Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Open letter to President Rivlin and the Maccabeats. What were you doing at the Chanuka White House Celebration. For Shame....Obama has now stolen our story of Chanuka as his own...Are the Palestinians Modern Day Maccabees?


Dear President Rivlin and the Maccabeats, amv"sh

Has the message of Chanukah been reduced to eating  latkes and doughnuts????? Halvai.  It's much worse than that...This years Chanukah message at the White House has empowered the enemy! Why are/were you part of it? Maybe we can expect it from the T'ruah representative Susan Talve who declared, "I stand here to light these lights to say no the darkness of Islamophobia and Homophobia and Transphobia. .  But you should have known better!

Let this meeting at the White House be a lesson to us all.  We must not give the impression that we support Obama and/or his policies. No money, no fame no prestige should convince us otherwise.

The true message of Chanukah is to believe in an Almighty G-d and to learn from the Maccabee's example not to surrender our Jewish Heritage to the Syrian Greeks, our enemies, who wished to destroy and annihilate us both spiritually and physically.  

The Syrian Greeks are at it once again...We all sing, Bayamim Haheim Bazman Hazeh "Who performed miracles for our ancestors in those days, at this time." Why don't we realize how this is happening right now in our times?

Today, in our day, Jews are forbidden to pray on Temple Mount because the Government of Israel http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/186112#.VnAG_korJdg   and the United States Government is committed to  "preserve unchanged the historic status quo on the Haram Al-Sharif/Temple Mount in word and in practice" http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2015/09/246874.htm#RUSSIA2 "Israel cannot maintain military control of another people indefinitely," Obama told a meeting of liberal American pro-Israel lobbyists, J-Street. "An occupation that has lasted for almost 50 years must end."http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-must-end-its-50-year-occupation-of-palestine-the-white-house-says-10129448.html

Only Muslim prayer is permitted on Har Habayit.  

The Obama Administration calls Jewish presence and settlement in Judea and Samaria, our Biblical Homeland,  illegal occupation.  He together with the UN, EU and western media relentlessly promote Islamic propaganda. Besides rejecting Israel's inherent rights to live on Our Land, they accuse Israel, and specifically the settlers, of nonexistent oppression, persecution and terror against the Palestinian population.  All their claims are based upon a  false, fabricated and slanderous narrative. This false narrative then justifies jihad, terror attacks and BDS.    

The Obama Administration
"We reject in the strongest terms the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity. For more than four decades, Israeli settlement activity in territories occupied in 1967 has undermined Israel's security and corroded hopes for peace and stability in the region. Continued settlement activity violates Israel's international commitments, devastates trust between the parties, and threatens the prospects for peace."

The truth is exactly the opposite!  Jews are stabbed, stoned, fired upon and run down by vehicles,  Obama finds moral equivalency with these attacks and the imagined plight of the Palestinians who are living in quite favorable conditions... especially compared to standard Arab living conditions in Muslim countries. There have been over an average of 200 terror attacks a week perpetrated by mostly Muslim youth.  With the grace of G-d,  the terrorists are usually neutralized by Israeli armed civilians before they can target additional innocent victims.  In spite of the relative success of the first responders on the scene, there are still far too many fatalities and injuries of innocent victims, old and young alike. In contrast, the only victims among Palestinians have been the terrorists. 

The story of Chanukah is about the the re-dedication of the Holy Jewish Temple, the Beit Hamikdash,  in Jerusalem, and about the holy flask of oil that was found to last 8 days and nights after it was desecrated by the Syrian Greeks. .  

Jews are easy bait. They lose site of the big picture.   If drive for fame alone doesn't work on the Jew , the Obama administration will come up with policies to benefit the Jewish Community in order to silence the truth.  Federal money for Jewish education and Jewish security is a trap...Major Jewish Organizations have fallen for this trap. .It bought our silence about the Iran Deal and will continue to buy our silence about the evils of Islam....  It seems shocking that with so much Torah learning going on,  there is a smoke screen as per how so Hellenized we really are.  Many Righteous Noahides not inflicted with this Klipa, the Sin of the Spies, are more in tune. 

A photo Op with Obama is ones' claim to shame, not fame.... 

When you partner with Obama, our Chanukah message is not only trivialized it also gets terribly distorted.  This distortion then brings great harm to Israel, and the Jewish People, and endangers the people and nations of the world!

In our day, perverted, barbaric Islamic migrants have succeeded in infiltrating the USA because they are being protected by our Federal government. 

Even though Obama is the President of the United States of America there are very good reasons to believe that Obama is guilty of Treason to the American people. Please visit these links.... 

How the Radical-in-Chief ordered federal officials to mislead the public about the Jihadist massacre in San Bernardino.

Feds shut me down: Whistleblowing analyst claims year-long terror investigation was quashed because government didn't want to 'unfairly' profile Islamic groups
Fwd: Mike Huckabee: Outrageous Obama administration security failure

FBI Official Just Issued TERRIFYING Warning For Those Who Live Near 'Peaceful' Mosques http://unitycoalitionforisrael.org/?p=15779

President Rivlin lights Chanukah Menorah incorrectly at White House with Obama

Op-Ed: "Inshallah" at Obama's Hanukkah party by Daniel Greenfield

Video: Obama Hosts Hanukkah Reception With Israeli President Rivlin

So Dear President Rivlin and the Maccabeats... if this email causes you shame for your unfortunate decision to agree to be hosted by the White House, know that this shame can not compare to the terrible shame awaiting us in heaven if and when the atrocities inflicted by devout Muslims in the name of Allah reach Israel or American shores G-d forbid. 

Muslims have been quite active in Paris and in San Bernardino, and not at all shy to publicly declare their intentions that if given the opportunity, they will strive  to reign terror and havoc upon a decent and moral society... All because we didn't stop them when we could have.... Yes...when we will have clarity of vision? Donald Trump who was critical of Pamela Geller http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015/05/21/megyn-kelly-challenges-trump-on-his-pam-geller-draw-muhammad-comments/  and her cartoon contest of Mohammad is now getting a taste of that himself from Governor Cuomo  http://observer.com/2015/12/this-is-not-your-land-andrew-cuomo-rips-donald-trump-at-immigration-rally/  and Mayor Bill De-Blasio  http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/07/politics/de-blasio-donald-trump-isis-game-plan/.

I have no doubt that the Obama Administration will always find some useful idiots to make him look good.  But did it have to be you? For Shame!!!!

Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (www.IsraelAdvocacyCalendar.com).
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel anda the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Fwd:from COPIA and COPMA: Lack of Caution By Our Leaders In Jumping Onto The Syrian Refugee Bandwagon

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From: Citizens Opposed to Propaganda Masquerading as Art (COPMA) <info@copma.net>
Date: Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 12:34 AM
Subject: Lack of Caution By Our Leaders In Jumping Onto The Syrian Refugee Bandwagon
To: faigerayzel@gmail.com

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Our Jewish Leaders Don't Serve Us Well When They Jump Onto The Syrian Refugee Bandwagon


Dear Friends, 

We previously wrote to you about the failure of our leadership, in particular the Federation (Jewish Federation of Greater Washington) and the DCJCC (District of Columbia Jewish Community Center), to serve us when, like lemmings, they ignore security and anti-Semitism concerns to so enthusiastically leap onto the pro-Syrian refugee bandwagon. Since then it has been learned that forged Syrian passports are not unusual with ISIS terrorists moving from country to country. We have also learned from the San Bernardino investigation that our vetting processes don't even include searches on social media for postings by these radicals. The female San Bernardino terrorist had posted to social media statements revealing her radicalization. If we can't trust our vetting process to screen applicants for visas, how can we trust them to effectively screen ISIS terrorists hiding within large groups of refugees who have no passports, no documents and for whom no available databases exist? That is why our FBI Director expressed such serious concerns about the ability to effectively screen refugees in order to root out terrorists among them.

One of our board members authored the following op-ed on the Syrian refugee issue. It was offered to the Washington Jewish Week for publication, but the Jewish Week not only declined to publish it but failed to even respond to the offer. Many of you are already aware that the Washington Jewish Week was bought and is under the control of current and former Federation leaders. The Op-Ed was published in American Thinker :

American Jews Betrayed by Their Leaders. Again

By Carol Greenwald

On December 2, a letter signed by one thousand rabbis was delivered to Congress calling on "our elected officials to uphold the great legacy of a country that welcomes refugees." The leadership of virtually all of the Jewish defense organizations, from the Anti­Defamation League (ADL) to the American Jewish Committee (AJC), have echoed these demands to admit thousands of Syrian refugees.

These Jewish leaders have betrayed the Jews of America. They prefer burnishing their liberal credentials and parroting the views of a Democratic president to their duty to sound the alarm about the harm to American Jews from bringing to the US Syrian Muslims, who have been raised in a culture of virulent anti­Semitism. Seeing the destruction of Jewish life in Europe with the influx of Muslim immigrants from Arab countries, it would not take much imagination for these so­called Jewish leaders to see what mass immigration of Arab Muslims will mean for the safety of Americans and for American Jews in particular.

According to data published by the Department of Homeland Security, the US has issued 680,000 green cards to migrants from Muslim­majority countries in the five years from FY2009 to FY2013. Migration from the Middle East is one of the fastest growing categories of migrants, with 1.5 million Muslims having entered since 9/11. This does not include the hundreds of thousands of Muslim students given student visas since 9/11. This influx may well explain the anti­Semitism now rife on many US campuses. The President's refugee plan would substantially boost the annual number of migrants admitted from this region. These in turn would be able to petition for their relatives to migrate to the US in the future.

Rather than raising concerns that an Arab poll of Syrian refugees found that one in eight were supportive of ISIS, these false representatives of the Jewish people opine that it is their role to raise the Jews " beyond their narrow partisan views." Since when is concern for one's life " a narrow partisan view"?

The Jewish Establishment has been guilt­tripped by a dishonest HIAS and J Street power play that has grotesquely conflated the Syrian Muslims with the Jews fleeing Nazi Germany in the 1930's. HIAS tugs on the heartstrings of the largely immigrant Jewish community, pretending that it is the same organization supported by Jewish philanthropy which helped Jewish immigrants in the 20th century. But it is not. HIAS is now virtually an arm of the US government, which as an NGO government contractor stands to reap $100 million in its budget if it can get the US to admit the 100,000 Syrian Muslims that it is petitioning the government to admit. Follow the money. As Daniel Greenfield wrote in Front Page Magazine, "HIAS is now just a factory for importing hundreds of thousands of anti­Semites to America."

J Street has supported every initiative that weakens US support for Israel. But there is more than one way to skin a cat. Increasing the electorate with violently anti­Semitic Muslims, thus skewing some Congressional districts, is another way to accomplish its goals. It, too, is demanding that the US admit 100,000 Syrian Muslims. And it is fund­raising for HIAS. How interesting.

If either of these groups, or any of the breast­beating Jewish Establishment, cared one bit for the Syrians, they would be fighting for safe havens in Syria and no fly zones rather than making a show of their crocodile tears for an infinitesimal percent of the 4 million Syrian refugees they want to admit to the US. They would be petitioning for humanitarian aid to the Syrians in the camps in Muslim countries where they are now safely living rather than fighting for money for HIAS's own coffers.

But like the President, they do not care about the Syrians. If the President had cared about the Syrian people, he would have enforced his famous red line when Assad was gassing and bombing his people. He would have established no fly zones and safe havens. He would have vastly increased US humanitarian aid to the millions of refugees now living in refugee camps in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon so that there would not be this mass invasion of Europe. But Obama said that he wanted to fundamentally change America and this is just one more crisis he is not letting go to waste in his campaign to reshape the West while vindicating the oppressed peoples who were subject to its colonial, imperialist past.

It is Christians in Syria and Iraq who are subject to genocide, not Muslims. But very few Christians are included among the refugees because Obama allows the Islamic­dominated UN refugee system determine who will get into America. Have you heard any of the Jewish leaders raising this issue about the real victims of genocide? No, because they have fallen for the false charge that a religious test in anti­American when In fact it is one of the criteria in American law determining who is eligible for refugee status.

Obama knows that 80% of the 1.5 million Muslims who have come to the US legally since 9/11, vote Democratic. They are a reliable constituency. This is the same reason Obama and the Democratic Party have championed legalizing the status of illegal Hispanic migrants. This is a power play, not humanism.

The displaced persons camps in neighboring Arab countries give the lie to the comparison to German Jews fleeing Nazi Germany in the 1930's. When the US barred their entry, the Jews had no place to go since the British, under Arab pressure, had closed Mandate Palestine in 1939 to Jewish immigration. Unlike the German Jews, there are several Arab nations, with cultures similar to theirs, bordering on their homeland, who have taken them in. The Syrian migration is not about running from persecution. They have safe havens available. It is about running to economic opportunity. The Syrian civil war is three years old. The mass flood of "refugees" started when Prime Minister Merkel said that Germany would take one million displaced Syrians. Then the so called refugee invasion started.

The Jewish leadership should have recoiled from the comparison of fleeing German Jews with the Syrian Muslims swarming Europe. As Ian Tuttle notes in the National Review [article titled "There Are Serious, Unbigoted Reasons to Be Wary of a Flood of Syrian Refugees:"]


"There was no international conspiracy of German Jews in the 1930's attempting to carry out daily attacks on civilians on several continents. No self ­identifying Jews in the early 20th century were randomly massacring European citizens in magazine offices and concert halls, and there was no Jewish State establishing sovereignty over tens of thousands of square miles of territory and publicly slaughtering anyone who opposed its advance...A nontrivial minority of refugees who support a murderous, metastatic caliphate is a reason for serious concern. No 13% of Jews looked favorably upon the Nazi Party."

If security is such a minor issue, why has the FBI director James Comey expressed concern about the difficulty of vetting the Syrian refugees? Why are our Jewish leaders ignoring ISIS's instructions to terrorists to hide among the refugees, something that has already taken place with the Paris terrorists and may well have taken place in California through our visa program? The FBI reports that there are one thousand ISIS related investigations going on right now in every US state, and growing at a rate that exceeds our monitoring resources. Why do we cringe at charges that we are afraid of "women and children" when there were women among the terrorists in Paris, California and Israel and the Boston bombers came here as children? Why do our Jewish leaders refuse to face the truth that we are at war with a group that wants to destroy the American way of life and would massacre Jews, like they do to Christians, if they could.

In the 1930's and 1940's, the Jewish Establishment was largely silent in the face of the Holocaust because they did not want to be seen as raising "their narrow partisan concerns" in the face of the war effort. They have compounded their error by once again refusing to stand up for the survival of the American Jewish community. The Jewish community has often compared America to the golden age in Spain and wondered if this golden medina would end too. If it does, we will have the Jewish Establishment leadership to thank.

Carol Greenwald is a Board member, Coalition of Pro-­Israel Advocates (COPIA).

Coalition of Pro-Israel Advocates (COPIA)
Citizens Opposed to Propaganda
Masquerading as Art (COPMA)

Robert G. Samet, Chairman
Mark H. Lazerson, Vice-Chairman
Carol Greenwald, PhD, Treasurer
Barbara Leber, PhD, Secretary
Jeffrey Ward, General Counsel


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Fwd: [JEWS AGAINST OBAMA] http://www.hakolhayehudi.com/dear-president-rivlin...

Open letter...Maybe Maoz Tzur should be banned since its words incite...from Hakol HaYehudi..Not only Settlers aspirations incite. Lets get to the source of the incitement..

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From: "Eliezer Louis S" <notification+z9=aj0s6@facebookmail.com>
Date: Dec 10, 2015 10:55 AM
Subject: [JEWS AGAINST OBAMA] http://www.hakolhayehudi.com/dear-president-rivlin...
To: "JEWS AGAINST OBAMA" <207482122606243@groups.facebook.com>

  Eliezer Louis S , Dan Friedman and Paul Gherkin posted in JEWS AGAINST OBAMA .       Eliezer Louis S December 10 at 10:55am   http://www.hakolhayehudi.com/dear-president-rivlin-stop-the-incitement-of-chanukah/ Dear President Rivlin: Stop the incitement of Chanukah! - HaKol HaYehudi www.hakolhayehudi.com A sarcastic letter to President Rivlin to stop the incitement during the Chanukah festival. To the P...   Like Comment Share    
Eliezer Louis S, Dan Friedman and Paul Gherkin posted in JEWS AGAINST OBAMA.
Eliezer Louis S
December 10 at 10:55am
Dear President Rivlin: Stop the incitement of Chanukah! - HaKol HaYehudi
A sarcastic letter to President Rivlin to stop the incitement during the Chanukah festival. To the P...
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Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Fwd: Dog training in Israel. Fyi Fwd: Jew stabbed by Arab in Hebron sensed he was in danger, appealed to I.D.U. for dog.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Yekutiel Ben Yaakov" <guzofskyyekutiel@gmail.com>
Date: Dec 7, 2015 9:46 PM
Subject: Jew stabbed by Arab in Hebron sensed he was in danger, appealed to I.D.U. for dog

The victim of the Arab attack in Hebron sensed he was in danger -Jewish gardener stabbed in Hebron by Arab, asked Israel Dog Unit for a protection dog

Gennadiy Kofman the Jewish gardener from Hebron who was critically wounded today in Hebron felt that his life was in danger, weeks before he was stabbed by an Arab terrorist Monday Dec. 8th Lminyanam.. Gennadiy called the Israel Dog Unit and asked to adopt a dog for protection that could escort him on his daily gardening chores. The chilling text message sent to I.D.U. (Israel Dog Unit) is still on the I.D.U. cellphone that was transmitted on October 19th. The next message from Gennadiy's phone was received by I.D.U. earlier today by Veronica, Gennadiy's wife, pleading with all of Gennadiy's friends and phone contacts to pray for his recovery.  Gennadiy had started attending classes in Kiryat Arba to learn how to use and maintain a security dog and I.D.U. was working on pairing Gennadiy with a dog.

Many people have been contacting the I.D.U.(Israel Dog Unit which provides security dogs as well as Search and Rescue services)  over recent weeks, in wake of the recent wave of terror. Unfortunately the I.D.U. lacks the resources to immediately station dogs with everyone who needs security dogs in Israel. Dozens of guard dogs and patrol dogs have been allocated in recent months. It is very possible even probable that had Gennadiy been working with a patrol dog at his side that the Arab terrorist would never have succeeded in stabbing him.

We have been working to bring as many good patrol dogs as possible to Israel over recent months to meet the immediate and urgent need for dogs ready for service. Later today I will be meeting with the owner of a large European service dog kennels, who is visiting in Tel Aviv to discuss importing protection dogs ready or close to ready for immediate deployment. Two weeks ago we placed two dogs in Hebron, but that is not enough.

In the meantime, I urge all of you to forward this email to whoever you can and to urge them to pray for Gennadiy Haim Nutah son of Raya Rachel. He is in very critical condition with stab wounds to his heart and lungs.

 If you are in a position to help sponsor a highly trained good dog - our cost to buy the dog, finish the training and deployment of the dog and handler costs between 5000 and 10000 dollars.

We are also in need of good volunteers to work with the dogs, help train and maintain them. We have dormitory facilities. Volunteer work with the dogs could be combined with Torah or academic studies, or part time employment.

Let is hope and pray for speedy and complete recovery of Gennadiy and let us hope and pray that there be no more bloodshed here in Israel.

Wednesday, tomorrow, training in Hebron and Kiryat Arba with security dogs 12 PM, In Jerusalem's Gan Sacker training will be held at the same time with Zhenya, 2 PM in Tapuach, and at 4 PM in Leshem. If you plan on partaking in the training please call in advance today as well as calling again tomorrow before leaving for the training.

See the attached link below– this is the type of dog Gennadiy should have had at his side – we need your help to train and sponsor more service dogs in Israel.
Donations to I.D.U. can be sent to "Maginei Eretz LMaan Hazulat POBox 6592 Jerusalem Israel 91060


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Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (www.IsraelAdvocacyCalendar.com).
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Re: Help Fund, Promote and Support Radical Islamic Terrorists to Commit Jihad via Knives, Stones, Vehicles and Firebombs...in eloquent language. Eric Goldstein & Alisa Doctoroff Funnel UJA-Federation money to Anti-Israel groups..Close Your Wallets!

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 1:46 AM, Richard Allen <rallen@acbi.com> wrote:
Post & Distribute

This is no joke....Eric Goldstein & Alisa Doctoroff funnel Jewish charitable dollars through the UJA-Federation to this vile anti-Israel group. Email them and tell them to Stop!  Tell your friends, Close Your Wallets! - Richard Allen

From: "Suhad Babaa, Just Vision" <info@justvision.org>
Date: December 8, 2015 at 2:53:41 PM EST
To: jccwatch.org
Subject: Change doesn't happen by chance
Reply-To: info@justvision.org

When I became Just Vision's Executive Director in January, I knew the journey ahead wouldn't be easy. Just Vision launched in 2003 to support Palestinians and Israelis working to end the occupation and build a rights-respecting, pluralistic and just future.

What we knew then still holds true: change doesn't happen overnight or by chance. It takes countless acts of courage and resilience to transform our communities, a media to amplify these efforts and a commitment to those who dare to imagine -- and settle for nothing less than -- a future that holds everyone with dignity.  

Even in these difficult times, change is not only possible, it's already underway. Where politicians have failed, Palestinian and Israeli human rights defenders, community organizers and activists are leading the way. Just Vision provides a media megaphone and connects the dots between strategic networks at home and abroad so they can continue to gain traction, influence and ultimately, achieve freedom and equality.

With your support, we've made tremendous strides. Here are a few highlights from 2015:
  • Local Call, our Hebrew-language news site launched with +972 Magazine, is disrupting the Israeli mainstream media with stories of human and civil rights, exposing discriminatory policies with hard-hitting investigative journalism and highlighting voices of dissent across the region. In 18 months, we've reached nearly 1.5 million readers and catalyzed national attention on issues that are chronically underreported, generating more than 100 follow-up articles, features or citations in mainstream Israeli outlets. Thought leaders, policymakers and major media players including Yedioth Ahronoth, Channel 2 and Channel 10, rely on our coverage, and whistleblowers and activists now turn to us as one of the only resources they trust to tell their stories accurately.  
  • We launched an initiative on the First Intifada to highlight the lessons learned and themes of courage, creativity and unity from that era. As part of this initiative, we've been proud to partner with the award-winning documentary, The Wanted 18, bringing the story of a Palestinian-led civil resistance movement in the village of Beit Sahour to thousands through direct outreach and hundreds of thousands more through media coverage. We're now in the final phases of production for our Guggenheim-backed media project on the women leaders who formed the backbone of the First Intifada.
  • Through our public engagement efforts, we've garnered over 75 articles in international media outlets including The New York Times,The Guardian, MSNBC, NPR, BBC, Al Jazeera, The Jewish Week and beyond with stories about Palestinian and Israeli human rights defenders and the impact of the occupation and inequality on communities across the region. In the US and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, we have reached nearly 10,000 university students, youth, community leaders, journalists and diplomats in over 100 programs and screenings. 
We have a lot to be proud of, but we need your help to keep up the momentum in 2016. Will you help support our work?

Our work is painstaking, increasingly urgent and requires a commitment to a long view of change. We know meaningful change requires pressure from the bottom-up, and that the grassroots leaders who are forging the way depend upon the attention, protection and support of international and local communities.

Together, we expand the realm of what is deemed possible and in doing so, inspire new ways of thinking among journalists, decisionmakers, faith communities, students and thought leaders. 
We exist because of the generosity of people like you.

You have the power to sustain and propel this work forward. Please support Just Vision with a tax-deductible contribution today.

With appreciation,

Suhad Babaa
Executive Director
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Robin Ticker

Israel Advocacy Calendar (www.IsraelAdvocacyCalendar.com).
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.