Sunday, April 22, 2018

‘Pervasive Pattern of Political Bias?’ on Social Media


Facebook's chief executive Mark Zuckerberg was questioned by Congress for allowing a consulting firm to use personal data for political advertizing.

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Fwd: What can you do about the State Dep't preventing exposure of PA UNRWA textbook content?


 Is the State Dept preventing exposure of PA UNRWA textbook content?

See Breaking News from David Bedein below!

The only conclusion one can make is that the State Dept is biased towards the Palestinians and biased against Israel. 
.. continuing the cycle of hate.. 

There is no reason why a review of the educational material taught in UNRWA schools using our taxpayer money should not be transparent unless of course the State Dept wants to cover it up.

What will be revealed is the stark contrast of Jewish Youth who are designated as belonging to a "terrorist organization"  and the Palestinians who in fact are training their youth to be terrorists.. 

Jews have to be tortured to confess to crimes they allegedly committed and there is no credible evidence they committed, against Palestinians. Read about the Duma Trial of the alleged Jewish arson on a Palestinian home which has been dragging on for almost 3 years out of lack of evidence other than Graffitti and forced confessions.

The Palestinian Youth are educated and indoctrinated to glorify murdering Jews. They are educated to fight a war against Israel using all kinds of weapons. Guns, knives, rocks, cars,  molotov  cocktails, human shields and encouraged to become a martyr i.e. commit suicide etc from the earliest ages on.  They have perpetrated acts of terror and have succeeded too many times yet in spite of their continuous ongoing efforts the number of failed attempts is staggering due to G-d's benevolence and miraculous intervention and Israel's vigilance. For this we need to sing Praise and Thanks for each and every moment we are alive. .

Their strongest weapon are lies and propaganda against Israel and the IDF who defends Israel's security,  . (They call it "armed struggle")

They send rockets into Israel from UNRWA schools and commit acts of war and violence with kids nearby hoping to film another IDF atrocity fighting back in self defense.

The material that the State Dept wants  classified is living evidence of the revealed Agenda of UNRWA education in 2018 textbooks.  The maps, the training and the textbook all clearly show "From the River to the Sea', Haifa, Acca, Yaffa will be free! There is open glorification of Jihad and the revealed Agenda which is the destruction of Israel.

Today's war on the Gaza fence is their training in 
action.  This how Hamas uses children to harm Israel's border fence

Shouldn't something be done to expose their agenda and dry up their funding?

Israel is demonized for trying to defend itself against their enemy and deligitimized for "stealing" Arab Land.

Israel in response needs to strengthen their  convictions.  It is  our G-d Given Right to Defend ourselves  and Israel is entitled to settle on our Promised Land!

The Hilltop Youth persist with innocent childlike faith. תמים. Therefore they are  threatening being unbribable.   Their resolve is strong and unwaivering in the righteousness of their cause which is to settle the Hilltops of Judea and Samaria.

Israel the State has tremendous pressures to weaken this resolve. The forces will push for the "Peace Process"  and to weaken the hilltop youth in a leftist agenda that has embedded itself and infiltrated within the entire upper echelon spheres of the Israeli government. The Defense Dept, the Prime Minister Office,  the Knesset,  the President, Dept of Justice the Police the Media are all afraid to speak the Truth. Their hands are tied with all kinds of considerations that these religious kids don't have.

Yet those who seek Truth know that these kids speak Truth. These precious Hilltops belong to Israel! 

 These kids Love the Land. They Love G-d. They Love their fellow Jew and they Love the Torah. 

Let us validate their struggle in answer to Palestinian hate education.

This will bring peace and prosperity to the Region for Jew and  for all Noahides (descendents from Noah who keep the 7 Noahide Laws, the laws of Universal Morality)

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: david bedein <>
Date: Sun, Apr 22, 2018, 10:00 AM
Subject: What can you do about the State Dep't preventing exposure of PA UNRWA textbook content?
To: Center For Near East Policy Research Lt <>


​April 2018​


Is the State Dep't preventing exposure of PA UNRWA textbook content?

US Congressional GAO study of PA texts suddenly declared "classified by" the State Dep't. Why?

David Bedein
Israel Resource News Agency
Center for Near East Policy Research

A journalist and constituent of Sen. James Risch (R-IDAHO), recently asked the GAO (Government Accountability Office) as to the status of the GAO investigation of the Palestinian Authority school books now used by UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which are rife with indoctrination to war. Senator Risch had requested this GAO study after this Idaho constituent introduced the Senator to the findings of the Center for Near East Policy Research, which purchases, translates and ev‎aluates all school books that Palestinian Arab children learn in UNRWA schools.
Chuck Young, managing director of public affairs of the GAO provided the following answer to Dr. Harper's request:
"I checked with our team doing the work on Palestinian textbooks that you inquired about. The work is scheduled to be completed and go to the requester, Sen. Risch, the last week in April, though the date could always slide a bit. During the course of the work, the State Department indicated the report will need to be classified and cannot be released publicly. GAO must follow such classification decisions so we do not expect to issue a public report at this point. It would be available only to those with the necessary secret security clearance and a need to know, such as Members of Congress"

The question remains: Will any member of the US Congress, in the Senate or the House. ask to read and publicize the findings of the GAO investigation of the PA school used in the 
UNRWA schools?

After all, schoolbooks taught to half a million students of UNRWA are publicly disseminated.

Why should the content of PA school books paid for in part by the US government not be disclosed?

The question remains: Why does the State Department not want to disclose what half a million students study in US partially funded UNRWA schools?


The US donates 30% of the $1.2 billion UNRWA budget. 54% of that UNRWA budget is allocated to UNRWA education.

In September 2016, Senator James Risch, chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Near Subcommittee, received studies of PA textbooks used by UNRWA conducted by The Center for Near East Policy Research, which showed that UNRWA education had regressed into total war education. Following that, Senator Risch formally asked the GAO to conduct an investigation of UNRWA education.

In September 2017, the Center for Near East Policy Research completed a study of the 2016-2017 school books, partially financed by the Simon Wiesenthal Center and published by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center.

In February 2018, the Center for Near East Policy Research completed a study of the newest PA school books provided to UNRWA, and determined that the 2018 PA schoolbooks provided for UNRWA continue to prepare a new generation for war.
W​hat is the US State Department trying to hide? ​And why?

PS This is the record of our meeting with senior staff of the US UN ambassador to I​srael. the Hon. Nikki Haley:

​Follow up : These are the imp't congress people to write to 

Send each letter in an envelope  - if from Israel, then with a nice Israeli stamp.

Sounds old-fashioned by it works. 

Asking each congressperson to stand up aginst the state department request not to publicize the US GAO Congressional investigation of the PA/UNRWA school books.

Here is how to write any member person in Congress

House Office Building
Washington, DC 
Write PERSONAL on the envelope,


Friday, April 20, 2018

Urgent! Pidyon Shvuyim! Pikuach Nefesh! A Cry for Help from Naama Odess the Mother of Incarcerated Elisha Odess to help spread the word and lobby and write letters to help free her Son Elisha --


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Urgent! Pidyon Shvuyim! Pikuach Nefesh! A Cry for Help from Naama Odess the Mother of Incarcerated Elisha Odess to help spread the word and lobby and write letters to help free her Son Elisha

Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Trump’s Art of the Deal in North Korea, Israel and Syria | Frontpage Mag

Urgent! Pidyon Shvuyim! Pikuach Nefesh! A Cry for Help from Naama Odess the Mother of Incarcerated Elisha Odess to help spread the word and lobby and write letters to help free her Son Elisha

On Thu, Apr 19, 2018, 2:35 PM Naama Odess  wrote:

Dear Friends,
I imagine you have been following this week's development.
After the initial news update that the prosecution is asking the court to disregard the confessions given under torture ( although we know that is a manipulation, as they are requesting the court accept the confessions given in the short breaks between the torture sessions claiming they came from free will...)
Any way this did bring quite a bit of media coverage and people are beginning to realize something very wrong happened and essentially is still going on.
We have been advised from various directions that now is a time to reach out to as many motivated or influential people as we can.
...I do not want to trouble you Ladies as you are already doing so much and we are very appreciative of that. So let me know what I can do from here.
We feel it is a crucial time both because of the upcoming court decision and because Elisha's emotional state is somewhat deteriorating. 
שנזכה לבשורות טובות ישועות ונחמות במהרה.


Fwd: Serious Questions of the Duma Investigation following ANALYSIS: New Revelations in the Duma Case.


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.