Sunday, July 23, 2017

Discussion on The Root of the Arab/Israeli Conflict and Arlene Kushner From Israel: Facing Down Lies and Hatred on Har HaBayit


This is once again an amazing post by Arlene. 

We differ on a very fundamental point.  Arlene does not want to recognize that the Arab/Israeli conflict is indeed a Theological war or in her own words a "religious war". . Granted, perhaps the word "religious" is misleading.   "Religion" has a negative connotation and perception of  religious coercion. Forcing religious dogma on an unwilling population.  This is not the case here.   

The following basic points are:

An ideal Jewish State is one that Jews in Israel and elsewhere and the entire world would be true to the Torah, Written and Oral,  It is fundamental to our faith that Jews are obligated to keep as much as they can of the  613 commandments and Righteous Gentiles obligated with 7 Noahide Laws. These 7 Noahide laws are the foundation of Basic Universal morality. Observing these laws is the key to peace and prosperity in the Middle East,and for humanity. Our Torah is True and our mission is to raise the holiness in the world with a G-dly light by teaching Torah and defending the teachings of the Torah to the world is consistent with the concept of Tikkun Olam. Making this world a better place.   

 Arabs justify their armed struggle against Israel (terror) based on Islamic dogma and teachings. If we fight them back with any other weapons other than Theology,  such as security or legal or economic arguments,  we lose the debate.  they win the upper moral ground.  They claim that Israel has stolen Arab Land and is occupying the Land of Israel illegally while oppressing the rightful owners who are the Arabs.  The only way to win this debate is to argue forcefully that the Land of Israel is the Promised Land to the Jews based on the Torah as promised to our Forefathers and Moses our prophet by a One and Only Almighty G-d and we in turn are obligated to keep the Commandments including many that are dependent on the Land. (Shemittah, Leqet, Shikcha, Peah, Terumah, Maaser etc.)

The root of how to solve the Arab/Israeli conflict towards one of peace is therefore based on defending the Torah vs the teachings of Mohammad.   The Muslims openly want to push their theology on others to the point of submission. That is precisely the definition of Islam.  Jews find that they are now forced to face their Heritage, the teachings of Torah and embrace it in order to defend the Land of Israel against Jihad, a holy war in the name of Islam. There is no compromise or democratic sharing re: inheritance rights of the Land according to either faith.  In Judaism, in Parshat Mattot, there are explicit instructions as per how the Land is to be divided. Divine Lots between the 12 Tribes. Nowadays we do not know who belongs to which Tribe but we are pretty confident that most Jews living in Israel today come from the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levy. Please note the Biblical inheritance of these Tribes are in Judea and Jerusalem and Samaria. It makes no sense to hand parts of these ancient Biblical parcels of Land to our enemies.

 According to the Bible, there is also a concept of being a Ger Toshav, being a resident in the Land, accepting the 7 Noahide Laws and accepting Israel's Sovereignty on the Land of Israel. There are cities allotted to those who fall under the category of Ger Toshav.  A Ger Toshav has rights to live on the Land and is entitled to civil rights. Those who Bless Israel will be Blessed.  This a very different from the concept of Submission and Jihad that is found in the Islamic teachings for the infidels, (Kfir). In Judaism, everyone has their purpose, potential inherent weaknesses and strengths.  Each Tribe has their own individuality as do each of the 70 Nations as do each individual and each creation of G-d.  The world needs to unite to glorify our Creator... 

Israel's purpose is to be a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation to the Nations of the World.  This carries with it honor but immense responsibility and obligations to ensure this world is a moral habitat for all living souls. This is what defines a civilized society.   It is synonymous with LIFE.  Islam on the other hand, often glorifies death, jihad, holy service for Allah. Barbaric acts of terror such as the ones recently perpetrated on Temple Mount and on Chalamish is the opposite of being civilized as our Prime Minister Netanyahu and the US Ambassador to Israel and others have pointed out.. 


[is-lahm, iz-, is-luh m, iz-] 

the religious faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious system founded by the prophet Muhammad and taught by the Koran,the basic principle of which  is absolute submission to a unique and personal god, Allah.
the whole body of Muslim believers, their civilization, and the countries in which theirs is the dominant religion.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Arlene from Israel <>
Date: Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 3:32 PM
Subject: From Israel: Facing Down Lies and Hatred


From Israel: Facing Down Lies and Hatred

Lies and hatred and murder. Murder motivated by the hatred that was stoked by the inciteful lies.
My friends, I ask that you share this posting as broadly as possible.
Friday night, Shabbat, Yosef and Tova Salomon were planning to celebrate the birth of a new grandchild. With them in their home were their son Elad, and his wife Michal, with their five grandchildren, as well their daughter Haya. The parents with the new baby had not yet arrived. Because they, and other guests, were expected momentarily, the door to the Salomon home in Neve Tzuf (aka Halamish), in the Binyamin Region of the Shomron, was open.
But it was hatred that came in the door, in the person of a 19 year old Palestinian Arab carrying a large knife. He lunged at family members, and Yosef, Haya and Elad were all massacred.
murdered 3
Credit: a7
Credit: JPost

Tova was severely wounded and required emergency surgery. When she awoke, she was told that her husband and two of her children were dead.
At the first sign of a threat, Eldad's wife, Michal, rushed her three eldest children into an upstairs room, where her one-year-old twins were already asleep, and pressed against the door with all her might:
"I heard horrible screams and gun shots, and after what felt like an eternity, I realized it was over. I went downstairs, saw Elad and saw that my husband was not among the living." (Emphasis added)
Michal and Elad:
Municipality of Eldad

Three more people dead for no reason other than that they are Jews. One woman a widow, five children orphaned. The mind reels from this, and the heart cries, Again???
The terrorist was shot through the window by a neighbor who was alerted by the screams. He was wounded but not killed and is now in custody.
Prime Minister Netanyahu called him a "beast incited by unfathomable hatred."
Let me tell you about this 19 year old Arab. He had written on his Facebook page the day before (emphasis added):
"I am writing my last testament and these are my last words.
"I am young, not even 20 years old. I had many dreams and aspirations. But what life is this in which our women and our young are murdered without any justification? They are desecrating the Aksa Mosque and we are sleeping. It's an embarrassment that we are idly sitting by…
"All that I have is a sharpened knife, and it is answering the call of al-Aksa…"
There are at least two things we learn from this. The first is that he bought the incitement promulgated by the Palestinian Authority and the Waqf. The Aqsa Mosque has not been desecrated in the slightest (I will come to this below), nor have we been murdering Arab youth and women. It is the PA and the Waqf that bear responsibility.
But notice please, that he considers it "an embarrassment" to "sit idly by." I wrote the other day about honor-shame societies and the Palestinian Arab need to regain "honor" via violence. Here you have it precisely.
This is how it is:
[] Two Israeli Border Police were murdered by Israeli Arabs who had hidden their weapons on the Temple Mount. Israel's Security Cabinet made a decision after long discussion to put up metal detectors so that no further weapons could be brought on to the Mount.
[] The Waqf immediately made a furor instead of cooperating. As they presented matters, the problem was with the Israeli security, which "deprived" Arabs of the "right" to freely enter the Mount. They made it seem as if Israel was to blame for the situation, and not the terrorists.
They expressed no horror at the terrorists having used their "sacred site" for weapons storage. This is a clear give-away to true intentions.
[] They paid no attention to the insistence by Prime Minister Netanyahu that the status quo on the Mount had not changed. That status quo is actually prejudicial to Jews, who are not supposed to pray on the Mount and have limited access.
Nor did they acknowledge that using detectors is a routine procedure in this terror-ridden world, and that detectors are even employed at the holiest Muslim site, in Mecca.
Instead, they called upon Arabs to refrain from going through the detectors, even though entering was entirely possible, i.e., the Mount was not closed. In boycotting the Mount, they attempted to present it as if Israel blocked their entry. The Palestinian Arabs and much of the world bought it.
[] At the same time, Fatah called for a "day of rage" to protest the situation. The clear warning was that Friday, when many thousands come to pray at the Mount, would be the critical day.
To anyone with eyes to see, it is obvious that this furor is not about metal detectors, but about control, as I had indicated previously.
This is a matter of critical importance. Because the Arabs will move from saying Israel cannot control security outside the Mount to saying no Jews should be on the Mount since it "offends" Muslims, to saying that no Jews should be in the Old City of Jerusalem, since this is Muslim territory too.
This is a fight that MUST be won.
See Jonathan Tobin on this:
"How could putting metal detectors to protect a holy site be considered a casus belli for what might, if the conflict escalated in the way the Muslim rioters promised, lead to a new holy war?
"…The answer is that this isn't about metal detectors. It's about something much bigger: the right of Jews to be in Jerusalem." (Emphasis added)
On Thursday night, the Security Cabinet debated way into the small hours about how to handle the situation. Ultimately, they accepted the recommendation of the police to leave the detectors in place.
It was a huge relief to many of us, as caving before threats of violence is an enormous mistake. While it was argued in some quarters that taking down the detectors would bring "a more peaceful situation," ultimately caving means less peace, not more.
I've been writing about the Victory Campaign, and it applies here. The Palestinian Arabs cannot be permitted to have the upper hand.
The police were given jurisdiction to take whatever measures were deemed necessary, and there were several measures that they did take: Muslim males under the age of 50 were not permitted on the Mount on Friday, Muslims from Judea and Samaria could not make their way into Jerusalem, etc. Police indicated they believed they could handle the situation, and four IDF battalions stood at the ready.
There was rioting, and in the course of it, three Palestinian Arabs died.
At the same time, Mahmoud Abbas took an extraordinary step and announced on Friday the freezing of all contact with Israel – including security cooperation – until the Temple Mount issue is resolved and detectors are taken down.
As Deputy Minister for Public Diplomacy Michael Oren (Kulanu) observed, what Abbas is doing may serve a political need but "cuts off the limb on which he sits."
Indeed. In the end Abbas needs Israel: Hamas waits for the opportunity to take him down.
Defense Minister Lieberman has indicated we can manage without that PA security cooperation, which is surely the case.
Other threats continued as well. Also on Friday, the head of the Waqf in Jerusalem declared that he spoke in the name of Muslims the world over:
"We are one. We all reject the measures to put in metal detectors. We reject the entrance of settlers to the mosque compound. We in Jerusalem represent 1.7 billion Muslims who say in one voice no to the metal detectors. We say no." (Emphasis added)
Please note his objection to "settlers" entering the Temple Mount. For him, all Jews in Israel are "settlers." So here you have it.
The Arab League, meanwhile, says Israel is "playing with fire" in Jerusalem.
And in Gaza, during his weekly sermon, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said, "Today we are acting to bring the Al-Aksa Mosque and Jerusalem back into the embrace of the Arab World."
At a Likud faction meeting this morning, Prime Minister Netanyahu said:
"We are receiving an updated picture of the situation and recommendations for action, and we are acting accordingly.
"We are conducting this with composure, determination and responsibility - and we will continue to do so in order to maintain security."
I like the tone because there is no hint of panic, but rather a sense of being in control.
And yet, I am nervous, for, tonight (likely well after I've posted this) there will be another meeting of the Security Cabinet, with discussions regarding how to proceed. Any semblance of caving in the face of threats and violence would be an immeasurable error.
While there are some suggestions that it might be good to take down the detectors, in the end I suspect this will not happen, for one simple reason. It will not restore quiet.
Cameras have been installed at certain points outside of the Temple Mount, with the thought that they might be used as an alternative.
Credit: YNet

But the Waqf has already protested. They are demanding no security measures at all.
Declared one sheikh, "the new measure is worse than the metal detectors…We will not agree to any inspection."
This will not be considered. I think the Arabs are seriously over-playing their hand.
There are those who say we are on the edge of a third intifada. I would say we are in it already.
Some are calling this a "religious" war. I think religion is being used by the Muslims as a tool with which to attempt to clobber us. It's not really about devotion to their "holy place." Rather, this is a potent hook for coming after us.
What is infuriating, in the face of what we are contending with, is the way in which certain agencies and mainstream media sources get it wrong.
We have UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, for example, who, relatively speaking is one of the good guys. On Friday he called on both sides to "refrain from any actions or words that could further escalate an already volatile situation." But this moral equivalency is not helpful.
Similarly do many media headlines obscure the reality. This CBS headline told a distorted story: "3 Palestinians, 3 Israelis killed in violence over Jerusalem shrine," and there are many similar instances.
This is why your sharing of information is so important.
The funerals for the three murdered members of the Salomon family were held today. Thousands attended.
© Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by independent journalist Arlene Kushner. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.
©2017 Arlene from Israel |
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Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

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Will Shabbat Massacre Usher in Final War for Third Temple? - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.

Fwd: Shalom Pollack on the Terrorist Rage provoked by Metal Detectors on Temple Mount

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Shalom Pollack" <>
Date: Jul 23, 2017 11:58 AM
Subject: rage

So much happening at once - once again.

So where do we begin?

Of course with the latest savage invasion of a Jewish home on Shabbat .
This time the victims were three members of the Salomon family. Another three Jewels were taken from us by an Arab "youth"( as the Arab media and Israeli Arab politicians describe him). He was "enraged" by the placing of metal detectors at the entrance to Temple Mount after Arabs killed two policemen with weapons taken from the holy site. Who can blame him?
His rage pushed him to enter the home in a neighboring Jewish village and go on a stabbing spree. The smallest children were spared  his metal detector rage when they were hidden in a locked room by their grandmother.
The youth was disabled and is now receiving the best medical treatment in the Mid East. Why not? Doesn't the family of Hamas terror leader Ismail Haniya also receive the same loving Jewish treatment in our hospitals? After all, we are humanitarians.

Tell me when it sounds like I am making all this up.

As the Arabs of Jerusalem and beyond threatened mass violence, unless the metal detectors were removed, Israel was thrown into a  panic. 
The media was abuzz with talking heads explaining how it was wise to give in to Arab threats (again) and that only macho, zealots would endanger the entire Mid East by not backing down.
Those same clear heads brought us Arafat and  Oslo, Gush Katif / Samaria expulsions, whole sale terrorist releases, and every other very sophisticated concession drenched in barrels of Jewish blood.

We know by now that they never admit to a mistake and will insist on continuing to take us along the road to final destruction.

 Why? Now that is an interesting question. The answer is certainly not to be found in normal Geo - political considerations or any thing that resembles normative politics. Those arguments are far behind us, dried up in the dust of the dry bones of the piles of "sacrifices for peace"(remember Peres?).  
But why - really?
I won't attempt to delve into the minds of these people. 
Just think George Soros, Noam Chomsky, Bruno Kreisky and thousands of other Jews totally consumed with Jew bashing. It is a phenomenon - a particularly Jewish phenomenon.
It is what it is.

The Arabs are not the main problem. It is the Jew bashing Jews. It is the Jews who coddle and encourage those who would kill us.
One is not angry with a wild dog. It is the one that lets it off the leash that is guilty.
I had occasion to ride a cab with an Arab taxi driver the other day. He explained that the metal detectors were just an Israeli provocation.
I told him, look let's get beyond the childish claims and admit that you as an Arab is living in the only country in the Mid East where you are treated as a human being.
He said, "Oh you are one of those.."
What did he mean? I know the answer to this question. He meant that I am one of those Jews who do not politely nod as he rattles off his complaints about "occupation" or "apartheid".
In fact, when he saw that I was carrying a gun he knew that I was not going to buy his litany of wailing as scripted for him by other "enlightened" Jews.

It's the old story, Arabs; and not just Arabs, like vulnerable Jews; unarmed, defenseless, apologetic, fearful Jews. Those are the Jews they always knew. Those are the Jews they humiliated, robbed, killed, raped and forcefully converted from the glorious days of Mohammed. 

 They can not get used to another kind of Jew. 

Jews who do not think it is wise to upset the Arabs with metal detectors are also uncomfortable with another kind of Jew.
Announcing a very special tour to the Golan Heights on August 29,
 including Gamla, the "Massada of the north".

Fwd: IDNS: Israel terror victims laid to rest. Israel shrugs as Abbas suspends security coordination. Jordan and Israel exclude PA from Temple Mt. security forum.

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From: "" <>
Date: Jul 23, 2017 12:08 PM
Subject: IDNS: Israel terror victims laid to rest. Israel shrugs as Abbas suspends security coordination. Jordan and Israel exclude PA from Temple Mt. security forum.
To: "Faige" <>

Israel Daily News Stream
Today's Top Stories
  • Neve Tzuf terror victims laid to rest.
  • Israel shrugs as Abbas suspends security coordination.
  • Jordan and Israel exclude PA from Temple Mt. security forum.
Read the full roundup here




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Fwd: Moshe Feiglin: On Har HaBayit: Surrender Now Will Lead to Terrible War

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From: "Moshe Feiglin" <>
Date: Jul 23, 2017 10:00 AM
Subject: Moshe Feiglin: Surrender Now Will Lead to Terrible War
To: <>

They murdered two Israeli police officers. They murdered a family. But they are the 'victims' and the 'insulted'. They are the ones who must be appeased and they are the ones who now have the legitimacy to continue to murder Jews.

Because for fifty years we have been saying that the Temple Mount is theirs.

It is not Israeli sovereignty on the Temple Mount that creates war; it is the denial of that sovereignty that opens the door to conflict.

The temporary price that Israel will pay for leaving the metal detectors in place at the entrance to the Temple Mount and clinging to our sovereignty there is nothing compared to the all-out-war that we are inviting to our Land.

If we surrender now and remove the metal detectors and prove with finality that the Temple Mount truly is theirs – and only theirs – we are admitting that they were right to murder the Jews.

If the beating heart of the Holy Land belongs to them – then the rest of the Land belongs to them, as well.

And all their murderous acts throughout Israel are simply part of their just war against the Occupation.

There is a price for clinging to the justness of our sovereign existence in the Land of Israel.

But if we surrender now, we will bring the most horrendous of wars upon ourselves.

A war of a People who has lost its sense of justice.

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