Thursday, June 18, 2015

Syrian Druse threatened by ISIS. Jordan threatened by ISIS. Israel threatened by Isis?Israel should empower her potential allies thereby saving their lives and by extension save Israelis from being threatened!


In the war against ISIS....

I can't help but think how much worse it would be for Jews today, without a Jewish Sovereign State and without a Jewish army etc. 

 Jews facing ISIS today would feel like they did in Nazi Germany Chas Veshalom....helpless...

The sheer terror of being at the mercy of horrific evil without the means of defending and protecting oneself, ones family, ones property and ones land... We've been there...

Our fate would be no different than the unprotected Druze in villages in Syria or the Yezidis in Iraq,  G-d forbid. 

BH, we feel much more secure. We know that we can't rely on our might and strength alone but if G-d is on our side then we have a vessel (kli) for Him to operate.

We are still surrounded by our enemies... 

We should not take the friendship of allies of Israel for granted and we must share a sense of responsibility for them as well. 

June 19, 2015 Op-Ed: The Druze and the Middle East's Minority Pact 
Israel must, simply must, save the Syrian Druze. by Dr. Mordechai Kedar

June 18, 2015 Op-Ed: Not to Act Against Evil is to Act

Evil triumphs when good people do not stand against it. And we may be on the way to seeing a repeat of the good Europeans who disagree with Hitler - in their living rooms. by Dr. Phyllis Chesler
Evil triumphs when good people do not stand against it. Like Europeans and Americans in the Nazi era—privately disagreeing with Hitler’s policies did not save eleven million people. One must resist—or the Devil wins. Covering up Stalin’s crimes—40 to 50 million died—is not resisting the Devil.
According to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “SILENCE in the face of evil is itself evil, God will not hold us guiltless, NOT to speak is to speak, NOT to act is to act.”

According to Caroline Glick,  Israel betrayed  Palestinians who had normal relations with Israel as well as betrayed Palestinians who helped Israel fight terrorists once Arafat moved into Judea and Samaria and Gaza in  1994.  After the expulsion of Gush Katif  in 2005,  Arabs who befriended Israel and worked with Israel had to flee Gaza for their safety. Caroline also mentions the betrayal by Israel of the Lebanese Christians in its "helter-skelter withdrawal from the security zone in south Lebanon on May 31, 2000" .

 She adds that Israel can now rectify these mistakes of the past,  by helping the Druze in Syria...  Please read on..

June 18, 2015 Opinion: Caroline Glick column One JPOST  Caroline warns us not to repeat past mistakes.  She writes:

Israel has managed to destroy its regional reputation.

With our own hands, we have twice shown our neighbors they have little reason to tie their fates to ours. We are unreliable.

In 1994, Israel betrayed the Palestinians in Judea, Samaria and Gaza who had helped us fight against PLO terrorists for decades. Open season on our Palestinian allies officially began in July 1994 with the entrance of thousands of PLO terrorists – led by Yasser Arafat – into Gaza and Jericho. Arafat's henchmen did not limit their murderous wrath to the Palestinians who saved countless Israeli lives by working with the Shin Bet and the IDF. They killed Palestinians who sold their lands to Jewish buyers. Palestinians who simply enjoyed normal work relations with Israelis found themselves targeted as suspected "collaborators."

Six years after Israel betrayed its Palestinian allies, we abandoned our allies in south Lebanon.

After 18 years of fighting shoulder to shoulder with the IDF, Israel left the soldiers and commanders of the South Lebanese Army and their families to face Hezbollah alone.

In its helter-skelter withdrawal from the security zone in south Lebanon on May 31, 2000, Israel left most of the SLA soldiers and their families behind. Those who managed to cross the border to Israel were treated shamefully by the Israeli bureaucracy.

We caught a glimpse of the suffering we caused those who remained behind during the Second Lebanon War in 2006. As IDF soldiers returned to Lebanon they were beset by the families of SLA soldiers who seized on their return to make a run for the border. Men, women and children sprinted across fields to the newly returned IDF units with whatever they could carry.

When we returned to Lebanon that summer, no Lebanese militia offered to fight at our side.

And indeed, after we betrayed our allies, it was hard to imagine a situation where anyone would again agree to fight alongside us. And yet, thanks to the demise of the Syrian and Iraqi states, Israel has a chance to undo the damage. We can rebuild our credibility with our neighbors by helping the Druse in Syria.

Twice in the past 90 years, the Syrian Druse had the potential for independent action. In 1921, when the French established their mandatory rule in present-day Syria and Lebanon, they divided the territory into six "independent," or autonomously ruled, "states."

The Druse received a state of their own centered in Jebl Druse – the Druse Mountain. The area under their control stretched across the Syrian side of the tri-border area with Israel and Jordan. The Druse state existed until 1936, when the French reorganized the mandate and set up a central government in Damascus.

The possibility of establishing a Druse state arose again, fleetingly, in 1967. During the Six Day War, then-labor minister Yigal Allon put together a plan to establish a Druse state, again centered on Druse Mountain. He tried but failed to convince then-defense minister Moshe Dayan to send the IDF units that had just taken over the Golan Heights south to Druse Mountain rather than eastward toward Damascus.

In 2007 the transcripts of a series of taped memoirs Allon recorded a year before his death in 1980 were made public. Of his plans regarding the Druse, Allon explained, "I had visited Sweida [the capital of Druse Mountain] several times and I dreamed a dream of a Druse Republic that would stretch across southern Syria...that would be in military alliance with Israel. I had great expectations from the Druse in Israel, that were already serving in the IDF. I believed they could serve as a bridge between us and the other Druse."

Today Allon has a strategic heir in the government of Israel – and he is a Druse.

Deputy Regional Cooperation Minister Ayoub Kara is probably the most powerful Druse in the world today. The Druse of Syria and Lebanon take him seriously. We should too...

Today, the plight of the Druse grows more dire from day to day. With the regime on the verge of collapse, the government ordered the units that had been securing the Druse villages along the border with Israel on the northern Golan to return to Damascus. Some 30,000 Druse centered around the village of Hader are surrounded by rebel forces.

As for the nearly three-quarters of a million Druse at Druse Mountain, according to Kara, they wish to defend and govern themselves in an autonomous region for the foreseeable future.

But to fend for themselves, they need weapons.

Without arms, with the regime's collapse seemingly imminent, it is possible that the Druse will be unable to survive. It is also possible that if Israel doesn't provide them with weapons, someone else – perhaps Hezbollah – will arm them and so buy their loyalty.


Israel must empower  those who would be Israel's potential allies to keep Isis away! 

Obviously, we don't want to empower Hezbollah to fight ISIS.  

Jordan is being threatened by Isis as well!

FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2015
Jordan Fears Imminent ISIS Invasion - Yaakov Levi

This is how Jordan is dealing with the threat.

Jordan is preparing for invasions by Islamic terror groups by arming Bedouins in Syria and Iraq to prevent incursions, reports say.
During a tour of the border areas on June 15, Abdllah stated that it was Jordan's obligation "to assist Arab tribes in Iraq and Syria," hinting that he would rely on the tribes as a first line of defense against incursions by ISIS and Al-Nusra.
The tribes living on both sides of the border have close ties, and Abdullah believes that they would aggressively defend their areas from invasion by the Islamist groups, reports said.
Abdullah's declaration set off rumors in the Arab media that Jordan was preparing to seize border areas on Iraq and Syria in order to fend off invaders. That plan was denied by Ahmad Almoumani, an advisor to Abdullah. 
"Jordan has no plans to expand at the expense of neighboring countries, who we respect and value. We hope to preserve our own independence, and our borders," he stressed. 
The ones ISIS consider to be their worst infidels are the ones who should be empowered since they have the greatest reason to fight because of the horrors that await them G-d forbid.  Especially if they have a proven record of being peaceful, non aggressive and a potential ally for Israel.  

Both the Yezidis and the Druse are tight peaceful religious communities who don't intermarry who are ISIS 's worst "Infidels".  
Syrian Druse like the Yezidi's have their many villages surrounded by ISIS without means to protect themselves.  Israeli Druse are very worried for their relatives in Syria.  Listen to Israeli Druze Ms. Angham describe the danger of a peaceful Druze village in Syria under threat by Isis. She appears on Tom Trento on approx 34:00. 

Tom Trento: What's going on in Syria in the Druze Community that you are aware of?
Angham:  She says on 37:58 "I am aware that they are in danger. Real danger.  They are fighting against terrorists. They are in a small village like really small village, their number is small and they are outnumbered, They are in grave threat

(Just look at what happened to the Yezidis and they have good reason to fear for their lives for their husbands and for their women and children.! )

Tom Trento: How many Druze are we talking about? What is the size of the population?

She answers that she doesn't know about  the numbers there but there are many people in small villages. 

(Caroline Glick says there are 3/4 of a Million Druze on Druze Mountain.)

There are over 1.7 million Syrian Refugees flocking to Turkey .  Israel obviously can not help them all.  

Why should Israel or America or any country absorb all these refugees? 

Allow them self governance and empower them to defend their own Land.

Let us stand up for evil not only for our own people but for those whom we know are peaceful and are facing genocide. We have been there and we know what it's like. Especially when we owe them and it's a matter of Hakarat Hatov.

It makes sense for Israel to empower their potential allies and those who will be a first line of defense for Israel.  

We can take Jordan's example...
Let Israel act to save many innocent lives, G-d willing,  and it will act to save itself and keep ISIS far from Israel's border!  

Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

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Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Re: The Hebrew Language by Rabbi Avi Schwartz


On Jun 17, 2015 11:10 PM, <> wrote:
The Hebrew Language by Rabbi Avi Schwartz
A nation is known by several elements. One outstanding feature that tells of the origin and cultural makeup of a nation is language. And loyalty to language no matter how great the trials and tribulations a people endured reflects that people's commitment to the origin of that nation, especially in the case of an exiled people. If an exiled people uses its original language for thousands of years it means it identifies itself with the region of origination and/or subconsciously or consciously wants to return to it. 
Such is the case with the Jewish people. Of all the nations of the world it is only the Jews that speak, read and write Hebrew, a Semitic language of the middle east that was only used by the citizens of the Kingdom of Israel and Judea.
The fact that all scholarship, prayers, and cultural expressions were written in Hebrew throughout the last 20 centuries even after the fall of the Jewish state implies that the Jews and their descendants identified themselves as Middle-Eastern, exiled citizens of the fallen Jewish state who emotionally longed to return to its national homeland. 
Hence from a sociological, cultural and ethnic standpoint the modern Jews are the indigenous people of the Jewish homeland. To deny this is to engage in the ethnic cleansing of the Jewish homeland, a war crime that should not be allowed to continue. The Jewish People's claim to reestablishing their State and homeland has the credibility earned through unparalleled loyalty demonstrated through 2000 years of exile. The Jews' very allegiance to their middle eastern ancient Jewish state culture throughout the centuries is a superhuman achievement entitling them to be recognized as the legitimate heirs to the land of Israel by all peoples of principle.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Yezidi's Isis Genocide. Let us help them now before ISIS reaches Israel.

June 10, 2015 Never Again? The ISIS Genocide of Yazidis by Stephen Schwartz and Christopher Bilardi The Huffington Post 
Please watch this video posted Aug 20, 2014
Yalda Hakim goes to Dohuk in Northern Iraq where 200,000 refugees have arrived in the past few weeks fleeing ISIS in search of safety.These people in the videos are a peaceful, decent, civilized  people caring for their own. 
Surely, one can conclude that if ISIS had the opportunity, they would not hesitate in the least, G-d forbid, to attack Jews, behead the men and enslave the women,  no different than they are attacking Yazidis today and no different than in the times of Muhammad 1400 years ago.. 
It is therefore, not only a humanitarian gesture for Israel to help the Yazidis it is a matter of self preservation, and stopping ISIS before they reach Israel.. They do have a long term plan of reaching Israel but in stages...

ISIS Spokesman Explains Why 'Islamic State' Not Supporting Hamas
Spokesman for radical jihadi group says the time is not right for a confrontation with Israel.

December 23, 2014
ISIS Closing in on Israel from the North and the South - See more at:

There are definite parallels and precedents with the genocide happening in our times to the Yezidis and other ethnic non Islamic populations going back to Mohammad. 

I turn your attention to this link written in May 2008 by Islam Watch  - Islam under scrutiny by Ex-Muslims entitled In Islam's Own Writings: Muhammad's Massacres and Sex-slaves The author  concludes


Muhammad's unprovoked, murderous attacks of Jewish tribes described above are acts of utter barbarity. His extermination and genocide of the whole community, such as that of Banu Qurayza, makes it worse.

His institution of slavery as a divine order of society was one of the worst curse that could happen to humanity. Allowing sex with slave-girls made it worse. His trading of slaves, such as selling some Banu Qurayza captives in Nejd, was another evil institution.

Muhammad engaged in all these cruel, dehumanizing and horrible acts  with the divine sanctions of Allah. Muhammad and his brainchild Allah were the worst evils to befall humankind, the detriment of which continues to afflict humanity with no end in site.

Please also watch Muslims Allowed to Rape Jewish Women

ISIS  finds ideological affinity with Nazi Germany.  ISIS Caliphate can be labeled as the new up and coming, (G-d Forbid) Holocaust  

The number of incidents of killing and looting by Mohammad runs into more than 80. All those incidents expose the cruelty of Mohammad. If you go through the following 2 horrifying incidents, you can understand how the other such incidents were executed by Mohammad and his gang:

1. In AD 627, Mohammad committed an atrocity against the last remaining major tribe of Jews inMedina :  Banu Qurayza. The larger background of this atrocity against the Jews reveals that Mohammad had already expelled two tribes of Jews: Banu Qaynuqa in AD 624 and Banu Nadir in AD 625. The Banu Qurayza was a Jewish tribe who lived in the northern Arabia during the 7thcentury, at the oasis of Yathrib (now known asMedina ).

Some 800 to 900 men from the Qurayza were lead on Mohammad's order to the Market of Medina. Trenches were dug and the men were beheaded, and their decapitated corpses buried in the trenches while Mohammad watched in attendance. Women and children were sold into slavery, a number of them being distributed as gifts among Mohammad's companions. The women and children became hysterical as they watched their men folk being butchered. The women, young girls and boys were taken as "sex slaves" to satisfy the unending sexual appetite of Mohammad and his soldiers.

These women were mercilessly raped in front of the children as per the instruction of Mohammad and were bundled as "used goods" and taken as "sex slaves" by each and every soldier of Mohammad. The Qurayza's property and other possessions (including weapons) were also divided up as additional "booty" among the Muslims. Mohammad chose one of the Qurayza women, Rayhana for himself after murdering her father and husband before her eyes. Rayhana was continuously raped by Mohammad for four days.

 "Mohammad beheaded the men and the pubescent boys and enslaved the women and children. In doing this, he wiped an entire tribe off the map".
Practically, the Yezidis probably  are the most  motivated to fight Isis and should get all the humanitarian aid and military aid they require. This is not only the humane way to protect and allow a people who does not provoke cruelty and barbaric behavior to defend itself but also a line of defense for Israel before Isis infiltrates Israels borders either through Gaza or with their border with Syria by the Golan Heights G-d forbid.  One need not use extensive imagination to envision what Isis has in store for Israelites G-d forbid. These pictures should do the trick...
Very disturbing pictures of Yezidi slaves
And if we say surely this will never happen to us in Israel... I pray to G-d you are right!
Zechariah 14: Yezidis...Is what happened to them a  foreshadowing of the prophesy of Zechariah G-d Forbid?


Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Living Shmitta and Cherry Picking from Zu Artzeinu

From: Zo Artzeinu - Israel Trees <>
Sent: Tue, Jun 16, 2015 1:06 pm
Subject: Living Shmitta and Cherry Picking

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Summer 2015

Cherry Picking Festival

Living Shmitta

I realize that most people outside of Israel do not think about Shmittah on a regular basis, but to the Israeli farmer this word has been on his forehead for two years. There was getting the field ready before Shmittah - which was a tremendous amount of work. An extra amount of planting was done before Shmittah and the farmer spent a lot of time making sure his fields would be able to make it "on their own" during the entire year. Many people have commented that this year, in Israel, it rained much more than in previous years - even raining after Pesach and Shavuot! To the Shmittah farmer this was not surprising at all because although watering the fields is permitted (since that merely keeps the trees alive) the farmer tends to water much less in order to follow the Halacha of not improving the trees. Therefore, Hashem Himself sends additional rain during Shmittah to make sure the trees are well cared for! This is not a "bubba-mayseh"... this is 100% true. Ask anyone in Israel and they will tell you how much rain fell this year - all because of Shmittah.

During the actual year of Shmittah, not only is planting forbidden but anything that helps a tree grow is forbidden as well. The main task that cannot be done is pruning which means that trees in Israel look like guys who haven't taken a haircut or shaved in a year... no joke! There are weeds growing everywhere and the tree is wild. Usually, when you visit a vineyard, for example, the trees are very neat and form a "V" like shape. During a regular year the farmer is busy trimming, cutting and shaping the tree so that it produces fewer, yet sweeter and larger, fruit. During Shmittah the farmer cannot do these tasks and the trees are big, bushy and quite wild looking. Believe it or not, because the trees have not been pruned, Shmittah vines produce 20 times the amount of grapes! While this sounds great to me and you, it is not such great news for the farmer. First of all, he cannot do any business with these fruits as they carry the sanctity of Shmittah with them and are called "Kedushat Sh'vi'it". Secondly, because there are so many grapes, they tend to be much smaller and not as sweet as the farmer would like. Most of these grapes rot on the tree and are not used at all, although some of them are used to produce very special "Kedusha Sh'vi'it" wine which - according to the Ramban - fulfills a Torah mitzvah with every drink! 

Like I wrote before, most of us don't think much about Shmittah but the Israeli farmer is living and breathing this for a very long time. One of those farmers is a man named Menachem Livni, with whom I visited last week. Menachem has a farm near Kiryat Arba called Sde Calev, the Field of Calev (ben Yefuneh). As you know, Calev was one of the good spies - from this past week's parsha! When Calev entered the land of Israel he immediately went to Hebron to pray and the Tanach states very clearly that regarding the area around Hebron; "the fields of the city and its villages were given to Calev ben Yefuneh" (Divrei Ha'Yamim I, chapter 6 verses 40-41). The land that Menachem has his field was purchased by Jews in 1936 but was untouched for many years until he redeemed it and brought it back to life!

In these fields, Menachem grows grapes and 7 different kinds of cherries. From the grapes, he produces 5 unique wines that are sold under the "Livni Winery" name. He took me through his fields and, as stated above, they were indeed quite overgrown and wild. He showed me the tremendous amounts of grapes growing on the vines and I easily noticed how small they were. He then took me into his cherry orchard and explained the different kinds of cherries that grow there. I asked if I could eat some and he said that I don't need his permission since during Shmittah his fields are "hefker" and therefore anyone can take the fruit. This is what I call living the Torah as opposed to just learning the Torah! For many years I learned that Shmittah fields are hefker but I was now living this in real time! I picked the cherries and... another halacha came into play. Normally, all fruits taken in Eretz Yisrael must have Terumot and Ma'asrot separated but during Shmittah this does not apply so - once again - I lived the halacha with a beautiful, first-hand experience! I munched on these delicious cherries and took a bunch home for my kids. I told my children that these cherries cannot be thrown out or discarded in any way since they have the Kedusha of Shmittah on them so we were careful to eat each and every one!!

3 Generations of Livni's Planting Fruit Trees in Israel
My farmer friend, Menachem, is a very unique individual. He began this farm in 1980 and has literally risked his life many times to keep this farm going. His farm is totally surrounded - on all sides - by Arab villages and these Arabs have tried killing him 10 times. Yes, 10 different times. He told me incredible stories of how his life was saved with open miracles in each of those 10 times. In addition to attacking him physically, the Arabs regularly attack and attempt to destroy his fields. 

 Molitav Cocktails thrown by Arabs
They have burned many of his trees and just 2 weeks ago threw several Molotov cocktails (which are gasoline bombs) at his storage and work facility inside the field. This facility has been destroyed - and rebuilt - 3 times in the last 8 months by Menachem and his family. His dedication and self-sacrifice is simply second-to-none and I enjoyed every minute spent in his presence.

Menachem Livni is just one of hundreds of Israeli farmers who do much more than observe Shmittah... these heroes live Shmittah! Just as our entire life is centered around Shabbat, their entire life is centered around Shmittah and talking to these amazing people gives me such energy that I cannot even begin to describe. These simple Jews take the words of the Torah and bring them to life with the sweat of their brow. They work the land, guard it and make it produce delicious fruits that allow us the ability to make brachot and Kiddush Friday night!! May Hashem protect them and bless their holy work.
Please CLICK HERE and order your tree TODAY!!!
Cherry Picking Festival in the Gush Last Week 

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When you come to the land -  Plant FRUIT TREES!
Zo Artzeinu - Israel Trees 

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Robin Ticker

Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing. 

Most of these emails are posted on 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.