Monday, September 02, 2019

Fwd: Daniel Greenfield's article: Loyal and Disloyal Jews


Time to Choose Life and not the Democrats!

Must read article by Daniel Greenfield.

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From: Sultan Knish
Date: Mon, Sep 2, 2019, 8:09 AM
Subject: Daniel Greenfield's article: Loyal and Disloyal Jews
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Daniel Greenfield's article: Loyal and Disloyal Jews

Link to Sultan Knish

Loyal and Disloyal Jews

Posted: 01 Sep 2019 04:27 PM PDT

"Is there water in the spring?"

Those were the last words that Danny heard on a hot day in June. The spring of Ein Bubin bursts forth in a valley surrounded by dusty hills, flows into a glittering pool, and waters a garden of fruit trees. But every garden has its serpent. And the serpent in this spot of paradise was named Mohammed.

Mohammed Abu Shahin stopped Danny Gonen to ask him if there was water to swim in. Danny had just finished swimming in the spring and was happy to oblige. The Israeli electrical engineering student was the oldest of five brothers and sisters. He always stepped up, whether it was supporting his family after his father died, or helping out a stranger. And on that Friday afternoon, he paid for it with his life.

Mohammed shot Danny, along with his friend Netanel. Danny's friend survived. And Danny did not.

The Muslim terrorist was a former member of Force 17, a Palestinian Authority terror group that acted as Arafat's Presidential Guard, and was on the Palestinian Authority payroll. He had spent two years in prison for previous terror plots before being freed by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, a corrupt left-wing politician, along with 249 other Fatah terrorists as part of a "peace" gesture for the Islamic Eid holiday.

Palestinian Authority boss Mahmoud Abbas rejected the peace gesture, and the freed Islamic terrorists, who had promised not to carry out attacks, shockingly enough, didn't keep their word.

"As a gesture of goodwill towards the Palestinians, I will bring before the Israeli cabinet a proposal to free 250 Fatah prisoners who do not have blood on their hands, after they sign a commitment not to return to violence," Olmert had declared at a summit, where he was photographed hugging Abbas.

It didn't take long for blood to end up on their hands and on the hands of the "pro-peace" politicians.

At Mohammed's trial, Danny's mother condemned the process that allowed an "animal walking on two legs, who is mistakenly called a human, to keep on living and enjoying life on our bill." The family's lawyer asked the court to ensure that this time around the terrorist would not be freed.

When Danny's mother appeared before the Israeli Supreme Court, Supreme Court President Miriam Naor, the best friend illegal migrants invading Israel ever had, barked at her to be quiet.

"If I survived my son's murder, then no judge will ever break me," Danny's mother courageously replied.

Danny was murdered in 2015. A plaque went up reminding hikers that on a Sabbath Eve, the young man had been murdered not in a place that leftists call "Palestine," but in the "Holy Land of Israel."

Four years later, terrorists struck at the Ein Bubin spring on yet another Friday.

Rabbi Eitan Shnerb was hiking to the spring with his son Dvir and his daughter Rina when the bomb went off. For a moment, as he described it in the hospital, everything went black. Then, badly wounded, he saw that the two teenagers were bleeding. Rabbi Shnerb was a trained paramedic. He saw that Rina, his 17-year-old daughter, had absorbed most of the blast. He kissed her on the forehead.

And then he turned his Tzizit, the biblical garment that Orthodox Jewish men wear, into a tourniquet for his 19-year-old son to stop the bleeding.

Dvir told his father that he couldn't breathe and passed out. His daughter was already dead.

Rabbi Shnerb had stopped a terrorist attack earlier this year by two armed attackers. This time there were no attackers, just a bomb, and he had not seen the explosion coming.

Medical personnel evacuated father and son by helicopter. They continued trying to treat Rina at the scene. Hoping against hope that something could still be done.

On that same Friday, while her father and bother remained in the hospital, Rina was laid to rest. Students from her high school class turned out to say goodbye to one of their classmates. Prayers from the cemetery were relayed by phone to her father. A Rabbi recited Psalm 91 and the mourners echoed.

"I will say of the LORD, who is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust," he chanted. "Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold, and see the recompense of the wicked."

The wicked are being sought once more. Israeli soldiers are hunting for the killers and their accomplices in dirty villages and sinister towns. And they are aware that the hunt may lead to more ambushes.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh praised the killers of the teenage girl as heroes.

In his sermon in Gaza, the Islamic terrorist leader called her murder a "heroic attack" and celebrated it as "proof of the vitality and bravery of the Palestinian people." He claimed that the bombing was evidence that the terrorists are "strong people" who are "faithful and steadfast."

The Shnerb family had run a charity in Lod which handed out food and clothing to the poor.

The Palestinian Authority's Ma'an News Agency justified Rina's murder by falsely claiming that she was an 18-year-old soldier, when she was actually a high school student who had just turned 17.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib responded to the attack by calling for an end to the "Israeli occupation."

Trump's Mideast envoy Jason Greenblatt urged "donor countries" to "demand the PA answer for why their donor funds continue to be used to reward attacks." Just like Danny Ganon's killers, Rina's murderers will receive a lifetime salary from the Palestinian Authority funded by foreign aid.

Since Trump cut off aid to the terror group, the money is mainly coming from the European Union.

"It's time to stop burying our people," Danny's mother said after the latest attack.

But the only way that will happen is if money stops flowing to the terrorists. The Democrats have made it clear that if they win the presidential election, they will restore the flow of cash to the terrorists.

Joe Biden vowed to restore "security" funding to the Palestinian Authority. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand promised to restore the aid programs that "President Trump has cut." Andrew Yang called for restoring aid to the terrorists. Senator Bernie Sanders and Peter Buttigieg went further, threatening aid to Israel.

None of them condemned Rina's murder.

Rina's murder and Danny's murder, on the same day, four years apart, were funded by foreign aid.

A few days before Rina's murder, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas delivered a speech in which the terrorist leader vowed, "Allah willing", to destroy Jewish houses and capture Jerusalem.

"We shall enter Jerusalem – millions of fighters!" he ranted. "We will not accept their designation of our martyrs as terrorists. Our martyrs are the martyrs of the homeland. We will not allow them to deduct a single penny from their money. All the money will go back to them, because the martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners are the most sacred things we have."

Terrorists would continue receiving cash because terrorism was sacred to the Palestinian Authority.

Last week, Democrat politicians and liberal Jewish organizations fumed when President Trump accused them of disloyalty. The last time they were this outraged was when Israel barred Rep. Tlaib and Rep. Omar, overt opponents of Israel and supporters of terrorism against the Jewish State, from entering.

The murders at Ein Bubin are a harsh reminder that what is at stake here is not Twitter feeds. It's lives.

The issue is not who said what about whom. It's a bomb going off on a warm summer day. It's a teenage girl dying in the dust. It's the disloyalty of those American Jews who place their allegiance to abortion, to gay rights, and illegal migrants over the loyalty that teenage girl deserved from them.

Jewish Democrats who failed to stand up to their party to stop murders like these are not disloyal to a country; they are disloyal to Rina. And to Danny. And to thousands more like them.

While the Jewish Democrats attacked Israel over Rep. Omar, Rep. Tlaib and other anti-Semites, the Jews of Dolev, named after its sycamore trees, buried Rina and waited for her father to return home.

And Danny's mother stands at the plaque marking her son's death and wonders if there will be more.

We are all defined by our loyalties. Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib are loyal to their people. Many Jewish Democrats are loyal to the party even if it means accepting bigots like Omar and Tlaib.

That loyalty to leftist politics is disloyalty to the Jews being murdered by Omar and Tlaib's people.

In the face of terror, there is only one loyalty that matters, either to terrorists or to terror victims.

At Ein Bubin, the water flows. And the residents of Dolev continue to hike into the hills, to swim in the spring and the pool, and to prepare for the next terrorist attack.

The spring is located in the land that once belonged to the tribe of Joseph.

"Blessed be the land of Joseph, before the Lord," Moses preached in Deuteronomy 33:13, "with the blessing of the dew and the rain that comes down from the heaven above, with the blessings of the fountains of the deep which well up from the earth beneath."

Faithfulness is like the springs that rise from the earth. Its loyalty breaks through all barriers.

Rina, her father, and her brother, were loyal not to a party, but to the G-d who gave them that land.

"Dvir said to me we will be strong, we will protect the people of Israel and the Torah of Israel, and together we will move forward," Rabbi Eitan Shnerb said of his son.

That is a loyalty that the disloyal Democrats -- who cringe before Omar and Tlaib, who pander to terrorists, who believe in every leftist cause, but have no faith in a Jewish cause -- cannot imagine.

It is a true faith and allegiance that has endured for thousands of years. It is of an age with the land, with the hills and the springs beneath, with the truth of martyrdom and endurance, and the truth of G-d.

When Rabbi Shnerb spoke to Prime Minister Netanyahu on the phone, he told him that his daughter was "a martyr of the people of Israel." He asserted, "with God's help we will grow stronger."

That is what a loyal Jew sounds like. To hear what a disloyal one sounds like, listen to the media.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page Magazine.

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Mark Vandermaas of Israel Truth Week: 'Pro-Israel ' Politicians, NGOs and Activists Act Like Battered Women' by Rachel Avraham


Mark Vandermaas,  heads Israel Truth Week and is the official lecturer of Canadians for Israel's Legal Rights, 

ARUTZ SHEVA, Aug 28/19: 'Pro-Israel Politicians, NGOs and Activists Act Like Battered Women'

Due to the 2,000 years of tragedy we experienced in the Diaspora that culminated in the Holocaust, as a nation, we are suffering from collective post-traumatic stress disorder.  Like battered women, we are scared to confront our oppressors head-on. (And say   "we are owners of the land under international law, not occupiers")

 ISRAEL HAYOM, Aug 30/19: 'Fight Terrorism' Now'

About Rachel Avraham: 

"Rachel Avraham is a political analyst at the Safadi Center for International Diplomacy, Public Relations, Research and Human Rights and is the author of "Women and Jihad: Debating Palestinian Female Suicide Bombings at the American, Israeli and Arab media.""

Sunday, September 01, 2019

Fwd: Arab migration shaped Palestinian society by Ambassador (ret) Yoram Ettinger


On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 5:07 AM Yoram Ettinger <> wrote:
Click here for accessibility
Yoram will be in the US during mid-October - mid-November, 2019, available for speaking engagements.
Arab migration shaped Palestinian society
Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, "Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative'
August 30, 2019,

Mahmoud Abbas promotes an egregious historical fabrication, claiming that the Palestinians are descendants of the original Canaanite peoples.

Moreover, Mahmoud Abbas' school curriculum – which glorifies suicide bombers – reiterates this falsified history.  It claims that the multitude of archeological findings of 3,000 year old Jewish roots in the Land of Israel "constitute an attempt to liquidate the Palestinian heritage…especially in Jerusalem… misrepresenting the city as a Zionist entity…." (6th grade Social Studies volume 1, page 24; 7th grade Social Studies volume 1, pages 61-62). 

However, the name "Palestine" is not related to Arab/Muslim culture.  It is a derivative of the Philistine people (Plishtim, Polshim - invaders - in Hebrew), who were expelled from the Greek Aegian Islands in 1300 BC and invaded the southern coast of Judea (Land of Israel) in 1200 BC. In 136 CE – upon crushing the Jewish Bar Kochba rebellion – the Roman Emperor Hadrian renamed Judea, calling it Palestina (a derivative of the Philistines, who were an aggressive enemy of the Jewish people), aiming to erase the Jewish Homeland, Judaism and the Jewish people from human memory.

Contrary to Mahmoud Abbas' claim, most Arabs in British Mandate Palestine were migrant workers and descendants of the 1832-1947 wave of Arab/Muslim immigration from Egypt, the Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, North Africa, Bosnia, India, Afghanistan, etc.  While the British Mandate encouraged Arab immigration, it blocked Jewish immigration.

The fact that most Palestinians are descendants of Arab migrants was exposed on March 23, 2012 by a former Hamas Minister of the Interior, Gaza-based Fathi Hammad, in an interview with Al Hekmat TV: "We all have Arab roots. Every Palestinian in Gaza and throughout Palestine can prove his Arab roots, whether from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, or anywhere….Half of my family is Egyptian…. More than 30 clans in the Gaza Strip are called Al-Masri ("the Egyptian"). Half of the Palestinians are Egyptians…."

Mark Twain described the state of the sparsely-inhabited Palestine in his 1869 Innocents Abroad: "The hills are barren…. It is a hopeless, dreary, heart-broken land…. Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes…. The hills are barren.... The valleys are unsightly deserts…. Palestine is desolate and unlovely."

Prof. Moshe Brawer of the Hebrew University, a leading global authority on Israel's geography, documented the impact of the 1920s and 1930s waves of Arab immigration on the exceptional expansion of Arab villages in the Land of Israel. This followed sustained Arab immigration during the years from 1832-1840 when the Egyptian ruler Muhammad Ali Pasha conquered the area ("Immigration as a factor in the growth of the Arab village in the Land of Israel," Merhavim 2 periodical, 1975).  Following WW1, waves of immigration were triggered by major British Mandate infrastructure construction projects, such as military bases, roads, railroad and warehouses, in addition to the expansion of Jewish commercial agriculture (especially citrus) and residential construction, which created growing demand for labor force.   

According to Prof. Brawer, the Arab population growth rate - especially along the coastal plain, which attracted most of the immigrants - was dramatically higher than the natural growth rate (births minus deaths). His findings were consistent with those of the US Biblical geographer, Edward Robinson, the British Palestine Exploration Fund and official documents of the British Mandate.  

Thus, between 1880 and 1919, Haifa's Arab population surged from 6,000 to 80,000, mostly due to migrant workers.  The eruption of WW2 accelerated the demand for Arab manpower by the British Mandate's military and civilian authorities.  Beginning in 1882, legal and illegal Arab migrants were, also, attracted by economic growth, generated by the Jewish community.

According to a 1937 report by the British Peel Commission (featured in Prof. Efraim Karsh's Palestine Betrayed), "during 1922 through 1931, the increase of Arab population in the mixed-towns (including many Arab immigrants) of Haifa, Jaffa and Jerusalem was 86%, 62% and 37% respectively, while in purely Arab towns (very few Arab migrants) such as Nablus and Hebron it was only 7% and a decrease of 2 percent in Gaza."  The 1831-1947 wave of Arab immigration triggered dramatic growth of the Arab populations of Jaffa (17 times), Haifa (12 times) and Ramla (5 times).

In 1917, the Arabs of Jaffa represented at least 25 nationalities, mostly Egyptians, but also Syrians, Yemenites, Persians, Afghanis, Hindus and Baluchis.  The British Palestine Exploration Fund documented a proliferation of Egyptian neighborhoods in the Jaffa area: Abu Kebir, Sumeil, Sheikh Munis, Salame', Fejja, etc. Hundreds of Egyptian families settled in the inland, in Ara' Arara', Kafer Qassem, Taiyiba and Qalansawa.  

In 1865, the British traveler, H.B. Tristram, documented in The Land of Israel: a journal of travels in Palestine, Egyptian migrants in the Beit-Shean Valley, Acre, Hadera, Netanya and Jaffa.

Arieh Avneri, a ground-breaking historian of Arab and Jewish migration, documented 205,000 Moslems, Christian and Jews in 1554, 275,000 in 1800 and 532,000 in 1890, the result of accelerated Arab immigration (The Claim of Dispossession, 1980).

In conclusion, Arabs have not been in the Land of Israel (Palestine) from time immemorial; Palestine's strategic location has attracted waves of Arab immigration, but has no Arab roots; no Palestinian people was ever robbed of its land; there is no basis for an Arab "claim of return"; and the pursuit of peace must dwell on reality, while rejecting misrepresentations, falsifications, hate-education and wishful-thinking.
All security and concierge services while in Israel:
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Re: WIG- Sovereignty Press release: - in response to PM Netanyahu's statement. Ben-Gurion in 1937. My comments. Resolution of MGH in Marienbad in 1937 agrees that any relinquishing of Land of Israel holds no validity.



"No Jew is allowed to waive
the right of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel. This is not the
authority of any Jew, it is not the authority of any Jewish body. It
is not even the authority of the entire Jewish people that lives with
us today - to give up any part of it in the land." 

The Resolution of Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah (MGH) in Marienbad in 1937 seems to agree.

This statement is very similar to the one made by the Moetzet Gedolei Hatorah in 1937.

Also see Mishpacha Magazine Issue 179 5 Cheshvan 5768 October 17, 2007 page 26

...The text of the resolution of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah contains the statements:  "The foundation of the Jewish people's right to the Holy Land is based on the Torah and the prophets.... A Jewish State not based on the principles of Torah is a denial of Jewish origin, is opposed to the identity and to the true stature of our people, and undermines the basis of existence of our people...Any relinquishment of the Holy Land given to the Jewish people by G-d has no validity" (HaPardes, 11:6) See page 8

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From: <>
Date: Sun, Sep 1, 2019, 4:19 PM
Subject: Sovereignty Press release - PM Netanyahu's statement
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Press release:

The Sovereignty movement accepts Netanyahu's remarks with caution and
warns of concession and withdrawal in the rest of the territory.

The Sovereignty movement welcomes the Prime Minister's remarks today
(Sunday, September 1, 2019) at the opening of the school year in
Elkana regarding his intention to apply Israeli sovereignty to the
communities in Judea and Samaria, but the movement warns of a possible
hinting in Netanyahu's remarks, to the possibility of allowing the
establishment of an Arab political entity over the rest of the area in
Judea and Samaria.

"Such an entity would pose a security and strategic threat to the
heart of the State of Israel, and in particular would be a serious
blow to the Zionist-Jewish vision to which Israel has yearned for in
its years of exile, i.e. the restoration of Israeli sovereignty over
the entire Land of Israel," remarks made by Yehudit Katsover and Nadia
Matar, heads of the sovereignty movement.

The movement reminds the public in Israel and the Prime Minister of
the words of First Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion at the Zionist
Congress in Zurich (1937), which states: "No Jew is allowed to waive
the right of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel. This is not the
authority of any Jew, it is not the authority of any Jewish body. It
is not even the authority of the entire Jewish people that lives with
us today - to give up any part of it in the land."

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
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Friday, August 30, 2019

Jews are their worst enemy. OU Advocacy is now in Damage Control Mode. Mark Langfan, AFSI. Letter to Rabbonim about accepting money from the Sitra Acher. At the moment the Democratic Party has a platform that would make the Sitra Acher very happy!


Mark Langfan writes:

Trump only said "Jews are their own worst enemy!"
President Trump has ripped off the false veneer of American Jewish Dems faux support for the safety and security of Israel. President Trump has exposed the ugly truth:

In This Week in the Jewish Vues

How to get money for Yeshivas
Maury Litwack is the Executive
Director of the Teach Advocacy
Network for the OU. Under Maury's leadership, the organization
has grown from a staff of 1 to a
multi-state lobbying effort which
has delivered over 500 million in
state funding alone to Jewish day
schools. Ari Hirsch/Jewish Vues
sat down with Maury to discuss
the latest with Teach NYS and
find out what he's working on

I was extremely disappointed that the Jewish Vues carried this front page story that puts the Democrats in a positive light!

I am disappointed because Alan Hirsch, the founding Father of the The Vues, is now retired and made Aliya.  He is the powerhouse behind Kimche D'Pischa raising hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly for Pesach needs of the communities of Judea and Samaria.  He raises money for Hachnossas Orchim Chevron.  This article is therefore not representative of the typical vues of The Vues I knew and loved even with the TV listings and smaller size edition.  Will it keep it's pro Judea Samaria lifeline or will it buckle like other mainstream Jewish publications?

I've noticed that ever since Trump has come out with his statement  "Jews Who Vote for Democrats Show 'Total Lack of Knowledge,' 'Great Disloyalty': the OU is now in DAMAGE CONTROL MODE big time, responded with placing articles and ads in Jewish Print Media that attempts to put the Democrats in a positive light!  ... davka in the most right wing publications whose base are pro Trump :(.  

Front page articles in this week's The Vues and the Five Towns Jewish Towns featuring Maury Litwack of OU Advocacy are not coincidental nor happenstance.  

IMHO, these very pro Israel papers were duped and used or most likely bought. 

In the August  5TJT, an oped article written by editor Larry Gordon is bending over backward and trying to put the Democratic party in a positive light.

Editor: Just Say No August 21, 2019
By Larry Gordon
It is untrue that Democratic members of Congress are reconsidering their support for Israel because of the fallout from the planned trip to the Jewish state by Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Oma

This bold caption on page 15 of this cover story says it all in case you didn't read the article.

Democrats are not abandoning Israel over this matter
In this last weeks issue as well as this week OU  played a very dominant role!  Many ads for the OU,  like full page ad for OU Torah NY September 22, 2019 and OU accelerator, double page spread for OU NCSY etc.  Maury Litwack's picture was very prominently displayed in the following article (as was Rashida Tlaib and Jerry Nadler on other pages. Couldn't a smaller pic suffice for Israel's enemy and betrayer?).
In The Bagel Store: Impact of Teach NYS By Larry Gordon August 22, 2019

Poll: Nearly 60% Voters Disapprove of Trump's Jewish 'Disloyalty' August 28, 2019

The current issue continues the Protect the Democratic Party slant from justified criticism.

This Week's Edition From the Editor
From the Editor: On Being Disloyal 
August 28, 2019

I understand that newspapers need revenue to continue to publish.  However, receiving revenue from  the OU with an understanding to cover up the evil advocacy and platforms of the Democrats is simply not worth it.  Short term gain perhaps, but long term tragedy. 

We are our worst enemy. 

Please read another article which is not as complementary about Yeshiva Education money and which  maligns Yeshiva Education and threatens Yeshiva Education on a spiritual plane, far worse than the present physical security threats that the Security money is supposed to protect.. .

NYC yeshivas collect more than $100M a year in public funds
By Susan Edelman January 19, 2019 | 10:19pm | Updated

Does TEACHNYS undermine the Security of Israel by collaborating with Democrats and receive much needed funding and in return whitewash a party that has been throwing Israel under the bus under the Obama Administration going forward.  Democrats are now working for their very survival to destroy Trump, the Republican Administration and his pro Israel platform. I think Maury Litwack and TEACHNYS are being useful idiots.  

If not the case, let them not be afraid to be critical of the Quad and most importantly  the Democratic Leadership that have empowered them!

While $500 million is a lot of money for very worthy causes it is quite a pittance compared to the Iran Deal. The JCPOA under the Obama Administration freed up ...$150 billion placing Israel and the world in grave danger. Baruch Hashem,  Trump reversed this dangerous deal.

Where is the Hakoras HaTov?

Did money flowing to Yeshivas come in a vacuum at the summer of 2015 or was it orchestrated to buy our silence and suppress effective protest against the Iran Deal?

I blogged about this in 2015 when I attended the OU Rabbi's demonstration in DC on September 9, 2015. At the time, my impression was that the OU "Protest" was mere venting. No substance. 

The real protest was on the other side of the lawn which the OU boycotted because they considered it "political".

Monday, January 11, 2016
Menachem Genack, NORPAC Manhattan: Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton for President (D) Thursday 1/14 5:30 PM//do u believe this??!! OU, AGUDAH seem to side with Democratic Party
Rabbi Genack says he does not speak for OU but it is quite clear that he and the OU Rabbi's took the side of the Democratic Party together with a Misheberach for Obama on September 9th 2015 in Washington DC when they sent a bus of hundreds of Rabbis to waste their time in my humble opinion, representing tens of thousands of Jews, in  Washington DC to "protest" the Iran Deal which was a fait accompli according to them basically to vent.   Teshuva and Aseret Yemei Teshuva and the opportunity to change things around was not in their mindset. They stood on the backs of the 500 Rabbi's who came down to Washington DC in October 6, 1943 2 days before Yom Kippur to protest the Nazi Genocide.   They were turned away then...Not clear what message this OU protest was to make.  We will assure Congress that we will simply vent but we understand the Iran Deal is a fait accomplil, so that they won't turn us away when we lobby and vent. 

Is it a surprise that pages are not found for the links of these articles?

OU Advocacy told the 200-300 Rabbis representing tens of thousands of Jews not to attend the other rally on the Western lawn of the capitol, following their own rally,  because that rally was a "political rally" and the OU is an "apolitical" organization.  

Too bad these Rabbi's missed Glenn Beck's very non political Torahdik address,  words that should have been said at their Rally and weren't. Too bad they didn't join with the tens of thousands of staunch Israel supporters, most of them non Jews, Tea Party Patriots,  because of OU's apolitical stance. 

Pls fwd: Rosh Hashana"s Glenn Beck Powerful Message at DC Rally To Stop Nuclear Iran Deal September 9th 2015: Choose LIFE Trust in G-d to fulfill His Promises.  

But it is not only the Democratic Leadership stand against Israel which is problematic.

Re: On Values and Morals of the Quad and Progressive Leftist Democrats Who Make Strange Bedfellows. Time for True Believers to Clarify the Standard of Morality and Values based on 7 Noahide Laws! by Robin Ticker

On a positive note, I really loved a quote of the Rebbe of Placetzna on P79 of the 5TJT.
"The Rebbe explained that the war of the Nazis against the Jews was a war against Hashem. They hated our G-d and our Torah".

This is behind Trump's remarks about disloyalty to Israel in supporting the Democratic Party.  They hate our G-d and our Torah". 

Time for Am Yisroel to Advocate for t G-d and for the 7 Noahide Laws and that will bring great Security, knowledge and closeness of G-d to our students and to humanity at large.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Robin Ticker <>
Date: Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 8:50 AM
To: Rabbi Yisroel Reisman <>, Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky <>, Rabbi Feldman <>, Michael Rothschild <>, Yaniv Meirov <>, Shea Rubenstein <>, Shmuel Koenig <>


Please also pass on to Rabbi Yaakov Bender. 

Jewish Leadership, the OU and Agudah have been invested in the Democratic party. In return we, the Torah communities have received  $60 million for security $30 million for Stem,  hundreds of thousands of dollars going to Hatzolah and Shma Koleinu for autism etc....just some funding that I am aware of... And no one disputes that we need and deserve this much needed support.

Shema Kolainu – Hear Our Voices Legislative Breakfast
August 2, 2019
For additional information and to RSVP, please contact The Friedlander Group, event coordinators, at 212-233-5555, ext. 101, or

btw I am not a fan of Ezra Friedlander.

On June 5, 2016 I blogged
Tonight words can not express my great annoyance at the Ezra Friedlander who was on the Oorah Chinese auction,  telling the entire Orthodox Jewish listening audience cross America to vote for Hillary or alternatively not to vote for Hillary so long as they don't vote for Donald Trump (as if that's not a vote for Hillary). His rationalization? Donald Trump insults people and 'turns off tens of millions with his racist anti Hispanic and African American bias.   (paraphrased).  

This funding to TEACHNYS and by extension Jewish media comes with an understanding and a price to bring out the Jewish vote (against Trump).

It basically buys our silence about the unG-dly agenda of the Democratic party.

Our Torah Jewish Leadership have a defeatist attitude about supporting a Republican candidate. We tell our community that no Republican candidate is electable. We say we are apolitical...

We did not support Chele Farley against Kirsten Gillibrand.

We say practically we can't beat the system as NY is a State governed by Democrats.

This in turn had a catch-22 that the City Council and State Assembly in NY are now almost all Democrat going more and more to the extreme left....on our watch with no real opposition over the last decade.

We slowly became dependent on the Democratic party for our community services.

The Democratic Party has pushed for the Iran Deal, empowered the Muslim Brotherhood, empowered the Quad. It didn't happen in a vacuum.

Neither did the NYState Board of Regents regulations.

Yet Rabbi Brudny who is spearheading with Rabbi Reisman and Rabbi Bender the fight for independence of Yeshiva education, and leading Rabbonim are hesitant to distance and oppose the Democratic Leadership. Meanwhile the Democratic Leadership has empowered the Quad and the social justice Democrats who push for gender fluidity, late term abortions, allowing unvetted immigrants  etc.

Why is NY and California the State with the highest concentration of believing Torah Jews not taking a G-dly stand for the 7 Laws of Noach.  

If this trend continues, basic laws of Universal Morality will be violated, stamped into the law itself, via legislation passed by the members of the Council and Assembly and become an integral part of the Law of the Land. This Chas VeShalom will happen if extreme leftist Social Justice Democrats get their way.

Then we as Jews will have to choose between the law of the Land and G-d. Will we choose G-d's law
Perhaps but...
Jews will have to flee NY if we want a untainted Torah lifestyle not to mention big Business as the State goes like CA.

 Practically, What good will security and Stem do for us then?

Even if the Yeshivas get our way and don't have regulated curriculum, if society is corrupted it will seep into the very fiber of society and there is no escape. Like the Dor Hamabul.

וימלא הארץ חמס
Devarim Perek 7:25-26

כה פְּסִילֵ֥י אֱלֹֽהֵיהֶ֖ם תִּשְׂרְפ֣וּן בָּאֵ֑שׁ לֹֽא־תַחְמֹד֩ כֶּ֨סֶף וְזָהָ֤ב עֲלֵיהֶם֙ וְלָֽקַחְתָּ֣ לָ֔ךְ פֶּ֚ן תִּוָּקֵ֣שׁ בּ֔וֹ כִּ֧י תֽוֹעֲבַ֛ת יְהֹוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ הֽוּא:

25 The graven images of their gods you will burn with fire; you shall not covet the silver or gold that is upon them and take it for yourself, lest you be ensnared by it, for it is an abomination to the Lord, your God.

כו וְלֹֽא־תָבִ֤יא תֽוֹעֵבָה֙ אֶל־בֵּיתֶ֔ךָ וְהָיִ֥יתָ חֵ֖רֶם כָּמֹ֑הוּ שַׁקֵּ֧ץ | תְּשַׁקְּצֶ֛נּוּ וְתַעֵ֥ב | תְּתַֽעֲבֶ֖נּוּ כִּי־חֵ֥רֶם הֽוּא

26 Nor should you bring an abomination into your house, lest you are to be destroyed like it, but you shall utterly detest it, and you shall utterly abhor it; for it is to be destroyed.

Hashem surely will help Am Yisroel find a way to fund our worthy programs but it can't come from a source of the Sitra Acher.

Time to listen to the Rebbe of Ploacetzna and understand what the Democratic Party of today stands for in their anti G-d agenda.


⚜ *תפילה מיוחדת לערב ראש חודש אלול,  המסוגלת לסליחה וכפרה על עוונות.* ⚜

*אֵל טוֹב וּמֵטִיב, הַרְאֵנוּ אֶת גְבוּרוֹתֶיךָ וְעָזְרֵנוּ, כְּמוֹ שֶׁהִבְטַחְתָּנוּ לְנַהֲלֵנוּ אֶל אַרְצְךָ הַקְּדוֹשָׁה, וְאַתָּה אֱמֶת וּדְבָרְךָ אֱמֶת וְקַיָּם, לָכֵן מְחַלִּים אָנוּ פָּנֶיךָ וּמְבַקְּשִׁים מִמְּךָ, אֵל רַחוּם, שֶׁתָּחִישׁ גְּאֻלָּתֵנוּ בִּמְהֵרָה בְּיָמֵינוּ.*


*אָבִינוּ מַלְכֵּנוּ, כְּשֶׁחָטָאנוּ לְפָנֶיךָ בַּמִדְבָּר, הִתְפַּלֵּל בַּעֲדֵנוּ מֹשֶׁה רַבֵּנוּ, עָלָיו הַשָּׁלוֹם, וְכָךְ הֶעְתִּיר בִּתְפִלָּתוֹ: "כַּפֵּר לְעַמְּךָ יִשְׂרָאֵל חַטָּאתָם אֲשֶׁר חָטְאוּ, כִּי אַתָּה הִתְפָּאַרְתָּ בָּהֶם וּקְרָאתָם 'בְּנִי בְּכוֹרִי יִשְׂרָאֵל'". יוֹדַעַת [לאיש: יוֹדֵעַ] אֲנִי, שֶׁמִּדָּתְךָ 'מָלֵא רַחֲמִים', לָכֵן שְׁמַע תְּפִלָּתִי, כְּשֵׁם שֶׁשָּׁמַעְתָּ לִתְפִלּוֹת אֲבוֹתֵינוּ הַצַּדִּיקִים בְּעֵת הִתְחַנְנָם לְפָנֶיךָ. הַטֵּה אָזְנְךָ הַיּוֹם לְהַאֲזִין לִתְפִלָּתִי, כִּי אַתָּה בּוֹחֵן כְּלָיוֹת. לָכֵן אֲבַקֵּשׁ מִמְּךָ: אַל תַּשְׁלִיכֵנוּ לְעֵת זִקְנָה מִלְּעָבְדֶךָ בְּלֵבָב שָׁלֵם, וּמַה שֶׁחָטָאתִי לְפָנֶיךָ, מְחוֹל לִי, וְשָׁמְרֵנִי מִלַּחֲטֹא עוֹד. וְאַל יִשְׂמְחוּ שֹׁוֹנְאַי וְאוֹיְבַי לְאֵדִי, כְּמוֹ שֶׁבִּקֵּשׁ מִלְּפָנֶיךָ עַבְדְּךָ דָוִד, עָלָיו הַשָּׁלוֹם: סְתוֹם פִּי שֹׁוֹנְאַי לְבַל יָרֵעוּ לִי, וּמַלְאֲכֵי רַחֲמִים יָבִיאוּ תְּפִלָּתִי לְפָנֶיךָ.*

*אַתָּה אֵל רַחוּם, רַחֵם עָלַי וְצַדְקֵנִי לְפָנֶיךָ, וְתִתְנַהֵג עִמִּי בְּחֶסֶד וּבְרַחֲמִים, בְּלִי כָּל רֹגֶז, חַס וְשָׁלוֹם. אֵל רַחוּם, לְפָנֶיךָ הַכֹּל גָּלוּי, כִּי אַתָּה יוֹדֵעַ מַחְשָׁבוֹת, לָכֵן אֲחַלֶה פָּנֶיךָ: רְאֵה נָא בְּעָנְיִי, כִּי כֵן נִקְרֵאתָ צַדִּיק וְיָשָׁר, כִּי יוֹדַעַת אֲנִי בְּנַפְשִׁי, שֶׁהַגּוֹרְמִים לְחַטאֹתַי הֵן מַחְשְׁבוֹתַי אוֹדוֹת פַּרְנָסָתִי וְכַלְכָּלָתִי, לָכֵן רַחֵם נָא עָלַי וְחָנֵּנִי.*

 (חובר ע"י מרת שרה בת מוהר"ר מרדכי זצ"ל מק"ק סאטנוב)


*נא הפיצו לזיכוי הרבים*


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.