Monday, June 11, 2018

Who authorized the torture by Prof. Mordechai Keidar on Duma Investigation of Elisha Odess הרצח בדומא: מי אישר את העינויים? - ערוץ 7


הרצח בדומא: מי אישר את העינויים?

חוג הפרופסורים לחוסן מדיני וכלכלי מביע דאגה מעינויי החשודים. ''שיטות חקירה שמעולם לא יושמו בחקירות של אזרחים ישראליים''.  Hebrew text below.

translated with the help of Google. 
The murder in Duma: Who authorized the torture?

The Professors for a Strong Israel is expressing concern about the torture of the suspects. "Interrogation methods that have never been applied in interrogations of Israeli civilians."

Professor Mordechai Keidar, chairman of Professors for a Strong Israel, sent a letter to Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked in which he expressed his concern about the conduct of the murder investigation in the village of Duma, in light of the allegations of interrogees' torture in GSS facilities.

"We are very concerned about the actions of the government and the GSS as they were exposed in a preliminary trial," Kedar says, adding that the torture in interrogations was unprecedented, ostensibly negating any confession by the interrogee at the time.

"Even the interrogators themselves were forced to annul the validity of the confession because it did not fit any other factual evidence and admitted they were given only as a result of the extreme measures taken. And in the same way they replaced one confession with another confession. "

Kedar writes that "the lack of proper legal and governmental supervision during the process was very blatant. We expect the Court to understand that just like confessions made during difficult  torture sessions are inadmissible as evidence in a civilized society, so too is the status of confessions granted during periods between torture sessions, since the confession is obtained under the actual threat of renewal of torture already experienced by the interrogee, just like under torture itself. Under these conditions, the subject who has already experienced the torture is willing to do anything to avoid them again.

"Moreover, although it was determined that the minor suffers from PTSD (very likely in light of the circumstances), he was not treated for this. It is known that people suffering from this disorder will do anything - but everything - to avoid further suffering. "

Dr. Kedar asks that once the court makes a  decision on the admissibility of such confessions, there should be a comprehensive and independent investigation into the question of how the youths were interrogated and tortured within the framework of a state of law. "Who gave the order to torture the interrogees, among them minors? Such interrogations never were practiced on Israeli civilians .  Who authorized the "ticking bomb" measures, when it was clear to all that it was a fiction and irrelevant to the case at hand?

"The injustice is so great and the breach is so damaging to the morality of the legal system that there is no choice but to examine and investigate throughout the entire chain of command, including the prime minister in charge of the service, then-defense minister Ya'alon, then Shin Bet chief Yoram Cohen, Weinstein.

In addition, there may be other functionaries who have abandoned their positions or abused their power on political or other grounds - anyone involved in and facilitating the torture of the citizens of the country (including a minor) who clearly did not constitute a ticking bomb - should leave the hiding place to hand over their version and take responsibility. "

In conclusion, Kedar calls on human rights organizations and the rights of the child to raise awareness as per the seriousness of the acts and to join our call for such an investigation.

יו''ר חוג הפרופסורים לחוסן מדיני וכלכלי, ד"ר מרדכי קידר, שיגר מכתב לשרת המשפטים איילת שקד שבו הביע דאגה מהתנהלות חקירת הרצח בכפר דומא, נוכח הטענות על עינויי הנחקרים במתקני השב"כ.

לצד הערכה לפעולת השב''כ במלחמה בטרור מוסיף קידר ''אנו מודאגים מאוד מהפעולות של הממשלה והשב"כ כפי שנחשפו במשפט זוטא. מדברי התביעה עולה כי העינויים בחקירות היו חסרי תקדים דבר שלכאורה מבטל כל הודאה מצד הנחקר באותה תקופה.

''אפילו החוקרים עצמם נאלצו לבטל תקיפותה של הודאה כיוון שלא התאימה לשום עובדה נוספת והודו כי ניתנה רק כתוצאה מהצעדים הקיצוניים שהופעלו. וכתחליף גבו באותה שיטה הודאה אחרת".

בהמשך כותב קידר כי ''היעדר פיקוח משפטי וממשלתי הולם במהלך התהליך היה בולט באופן בוטה. אנו מצפים שבית המשפט יבין - כי כפי שהודאות שניתנו בתקופות הקשות ביותר של העינויים אינן קבילות כראיה בחברה מתורבתת, כך גם מעמדן של ההודאות שניתנו בתקופות שבין עינוי לעינוי, שכן הודאה הנגבית תחת האיום הממשי של חידוש העינויים שכבר נחוו על ידי הנחקר באופן ממשי כמוה כהודאה תחת עינוי. בתנאים אלה הנבדק שכבר חווה את העינויים מוכן לעשות הכול כדי להימנע מהם שוב.

''נוסף על כן, למרות שנקבע שהקטין סובל מהפרעה פוסט טראומטית (סביר מאוד לאור הנסיבות) הוא לא קיבל טיפול עבור כך. ידוע שאנשים הסובלים מהפרעה זו יעשו הכל – אבל הכל- כדי להימנע מסבל נוסף''.

ד"ר קידר מבקש כי ברגע שתתקבל החלטת בית המשפט בנושא קבילות ההודאות תתקיים חקירה מקיפה בלתי תלויה שתעסוק בשאלה כיצד הצעירים נחקרו ועונו במסגרת מדינת חוק. ''מי נתן את ההוראה לענות את הנחקרים, שחלקם היו קטינים? תוך שימוש בשיטות חקירה שמעולם לא יושמו בחקירות של אזרחים ישראליים כדי לפתור פשע. מי אישר את נוהל 'הפצצה המתקתקת' שהיה ברור לכל כי היא פיקציה ואינה רלוונטית למקרה דנן כלל וכלל?

''העוול כה גדול והפירצה כל כך פוגעת במוסריות מערכת החוק שאין מנוס מעיון וחקירה לאורך כל שדרת הפיקוד, כולל ראש הממשלה הממונה על השירות, שר הביטחון דאז, יעלון, ראש השב"כ דאז, יורם כהן, שר המשפטים, היועץ המשפטי לממשלה דאז ויינשטיין.

''נוסף על כן, יתכן שישנם בעלי תפקידים נוספים שזנחו את תפקידם או ניצלו לרעה את כוחם על רקע פוליטי או אחר – כל מי שהיה מעורב ואיפשר את העינויים של אזרחי המדינה (כולל קטין) שבאופן ברור לא היוו פצצה מתקתקת – צריכים לצאת מהמחבוא למסור את גרסתם ולקחת אחריות".

בסיום קורא קידר לארגוני זכויות אדם וזכויות הילד לגלות עירנות לחומרת המעשים "ולהצטרף לקריאתנו לחקירה כזו".

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Re: Requesting Duma letter from Igud HaRabbonim. FYI Letter from Honenu with Signatory Dati Leumi Rabbanim demanding Investigation of Kfar Duma case Torture.


Dear Rabbi Hecht and Rabbi Bernstein, Shlita, amv"sh

Thank you for your interest in helping Elisha Odess.  Iggud HaRabbonim was the only mainstream major Jewish Organization that I am aware of that publicly protested the expulsion of 22 Jewish Communities from Gush Katif in 2005.  They didn't  only :"Share in the Pain" in the aftermath.  They were proactive and tried to help prevent it.  Unfortunately it wasn't enough.  

We don't know if our efforts will see immediate results but we are still obligated to do whatever we can!  

Please mobilize all the Chabad Rabbonim (as did the Dati Leumi Rabbanim listed below) to speak out against the terrible miscarriage of Justice done to the Hilltop Youth. and the pending demolitions of homes in Netiv HaAvot.  

Both serve to undermine the Settlement of Jews in Judea and Samaria.

Much Bracha VeHatzlacha!  Surely the Rebbe would shep much Nachas!


Robin Ticker

On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 9:01 AM, li <> wrote:

June 10, 2018
Dear Rabbi Hecht and Rabbi Bernstein,

Below is a copy of a letter sent last week to PM Netanayahu regarding the travesty in the Duma case.

We urge Igud HaRabbonim to send a letter of protest to the Israeli government and to the public.


Mrs. Tamar Adelstein

Rabbis demand investigation of Kfar Duma case torture

Tuesday, June 5, 2018, 11:34 On the morning of Tuesday, June 5, dozens of prominent rabbis, including yeshiva heads, turned to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, demanding that the legal proceedings in the Kfar Duma case be stopped and that an investigative committee be founded. The grounds for the demand are the torture which the defendants in the case underwent in order to extract from them forced confessions.

Excerpt of the letter, translation by Honenu:

"Prime Minister, Justice Minister… In light of the shocking information concerning the torture of youths in order to extract from them confessions of their involvement with the Kfar Duma incident, and the severe indictments filed against them based on those confessions, we demand that the legal proceedings against them cease immediately, and that an independent investigative committee be founded in order to examine these grave accusations."

Please see below a complete list of the signatory rabbis.

On April 16, the families of the defendants in the Kfar Duma case revealed that during the closing statements stage of the first segment of the trial, which took place on March 15, the Central District Attorney's office announced in an unprecedented step that they would withdraw from use several of the defendants' confessions. The confessions were given during interrogations in which "special means", a euphemism referring to torture, were used on the defendants.

A source in the legal system well acquainted with the case explained that "The meaning of the announcement by the Central District Attorney's office to the court, is the understanding that in light of the circumstances under which the confessions were given by the defendants, it is impossible to render them judicially valid. This is an upheaval. The Attorney General's office is essentially standing opposite the court and admitting that in this case interrogations were conducted that brought the defendants to make statements and confessions that were not out of free will, as is mandatory by law."

The Attorney General's office also submitted a request to the court to recognize the torture used during interrogation as legal.

Attorney Tzion Amir, who is representing the minor in the case, stated that, "I hope very much that one day the matters which arose during the trial within a trial, the facts and the details [which arose] during the testimonies and the interrogations of everyone, especially the GSS agents, will be revealed. The public should be very deeply shocked by how the interrogation of a minor who was not charged with murder, but rather with a charge connected to the murder, was conducted, and also by the manner in which the interrogation was conducted, completely by torture, violent means in various forms and by various methods. This matter shakes one to the core. It is impossible to come to terms with an interrogation conducted in this matter in a democratic society. I hope very much that in the end the court will state its piece concerning these fundamental issues."

Complete list of the signatory rabbis:
Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi of Kiryat Arba-Hevron
Rabbi Zalmen Baruch Melamed, Head of the Beit El Yeshiva and Rabbi of Beit El Bet
Rabbi Dov Lior, Rabbi of Kiryat Arba-Hevron
Rabbi Zalmen Baruch Melamed, Head of the Beit El Yeshiva and Rabbi of Beit El Bet
Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, Head of the Derech Chaim movement and Gal Einai
Rabbi Meir Mazuz, Head of the Kisei Rachamim Yeshiva, Bnei Brak
Rabbi Elyakim Levanon, Rabbi of Elon Moreh and Head of Yeshivat Elon Moreh
Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, Head of the Temple Institute
Rabbi David Druckman, Rabbi of Kiryat Motzkin
Rabbi Micah HaLevi, Rabbi of Petah Tikva
Rabbi Gideon Perl, Rabbi of Elon Shevut
Rabbi Yerachmiel Weiss, Jerusalem
Rabbi Shmuel Shapira, Rabbi of Kochav Yair
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, Rabbi of Har Bracha and the author of Peninei Halakhah
Rabbi Yehoshua Shapira, Head of Yeshivat Ramat Gan
Rabbi Simcha Shtatner, Yeshivat Nahalat Yisrael
Rabbi Shmuel Tal, Head of the Torah Chaim institutions,Yad Binyamin
Rabbi Shmuel David, Rabbi of Afula
Rabbi Yitzhak HaLevi, Rabbi of Karnei Shomron
Rabbi Azariel Ariel, Rabbi of Ateret
Rabbi Elchanan Ben Nun, Rabbi of Shilo
Rabbi Menasheh Yissachar, Rabbi of Peduel
Rabbi Menachem Perl, Head of the Tzomet Institute
Rabbi Yigal Kaminetzky,Head of the Torah U'Medinah Center, Nitzan
Rabbi Ze'ev Vitman, Elon Shevut
Rabbi Elisha Aviner, Head of Kollel Ma'aleh Adumim
Rabbi Yair Shahor, Rabbi of Ma'eleh Levona
Rabbi David Dudkevitch, Rabbi of Yitzhar and the Head of Yeshivat Ro'eh Yisrael
Rabbi Gideon Binyamin, Rabbi of Nof Ayalon
Rabbi Yoel Katan, Head of the Shlomo Aumann Institute, Yeshivat Sha'alvim
Rabbi Shaul David Buchko, Head of Yeshivat Heichal Eliyahu, Kochav Ya'akov
Rabbi Yaniv Chanina, Tzfat, Head of the Shoresh Project
Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, Head of Yeshivat Od Yosef Chai
Rabbi Yitzhak Sabato, Head of Yeshivat Mitzpeh Yericho
Rabbi Ariel Bareli, Head of the Mishpat L'Am Institute, Sederot
Rabbi Avraham Nachshon, Elad>Rabbi Mordechai Rabinowitz, Givat Assaf
Rabbi Amichai Kinnarti, Yeshivat Itamar
Rabbi Menachem Makover, Head of the V'Harenu B'Vinyano organization
Rabbi Dr. David Mescheloff, Moshav Chemed
Rabbi Uri Sadan, Rabbi of Moshav Nov
Rabbi Ohad Krakover, Rabbi of Kokhav HaShahar
Rabbi Yoel Manowitz, Head of Yeshibat HaGolan
Rabbi Menachem Nueberger, Ofakim
Rabbi Gur Galon, Head of Yeshivat Har Bracha
Rabbi Shlomo Hecht, Beit Hillel
Rabbi Giora Brenner, Givat Assaf, Head of Beit Midrash Hilchata, Rechovot
Rabbi Ariel Shalom Alkobi, Head of Kollel Yad Shaul, Kokhav Ya'akov
Rabbi Chiya Ben Hamo, Rabbi of Beit HaRambam, Modi'in
Rabbi Nir Rosenberg, Rabbi of Einav
Rabbi Natan Shalev, Rabbi of Mevo'ot Yericho and Head of the Chaim shel Tovah organization
Rabbi Menachem Nubik, Rabbi of Maskiot
Rabbi Uriel Eliyahu, Head of Kollel Dayanut 'Karmei Mishpat'
Rabbi Chagai Bar Giora, Beit Shemesh
Rabbi Yosifun, Netanya
Rabbi Reuven Hiller, Hod HaSharon
Rabbi Reuven Fierman, Machon Meir
Rabbi Yair Frank, Rabbi of Amichai
Rabbi Eliyahu HaEitan, Beit Shemesh, Machon Pu'ah
Rabbi Aharon Cohen, Rabbi of Yakir
Rabbi Shai Daum, Or HaTzafon, Tel Aviv
Rabbi Ben-Tzion Ben Pazi, Yeshivat Yerushaliyim L'Tzeirim
Rabbi No'am Shapira, Beit Sefer Torat HaNefesh
Rabbi Shai Siminovsky, Yeshivat Homesh
Rabbi Matanyia Yedid, Beit Orot, Orot College
Rabbi Hillel Ben Shlomo, Yitzhar
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis, Efrat
Rabbi Ido Elba, Yeshivat Od Yosef Chai
Rabbi Ya'akov Peleg, Ulpanat Talya
Rabbi Shmuel Polachek, Beit Midrash Rosh Pina
Rabbi Gadi Ben Zimra, Rosh Ulpanat Levona
Rabbi Dr. Ya'ir Hiller, Hemdat HaDarom College, Talpiot College, Ariel University
In the event that these things are correct, we protest and demand that the legal proceedings against them cease, and that an independent investigative committee be founded.
Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg
Rabbi Ya'akov Warhaftig


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Rabbis, Urge Citizens to Protest Destruction of Netiv Haavot in Gush Etzion slated for THIS TUESDAY, CHAS VESHOLOM! But Please, Not Another Kfar Maimon!


Shalom, Shavu'a Tov,
     SAVE NETIV HA'AVOT? Unfortunately, I can predict that this campaign to Save Netiv Ha'avot won't work. 

Please encourage Rabbanim to Urge  Everyone to Protest the Destruction of Netiv HaAvot but not like they did at Kfar Maimon prior to the destruction of 22 Gush Katif communities.

Parashath Shlach. Miraglim. Netiv HaAvot. Kfar Maimon Deja Vu? LeChabek (To Hug) the Future Homeless Families of Netiv HaAvot and to offer support, encouragement and assistance  VS Fighting to Prevent the Demolitions.

Write Protest Letter to PM! 

English Contact Page of the Prime Minister:

About Netiv HaAvot

Tell the PM to ignore the BaGatz (The Israel Supreme Court)
- Their ruling must be overridden!

Contact the PM: Tel 011-972-3-610-9898, Fax 011-972-2-560-5000, Twitter @Netanyahu 

Please share with all your contacts! Post on social media

Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.