהה בתא לבדו ללא אפשרות להשתמש בטלפון, ובשל הגבלות הקורונה, משפחתו לא מורשית לבקרו מזה כחודשיים ימים.

Shmuel (Zangi) Meidad, CEO of Honenu , said today: "There is only one way in which the truth will be revealed tomorrow: a complete acquittal of Amiram of the serious charges against him and his release tomorrow morning to his wife and daughter, whom he was brutally cut off from four and a half years ago."

Zangi called for the establishment for an investigative committee to examine the failures, he said, in the Duma arson investigation: "I hope then that Israeli decision-makers will be able to set up a State commission of inquiry, which will conduct an investigation in-house cleaning, regarding the detainees of the Shabak and the prosecutor's office complicit to this crime (of prosecutorial abuse)."

It should be noted that Ben Oliel has detained until the end of the proceedings against him and was in Eshel Prison in solitary confinement. He stays in his cell, alone without the possibility of using the phone, and because of the Corona restrictions, his family has not been allowed to visit him for about two months.

*לסרטון השלם* 

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Fyi on FB Yonatan BeHar on the Trump Deal and Territorial Concessions



The Desecration of G-d's Holy Name in Territorial Concessions Part 1 May 11, 2020

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Fw: Part 2: Time to Leave the unG-dly Party in NY!

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-------- Original Message --------
On May 12, 2020, 11:39 AM, <> wrote:


To be a part of the Geula, redemption, we need to be on a winning team. On G-d's team. Do we really want to partner with the Democrats right now? Are they G-d fearing? Are they advocates and adherents of the 7 Noahide Laws incumbent on all of humanity.

It doesn't really matter what they promise the Jewish Community if it's only quid pro quo. If they are G-dless, we will one day be at their mercy chas vesholom, Heaven forbid, if we empower them now. Think of the unfortunate elderly in nursing homes who recently died of the virus due to mismanagement from the Governor down and due to an uncaring attitude and poor judgement. Think of those in hospitals who died of neglect due to the unscrupulous life and death decision making of individuals given the authority to make life and death choices when there was no G-d fearing oversight.

Now we see more than ever why we must only elect G-d fearing public servants. That is our Hishtadlus, our required intervention. The rest is up to G-d.

Are Chaim Dovid Zwiebel and Leon Goldenberg supporters of deBlasio as the NY Post articles suggest? Maybe seeing the treatment of Chasidim in Williamsburg who also supported deBlasio serve as a wake-up call. Are we so blinded? Hashem Yishmor! May G-d Protect us!

Let's not be sheep who simply follow the sheep in front of them (to paraphrase Rabbi Alon Anava). We must rid ourselves of a sheep mentality as the Israelites did when they left Egypt and tied the sheep to their individual doorpost and then slaughtered it.

Let's individually and united, join the winning team.. G-d's team.

Fyi related articles

Emails reveal Mayor de Blasio 'abused his power' to help stall yeshiva probe

Is Goldenberg a "longtime friend and donor" of deBlasio? Are we blinded from joining a winning team because of all the millions coming from the city via Democratic party for pre-k and security and stem? Yaffed stinks in that this Organization is being used for payback for real or imaginary abuses. 

Yeshiva  education as a whole has a proven track record of being high quality, compared to public schools with test scores usually scoring higher than public schools..

However, if certain Yeshivas are not up to secular standards it can be proven that even without a solid background in secular studies, graduates of such Yeshivas have a great track record of not being delinquents, drug addicts and criminals. They can always supplement their education. They do not pose a threat to society at large.

Of course Yeshivas should be encouraged and motivated to provide quality secular education, the 3 Rs reading writing arithmetic in early education and a regents diploma option . But even if mastery of the English language doesnt quite meet standards, more importantly, values that respect personal and property rights of others, as well respecting the law of the Land דינא דמלכותא דינא has far greater importance . These values are an integral part of Jewish religious education and upbringing in both ultra Orthodox as well as modern Jewish Orthodox circles.

However if Sodom laws of immorality and protection of dangerous criminals, laws that threaten a G-dly society is legislated, how can we as a people " A Light into the Nations" respect and obey the "law of the land"?

Even students whose English skills are sub standard, but are highly literate in Hebrew,Yiddish and Aramaic and have advanced analytic skills from their Talmudic studies, have the tools, if they need, to master NY academic standards. So long as the curriculum does not negate fundamental religious and moral teachings, even ultra Orthodox and Chasidic communities should have no objection should parents or students choose on their own to supplement the education of private schools who don't meet State standards.

Pushing progressive leftist values such as gender equality, pro choice (ie late term abortion etc,) should not be even subtly incorporated into required common core, as these values are inconsistent with Judaism as well as the 7 Noahide Laws. Such a curriculum should not be dictated by the State. So long as "parent's choice" don't violate the 7 Noahide Laws and the Judeo Christian values this great Land was founded on, there should be no punitive action taken against such parents even if the "standards" of the private run school doesn't match the same "standard" of the secular State. 

Of course, traditional English and math proficiency is required for society and for many jobs as well and therefore desireable. Students therefore will eventually supplement the void when necessary.

Part 1: Time to Leave the unG-dly Party in NY

In search for debate-qualifying donors, de Blasio finds help among Orthodox Jews

Money we get from the city with a quid pro quo understanding is too often blood money buying silence in protesting the Iran Deal and problematic legislation. Democrats, like Sodom are legislating or attempting to legislate, criminal and immorality into the law of the Land and with a majority voting against traditional values, voting the party line, there is not much we can do to change the law unless we change the governing party to overrule such legislation

Is NY going in the footsteps of California who have voted more left as the years go by?
Please read article "Last Straw in California"