We are raising money through a site called headstart.
Robin Ticker
Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com
Shemittah, the Jewish Sabbatical year, brings security and blessing. The Torah says keeping this Mitzvah will prevent disaster and exile. Shemittah is Shabbat LaHashem. A taste of the World to Come. Learn about one womens quest for knowledge and rediscovery of this long lost Mitzvah according to the simple Torah reading of the text found in the beginning posts of this blog.
Calling for the Rule of Law – Innocent Until Proven Guilty – in Israel
Thirty People of Conscience stood across from the Israeli Consulate on Second Avenue @ 42nd Street in NYC at noon on Tuesday, Dec. 22. It seemed the sky was weeping with them as members of Americans for a Safe Israel/AFSI were joined by friends and family members of one of the boys being interrogated harshly by the Israeli Shabak or secret service. The severe questioning, and possible torture is being inflicted to secure confessions in the arson deaths of three members of the Dawabshe family in Duma, Israel this past July 31.
Passersby were stunned to learn about a situation in Israel which hasn't received any publicity in America. Although the Israeli investigation against suspected Jews has been going on since August, no evidence has been found to charge the boys, all minors, for the crime. There are suspicions that internal Arab feuding might have caused the arson attack, but that investigation is being left to the PA to conduct. Administrative detention and a gag order, denial of access to attorneys, punitive judges, all seem to be part of the pattern denying human rights and an orderly justice system to the suspects.
The message AFSI was delivering today was simply that the boys must be judged INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. That is what is expected in a democracy. Tragically, according to a suspect's aunt, Ilana Odess, and grandmother, Blumi Odess, the boy is being condemned and subjected to torture while the determination of his guilt still has to be made. We were told that his mother and another aunt are also being harshly interrogated by the Shabak. His aunt, an educator, has been warned that she might lose her job if she doesn't cooperate in getting a confession from her nephew.
The speakers included Helen Freedman, AFSI's Executive Director, Robin Ticker, AFSI's Brooklyn Chapter Chairman, Ilana Odess, and her husband, attorney Steve Newman. Glenn Richter, AFSI's right hand man at all times, took the audio tapes and the interview with the grandmother, Blumi Odess. Charlie Bernhaut provided the professional looking signs, and AFSI's Co-Executive Director Judy Kadish, and Research Director Jonathan Grauman served as organizers and photographers. As always, we are grateful to the NYPD for accommodating us on very short notice.
...It is an urgent mitzvah of Pikuach Nefesh - saving human lives. You (Knesset members) should not serve in a government which endangers Jewish lives, and if the torture does not stop, you should cease to support this government.(Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed is Chief Rabbi of Beit El, as well as the Rosh Yeshiva and Dean of the Beit El Yeshiva Center Institutions. Rabbi Melamed is also Chairman of the Rabbis Council of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. He is the founder and head of Arutz Sheva news station)
BrooklynRabbi Moshe and Leah Goldsmith and Yishai Fleisher 7:30pm - 9PM at private location not far from Safra Synagogue Manhattan. Please call AFSI office for details.
Sheimus HaAretz Lecture: This Tuesday, December 29th at 8pm, at 1401 President Street, the Feldmans, Dr. Feldman and his wife Miriam, will generously host Rabbi Gershon Tannenbaum, Director of the Iggud HaRabbonim, to speak about the dire security situation in Eretz Yisrael and his experiences working with Rabbi Avraham D. Hecht, OB"M, under the Lubavitcher Rebbe's advice and direction. http://shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com/2015/12/fwd-sheimus-haaretz-lecture-tues-8pm-at.html