Thursday, January 23, 2020

Jewish Political Leaders Play Divide and Conquer. Build in Judea and Samaria while Slandering Jews as Terrorists.


אל המקום אשר...

Very important to know....

Political forces in Israel are playing divide and conquer game with Settlers.

Build here and there in Judea and Samaria 

while harass and demolish hilltop settlement elsewhere :(!

Just make sure to keep the slanderous false narrative of "Jewish Terrorism" alive!

Our enemies scheme (חס וחל'לה) that this narrative will one day be used to smear and delegitimize all Settlers of Judea and Samaria who nurtured the "fringe lawless" Settler Youth...and this in turn will delegitimize all Jews living in Israel...and from there delegitimize all Jews worldwide. As if they need an excuse.... If one nurtures this seed, it grows to full grown AntiSemitism and all will fall... either because of actively helping to water and nurture this seed or by turning a blind eye to this dangerous weed.

Recently, Honenu reported that a large military contingent came with heavy equipment to demolish the home of Nerya Zarog  and another home in Kumi Ori in Yitzhar. 

Why waste precious State resources to mobilize such a powerful military presence against a sweet family that wants to build and settle the Land of Israel as per G-d's promise to the Jewish People?

Picture of Nerya Zarog and his family

Are these Salt of the Earth Jews really ticking time bombs?

Honenu Update in Hebrew summarized above:


כוחות גדולים של צבא ומשטרה פשטו לפני כשעה על גבעת קומי אורי ביצהר. עם הכוחות הגיעו כלים כבדים שבדרכם להחריב שני בתים בגבעה. 
אחד הבתים שייך לנריה זארוג שנעצר לפני כחודשיים בתום מאבק ממושך בצו המנהלי שהוצא נגדו.
תושבים רבים מהאזור בדרכם לגבעה במטרה להאבק בהרס. עד כה לא דווח על עצורים.

I have been hearing of harassment and stop work orders in the hilltop Settlement in Neve Erez in Mateh Binyamin..

In addition in the last week or two after election of primaries...(Notice the pattern... promises of building in Judea and Samaria before elections and demolishing Settler homes, persecuting Settler Youth after elections)

Police once again detained and denied civil rights to Settler Youth, and rights to a lawyer with unlawful administrative detention and interrogation involving sexual harrassment,  sleep deprivation, painful hands shackling etc...for suspected property damage against Arabs. Note there is no question of those accused of property damage of being "ticking time bombs".  Judge Rivlin, after hearing the kids version,  without their lawyer, rebuked the police for abuse. 

The Media publicized that Jewish Hilltop kids were arrested for Arab property damage, hurting their good name,  but it was days before the Media was allowed to report that the police unlawfully abused these kids denying them a lawyer and their rights 

Boys tortured by Shabak (h)

Must read:
By SHMUEL (ZANGY) MEIDAD (HONENU) -January 23, 2020

FYI: Other probably examples of SLANDER,  probably manufactured since they can not be substantiated in an unbiased court of law,  to advance the Jewish Terrorism narrative.

Let us re investigate the abduction and brutal murder of Mohamad Abu Khdeir and the subsequent condemnation and conviction of 3 Jews. This followed the abduction and murder of Gilad Ayal and Naftali by Arab Terrorists and an equivalent crime conveniently surfaced,  the abduction and murder of Mohamad Abu Khdeir by "extremist right wing Nationalist Jews". .  Was it happenstance that the timing was so perfect?
Friday, February 05, 2016
Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof. Shabak tortured Duma Suspects to force them to bring false testimony against themselves. Maybe Abu Khdeir's "killers" sentenced to life imprisonment are also based on lies and falsehoods? Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof Parshat Mishpatim

Now listen to a recent youtube of Daniel Pomerantz Executive Director of Honest Reporting and his prefacing remarks about the large number of Activists on the right and the left conducting terror attacks on Palestinians from the right and on Jews from the left.

Why did have have to preface his remarks as if to equate terrorism coming from Jews and terrorism coming from Arabs as if it was a fact????

Pray tell Daniel Pomerantz...  With what credible evidence do you speak with such authority on the terror attacks conducted on Palestinians from Jews.  Are you referring to the Duma suspects who were forced to confess or to the Abu Khdeir's suspects who were convicted based on self confession or your intimate knowledge of Dr. Baruch Goldstein's motives based on media's bias?
In a Jewish Court of Law, self confessions are not permissible. Do you honestly know the inside story behind the Massacre in the Maarat HaMachpela? What other numerous examples of Jewish Terror do you know of,  where there is credible evidence?????

Ban on Extreme Leftist Activist From the West Bank - Daniel Pomerantz, Honest Reporting


It's time to UNITE and no longer agree to being a useful tool to the Divide and Conquer strategy based on our enemies strategic weapon "It's all about the Benjamin's".  

They are convinced, sometimes rightfully so unfortunately,  that Jews can be bought to keep them divided. Their strategy is to "encourage" other right wingers to delegitimize a fringe group of right wing "Jewish Terrorists" or turn a blind eye to home demolitions or persecution of the targeted right wingers who are the designated "ticking time bomb" Kahanist "Jewish terrorists".

Sticking up for the fringe group will endanger the newly acquired  legitimacy and/or authorization and/or funding of  one's own right wing organizations and Settlement enterprises. 

The understanding is that one need only to turn a blind eye at the very least but better yet,  help perpetuate this narrative, this myth of "Jewish Terrorism". 

Our enemies are patient.  From their perspective, merely keeping this seed of AntiSemitism alive is sufficient victory and they are willing to pay any price.   With time they know this deadly seed can grow to deadly fruition with the end goal in mind...the destruction of Israel and G-d's Chosen people, ending G-dliness and the vision of a just, moral, righteous and beautiful world... 

Fwd: FW: Join me and Vote ZOA Slate in the World Zionist Conference Election

From: Shani Hikind []
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2020 7:54 PM

Dear Jay,

The VITAL World Zionist Congress Elections have begun.
PLEASE VOTE for our ZOA Coalition slate in the Upcoming World Zionist Congress Election!
We know you believe in a strong Israel, with secure borders, the right for Jews to live anywhere in Jerusalem (including the so-called Muslim Quarter) and in Jewish sovereignty in Yehuda and Shomron (Judea and Samaria).
To vote,  simply click here (Please note there is a $7.50 processing fee)

I Voted StickerDear Friends,  

I am pleased to announce that American Friends of Ateret Cohanim (AFAC) is part of the ZOA COALITION slate in the upcoming World Zionist Congress (WZC) elections.   WE NEED YOUR VOTE for the ZOA COALITION

Major policies affecting Israel, the future of Jerusalem, and education are at stake!   The ZOA Coalition, a coalition of 27 strong pro-Israel groups including American Friends of Ateret Cohanim/Jerusalem Chai  is courageously leading the battle for a united Jerusalem, the rights of the Jewish people throughout our land, and to defend Israel, sovereignty and the Jewish people!  
This election is vital!  Your vote is needed to ASSURE our rights and STOP the anti-Israel left from carving up Jerusalem and cutting off investment and land purchases over the Green Line.  
American Friends of Ateret Cohanim is calling on every person who loves a united Jerusalem and who is associated with American Friends of Ateret Cohanim to register and vote !!!  The election starts on January 21st! These elections take place only once every 5 years.  Now is the time to stand up for Jerusalem.

Your vote for the ZOA Coalition can change history.  
AFAC Executive Vice President Shani Hikind and AFAC Executive Council member Rubin Margules are both on the ZOA Coalition slate.  The ZOA Coalition slate also includes: Americans Against Antisemitism (including Dov Hikind); Aish HaTorah (including Aish HaTorah CEO Rabbi Steve Burg); ZOA President Morton Klein; World Likud; and many more of our friends.  

•    ZOA Coalition initiated & obtained passage of the 2019 WZC resolution requiring the WZC and related organizations to use the correct names "Judea and Samaria" – instead of the improper de-Judaized names such as "West Bank" and false propaganda names such as
"Occupied Palestinian Territory."
•    ZOA Coalition initiated and obtained passage of the 2019 WZC resolution condemning UNESCO for denying the Jewish historical connection to Jerusalem, Hebron, etc.
•    ZOA Coalition stopped left wing groups' effort at the recent World Zionist Congress to falsely label Israeli society as full of "institutional racism."
•    ZOA Coalition stopped the radical American left from publishing a letter, in the name of the American Zionist Movement, condemning Israel's Nation-State basic law.  Israel's Nation-State Law correctly confirms that Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people.
•    ZOA Coalition obtained passage of resolutions promoting action to counter and stop BDS activities throughout the world, and promoting all lawful steps to combat BDS and the demonization of Israel in universities, and to assure that Jewish students have a safe learning environment, free of harassment and discrimination.

How to Vote:  (1) During the election period (January 21, 2020 – March 11, 2020), go to the voting website –  (2) Fill out your info and pay the registration fee (used for election costs).  The regular fee is $7.50.  It's just $5 if you are age 25 or under.  (3) You will receive a voting code right away.  (4) Then use your voting code to vote for the ZOA Coalition.  (The full name is:  ZOA Coalition: Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), Torah from Sinai, Make Israel Great (MIG) & National Pro-Israel Partners – Courageously Defending Israel, Sovereignty & the Jewish People.  We are slate #11.)   See if you need more information!

Who Can Vote in the World Zionist Congress election:  You can vote if you are: (1) at least 18 years old; (2) a U.S. resident (you do NOT need to be a U.S. citizen); (3) self-identify as Jewish; and (4) not voting in the upcoming Knesset election.   NOTE:  You do NOT need to be a member of ZOA to vote.    Please also ask your friends and family to vote for the ZOA Coalition!  


Copyright © 2020 Shani Hikind

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Fwd: Vote Now to Protect the Kedusha of Eretz Yisrael!


By Rabbi Pesach Lerner | FEBRUARY 5, 2020
Every Orthodox Jew over the age of 18 can — and, I believe, should — vote

Please also listen to Rabbi Brudny speak as per why Religious Torah Jews should Davka vote in the WZO Congress.

"Infiltrate them from within."

Otherwise billions of dollars can go to push a secular "Zionist" anti Torah agenda.

If many Torah Jews vote,  the money will Beezrat Hashem, with the Help of the Almighty, reflect the Torah agenda of the voters.

Rabbi Brudny encouraging Torah Jews to vote in the WZO Congress .

Tzibur media group | 4403 15th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11219-1604
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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Trump Burns Dems in Scathing Letter: 'You Are Bringing Pain and Suffering to Our Republic' for Selfish Gain


If you want to know what the Democrats are guilty of, just listen to their accusations against President Trump. It's called projection. 

The allegations are so preposterous that Republicans would never have even realized the magnitude of the illegality, corruption and criminality within the Democratic Party.

The focus of the Trump Administration was to govern and to bring prosperity to Americans. Not to dig up dirt on his opponents. 

The Democrats left him no choice. In the process of needing to defend himself, the true criminal conduct of Democrats was brought to light.

The silver lining is that now we have an opportunity to finally bring those really guilty to justice!

We can now thank the Democrats for exposing what was hidden from naive trusting Americans. We now know what to investigate, what was hiding under the radar. We were blind and clueless and never even imagined how extensive and decadent it was:)

Let me add that IMHO it's stupid to attempt to run the Senate Hearings now on the up and up with Due Process. 

That only works when due process is desired by all parties. When the Democrats have bypassed due process with malicious intent, they will for sure undermine any Senate attempts no matter how sincere.

Any participation from them will be a provocation. It will then cause scenes where both sides will be blamed for lack of civility. Their goal is merely to make the "due process" lawyers defending President Trump to lose their cool. Their entire line of questioning will be entrapment.

 It's pointless and I sadly predict it will be harmful to Trump to try to model exemplary due process to a court who has participants who are not only disinterested in due process but intent on deciding when due process is relevant and  enforced and to entrap.

I wish Trump's team success but when one team plays dirty and the other team fair, that's not due process.

It's a forfeit game. 

The rules of the House Judiciary have to be consistent with the rules in the Senate Judiciary. 

Let the Republicans run the show in the Senate in a partisan manner using the same example set in the House Judiciary. 

Once the Senate applies the same rules used by the House Judiciary Hearings,  like closed hearings in the dungeon,  not allowing the defense witnesses to refute prosecution allegations  etc...the Democrats themselves will yell and scream "no due process".  It  will be clear as day that due process was thrown out the window in the House Judiciary hearing.  The Democrats will themselves expose just how unjust their own rules were better than the Republicans could.  It will bring to light that the entire hearing in the House Judiciary was fraudulent and a mockery of Justice by those who maliciously invented partisan rules now similarly being implemented by the Senate.. 

Hopefully then the time will be ripe to start from scratch with real due process. 

The Democrats should be given a second chance to start over with real due process.

Hopefully, seeing they can't get away with miscarriage of Justice,  the Democrats might want to cut their losses when they are ahead...

Don't hold your breath...

If not, and G-d hardens their heart,  it might be not be so terrible when in the long run true justice is served and the guilty are behind bars and exposed. 

Pharoah also learned the hard way...