Thursday, March 24, 2016

Virtual Mishloach Manot From Ticker Family: Blood


Ticker Dam Mishloach Manot Contents 5776:

·         Red bag. to remind us of Dam - Blood
·         Hebrew and English Graffitti 
    • Duma Blood Libel" on one side "דומא,  עלילת דם"  
    • In Blood Shall you Live"  " בדמייך חיי בדמיך חי"on other side
  • Tongue bought in Glatt Mart with  Hashgacha Beit Yosef, Vaad HaRabbonim of  Flatbush Rabbi Meir Goldberg, Star K
    • (to remind us to watch our Tongue from Slander and to protest the Duma Blood Libel against the Hilltop Youth נצור לשונך מרע
  • Challah Roll 
    • (Pas Yisroel) because Slander was committed on Jewish Hilltop Youth over the arson in the Arab Village Duma
  • Ketchup 
    • To represent Blood through which We Shall Live rather than with Blood from Terror.  Blood of the Brit Mila and Korban Pesach. May the Temple be speedily rebuilt. 
  • Barbecue Chips no MSG
    • (to remind us of Korban Pesach which was burnt, barbecued on the Alter (מזבח). May the Temple be speedily rebuilt
  • Water
    • to remind us of the Kiyor and the washing of the Kohanim, priests before they entered the Kodesh to do the Avodah. May the Temple be speedily rebuilt.
  • Red Knife symbolic of
    • Knife Intifada (stabbings of many innocent Jews by Arab terrorists many of whom are  Arab youth)
    • The shtick knives at Settler wedding while singing Zachreinu Na "זכרינו נא זכרינו נא" because they were possibly thinking about
      • The Knife at Akeidat Yitzchak "ויקח את המאכלת לשחוט את בנו"
      • Knives to bring Korbanot (May the Temple be speedily rebuilt)
  • Megalillat Dam   (32 pages see below and open link)  Happy Reading!

 The Ticker Reading Megillah for this 5776 Mishloach Manot is entitled Megalillat Dam. Happy or shall we say not so very happy but definitely potentially life blood saving reading....

word 2013 document Print  or simply read.... just 32 pages...:)  It's a Megilla after all..... 

pdf document

Duma Blood Libel against Jews...................................................................3
     Amiram Ben Oliel...4
     Interview: Duma suspect speaks from prison about torture Arutz7...6
     Elisha Odess.....7
     Meir Ettinger....9
     Duma Wedding Knife Dance.....11
Letter Writing Campaign to Rav Moshe Sternbuch re: Meir Ettinger and Hilltop Youth...............12
Letter to Rabbi Dovid Feinstein, Rabbi Reuvein Feinstein, Rabbi Moshe Tendler, Rabbi Mordechai Tendler re: writing a letter to free Meir Ettinger to Netanyahu as did Rabbi Moshe Feinstein zt"l..............14
Letter Sent to Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah and to Rabbanim re: letter campaign to Newganya...........15
Shin Bet: New Duma arson wasn't 'Jewish terror'...........20
Police harass Jewish youth under house arrest..........21
Army destroys synagogues on Jewish hilltops........22
In Tribute to the Duma Suspects, The Boys In The Hands of Shabak. Uzia Tzadok 13 Singing KeSheHalev Bocheh - When the Heart Cries
     Dima Song  שיר דמעהKeSheHalev Bocheh Shma Israel | לשמוע ישראל.....23
Damim  Money Tzedaka,  instead of Blood...........25
       Child Treated as Hardened Criminal
       Prejudicial Treatment of Jewish Children
      Can Soldiers Defend Us? Alan Hirsh, Kimche D'Pishche Judea and Samaria...29
   ZOA Brooklyn Mishloach Manot to Soldiers....
   Chavat Gilad Needs Your Help
   Itamar Donate via paypal or credit card or.....30
   Women in Green Oz VeGaon
   Emunah's children in Israel   deserve some joy this PURIM

Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Great Republican Friends of Israel! Trump does AIPAC (Video) ! Cruz at AIPAC ‘Peace Through Strength’ Video.


Trump Does AIPAC by Lori Lowenthal Marcus (Video) Spectacular! If you still believe Trump is neutral, you had better watch this video.. Many standing ovations.
...In 2001, Trump provided plane for Rudy Giuliano trip to Israel cause he backed mission. Number 1 priority is to dismantle disastrous deal with Iran...This Deal is Catastrophic for America for Israel and for the whole Middle East. We rewarded the worlds leading sponsor of State Terror with 150 billion dollars and received absolutely nothing in return.  Studied the deal in great detail...It's a bad deal. They violated the terms so the bigger problem is that they can keep the terms and still get the bomb by simply running out the clock and still keep the billions and billions of dollars we stupidly gave them. It doesn't dismantle their capability. When restrictions expire, Iran will have industrial military size nuclear capability with no provision of delay no matter how terribly they behave. I will stand up to Iran's aggressive push to destabilize and dominate the region and   Iran is a problem in Iraq, a problem in Syria, Lebenon, Yemen and will be a very very major problem in Saudi Arabia. Literally,  every day they provide military weapons  to support their puppet States. Hezbollah, Lebanon received sophisticated anti ship weapons, anti aircraft weapons and GPS systems and rockets that very few countries over the world have. Now they are in Syria, trying to establish another  front against Israel from the Syrian side of the Golan Heights. In Gaza, Iran is supporting Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and in the West Bank they're openly offering Palestinians $7,000 per terror attack and $30,000 for every Palestinian Terrorist Home that's been destroyed.  A deplorable, deplorable situation.   Iran is financing military forces throughout the Middle East and it is absolutely incredible that we are handing them over a hundred and fifty billion dollars to do even more to their horrible acts of terror.  Secondly,we will dismantle Iran's global terror network, 25 Terror attacks on 5 continents. Iran is the biggest sponsor of terrorism  over the world. Thirdly we will enforce the deal to hold Iran accountable and enforce it! Bullieve me. Ballistic missiles will not let it happen and not let it happen to Israel. Missiles with message in Hebrew and Farsi that Israel will be Wiped off the face of the Map. You can forget that. Tests do violate UN Security Council resolutions but nobody has done anything about it. We Will, We will,, I promise. Weakness and Incompetence of United Nations..UN not a friend to Democracy, not a friend of freedom and not a friend to the United STates of  America and surely not a friend to Israel. 

With President Obama in his final year... Yay! He may be the worst thing to happen to Israel. And you know it and you know it better than anybody....Re; an agreement between Israel and Palestine.  An agreement imposed by UN would be a total and complete disaster. I will use power of veto as President 100% It will only further to delegitimize Israel. It will be a catastrophe for Israel.  Further it will reward Palestinian terrorism.  You can't reward behavior like that (knife wielding terrorists).  Nobody should tell Israel that they must abide by some agreement made miles away by someone who doesn't know what's happening. He will veto any attempt by UN to impose it's deal on Israel. The days of treating Israel as 2nd class citizen will end on day 1 of becoming Pres.  End Hate Filled Education of Palestinians. They have to end it now.  No moral equivalency between Israel and the Palestinians.  Obama applies pressure to our friends and rewards our enemies. Pattern happens all the time including by Hillary Clinton who is is a total disaster by the way...Will move the Embassy to the Eternal Capitol of the Jewish People, Jerusalem. israel is a Jewish State and will exist forever as a Jewish State!  I love Israel...My daughter Ivanka is about to have a beautiful Jewish baby...This has been a truly great honor..Thank you very much.

More on Trump...
The Trump Card by Dr. Joseph Frager

Trump to CNN: I'll move the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, 
Before AIPAC speech, Republican front runner promises to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and move the embassy there.

Ted Cruz at AIPAC by Lori Lowenthal Marcus (Video) Fantastic! (Many standing ovations)  America will fight terrorism and defeat radical Islamic terror. ..Hamas is terrorist monsters using children as human shields. (standing ovation). United States will stand unapologetically with the Nation of Israel.  Will rip the catastrophic Iranian deal to shreds on the first day of of being President. If Iran launches a Missile test, he would shoot the missile down. Under no circumstances will Iran acquire nuclear weapons. Either you shut it down or we will do it for you.,, Never again means never again.  Will move American Embassy to Jerusalem the Eternal Capital of Israel. Anyone that provides financial support to BDS movement including schools and Universities will lose access to Federal Funding (standing ovation).  In the extent they engaged in illegal behavior they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law! Israel is not the barrier to peace. It is the Palestinian gov't together with Hamas. America will veto Palestinian Statehood.  Will fly to NY to personally veto it. Standing with Israel benefits America. Israel shares our values, Israel provides an enormous benefit to America and protects us from Radical Islam.  The Nation of Israel,  like America is a beacon of light onto the world.   Peace is achievable by strength. Appeasement increases the chance of military conflict.  I believe this Iranian nuclear deal is Munich 1938 and we risk catastrophic consequences by allowing this homicidal maniac to acquire the tools to murder millions. G-d Bless America and Am Yisrael Chai.  

More on Ted Cruz...
Re: Iran Sen. Ted Cruz and Rabbi Boteach Give Rousing Call to Action at Synagogue in Beverly Hills

New Law Would - Finally - Move US Embassy to Jerusalem. Senators Ted Cruz and Dean Heller propose a law that would remove the president's authority to bar the embassy's relocation.

Senator, Enraged by FAA Ban on Israel, Demands Answers.
Senator Cruz is demanding straight answers to questions about the FAA ban on Israel and until he gets them, he will put a hold on state department nominees.By: Lori Lowenthal Marcus Published: July 24th, 2014

Mega-Concert in New York to Support Israel
"...Frager described Cruz as "probably the best and most pro-Israel senator and political figure of today," noting that the lawmaker had cancelled other important arrangements specifically to attend the concert in a show of solidarity with Israel."


Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Fwd: BDE Salomon Benzimra z"l

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Date: Mar 16, 2016 11:23 PM
Subject: BDE Salomon Benzimra z"l
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Baruch Dayan HaEmet: Salomon Benzimra z"l

It is with great shock and utter sadness that we heard of the sudden
passing of Salomon Benzimra, who died from a heart attack on an El Al
flight from Israel back to Canada.

Salomon was a fervent lover of and fighter for Israel. Together with
Goldi Steiner, may she live a long and healthy life, he founded
Canadians for Israel's Legal Rights (CILR), comprising a group of
dedicated volunteers based in Toronto.

Just a few weeks ago we had been in touch with Salomon to discuss
questions some youth had asked us at a lecture we gave at a
pre-military academy about the decisions made at the San Remo
conference. We knew Salomon was the expert on that topic and he
immediately emailed us the detailed answer we needed.

CILR has published, in Kindle format, The Jewish People's Rights to
the Land of Israel by Salomon Benzimra. This e-book is available on
Amazon, and details the momentous decisions made at the 1920 San Remo
Conference after the Ottoman Empire lost all its territories in the
Middle East; decisions made in San Remo are crucial to understanding
the present situation in the Middle East. Although suitable for any
mature reader, the book was written specifically to prepare Jewish
high school students to defend themselves against the defamation, lies
and distortions about Israel that many face in university. The book is
fact-based and educational, not political, and it debunks the current
perception of Jewish Israelis as occupiers and settlers.

Women in Green sends its condolences to Salomon's family and friends.
May you be comforted in the building of Eretz Yisrael. Salomon's death
is a great loss not only to his family and friends but to all of Am
Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.

We will continue what Salomon taught us over the years: to fight
fearlessly  for Israel's Rights to the Land of Israel.

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar


Salomon ob"m has written many articles. We bring here one of them that
appeared as an op-ed on Arutz 7:

San Remo: The Forgotten Milestone
By Salomon Benzimra, April 26th 2015

Ninety five years ago, prime ministers, ambassadors and other
dignitaries from Europe and America gathered in the Italian Riviera.
Journalists from around the world reported on the upcoming San Remo
Peace Conference and the great expectations the international
community placed on this event, just a year after the Paris Peace
Conference had settled the political map of Europe at the end of World
War One.

On Sunday, April 25, 1920, after hectic deliberation, the Supreme
Council of the Allied Powers (Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan and
the U.S. acting as an observer) adopted the San Remo Resolution -- a
500 word document which defined the future political landscape of the
Middle East out of the defunct Ottoman Empire.

This Resolution led to the granting of three Mandates, as defined in
Article 22 of the 1919 Covenant of the League of Nations.  The future
states of Syria-Lebanon and Iraq emerged from two of these Mandates
and became exclusively Arab countries.  But in the third Mandate, the
Supreme Council recognized the "historical connection of the Jewish
people to Palestine and the grounds for reconstituting their national
home in that country" while safeguarding the "civil and religious
rights" of the non-Jewish population.

Subsequently, the British limited the Jewish Homeland in Palestine to
the area west of the Jordan River and allowed eastern Palestine to be
gradually administered by the Hashemites.  The territorial expansion
to the east eventually gave birth to the Kingdom of Transjordan, later
renamed Jordan in 1950.

The importance of the San Remo Conference with regard to Palestine
cannot be overstated:

For the first time in history, Palestine became a legal and political entity;
The Jewish people were recognized as the national beneficiary of the
trust granted to Britain in Palestine for the duration of the Mandate
-- a "sacred trust of civilization" as per the League Covenant;
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 -- which "viewed with favour" the
establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine -- was now to be
"put into effect"and thus became a binding act of international law;
The de jure sovereignty of Palestine was vested in the Jewish people,
though it was kept in abeyance until the Mandate expired in 1948;
The terms of the San Remo Resolution were included in the Treaty of
Sèvres and remained unchanged in the finally ratified Treaty of
Lausanne of 1923.
The Arabs received equivalent national rights in all the remaining
parts of the Middle East -- over 96% of the total area formerly
governed by the Ottoman Turks).

The San Remo Conference was hailed as a major historical milestone.
Celebrations were held throughout the world with tens of thousands of
people marching in London, New York and Toronto.  But the Arabs of
Palestine, led by the Mufti of Jerusalem, were strongly opposed to any
form of national Jewish homeland: the first anti-Jewish riots erupted
in Jaffa just before the San Remo Conference convened -- a harbinger
of the violent Arab rejectionist stance that continues to threaten the
existence of Israel to this day.

While the Middle East peace process has been going on for over two
decades, it is astonishing that San Remo and the ensuing Mandate for
Palestine have hardly been mentioned.  Is it deliberate? Is it a mere
omission?  How could there be peace and reconciliation without
acknowledging fundamental historical and legal facts?

Middle-East diplomacy has often relied on "constructive ambiguity", a
concept earlier introduced by Henry Kissinger to keep the dialogue
open and avoid discussing core issues deemed problematic.  In the
ongoing peace process, the ambiguity of language did not produce
constructive results.  On the contrary, layer upon layer of
distortions and gross falsehoods piled up over the initial ambiguity
of "land for peace."

When the notion of "occupation" took root, it soon turned into
"illegal occupation", then "brutal oppression" and, finally,
"apartheid" which is a crime against humanity in international law.
Once corrupted language describes a distorted reality and the
distortion spreads, thought becomes corrupt and any resulting action
is bound to fail.

Commemorating the San Remo Conference should be more than a mere
remembrance. It enjoins us to consider the legal reach of the binding
decisions made in 1920 and to ensure that we do not entertain
incompatible positions when political expediency clashes with
unassailable rights enshrined in international law, namely the
acquired rights of the Jewish people in their ancestral land.  No
wonder the Palestinian Authority -- intent on eliminating the "Zionist
entity," as spelled out in the PLO Charter -- abhors the provisions of
the San Remo Resolution, which they view as the root of a catastrophe
engineered by "Zionist gangs."

In reality, the San Remo Resolution and the ensuing clauses of the
Mandate for Palestine are akin to a treaty entered into and executed
by each and every one of the 52 member states of the League of
Nations, in addition to the United States which is bound by a separate
treaty with Great Britain, ratified in 1925.

So next time you hear about the "occupation of the West Bank" and its
supposedly "illegal settlements" -- an almost daily occurrence in the
discourse of the Palestinian Arabs and their supporters -- you should
remember that this territory, as the rest of Israel, was lawfully
restored to the Jewish people in 1920 and its legal title has been
internationally guaranteed and never revoked ever since.  Any
negotiation toward achieving a lasting peace should be based on this

Last but not least, San Remo marks the end of the longest colonization
period in history. After 1,850 years of foreign occupation, oppression
and banishment by a succession of foreign powers (Romans, Byzantines,
Sassanid Persians, Arabs, Crusaders, Mameluks and Ottoman Turks), the
Nation of Israel was reborn in April 1920, thus paving the way for the
proclamation of the State of Israel 28 years later.  This liberation
from foreign rule should normally be celebrated by all the progressive
elites who have traditionally supported every national freedom
movement.  But it isn't so, for reasons that defy reason.

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
For online donations to Women in Green:

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Monday, March 14, 2016

Fwd: A critical year of national consciousness by Ariel Kahana

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Date: Mar 14, 2016 8:52 PM
Subject: A critical year of national consciousness by Ariel Kahana
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This article appeared in Hebrew in this Friday's Makor Rishon
(11/3/2016). Written by Ariel Kahana. Because of its utter importance
Women in Green had it translated. Translated by Sally Zahav.

A Critical Year of National Consciousness

Only with the arrival of 2017 will the Obama-Netanyahu quarrels, like
the one that happened this week over the cancelled meeting, come to an
end. But then the really difficult war will begin, the war over
national consciousness

"The past actually happened, history is what someone wrote down", the
American comedian Whitney Brown once said. This pithy saying exactly
describes the approaching critical year of national consciousness.
Even at the beginning of the year 2016, all eyes are already set on
2017. During that year Israel, the Palestinians and everyone who is
connected to the Jewish-Arab battle over the Land of Israel, will mark
the one-hundred-year anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, seventy
years of the partition, and fifty years since the Six Day War.

The battle over the world's memory regarding these points in time will
be almost as bitter and difficult as the wars that accompanied each
one of them. Palestinians and their supporters, including self-hating
Jews from Israel and the diaspora, have already begun preparations to
undermine our rights to the Land in general and to Judea and Samaria
in particular. Israel, perhaps thanks to a prime minister with an
especially developed historical awareness, has also begun positive
preparations. This is good.

Already during the last Jerusalem Day, the government determined that
a ministerial committee would begin planning celebrations for the
jubilee year of the city's unification. The task was assigned to
Minister Miri Regev and an inter-ministry committee was established,
headed by Managing Director of the Ministry of Culture and Sport,
Yossi Sharabi. On the next Jerusalem Day the government is expected to
approve the plan and the events themselves are already expected to
begin. Simultaneously, Minister of Education Bennett announced that
the academic year for 2017 will mark fifty years of the unification of
the eternal capital of the Jewish People.

However, neither Netanyahu nor Bennett took advantage of their
authority to sharpen the message which is no less important: the
jubilee year of the return of the Jewish People to the historical
tracts of the Land of Israel, meaning Judea and Samaria. One need not
be a rightist in order celebrate the miracle of this war of salvation,
and one need not be religious to claim that Elon-Moreh, Beit-El,
Beit-Lehem and Hevron are the cradle of the Jewish People's homeland.
There is, of course, a political dispute over the question of what to
do in these tracts of land today, and it is clear that the educational
system must not get involved in the bitter argument. But the past must
be told. If not, others will come and rewrite history, and actually,
they are already doing this.

The Palestinians have already succeeded for some time to penetrate the
international consciousness with the lie that they are an ancient
people that have, from time immemorial, lived in the land. They scream
"It is all mine", but are answered by our side with "okay, then we
will divide it" and not "It is all mine". It's no wonder that many
people, and not only the ignorant, are convinced that the State of
Israel arose on the ruins of the state of Palestine, even though such
a thing never existed.

Israel refrains from screaming about its fundamental rights in Judea
and Samaria. And as long as it continues to do so, Israel can expect
to suffer a crushing defeat in the battle for national consciousness
since her claims are not convincing. The Palestinians in 2017 will
scream "Fifty years of robbing us of our country and usurping our
lands". Israel, as it has through the years, will mumble that her
actions stem from security needs. That is, she will say implicitly
that the land indeed is Arab, but the occupation, the theft and the
usurpation, are done in the name of Israel's security. With such a
message as this it is impossible to win. Just as it is impossible to
settle in a neighbor's home just because he is an irksome nudnik, it
is also impossible to justify the theft of another people's land on
the grounds of national security. "Give them what is theirs, and solve
the security problems in another way", is the outsider's expected

The Israeli hasbara system has not internalized this fundamental
point. In the opinion of the hasbara people, the claims of history and
rights are automatically connected to a contemporary political

Therefore, it is preferred to obscure the past. Instead of
differentiating between rights and an agreement that perhaps will
exist in the future, both are treated equally. This is analogical to a
lawyer not representing the reasons that the accused is not guilty
because of misgivings that the judge will not be convinced, which
might lead to him actually not being convinced. Like a dog that
returns to its vomit, Israel goes back to her futile security claims
and flees from the main question – the question of the right to the

The only one in the Israeli system that has understood this concept is
Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely. She had some time ago already
formed a team and a plan to promote hasbara projects that emphaszie
Israel's rights in Judea and Samaria. The program includes a
presentation that will move throughout the country to tell of the
continuity of Jewish communities in the Land of Israel over the years,
film clips and hasbara dossiers in Hebrew and English. But in order to
implement it, the approval of the minister of the treasury, Moshe
Kahlon, is required. "The idea is to emphasize the message of
liberation and the return to the territories of the Land, rather than
the term "occupation", say those in Hotovely's office.  The Yesha
(Hebrew acronym for Judea, Samaria and Gaza) Council plans its own
celebrations to mark the jubilee year of the return of the Jewish
People to its historic inheritance. The question is why Prime Minister
Netanyahu and head of HaBayit HaYehudi Bennett, who are polished
public relations presenters and understand the matters at hand, stand
on the sidelines. Why do these two leaders not also initiate
celebrations and courses of action to send this essential message,
which they both know so well: the historical miracle of the return of
the Jewish People to the heart of its homeland.

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
For online donations to Women in Green:

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Fwd: The Upcoming Big Chazaq Event


The Big CHAZAQ Event is less than 3 weeks away!!! There is an early bird discount for 2 more days. Chazaq does amazing work so please support them. Visit them Online at

 Flyer is attached, Groups can include Community members/students/teachers/staff, etc... 

Yaniv Meirov writes: feel free to call or email us with any questions or comments. Also please promote/spread the word about this event any way possible! Thank you very much!  Yaniv Meirov 917-617-3636

An Appeal to those on my list:
Chazaq has been there for the people of Gush Katif and were among the original supporters of the Gush Katif Museum.  Let us be preemptive and try to the best of our ability to prevent a similar tragedy, the expulsion of Jews in Judea and Samaria from happening! 

Please ask Chazaq to protest that Israel engages in Jewish Settler's administrative detention.

This form of arrest allows a military commander to put a person in prison without trial. The warrant is in force for six months, but can be renewed without limit. Every few months the prisoner must be brought before a regular judge, but judges interfere only on rare occasions. 

The prisoners have no right to see the evidence against them and confront their accusers, nor are they allowed to be represented by attorney. 

Please call or email Yaniv to ask CHAZAQ and the many Rabbanim affilitated with  CHAZAQ as well as the speakers for this BIG EVENT, Rabbi Charlie Harary and Rabbi Abraham Twerski  to publicly advocate for Judea and Samaria and the Hilltop Youth of Judea and Samaria. Please advocate for those either sitting in jail under administrative detention or under house arrest. 
Habeas corpus does not apply to them. 
Meir Ettinger, the grandson of the late Meir Kahana ob"m hy"d just had another 4 months of administrative detention extended to the already 6 months he has been sitting in isolation in a high security cell with his life threatened.  It is deja vu of what happened to his grandfather, Rabbi Meir Kahane ob"m hy"d  in 1980 when he too was placed under Administrative Detention.
Let us advocate for Jewish Teens and for Tzedeq, righteousness,  and Mishpat, justice,  for Elisha Odess and Amiram be Uliel sons of Rabbanim who come from upright Torah families. According to their family and lawyers, they were forced  under torture to confess falsely to the Duma arson and murder of a Palestinian family. Let us unite as One under one umbrella, Ultra Orthodox Jew, Nationalist Camp Jew and Secular Jew under the Torah. 

Let us join the hilltop youth in insisting that Jewish Law be applied in Eretz Yisroel.  Let us not be silent and let us protest a Judicial system that is biased against  Torah and against the Settlement of Judea and Samaria. This judiciary is biased against those who love the Land of Israel, the Torah and the people of Israel.  There are may factors why this is the case including severe pressure from the Obama Administration and from International powers like the UN and the EU to find "Jewish terrorists" even though there is no real evidence that they exist.  

Let us put an end to Motzei Shem Ra,  the slander against innocent and H-ly Jewish Neshomas once and for all.  
Please ask Yaniv that Chazaq speak up for Torah regarding our Biblical Heritage on behalf of Yehuda and Shomron in a way that challenges the 2 State Solution, peace process narrative.  

The heartland  of Israel was and will always be Judea and Samaria, the very places where our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob walked the Land and settled. It is clear from the Torah that it was in Judea and Samaria, where G-d made a Covenant with Jacob, and a Covenant with Isaac and a Covenant with Abraham. And G-d promised Moses that He will remember the Covenant He made with our forefathers as it says in Leviticus 26:42 (

42 and I will remember My covenant [with] Jacob, and also My covenant [with] Isaac, and also My covenant [with] Abraham I will remember. And I will remember the Land,
that even when Israel sins, G-d will remember the Covenant He made with our forefathers.
 מב וְזָכַרְתִּי אֶת בְּרִיתִי יַעֲקוֹב וְאַף אֶת בְּרִיתִי יִצְחָק וְאַף אֶת בְּרִיתִי אַבְרָהָם אֶזְכֹּר וְהָאָרֶץ אֶזְכֹּר:


The 4th annual Big CHAZAQ Event will be held at the Colden Auditorium at Queens College (for over 2000+ people) on Sunday night, April 3, featuring Charlie Harary, Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski and an amazing musical performance by the Maccabeats. All proceeds will go towards CHAZAQ's outreach programs. For tickets or information on sponsoring this event, please call Yaniv at 917-617-3636, email or visit Please spread the word to ALL! 



Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.