Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Fwd: Lag BaOmer - writings of Binyamin Zev Kahane

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yekutiel Ben Yaakov <guzofskyyekutiel@yekutiel.org>
Date: Tue, May 1, 2018, 7:09 PM
Subject: Lag BaOmer - writings of Binyamin Zev Kahane
To: <faigerayzel@gmail.com>

The Writings of Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane HY"D


As Lag Ba'Omer rolls around, one is reminded of the holy Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (Rashbi רשב"י). The multitudes of Jews from all sects of Israeli life who flock to his grave site in Meron מירון is testimony to the deep admiration that the Jewish People have for this very special Jewish figure.

Rashbi was the prized student of Rabbi Akiva who was one of the Ten Martyrs of the Jewish Kingdom. Not for nothing did the Romans give Rabbi Akiva the death penalty, for he played a central role in the organization of Bar Kochba's rebellion. The Rambam, at the end of Hilchot Milachim even says that Rabbi Akiva was Bar Kochba's "arms-bearer."

The 24,000 students who went in Rabbi Akiva's footsteps and fell in the war against the Romans, died during the "Sefirat HaOmer" period, and the traditional restrictions we practice today are an expression of the struggle of the Jewish nation for spiritual independence. Rabbi Akiva himself sat in prison for several years for denying the Roman decrees by holding public Torah rallies. For this he was eventually tortured and executed.

These were the two sides of the leadership of Rabbi Akiva: The willingness to go out and sacrifice for national sovereignty as well as the ultimate self-sacrifice for Torah. The fierce combination of nationalism and Torah that burned in his bones was passed onto his students, and the greatest of them all was the scholar-warrior Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai who was ordained by his Rav after the rest of the students were killed in the revolution. Rashbi established the basic Torah foundations of the Oral Law as we know them today. His Yeshiva put out the likes of Rabbi Yehuda HaNassi who arranged the Mishnah. But just like his "Rav", Rabbi Akiva, Rashbi went beyond the learning and teaching of Torah. He never stopped trying to bring back Jewish sovereignty to Eretz Yisrael, and abhorred with all his soul the Roman occupation.

His belligerent attitude towards the Romans he made no secret of, even when it meant putting himself in danger for just expressing such opinions. We are told in Trachtate Shabbat, 33: "Once Rabbi Yehuda said, 'How fine are the works of this nation (Rome). They have made streets, they have built bridges, they have erected baths.' Rabbi Yossi remained silent (from fear). Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai answered and said, 'All that they have made they have made for themselves; they built market places to put harlots in them; baths to rejuvenate themselves; bridges to levy toils for themselves'." When these words got to the Roman authorities, a price was put on his head and he was forced to go underground for 13 years. During this time, he and his son Elazar were miraculously kept alive, and to them were revealed the wonders of the hidden Torah (which was collected in the "Zohar"). These difficult times did not break him, but only reinforced his hatred for this evil empire and he continued his struggle against the Romans to liberate the Jewish People.

Though Lag Ba'Omer falls during the "sefirah" where we mourn the death of Rabbi Akiva's students, it is a day of rejoicing. For when all the other students of Rabbi Akiva were killed in war, Rashbi managed to survive. He symbolizes the vitality of those who fought the Romans. He represents the continuation of the scholar-warrior. He is the eternal flame that cannot be extinguished, and will remain en-kindled until the final victory of complete redemption, may it come speedily in our days. AMEN!

The Writings of Rav Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane HY"D

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Netanyahus speech about Iran and my Opinion on The Emperor who had no Clothes Marches Again By Moshe Feiglin



The Emperor who had no Clothes Marches Again

Dear Moshe Feiglin, amv"sh

My gut feeling was that your analysis on PM Netanyahu was not coming from a good place. 

  For now I am not disputing  the facts.  But are you sure that this is coming from a place to protect Israel's best interests or rather as a personal vendetta to the competition who is now getting amazing Press..

Maybe Netanyahu under his leadership  made serious mistake in not attacking Iran years ago.  

Bolton was pushing for it.

However, once the mistake happened he shouldn't be blamed for Obama's antisemitic pro nuclear Iran deal empowering  nuclear terror that he could not do anything about.

How to move on rather than just blame.

You Moshe Feiglin wrote a scathing article about President Trump for absolutely no good reason during the American Presidential campaign.  Why was that  at all helpful?  Now you call  him a good person?.  DId you ever admit that you made poor judgement about Trump? 

The point is that we all make mistakes.  

What were you thinking at the time? Ok you made a mistake. Had you been Prime Minister of Israel, that foolish outburst against Trump would not have worked to your benefit.

There is good chemistry between Netanyahu and Trump. 

How do you know  that Israel and America are not working hand in hand now to eliminate the Iranian  threat.  Why do you just assume that Israel is passing the buck.

It is in Americas and Israel's best interest to denuclearize Iran.  Netanyahu is helping America do what it needs to do on the political front to politically end the Iran Deal; and start implementing sanctions etc.  

Israel nor America can fight Iran alone.  We all need to work together.  

I am at this point hopeful that US and Israel are collaborating  and it was a planned decision by both countries to have Netanyahu  expose Iran's Nuclear ambitions with an impressive presentation. 

Now Trump will take it  into his ballpark and end the Iran Deal.  Both Trump and Netanyahu will  look good.  Who will actually attack militarily Iran's nuclear facility?   Hopefully the military intelligence of the two countries will combine their efforts and resources and get the job done.. 

DO you know for a fact that they are working independent of each other and Israel is merely passing the buck in US's court?

Bashing Netanyahu is counter productive at this point in time is my personal take on this.  


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, April 30, 2018

Follow up on Press Conference for Media, Rabbanim and Lawyers, Meeting with Naama Odess in Crown Heights .


Thanks for opening this email :)

We can write a book on what Naama described at this Press Conference... 

Failure to respond to these kid's incarceration is a קיטרוג Kitrug, an accusation. It is a Kitrug on us, the people of Israel. So before we skip and move to our next email in our inbox, know that we might possibly have to face a Heavenly court  after 120 years, who will ask us what we did to help free these Hilltop Youth.  And if we have nothing  to show, in a Heavenly court they might show us what we might have done and how it would have made a difference.  

Those of us attending this Press conference  listened in shock to Naama's rendition of a drama worthy of a Hollywood Production.   The extent  of the efforts and resources to frame these kids as terrorists, is mind blowing. The story has been and will continue to unfold with incriminating evidence mounting on the so called Shabak investigation, the judges and on unwarranted torture approved by the courts and on those who rushed to condemn Jewish Terror, rather than with evidence incriminating the "Jewish Duma suspects".  

The lack of any forensic evidence incriminating these Jewish suspects has been noted in court proceedings,  This investigation lacks integrity and credibility. This clearly is not an impartial investigation to find  out who set the arson to the Dawabshe family in Duma.  

It is rather a witch hunt to produce "Jewish Terrorists", to frame and demonize the Hilltop Youth and by association the Settlement enterprise. It is a stain on the Judicial System. It is a stain on Medinat Yisroel. The story is being publicized and everyone can see it makes no sense. All gag orders are not to protect the suspects. It is to protect the investigators from transparency and accountability.

We  are in the midst of volatile times.  History is unfolding before our very eyes.   The scales can go either way:
  • Possible cancellation of the Iran Deal by US as just a announced by PM Netanyahu
  • Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem in honor of Israel's 70th Anniversary.
  • Jonathan Pollard possibly participating in the celebrations in Jerusalem
  • Extensive Preparations and Training underway for massive unrest throughout Israel coming from within on Nakba day. 
  • Threats by Iran in the North and Hamas and Fatah from Gaza
Arab kids are being trained to return to "Their Palestinian Homeland, their villages" for Nakba.  They have passion, they have a goal and a purpose,  Their goal and purpose: The destruction and annihilation of Israel from the River to the Sea including Haifa, Acco and Yaffa.. 

This is very apparent from documented videos.

It is foreseeable that the indoctrination of the Arab kids can Chas VeSholom erupt and translate into terrible tragedy come Nakba day, with a green light from a Heavenly Decree חס וחלילה!.

Chapter 5 Pirkei Avot
  חרב באה לעולם על עינוי הדין, ועל עיוות הדין, ועל המורים בתורה שלא כהלכה. 
The sword comes to the world for the procrastination of justice, the corruption of justice, and because of those who misinterpret the Torah.

In start contrast, the Hilltop Youth's goal is to build and create in the hilltops of Judean and Samaria, not to destroy.  

By imprisoning the Hilltop Youth, we Am Yisroel,  have essentially imprisoned our collective merits which include powerful yearnings for:
  • Yishuv Eretz Yisroel, settling the Land, settling the hilltops of Judea and Samaria and keeping commandments dependent on the Land,   
  • Having a Court System with laws based on Torah
  • Malchut Shem Shamayim, a G-dly Kingship
  • Malchut Beit Dovid, return of the Davidic Dynasty
.... this empowers the prosecuting angels pushing for an evil decree against Israel.

Perhaps all it takes to annul such a degree  is some powerful defending angels.  
  • An expression coming from each and every Jew of yearning for our precious gift the Land of Eretz Yisroel and to reestablish the courts as of days of yore.   

By pushing a campaign to Pardon  Elisha Odess and Amiram ben Uliel, we can with G-d's help,  succeed to physically free these kids and unleash our collective merits and tip the scales on the side of life, which will  annul any evil decree that is pending for this month against Am Yisroel chas vesholom.  

These immediate threats, davka this month, have been expressed by both Defense experts (and by Kabbalists).

https://www.algemeiner.com/2018/04/22/former-head-of-idf-intelligence-this-will-be-israels-most-dangerous-may-since-1967/ The former chief of Israel Defense Forces intelligence believes the upcoming month of May could be the most dangerous Israel has faced since before the 1967 Six Day War."When I look at the month of May, I say there wasn't a month of May so dangerous since 1967," said Amos Yadlin in an interview with Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth.

Please do what you can!  Spread the word! These kids must be pardoned and released! You will be receiving more information of the Duma blood libel story and the  sordid details.  Please pay attention.  These 2 weeks are critical!

Call for ACTION:

Naama Odessl, Elisha's mother says that  what Jews in America say does carry weight and makes a difference! The government does pay attention. Chavrei Knesset do pay attention to what is being said and written in Chutz LeAretz. Even if the government doesn't care what Rabbonim say, the people do listen and in turn will apply pressure.  Pressure needs to come from all sectors, Rabbinic, Legal and Political.   There has been a terrible miscarriage of Justice and denial of human rights. This  Investigation has no integrity not from a standpoint of International Law and not from Jewish Law.  

The people's collective voice (and prayers) will be heard, surely up in heaven...

On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 12:37 AM, Robin Ticker <faigerayzel@gmail.com> wrote:

re: Meeting with Naama Odess in Crown Heights

Shmuel Koenig has been working tirelessly to get the word out to right wing Jewish Media about Elisha Odess's extended administrative detention.  This Press Conference meeting with Naama Odess, mother of Elisha Odess,  in Crown Heights will primarily host Media and Rabbonim from Crown Heights.  We are also letting other religious right wing Jewish Media and Rabbonim in on it. 

Some of you have expressed interest. .  

Since what has happened to Elisha and the other hilltop youth reflects poorly on Israel and on the Leadership of Israel,  it grieves us to spread Loshon Hara about this. We do not want to spread Loshon Hara  Chas veShalom.   This must serve only LeToeles.  To right a wrong of having been Motzei shem Re: innocent youth. and to now rectify the Diba Raah and spread the word that these kids are  beautiful sincere Jewish kids and that this beautiful Land belongs to Jews.  Their biggest "crime" is their yearning to settle the hilltops of Judea and Samaria and to renew our judicial system to follow Torah law.  Their agenda is not to murder innocent Arabs as our enemies wants the world to believe and they are innocent of the charges as there is no evidence against them other than forced confession. . .. 

Like Joseph, their brothers turned against them and tried to portray them as terrorists.   LIke Joseph even as they have been slandered and imprisoned,  they want no harm to fall upon their Brothers and sisters in Israel.

If we on earth who have been commanded to practice Truth and Justice,  won't right this wrong here down on earth, then it will be settled in a Heavenly Court with far worse consequences then a human court.  .It is for everyone's benefit that Elisha Odess and all those hilltop Youth sitting in jail, or under house arrest or under restraining orders expelled from their homes in Judea and Samaria. including minors have an unbiased neutral investigation, a  fair trial without an agenda.

We want to show that those that authorized the investigation against the hilltop Youth, those that prematurely condemned "Jewish Terror" and those that  conducted the investigation and tortured and indicted them, had a political agenda. Therefore, this investigation lacks integrity as it is biased against the hilltop youth. 

Even President Trump can empathize with this case now having a biased Mueller Investigation on his back as well. 

Some of the Halachic questions we would like to hear answered are here:

Halachic questions on the Duma Investigation


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd: New Im Tirtzu Campaign against the New Israel Fund

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Im Tirtzu <eytan@imti.org.il>
Date: Mon, Apr 30, 2018, 8:52 AM
Subject: New Im Tirtzu Campaign against the New Israel Fund
To: Robin <faigerayzel@gmail.com>

The campaign began by placing a 100-foot long billboard on Tel-Aviv's Ayalon Highway

אם אינכם מצליחים לצפות במסר לחצו כאן

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New Im Tirtzu Campaign against the New Israel Fund

Last week, Im Tirtzu launched a new campaign against the New Israel Fund in light of the NIF's increased anti-Israel activities, including judicial petitions against the IDF's defensive operations on the Gaza border and unprecedented direct opposition to the proposed court override bill.

The campaign began by placing a 100-foot long billboard on Tel-Aviv's Ayalon Highway (along with hanging thousands of smaller posters throughout Israel), and by publishing a new report detailing the NIF's modus operandi in delegitimizing Israel.

"Ridding Israel of the NIF"
"The New Israel Fund funded 310,268,593 NIS to activities against IDF soldiers and Israel"

The message of the campaign is simple: We welcome the activities of non-Israeli organizations in Israel, but unlike other civil society organizations, the NIF has openly declared that it represents the political opposition within Israel and works accordingly to undermine the policies of the elected government.

This is a violation of Israeli democracy and shows open contempt for Israel's sovereignty.

We also published a new video game developed by one of Im Tirtzu's volunteers, which depicts the reality for IDF soldiers who are harassed and persecuted by the NIF.

Over the upcoming weeks we will continue our pressure against the NIF because every second that the NIF and the radical Left are focused on Im Tirtzu, is one second less that they are persecuting IDF soldiers and working to harm Israel.

Read more: JNS, Israel National News, Jewish Press

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The New Israel Fund Against Israel

Watch Here

The Progressive attack on Israel - new op-ed from Im Tirtzu's Chairman of the Board, Douglas Altabef.

We don't have the backing of the New Israel Fund or European governments. But we have you.

Join us in protecting Zionism in Israel!

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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Trump Saves a Billion Dollars on Jerusalem Embassy, May Come for the Opening Ceremony. jewishpress.com


Trump Saves a Billion Dollars on Jerusalem Embassy, May Come for the Opening Ceremony


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.