Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Fwd: From Women in Green: bs"d Terror Will Not Pay. Rabbi Levanon, Don't Fuel Arab Cars, No Such Thing as Illegal Outposts.


I was listening to Israeli Radio following the attacks and those interviewed explained that these attacks are different than previous intifadas in that they are not being coordinated or ordered by a higher authority but rather committed by radicalized individuals. Also, attacks are not limited to any particular location  but rather happening all over the country.  

 I would imagine the incitement speeches by Mahmoud Abbas re: Temple Mount is somehow connected with this recent wave of terror. 

Rav Elyakim Levanon, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Elon Moreh was interviewed as well and he emphasized Achdut, Israel Unity and then suggested that no Arab cars should be given fuel at least for a period of time since their cars are being used as weapons of terror.  The interviewer was surprised and asked but just because an individual Arab perpetrated this act of terror why should all Arabs suffer. He answered, this is a time of War.  An Arab should not be allowed to ride his car in Israel where Jews live, but rather let them take public transportation, because we don't know which Arab will use his car as a weapon to commit a terror attack.  Makes sense.....

Read more about what Rabbi Levanon had to say following the Itamar massacre in 2011

Samaria Chief Rabbi: “40 Years of Failure, New Approach Needed"
Rabbi Levanon's installation postponed because of terrorism; he says negotiations have failed, we must seek new, independent, nationalist approach.

...No such things as Illegal Outposts....
By Hillel Fendel  http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/142878

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: womeningreen@womeningreen.org
Date: Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 5:44 AM
Subject: Terror will not pay

Terror will not pay

For every terror attack, for every murder, a community will arise,
thousands of apartments will be built and Israeli sovereignty will be
applied in the Land of Israel - then the understanding that we are
here in this Land to stay forever will sink into the minds of the
enemy and the world.

Stuttered comments and declarations about concrete abutments, about
giving up the Temple Mount, words about two states, only encourage

Where are those Mapainiks who knew how to rule, to expel, to fight, to
rule the country?

What has happened to us?

This is not the first time that a wave of terror has attacked our
country. We were capable and we won, when the control was in our
hands. Our response must be clear. First in the area of values - this
is our Land and we must realize our rights in it. In the area of
security - to restore deterrence by means of collective punishment -
the families of the terrorists should be expelled, their houses and
the houses of their families must be totally destroyed. In the area of
settlement - as was said above, we must expand our borders and
implement and realize our sovereignty.

This Shabbat we will read the Torah portion Hayei Sarah. Our father
Abraham, at the peak of his mourning, makes a purchase in the Land of
Israel. He teaches us that out of our suffering, it is possible and
necessary to build. This is the path that he paved for us.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, a demonstration will be held at 7:00pm in front
of the national police headquarters on Route 1.  A demonstration will
be held for the restoration of security with the participation of
members of Knesset, public figures and terror victims. The
demonstration is organized by Aryeh King and the Coordinating
Committee of the border communities.

On Friday, at 9:00 at Oz veGa'on, we will hear the story of the
beginnings of settlement in the City of the Fathers from Rabbi Amram
Yifrah, who is one of the first to settle there, and grandfather of
Ayal, may G-d avenge his blood. In addition, each and every person can
make his own "purchase" of Oz veGa'on by bringing a planter with a
plant or flower so that Oz veGa'on will continue to bloom even during
the sabbatical year. A separate mail will be sent with details on the

For transportation to Oz veGa'on from Jerusalem, please register with
Renee Margolis 052-3294194
From Kiryat Arba-Hevron 050-5500834

To the Lamkus family and the entire yishuv Tekoa- May you be comforted
by the building of Eretz Yisrael.

"Let us go up now and take possession of the land for we are well able
to overcome it." (Numbers 13:30)

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Women For Israel's Tomorrow  (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
For online donations to Women in Green:

To subscribe to the Women in Green list,
please send a blank email message to:
Check your spam filter for confirmation to reply to

To unsubscribe from the Women in Green list,
please send a blank email message to:


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Yazidi's Let us follow the Canadians Lead to help the Yazidi's. Can we "bomb the train tracks" so to speak to stop Isis? Reminiscent of Holocaust????


The Yezidis of Mesopotamia Cry for Help. Letter to Honourable Chris Alexander, Canada


...On October 20th, ISIS renewed their assault on the Yezidis, forcing the remaining Yezidis up Mt. Sinjar and there they remain—again without food or water and without a second American air-strike in view. I do not understand what President Obama is waiting for....

More about Yazidi's...Scattered, Yazidis, their religion and culture survive through community.  Posted on October 9, 2014 http://cojmc.unl.edu/mosaic/2014/10/09/yazidis-scattered-people-survives-community/

More on Yazidi's http://shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com/2014/08/israel-must-help-yazidis.html

Renanah Goldhar, a strong Israel activist and student of Rabbi Weissmandl is in contact with members of the Yazidi community and trying her hardest in Canada to raise awareness and activism on their behalf to save them from the recent horrific atrocities facing them. We in America can demand as does Dr. Phyllis Chesler "What is President Obama waiting for?" Why can't America strike?

On October 2008, Renanah Goldher, the same Renanah who is alerting us about the Yazidi's and is in contact with Yazidi's,  sent me the following information about Rabbi Weissmandl.  (Renanah is a researcher and student of Rabbi Weissmandl.  )

The world knew about the Holocaust and we know what is happening to the Yazidi's.  We must do whatever we can to stop the genocide and women slave trade. 


On May 15, 1944 the expulsions from Hungary began. 

The next day Rabbi Weissmandl wrote to the Jewish leaders of the number of trains scheduled daily, the number of persons in each train and in each boxcar, the route, conditions and terrain along it, and of the extermination processes in Auschwitz with sketches and maps showing the gas chambers and the guard towers as they would appear from the air.  He wrote:

"that is the order of events in Auschwitz to which starting from yesterday, 12,000 Jewish souls – men, women, and children, the old, the sick and the healthy – will be taken daily to be choked, to be burned and to be manure for the fields.   And you, brother Jews!  And you, ministers of state in all countries!  How can you keep quiet at this murder in which up till now some six million Jews have already been murdered and even now tens of thousands more are being killed every day? From the desolation in their souls, the murdered Jews cry out to you: 'You are cruel! You are murderers, because of your cruel silence and because you do nothing!  Surely, you can do something to object and stop it – now!'  therefore, in the name of the blood of the millions and the tears of the millions, we beg you, we pleas with you, we claim and demand of you: do something immediately.....Brother Jews!  Have you gone mad….Who is the giver?  You, who give a few pennies from your lofty pedestals, or we who are giving blood and tears in the depths?...Who gave you permission to ask us for accounts and budgets as though we were negotiating for clothes or other items before you give us one ten-thousandth of what we need…"

Renanah Goldhar -- Student of Rabbi Weismandl writes:

I think we should consider trying for another rabbis march before Yom Kippur.  But not just one.  The head of the Hatzalah Rabbi Eliezar Silver was at the front of the march.  The book about Rabbi Weissmandl - The Unheeded Cry - ends with Rabbi Silver's dirge:  "If only we had paid more attention to Rabbi Weissmandl...that brave......if only, if only, if only."
We should have one and then another and another march I would think....
I have wondered for some time if roots go back to the Holocaust.  What I refer to is our not being honest about our behavior during, before and after the Shoah.  There were great heroes and so many were victims and I cannot begin to imagine their suffering.  I can only cry for them.
I refer however to behavior I only recently became aware of.  I began studying the life and work of Rabbi Dov Weissmandl from Slovakia.  Are you familiar with his memoir "Min Hametzar" and the biography "The Unheeded Cry"? 
One quote from Rabbi W. " One day you too will beat your breasts because you will know that you could have saved us and you did not."  "The Unheeded Cry" by Professor Fuchs of Jerusalem records the "secret" memo from the heads of the the rescue efforts in Palestine - how they dismissed Rabbi Weissmandl's success in stopping deportations in Slovakia and his "Europe Plan" to save one million Jews.  In this latter endeavor, Eichman had given permission for the Joint to come to Slovakia or for a rep. of Rabbi Weissmandl to travel to Switzerland to conduct negotiations.
I would ask you please to watch the short video from "Among Blind Fools: where he cries for the dead and for the silence. http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/mediaclips/weissmandl/weissmandlvideo.cfm [ Unfortunately, this website was hijacked by http://www.truetorahjews.org//mediaclips/weissmandl/weissmandlvideo.cfm and instead of hearing Weissmandl we see another video of some "Rabbi" talking against the Chareidi draft in Israel. Robin]

He sent hundreds, perhaps thousands of communications to Jewish and secular leaders begging for money for bribing Eichman, and for bombing of the Auschwitz train tracks.

My suggestion is that we have not done teshuva.  First we must face our history.  Perfidy by Ben Hecht covers some of this material - the trial of Kastner.
Renanah Goldhar

Note how Rabbi Weissmandel asks that the crematoria in Auschwitz be bombed from the air. How it is "sharply visible" - he clearly gave information that he hoped would be passed on to help Allied air crews bomb the murder camps. Also note that he enclosed a map of the camps - where it that today? Weissmandel knew the bombing would delay the work of the Nazis, which is why they specifically asked for the Allies to bomb "persistently" all the roads leading from Eastern Hungary to Poland and the bridges in the neighborhood of Karpatarus
My comments:  (Robin)

Let us not forget how the world was Silent and didn't act in time when Jews were being slaughtered...... btw my parents are both Holocaust Survivors from Hungary. They and/or their families went to Auschwitz.  They always had Yahrzeit around Shavuoth time in May...

I am not a Yazidi but that doesn't let me off the hook.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: RANANAH GOLDHAR <rgoldhar2@sympatico.ca>
Date: Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 6:02 PM

Subject: Canadian Jews for Yezidi - petition to Can. gov.
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2014 17:58:38 -0500

Dear Friends,

Please consider printing this out and gathering signatures.  (Please make 5 lines for five people to sign and enter their information for each page.  The lines would go under name, signatures, city and province. )

Renanah Gemeiner

To the House of Commons in Parliament Assembled:

We the undersigned, citizens of Canada, draw the attention of the House to the following:

1. Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird was:  "Abhorred by latest footage of ISIL members bragging about buying and abusing Yazidi girls… Humanitarian and military assistance are not exclusive. That is why our government is working with France, the UK and US to try to stop the terrorists…"

2.  Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations  charges: "Eleven-year old (Yezidi)  girls are raped, and the males are massacred, yet you don't hear the outcry…Where are the demonstrations? Where is the UN Security Council? It just reminds you [of what happened during the Holocaust]…" 

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, an influential leader of the religious-Zionist public in Israel said he "whole-heartedly supports all calls to aid the Yezidi community."
Israel  (IsraAid) has sent humanitarian workers to provide desperately-needed supplies to displaced victims of the brutal ISIS terrorist group.  However, according to reports, a great many Yezidis are not being reached with any aid. 

3.  We are deeply grateful to our great and righteous Canadian government for its help to  the Yezidi and other Peoples under attack from Islamic terrorists.  

Therefore, your petitioners call upon Parliament to:
Increase, with the greatest possible urgency and sacrifice, our Canadian efforts to help the Yezidi People  as well as  the  Kurds, Chaldo-Assyrians, Mandeaeans, Bahai, Shebak, Turkomen and others  under ISIS attack. 

¬Name (PRINTED)                                      Signature                      City                               Province

RANANAH has a file to share with you on OneDrive. To view it, click the link below.


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog. 

Tough Choices of Major Roy Levy of Golani Brigade. Moral Dilemma of a Commander. Let's make an Opera or movie about this. The Challenge of Giulio Meotti!


Let us call upon all those that support the arts to support Art that Stands for Israel and Truth!  

For example, Let us make a Movie or Opera about this:

The Truth about the IDF (Israeli Defence Force)


Op-Ed: Don't Just Blame "Klinghoffer", Blame Yourselves Protesting, while important, is not the answer. The Jewish intellectual community can do better. by Giulio Meotti  http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/15817#.VGBFn_nF8WI

Giulio Meotti writes:

Why isn't there a single Jewish artist who created a counter "Klinghoffer" opera? Where are all the Jewish writers?

Why have Israeli artists left the massacres of the Second Intifada unheard, unseen?

Is it possible that all that US Jewry has to offer to the public is the sexual pathology of Philip Roth, the psycho-convulsions of Woody Allen or the homosexual melancholy of Tony Kushner?

Why don't Jewish artists such as David Mamet produce art which stands for Israel and truth?

Instead of trying to ban operas, which, to some, makes it seem that Jews are moving closer to the Muslim fanatics who in Europe are destroying freedom of expression by banning operas such as "Aisha", Jews should compete with anti-Semites on their own ground. That of journalism and culture. Israel and world Jewry are losing that battle because of their own lack of self-confidence.

Leon Klinghoffer, who was killed in my beautiful Italian sea, with the complicity of my cowardly political authorities, deserved more than prayers and protests in New York. He deserved an opera immortalizing his Jewish martyrdom for the generations to come. 
Dear Giulio Meotti, 

It is not merely lack of self-confidence.  

Why is it that funding in the arts for leftist liberal agenda is readily available yet funding for Israel and Truth hard to come by?  Ask Yuval Granot, Shmuel Katz's sonwho is about to produce a movie about his dad which is sure to brighten the flame of Zionism worldwide.


In the Event http://www.un.org/webcast/pdfs/140908pm-antisemitism.pdf  "Global Anti-Semitism: A Threat to International Peace and Security," Palau Hosts U.N. Session on Combating Anti-Semitism

The final speaker before a short Q and  A PART TWO VIDEO  was Dr. Michael Llorenz, Professor Touro College Graduate School of Business, "Entrepreneurship: A Tool to Social Integration"  (20:56 – 35:33) This, too, was a powerful  speech.  http://thesilentmajority.wordpress.com/tag/dr-michael-llorenz/?blogsub=confirming#blog_subscription-2 

Michael Llorenz, director of the Entrepreneurship Center at the Touro College Graduate School of Business, described a positive strategy that can be implemented against anti-Semitism and the delegitimization of Israel. He called on supporting budding entrepreneurs with incentives and encouraging them to take on projects that collaborate with Israeli innovators and other aspects of Israeli society. This way, it will become more difficult to treat Israel as a vilified "other."

Entrepreneurship is also not limited to science and technology. Social entrepreneurship can be the modern version of tikkun olam (repairing the world)—for instance, by launching a social media campaign against anti-Semitism.

"Entrepreneurship is highly effective diplomacy," he said.

Robin Ticker

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Pls forward re: Yehudah Glick from Yitz Glick (Yehuda'h brother) important


Dear Friends and Supporters of Yehudah Glick. 

We wanted to thank all those that sent messages of support for Yehudah. We apologize for not being able to respond to all of them. We have received hundreds of messages a day and many more calls, and many warm comments in the grocery store etc... 
We thank Hashem every moment for the tremendous miracle that saved Yehudah's life, we also thank Mada and Shaarei Tzedek for being outstanding partners. Yehudah is improving slowly but still has a long road ahead. He is still in the ICU (as of Thursday Nov 6th). We are delighted that he is improving daily 

Here are some ways to help Yehudah and his cause 

1- Tehillim - (sorry for the confusion regarding my mother's name) correct name Yehudah Yehoshua Ben Ita Breina 
2- Go up to the Har Habayit (H"H) - Try hard to focus on Tefillah and connecting with Hashem and try very hard to totally ignore those disgusting people that yell, curse the Non Muslim visitors and desecrate the Holiest Place in the world. 
While Yehuda has been slowly but steadily improving, Har Habayit is still in critical condition. There is a certain level of increase in the Jewish presence on Har Habayit but it is a far cry from what it should be in "normal" times, and how much more so given the events of the last week. 
Many of you have called and written to express your support to the family and we appreciate it all, however I ask you to do more. This is the time to go to Har Habayit. For those of you who have never been, it is time to consult with local rabbis and get instructions of how to do so according to halacha, it is not complicated. For those of you who have already been, you know the rules and it is time to return. 

3- Write letters to anyone of influence regarding; A- the responsibility of the police to arrest those violent elements and to keep them off the H"H for significant periods of time, and B- the basic rights of Jews to pray on H"H 

4-While writing letters feel free to note for those unaware that: 
Yehuda was and is a man of peace and tolerance, He never demanded to kick the peaceful Muslims off the Temple Mount, He never supported or encouraged harming or destroying the Mosques in any way, He opposed any kind of violence, and felt that the Temple Mount should be a place of worship and that the violence perpetrated against Jews is a gross desecration of the Holy site! He firmly believes that it is beyond obvious that Jews have the moral and legal right to pray on the Holiest site for Judaism and that the police, as difficult as it may be, have the responsibility to defend that right. 

5- Financial support: 
Haliba is Yehuda's Amuta and I'm sure financial assistance could help his legal as well as his education undertakings. See belowsome website links regarding the fabulous work Yehuda does. Gifts can be given via the Temple Institute on line but they must be earmarked for Yehuda Glick or for Haliba. Until Yehuda is healthy and able to follow his Amuta's finances I would suggest sending a note to my email that a donation was given to the Temple Mount Institute on a given date in order to keep proper records my email is: erdoc121@yahoo.com mailto:erdoc121@yahoo.com 


Yitz Glick (Yehuda' s Brother on behalf of Yehuda)

(thank you Faige Lobel for sending)

Wednesday, November 05, 2014



Rabbosai:  What is being done????

Iraq's Yazidis Appeal For Help In Finding Their Missing Women

Yazidis Face Genocide by ISIS After U.S. Turns Away

Malcolm Hoenlein reported the horrific situation of the Yazidi's on the Nachum Segal show. It made me sick. 

I had heard horrific stories coming out in August after Yazidi Member of Iraqi Parliament Vian Dakhil "Fiyan Dakheel" (of the Kurdistan Alliance) collapses in tears after calling upon Humanity to rescue the Yazidis from Genocide. http://shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com/2014/08/israel-must-help-yazidis.html  It's now October, 2 months later and similar stories of genocide of the men and taking Yazidi as Sex Slaves continue.  

The Yazidi's seem like decent folks who care about each other. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8EdkH4blIA  They have remained insulated within their community.  They don't seem to engage in the horrible inhumane activities of Isis, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas etc. The fact that they want to commit mass suicide after rape sounded like how religious Jews might respond to this kind of horrific abuse and trauma.   The taking of their women as sex slaves is unbearably torturous to this community who prides themselves on morality and sanctity of marriage.

Their persecution is reminiscent of persecution of Jews. They beg America for airstrikes to bomb the roads to stop ISIS.  Almost like a cry to bomb the rails in Nazi Europe to stop the cattle cars.  Israel must intervene. Can any of the MK's take note and action.  Maybe we will discover that they are members of the 10 lost tribes?  Even if we don't, they definitely seem like a civilized group unlike their enemies who behave subhuman .http://menorahblog.typepad.com/menorah/2014/08/must-see-video-female-iraqi-lawmaker-collapses-in-parliament-begs-for-help-from-isis-genocide-of-yazidi-minority.html  Thank you Renanah for sounding the alarm!!!!


From: ezidis@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 12:42:00 -0500
To: rgoldhar2@sympatico.ca

Dear Sister Rananah,

Yes, of course you have my permission, so you can share my email and phone with anyone that is interested in the religious minorities (the Yezidi, Jewish, Christian, Mandaean, Zoroastrian, Bahae's, Durzi, ect.) in the Middle East.
 This morning I received two phone calls from Yezidis there in the Mount Sinjar, they said if they do get humanitarian aid fast, they could face extreme "Starvations" very soon!

Sincerely yours,

Mirza Ismail


From: ezidis@gmail.com
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2014 21:07:44 -0400
Subject: Re: Please read from Renanah
To: rgoldhar2@sympatico.ca

Dear sister Rananah,

Hope you and your family are well.

This Yezidis situations in Iraq, Turkey and Syria are terrible; there is not enough food, clean drinking water, clothing, medical care, etc. And the Yezidis situation in Iraq is extremely bad, 20% of International humanitarian aid does not reach the displaced Yezidis in Northern Iraq (KRG region); and in the Mount Sinjar there is no humanitarian aid for the last couple of months because the KRG has stationed few hundreds of its "Terrorist peshmergas (children of Saladin Al-ayoubi) on the top of Mount Sinjar" and whatever the international aid received in Sinjar mountain the aid would be received by terrorist peshmergas and they use and abuse this aid for its political agendas there.  The KRG has already forgotten about what they have done (betrayed the Yezidis in Sinjar) and its plan did not succeed to "Totally Wipe-out all the Yezidis" there in Sinjar region, therefore, the KRG abuse the international aid and the innocent Yezidis don't receive any humanitarian aid in Mount Sinjar.  I myself have many friends and colleagues who are fighting Islamic State Terrorists there, these brave Yezidi fighters are asking for weapon support and humanitarian aid.  .......

Mirza Ismail
Yezidi Human Rights Organization-International


Robin Ticker
Activist emails sent to my list  are L'Ilui Nishmat Yisrael ben David Aryeh ob"m (Izzy - Kaplan) and Howard Chaim Grief great activists and lovers of Eretz Yisroel, Am Yisroel and the Torah. Yehi Zichronum Baruch.  May their memories serve as a blessing.

Most of these emails are posted on Shemittahrediscovered.blogspot.com 

Personal emails to individuals will not be posted to my blog.